Freeze Frame Transitions for Final Cut Pro
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class="caption "> <div class="caption-text"><span class="unbreakable">Freeze Frame Transitions</span> in <span class="unbreakable">Final Cut Pro</span></div> </div></a> </div><div class="desktop-margin-top-XXL readable"></div><div class="page-width centered boxed margin-top-XXL"> <h3 class="text-align-center">How do I install <span class="unbreakable"><div class="container-32px inline container-freezeframetransitions "><img class="lazyload icon-32px rounded inline icon-freezeframetransitions " src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 32 32' xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h32v32h-32z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/freezeframetransitions/32.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/freezeframetransitions/64.jpg 2x" alt="Freeze Frame Transitions, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></div> Freeze Frame Transitions?</span></h3> <div class="grid-desktop-50"> <div class="readable"> <p>Freeze Frame Transitions for Apple and Intel processors is available via FxFactory, our app store for visual effects, audio plugins and apps:</p> <div class="text-align-center margin-top-L margin-bottom-L"> <a class="button button-gray-regular" href="/download/">Download FxFactory</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="readable"> <p>If FxFactory is already on your system, or once you have completed the installation, click the button below to download and install Freeze Frame Transitions:</p> <div class="text-align-center margin-top-L margin-bottom-L"> <a class="button button-blue-regular" data-fxfactory-product-handle="freezeframetransitions" data-fxfactory-product-title="Freeze%20Frame%20Transitions" data-fxfactory-product-icon-format="jpg" data-fxfactory-product-icon-rounded="true" data-fxfactory-product-action="show" data-fxfactory-product-price="59">Install Freeze Frame Transitions</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h1 class="desktop-width centered margin-top-XXXL">More visual effect plugins by <span class="unbreakable">PremiumVFX</span></h1> <div class="flex-desktop-3 flex-wide-6 flex-row-gap-half flex-mobile-row-gap-none desktop-margin-top-XL"><div class="product product_instantfilters focusable "><div class="container-96px container-instantfilters "><a class="anchor-96px" href="/info/instantfilters/"><img class="lazyload icon-96px rounded icon-instantfilters " src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 96 96' xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h96v96h-96z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/instantfilters/96.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/instantfilters/192.jpg 2x" alt="Instant Filters, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, 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d="M807.351,249.605l72.612-73.011,11.871,11.935L829.4,251.3l30.743,30.913-10.181,10.237Z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M903.555,346.338l-41.074-41.3,72.612-73.012,41.075,41.3-10.033,10.088-29.2-29.364-19.767,19.876,27.366,27.516L934.6,311.43,907.23,283.914l-22.8,22.922,29.2,29.364Z"/> </svg> </div></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/funtitles/">Fun Titles</a> </div> <div class="description"> Titles with an upbeat, playful theme </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/funtitles/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="funtitles" data-cart-checkout>Checkout</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" data-tippy-content="Add to cart and checkout" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add-then-checkout data-cart-product-handle="funtitles">$29</a><span class="onsale" 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icon-96px rounded icon-bentogrids " src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 96 96' xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h96v96h-96z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/bentogrids/96.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/bentogrids/192.jpg 2x" alt="Bento Grids, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></a><div class="icon-banner"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"> <rect width="1024" height="1024" fill="none"/> <path fill="#531B93" d="M749.814,0H512l512,512V275.692Z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M745.76,148.024q-9.684,9.738-22.2,8.24t-24.833-13.883Q686.408,130,682.386,118.26l11.224-11.286a78.153,78.153,0,0,0,6.879,14.308,63.616,63.616,0,0,0,9.064,11.81q7.053,7.092,13.087,7.766a12.333,12.333,0,0,0,10.555-3.871,12.872,12.872,0,0,0,3.824-10.037q-.249-5.943-6.01-19.527Q725.1,93.391,726.192,84.1a27.69,27.69,0,0,1,8.344-16.58q9.089-9.14,20.76-7.891t22.549,12.185a72.48,72.48,0,0,1,16.191,25.47l-13.46,5.942Q774.965,89.4,767.365,81.754q-5.762-5.793-11.249-6.267a11.615,11.615,0,0,0-9.611,3.671,13.283,13.283,0,0,0-3.65,6.067,17.4,17.4,0,0,0,.124,7.766q.943,4.543,5.116,14.632,4.668,11.386,5.513,18.028a26.119,26.119,0,0,1-1.043,12.036A27.859,27.859,0,0,1,745.76,148.024Z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M785.15,227.282l12.913-27.566L770.3,171.8l-27.266,13.134-12.516-12.584L830.591,126.35l12.917,12.989L797.765,239.967Zm20.016-41,12.958-26.722q1.242-2.746,4.2-8.365t4.445-8.115a157.188,157.188,0,0,1-17.284,9.489L784,165Z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M807.351,249.605l72.612-73.011,11.871,11.935L829.4,251.3l30.743,30.913-10.181,10.237Z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M903.555,346.338l-41.074-41.3,72.612-73.012,41.075,41.3-10.033,10.088-29.2-29.364-19.767,19.876,27.366,27.516L934.6,311.43,907.23,283.914l-22.8,22.922,29.2,29.364Z"/> </svg> </div></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/bentogrids/">Bento