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Commonly used in the production of molybdenum are ammonium molybdate, sodium molybdate, molybdenum trioxide, molybdenum slag, glass, fertilizers containing molybdenum. <br> <br> (2) molybdenum fertilizer application <br> <br> Molybdenum fertilizer on crop species responses: lack of molybdenum is leguminous crops, alfalfa most prominent, in addition to rape, cauliflower, corn, sorghum, millet, cotton, sugar beet molybdenum also have a good response.<br> <br> Molybdenum fertilizer and soil conditions: effect of molybdenum fertilizer application, soil molybdenum content, morphology and distribution areas related to Southern Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Liu Zheng, etc. The molybdenum content of soil and fertilizer is divided into three areas, namely molybdenum fat significant area, molybdenum and molybdenum active area may be effective area. Soils in the northern zone of molybdenum fertilizer required significant molybdenum fertilizer crops as soybeans, peanuts, soil in the south zone of molybdenum fertilizer required significant molybdenum fertilizer leguminous green manure crops, peanuts, soybeans, citrus. Active area in molybdenum molybdenum fertilizer needed for the legume green manure crops, peanuts, soybeans, etc., and may be effective in areas molybdenum molybdenum fertilizer situation requires further experimental study.<br> <br> Molybdenum fertilizer application techniques: molybdenum mostly used types of fertilizer (seed dressing, seed soaking) and foliar application. Seed dressing, per kilogram of seeds with ammonium 2g-6g, first dissolved in hot water, cold water and then diluted to 2% -3% of the solution, spraying the seeds with a spray, side spray edge mix, after marinated dried seeds can be planted. Soaking, the available concentration of 0.05% -0.1% ammonium molybdate solution to soak seeds for 12 hours. Yemianpenfei generally used for larger leaf crops in seedling and bud stage with 0.01% -0.1% ammonium molybdate solution, spray 1-2 times per 667m2 each spray 50.</p> <p>Molybdenum fertilizer on winter wheat yield and its use of technology</p> <p>In recent years, through the wheat molybdenum trials come to its molybdenum fertilizer and soil available molybdenum content was significantly negatively correlated Mo fertilizer can significantly improve cold hardiness of wheat, reducing the wheat frost damage. Now Mo deficiency symptoms of wheat, and the physiological role of molybdenum and molybdenum Mo fertilizer fertilizer use methods described below:</p> <p><br> First, the lack of effective soil on soil classification molybdenum molybdenum content: less than 0.10 mg / kg for the low, 0.10 to 0.15 mg / kg is low, 0.16 to 0.20 mg / kg for medium, greater than 0.21 mg / kg for the rich. Soil molybdenum 0.15 mg / kg of wheat molybdenum soil threshold. </p> <p><br> Second, the lack of symptoms wheat wheat molybdenum molybdenum (partial nitrogen and particularly low), the four-leaf stage in wheat seedling disease begins, initially in the upper part of the old leaves leaves produce white spots along the veins, gradually into a linear, sheet, until dry; but leaves lower is better. Only when the performance of a serious shortage of molybdenum leaf chlorosis, tip and leaf margin gray, flowering delayed maturation, grain shrinkage, husk growth is not normal. </p> <p><br> Third, the physiological role of Mo fertilizer</p> <p><br> (1) molybdenum application can promote wheat nitrogen metabolism. The main body of molybdenum in crop physiological functions that affect nitrogen metabolism, nitrate uptake by plants, it must be in the role of nitrate reductase, converted into ammonium nitrogen, to participate in plant protein synthesis, molybdenum nitrate reductase an indispensable component. Therefore, molybdenum wheat leaf nitrate will be the large accumulation to protein synthesis difficult. It has been determined: Wheat molybdenum molybdenum fertilizer soaking and spraying fertilizer, wheat plants within the nitrogen content increased 4.10% and 1.21%, while the protein content of wheat increased in vivo, amino acids (except proline) also increased significantly.</p> <p><br> (2) Effects of molybdenum fertilizer phosphorus in the body can promote the metabolism of wheat. Molybdate affect pyrophosphate salts and orthophosphate salts chemical hydrolysis of esters, the body also affect crop organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus ratio. It has been determined: molybdenum wheat leaf blades high inorganic phosphorus than normal 4 to 6 times, again for 2 to 4 days after molybdenum, molybdenum raw organic phosphorus content in wheat leaves began to recover about 20 days, the body of organic phosphorus content of wheat compared to the control increased 15.20%.</p> <p><br> (3) Mo can improve cold hardiness of wheat. Mo wheat at low stress, photochemical reactions and increased photosynthetic capacity, nitrogen metabolism, phosphorus metabolism strengthened, wheat leaf soluble sugar increased, thereby increasing the low spring wheat resistance to cold damage capability. According to the field survey, Mo wheat freeze injury mortality rate decreased from 10% to 18%.