La plateforme nationale des masters

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-1.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-n6v, .fr-ml-n3w, .fr-mx-n6v, .fr-mx-n3w { margin-left: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-n6v, .fr-mr-n3w, .fr-mx-n6v, .fr-mx-n3w { margin-right: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-n6v, .fr-mt-n3w, .fr-my-n6v, .fr-my-n3w { margin-top: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-n6v, .fr-mb-n3w, .fr-my-n6v, .fr-my-n3w { margin-bottom: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-m-n5v { margin: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-n5v, .fr-mx-n5v { margin-left: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-n5v, .fr-mx-n5v { margin-right: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-n5v, .fr-my-n5v { margin-top: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-n5v, .fr-my-n5v { margin-bottom: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-m-n4v, .fr-m-n2w { margin: -1rem !important; } .fr-ml-n4v, .fr-ml-n2w, .fr-mx-n4v, .fr-mx-n2w { margin-left: -1rem !important; } .fr-mr-n4v, .fr-mr-n2w, .fr-mx-n4v, .fr-mx-n2w { margin-right: -1rem !important; } .fr-mt-n4v, .fr-mt-n2w, .fr-my-n4v, .fr-my-n2w { margin-top: -1rem !important; } .fr-mb-n4v, .fr-mb-n2w, .fr-my-n4v, .fr-my-n2w { margin-bottom: -1rem !important; } .fr-m-n3v { margin: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-n3v, .fr-mx-n3v { margin-left: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-n3v, .fr-mx-n3v { margin-right: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-n3v, .fr-my-n3v { margin-top: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-n3v, .fr-my-n3v { margin-bottom: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-m-n2v, .fr-m-n1w { margin: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-n2v, .fr-ml-n1w, .fr-mx-n2v, .fr-mx-n1w { margin-left: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-n2v, .fr-mr-n1w, .fr-mx-n2v, .fr-mx-n1w { margin-right: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-n2v, .fr-mt-n1w, .fr-my-n2v, .fr-my-n1w { margin-top: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-n2v, .fr-mb-n1w, .fr-my-n2v, .fr-my-n1w { margin-bottom: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-m-n1v { margin: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-n1v, .fr-mx-n1v { margin-left: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-n1v, .fr-mx-n1v { margin-right: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-n1v, .fr-my-n1v { margin-top: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-n1v, .fr-my-n1v { margin-bottom: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-m-n1-5v { margin: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-ml-n1-5v, .fr-mx-n1-5v { margin-left: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mr-n1-5v, .fr-mx-n1-5v { margin-right: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mt-n1-5v, .fr-my-n1-5v { margin-top: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mb-n1-5v, .fr-my-n1-5v { margin-bottom: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-m-0 { margin: 0rem !important; } .fr-ml-0, .fr-mx-0 { margin-left: 0rem !important; } .fr-mr-0, .fr-mx-0 { margin-right: 0rem !important; } .fr-mt-0, .fr-my-0 { margin-top: 0rem !important; } .fr-mb-0, .fr-my-0 { margin-bottom: 0rem !important; } .fr-m-n0-5v { margin: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-ml-n0-5v, .fr-mx-n0-5v { margin-left: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mr-n0-5v, .fr-mx-n0-5v { margin-right: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mt-n0-5v, .fr-my-n0-5v { margin-top: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mb-n0-5v, .fr-my-n0-5v { margin-bottom: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-m-0-5v { margin: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-ml-0-5v, .fr-mx-0-5v { margin-left: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mr-0-5v, .fr-mx-0-5v { margin-right: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mt-0-5v, .fr-my-0-5v { margin-top: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mb-0-5v, .fr-my-0-5v { margin-bottom: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-m-1v { margin: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-1v, .fr-mx-1v { margin-left: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-1v, .fr-mx-1v { margin-right: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-1v, .fr-my-1v { margin-top: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-1v, .fr-my-1v { margin-bottom: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-m-1-5v { margin: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-ml-1-5v, .fr-mx-1-5v { margin-left: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mr-1-5v, .fr-mx-1-5v { margin-right: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mt-1-5v, .fr-my-1-5v { margin-top: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mb-1-5v, .fr-my-1-5v { margin-bottom: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-m-2v, .fr-m-1w { margin: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-2v, .fr-ml-1w, .fr-mx-2v, .fr-mx-1w { margin-left: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-2v, .fr-mr-1w, .fr-mx-2v, .fr-mx-1w { margin-right: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-2v, .fr-mt-1w, .fr-my-2v, .fr-my-1w { margin-top: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-2v, .fr-mb-1w, .fr-my-2v, .fr-my-1w { margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-m-3v { margin: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-3v, .fr-mx-3v { margin-left: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-3v, .fr-mx-3v { margin-right: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-3v, .fr-my-3v { margin-top: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-3v, .fr-my-3v { margin-bottom: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-m-4v, .fr-m-2w { margin: 1rem !important; } .fr-ml-4v, .fr-ml-2w, .fr-mx-4v, .fr-mx-2w { margin-left: 1rem !important; } .fr-mr-4v, .fr-mr-2w, .fr-mx-4v, .fr-mx-2w { margin-right: 1rem !important; } .fr-mt-4v, .fr-mt-2w, .fr-my-4v, .fr-my-2w { margin-top: 1rem !important; } .fr-mb-4v, .fr-mb-2w, .fr-my-4v, .fr-my-2w { margin-bottom: 1rem !important; } .fr-m-5v { margin: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-5v, .fr-mx-5v { margin-left: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-5v, .fr-mx-5v { margin-right: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-5v, .fr-my-5v { margin-top: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-5v, .fr-my-5v { margin-bottom: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-m-6v, .fr-m-3w { margin: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-6v, .fr-ml-3w, .fr-mx-6v, .fr-mx-3w { margin-left: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-6v, .fr-mr-3w, .fr-mx-6v, .fr-mx-3w { margin-right: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-6v, .fr-mt-3w, .fr-my-6v, .fr-my-3w { margin-top: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-6v, .fr-mb-3w, .fr-my-6v, .fr-my-3w { margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-m-7v { margin: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-7v, .fr-mx-7v { margin-left: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-7v, .fr-mx-7v { margin-right: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-7v, .fr-my-7v { margin-top: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-7v, .fr-my-7v { margin-bottom: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-m-8v, .fr-m-4w { margin: 2rem !important; } .fr-ml-8v, .fr-ml-4w, .fr-mx-8v, .fr-mx-4w { margin-left: 2rem !important; } .fr-mr-8v, .fr-mr-4w, .fr-mx-8v, .fr-mx-4w { margin-right: 2rem !important; } .fr-mt-8v, .fr-mt-4w, .fr-my-8v, .fr-my-4w { margin-top: 2rem !important; } .fr-mb-8v, .fr-mb-4w, .fr-my-8v, .fr-my-4w { margin-bottom: 2rem !important; } .fr-m-9v { margin: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-9v, .fr-mx-9v { margin-left: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-9v, .fr-mx-9v { margin-right: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-9v, .fr-my-9v { margin-top: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-9v, .fr-my-9v { margin-bottom: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-m-10v, .fr-m-5w { margin: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-10v, .fr-ml-5w, .fr-mx-10v, .fr-mx-5w { margin-left: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-10v, .fr-mr-5w, .fr-mx-10v, .fr-mx-5w { margin-right: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-10v, .fr-mt-5w, .fr-my-10v, .fr-my-5w { margin-top: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-10v, .fr-mb-5w, .fr-my-10v, .fr-my-5w { margin-bottom: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-m-11v { margin: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-11v, .fr-mx-11v { margin-left: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-11v, .fr-mx-11v { margin-right: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-11v, .fr-my-11v { margin-top: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-11v, .fr-my-11v { margin-bottom: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-m-12v, .fr-m-6w { margin: 3rem !important; } .fr-ml-12v, .fr-ml-6w, .fr-mx-12v, .fr-mx-6w { margin-left: 3rem !important; } .fr-mr-12v, .fr-mr-6w, .fr-mx-12v, .fr-mx-6w { margin-right: 3rem !important; } .fr-mt-12v, .fr-mt-6w, .fr-my-12v, .fr-my-6w { margin-top: 3rem !important; } .fr-mb-12v, .fr-mb-6w, .fr-my-12v, .fr-my-6w { margin-bottom: 3rem !important; } .fr-m-13v { margin: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-13v, .fr-mx-13v { margin-left: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-13v, .fr-mx-13v { margin-right: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-13v, .fr-my-13v { margin-top: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-13v, .fr-my-13v { margin-bottom: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-m-14v, .fr-m-7w { margin: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-14v, .fr-ml-7w, .fr-mx-14v, .fr-mx-7w { margin-left: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-14v, .fr-mr-7w, .fr-mx-14v, .fr-mx-7w { margin-right: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-14v, .fr-mt-7w, .fr-my-14v, .fr-my-7w { margin-top: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-14v, .fr-mb-7w, .fr-my-14v, .fr-my-7w { margin-bottom: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-m-15v { margin: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-15v, .fr-mx-15v { margin-left: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-15v, .fr-mx-15v { margin-right: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-15v, .fr-my-15v { margin-top: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-15v, .fr-my-15v { margin-bottom: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-m-16v, .fr-m-8w { margin: 4rem !important; } .fr-ml-16v, .fr-ml-8w, .fr-mx-16v, .fr-mx-8w { margin-left: 4rem !important; } .fr-mr-16v, .fr-mr-8w, .fr-mx-16v, .fr-mx-8w { margin-right: 4rem !important; } .fr-mt-16v, .fr-mt-8w, .fr-my-16v, .fr-my-8w { margin-top: 4rem !important; } .fr-mb-16v, .fr-mb-8w, .fr-my-16v, .fr-my-8w { margin-bottom: 4rem !important; } .fr-m-17v { margin: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-17v, .fr-mx-17v { margin-left: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-17v, .fr-mx-17v { margin-right: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-17v, .fr-my-17v { margin-top: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-17v, .fr-my-17v { margin-bottom: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-m-18v, .fr-m-9w { margin: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-18v, .fr-ml-9w, .fr-mx-18v, .fr-mx-9w { margin-left: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-18v, .fr-mr-9w, .fr-mx-18v, .fr-mx-9w { margin-right: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-18v, .fr-mt-9w, .fr-my-18v, .fr-my-9w { margin-top: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-18v, .fr-mb-9w, .fr-my-18v, .fr-my-9w { margin-bottom: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-m-19v { margin: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-19v, .fr-mx-19v { margin-left: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-19v, .fr-mx-19v { margin-right: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-19v, .fr-my-19v { margin-top: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-19v, .fr-my-19v { margin-bottom: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-m-20v, .fr-m-10w { margin: 5rem !important; } .fr-ml-20v, .fr-ml-10w, .fr-mx-20v, .fr-mx-10w { margin-left: 5rem !important; } .fr-mr-20v, .fr-mr-10w, .fr-mx-20v, .fr-mx-10w { margin-right: 5rem !important; } .fr-mt-20v, .fr-mt-10w, .fr-my-20v, .fr-my-10w { margin-top: 5rem !important; } .fr-mb-20v, .fr-mb-10w, .fr-my-20v, .fr-my-10w { margin-bottom: 5rem !important; } .fr-m-21v { margin: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-21v, .fr-mx-21v { margin-left: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-21v, .fr-mx-21v { margin-right: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-21v, .fr-my-21v { margin-top: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-21v, .fr-my-21v { margin-bottom: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-m-22v, .fr-m-11w { margin: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-22v, .fr-ml-11w, .fr-mx-22v, .fr-mx-11w { margin-left: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-22v, .fr-mr-11w, .fr-mx-22v, .fr-mx-11w { margin-right: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-22v, .fr-mt-11w, .fr-my-22v, .fr-my-11w { margin-top: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-22v, .fr-mb-11w, .fr-my-22v, .fr-my-11w { margin-bottom: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-m-23v { margin: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-23v, .fr-mx-23v { margin-left: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-23v, .fr-mx-23v { margin-right: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-23v, .fr-my-23v { margin-top: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-23v, .fr-my-23v { margin-bottom: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-m-24v, .fr-m-12w { margin: 6rem !important; } .fr-ml-24v, .fr-ml-12w, .fr-mx-24v, .fr-mx-12w { margin-left: 6rem !important; } .fr-mr-24v, .fr-mr-12w, .fr-mx-24v, .fr-mx-12w { margin-right: 6rem !important; } .fr-mt-24v, .fr-mt-12w, .fr-my-24v, .fr-my-12w { margin-top: 6rem !important; } .fr-mb-24v, .fr-mb-12w, .fr-my-24v, .fr-my-12w { margin-bottom: 6rem !important; } .fr-m-25v { margin: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-25v, .fr-mx-25v { margin-left: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-25v, .fr-mx-25v { margin-right: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-25v, .fr-my-25v { margin-top: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-25v, .fr-my-25v { margin-bottom: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-m-26v, .fr-m-13w { margin: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-26v, .fr-ml-13w, .fr-mx-26v, .fr-mx-13w { margin-left: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-26v, .fr-mr-13w, .fr-mx-26v, .fr-mx-13w { margin-right: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-26v, .fr-mt-13w, .fr-my-26v, .fr-my-13w { margin-top: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-26v, .fr-mb-13w, .fr-my-26v, .fr-my-13w { margin-bottom: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-m-27v { margin: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-27v, .fr-mx-27v { margin-left: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-27v, .fr-mx-27v { margin-right: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-27v, .fr-my-27v { margin-top: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-27v, .fr-my-27v { margin-bottom: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-m-28v, .fr-m-14w { margin: 7rem !important; } .fr-ml-28v, .fr-ml-14w, .fr-mx-28v, .fr-mx-14w { margin-left: 7rem !important; } .fr-mr-28v, .fr-mr-14w, .fr-mx-28v, .fr-mx-14w { margin-right: 7rem !important; } .fr-mt-28v, .fr-mt-14w, .fr-my-28v, .fr-my-14w { margin-top: 7rem !important; } .fr-mb-28v, .fr-mb-14w, .fr-my-28v, .fr-my-14w { margin-bottom: 7rem !important; } .fr-m-29v { margin: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-29v, .fr-mx-29v { margin-left: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-29v, .fr-mx-29v { margin-right: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-29v, .fr-my-29v { margin-top: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-29v, .fr-my-29v { margin-bottom: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-m-30v, .fr-m-15w { margin: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-30v, .fr-ml-15w, .fr-mx-30v, .fr-mx-15w { margin-left: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-30v, .fr-mr-15w, .fr-mx-30v, .fr-mx-15w { margin-right: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-30v, .fr-mt-15w, .fr-my-30v, .fr-my-15w { margin-top: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-30v, .fr-mb-15w, .fr-my-30v, .fr-my-15w { margin-bottom: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-m-31v { margin: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-31v, .fr-mx-31v { margin-left: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-31v, .fr-mx-31v { margin-right: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-31v, .fr-my-31v { margin-top: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-31v, .fr-my-31v { margin-bottom: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-m-32v, .fr-m-16w { margin: 8rem !important; } .fr-ml-32v, .fr-ml-16w, .fr-mx-32v, .fr-mx-16w { margin-left: 8rem !important; } .fr-mr-32v, .fr-mr-16w, .fr-mx-32v, .fr-mx-16w { margin-right: 8rem !important; } .fr-mt-32v, .fr-mt-16w, .fr-my-32v, .fr-my-16w { margin-top: 8rem !important; } .fr-mb-32v, .fr-mb-16w, .fr-my-32v, .fr-my-16w { margin-bottom: 8rem !important; } .fr-m-auto { margin: auto; } .fr-ml-auto, .fr-mx-auto { margin-left: auto; } .fr-mr-auto, .fr-mx-auto { margin-right: auto; } .fr-mt-auto, .fr-my-auto { margin-top: auto; } .fr-mb-auto, .fr-my-auto { margin-bottom: auto; } .fr-m-first-n8v, .fr-m-first-n4w { margin: -2rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n8v, .fr-ml-first-n4w, .fr-mx-first-n8v, .fr-mx-first-n4w { margin-left: -2rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n8v, .fr-mr-first-n4w, .fr-mx-first-n8v, .fr-mx-first-n4w { margin-right: -2rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n8v, .fr-mt-first-n4w, .fr-my-first-n8v, .fr-my-first-n4w { margin-top: -2rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n8v, .fr-mb-first-n4w, .fr-my-first-n8v, .fr-my-first-n4w { margin-bottom: -2rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n7v { margin: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n7v, .fr-mx-first-n7v { margin-left: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n7v, .fr-mx-first-n7v { margin-right: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n7v, .fr-my-first-n7v { margin-top: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n7v, .fr-my-first-n7v { margin-bottom: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n6v, .fr-m-first-n3w { margin: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n6v, .fr-ml-first-n3w, .fr-mx-first-n6v, .fr-mx-first-n3w { margin-left: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n6v, .fr-mr-first-n3w, .fr-mx-first-n6v, .fr-mx-first-n3w { margin-right: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n6v, .fr-mt-first-n3w, .fr-my-first-n6v, .fr-my-first-n3w { margin-top: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n6v, .fr-mb-first-n3w, .fr-my-first-n6v, .fr-my-first-n3w { margin-bottom: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n5v { margin: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n5v, .fr-mx-first-n5v { margin-left: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n5v, .fr-mx-first-n5v { margin-right: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n5v, .fr-my-first-n5v { margin-top: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n5v, .fr-my-first-n5v { margin-bottom: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n4v, .fr-m-first-n2w { margin: -1rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n4v, .fr-ml-first-n2w, .fr-mx-first-n4v, .fr-mx-first-n2w { margin-left: -1rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n4v, .fr-mr-first-n2w, .fr-mx-first-n4v, .fr-mx-first-n2w { margin-right: -1rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n4v, .fr-mt-first-n2w, .fr-my-first-n4v, .fr-my-first-n2w { margin-top: -1rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n4v, .fr-mb-first-n2w, .fr-my-first-n4v, .fr-my-first-n2w { margin-bottom: -1rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n3v { margin: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n3v, .fr-mx-first-n3v { margin-left: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n3v, .fr-mx-first-n3v { margin-right: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n3v, .fr-my-first-n3v { margin-top: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n3v, .fr-my-first-n3v { margin-bottom: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n2v, .fr-m-first-n1w { margin: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n2v, .fr-ml-first-n1w, .fr-mx-first-n2v, .fr-mx-first-n1w { margin-left: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n2v, .fr-mr-first-n1w, .fr-mx-first-n2v, .fr-mx-first-n1w { margin-right: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n2v, .fr-mt-first-n1w, .fr-my-first-n2v, .fr-my-first-n1w { margin-top: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n2v, .fr-mb-first-n1w, .fr-my-first-n2v, .fr-my-first-n1w { margin-bottom: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n1v { margin: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n1v, .fr-mx-first-n1v { margin-left: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n1v, .fr-mx-first-n1v { margin-right: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n1v, .fr-my-first-n1v { margin-top: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n1v, .fr-my-first-n1v { margin-bottom: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n1-5v { margin: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n1-5v, .fr-mx-first-n1-5v { margin-left: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n1-5v, .fr-mx-first-n1-5v { margin-right: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n1-5v, .fr-my-first-n1-5v { margin-top: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n1-5v, .fr-my-first-n1-5v { margin-bottom: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-m-first-0 { margin: 0rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-0, .fr-mx-first-0 { margin-left: 0rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-0, .fr-mx-first-0 { margin-right: 0rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-0, .fr-my-first-0 { margin-top: 0rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-0, .fr-my-first-0 { margin-bottom: 0rem !important; } .fr-m-first-n0-5v { margin: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-n0-5v, .fr-mx-first-n0-5v { margin-left: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-n0-5v, .fr-mx-first-n0-5v { margin-right: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-n0-5v, .fr-my-first-n0-5v { margin-top: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-n0-5v, .fr-my-first-n0-5v { margin-bottom: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-m-first-0-5v { margin: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-0-5v, .fr-mx-first-0-5v { margin-left: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-0-5v, .fr-mx-first-0-5v { margin-right: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-0-5v, .fr-my-first-0-5v { margin-top: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-0-5v, .fr-my-first-0-5v { margin-bottom: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-m-first-1v { margin: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-1v, .fr-mx-first-1v { margin-left: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-1v, .fr-mx-first-1v { margin-right: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-1v, .fr-my-first-1v { margin-top: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-1v, .fr-my-first-1v { margin-bottom: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-1-5v { margin: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-1-5v, .fr-mx-first-1-5v { margin-left: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-1-5v, .fr-mx-first-1-5v { margin-right: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-1-5v, .fr-my-first-1-5v { margin-top: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-1-5v, .fr-my-first-1-5v { margin-bottom: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-m-first-2v, .fr-m-first-1w { margin: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-2v, .fr-ml-first-1w, .fr-mx-first-2v, .fr-mx-first-1w { margin-left: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-2v, .fr-mr-first-1w, .fr-mx-first-2v, .fr-mx-first-1w { margin-right: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-2v, .fr-mt-first-1w, .fr-my-first-2v, .fr-my-first-1w { margin-top: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-2v, .fr-mb-first-1w, .fr-my-first-2v, .fr-my-first-1w { margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-3v { margin: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-3v, .fr-mx-first-3v { margin-left: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-3v, .fr-mx-first-3v { margin-right: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-3v, .fr-my-first-3v { margin-top: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-3v, .fr-my-first-3v { margin-bottom: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-4v, .fr-m-first-2w { margin: 1rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-4v, .fr-ml-first-2w, .fr-mx-first-4v, .fr-mx-first-2w { margin-left: 1rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-4v, .fr-mr-first-2w, .fr-mx-first-4v, .fr-mx-first-2w { margin-right: 1rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-4v, .fr-mt-first-2w, .fr-my-first-4v, .fr-my-first-2w { margin-top: 1rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-4v, .fr-mb-first-2w, .fr-my-first-4v, .fr-my-first-2w { margin-bottom: 1rem !important; } .fr-m-first-5v { margin: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-5v, .fr-mx-first-5v { margin-left: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-5v, .fr-mx-first-5v { margin-right: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-5v, .fr-my-first-5v { margin-top: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-5v, .fr-my-first-5v { margin-bottom: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-6v, .fr-m-first-3w { margin: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-6v, .fr-ml-first-3w, .fr-mx-first-6v, .fr-mx-first-3w { margin-left: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-6v, .fr-mr-first-3w, .fr-mx-first-6v, .fr-mx-first-3w { margin-right: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-6v, .fr-mt-first-3w, .fr-my-first-6v, .fr-my-first-3w { margin-top: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-6v, .fr-mb-first-3w, .fr-my-first-6v, .fr-my-first-3w { margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-7v { margin: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-7v, .fr-mx-first-7v { margin-left: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-7v, .fr-mx-first-7v { margin-right: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-7v, .fr-my-first-7v { margin-top: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-7v, .fr-my-first-7v { margin-bottom: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-8v, .fr-m-first-4w { margin: 2rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-8v, .fr-ml-first-4w, .fr-mx-first-8v, .fr-mx-first-4w { margin-left: 2rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-8v, .fr-mr-first-4w, .fr-mx-first-8v, .fr-mx-first-4w { margin-right: 2rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-8v, .fr-mt-first-4w, .fr-my-first-8v, .fr-my-first-4w { margin-top: 2rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-8v, .fr-mb-first-4w, .fr-my-first-8v, .fr-my-first-4w { margin-bottom: 2rem !important; } .fr-m-first-9v { margin: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-9v, .fr-mx-first-9v { margin-left: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-9v, .fr-mx-first-9v { margin-right: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-9v, .fr-my-first-9v { margin-top: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-9v, .fr-my-first-9v { margin-bottom: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-10v, .fr-m-first-5w { margin: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-10v, .fr-ml-first-5w, .fr-mx-first-10v, .fr-mx-first-5w { margin-left: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-10v, .fr-mr-first-5w, .fr-mx-first-10v, .fr-mx-first-5w { margin-right: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-10v, .fr-mt-first-5w, .fr-my-first-10v, .fr-my-first-5w { margin-top: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-10v, .fr-mb-first-5w, .fr-my-first-10v, .fr-my-first-5w { margin-bottom: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-11v { margin: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-11v, .fr-mx-first-11v { margin-left: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-11v, .fr-mx-first-11v { margin-right: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-11v, .fr-my-first-11v { margin-top: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-11v, .fr-my-first-11v { margin-bottom: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-12v, .fr-m-first-6w { margin: 3rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-12v, .fr-ml-first-6w, .fr-mx-first-12v, .fr-mx-first-6w { margin-left: 3rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-12v, .fr-mr-first-6w, .fr-mx-first-12v, .fr-mx-first-6w { margin-right: 3rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-12v, .fr-mt-first-6w, .fr-my-first-12v, .fr-my-first-6w { margin-top: 3rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-12v, .fr-mb-first-6w, .fr-my-first-12v, .fr-my-first-6w { margin-bottom: 3rem !important; } .fr-m-first-13v { margin: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-13v, .fr-mx-first-13v { margin-left: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-13v, .fr-mx-first-13v { margin-right: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-13v, .fr-my-first-13v { margin-top: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-13v, .fr-my-first-13v { margin-bottom: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-14v, .fr-m-first-7w { margin: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-14v, .fr-ml-first-7w, .fr-mx-first-14v, .fr-mx-first-7w { margin-left: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-14v, .fr-mr-first-7w, .fr-mx-first-14v, .fr-mx-first-7w { margin-right: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-14v, .fr-mt-first-7w, .fr-my-first-14v, .fr-my-first-7w { margin-top: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-14v, .fr-mb-first-7w, .fr-my-first-14v, .fr-my-first-7w { margin-bottom: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-15v { margin: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-15v, .fr-mx-first-15v { margin-left: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-15v, .fr-mx-first-15v { margin-right: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-15v, .fr-my-first-15v { margin-top: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-15v, .fr-my-first-15v { margin-bottom: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-16v, .fr-m-first-8w { margin: 4rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-16v, .fr-ml-first-8w, .fr-mx-first-16v, .fr-mx-first-8w { margin-left: 4rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-16v, .fr-mr-first-8w, .fr-mx-first-16v, .fr-mx-first-8w { margin-right: 4rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-16v, .fr-mt-first-8w, .fr-my-first-16v, .fr-my-first-8w { margin-top: 4rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-16v, .fr-mb-first-8w, .fr-my-first-16v, .fr-my-first-8w { margin-bottom: 4rem !important; } .fr-m-first-17v { margin: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-17v, .fr-mx-first-17v { margin-left: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-17v, .fr-mx-first-17v { margin-right: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-17v, .fr-my-first-17v { margin-top: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-17v, .fr-my-first-17v { margin-bottom: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-18v, .fr-m-first-9w { margin: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-18v, .fr-ml-first-9w, .fr-mx-first-18v, .fr-mx-first-9w { margin-left: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-18v, .fr-mr-first-9w, .fr-mx-first-18v, .fr-mx-first-9w { margin-right: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-18v, .fr-mt-first-9w, .fr-my-first-18v, .fr-my-first-9w { margin-top: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-18v, .fr-mb-first-9w, .fr-my-first-18v, .fr-my-first-9w { margin-bottom: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-19v { margin: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-19v, .fr-mx-first-19v { margin-left: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-19v, .fr-mx-first-19v { margin-right: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-19v, .fr-my-first-19v { margin-top: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-19v, .fr-my-first-19v { margin-bottom: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-20v, .fr-m-first-10w { margin: 5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-20v, .fr-ml-first-10w, .fr-mx-first-20v, .fr-mx-first-10w { margin-left: 5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-20v, .fr-mr-first-10w, .fr-mx-first-20v, .fr-mx-first-10w { margin-right: 5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-20v, .fr-mt-first-10w, .fr-my-first-20v, .fr-my-first-10w { margin-top: 5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-20v, .fr-mb-first-10w, .fr-my-first-20v, .fr-my-first-10w { margin-bottom: 5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-21v { margin: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-21v, .fr-mx-first-21v { margin-left: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-21v, .fr-mx-first-21v { margin-right: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-21v, .fr-my-first-21v { margin-top: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-21v, .fr-my-first-21v { margin-bottom: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-22v, .fr-m-first-11w { margin: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-22v, .fr-ml-first-11w, .fr-mx-first-22v, .fr-mx-first-11w { margin-left: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-22v, .fr-mr-first-11w, .fr-mx-first-22v, .fr-mx-first-11w { margin-right: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-22v, .fr-mt-first-11w, .fr-my-first-22v, .fr-my-first-11w { margin-top: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-22v, .fr-mb-first-11w, .fr-my-first-22v, .fr-my-first-11w { margin-bottom: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-23v { margin: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-23v, .fr-mx-first-23v { margin-left: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-23v, .fr-mx-first-23v { margin-right: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-23v, .fr-my-first-23v { margin-top: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-23v, .fr-my-first-23v { margin-bottom: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-24v, .fr-m-first-12w { margin: 6rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-24v, .fr-ml-first-12w, .fr-mx-first-24v, .fr-mx-first-12w { margin-left: 6rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-24v, .fr-mr-first-12w, .fr-mx-first-24v, .fr-mx-first-12w { margin-right: 6rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-24v, .fr-mt-first-12w, .fr-my-first-24v, .fr-my-first-12w { margin-top: 6rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-24v, .fr-mb-first-12w, .fr-my-first-24v, .fr-my-first-12w { margin-bottom: 6rem !important; } .fr-m-first-25v { margin: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-25v, .fr-mx-first-25v { margin-left: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-25v, .fr-mx-first-25v { margin-right: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-25v, .fr-my-first-25v { margin-top: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-25v, .fr-my-first-25v { margin-bottom: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-26v, .fr-m-first-13w { margin: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-26v, .fr-ml-first-13w, .fr-mx-first-26v, .fr-mx-first-13w { margin-left: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-26v, .fr-mr-first-13w, .fr-mx-first-26v, .fr-mx-first-13w { margin-right: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-26v, .fr-mt-first-13w, .fr-my-first-26v, .fr-my-first-13w { margin-top: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-26v, .fr-mb-first-13w, .fr-my-first-26v, .fr-my-first-13w { margin-bottom: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-27v { margin: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-27v, .fr-mx-first-27v { margin-left: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-27v, .fr-mx-first-27v { margin-right: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-27v, .fr-my-first-27v { margin-top: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-27v, .fr-my-first-27v { margin-bottom: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-28v, .fr-m-first-14w { margin: 7rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-28v, .fr-ml-first-14w, .fr-mx-first-28v, .fr-mx-first-14w { margin-left: 7rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-28v, .fr-mr-first-14w, .fr-mx-first-28v, .fr-mx-first-14w { margin-right: 7rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-28v, .fr-mt-first-14w, .fr-my-first-28v, .fr-my-first-14w { margin-top: 7rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-28v, .fr-mb-first-14w, .fr-my-first-28v, .fr-my-first-14w { margin-bottom: 7rem !important; } .fr-m-first-29v { margin: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-29v, .fr-mx-first-29v { margin-left: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-29v, .fr-mx-first-29v { margin-right: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-29v, .fr-my-first-29v { margin-top: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-29v, .fr-my-first-29v { margin-bottom: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-m-first-30v, .fr-m-first-15w { margin: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-30v, .fr-ml-first-15w, .fr-mx-first-30v, .fr-mx-first-15w { margin-left: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-30v, .fr-mr-first-15w, .fr-mx-first-30v, .fr-mx-first-15w { margin-right: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-30v, .fr-mt-first-15w, .fr-my-first-30v, .fr-my-first-15w { margin-top: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-30v, .fr-mb-first-15w, .fr-my-first-30v, .fr-my-first-15w { margin-bottom: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-m-first-31v { margin: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-31v, .fr-mx-first-31v { margin-left: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-31v, .fr-mx-first-31v { margin-right: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-31v, .fr-my-first-31v { margin-top: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-31v, .fr-my-first-31v { margin-bottom: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-m-first-32v, .fr-m-first-16w { margin: 8rem !important; } .fr-ml-first-32v, .fr-ml-first-16w, .fr-mx-first-32v, .fr-mx-first-16w { margin-left: 8rem !important; } .fr-mr-first-32v, .fr-mr-first-16w, .fr-mx-first-32v, .fr-mx-first-16w { margin-right: 8rem !important; } .fr-mt-first-32v, .fr-mt-first-16w, .fr-my-first-32v, .fr-my-first-16w { margin-top: 8rem !important; } .fr-mb-first-32v, .fr-mb-first-16w, .fr-my-first-32v, .fr-my-first-16w { margin-bottom: 8rem !important; } .fr-m-first-auto { margin: auto; } .fr-ml-first-auto, .fr-mx-first-auto { margin-left: auto; } .fr-mr-first-auto, .fr-mx-first-auto { margin-right: auto; } .fr-mt-first-auto, .fr-my-first-auto { margin-top: auto; } .fr-mb-first-auto, .fr-my-first-auto { margin-bottom: auto; } .fr-p-0 { padding: 0rem !important; } .fr-pl-0, .fr-px-0 { padding-left: 0rem !important; } .fr-pr-0, .fr-px-0 { padding-right: 0rem !important; } .fr-pt-0, .fr-py-0 { padding-top: 0rem !important; } .fr-pb-0, .fr-py-0 { padding-bottom: 0rem !important; } .fr-p-n0-5v { padding: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pl-n0-5v, .fr-px-n0-5v { padding-left: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pr-n0-5v, .fr-px-n0-5v { padding-right: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pt-n0-5v, .fr-py-n0-5v { padding-top: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pb-n0-5v, .fr-py-n0-5v { padding-bottom: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-p-0-5v { padding: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pl-0-5v, .fr-px-0-5v { padding-left: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pr-0-5v, .fr-px-0-5v { padding-right: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pt-0-5v, .fr-py-0-5v { padding-top: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pb-0-5v, .fr-py-0-5v { padding-bottom: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-p-1v { padding: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-1v, .fr-px-1v { padding-left: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-1v, .fr-px-1v { padding-right: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-1v, .fr-py-1v { padding-top: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-1v, .fr-py-1v { padding-bottom: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-p-1-5v { padding: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pl-1-5v, .fr-px-1-5v { padding-left: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pr-1-5v, .fr-px-1-5v { padding-right: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pt-1-5v, .fr-py-1-5v { padding-top: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pb-1-5v, .fr-py-1-5v { padding-bottom: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-p-2v, .fr-p-1w { padding: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-2v, .fr-pl-1w, .fr-px-2v, .fr-px-1w { padding-left: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-2v, .fr-pr-1w, .fr-px-2v, .fr-px-1w { padding-right: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-2v, .fr-pt-1w, .fr-py-2v, .fr-py-1w { padding-top: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-2v, .fr-pb-1w, .fr-py-2v, .fr-py-1w { padding-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-p-3v { padding: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-3v, .fr-px-3v { padding-left: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-3v, .fr-px-3v { padding-right: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-3v, .fr-py-3v { padding-top: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-3v, .fr-py-3v { padding-bottom: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-p-4v, .fr-p-2w { padding: 1rem !important; } .fr-pl-4v, .fr-pl-2w, .fr-px-4v, .fr-px-2w { padding-left: 1rem !important; } .fr-pr-4v, .fr-pr-2w, .fr-px-4v, .fr-px-2w { padding-right: 1rem !important; } .fr-pt-4v, .fr-pt-2w, .fr-py-4v, .fr-py-2w { padding-top: 1rem !important; } .fr-pb-4v, .fr-pb-2w, .fr-py-4v, .fr-py-2w { padding-bottom: 1rem !important; } .fr-p-5v { padding: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-5v, .fr-px-5v { padding-left: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-5v, .fr-px-5v { padding-right: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-5v, .fr-py-5v { padding-top: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-5v, .fr-py-5v { padding-bottom: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-p-6v, .fr-p-3w { padding: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-6v, .fr-pl-3w, .fr-px-6v, .fr-px-3w { padding-left: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-6v, .fr-pr-3w, .fr-px-6v, .fr-px-3w { padding-right: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-6v, .fr-pt-3w, .fr-py-6v, .fr-py-3w { padding-top: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-6v, .fr-pb-3w, .fr-py-6v, .fr-py-3w { padding-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-p-7v { padding: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-7v, .fr-px-7v { padding-left: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-7v, .fr-px-7v { padding-right: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-7v, .fr-py-7v { padding-top: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-7v, .fr-py-7v { padding-bottom: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-p-8v, .fr-p-4w { padding: 2rem !important; } .fr-pl-8v, .fr-pl-4w, .fr-px-8v, .fr-px-4w { padding-left: 2rem !important; } .fr-pr-8v, .fr-pr-4w, .fr-px-8v, .fr-px-4w { padding-right: 2rem !important; } .fr-pt-8v, .fr-pt-4w, .fr-py-8v, .fr-py-4w { padding-top: 2rem !important; } .fr-pb-8v, .fr-pb-4w, .fr-py-8v, .fr-py-4w { padding-bottom: 2rem !important; } .fr-p-9v { padding: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-9v, .fr-px-9v { padding-left: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-9v, .fr-px-9v { padding-right: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-9v, .fr-py-9v { padding-top: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-9v, .fr-py-9v { padding-bottom: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-p-10v, .fr-p-5w { padding: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-10v, .fr-pl-5w, .fr-px-10v, .fr-px-5w { padding-left: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-10v, .fr-pr-5w, .fr-px-10v, .fr-px-5w { padding-right: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-10v, .fr-pt-5w, .fr-py-10v, .fr-py-5w { padding-top: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-10v, .fr-pb-5w, .fr-py-10v, .fr-py-5w { padding-bottom: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-p-11v { padding: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-11v, .fr-px-11v { padding-left: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-11v, .fr-px-11v { padding-right: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-11v, .fr-py-11v { padding-top: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-11v, .fr-py-11v { padding-bottom: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-p-12v, .fr-p-6w { padding: 3rem !important; } .fr-pl-12v, .fr-pl-6w, .fr-px-12v, .fr-px-6w { padding-left: 3rem !important; } .fr-pr-12v, .fr-pr-6w, .fr-px-12v, .fr-px-6w { padding-right: 3rem !important; } .fr-pt-12v, .fr-pt-6w, .fr-py-12v, .fr-py-6w { padding-top: 3rem !important; } .fr-pb-12v, .fr-pb-6w, .fr-py-12v, .fr-py-6w { padding-bottom: 3rem !important; } .fr-p-13v { padding: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-13v, .fr-px-13v { padding-left: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-13v, .fr-px-13v { padding-right: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-13v, .fr-py-13v { padding-top: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-13v, .fr-py-13v { padding-bottom: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-p-14v, .fr-p-7w { padding: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-14v, .fr-pl-7w, .fr-px-14v, .fr-px-7w { padding-left: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-14v, .fr-pr-7w, .fr-px-14v, .fr-px-7w { padding-right: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-14v, .fr-pt-7w, .fr-py-14v, .fr-py-7w { padding-top: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-14v, .fr-pb-7w, .fr-py-14v, .fr-py-7w { padding-bottom: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-p-15v { padding: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-15v, .fr-px-15v { padding-left: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-15v, .fr-px-15v { padding-right: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-15v, .fr-py-15v { padding-top: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-15v, .fr-py-15v { padding-bottom: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-p-16v, .fr-p-8w { padding: 4rem !important; } .fr-pl-16v, .fr-pl-8w, .fr-px-16v, .fr-px-8w { padding-left: 4rem !important; } .fr-pr-16v, .fr-pr-8w, .fr-px-16v, .fr-px-8w { padding-right: 4rem !important; } .fr-pt-16v, .fr-pt-8w, .fr-py-16v, .fr-py-8w { padding-top: 4rem !important; } .fr-pb-16v, .fr-pb-8w, .fr-py-16v, .fr-py-8w { padding-bottom: 4rem !important; } .fr-p-17v { padding: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-17v, .fr-px-17v { padding-left: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-17v, .fr-px-17v { padding-right: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-17v, .fr-py-17v { padding-top: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-17v, .fr-py-17v { padding-bottom: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-p-18v, .fr-p-9w { padding: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-18v, .fr-pl-9w, .fr-px-18v, .fr-px-9w { padding-left: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-18v, .fr-pr-9w, .fr-px-18v, .fr-px-9w { padding-right: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-18v, .fr-pt-9w, .fr-py-18v, .fr-py-9w { padding-top: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-18v, .fr-pb-9w, .fr-py-18v, .fr-py-9w { padding-bottom: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-p-19v { padding: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-19v, .fr-px-19v { padding-left: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-19v, .fr-px-19v { padding-right: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-19v, .fr-py-19v { padding-top: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-19v, .fr-py-19v { padding-bottom: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-p-20v, .fr-p-10w { padding: 5rem !important; } .fr-pl-20v, .fr-pl-10w, .fr-px-20v, .fr-px-10w { padding-left: 5rem !important; } .fr-pr-20v, .fr-pr-10w, .fr-px-20v, .fr-px-10w { padding-right: 5rem !important; } .fr-pt-20v, .fr-pt-10w, .fr-py-20v, .fr-py-10w { padding-top: 5rem !important; } .fr-pb-20v, .fr-pb-10w, .fr-py-20v, .fr-py-10w { padding-bottom: 5rem !important; } .fr-p-21v { padding: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-21v, .fr-px-21v { padding-left: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-21v, .fr-px-21v { padding-right: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-21v, .fr-py-21v { padding-top: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-21v, .fr-py-21v { padding-bottom: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-p-22v, .fr-p-11w { padding: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-22v, .fr-pl-11w, .fr-px-22v, .fr-px-11w { padding-left: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-22v, .fr-pr-11w, .fr-px-22v, .fr-px-11w { padding-right: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-22v, .fr-pt-11w, .fr-py-22v, .fr-py-11w { padding-top: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-22v, .fr-pb-11w, .fr-py-22v, .fr-py-11w { padding-bottom: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-p-23v { padding: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-23v, .fr-px-23v { padding-left: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-23v, .fr-px-23v { padding-right: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-23v, .fr-py-23v { padding-top: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-23v, .fr-py-23v { padding-bottom: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-p-24v, .fr-p-12w { padding: 6rem !important; } .fr-pl-24v, .fr-pl-12w, .fr-px-24v, .fr-px-12w { padding-left: 6rem !important; } .fr-pr-24v, .fr-pr-12w, .fr-px-24v, .fr-px-12w { padding-right: 6rem !important; } .fr-pt-24v, .fr-pt-12w, .fr-py-24v, .fr-py-12w { padding-top: 6rem !important; } .fr-pb-24v, .fr-pb-12w, .fr-py-24v, .fr-py-12w { padding-bottom: 6rem !important; } .fr-p-25v { padding: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-25v, .fr-px-25v { padding-left: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-25v, .fr-px-25v { padding-right: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-25v, .fr-py-25v { padding-top: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-25v, .fr-py-25v { padding-bottom: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-p-26v, .fr-p-13w { padding: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-26v, .fr-pl-13w, .fr-px-26v, .fr-px-13w { padding-left: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-26v, .fr-pr-13w, .fr-px-26v, .fr-px-13w { padding-right: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-26v, .fr-pt-13w, .fr-py-26v, .fr-py-13w { padding-top: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-26v, .fr-pb-13w, .fr-py-26v, .fr-py-13w { padding-bottom: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-p-27v { padding: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-27v, .fr-px-27v { padding-left: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-27v, .fr-px-27v { padding-right: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-27v, .fr-py-27v { padding-top: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-27v, .fr-py-27v { padding-bottom: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-p-28v, .fr-p-14w { padding: 7rem !important; } .fr-pl-28v, .fr-pl-14w, .fr-px-28v, .fr-px-14w { padding-left: 7rem !important; } .fr-pr-28v, .fr-pr-14w, .fr-px-28v, .fr-px-14w { padding-right: 7rem !important; } .fr-pt-28v, .fr-pt-14w, .fr-py-28v, .fr-py-14w { padding-top: 7rem !important; } .fr-pb-28v, .fr-pb-14w, .fr-py-28v, .fr-py-14w { padding-bottom: 7rem !important; } .fr-p-29v { padding: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-29v, .fr-px-29v { padding-left: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-29v, .fr-px-29v { padding-right: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-29v, .fr-py-29v { padding-top: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-29v, .fr-py-29v { padding-bottom: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-p-30v, .fr-p-15w { padding: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-30v, .fr-pl-15w, .fr-px-30v, .fr-px-15w { padding-left: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-30v, .fr-pr-15w, .fr-px-30v, .fr-px-15w { padding-right: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-30v, .fr-pt-15w, .fr-py-30v, .fr-py-15w { padding-top: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-30v, .fr-pb-15w, .fr-py-30v, .fr-py-15w { padding-bottom: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-p-31v { padding: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-31v, .fr-px-31v { padding-left: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-31v, .fr-px-31v { padding-right: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-31v, .fr-py-31v { padding-top: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-31v, .fr-py-31v { padding-bottom: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-p-32v, .fr-p-16w { padding: 8rem !important; } .fr-pl-32v, .fr-pl-16w, .fr-px-32v, .fr-px-16w { padding-left: 8rem !important; } .fr-pr-32v, .fr-pr-16w, .fr-px-32v, .fr-px-16w { padding-right: 8rem !important; } .fr-pt-32v, .fr-pt-16w, .fr-py-32v, .fr-py-16w { padding-top: 8rem !important; } .fr-pb-32v, .fr-pb-16w, .fr-py-32v, .fr-py-16w { padding-bottom: 8rem !important; } .fr-p-first-0 { padding: 0rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-0, .fr-px-first-0 { padding-left: 0rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-0, .fr-px-first-0 { padding-right: 0rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-0, .fr-py-first-0 { padding-top: 0rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-0, .fr-py-first-0 { padding-bottom: 0rem !important; } .fr-p-first-n0-5v { padding: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-n0-5v, .fr-px-first-n0-5v { padding-left: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-n0-5v, .fr-px-first-n0-5v { padding-right: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-n0-5v, .fr-py-first-n0-5v { padding-top: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-n0-5v, .fr-py-first-n0-5v { padding-bottom: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-p-first-0-5v { padding: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-0-5v, .fr-px-first-0-5v { padding-left: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-0-5v, .fr-px-first-0-5v { padding-right: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-0-5v, .fr-py-first-0-5v { padding-top: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-0-5v, .fr-py-first-0-5v { padding-bottom: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-p-first-1v { padding: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-1v, .fr-px-first-1v { padding-left: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-1v, .fr-px-first-1v { padding-right: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-1v, .fr-py-first-1v { padding-top: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-1v, .fr-py-first-1v { padding-bottom: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-1-5v { padding: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-1-5v, .fr-px-first-1-5v { padding-left: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-1-5v, .fr-px-first-1-5v { padding-right: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-1-5v, .fr-py-first-1-5v { padding-top: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-1-5v, .fr-py-first-1-5v { padding-bottom: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-p-first-2v, .fr-p-first-1w { padding: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-2v, .fr-pl-first-1w, .fr-px-first-2v, .fr-px-first-1w { padding-left: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-2v, .fr-pr-first-1w, .fr-px-first-2v, .fr-px-first-1w { padding-right: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-2v, .fr-pt-first-1w, .fr-py-first-2v, .fr-py-first-1w { padding-top: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-2v, .fr-pb-first-1w, .fr-py-first-2v, .fr-py-first-1w { padding-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-3v { padding: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-3v, .fr-px-first-3v { padding-left: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-3v, .fr-px-first-3v { padding-right: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-3v, .fr-py-first-3v { padding-top: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-3v, .fr-py-first-3v { padding-bottom: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-p-first-4v, .fr-p-first-2w { padding: 1rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-4v, .fr-pl-first-2w, .fr-px-first-4v, .fr-px-first-2w { padding-left: 1rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-4v, .fr-pr-first-2w, .fr-px-first-4v, .fr-px-first-2w { padding-right: 1rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-4v, .fr-pt-first-2w, .fr-py-first-4v, .fr-py-first-2w { padding-top: 1rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-4v, .fr-pb-first-2w, .fr-py-first-4v, .fr-py-first-2w { padding-bottom: 1rem !important; } .fr-p-first-5v { padding: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-5v, .fr-px-first-5v { padding-left: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-5v, .fr-px-first-5v { padding-right: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-5v, .fr-py-first-5v { padding-top: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-5v, .fr-py-first-5v { padding-bottom: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-6v, .fr-p-first-3w { padding: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-6v, .fr-pl-first-3w, .fr-px-first-6v, .fr-px-first-3w { padding-left: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-6v, .fr-pr-first-3w, .fr-px-first-6v, .fr-px-first-3w { padding-right: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-6v, .fr-pt-first-3w, .fr-py-first-6v, .fr-py-first-3w { padding-top: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-6v, .fr-pb-first-3w, .fr-py-first-6v, .fr-py-first-3w { padding-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-7v { padding: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-7v, .fr-px-first-7v { padding-left: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-7v, .fr-px-first-7v { padding-right: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-7v, .fr-py-first-7v { padding-top: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-7v, .fr-py-first-7v { padding-bottom: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-p-first-8v, .fr-p-first-4w { padding: 2rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-8v, .fr-pl-first-4w, .fr-px-first-8v, .fr-px-first-4w { padding-left: 2rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-8v, .fr-pr-first-4w, .fr-px-first-8v, .fr-px-first-4w { padding-right: 2rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-8v, .fr-pt-first-4w, .fr-py-first-8v, .fr-py-first-4w { padding-top: 2rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-8v, .fr-pb-first-4w, .fr-py-first-8v, .fr-py-first-4w { padding-bottom: 2rem !important; } .fr-p-first-9v { padding: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-9v, .fr-px-first-9v { padding-left: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-9v, .fr-px-first-9v { padding-right: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-9v, .fr-py-first-9v { padding-top: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-9v, .fr-py-first-9v { padding-bottom: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-10v, .fr-p-first-5w { padding: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-10v, .fr-pl-first-5w, .fr-px-first-10v, .fr-px-first-5w { padding-left: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-10v, .fr-pr-first-5w, .fr-px-first-10v, .fr-px-first-5w { padding-right: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-10v, .fr-pt-first-5w, .fr-py-first-10v, .fr-py-first-5w { padding-top: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-10v, .fr-pb-first-5w, .fr-py-first-10v, .fr-py-first-5w { padding-bottom: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-11v { padding: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-11v, .fr-px-first-11v { padding-left: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-11v, .fr-px-first-11v { padding-right: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-11v, .fr-py-first-11v { padding-top: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-11v, .fr-py-first-11v { padding-bottom: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-p-first-12v, .fr-p-first-6w { padding: 3rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-12v, .fr-pl-first-6w, .fr-px-first-12v, .fr-px-first-6w { padding-left: 3rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-12v, .fr-pr-first-6w, .fr-px-first-12v, .fr-px-first-6w { padding-right: 3rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-12v, .fr-pt-first-6w, .fr-py-first-12v, .fr-py-first-6w { padding-top: 3rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-12v, .fr-pb-first-6w, .fr-py-first-12v, .fr-py-first-6w { padding-bottom: 3rem !important; } .fr-p-first-13v { padding: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-13v, .fr-px-first-13v { padding-left: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-13v, .fr-px-first-13v { padding-right: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-13v, .fr-py-first-13v { padding-top: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-13v, .fr-py-first-13v { padding-bottom: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-14v, .fr-p-first-7w { padding: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-14v, .fr-pl-first-7w, .fr-px-first-14v, .fr-px-first-7w { padding-left: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-14v, .fr-pr-first-7w, .fr-px-first-14v, .fr-px-first-7w { padding-right: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-14v, .fr-pt-first-7w, .fr-py-first-14v, .fr-py-first-7w { padding-top: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-14v, .fr-pb-first-7w, .fr-py-first-14v, .fr-py-first-7w { padding-bottom: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-15v { padding: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-15v, .fr-px-first-15v { padding-left: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-15v, .fr-px-first-15v { padding-right: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-15v, .fr-py-first-15v { padding-top: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-15v, .fr-py-first-15v { padding-bottom: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-p-first-16v, .fr-p-first-8w { padding: 4rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-16v, .fr-pl-first-8w, .fr-px-first-16v, .fr-px-first-8w { padding-left: 4rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-16v, .fr-pr-first-8w, .fr-px-first-16v, .fr-px-first-8w { padding-right: 4rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-16v, .fr-pt-first-8w, .fr-py-first-16v, .fr-py-first-8w { padding-top: 4rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-16v, .fr-pb-first-8w, .fr-py-first-16v, .fr-py-first-8w { padding-bottom: 4rem !important; } .fr-p-first-17v { padding: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-17v, .fr-px-first-17v { padding-left: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-17v, .fr-px-first-17v { padding-right: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-17v, .fr-py-first-17v { padding-top: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-17v, .fr-py-first-17v { padding-bottom: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-18v, .fr-p-first-9w { padding: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-18v, .fr-pl-first-9w, .fr-px-first-18v, .fr-px-first-9w { padding-left: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-18v, .fr-pr-first-9w, .fr-px-first-18v, .fr-px-first-9w { padding-right: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-18v, .fr-pt-first-9w, .fr-py-first-18v, .fr-py-first-9w { padding-top: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-18v, .fr-pb-first-9w, .fr-py-first-18v, .fr-py-first-9w { padding-bottom: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-19v { padding: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-19v, .fr-px-first-19v { padding-left: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-19v, .fr-px-first-19v { padding-right: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-19v, .fr-py-first-19v { padding-top: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-19v, .fr-py-first-19v { padding-bottom: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-p-first-20v, .fr-p-first-10w { padding: 5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-20v, .fr-pl-first-10w, .fr-px-first-20v, .fr-px-first-10w { padding-left: 5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-20v, .fr-pr-first-10w, .fr-px-first-20v, .fr-px-first-10w { padding-right: 5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-20v, .fr-pt-first-10w, .fr-py-first-20v, .fr-py-first-10w { padding-top: 5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-20v, .fr-pb-first-10w, .fr-py-first-20v, .fr-py-first-10w { padding-bottom: 5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-21v { padding: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-21v, .fr-px-first-21v { padding-left: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-21v, .fr-px-first-21v { padding-right: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-21v, .fr-py-first-21v { padding-top: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-21v, .fr-py-first-21v { padding-bottom: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-22v, .fr-p-first-11w { padding: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-22v, .fr-pl-first-11w, .fr-px-first-22v, .fr-px-first-11w { padding-left: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-22v, .fr-pr-first-11w, .fr-px-first-22v, .fr-px-first-11w { padding-right: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-22v, .fr-pt-first-11w, .fr-py-first-22v, .fr-py-first-11w { padding-top: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-22v, .fr-pb-first-11w, .fr-py-first-22v, .fr-py-first-11w { padding-bottom: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-23v { padding: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-23v, .fr-px-first-23v { padding-left: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-23v, .fr-px-first-23v { padding-right: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-23v, .fr-py-first-23v { padding-top: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-23v, .fr-py-first-23v { padding-bottom: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-p-first-24v, .fr-p-first-12w { padding: 6rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-24v, .fr-pl-first-12w, .fr-px-first-24v, .fr-px-first-12w { padding-left: 6rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-24v, .fr-pr-first-12w, .fr-px-first-24v, .fr-px-first-12w { padding-right: 6rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-24v, .fr-pt-first-12w, .fr-py-first-24v, .fr-py-first-12w { padding-top: 6rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-24v, .fr-pb-first-12w, .fr-py-first-24v, .fr-py-first-12w { padding-bottom: 6rem !important; } .fr-p-first-25v { padding: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-25v, .fr-px-first-25v { padding-left: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-25v, .fr-px-first-25v { padding-right: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-25v, .fr-py-first-25v { padding-top: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-25v, .fr-py-first-25v { padding-bottom: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-p-first-26v, .fr-p-first-13w { padding: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-26v, .fr-pl-first-13w, .fr-px-first-26v, .fr-px-first-13w { padding-left: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-26v, .fr-pr-first-13w, .fr-px-first-26v, .fr-px-first-13w { padding-right: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-first-26v, .fr-pt-first-13w, .fr-py-first-26v, .fr-py-first-13w { padding-top: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-first-26v, .fr-pb-first-13w, .fr-py-first-26v, .fr-py-first-13w { padding-bottom: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-p-first-27v { padding: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-first-27v, .fr-px-first-27v { padding-left: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-first-27v, .fr-px-first-27v { padding-right: 6.75rem !important; 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min-height: 2rem; padding: 0.25rem 0.75rem; flex-direction: row; overflow: initial; max-width: 100%; max-height: none; font-weight: 500; } .fr-header .fr-btns-group:not(.fr-btns-group--sm):not(.fr-btns-group--lg):not([class^="fr-btns-group--icon-"]):not([class*=" fr-btns-group--icon-"]) { --icon-size: 1rem; margin-left: -0.16667rem; margin-right: 0.5rem; } .fr-header__tools-links { display: none; } .fr-header__tools-links .fr-btns-group { width: calc(100% + 1rem); justify-content: flex-end; } .fr-header__tools-links .fr-btns-group .fr-btn { width: auto; margin-right: 1rem; max-width: 100%; } .fr-header__tools-links .fr-btns-group > li { display: inline-flex; max-width: 100%; width: auto; } .fr-header__tools-links .fr-btns-group > li::before { content: none; } .fr-header__tools-links .fr-btns-group > *:not(:last-child) > .fr-btn::after, .fr-header__tools-links .fr-btns-group > .fr-btn:not(:last-child)::after { content: ""; display: block; position: relative; right: -1rem; width: 1px; 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} .fr-col-offset-sm-12:not(.fr-col-offset-1--right) { margin-left: calc(1200% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-sm-12--right { margin-right: calc(1200% / 12); } .fr-footer__content-list > li { margin-right: 1.5rem; } .fr-footer__partners-title { text-align: left; } .fr-footer__partners-logos { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: flex-start; justify-content: flex-start; margin-right: -0.5rem; } .fr-footer__partners-logos::before { content: ""; display: block; order: 2; flex: 1; } .fr-footer__partners-main { margin-bottom: 1rem; order: 1; } .fr-footer__partners-main + .fr-footer__partners-sub > ul > li { margin: 0 0.5rem 0 0.5rem; } .fr-footer__partners-sub, .fr-footer__partners-sub > ul { flex-direction: row; align-items: flex-start; } .fr-footer__partners-sub { order: 3; } .fr-follow__newsletter .fr-input-wrap { flex-direction: row; } .fr-follow__newsletter .fr-input-wrap .fr-btn { border-radius: 0 0.25rem 0 0; } .fr-follow__newsletter .fr-input-wrap .fr-input { margin-bottom: 0; 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calc(800% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-8:not(.fr-col-offset-1--right) { margin-left: calc(800% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-8--right { margin-right: calc(800% / 12); } .fr-col-md-9 { flex: 0 0 calc(900% / 12); width: calc(900% / 12); max-width: calc(900% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-9:not(.fr-col-offset-1--right) { margin-left: calc(900% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-9--right { margin-right: calc(900% / 12); } .fr-col-md-10 { flex: 0 0 calc(1000% / 12); width: calc(1000% / 12); max-width: calc(1000% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-10:not(.fr-col-offset-1--right) { margin-left: calc(1000% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-10--right { margin-right: calc(1000% / 12); } .fr-col-md-11 { flex: 0 0 calc(1100% / 12); width: calc(1100% / 12); max-width: calc(1100% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-11:not(.fr-col-offset-1--right) { margin-left: calc(1100% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-11--right { margin-right: calc(1100% / 12); } .fr-col-md-12 { flex: 0 0 calc(1200% / 12); width: calc(1200% / 12); max-width: calc(1200% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-12:not(.fr-col-offset-1--right) { margin-left: calc(1200% / 12); } .fr-col-offset-md-12--right { margin-right: calc(1200% / 12); } .fr-m-md-n8v, .fr-m-md-n4w { margin: -2rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n8v, .fr-ml-md-n4w, .fr-mx-md-n8v, .fr-mx-md-n4w { margin-left: -2rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n8v, .fr-mr-md-n4w, .fr-mx-md-n8v, .fr-mx-md-n4w { margin-right: -2rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n8v, .fr-mt-md-n4w, .fr-my-md-n8v, .fr-my-md-n4w { margin-top: -2rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n8v, .fr-mb-md-n4w, .fr-my-md-n8v, .fr-my-md-n4w { margin-bottom: -2rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n7v { margin: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n7v, .fr-mx-md-n7v { margin-left: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n7v, .fr-mx-md-n7v { margin-right: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n7v, .fr-my-md-n7v { margin-top: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n7v, .fr-my-md-n7v { margin-bottom: -1.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n6v, .fr-m-md-n3w { margin: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n6v, .fr-ml-md-n3w, .fr-mx-md-n6v, .fr-mx-md-n3w { margin-left: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n6v, .fr-mr-md-n3w, .fr-mx-md-n6v, .fr-mx-md-n3w { margin-right: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n6v, .fr-mt-md-n3w, .fr-my-md-n6v, .fr-my-md-n3w { margin-top: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n6v, .fr-mb-md-n3w, .fr-my-md-n6v, .fr-my-md-n3w { margin-bottom: -1.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n5v { margin: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n5v, .fr-mx-md-n5v { margin-left: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n5v, .fr-mx-md-n5v { margin-right: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n5v, .fr-my-md-n5v { margin-top: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n5v, .fr-my-md-n5v { margin-bottom: -1.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n4v, .fr-m-md-n2w { margin: -1rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n4v, .fr-ml-md-n2w, .fr-mx-md-n4v, .fr-mx-md-n2w { margin-left: -1rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n4v, .fr-mr-md-n2w, .fr-mx-md-n4v, .fr-mx-md-n2w { margin-right: -1rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n4v, .fr-mt-md-n2w, .fr-my-md-n4v, .fr-my-md-n2w { margin-top: -1rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n4v, .fr-mb-md-n2w, .fr-my-md-n4v, .fr-my-md-n2w { margin-bottom: -1rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n3v { margin: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n3v, .fr-mx-md-n3v { margin-left: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n3v, .fr-mx-md-n3v { margin-right: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n3v, .fr-my-md-n3v { margin-top: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n3v, .fr-my-md-n3v { margin-bottom: -0.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n2v, .fr-m-md-n1w { margin: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n2v, .fr-ml-md-n1w, .fr-mx-md-n2v, .fr-mx-md-n1w { margin-left: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n2v, .fr-mr-md-n1w, .fr-mx-md-n2v, .fr-mx-md-n1w { margin-right: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n2v, .fr-mt-md-n1w, .fr-my-md-n2v, .fr-my-md-n1w { margin-top: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n2v, .fr-mb-md-n1w, .fr-my-md-n2v, .fr-my-md-n1w { margin-bottom: -0.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n1v { margin: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n1v, .fr-mx-md-n1v { margin-left: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n1v, .fr-mx-md-n1v { margin-right: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n1v, .fr-my-md-n1v { margin-top: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n1v, .fr-my-md-n1v { margin-bottom: -0.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n1-5v { margin: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n1-5v, .fr-mx-md-n1-5v { margin-left: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n1-5v, .fr-mx-md-n1-5v { margin-right: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n1-5v, .fr-my-md-n1-5v { margin-top: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n1-5v, .fr-my-md-n1-5v { margin-bottom: -0.375rem !important; } .fr-m-md-0 { margin: 0rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-0, .fr-mx-md-0 { margin-left: 0rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-0, .fr-mx-md-0 { margin-right: 0rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-0, .fr-my-md-0 { margin-top: 0rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-0, .fr-my-md-0 { margin-bottom: 0rem !important; } .fr-m-md-n0-5v { margin: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-n0-5v, .fr-mx-md-n0-5v { margin-left: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-n0-5v, .fr-mx-md-n0-5v { margin-right: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-n0-5v, .fr-my-md-n0-5v { margin-top: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-n0-5v, .fr-my-md-n0-5v { margin-bottom: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-m-md-0-5v { margin: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-0-5v, .fr-mx-md-0-5v { margin-left: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-0-5v, .fr-mx-md-0-5v { margin-right: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-0-5v, .fr-my-md-0-5v { margin-top: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-0-5v, .fr-my-md-0-5v { margin-bottom: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-m-md-1v { margin: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-1v, .fr-mx-md-1v { margin-left: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-1v, .fr-mx-md-1v { margin-right: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-1v, .fr-my-md-1v { margin-top: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-1v, .fr-my-md-1v { margin-bottom: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-1-5v { margin: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-1-5v, .fr-mx-md-1-5v { margin-left: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-1-5v, .fr-mx-md-1-5v { margin-right: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-1-5v, .fr-my-md-1-5v { margin-top: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-1-5v, .fr-my-md-1-5v { margin-bottom: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-m-md-2v, .fr-m-md-1w { margin: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-2v, .fr-ml-md-1w, .fr-mx-md-2v, .fr-mx-md-1w { margin-left: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-2v, .fr-mr-md-1w, .fr-mx-md-2v, .fr-mx-md-1w { margin-right: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-2v, .fr-mt-md-1w, .fr-my-md-2v, .fr-my-md-1w { margin-top: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-2v, .fr-mb-md-1w, .fr-my-md-2v, .fr-my-md-1w { margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-3v { margin: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-3v, .fr-mx-md-3v { margin-left: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-3v, .fr-mx-md-3v { margin-right: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-3v, .fr-my-md-3v { margin-top: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-3v, .fr-my-md-3v { margin-bottom: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-4v, .fr-m-md-2w { margin: 1rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-4v, .fr-ml-md-2w, .fr-mx-md-4v, .fr-mx-md-2w { margin-left: 1rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-4v, .fr-mr-md-2w, .fr-mx-md-4v, .fr-mx-md-2w { margin-right: 1rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-4v, .fr-mt-md-2w, .fr-my-md-4v, .fr-my-md-2w { margin-top: 1rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-4v, .fr-mb-md-2w, .fr-my-md-4v, .fr-my-md-2w { margin-bottom: 1rem !important; } .fr-m-md-5v { margin: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-5v, .fr-mx-md-5v { margin-left: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-5v, .fr-mx-md-5v { margin-right: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-5v, .fr-my-md-5v { margin-top: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-5v, .fr-my-md-5v { margin-bottom: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-6v, .fr-m-md-3w { margin: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-6v, .fr-ml-md-3w, .fr-mx-md-6v, .fr-mx-md-3w { margin-left: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-6v, .fr-mr-md-3w, .fr-mx-md-6v, .fr-mx-md-3w { margin-right: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-6v, .fr-mt-md-3w, .fr-my-md-6v, .fr-my-md-3w { margin-top: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-6v, .fr-mb-md-3w, .fr-my-md-6v, .fr-my-md-3w { margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-7v { margin: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-7v, .fr-mx-md-7v { margin-left: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-7v, .fr-mx-md-7v { margin-right: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-7v, .fr-my-md-7v { margin-top: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-7v, .fr-my-md-7v { margin-bottom: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-8v, .fr-m-md-4w { margin: 2rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-8v, .fr-ml-md-4w, .fr-mx-md-8v, .fr-mx-md-4w { margin-left: 2rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-8v, .fr-mr-md-4w, .fr-mx-md-8v, .fr-mx-md-4w { margin-right: 2rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-8v, .fr-mt-md-4w, .fr-my-md-8v, .fr-my-md-4w { margin-top: 2rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-8v, .fr-mb-md-4w, .fr-my-md-8v, .fr-my-md-4w { margin-bottom: 2rem !important; } .fr-m-md-9v { margin: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-9v, .fr-mx-md-9v { margin-left: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-9v, .fr-mx-md-9v { margin-right: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-9v, .fr-my-md-9v { margin-top: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-9v, .fr-my-md-9v { margin-bottom: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-10v, .fr-m-md-5w { margin: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-10v, .fr-ml-md-5w, .fr-mx-md-10v, .fr-mx-md-5w { margin-left: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-10v, .fr-mr-md-5w, .fr-mx-md-10v, .fr-mx-md-5w { margin-right: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-10v, .fr-mt-md-5w, .fr-my-md-10v, .fr-my-md-5w { margin-top: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-10v, .fr-mb-md-5w, .fr-my-md-10v, .fr-my-md-5w { margin-bottom: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-11v { margin: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-11v, .fr-mx-md-11v { margin-left: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-11v, .fr-mx-md-11v { margin-right: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-11v, .fr-my-md-11v { margin-top: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-11v, .fr-my-md-11v { margin-bottom: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-12v, .fr-m-md-6w { margin: 3rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-12v, .fr-ml-md-6w, .fr-mx-md-12v, .fr-mx-md-6w { margin-left: 3rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-12v, .fr-mr-md-6w, .fr-mx-md-12v, .fr-mx-md-6w { margin-right: 3rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-12v, .fr-mt-md-6w, .fr-my-md-12v, .fr-my-md-6w { margin-top: 3rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-12v, .fr-mb-md-6w, .fr-my-md-12v, .fr-my-md-6w { margin-bottom: 3rem !important; } .fr-m-md-13v { margin: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-13v, .fr-mx-md-13v { margin-left: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-13v, .fr-mx-md-13v { margin-right: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-13v, .fr-my-md-13v { margin-top: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-13v, .fr-my-md-13v { margin-bottom: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-14v, .fr-m-md-7w { margin: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-14v, .fr-ml-md-7w, .fr-mx-md-14v, .fr-mx-md-7w { margin-left: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-14v, .fr-mr-md-7w, .fr-mx-md-14v, .fr-mx-md-7w { margin-right: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-14v, .fr-mt-md-7w, .fr-my-md-14v, .fr-my-md-7w { margin-top: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-14v, .fr-mb-md-7w, .fr-my-md-14v, .fr-my-md-7w { margin-bottom: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-15v { margin: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-15v, .fr-mx-md-15v { margin-left: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-15v, .fr-mx-md-15v { margin-right: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-15v, .fr-my-md-15v { margin-top: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-15v, .fr-my-md-15v { margin-bottom: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-16v, .fr-m-md-8w { margin: 4rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-16v, .fr-ml-md-8w, .fr-mx-md-16v, .fr-mx-md-8w { margin-left: 4rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-16v, .fr-mr-md-8w, .fr-mx-md-16v, .fr-mx-md-8w { margin-right: 4rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-16v, .fr-mt-md-8w, .fr-my-md-16v, .fr-my-md-8w { margin-top: 4rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-16v, .fr-mb-md-8w, .fr-my-md-16v, .fr-my-md-8w { margin-bottom: 4rem !important; } .fr-m-md-17v { margin: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-17v, .fr-mx-md-17v { margin-left: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-17v, .fr-mx-md-17v { margin-right: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-17v, .fr-my-md-17v { margin-top: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-17v, .fr-my-md-17v { margin-bottom: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-18v, .fr-m-md-9w { margin: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-18v, .fr-ml-md-9w, .fr-mx-md-18v, .fr-mx-md-9w { margin-left: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-18v, .fr-mr-md-9w, .fr-mx-md-18v, .fr-mx-md-9w { margin-right: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-18v, .fr-mt-md-9w, .fr-my-md-18v, .fr-my-md-9w { margin-top: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-18v, .fr-mb-md-9w, .fr-my-md-18v, .fr-my-md-9w { margin-bottom: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-19v { margin: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-19v, .fr-mx-md-19v { margin-left: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-19v, .fr-mx-md-19v { margin-right: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-19v, .fr-my-md-19v { margin-top: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-19v, .fr-my-md-19v { margin-bottom: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-20v, .fr-m-md-10w { margin: 5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-20v, .fr-ml-md-10w, .fr-mx-md-20v, .fr-mx-md-10w { margin-left: 5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-20v, .fr-mr-md-10w, .fr-mx-md-20v, .fr-mx-md-10w { margin-right: 5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-20v, .fr-mt-md-10w, .fr-my-md-20v, .fr-my-md-10w { margin-top: 5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-20v, .fr-mb-md-10w, .fr-my-md-20v, .fr-my-md-10w { margin-bottom: 5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-21v { margin: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-21v, .fr-mx-md-21v { margin-left: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-21v, .fr-mx-md-21v { margin-right: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-21v, .fr-my-md-21v { margin-top: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-21v, .fr-my-md-21v { margin-bottom: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-22v, .fr-m-md-11w { margin: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-22v, .fr-ml-md-11w, .fr-mx-md-22v, .fr-mx-md-11w { margin-left: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-22v, .fr-mr-md-11w, .fr-mx-md-22v, .fr-mx-md-11w { margin-right: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-22v, .fr-mt-md-11w, .fr-my-md-22v, .fr-my-md-11w { margin-top: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-22v, .fr-mb-md-11w, .fr-my-md-22v, .fr-my-md-11w { margin-bottom: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-23v { margin: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-23v, .fr-mx-md-23v { margin-left: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-23v, .fr-mx-md-23v { margin-right: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-23v, .fr-my-md-23v { margin-top: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-23v, .fr-my-md-23v { margin-bottom: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-24v, .fr-m-md-12w { margin: 6rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-24v, .fr-ml-md-12w, .fr-mx-md-24v, .fr-mx-md-12w { margin-left: 6rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-24v, .fr-mr-md-12w, .fr-mx-md-24v, .fr-mx-md-12w { margin-right: 6rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-24v, .fr-mt-md-12w, .fr-my-md-24v, .fr-my-md-12w { margin-top: 6rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-24v, .fr-mb-md-12w, .fr-my-md-24v, .fr-my-md-12w { margin-bottom: 6rem !important; } .fr-m-md-25v { margin: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-25v, .fr-mx-md-25v { margin-left: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-25v, .fr-mx-md-25v { margin-right: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-25v, .fr-my-md-25v { margin-top: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-25v, .fr-my-md-25v { margin-bottom: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-26v, .fr-m-md-13w { margin: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-26v, .fr-ml-md-13w, .fr-mx-md-26v, .fr-mx-md-13w { margin-left: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-26v, .fr-mr-md-13w, .fr-mx-md-26v, .fr-mx-md-13w { margin-right: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-26v, .fr-mt-md-13w, .fr-my-md-26v, .fr-my-md-13w { margin-top: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-26v, .fr-mb-md-13w, .fr-my-md-26v, .fr-my-md-13w { margin-bottom: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-27v { margin: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-27v, .fr-mx-md-27v { margin-left: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-27v, .fr-mx-md-27v { margin-right: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-27v, .fr-my-md-27v { margin-top: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-27v, .fr-my-md-27v { margin-bottom: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-28v, .fr-m-md-14w { margin: 7rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-28v, .fr-ml-md-14w, .fr-mx-md-28v, .fr-mx-md-14w { margin-left: 7rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-28v, .fr-mr-md-14w, .fr-mx-md-28v, .fr-mx-md-14w { margin-right: 7rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-28v, .fr-mt-md-14w, .fr-my-md-28v, .fr-my-md-14w { margin-top: 7rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-28v, .fr-mb-md-14w, .fr-my-md-28v, .fr-my-md-14w { margin-bottom: 7rem !important; } .fr-m-md-29v { margin: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-29v, .fr-mx-md-29v { margin-left: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-29v, .fr-mx-md-29v { margin-right: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-29v, .fr-my-md-29v { margin-top: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-29v, .fr-my-md-29v { margin-bottom: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-m-md-30v, .fr-m-md-15w { margin: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-30v, .fr-ml-md-15w, .fr-mx-md-30v, .fr-mx-md-15w { margin-left: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-30v, .fr-mr-md-15w, .fr-mx-md-30v, .fr-mx-md-15w { margin-right: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-30v, .fr-mt-md-15w, .fr-my-md-30v, .fr-my-md-15w { margin-top: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-30v, .fr-mb-md-15w, .fr-my-md-30v, .fr-my-md-15w { margin-bottom: 7.5rem !important; } .fr-m-md-31v { margin: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-31v, .fr-mx-md-31v { margin-left: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-31v, .fr-mx-md-31v { margin-right: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-31v, .fr-my-md-31v { margin-top: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-31v, .fr-my-md-31v { margin-bottom: 7.75rem !important; } .fr-m-md-32v, .fr-m-md-16w { margin: 8rem !important; } .fr-ml-md-32v, .fr-ml-md-16w, .fr-mx-md-32v, .fr-mx-md-16w { margin-left: 8rem !important; } .fr-mr-md-32v, .fr-mr-md-16w, .fr-mx-md-32v, .fr-mx-md-16w { margin-right: 8rem !important; } .fr-mt-md-32v, .fr-mt-md-16w, .fr-my-md-32v, .fr-my-md-16w { margin-top: 8rem !important; } .fr-mb-md-32v, .fr-mb-md-16w, .fr-my-md-32v, .fr-my-md-16w { margin-bottom: 8rem !important; } .fr-m-md-auto { margin: auto; } .fr-ml-md-auto, .fr-mx-md-auto { margin-left: auto; } .fr-mr-md-auto, .fr-mx-md-auto { margin-right: auto; } .fr-mt-md-auto, .fr-my-md-auto { margin-top: auto; } .fr-mb-md-auto, .fr-my-md-auto { margin-bottom: auto; } .fr-p-md-0 { padding: 0rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-0, .fr-px-md-0 { padding-left: 0rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-0, .fr-px-md-0 { padding-right: 0rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-0, .fr-py-md-0 { padding-top: 0rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-0, .fr-py-md-0 { padding-bottom: 0rem !important; } .fr-p-md-n0-5v { padding: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-n0-5v, .fr-px-md-n0-5v { padding-left: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-n0-5v, .fr-px-md-n0-5v { padding-right: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-n0-5v, .fr-py-md-n0-5v { padding-top: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-n0-5v, .fr-py-md-n0-5v { padding-bottom: -0.125rem !important; } .fr-p-md-0-5v { padding: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-0-5v, .fr-px-md-0-5v { padding-left: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-0-5v, .fr-px-md-0-5v { padding-right: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-0-5v, .fr-py-md-0-5v { padding-top: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-0-5v, .fr-py-md-0-5v { padding-bottom: 0.125rem !important; } .fr-p-md-1v { padding: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-1v, .fr-px-md-1v { padding-left: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-1v, .fr-px-md-1v { padding-right: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-1v, .fr-py-md-1v { padding-top: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-1v, .fr-py-md-1v { padding-bottom: 0.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-1-5v { padding: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-1-5v, .fr-px-md-1-5v { padding-left: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-1-5v, .fr-px-md-1-5v { padding-right: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-1-5v, .fr-py-md-1-5v { padding-top: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-1-5v, .fr-py-md-1-5v { padding-bottom: 0.375rem !important; } .fr-p-md-2v, .fr-p-md-1w { padding: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-2v, .fr-pl-md-1w, .fr-px-md-2v, .fr-px-md-1w { padding-left: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-2v, .fr-pr-md-1w, .fr-px-md-2v, .fr-px-md-1w { padding-right: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-2v, .fr-pt-md-1w, .fr-py-md-2v, .fr-py-md-1w { padding-top: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-2v, .fr-pb-md-1w, .fr-py-md-2v, .fr-py-md-1w { padding-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-3v { padding: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-3v, .fr-px-md-3v { padding-left: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-3v, .fr-px-md-3v { padding-right: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-3v, .fr-py-md-3v { padding-top: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-3v, .fr-py-md-3v { padding-bottom: 0.