Samye Monastery, Shannan, Tibet: History, How to Get There

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Inside the monastery, visitors can enjoy the vivid murals and some ancient relics like the embroidery of Sakyamuni, ancient stele, bell, and stone lions." /> <link rel="canonical" href="/attraction/tibet/shannan/tsetang/samye_monstery.htm" /><script type="text/javascript">var ptype=1;var pid=3186;var ptitle="Samye Monastery";var purl="/attraction/tibet/shannan/tsetang/samye_monstery.htm";</script> <!--cityguide-new.html--> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <!--\\server05\wwwroot\_01_tcgwww\inc\bus--> <style type="text/css"> * { padding:0; margin:0} body { font-size:14px; font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; color:#000; background-color:#fff; line-height:1.6;} .clear { clear:both; padding:0 !important; margin:0 !important} a { color:#000; text-decoration:underline;} a:hover { color:#D14900;} .fl { float:left;} .fr { float:right;} .box_blue { border: 1px solid #D3E7F6; margin: 5px 0; padding: 5px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F4F9FD; 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font-size: 15px; color: #fff; width: 78px;} .w_switch_month div { cursor: pointer; float: left; height: 14px; width: 39px;padding:3px 0px;} .w_switchCurrent_month { cursor: default !important; background: url( no-repeat;} /*----------- AQI pie css ---------------*/ .aqi_pie_out { border: 1px #C75000 solid; height:342px; position:relative;} .aqi_pie_title { text-align:center; font-family: Verdana; background: #C75000; color: #fff; padding: 4px;} .aqi_pie_left { border-right: 1px solid #d1d1d1; float:left; width: 320px;padding: 0px 0 0 20px; margin-top:20px;} .aqi_pie_left div { margin:3px 0px;} .aqi_pie_float { float:left; padding-left: 10px;} .aqi_pie_floatRight { float:right;} .aqi_tb_td { text-align:center !important; background-color:#e2e8ed !important;} .aqi_tb_title { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 17px; margin: 8px 0;} .avg_tmp, .avg_hightmp, .avg_lowtmp, .avg_humidity, .avg_rainfall, .avg_sunrise, .avg_sunset { text-indent: 40px; line-height: 30px;} .avg_tmp { background: url( no-repeat; } .avg_hightmp { background: url( no-repeat; } .avg_lowtmp { background: url( no-repeat;} .avg_humidity { background: url( no-repeat; } .avg_rainfall { background: url( no-repeat;} .avg_sunrise { background: url( no-repeat;} .avg_sunset { background: url( no-repeat;} .citymonthLink { position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; border: 1px solid #d1d1d1; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; /*-webkit-box-shadow:-3px 0px 16px #e7e7e7; -moz-box-shadow:-3px 0px 16px #e7e7e7; box-shadow:-3px 0px 16px #e7e7e7; */ } .citymonthLink div { border-bottom: 1px solid #d1d1d1; color: #ea9b18; background: #fff; height: 27.4px; width: 48px; text-align: center;} .citymonthLink a { text-decoration: none; color: #000; padding: 3.4px 0px; background: #fff; display: block; } .citymonthLink_current { /*background:#d75b00 !important; color:#fff !important;*/} .citymonthLink_current a { /*background:#d75b00 !important; */color:#D14900 !important;} /*----------- AQI pie css end-----------*/ /*----------- AQI pie css (nopie)---------------*/ .out_nopie { height:224px; 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margin: 20px;} .w_day_new { margin:0px 10px;} .w_dayTemp { margin:10px 0px;} .w_day_new img { width:50px;} .w_dayDetail { margin: 20px 25px 40px; } .w_today { height:auto; padding-top:20px;} .box-shadow { width:130px;} .w_td_day div { margin:0 0 0 5px; line-height: 1.4;} .w_right_div { width:250px; overflow-x:scroll;} .w_right_table { width:500px;} .aqi_pie_out { height:auto;} .aqi_pie_left { border-right:0px;} .aqi_pie_right { padding:0 0 0 5px; margin-bottom:22px; margin-top:0px;} .aqi_pie_float { padding-left:0px;} .citymonthLink { top:55px; line-height:18px;} .link_nopie { width:48px; top:30px;} .what2wearReal { width:825px;} .where2goReal { width:830px;} .what2wear img { width:410px;} .where2goUnit { width:200px;} .weatherMonthLink { height:160px;} .customs_unit { width: 270px; margin: 0px auto; float: none;} .customs_unit:nth-child(3) { margin: 0px auto;} } @media screen and (max-width: 380px){ .month_content { width:100%;} .w_phoneNextDay { border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px; width:126px; 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border: 1px solid #DAEBF7; margin:1px; background:url("") no-repeat scroll 10px 15px #F1F8FE; } .c_c_list .li_br {clear:both;} /**city index lanmu list**/ .c_c_index { border:1px solid #D3E7F6; margin:5px 0; padding:5px; background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #F4F9FD} .c_c_index .img_left { padding:5px; float:left; margin:0 5px 5px 0;} .c_c_index .img_left2 { margin:0 5px 0 0; padding:5px;} .c_c_index .ul_p200 { margin-left:200px;} .c_c_index li { padding:5px 