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25.3596L11.1405 25.412C11.0327 25.7619 10.8732 26.0896 10.6534 26.3819L11.0712 27.0235C11.1138 27.0889 11.1041 27.1885 11.0426 27.2659C10.644 27.656 10.1681 27.9846 9.61544 28.1953C9.53292 28.2118 9.43791 28.1804 9.39527 28.115L8.97744 27.4734C8.60809 27.5648 8.2439 27.5782 7.88032 27.5353L7.52197 28.2162C7.48208 28.2981 7.395 28.3362 7.30852 28.3179C6.76405 28.1691 6.24241 27.9121 5.79141 27.5345C5.72259 27.4861 5.69761 27.3905 5.7375 27.3086L6.09585 26.6277C5.83882 26.3476 5.6427 26.0464 5.49042 25.6981L4.72277 25.7505C4.63172 25.7539 4.55437 25.6924 4.53792 25.6099C4.37497 25.0447 4.35087 24.4637 4.43487 23.9055C4.45313 23.8191 4.52316 23.7548 4.61421 23.7515L5.39039 23.7121C5.48963 23.3491 5.64917 23.0215 5.88209 22.7206L5.46426 22.079C5.42163 22.0136 5.41827 21.9225 5.4883 21.8583C5.87834 21.4551 6.35426 21.1265 6.91544 20.9288C7.00253 20.8908 7.09754 20.9221 7.14017 20.9876L7.558 21.6291C7.91427 21.5463 8.27846 21.5329 8.64204 21.5758L9.00039 20.8949C9.04027 20.8129 9.12736 20.7749 9.21384 20.7931C9.75831 20.942 10.2799 21.199 10.7309 21.5765C10.7998 21.6249 10.8247 21.7205 10.7849 21.8025L10.4265 22.4834C10.6966 22.755 10.8927 23.0561 11.0319 23.413L11.7996 23.3605ZM8.94563 25.5922C9.52173 25.217 9.69463 24.4517 9.31091 23.8625C8.93571 23.2864 8.15738 23.1221 7.58129 23.4973C6.9921 23.881 6.84082 24.6508 7.21602 25.2269C7.59974 25.8161 8.35644 25.9759 8.94563 25.5922Z" /> </svg> </a> <a title="Twitter" onclick="trackFollowUs('Twitter')" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-twitter nav-item"></i></a> <a title="YouTube" onclick="trackFollowUs('YouTube')" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube nav-item"></i></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="blog-header-banner"> <div class="container"> <div> <h1>News blog</h1> <p> Updates from Europe PMC<span>, a global database of life sciences literature</span> </p> </div> <div> <button class="subscribe-button"> <i class="fa-solid fa-envelope envelope-icon"></i> Subscribe </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="menu-items"><a class="active-link link" href="/">All blog posts<a class="link" href="" alt="View all posts in Editor's picks"> | Editor's picks</a><a class="link" href="" alt="View all posts in Guest posts"> | Guest posts</a></div> <div class="search-input"> <form> <input type="text" name="s" id="search" value="" /> <input type="hidden" value="post" name="post_type" id="post_type" /> <button type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button> </form> </div> <div class="blogs-list grid-row"> <div class="blogs col-11 col-m-16"> <!-- Show all posts f they exist or show No results found --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Maria Levchenko</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>25 November 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">How we built a database of preprints</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Maria Levchenko</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>25 November 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">How we built a database of preprints</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Finding preprints across many different platforms can be difficult. Here we explain how Europe PMC has built a database of life science preprints.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>8 January 2025</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 5 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC 2024: a year in review</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>8 January 2025</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 5 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC 2024: a year in review</a> <p class="summary"> <p>As we enter into 2025, Europe PMC celebrates a previous year of innovation, growth, and user-driven improvements. This end-of-year reflection highlights our key achievements in developing cutting-edge AI solutions for scientific research, advances in open research software, and support for transparency in scholarly communication. Using AI to revolutionise research discovery To unearth critical insights from […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>10 October 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Transforming protein research with AI and human expertise</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>10 October 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Transforming protein research with AI and human expertise</a> <p class="summary"> <p>How a novel machine learning system is bridging the gap between advanced models and expert insights to accelerate protein research Proteins are essential molecules with many critical roles in the body. Determining a protein’s 3D structure helps scientists understand its functions within cells. This is crucial for advances in biology, medicine, and drug design. Our […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>18 July 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Revolutionising drug discovery with deep learning</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>18 July 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Revolutionising drug discovery with deep learning</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Europe PMC and Open Targets develop Lit-OTAR framework unearthing over 48 million unique associations that can be leveraged for drug discovery Identifying drug targets is a critical and intricate part of drug discovery. This requires scientists to look at many sources of evidence. They use them to find links between drugs, targets, and diseases. This […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Maria Levchenko</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>28 May 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Connecting publications and software</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Maria Levchenko</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>28 May 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Connecting publications and software</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Europe PMC joins the SoFAIR project Modern science increasingly relies on software, from data collection and analysis to modeling complex systems. As part of our mission, Europe PMC integrates open access literature with research outputs, such as data and software, to support innovation. To further this effort we have joined forces with the SoFAIR project, […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Maria Levchenko</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>26 February 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 6 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Moving to open source</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Maria Levchenko</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>26 February 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 6 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Moving to open source</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Europe PMC POSI update – 2 years on Two years have sailed by since Europe PMC adopted the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) in February 2021. POSI is a set of guidelines for open scholarly infrastructure providers and outlines how these organisations should be run and sustained. It offers a framework to uphold transparency […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>31 January 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 4 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Discovering reviewed preprints</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>31 January 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 4 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Discovering reviewed preprints</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Preprinting has soared in popularity in the life sciences and is increasingly recognised as an excellent method to share research outputs quickly and freely. While preprints have gained popularity, an important consideration