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transition: width 0.5s ease-in-out 0.375s; } .siteheader__search-toggle:checked ~ .siteheader__search .search-form__button { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.25s ease-in-out 0.25s; } .siteheader__search-toggle:checked ~ .siteheader__logo { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; transition: opacity 0.25s ease-in-out; } @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .siteheader__search-toggle:checked ~ .siteheader__logo { opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; transition: none; } } .siteheader__inner { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 93.86667vw; height: 50px; align-items: center; } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { .siteheader__inner { width: 98.4375vw; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .siteheader__inner { width: 96.09375vw; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .siteheader__inner { width: 1140px; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .siteheader__inner { height: 68px; width: 100%; padding-right: 62px; 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padding-right: 16px; flex-basis: 380px; width: 380px; max-width: 380px; } } .stage__inner { color: #fff; } .stage__inner > * { position: relative; z-index: 1; } .stage__inner::before { background-color: #595959; content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; bottom: 0; margin-top: 11.95029%; margin-bottom: 11.95029%; z-index: 0; } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { .stage__inner::before { margin-top: 6.21415%; margin-bottom: 6.21415%; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .stage__inner::before { width: calc(50% - 8.00781vw); margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .stage__inner::before { width: calc(50% - 95px); } } .stage__box { margin-top: -5.97514%; padding-top: 24px; padding-bottom: 60px; } .stage__box::before, .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/rewe-form-dark.svg); } .ie11 .stage__box::before, .ie11 .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/rewe-form-dark.png); 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} } @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .stage__footer { padding-left: 1.5625vw; padding-right: 1.5625vw; flex-basis: 64.0625vw; width: 64.0625vw; max-width: 64.0625vw; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .stage__footer { padding-left: 16px; padding-right: 16px; flex-basis: 760px; width: 760px; max-width: 760px; } } .stage__box .stage__inner::before { background-color: #120637; } .stage__box::before, .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/rewe-form-darkpurple.svg); } .ie11 .stage__box::before, .ie11 .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/rewe-form-darkpurple.png); } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink) { color: #4cd4f5; padding-bottom: 3px; margin-bottom: -3px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #4cd4f5 0%, #4cd4f5 100%); background-position: center calc(100% + 5px); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-size: 100% 3px; transition: background 0.25s ease-in-out; } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink):focus { background-position: center 100%; } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink):hover { background-position: center 100%; } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink):focus { background-position: center 100%; } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink):hover { color: #4cd4f5; } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink):focus { color: #4cd4f5; } .stage__box::before, .