0; float:left; margin-right:15px; text-indent:11px; white-space: nowrap; background:url("") no-repeat 0 10px;} .c_c_index .li_hand { background:url("") no-repeat 0 8px;text-indent:18px;} .c_li_arrow li { padding:2px 15px;} .li16 li, .li20 li, .li30 li, .li40 li { margin:0;} .li20 li { width:20%;} .li30 li { width:30%;} .li16 li { width:16%;} .li40 li { width:43%;} #cityReview .moreAtt .title, #bbsPic .moreAtt .title { color: #000000; margin-bottom: 5px; padding-bottom: 3px; text-indent: 20px; background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 2px; } /**city index lanmu list end**/ /** zip code search box**/ .cc_box { height:auto; margin:10px 0; background:#59879f; position:relative; min-width:200px;} .cc_box .cc_title { margin-bottom:10px; font-weight:normal; color:#fff; font-size:14px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; } .cc_box li { min-width:200px; margin:0 auto;} .cc_box .cc_cont { border:solid 1px #d2d2d2; background:#F7f7f7; padding:15px; overflow:hidden;} .cc_box .cc_cont .cc_left { width:48%; float:left; } .cc_box .cc_cont .cc_right { width:48%; float:left; border-left: 1px solid #d2d2d2; padding-left: 20px;} .cc_cont p{padding:5px 0 8px 0;margin:0; height:30px;} .cc_text,.cc_cont select { margin:5px; padding:3px; border:1px solid #A5C6D1; width:130px; margin-left:0px;} .cc_text { width:190px;} .cc_btn { margin:5px; vertical-align:middle} .cc_result { height:auto; background:#fff url(/images/background/bgj045.jpg) repeat-x; border:solid 1px #fff; text-align:center; padding:30px 0 10px; font-size:16px; display:none;} .cc_result span { color: #FF6600; 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background:#EEF4F7; text-align:left; font-size:11px;} .codeSearch .csResult .clsCodeDetail { text-align:left; font-size:11px;} .clspadding { height:5px;} /**end zip code search box**/ /*----------three postal tabBtns--------------*/ .new_btns { width:100%; height:75px; margin:10px 0 10px 0;} #btnTrack, #btnFAQ, #btnAnswer { width:240px; height:74px; float:left; margin:0 17px;cursor:pointer;position:relative;} .new_btns span { position:absolute; font-family:Verdana; color:#FFF; } #btnTrack { background:url('') no-repeat; } #btnFAQ { background:url('') 0 -75px no-repeat; } #btnAnswer { background:url('') 0 -150px no-repeat; } #btnTrack .spanTop { left:113px; top:15px; font-size:34px;} #btnTrack .spanBtm { left:113px; top:40px; font-size:16px;} #btnFAQ .spanTop { left:113px; top:10px; font-size:16px;} #btnFAQ .spanBtm { left:113px; top:34px; font-size:26px;} #btnAnswer .spanTop { left:130px; top:15px; font-size:30px;} #btnAnswer .spanBtm { left:130px; top:40px; font-size:16px;} .tip_tabBtn { z-index:1000; 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width: 86px; min-width: 86px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; margin-left:5px; background: url( no-repeat center center;} .btnTrainLinkPop { color: #36c; text-decoration: underline; display: inline-block;cursor: pointer;} .popBoxTrainBook { display: none; position: absolute; overflow: visible; z-index: 1000;} .popBoxTrainBook .close { position: absolute; top: -15px; right: -15px; width: 50px; height: 49px; cursor: pointer; background: url( no-repeat;} /*-------------------------*/ @media screen and (max-width: 1024px){ #cityWeather td { font-size:12px; } #autoPic { width:350px;} #autoPic_imgs .newSlideImg { width:350px;} #autoPic_picIntro { width:348px;} #autoPic_moreTourText { width:350px;} #autoPic_imgs img { height:auto; } #cityWeather .fl { margin:1px;} #btnTrack, #btnFAQ, #btnAnswer { margin:0px 5px;} .tip_tabBtn, .divArr { display:none;} #btnZodiacFind, #btnZodiacCompat, #btnZodiacLucky, #btnZodiacAnswer { margin:0px 2px 0px 0px;} .divArrow { right:80px;} .graph_img { width:750px;} .aqi_pie_left { width:280px; 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With these unique features, this splendid monastery has become an attraction for visitors from near and far.<br />&nbsp;</p><div class="subTitle2017"><h2 class="h2_01">History</h2></div>Samye Monastery was built by the Trisong Detsen (reigned 742-798) of the Tubo Kingdom and was presided over by the Buddhist master Padmasambhava. The Detsen contributed a lot to the project. First, it was said the name (meaning surprise in Tibetan) originated from an exclamation he made. When Samye Monastery was completed, Detsen took part in the foundation ceremony and then ordained seven descendants of blue blood to cultivate in the monastery. They became the first group of monks to live at the monastery and later the so-called &#39;Seven Enlighten Disciples of Samye&#39;. Since then, Buddhism had become widespread within Tibet and forms a branch of splendid culture. Now, the monastery is listed as one of the cultural relics of national importance under the protection of the state.