Grids</a> </div> <div class="description"> Splitscreen layout with fluid animations and spacious layouts </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/bentogrids/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="bentogrids" data-cart-checkout>Checkout</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" data-tippy-content="Add to cart and checkout" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add-then-checkout data-cart-product-handle="bentogrids">$29</a><span 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-.24-.12h-14.69v-.9h14.67a1.18 1.18 0 0 1 .93.42 1.28 1.28 0 0 1 .25 1l-1.24 7.16a2 2 0 0 1 -2 1.69z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <ellipse cx="16.22" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <ellipse cx="26.59" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <path d="m0 9.56h10.01v.9h-10.01z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="cart colorless" data-tippy-content="Add to cart" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add data-cart-product-handle="pageturntransitions"><svg viewBox="0 0 31 21" xmlns=""> <path d="m28.54 17.65h-11.64a1.46 1.46 0 0 1 -1.44-1.44v-1.59l-.62-11.62a.51.51 0 0 0 -.5-.49h-2.1v-.9h2.1a1.39 1.39 0 0 1 1.37 1.39l.62 11.63v1.62a.58.58 0 0 0 .57.59h11.64z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <path d="m28 15.06h-12.11v-.85h12.11a1.14 1.14 0 0 0 1.11-1l1.27-7.14a.31.31 0 0 0 -.06-.26.27.27 0 0 0 -.24-.12h-14.69v-.9h14.67a1.18 1.18 0 0 1 .93.42 1.28 1.28 0 0 1 .25 1l-1.24 7.16a2 2 0 0 1 -2 1.69z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <ellipse cx="16.22" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <ellipse cx="26.59" 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<div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/cinematiclowerthirds/">Cinematic Lower Thirds</a> </div> <div class="description"> Give your videos that polished, Hollywood-worthy look </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/cinematiclowerthirds/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="cinematiclowerthirds" data-cart-checkout>Checkout</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" data-tippy-content="Add to cart and checkout" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add-then-checkout data-cart-product-handle="cinematiclowerthirds">$29</a> <div class="flex-spacer"></div> <a class="cart colorless" style="display:none" data-tippy-content="Remove from cart" data-cart-show-when-selected data-cart-product-handle="cinematiclowerthirds" data-cart-remove><svg viewBox="0 0 31 21" xmlns=""> <path d="m28.54 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15.06h-12.11v-.85h12.11a1.14 1.14 0 0 0 1.11-1l1.27-7.14a.31.31 0 0 0 -.06-.26.27.27 0 0 0 -.24-.12h-14.69v-.9h14.67a1.18 1.18 0 0 1 .93.42 1.28 1.28 0 0 1 .25 1l-1.24 7.16a2 2 0 0 1 -2 1.69z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <ellipse cx="16.22" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <ellipse cx="26.59" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <path d="m0 9.56h10.01v.9h-10.01z"/> <path d="m.8 11.18h10.01v.9h-10.01z" transform="matrix(0 1 -1 0 16.64 4.2)"/> </svg> </a></div> </div> </div><div class="product product_grindhousegraphics focusable "><div class="container-96px container-grindhousegraphics "><a class="anchor-96px" href="/info/grindhousegraphics/"><img class="lazyload icon-96px rounded icon-grindhousegraphics " src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 96 96' xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h96v96h-96z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/grindhousegraphics/96.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/grindhousegraphics/192.jpg 2x" alt="Grindhouse Graphics, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, 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alt="Scrapbook Collection, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></a></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/scrapbookcollection/">Scrapbook Collection</a> </div> <div class="description"> Create sequences with the look and feel of a real scrapbook </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/scrapbookcollection/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="scrapbookcollection" data-cart-checkout>Checkout</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" data-tippy-content="Add to cart and checkout" 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product_8bitcollection focusable "><div class="container-96px container-8bitcollection "><a class="anchor-96px" href="/info/8bitcollection/"><img class="lazyload icon-96px rounded icon-8bitcollection " src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 96 96' xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h96v96h-96z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/8bitcollection/96.