IAU Minor Planet Center

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<li><a href="/iau/lists/t_centaurs.html">Centaurs and Scattered Disk Objects</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/lists/t_tnos.html">Transneptunian Objects</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/lists/t_others.html">Other Unusual Objects</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/lists/t_dangerous.html">Potentially Hazardous Asteroids</a></li> </ul>--> <li><a href="/iau/lists/CometLists.html">Comets</a></li> <!--<ul> <li><a href="/iau/lists/LastCometObs.html">Date of Last Observation</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/lists/LastYear.html">Designations from the Past Year</a></li> <li><a href="">Comet Magnitude Estimates</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/lists/ClosestComets.html">Closest Approaches</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/lists/PeriodicCodes.html">Periodic Comets</a></li> </ul>--> <li><a href="/iau/lists/ObsCodesF.html">Observatory Codes</a></li> <li><a href="/iau/Animations/Animations.html">Animations</a></li> </ul> </li> <!--<li><%= link_to 'Summary', :controller => 'mpc', :action => 'summary' %></li>--> <li><a 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These problems are preventing use of a number of our online services, and are preventing us from receiving any submissions sent directly to our server (e.g. to "", "" or ""). We understand the severity of the problem and are working to find a solution. </p> </center> </div> <br> <br> <br> --> <p> The <strong>Minor Planet Center</strong> (MPC) operates at the <a href="">Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory</a> (SAO), under the auspices of Division F (formerly Division III and, before that, Commission 20) of the <a href="">International Astronomical Union</a> (IAU). The Minor Planet Center derives its operating budget from a five-year NASA grant. <p> The MPC is responsible for the designation of minor bodies in the solar system: minor planets; comets; and natural satellites. The MPC is also responsible for the efficient collection, computation, checking and dissemination of astrometric observations and orbits for minor planets and comets, via its <a href="/iau/services/MPCServices.html">various journals</a>: <ul> <li><i>Minor Planet Circulars</i> (issued generally on a monthly basis) <li><i>Minor Planet Circulars Orbit Supplement (MPO)</i> (issued up to thirteen times per year) <li><i>Minor Planet Circulars Supplement (MPS)</i> (issued three or four times a month) <li><i>Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECs)</i> (issued as necessary, generally at least once per day) </ul> <!-- If you have a problem with the layout of the new-look MPC website, please check out <a href="/iau/HTMLIssues.html">the list of reported HTML issues</a>. Also try viewing the printer-friendly versions of each page (there is a link at the top left of most pages). --> <p><hr><p> <h2>MPC Publications and Services</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/iau/services/MPCServices.html">Publications and services overview</a>. <li><a href="/iau/info/TechInfo.html">How do I report material to the MPC</a>? Notes and technical details. <ul> <li class="sublist"><a href=";D=O">Submit astrometric observations via a web form</a>. <ul> <li>Please note that you must include the AC2 keyword in the observational header if you wish to receive an ACK. </ul> <li class="sublist"><a href="info/commandlinesubmissions.html">Information of how to submit observation batches from the command line via cURL</a> <li class="sublist"><a href="">Submit identifications</a> <li class="sublist"><a href="info/Conversion.html">Information we need from observers</a> in order to start using the new observation format. </ul> <li><a href="/mpec/RecentMPECs.html">On-line <i>MPECs</i></a>. <li><a href="/iau/services/WebCSAccess.html">Web access to the computer services</a>. <ul> <li class="sublist">Brief descriptions of and information on how to access the various Web-based services, including PDF versions of the <i>MPCs</i>, <i>MPOs</i> and <i>MPSs</i>. </ul> <li><a href="/iau/Ack/TamkinFoundation.html">Support for computer equipment used by the MPC is provided by the Tamkin Foundation</a>. </ul> <p><hr><p> <h2>Services for Observers</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/iau/NEO/toconfirm_tabular.html">The NEO Confirmation Page</a> <ul> <li class="sublist"><a href="NEO/ToConfirm.html">The NEO Confirmation Page (in discovery order)</a>. <li class="sublist"><a href="NEO/ToConfirmRA.html">The NEO Confirmation Page (in R.A. order)</a>. <li class="alert">NEO candidate last added/updated (or page modified) on Feb. 17.99 UT. <li class="alert">There are 22 NEO candidates in need of confirmation at the present time (Feb. 17.99 UT). </ul> <li><a href="/iau/NEO/PossNEO.html">Get NEO ratings for your observations</a>. <p> <li><a href="/iau/NEO/TheNEOPage.html">The NEO Page</a>. <ul> <li class="sublist">The <a href=""> NEA Observations Planning Aid</a>. <li class="sublist"><a href="NEO/LastObsNEO.html"> Date of Last Observation of NEOs</a> not seen in a while, with easy access to ephemerides. <li class="sublist">Lists of <a href="NEO/BrightRecovery.html"> bright</a> and <a href="NEO/FaintRecovery.html">faint</a> recovery opportunities for old one-opposition objects. </ul> <li><a href="/iau/MPEph/MPEph.html">Minor Planet &amp; Comet Ephemeris Service</a> (MPES) <ul> <li class="sublist">Generate current ephemerides for an arbitrary list of (up to 100) minor planets and comets. <li class="sublist">Generate an HTML page that you can put on your own web site to encourage others to follow-up your discoveries. <ul> <li class="sub-sublist"><a href="MPEph/FollowUp.html">A collection of links to follow-up pages</a> </ul> </ul> <li><a href="/iau/NatSats/NaturalSatellites.html">Natural Satellites Ephemeris Service</a> <ul> <li class="sublist">Generate ephemerides for the outer irregular satellites of the giant planets. </ul> <li><a href="/iau/MPEph/NewObjEphems.html">New Object Ephemeris Generator</a> <ul> <li class="sublist">Generate ephemerides for "new" discoveries before assignment of official provisional designations. </ul> <li>Identifying objects <ul> <li class="sublist"><a href=""> MPChecker</a> checks possible new minor planet suspects against known objects. <li class="sublist"><a href=""> NEOChecker</a> checks possible new NEO suspects against known objects. <li class="sublist"><a href=""> CMTChecker</a> checks possible new comet suspects against known objects. <li class="sublist"><a href=""> NEOCMTChecker</a> checks possible new NEO and comet suspects against known objects. </ul> <li><a href="/iau/MPCORB.html">MPC Orbit Database (MPCORB)</a> <ul> <li class="sublist">Download the freely-accessible MPC Orbit Database (MPCORB) </ul> <li><a href="/iau/artsats/artsats.html">The Distant Artificial Satellites Observation page</a> <ul> <li class="sublist"> Allows you to observe artificial objects that may (or have been) confused with natural objects. </ul> <li><a href="/iau/info/Astrometry.html">Guide to Minor Body Astrometry</a> <ul> <li class="sublist">Notes for new or potential astrometric observers. [Updated 2017 September 7] </ul> <li><a href="/iau/TNO/LastObsTNO.html">Dates of Last Observation of Distant Objects</a> <ul> <li class="sublist">An MPES-aware listing of the dates of last observation of Centaurs, TNOs and SDOs. </ul> <p> <li><a href="/iau/SkyCoverage.html">Sky coverage</a> <ul> <li class="sublist">Displays which parts of the sky have been searched recently. <li class="sublist">Add your own coverage information. </ul> <li>The Observation Summary Pages are no longer available, since the full <i>MPC</i>/<i>MPO</i>/<i>MPS</i> batches are freely available in the <a href="/iau/ECS/MPCArchive/MPCArchive_TBL.html">MPCArchive</a> service. <ul> <li class="sublist"><a href="ObsSummary/ObsSummary.html">Preliminary version of Observer Summary pages</a> (for checking purposes). </ul> <li><a href="Ephemerides/EphemOrbEls.html">Ephemerides and orbital elements</a> for comets, NEOs, distant objects and bright minor planets. <li><a href="lists/Customize.html">Prepare customized versions of the observable-object lists</a>. <li><a href="VideoObs/VideoNormalPlaces.html">Prepare mini normal places</a> from measurements obtained from GPS-tagged video fames. <ul> <li><a href="info/AGuidetoVideoAstrometry.pdf">Updated guide to making observations from GPS-tagged video frames.</a> [Added 2015 July 17] </ul> </ul> <p><hr><p> <h2>Large Data Sets</h2> Access the large observation and orbit data files generated by the MPC. <ul> <li><a href="ECS/MPCAT/MPCAT.html">MPCAT</a>: Complete (and update) orbit files <li><a href="ECS/MPCAT-OBS/MPCAT-OBS.html">MPCAT-OBS</a>: Observation files <li><a href="ECS/MPCUPDATE/MPCUPDATE.html">MPCUPDATE</a>: Files associated with <i>MPC</i> batches <li><a href="/iau/ECS/MPCArchive/MPCArchive_TBL.html">MPCArchive</a>: PDF versions of the MPC's various journals. <li><a href="/data">Data sets</a>: Links to text and JSON versions of various data files. [Added 2016 Apr. 21] </ul> <p><hr><p> <h2>Documentation</h2> <ul> <li><a href="MPC_Documentation.html">Documentation</a> about the various aspects of the MPC's operations. </ul> <p><hr><p> <h2>Lists and plots</h2> <ul> <li>All sorts of <a href="lists/Lists.html">tabulations and plots</a>, including NEO tables and lists of minor planet names. <li><a href="Animations/Animations.html">The Animations Page</a>: A collection of various animations prepared at the MPC. <li><a href="WhatsNew.html">List of new features on these pages</a>. [Updated 2016 Apr. 16] <li>Details on <a href="">stellar occultations by minor planets</a> from IOTA. </ul> <p><hr><p> <h2>Miscellaneous</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/db_search">MPC Database</a> <li><a href="/light_curve">Light Curve Database</a> <li><a href="TheIndex.html">Index</a> of the MPC pages. <!-- <li><a href="AboutThisService.html">Credits (and awards)</a> --> <li><a href=";S=Feedback&amp;D=M"> User-feedback form</a> <li><a href="MPCStatus.html">Status of the MPC web site and cgi scripts</a> <li><a href="EMailWoes.html">Known problems with contacting certain e-mail addresses</a>. </ul> <!-- Body postamble --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="holder"> <nav class="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About</a></li> <!-- Contact link changed to Jira and name changed to helpdesk. 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