<p></p>&nbsp;<table align="center" border="0" class="ke-zeroborder"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table align="left" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><span class="td0b"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span><img alt="Samye Monastery, Tibet" height="226" src="/images/photogallery/0031500/samye tibet 10031356tm.jpg" width="320" /></span></span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><span class="td0b" style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Wuzi Hall of Samye Monastery, Tibet</span></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <span class="td0b"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span></span></td> <td> <table align="left" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><span class="td0b"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span><img alt="A Tibetan Buddhist" src="/images/photogallery/0031500/10031376tm.jpg" /></span></span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><span class="td0b" style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">A Tibetan Buddhist in the monastery</span></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table><span class="td0b"><span style="font-weight: normal;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <img alt="" height="14" src="/images/logo/ico/ico-pic.gif" width="22" /> <a href="/picture/tibet/samye-monastery/"><span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 204);">Samye Monastery Pictures</span></a></span></span><br />&nbsp;<div class="subTitle2017"><h2 class="h2_01">Layout</h2></div>The whole construction of Samye Monastery is very grandiose and complicated. It replicates the universe described in the sutras exactly. The central world Mount Meru is represented by the majestic Wuzi Hall. The Sun and Moon chapels stand in the north and south as the sun and moon in the universe. Four larger halls and eight smaller halls are distributed around all sides of the central hall, symbolizing the four large continents and eight small ones. In the four corners lie the Red, White, Black and Green Pagodas guarding the Dharma like the Heavenly Kings. A circular wall surrounds the monastery as if marking the periphery of the world. The layout of&nbsp;Samye Monastery resembles the <a href="/cityguides/tibet/butter-sculpture.htm#mandala"><span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 204); font-size: 14px;">Mandala</span></a> in the Esoteric Buddhism.<table align="center" border="0" class="ke-zeroborder"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table align="left" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><span><img alt="Layout of Samye Monastery" height="226" src="/images/photogallery/0031500/10031333tm.jpg" width="320" /></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Layout of Samye Monastery</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td> <table align="left" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><span><img alt="Tibetan mural in the monastery" height="226" src="/images/photogallery/2010/0409104736.jpg" width="320" /></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Tibetan mural in the monastery</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table><div align="justify"><div class="subTitle2017"><h2 class="h2_01">Attractions</h2></div>Samye Monastery is renowned for the characteristic art of its buildings and the vivid murals as well as other ancient relics stored within them.<br /><br />The three-story Wuzi Hall is the soul of the whole monastery. Its design is very special. All of the layers follow different styles, the bottom Tibetan, the middle Han and the top Indian. Hence the monastery is also called the &#39;Three-styled Temple&#39;. There are also many substantial murals here. On the porch of the middle story is inscribed the reputed &#39;Painted Historical Records&#39; of Tibet, which extend 9.2 m (10 yd) and contains the religious history of Tibet as well as many related legends. Besides these, the murals depicting the &#39;Historical Records of Samye Monastery&#39; and the &#39;Biography of Padmasambhava&#39; on the other two levels are also of high aesthetic value.<p></p>&nbsp;<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="ke-zeroborder"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table align="right" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><span><img alt="Samye Monastery, Shannan, Tibet" src="/images/photogallery/2010/0409110341.jpg" /></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Wuzi Hall </span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td> <table align="right" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><span><img alt="Buildings in Samye Monastery" src="/images/photogallery/2010/0409110403.jpg" /></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Pagoda of </span>Samye Monastery</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>There are four gates to the Wuzi Hall. The eastern gate leads to the front entrance of the hall. In front of the gate is a nine-story hall, however, only three stories remain standing. On the January 5 and May 16 of the Tibetan Calendar, the large embroidery of Sakyamuni is hung on the wall for people to make homage to, hence the name &#39;Zhanfo Dian&#39; (Buddha Unfolding Hall). There is also an ancient stele and a bell made during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) along with a pair of stone lions. On the stele Trisong Detsen&#39;s edicts for establishing Buddhism as the state religion in 779 are recorded. The bell was the first one made in Tibetan history and is said to memorize the third concubine of the Detsen who led 30 aristocratic women to renounce the world and who later became the first group of nuns in Tibet.