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/8bitcollection/192.jpg 2x" alt="8bit Collection, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></a></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/8bitcollection/">8bit Collection</a> </div> <div class="description"> Dive into pixelated nostalgia with a huge library of effects </div> <div 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<ellipse cx="26.59" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <path d="m0 9.56h10.01v.9h-10.01z"/> <path d="m.8 11.18h10.01v.9h-10.01z" transform="matrix(0 1 -1 0 16.64 4.2)"/> </svg> </a></div> </div> </div><div class="product product_stylishlowerthirds focusable "><div class="container-96px container-stylishlowerthirds "><a class="anchor-96px" href="/info/stylishlowerthirds/"><img class="lazyload icon-96px rounded icon-stylishlowerthirds " src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 96 96' xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h96v96h-96z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/stylishlowerthirds/96.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/stylishlowerthirds/192.jpg 2x" alt="Stylish Lower Thirds, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></a></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/stylishlowerthirds/">Stylish Lower Thirds</a> </div> <div class="description"> Animated lower thirds that mix titles, photos or clips with effects </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/stylishlowerthirds/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="stylishlowerthirds" data-cart-checkout>Checkout</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" data-tippy-content="Add to cart and checkout" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add-then-checkout data-cart-product-handle="stylishlowerthirds">$59</a> <div class="flex-spacer"></div> <a class="cart colorless" style="display:none" data-tippy-content="Remove from cart" data-cart-show-when-selected data-cart-product-handle="stylishlowerthirds" data-cart-remove><svg viewBox="0 0 31 21" 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FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></a></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/fliptransitions/">Flip Transitions</a> </div> <div class="description"> Fold, rotate and push your video to reveal the next clip </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/fliptransitions/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="fliptransitions" data-cart-checkout>Checkout</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" data-tippy-content="Add to cart and checkout" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add-then-checkout data-cart-product-handle="fliptransitions">$59</a> 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xmlns=''><path d='m0 0h96v96h-96z' fill='none'/></svg>"data-srcset="/assets/img/icon/collageflow/96.jpg 1x, /assets/img/icon/collageflow/192.jpg 2x" alt="Collage Flow, Final Cut Pro, FCPX Plugins, FCPX Effects, FCP plugins, FCP effects, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, Final Cut Effects, Final Cut Plugins, Final Cut Pro Plugins, Final Cut Pro Effects, FCPX Templates, best FCPX plugins, best FCP plugins, best FCPX effects, best FCP effects, best plugins, best effects"/></a></div> <div class="content" style="height:96px"> <div class="title"> <a class="colorless" href="/info/collageflow/">Collage Flow</a> </div> <div class="description"> Animated photo sequences with customizable transitions </div> <div class="buttons"> <a class="button button-gray-mini" href="/info/collageflow/">Info</a> <a class="button button-blue-mini" style="display:none" data-cart-show-when-selected data-tippy-content="Begin checkout" data-cart-product-handle="collageflow" 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1 .93.42 1.28 1.28 0 0 1 .25 1l-1.24 7.16a2 2 0 0 1 -2 1.69z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <ellipse cx="16.22" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <ellipse cx="26.59" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <path d="m0 9.56h10.01v.9h-10.01z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="cart colorless" data-tippy-content="Add to cart" data-cart-hide-when-selected data-cart-add data-cart-product-handle="pipgallery"><svg viewBox="0 0 31 21" xmlns=""> <path d="m28.54 17.65h-11.64a1.46 1.46 0 0 1 -1.44-1.44v-1.59l-.62-11.62a.51.51 0 0 0 -.5-.49h-2.1v-.9h2.1a1.39 1.39 0 0 1 1.37 1.39l.62 11.63v1.62a.58.58 0 0 0 .57.59h11.64z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <path d="m28 15.06h-12.11v-.85h12.11a1.14 1.14 0 0 0 1.11-1l1.27-7.14a.31.31 0 0 0 -.06-.26.27.27 0 0 0 -.24-.12h-14.69v-.9h14.67a1.18 1.18 0 0 1 .93.42 1.28 1.28 0 0 1 .25 1l-1.24 7.16a2 2 0 0 1 -2 1.69z" transform="translate(-.8 -1.62)"/> <ellipse cx="16.22" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <ellipse cx="26.59" cy="18.86" rx="1.93" ry="2"/> <path d="m0 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data-fxfactory-product-action="show" data-fxfactory-product-price="59">FxFactory</a>. </div><div class="flex-version"> <div> <h5><span class="unbreakable">Freeze Frame Transitions</span> 1.0</h5></div> </div><div> <p>Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.</p> </div> </div> <footer><div class="font-size-S"> <a class="shortcut" href="/about/">About Us</a><a class="shortcut" href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a><a class="shortcut" href="/about/">Refund Policy</a> <a class="shortcut" href="">X</a> <a class="shortcut" href="">YouTube</a> <a class="shortcut" href="">Facebook</a><a class="shortcut" href="/subscribe/">Subscribe to our News</a><p>Copyright © 2025 Noise Industries, LLC. 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