Placing notices in The Gazette | The Gazette

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</div> </nav> <div class="main-group "> <div class="main container" id="main_content"> <div class="services-content no-search"> <div class="main-pane" role="main"> <article class="news-article place-a-notice-article" id="content-72"> <header> <div class="title"> <h1>Placing notices in The Gazette</h1> </div> </header> <div class="content"> <div class="section"> <p> The Gazette provides a permanent, official public record of important statutory and non-statutory notices. </p> <p> As an official public record, notices can only be placed by verified persons acting in an official capacity, who have the authority to create an official record of fact. You can see all the types of notices placed in The Gazette <a href="/noticecodes">here</a>. </p> <p> If you have already <a href="/my-gazette/account?register=true">created an account</a> to place notices in The Gazette, and are authorised to do so, you can <a href="/sign-in">sign in</a> and place a notice. Here are some quick links for some frequently placed notices in The Gazette: </p> <p> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-green btn-arrow" href="/wills-and-probate/place-a-deceased-estates-notice">Place a deceased estates notice</a> </p> <p> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-orange btn-arrow" href="/my-gazette/place-notice">Place an insolvency notice</a> </p> </div> <div class="section"> <h2>Who can place notices in The Gazette?</h2> <p> Notices can only be placed in The Gazette by verified persons acting in an official capacity, who have the authority to create an official record of fact. </p> <p>Here are some examples of people and organisations that may be authorised to place notices: </p> <ul class="bullet-list"> <li> <strong>insolvency practitioners</strong> - who are appointed by the court to place notices relating to personal or corporate insolvency </li> <li> <strong>solicitors and chartered accountants</strong> - who are appointed by the court to place notices related to personal or corporate insolvency, or who are appointed as executor of a will </li> <li> <strong>executors of wills</strong> - who wish to place a deceased estates notice supported by a grant of probate or letter of administration </li> <li> <strong>government departments, local government and regional authorities</strong> - who are appointed to place public notices, for example planning and highways notices and the creation of Statutory Rules </li> </ul> <p> If you are unsure whether you are authorised to place a notice in The Gazette, you can find more information on <a href="/all-notices/content/101120">authorised notice placers</a> or <a href="/contact-us">contact us</a>. </p> </div> <div class="section"> <h2>How do you place a notice in The Gazette?</h2> <p> There are various methods available for notice submission, and the most appropriate method for you will depend on the type and quantity of notices you wish to place: </p> </div> <div class="section"> <header> <a class="btn btn-showsection" href="#place-a-notice-online"> <h2 class="news-section-title">Online</h2> </a> </header> <div class="content" id="place-a-notice-online"> <p> If you wish to place a notice in The Gazette online, and you are authorised to do so, you will need to <a href="/my-gazette/account?register=true">create an account</a>. During this process, additional checks may be carried out to ensure that you are authorised to place the notice. Once your account has been approved, you can only place notices that you are authorised to place. </p> <p> If you have already created an account, you can <a href="/sign-in">sign in</a> and place your notice. Online submission routes include: </p> <h3>Web form</h3> <p> Web forms are ideal for placing a single notice at a time. They are easy to use and are currently available for placing: </p> <ul class="bullet-list"> <li>deceased estates notices</li> <li>winding up petitions (companies, partnerships)</li> <li>creditors' voluntary liquidations (resolutions, meetings, appointments, deemed consent)</li> <li>intended/final dividends (personal insolvency)</li> </ul> <h3>Excel template</h3> <p> Excel templates are available for deceased estates notices and are ideal for placing larger volumes of these notices. The template is limited to 20 notices per template, and can be downloaded from the 'Place a notice' page, once you have registered and logged in. </p> <h3>XML</h3> <p> XML files are ideal for submitting large quantities of notices. This submission route will require adherence to The Gazette schema, details of which are contained within <a href="" target="_blank">The Gazette Developer Documentation</a>. </p> <h3>API</h3> <p> <a href="/data/formats">Application program interface (API)</a>, based on REST principles. API access is carried out over HTTPS, and write access to the API is restricted to authorised users. Find the documentation to get you started on The Gazette's <a href="" target="_blank">Github</a>. </p> <h3>Other data formats</h3> <p> Other data submission formats are available (e.g. RDF). For more information please <a href="/contact-us">contact us</a>. </p> <p> For more information, please refer to our <a href="/all-notices/content/100622">guide to online notice submission</a>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <header> <a class="btn btn-showsection" href="#place-a-notice-post"> <h2 class="news-section-title">Post or email</h2> </a> </header> <div class="content" id="place-a-notice-post"> <div class="section"> <p> If you wish to place a notice in The Gazette by post or email, please <a href="/contact-us">contact us</a>. </p> <p> Please note that you may be required to provide <a href="/place-notice/policy">additional supporting information</a> before a notice can be published in The Gazette to ensure that the notice is accurate, and that the legal, statutory and/or procedural requirements of the notice have been met. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <p> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-arrow" href="/my-gazette/account?register=true">Create an account</a> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-arrow" href="/sign-in">Sign in</a> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-arrow" href="/contact-us">Contact us</a> </p> </div> <div class="section"> <h3>Pricing</h3> <p>The cost of placing a notice in The Gazette will depend on the type of notice being placed. </p> <p>There are various ways of paying for notice placement. These include:</p> <ul class="bullet-list"> <li>online - credit/debit card or billing account</li> <li>offline - credit/debit card, cheque, postal order, bank transfer, payment by billing account </li> </ul> <p> Payment is required in advance unless the notice placer has a billing account, which is subject to <a href="/all-notices/content/154">TSO terms and conditions</a> for operating a credit account. </p> <p> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-arrow" href="/place-notice/pricing">Price list</a> </p> </div> <div class="section"> <h3>When are notices published in The Gazette?