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/stage-content-mask_darkpurple.svg); } .stage__box .stage__inner { color: #120637; } .stage__box .stage__inner::before { background-color: #4cd4f5; } .stage__box::before, .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/rewe-form-esportcyan.svg); } .ie11 .stage__box::before, .ie11 .stage__box::after { background-image: url(/assets/assets/images/rewe-form-esportcyan.png); } .stage__box a:not(.button):not(.textlink) { color: #120637; padding-bottom: 3px; margin-bottom: -3px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #120637 0%, #120637 100%); background-position: center calc(100% + 5px); 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15.1123L71.6129 15.3343L71.7263 15.5562L72.0437 15.6671H73.1091L73.4265 15.5562L73.5398 15.3343V13.5811L73.5625 13.2483L73.5398 12.5825L73.5625 11.9168V11.7171L73.5398 11.0513V8.63246L73.6079 8.38835L73.7439 8.43273L73.9026 8.61026L74.0386 8.7656L74.1973 8.94314L74.356 9.09848L74.492 9.27601L74.6053 9.45354L74.7413 9.63107L74.9 9.78641L75.5801 10.6741L75.6935 10.8516L76.1015 11.3842L76.2149 11.5839L76.4869 11.939L76.6003 12.1165L76.7363 12.294L76.8496 12.4938L77.0763 12.8488L77.2123 13.0485L77.3257 13.2261L77.4617 13.4258L77.575 13.6033L77.6884 13.8031L77.9151 14.1581L78.0511 14.3578L78.3458 14.8239L78.5045 15.1123L78.7312 15.4896L78.9579 15.6671L79.366 15.7337L80.5448 15.6671L80.8395 15.534V15.3343L80.7488 15.1345L80.6128 14.957L80.4314 14.6685L80.2727 14.38L80.0234 13.9806L79.7967 13.6033L79.6833 13.4258L79.57 13.2261L79.2979 12.8488L79.1846 12.6491L79.0939 12.4716L78.9579 12.2718L78.8445 12.0943L78.7085 11.9168L78.5725 11.7171L78.4592 11.5395L78.3231 11.3398L78.2098 11.1623L78.0511 10.9847L77.9378 10.785L77.8017 10.6075L77.6884 10.43L77.5524 10.2524L77.439 10.0749L77.303 9.87517L77.031 9.52011L76.8723 9.34258L76.7363 9.16505L76.6003 9.00971L76.1922 8.47712L76.0335 8.29959ZM88.0268 15.6671L88.3895 15.7559L89.3417 15.6893L89.6817 15.5562L89.7497 15.3343L89.7044 15.1345L89.6364 14.4688L89.591 14.2469V14.025L89.5684 13.8031V13.5811L89.5457 13.3814L89.523 13.1595V12.7157L89.5003 12.4938L89.523 12.2718V11.6061L89.5003 11.3842V11.1623L89.523 10.8294V9.91956L89.5003 9.58669V8.03329L89.4777 7.81137L89.455 7.61165L89.3643 7.16782L89.1603 6.56865L89.047 6.36893L88.8203 6.01387L88.6842 5.83634L88.5029 5.681L88.3442 5.54785L88.1628 5.4147L87.9815 5.30375L87.7775 5.19279L87.5734 5.10402L87.2787 5.01526L86.9387 4.92649L86.7346 4.88211L86.5079 4.83773L85.8052 4.77115H85.1478L84.6717 4.81553L83.9916 4.94868L83.3115 5.12621L82.9715 5.23717L82.6541 5.37032L82.4501 5.45908L82.2687 5.681L82.2461 5.9473L82.3367 6.16921L82.5634 6.83495L82.7221 7.01248L83.0848 6.9681L83.3115 6.87933L83.6289 6.74619L84.309 6.56865L84.5357 6.54646L84.7851 6.50208H85.0117L85.3745 6.47989L85.7372 6.50208H85.9639L86.1906 6.54646L86.3946 6.59085L86.6213 6.65742L86.8253 6.74619L87.0294 6.85714L87.188 6.99029L87.3241 7.14563L87.4374 7.32316L87.5734 7.72261L87.6188 7.92233L87.6414 8.14424L87.6641 8.34397V8.63246L87.5508 8.87656L87.3241 8.92094H86.6666L86.4626 8.94314H86.2132L85.9639 8.96533L85.7598 8.98752L85.5105 9.0319L85.2838 9.07628L85.0344 9.12067L84.8304 9.16505L84.377 9.2982L84.1503 9.38696L83.8556 9.5423L83.5382 9.69764L83.3342 9.8086L83.1528 