is ensuring their scientific quality. This prompted the development of platforms where researchers can comment on, evaluate, and review preprints. Preprint review benefits […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>15 January 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 4 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC 2023: a year in review</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>15 January 2024</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 4 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC 2023: a year in review</a> <p class="summary"> <p>As 2024 begins we reflect on the achievements our team made in 2023 to meet your needs as users. The team’s efforts were concentrated on building trust in preprints, open sourcing code, as well as expanding and improving text-mining capabilities. Preprint highlights As part of Europe PMC’s commitment to accessible and discoverable scientific research, 2023 […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>25 October 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 6 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Building a technological foundation for preprint review</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Summer Rosonovski</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>25 October 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 6 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Building a technological foundation for preprint review</a> <p class="summary"> <p>The practice of preprinting in the life sciences has grown rapidly. In addition to accelerating scientific publication, preprinting also has the potential to open new avenues of communication among researchers. For example, preprint peer review offers tremendous potential for changing the culture of scientific assessment, broadening participation, and enhancing the robustness of scholarship. While only […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>28 March 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Improved affiliation search for grants</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>28 March 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Improved affiliation search for grants</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Integrating ROR IDs in Grant Finder Funding and research organisations are increasingly looking to understand the impact of the research they support. To link institutions with grant awards from Europe PMC funders the Europe PMC Grant Finder tool now incorporates Research Organization Registry (ROR) IDs. Linking grants and institutions The Grant Finder tool from Europe […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>8 March 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 6 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Introducing Europe PMC Annotated Full-text Corpus for bioentities and associations</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>8 March 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 6 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Introducing Europe PMC Annotated Full-text Corpus for bioentities and associations</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is an open access repository of life science research, including peer-reviewed journal articles and preprints. It contains over 41 million abstracts and 8.7 million full-text articles, adding over 1.7 million new articles annually. To facilitate information discovery and foster literature–data integration, Europe PMC has incorporated text-mining approaches into its workflows. […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>11 January 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 4 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC in 2022: a year in review</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>11 January 2023</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 4 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC in 2022: a year in review</a> <p class="summary"> <p>With the start of the new year Europe PMC reflects back on the year 2022. As many of us adjusted to hybrid working, with the opportunity to return back to the office, meet new colleagues, and attend conferences and workshops in person again for the first time since the pandemic, Europe PMC’s efforts continued to […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>20 June 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 1 MIN READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Medical Research Foundation joins Europe PMC</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>20 June 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 1 MIN READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Medical Research Foundation joins Europe PMC</a> <p class="summary"> <p>We are delighted to announce that the Medical Research Foundation joins Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 37 members. The Medical Research Foundation is the charitable foundation of the Medical Research Council. With support from the scientific and medical communities and the public, the charity funds high-quality […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>17 May 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Health and Care Research Wales joins Europe PMC funders group</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>17 May 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Health and Care Research Wales joins Europe PMC funders group</a> <p class="summary"> <p> We are delighted to announce that the Health and Care Research Wales joins Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 36 members. Health and Care Research Wales is a networked organisation which brings together a wide range of partners across the NHS in Wales, local authorities, universities, research […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>3 May 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC improves discoverability of preprints</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>3 May 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC improves discoverability of preprints</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Europe PMC now includes the full text preprints supported by Europe PMC funders Open science is at the heart of Europe PMC, providing access to open content and data. Recognising the role that preprints play as a way for life science researchers to openly and rapidly share their findings, Europe PMC has made over 420,000 […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>3 March 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">SciELO Preprints discoverable in Europe PMC</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>3 March 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">SciELO Preprints discoverable in Europe PMC</a> <p class="summary"> <p>We are delighted to announce that SciELO Preprints are now discoverable in Europe PMC. SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is a bibliographic database, digital library, and cooperative electronic publishing model of open access journals. It was originally established in Brazil in 1997 and has since expanded to include collections from 16 countries, predominantly in Latin […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>21 February 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 11 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC adopts the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>21 February 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 11 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC adopts the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure</a> <p class="summary"> <p>As a long-standing service and infrastructure provider in the open science ecosystem, Europe PMC supports the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI). We welcome the momentum gathering behind this initiative to promote the need to support and sustain the open infrastructure. Europe PMC has been a part of the public and open infrastructure for over […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>15 