<p></p><div class="subTitle2017"><h2 class="h2_07">How to get to Samye Monastery</h2></div><p></p><table align="right" cellspacing="0" class="tableInPic"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><img alt="Travel Tips in Sangye Si" src="/images/photogallery/0031500/10031326tm.jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 226px; float: none;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">A Restaurant in Samye Monastery</td> </tr> </tbody></table><p>The monastery is located at the foot of Mount Haibu Rishen, north of the <a href="/attraction/tibet/nyingchi/yarlong.htm">Yarlung Tsangpo River</a>. You can travel there directly by a regular bus from Lhasa. The buses depart from Jokhang Square before 8 a.m. every day when the passengers are enough, and usually arrive at noon. The ticket is CNY 60.<br />&nbsp;</p><div class="subTitle2017"><h2 class="h2_01">Travel Tips</h2></div>For dining and accommodation, the monastery includes a restaurant and guest house. Alternatively there are other restaurants outside the east gate and guest houses in the nearby village. When visiting, bring a flashlight as it is quite dark in the halls.<br /><br />The mountain top is one of the best places to photograph a panoramic view of the monastery.<p></p>&nbsp;<table class="c_tableX"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row">Entrance Fee</th> <td>Free<br /> Wuzi Hall: CNY 40<br /> <br /> <img alt="" height="16" src="/images/logo/ico/ico-note1.gif" width="12" />&nbsp;Free admission from Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 and Oct. 15 to Dec. 31, 2021.</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Opening Hours</th> <td>9:00-16:00</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Recommended Time for a Visit</th> <td>2 - 3h</td> </tr> </tbody></table></div></div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="title-and-ticket ticket-bottom"> <!--@ticketLinkBtn2019_bottom@--> </div> <!--@recomLinks@--> <div class="lastUpdateTime rnd_44253">- Last updated on Apr. 08, 2021 -</div> </div> <!--artiContentEnd--> </div> <div class="divads" id="AdTour_mobile"></div> <!-- @adv_tour_bottom@ --> <!--Comments --> <!--commtStart--><div id="answers" v="3186" pageid="3186" n="3" typeid="1" fromtype="0" ><!--qa_content_start--><!--qa_content_end--></div><!--commtEnd--> <!--End Comments --> </div> <!-- End Center content --> <p class="clear"></p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- End content --> <div class="bottomInfo"> <div class="bottomInfo-up"> <div class="smallimg divads" id="index-smallIMG"> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <!--footer--> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer-link"> <span><a href="/aboutus.htm">About Us</a> <span class="footer-sept">&nbsp;</span></span> <span><a href="/contact_us.htm">Contact Us</a> <span class="footer-sept">&nbsp;</span></span> <span class="display_none_770"><a href="/privacy.htm">Privacy</a> |</span> <span class="display_none_770"><a href="/loyalty-and-referral-program.htm">Loyalty&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;Referral</a><span class="footer-sept">&nbsp;</span></span> <span><a href="/tour/service.htm">Customer Service</a></span> <span class="display_none_770"><span class="footer-sept">&nbsp;</span><a href="/affiliate-program.htm">Affiliate</a></span> </div> <div class="footer-info"> <div>Copyright &copy; 1998-2025 All rights reserved.</div> </div> </div> <!--footerEnd--> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> var element = document.createElement("script"); element.type = 'text/javascript'; element.async = false; element.src = ",global2018.js,appImage.js,reviews2019.js?v1"; document.body.appendChild(element); function PageInit(){ TCG.Others={PrintSightTip:function(id){ifrmPrintInfo.document.body.innerHTML='<img src="/images/sighttip/'+id+'-a.jpg"/>'; ifrmPrintInfo.focus(); ifrmPrintInfo.print();}} } function PrintStationTip(id) { ifrmPrintInfo.document.body.innerHTML='<img src="/images/stationtip/'+id+'.jpg"/>'; ifrmPrintInfo.focus(); ifrmPrintInfo.print(); } </script> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'G-MN9E8FXBBV'); </script> <!--@addthis@-->

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