9.94175L82.6768 10.4078L82.5408 10.5853L82.4274 10.7628L82.3141 10.9626L82.2234 11.1623L82.1554 11.362L82.0647 11.5617L81.9287 12.2275V13.1151L81.9513 13.337L81.9967 13.5589L82.0194 13.7587L82.0647 13.9806L82.1554 14.1803L82.2461 14.4022L82.3594 14.5798L82.5408 14.8682L82.7448 15.1123L82.9035 15.2677L83.2662 15.534L83.4702 15.6449L83.6742 15.7337L83.9009 15.8225L84.1276 15.889L84.3317 15.9334L84.7851 15.9778L85.1251 16L85.4651 15.9778L85.6918 15.9556L85.9185 15.9112L86.1226 15.8447L86.3266 15.7559L86.5079 15.6671L86.712 15.534L86.8707 15.4008L87.0294 15.2455L87.188 15.068L87.3241 14.8904L87.4374 14.7129L87.5281 14.5132L87.6188 14.2913L87.6868 14.2025L87.7321 14.3135L87.7548 14.5576L87.8228 15.2233L87.8681 15.4452L88.0268 15.6671ZM86.2812 14.2691L86.0546 14.3356L85.8505 14.4022H85.1704L84.9437 14.3578L84.717 14.2913L84.513 14.1803L84.3317 14.0472L84.1503 13.8918L84.0143 13.7143L83.9009 13.5146L83.8103 13.2927L83.7876 13.0707L83.7649 12.7379V12.405L83.8556 11.9612L83.9463 11.7614L84.0596 11.5617L84.173 11.3842L84.3317 11.2067L84.6037 11.0069L84.9211 10.8294L85.2384 10.6963L85.5785 10.6075L85.8052 10.5409L86.0319 10.5187L86.2812 10.4743L86.9387 10.43H87.256L87.5508 10.5409L87.6641 10.7628V12.0721L87.6414 12.3162L87.5734 12.5381L87.5281 12.7601L87.4601 12.9598L87.3694 13.1817L87.2787 13.3814L87.0067 13.7365L86.848 13.8918L86.576 14.0915L86.2812 14.2691ZM97.2004 4.97087L97.4044 5.01526L97.6085 5.1484L97.6765 5.52566L97.5858 6.23578L97.4271 6.56865L97.2004 6.65742L96.9737 6.63523H96.6337L96.339 6.65742L96.1349 6.7018L95.9082 6.76838L95.7042 6.83495L95.5229 6.94591L95.3415 7.07906L95.1828 7.2122L95.0014 7.45631L94.8201 7.7448L94.7067 7.92233L94.6161 8.12205L94.48 8.56588L94.3894 8.7656L94.344 8.98752L94.3214 9.20943L94.276 9.45354L94.208 10.1193V11.251L94.2307 11.6061V11.828L94.208 12.4938V12.8488L94.2307 13.0707L94.208 13.2927V13.5146L94.2307 13.7365L94.208 13.9806V15.3343L94.0947 15.5562L93.7546 15.6671H92.8478L92.5078 15.5562L92.4171 15.2233L92.3944 14.8904V13.5811L92.4171 13.3592L92.3944 12.9154V12.2497L92.4171 11.8058L92.3944 11.5839V11.362L92.4171 11.1401L92.3944 10.9182V9.16505L92.3718 8.83218V8.49931L92.3944 8.27739V7.61165L92.3491 7.16782V6.74619L92.2357 5.63662V5.4147L92.3038 5.21498L92.6211 5.10402H93.5052L93.868 5.21498L94.0266 5.4147V5.63662L94.072 5.83634L94.14 6.50208V6.72399L94.1853 6.83495L94.2533 6.74619L94.3667 6.54646L94.5481 6.14702L94.6614 5.9473L94.7974 5.76976L95.1148 5.45908L95.2962 5.32594L95.4775 5.21498L95.6815 5.12621L96.0896 4.99306L96.3163 4.97087L96.6563 4.94868L96.9737 4.97087H97.2004ZM104.577 5.01526L104.373 4.97087H104.147L103.829 4.94868L103.489 4.97087L103.262 4.99306L102.854 5.12621L102.65 5.21498L102.469 5.32594L102.288 5.45908L101.97 5.76976L101.834 5.9473L101.721 6.14702L101.54 6.54646L101.426 6.74619L101.358 6.83495L101.313 6.72399V6.50208L101.245 5.83634L101.199 5.63662V5.4147L101.041 5.21498L100.678 5.10402H99.794L99.4766 5.21498L99.4086 5.4147V5.63662L99.5219 6.74619V7.16782L99.5673 7.61165V8.27739L99.5446 8.49931V8.83218L99.5673 9.16505V10.9182L99.5899 11.1401L99.5673 11.362V11.5839L99.5899 11.8058L99.5673 12.2497V12.9154L99.5899 13.3592L99.5673 13.5811V14.8904L99.5899 15.2233L99.6806 15.5562L100.021 15.6671H100.927L101.267 15.5562L101.381 15.3343V13.9806L101.403 13.7365L101.381 13.5146V13.2927L101.403 13.0707L101.381 12.8488V12.4938L101.403 11.828V11.6061L101.381 11.251V10.1193L101.449 9.45354L101.494 9.20943L101.517 8.98752L101.562 8.7656L101.653 8.56588L101.789 8.12205L101.88 