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2.6619C4.75779 2.19552 5.29704 1.90692 5.8808 1.87207C6.33717 1.84482 6.72818 2.02123 7.01305 2.17561C7.2977 2.32988 7.63317 2.55355 8.00624 2.8023Z" fill="white"/></svg> </button> <button class="player-list-item" data-src-notebooklm="" data-src-oreilly="" data-type-notebooklm="audio/wav" data-type-oreilly="audio/mpeg"> <img class="cover" src="" alt=""> <div class="text"> <div class="label">AI audio summary</div> <div class="title">Machine Learning Production Systems</div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.00624 2.8023C8.0182 2.81028 8.03019 2.81827 8.04222 2.82629L18.591 9.85878C18.8962 10.0622 19.1792 10.2509 19.3965 10.4261C19.6234 10.6091 19.8908 10.8628 20.0447 11.2339C20.2481 11.7244 20.2481 12.2756 20.0447 12.7661C19.8908 13.1372 19.6234 13.3909 19.3965 13.5738C19.1792 13.7491 18.8962 13.9377 18.591 14.1412L8.00628 21.1977C7.63319 21.4464 7.29771 21.6701 7.01305 21.8244C6.72818 21.9788 6.33717 22.1552 5.8808 22.1279C5.29704 22.0931 4.75779 21.8045 4.40498 21.3381C4.12916 20.9735 4.05905 20.5503 4.02948 20.2276C3.99994 19.9052 3.99997 19.502 4 19.0536L4 4.98962C4 4.97516 4 4.96075 4 4.94638C3.99997 4.49798 3.99994 4.09479 4.02948 3.77236C4.05905 3.44971 4.12916 3.02651 4.40498 2.6619C4.75779 2.19552 5.29704 1.90692 5.8808 1.87207C6.33717 1.84482 6.72818 2.02123 7.01305 2.17561C7.2977 2.32988 7.63317 2.55355 8.00624 2.8023Z" fill="white"/></svg> </button> <button class="player-list-item" data-src-notebooklm="" data-src-oreilly="" data-type-notebooklm="audio/wav" data-type-oreilly="audio/mpeg"> <img class="cover" src="" alt=""> <div class="text"> <div class="label">AI audio summary</div> <div class="title">Cloud Native Go, 2nd Edition</div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.00624 2.8023C8.0182 2.81028 8.03019 2.81827 8.04222 2.82629L18.591 9.85878C18.8962 10.0622 19.1792 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return items; }; const shuffledItems = shufflePlaylist(listItems); playlist.innerHTML = ''; shuffledItems.forEach((item) => playlist.appendChild(item)); // Append shuffled items // Format time helper function const formatTime = (time) => { const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60); const seconds = Math.floor(time % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0'); return `${minutes}:${seconds}`; }; // Play or pause the current track function const playPause = () => { const playIcon = playPauseButton.querySelector('.play'); const pauseIcon = playPauseButton.querySelector('.pause'); if (audio.paused) {; pauseIcon.classList.add('visible'); pauseIcon.classList.remove('hidden'); playIcon.classList.remove('visible'); playIcon.classList.add('hidden'); } else { audio.pause(); playIcon.classList.add('visible'); playIcon.classList.remove('hidden'); pauseIcon.classList.remove('visible'); pauseIcon.classList.add('hidden'); } // Update event label text for GA eventLabel = 'start ' + + ' : ' + playerTextTitle.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); playPauseButton.blur(); }; // Play or Pause the current track const muteUnmute = () => { const onIcon = muteButton.querySelector('.on'); const offIcon = muteButton.querySelector('.off'); audio.muted = !audio.muted; if (audio.muted) { offIcon.classList.add('visible'); offIcon.classList.remove('hidden'); onIcon.classList.remove('visible'); onIcon.classList.add('hidden'); } else { onIcon.classList.add('visible'); onIcon.classList.remove('hidden'); offIcon.classList.remove('visible'); offIcon.classList.add('hidden'); } muteButton.blur(); }; // Play/pause functionality playPauseButton.addEventListener('click', () => { playPause(); }); // Update seek bar and current time as audio plays audio.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { seekBar.value = audio.currentTime; currentTimeDisplay.textContent = formatTime(audio.currentTime); }); // Set seek bar max value when audio metadata is loaded if (audio.duration) { seekBar.max = audio.duration; durationDisplay.textContent = formatTime(audio.duration); } audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { seekBar.max = audio.duration; durationDisplay.textContent = formatTime(audio.duration); }); // Seek audio when seek bar value changes seekBar.addEventListener('input', () => { audio.currentTime = seekBar.value; }); // Mute/unmute functionality muteButton.addEventListener('click', () => { muteUnmute(); }); // Volume control functionality volumeBar.addEventListener('input', () => { audio.volume = volumeBar.value; }); // Change playback speed functionality playbackSpeedSelect.addEventListener('change', () => { playbackSpeed = parseFloat(playbackSpeedSelect.value); audio.playbackRate = playbackSpeed; }); shuffledItems.forEach((button) => { const r = Math.random(); if (r >= 0.5) { button.dataset.src = button.dataset.srcNotebooklm; button.dataset.type = button.dataset.typeNotebooklm; = 'notebooklm'; } else { button.dataset.src = button.dataset.srcOreilly; button.dataset.type = 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audioSource.type = defaultType; = defaultAI; audio.load(); audio.playbackRate = playbackSpeed; playerTextCover.src = firstItem.querySelector('.cover')?.getAttribute('src'); playerTextLabel.innerHTML = firstItem.querySelector('.label')?.innerHTML; playerTextTitle.innerHTML = firstItem.querySelector('.title')?.innerHTML; firstItem.classList.add('selected'); } audio.addEventListener('play', () => { dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'eventTracker', 'eventCat':'marketing', 'eventAct':'ai podcast', 'eventLbl':eventLabel, 'eventVal':0, 'nonInteraction': 0, }); }); /* dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'eventTracker', 'eventCat':'marketing', 'eventAct':'ai podcast', 'eventLbl':'thumbs up: [file title]', 'eventVal':0, 'nonInteraction': 0, }); dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'eventTracker', 'eventCat':'marketing', 'eventAct':'ai podcast', 'eventLbl':'thumbs down [file title]', 'eventVal':0, 'nonInteraction': 0, }); */ // Show the player after initialized player.classList.add('fadeIn'); }; // Initialize all audio 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