February 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 1 MIN READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">EDCTP joins Europe PMC funders group</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>15 February 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 1 MIN READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">EDCTP joins Europe PMC funders group</a> <p class="summary"> <p>We’re delighted to announce that the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) joins Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 34 members. EDCTP is a public-public partnership between countries in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa, supported by the European Union. EDCTP exists to accelerate the clinical development […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>7 February 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Reaching out to researchers: new Community Outreach Officer at Europe PMC</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>7 February 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Reaching out to researchers: new Community Outreach Officer at Europe PMC</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Imagine you’re a life science researcher, diving into the literature to better understand your field. What challenges do you find? What tools do you wish you had? As a researcher one faces many challenges, and one of the lesser talked about difficulties is navigating the published literature. My personal goal is to make literature research […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>20 January 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 5 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC in 2021: a year in review</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>20 January 2022</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 5 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC in 2021: a year in review</a> <p class="summary"> <p>The year 2021 has been difficult for many people working remotely, including those here at Europe PMC. We have been unable to meet in person with the users and the wider community that drives this service. As this year has drawn to an end we have taken the time to reflect on some of the […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>1 December 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Transparency for preprints: handling withdrawals and removals</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>1 December 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Transparency for preprints: handling withdrawals and removals</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Part of the appeal of preprints is the ability to post new versions, allowing researchers to continuously improve their manuscript and correct it if needed. However, in some cases the data or its interpretation presented in the preprint may be proven incorrect with time. In such cases the authors may wish to withdraw or remove […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>11 November 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Alerts for topics, authors, preprints, and more</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>11 November 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Editor's pick</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Alerts for topics, authors, preprints, and more</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Keeping up with the current published research has long been a challenging task. With preprints added to the mix, research is shared much quicker, extending the reading list and fuelling information overload. There is a need for useful tools to help researchers stay on top of the new discoveries that are most relevant to their […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>25 October 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-desktop-view"> | Guest post</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">Using the Europe PMC REST API to Study Open Access Publishing at the University of Virginia</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>25 October 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> <p class="blog-category blog-info-mobile-view"> | Guest post</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">Using the Europe PMC REST API to Study Open Access Publishing at the University of Virginia</a> <p class="summary"> <p>In May 2021, the University of Virginia Faculty Senate passed a set of Open Access Guidelines and Recommendations. This was the first university-wide resolution on the subject, though the School of Data Science adopted its own open access policy a few months earlier. At the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, we primarily serve the School […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>26 July 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">COVID-19 grants: who, where and how much?</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>26 July 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 3 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">COVID-19 grants: who, where and how much?</a> <p class="summary"> <p>Along with life science publications, Europe PMC offers a way to search through biomedical grants from Europe PMC funders using the Grant Finder tool. Last year, Europe PMC partnered with the Medical Research Council (MRC), the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GLoPID-R), to extend its […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog"> <!-- Show blog meta data --> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-desktop-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-desktop-view"> | <b>11 May 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-desktop-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <div class="blog-info"> <a href="" class="blog-name blog-info-desktop-view">PsyArXiv preprints now indexed in Europe PMC</a> <div class="flex-container"> <!-- Check if image exists and show it accordingly --> <div class="blog-summary"> <div class="blog-meta"> <p class="author-name blog-info-mobile-view">Europe PMC team</p> <p class="publish-date blog-info-mobile-view"> | <b>11 May 2021</b></p> <p class="reading-time blog-info-mobile-view"> | 2 MINS READ</p> </div> <a class="blog-name blog-info-mobile-view">PsyArXiv preprints now indexed in Europe PMC</a> <p class="summary"> <p>PsyArXiv preprints are now discoverable in Europe PMC alongside peer-reviewed research PsyArXiv’s collection of more than 14,000 psychological sciences preprints has now been indexed in Europe PMC, an open science platform that enables access to a worldwide collection of 38.6 million life science publications and preprints. “Indexing PsyArXiv in Europe PMC means that psychological preprints […]</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Include pagination --> <div class="blog-pagination"> <a onclick='trackPagination(1)' class='active-link link'> Page 1 |</a><a onclick='trackPagination(2)' href='' class='link'> Page 2 | </a><a onclick='trackPagination(3)' href='' class='link'> Page 3 | </a><a onclick='trackPagination(`Next`)' class='link' href=''> Next </a> </div> </div> <div class="twitter-feed col-5 col-m-16"> <a class="twitter-timeline" data-height="900" data-theme="light" href="">Tweets by EuropePMC_news</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> </div> </div> <div> <!-- Shortcode below includes mail subscription code from functions.php --> <div id="subscribe-modal"> <div class="subscribe-modal-content"> <span class="close">×</span> <h1>Subscribe to the Europe PMC News blog</h1> <form class="subscription-form" action="" method="post" onsubmit="return validateForm();"> <input placeholder="Enter email address" class="email-input" type="email" name="email" id="email" required="required" /> <div class="privacy-notice"> <input class="checkbox-input" type="checkbox" required="true" /> <span>I agree to the limited use of my personal data as described in this <a href="#" onclick="'', 'privacyNotice', 'width=600,height=800'); 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