</h3> <p> When a notice is published in The Gazette, whether it relates to the London, Edinburgh or Belfast Gazette, it will be published on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, and this is the official version. </p> <p>However, hard copy printed and pdf editions are also available:</p> <ul class="bullet-list"> <li> <strong>The London Gazette</strong> is produced each working day, and will contain notices published online the day before. </li> <li> <strong>The Edinburgh Gazette</strong> every Monday and Wednesday, and will contain notices published online in the preceding days. </li> <li> <strong>The Belfast Gazette</strong> every Monday, which will contain all notices published online in the preceding week. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="section"> <h3>How long does it take to publish a notice in The Gazette?</h3> <ul class="bullet-list"> <li> <strong>The London Gazette:</strong> notices that are submitted by email, post or fax should be received before 11:30am, at least two working days ahead of publication. Instant online publishing is available for selected notice types. </li> <li> <strong>The Edinburgh Gazette:</strong> notices that are submitted by email, post or fax should be received before 9:30am the working day ahead of publication. Instant online publishing is available for selected notice types. </li> <li> <strong>The Belfast Gazette:</strong> notices that are submitted by email, post or fax should be received before 3pm the working day ahead of publication. Instant online publishing is available for selected notice types. </li> </ul> <p> Publishing and copy deadline dates may change during bank holidays. For a full list of amended dates for the current UK bank holidays, please see <a href="/all-notices/content/104232">bank holiday publishing</a> and copy deadline dates. </p> <p> The submission of notices to The Gazette is governed by notice placer <a href="/place-notice/terms-and-conditions">terms and conditions</a> and The Gazette's <a href="/privacy">privacy policy</a> sets out how any personal data is obtained and processed. </p> <p> For more information on placing a notice in The Gazette, please <a href="/contact-us">contact us</a>. </p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="related-pane"> <aside> <div class="block actions"> <header> <h3 class="title">Actions</h3> </header> <div class="content"> <ul> <li class="share"><a class="sharing-tools-title" data-tooltip="middle:bottom" href="#sharing-tool"><span>Share this article</span></a><ul id="sharing-tool" class="sharing-tools progressive help-tip"> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-link" href="/all-notices/content/72/share/link"><span class="accessible-text">Link to this article</span></a></li> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-facebook" target="_blank" href="" title="Share this article to Facebook (Link opens in new browser window)"><span class="accessible-text">Share this article to Facebook </span></a></li> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-linkedin" target="_blank" href=";;title=Placing%20notices%20in%20The%20Gazette" title="Share this article to LinkedIn (Link opens in new browser window)"><span class="accessible-text">Share this article to LinkedIn? </span></a></li> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-twitter" target="_blank" href=";url=" title="Tweet this article (Link opens in new browser window)"><span class="accessible-text">Tweet this article</span></a></li> <li class="last"><a class="btn-social btn-social-googleplus" target="_blank" href="" title="Google+ this article (Link opens in new browser window)"><span class="accessible-text">Google+ this article</span></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-group"> <footer> <div class="footer-main"> <div class="main container"> <div id="footer-pane-first" class="footer-pane"> <ul class="social-icons"> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-facebook" target="_blank" href="" title="The Gazette on Facebook"><span class="accessible-text">Visit The Gazette on Facebook</span></a></li> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-linkedin" target="_blank" href="" title="The Gazette on LinkedIn"><span class="accessible-text">Visit The Gazette on LinkedIn</span></a></li> <li><a class="btn-social btn-social-twitter" target="_blank" href="" title="The Gazette on Twitter"><span class="accessible-text">Visit The Gazette on Twitter</span></a></li> </ul><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TSO" class="logo" /></a></div> <nav role="navigation"> <div class="nav-container footer-nav"> <h2><span class="accessible-text">The Gazette footer navigation</span></h2> <ul class="footer-lists"> <li> <h3 class="title"> <a href="/">The Gazette</a> </h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">View mobile site</a> </li> <li> <a href="/history">History of The Gazette</a> </li> <li> <a href="/place-notice/pricing">Price List</a> </li> <li> <a href="/cookies" id="cookies-content-link">Cookies</a> </li> <li> <a href="/terms-and-conditions">Terms and conditions</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3 class="title"> <a href="/policies">Policies</a> </h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/policies/web-links">Linking Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/privacy">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/data">Re-using our data</a> </li> <li> <a href="/accessibility">Accessibility</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h3 class="title">Get in touch</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/help">Help</a> </li> <li> <a href="/contact-us">Contact us</a> </li> <li> <a href="/customer-charter">Customer Charter</a> </li> <li> <a href="/contact-us#foi">Freedom of Information</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> <p class="help-tip help-tip-content published-by-authority" id="published-by-authority"> The Gazette is published by TSO (The Stationery Office) under the superintendence of His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO), part of <a href="" target="_blank">The National Archives</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="footer-messages"> <div class="main container"> <div class="open-government-licence"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank">Open Government Licence</a></h2> <p>All content is available under the <a class="external-link" href="" target="_blank">Open Government Licence v3.0</a>, except where otherwise stated. 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