7.92233L101.993 7.7448L102.174 7.45631L102.356 7.2122L102.514 7.07906L102.696 6.94591L102.877 6.83495L103.081 6.76838L103.308 6.7018L103.512 6.65742L103.806 6.63523H104.147L104.373 6.65742L104.6 6.56865L104.759 6.23578L104.849 5.52566L104.781 5.1484L104.577 5.01526ZM107.057 2.66297L106.876 2.55201L106.717 2.39667L106.581 2.24133L106.468 2.04161L106.377 1.84189L106.355 1.50902L106.4 1.17614L106.468 0.976421L106.581 0.7767L106.717 0.621359L106.876 0.466019L107.057 0.355062L107.261 0.266297L107.602 0.244105L107.942 0.266297L108.168 0.355062L108.35 0.466019L108.508 0.599169L108.644 0.7767L108.758 0.976421L108.826 1.17614L108.848 1.50902L108.826 1.84189L108.758 2.04161L108.644 2.24133L108.508 2.41886L108.35 2.55201L108.146 2.66297L107.942 2.75174L107.602 2.77393L107.261 2.75174L107.057 2.66297ZM106.695 14.8904V14.4466L106.717 14.1359L106.695 13.8031V13.5811L106.717 13.2483V13.0264L106.695 12.6935V11.3842L106.717 11.1623L106.695 10.9404V10.3856L106.717 9.71983V9.49792L106.695 9.16505V6.74619L106.717 6.52427L106.695 6.32455V5.65881L106.717 5.43689L106.831 5.21498L107.148 5.10402H108.055L108.395 5.21498L108.508 5.43689V7.07906L108.531 7.7448L108.508 8.07767V8.74341L108.531 8.96533L108.508 9.16505V10.7184L108.531 10.9404L108.508 11.1623V11.3842L108.531 11.6949L108.508 12.0277V13.5811L108.531 14.025L108.508 14.2469V15.3343L108.418 15.5562L108.078 15.6671H107.171L106.831 15.5562L106.717 15.2233L106.695 14.8904ZM116.193 14.2025L115.967 14.2691L115.491 14.3135L115.151 14.3356L114.833 14.3135L114.584 14.2913L114.357 14.2247L114.153 14.1581L113.972 14.0472L113.768 13.9362L113.586 13.8031L113.428 13.6255L113.201 13.2705L113.11 13.0707L112.997 12.8488L112.929 12.6491L112.861 12.4272L112.77 11.9834L112.884 11.7614L113.133 11.6505L113.382 11.6727H114.085L114.312 11.6505L114.516 11.6283L114.992 11.5839L115.196 11.5395L115.423 11.4951L115.649 11.4286L115.853 11.362L116.171 11.251L116.602 11.0735L116.783 10.9626L117.078 10.8072L117.259 10.6741L117.576 10.4078L117.735 10.2524L117.894 10.0749L118.007 9.89736L118.143 9.71983L118.256 9.5423L118.37 9.34258L118.506 8.94314L118.551 8.72122L118.596 8.5215L118.642 8.29959V7.63384L118.596 7.43412L118.506 6.99029L118.37 6.59085L118.279 6.39112L118.166 6.1914L117.894 5.83634L117.758 5.681L117.576 5.54785L117.418 5.39251L117.214 5.28155L117.032 5.1706L116.828 5.08183L116.602 4.99306L116.398 4.92649L116.193 4.88211L115.74 4.79334H115.513L115.173 4.77115L114.833 4.79334L114.607 4.81553L114.153 4.9043L113.927 4.97087L113.314 5.23717L113.088 5.37032L112.884 5.48128L112.702 5.61443L112.385 5.9251L112.204 6.08045L112.068 6.25798L111.954 6.43551L111.592 7.01248L111.478 7.2122L111.41 7.41193L111.32 7.61165L111.252 7.81137L111.184 8.03329L111.115 8.23301L110.979 8.89875L110.957 9.09848L110.911 9.32039L110.889 9.5423V9.76422L110.843 10.208V11.3398L110.866 11.5617L110.911 11.7836V12.0055L110.957 12.2497L111.047 12.6935L111.115 12.9154L111.161 13.1151L111.229 13.337L111.41 13.7587L111.501 13.9584L111.614 14.1581L111.728 14.3356L111.841 14.5354L111.977 14.7129L112.226 14.9348L112.476 15.1789L112.657 15.3121L113.02 15.534L113.224 15.6449L113.45 15.7115L113.677 15.8003L113.881 15.8669L114.108 15.9112L114.357 15.9334L114.584 15.9778L114.788 16H115.491L115.967 15.9556L116.375 15.8669L116.602 15.8225L117.055 15.6893L117.282 15.6006L117.463 15.4896L117.667 15.4008L117.871 15.2899L118.075 15.1567L118.256 15.0236L118.392 14.8017L118.37 14.5354L118.188 14.2469L118.075 14.0472L117.916 13.7587L117.735 13.6255L117.372 