</p> <p><br> (4) Mo can increase wheat chlorophyll content. Mo wheat after each period can significantly increase chlorophyll content, especially chlorophyll content increased. Therefore, delay leaf senescence, extending blade functional period, improved strength and photosynthesis of wheat photosynthetic capacity and time, increasing the grain weight, improve wheat production.</p> <p><br> (5) Mo favor wheat dry matter accumulation and running. Mo later, with the increase in wheat plants photosynthetic area, promoting dry matter accumulation and running. According to the determination of molybdenum after the wheat plant dry weight ratio was increased (mature determination) 10.21%, the economic coefficient of 0.3761 up to 0.4177 in control. </p> <p><br> Fourth, the yield molybdenum </p> <p><br> According to Mo test: in the effective low molybdenum content in the soil, with a concentration of 0.05 to 0.10% of ammonium molybdate solution soaking wheat, wheat 502.7 kilograms per mu, representing increase of 16.47% in control 431.6 kg, with an average increase of 1.20 per spike , grain weight increased 1.01 g; in the effective low molybdenum content in the soil, with a concentration of 0.05 to 0.10% molybdenum.</p> <p>Soybean hi molybdenum</p> <p> Nongyan said: "Soy molybdenum, beans hoard thickening." Molybdenum is indispensable for the growth and development of soybean trace elements. According to analysis, the content of molybdenum soybean plants is within the 1.9-91ppm (dry weight), more concentrated in the nodules, followed by seeds, legumes than molybdenum content of only 0.01-0.7ppm. Molybdenum can promote the body of soybean strains on phosphorus absorption, increased leaf chlorophyll, improve pod number, grain number and grain weight, and can improve the protein content of grain, and promote precocious. If the soil available molybdenum content of less than 0.01ppm, soybean vacancy will show symptoms of molybdenum, namely planting small, few and small nodules, lack of green between the veins, leaf distortion, reduced nitrogen fixation, nitrogen fixation is reduced. Practice has proved that the production of soybeans increased molybdenum molybdenum fertilizer, generally yield more than 10% or higher.<br> <p>In soybean growth stages molybdenum application to foliar spray as well. The specific method is: in the soybean flowering acre with 25-50 grams of ammonium, watered 50-75 kg, made ​​of liquid fertilizer spraying, spray once every 7-10 days, even spray 2-3 times. If mixed with molybdenum and phosphate fertilizer spraying, the better. Preferably with ammonium phosphate, ammonium fertilizer per acre sprayed liquid plus 25-30 grams of ammonium phosphate, mixed melt, spray can, as with superphosphate per acre with 1 kg, 5 kg watered, soak for a day and night, whichever filtered supernatant was added ammonium fertilizer per acre spraying of liquid, mix spraying. </p> <p align="left">If you have got any interest in molybdenum metals, please feel free to contact us by email: <a href=";;;">,</a> or by telephone:86 592 512 9696/86 592 512 9595. <p><span class="leftpath"592>Related Links: <a href="" target="_blank">Molybdenum News &amp; Prices</a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Flink --> <div id="link"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="ftdl" align="right" valign="top">Moly Information</td> <td class="ftdr"><a href="" target="_blank">Chinatungsten</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Molybdenum Price</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Molybdenum News</a>&#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Molybdenum Pictures</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="36" align="right" valign="top" class="ftdl">Chinatungsten Group</td> <td class="ftdr"><a href="" target="_blank">Tungsten Metal</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Tungsten Carbide</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Tungsten Powder</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Tungsten Heavy Alloy</a> &#124;<a href="" target="_blank"> Molybdenum Needle</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Molybdenum Wire</a> <br><a href="" target="_blank">Mo Rod</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum</a>&#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Mo Electrodes</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Mo Crucible</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Mo Foil</a> &#124; <a href="" target="_blank">Molybdenum in Sapphire Growth Furnace</a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- Footer --> <div class="modal-footer"> <div class="footer1">Address: 3F, No.25 WH Rd., Xiamen Software Park Ⅱ, FJ 361008,China</div> <div class="footer1">Phone:+86-592-5129696,+86-592-5129595;Email:<a href=";;;"></a> <br /> Certified by MIIT:<a href="">闽B2-20090025</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow">ISO 9001:2015</a> <br /> Copyright©1997 - <span > <script type="text/javascript"> year = new Date(); update = year.getFullYear(); document.write(update); </script> </span> ChinaTungsten &nbsp;<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><br /> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap-ie.js"></script> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-49588296-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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