13.7143L117.168 13.8252L116.851 13.9806L116.624 14.0693L116.398 14.1359L116.193 14.2025ZM114.131 6.7018L114.335 6.59085L114.788 6.4577H115.491L115.717 6.52427L115.921 6.59085L116.125 6.7018L116.33 6.85714L116.511 7.12344L116.67 7.43412L116.715 7.65603L116.738 8.0111L116.715 8.34397L116.579 8.7878L116.511 8.98752L116.398 9.18724L116.035 9.49792L115.853 9.63107L115.672 9.74203L115.468 9.83079L115.241 9.91956L114.561 10.0527L114.063 10.0971H113.224L112.861 9.98613L112.725 9.76422L112.748 9.56449L112.77 9.34258L112.816 9.12067L112.838 8.92094L112.884 8.69903L113.02 8.29959L113.065 8.09986L113.156 7.90014L113.473 7.32316L113.609 7.14563L113.791 6.9681L113.949 6.83495L114.131 6.7018ZM125.493 4.97087L125.697 5.01526L125.901 5.1484L125.969 5.52566L125.879 6.23578L125.72 6.56865L125.493 6.65742L125.266 6.63523H124.926L124.632 6.65742L124.428 6.7018L124.201 6.76838L123.997 6.83495L123.816 6.94591L123.634 7.07906L123.476 7.2122L123.294 7.45631L123.113 7.7448L123 7.92233L122.909 8.12205L122.773 8.56588L122.682 8.7656L122.637 8.98752L122.614 9.20943L122.569 9.45354L122.501 10.1193V11.251L122.523 11.6061V11.828L122.501 12.4938V12.8488L122.523 13.0707L122.501 13.2927V13.5146L122.523 13.7365L122.501 13.9806V15.3343L122.387 15.5562L122.047 15.6671H121.141L120.801 15.5562L120.71 15.2233L120.687 14.8904V13.5811L120.71 13.3592L120.687 12.9154V12.2497L120.71 11.8058L120.687 11.5839V11.362L120.71 11.1401L120.687 10.9182V9.16505L120.665 8.83218V8.49931L120.687 8.27739V7.61165L120.642 7.16782V6.74619L120.529 5.63662V5.4147L120.597 5.21498L120.914 5.10402H121.798L122.161 5.21498L122.319 5.4147V5.63662L122.365 5.83634L122.433 6.50208V6.72399L122.478 6.83495L122.546 6.74619L122.659 6.54646L122.841 6.14702L122.954 5.9473L123.09 5.76976L123.408 5.45908L123.589 5.32594L123.77 5.21498L123.974 5.12621L124.382 4.99306L124.609 4.97087L124.949 4.94868L125.266 4.97087H125.493ZM131.934 14.2025L131.707 14.2691L131.231 14.3135L130.891 14.3356L130.574 14.3135L130.324 14.2913L130.098 14.2247L129.894 14.1581L129.712 14.0472L129.508 13.9362L129.327 13.8031L129.168 13.6255L128.941 13.2705L128.851 13.0707L128.737 12.8488L128.669 12.6491L128.601 12.4272L128.511 11.9834L128.624 11.7614L128.873 11.6505L129.123 11.6727H129.826L130.052 11.6505L130.256 11.6283L130.732 11.5839L130.936 11.5395L131.163 11.4951L131.39 11.4286L131.594 11.362L131.911 11.251L132.342 11.0735L132.523 10.9626L132.818 10.8072L132.999 10.6741L133.317 10.4078L133.475 10.2524L133.634 10.0749L133.747 9.89736L133.883 9.71983L133.997 9.5423L134.11 9.34258L134.246 8.94314L134.291 8.72122L134.337 8.5215L134.382 8.29959V7.63384L134.337 7.43412L134.246 6.99029L134.11 6.59085L134.019 6.39112L133.906 6.1914L133.634 5.83634L133.498 5.681L133.317 5.54785L133.158 5.39251L132.954 5.28155L132.773 5.1706L132.569 5.08183L132.342 4.99306L132.138 4.92649L131.934 4.88211L131.48 4.79334H131.254L130.914 4.77115L130.574 4.79334L130.347 4.81553L129.894 4.9043L129.667 4.97087L129.055 5.23717L128.828 5.37032L128.624 5.48128L128.443 5.61443L128.125 5.9251L127.944 6.08045L127.808 6.25798L127.695 6.43551L127.332 7.01248L127.219 7.2122L127.151 7.41193L127.06 7.61165L126.992 7.81137L126.924 8.03329L126.856 8.23301L126.72 8.89875L126.697 9.09848L126.652 9.32039L126.629 9.5423V9.76422L126.584 10.208V11.3398L126.606 11.5617L126.652 11.7836V12.0055L126.697 12.2497L126.788 12.6935L126.856 12.9154L126.901 13.1151L126.969 13.337L127.151 13.7587L127.241 13.9584L127.355 14.1581L127.468 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