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-4v, .fr-p-md-2w { padding: 1rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-4v, .fr-pl-md-2w, .fr-px-md-4v, .fr-px-md-2w { padding-left: 1rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-4v, .fr-pr-md-2w, .fr-px-md-4v, .fr-px-md-2w { padding-right: 1rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-4v, .fr-pt-md-2w, .fr-py-md-4v, .fr-py-md-2w { padding-top: 1rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-4v, .fr-pb-md-2w, .fr-py-md-4v, .fr-py-md-2w { padding-bottom: 1rem !important; } .fr-p-md-5v { padding: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-5v, .fr-px-md-5v { padding-left: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-5v, .fr-px-md-5v { padding-right: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-5v, .fr-py-md-5v { padding-top: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-5v, .fr-py-md-5v { padding-bottom: 1.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-6v, .fr-p-md-3w { padding: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-6v, .fr-pl-md-3w, .fr-px-md-6v, .fr-px-md-3w { padding-left: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-6v, .fr-pr-md-3w, .fr-px-md-6v, .fr-px-md-3w { padding-right: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-6v, .fr-pt-md-3w, .fr-py-md-6v, .fr-py-md-3w { padding-top: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-6v, .fr-pb-md-3w, .fr-py-md-6v, .fr-py-md-3w { padding-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-7v { padding: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-7v, .fr-px-md-7v { padding-left: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-7v, .fr-px-md-7v { padding-right: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-7v, .fr-py-md-7v { padding-top: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-7v, .fr-py-md-7v { padding-bottom: 1.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-8v, .fr-p-md-4w { padding: 2rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-8v, .fr-pl-md-4w, .fr-px-md-8v, .fr-px-md-4w { padding-left: 2rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-8v, .fr-pr-md-4w, .fr-px-md-8v, .fr-px-md-4w { padding-right: 2rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-8v, .fr-pt-md-4w, .fr-py-md-8v, .fr-py-md-4w { padding-top: 2rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-8v, .fr-pb-md-4w, .fr-py-md-8v, .fr-py-md-4w { padding-bottom: 2rem !important; } .fr-p-md-9v { padding: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-9v, .fr-px-md-9v { padding-left: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-9v, .fr-px-md-9v { padding-right: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-9v, .fr-py-md-9v { padding-top: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-9v, .fr-py-md-9v { padding-bottom: 2.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-10v, .fr-p-md-5w { padding: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-10v, .fr-pl-md-5w, .fr-px-md-10v, .fr-px-md-5w { padding-left: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-10v, .fr-pr-md-5w, .fr-px-md-10v, .fr-px-md-5w { padding-right: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-10v, .fr-pt-md-5w, .fr-py-md-10v, .fr-py-md-5w { padding-top: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-10v, .fr-pb-md-5w, .fr-py-md-10v, .fr-py-md-5w { padding-bottom: 2.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-11v { padding: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-11v, .fr-px-md-11v { padding-left: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-11v, .fr-px-md-11v { padding-right: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-11v, .fr-py-md-11v { padding-top: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-11v, .fr-py-md-11v { padding-bottom: 2.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-12v, .fr-p-md-6w { padding: 3rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-12v, .fr-pl-md-6w, .fr-px-md-12v, .fr-px-md-6w { padding-left: 3rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-12v, .fr-pr-md-6w, .fr-px-md-12v, .fr-px-md-6w { padding-right: 3rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-12v, .fr-pt-md-6w, .fr-py-md-12v, .fr-py-md-6w { padding-top: 3rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-12v, .fr-pb-md-6w, .fr-py-md-12v, .fr-py-md-6w { padding-bottom: 3rem !important; } .fr-p-md-13v { padding: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-13v, .fr-px-md-13v { padding-left: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-13v, .fr-px-md-13v { padding-right: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-13v, .fr-py-md-13v { padding-top: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-13v, .fr-py-md-13v { padding-bottom: 3.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-14v, .fr-p-md-7w { padding: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-14v, .fr-pl-md-7w, .fr-px-md-14v, .fr-px-md-7w { padding-left: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-14v, .fr-pr-md-7w, .fr-px-md-14v, .fr-px-md-7w { padding-right: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-14v, .fr-pt-md-7w, .fr-py-md-14v, .fr-py-md-7w { padding-top: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-14v, .fr-pb-md-7w, .fr-py-md-14v, .fr-py-md-7w { padding-bottom: 3.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-15v { padding: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-15v, .fr-px-md-15v { padding-left: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-15v, .fr-px-md-15v { padding-right: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-15v, .fr-py-md-15v { padding-top: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-15v, .fr-py-md-15v { padding-bottom: 3.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-16v, .fr-p-md-8w { padding: 4rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-16v, .fr-pl-md-8w, .fr-px-md-16v, .fr-px-md-8w { padding-left: 4rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-16v, .fr-pr-md-8w, .fr-px-md-16v, .fr-px-md-8w { padding-right: 4rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-16v, .fr-pt-md-8w, .fr-py-md-16v, .fr-py-md-8w { padding-top: 4rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-16v, .fr-pb-md-8w, .fr-py-md-16v, .fr-py-md-8w { padding-bottom: 4rem !important; } .fr-p-md-17v { padding: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-17v, .fr-px-md-17v { padding-left: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-17v, .fr-px-md-17v { padding-right: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-17v, .fr-py-md-17v { padding-top: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-17v, .fr-py-md-17v { padding-bottom: 4.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-18v, .fr-p-md-9w { padding: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-18v, .fr-pl-md-9w, .fr-px-md-18v, .fr-px-md-9w { padding-left: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-18v, .fr-pr-md-9w, .fr-px-md-18v, .fr-px-md-9w { padding-right: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-18v, .fr-pt-md-9w, .fr-py-md-18v, .fr-py-md-9w { padding-top: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-18v, .fr-pb-md-9w, .fr-py-md-18v, .fr-py-md-9w { padding-bottom: 4.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-19v { padding: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-19v, .fr-px-md-19v { padding-left: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-19v, .fr-px-md-19v { padding-right: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-19v, .fr-py-md-19v { padding-top: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-19v, .fr-py-md-19v { padding-bottom: 4.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-20v, .fr-p-md-10w { padding: 5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-20v, .fr-pl-md-10w, .fr-px-md-20v, .fr-px-md-10w { padding-left: 5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-20v, .fr-pr-md-10w, .fr-px-md-20v, .fr-px-md-10w { padding-right: 5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-20v, .fr-pt-md-10w, .fr-py-md-20v, .fr-py-md-10w { padding-top: 5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-20v, .fr-pb-md-10w, .fr-py-md-20v, .fr-py-md-10w { padding-bottom: 5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-21v { padding: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-21v, .fr-px-md-21v { padding-left: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-21v, .fr-px-md-21v { padding-right: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-21v, .fr-py-md-21v { padding-top: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-21v, .fr-py-md-21v { padding-bottom: 5.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-22v, .fr-p-md-11w { padding: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-22v, .fr-pl-md-11w, .fr-px-md-22v, .fr-px-md-11w { padding-left: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-22v, .fr-pr-md-11w, .fr-px-md-22v, .fr-px-md-11w { padding-right: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-22v, .fr-pt-md-11w, .fr-py-md-22v, .fr-py-md-11w { padding-top: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-22v, .fr-pb-md-11w, .fr-py-md-22v, .fr-py-md-11w { padding-bottom: 5.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-23v { padding: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-23v, .fr-px-md-23v { padding-left: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-23v, .fr-px-md-23v { padding-right: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-23v, .fr-py-md-23v { padding-top: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-23v, .fr-py-md-23v { padding-bottom: 5.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-24v, .fr-p-md-12w { padding: 6rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-24v, .fr-pl-md-12w, .fr-px-md-24v, .fr-px-md-12w { padding-left: 6rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-24v, .fr-pr-md-12w, .fr-px-md-24v, .fr-px-md-12w { padding-right: 6rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-24v, .fr-pt-md-12w, .fr-py-md-24v, .fr-py-md-12w { padding-top: 6rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-24v, .fr-pb-md-12w, .fr-py-md-24v, .fr-py-md-12w { padding-bottom: 6rem !important; } .fr-p-md-25v { padding: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-25v, .fr-px-md-25v { padding-left: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-25v, .fr-px-md-25v { padding-right: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-25v, .fr-py-md-25v { padding-top: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-25v, .fr-py-md-25v { padding-bottom: 6.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-26v, .fr-p-md-13w { padding: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-26v, .fr-pl-md-13w, .fr-px-md-26v, .fr-px-md-13w { padding-left: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-26v, .fr-pr-md-13w, .fr-px-md-26v, .fr-px-md-13w { padding-right: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-26v, .fr-pt-md-13w, .fr-py-md-26v, .fr-py-md-13w { padding-top: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-26v, .fr-pb-md-13w, .fr-py-md-26v, .fr-py-md-13w { padding-bottom: 6.5rem !important; } .fr-p-md-27v { padding: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-27v, .fr-px-md-27v { padding-left: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-27v, .fr-px-md-27v { padding-right: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-27v, .fr-py-md-27v { padding-top: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-27v, .fr-py-md-27v { padding-bottom: 6.75rem !important; } .fr-p-md-28v, .fr-p-md-14w { padding: 7rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-28v, .fr-pl-md-14w, .fr-px-md-28v, .fr-px-md-14w { padding-left: 7rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-28v, .fr-pr-md-14w, .fr-px-md-28v, .fr-px-md-14w { padding-right: 7rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-28v, .fr-pt-md-14w, .fr-py-md-28v, .fr-py-md-14w { padding-top: 7rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-28v, .fr-pb-md-14w, .fr-py-md-28v, .fr-py-md-14w { padding-bottom: 7rem !important; } .fr-p-md-29v { padding: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pl-md-29v, .fr-px-md-29v { padding-left: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pr-md-29v, .fr-px-md-29v { padding-right: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pt-md-29v, .fr-py-md-29v { padding-top: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-pb-md-29v, .fr-py-md-29v { padding-bottom: 7.25rem !important; } .fr-p-md-30v, .fr-p-md-15w { padding: 7.5rem !important; } 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293v-750h435v130h-284v173h241v130h-241v187h284v130zm-6065 1085v-750h435v130h-283v173h241v130h-241v317zm579 0v-750h228q123 0 195 60 71 60 71 164 0 67-31 117-31 50-88 77l234 332h-181l-199-303h-77v303zm152-432h85q48 0 75-25 27-25 26-71 0-43-26-68-26-25-75-24h-85zm500 432 283-750h198l283 750h-161l-72-195h-299l-71 195zm279-325h206l-103-281zm611 325v-750h194l334 537v-537h151v750h-194l-334-539v539zm836-375q0-80 29-152 29-73 80-127 52-54 126-85 75-32 162-32 99 0 180 40 82 41 134 112l-119 93q-33-47-83-75-50-28-112-28-105 0-173 73-68 73-69 181 0 108 69 182 68 73 173 72 62 0 112-27 50-28 83-76l119 92q-44 61-110 100-66 39-146 49l-93 156h-134l94-158q-95-17-169-73-74-56-114-139-40-83-39-178zm755 375 283-750h198l283 750h-161l-71-195h-299l-72 195zm280-325h205l-103-281zm610 325v-750h152v750zm304-104 110-101q34 44 76 68 43 24 89 24 45 0 70-23 26-23 26-64 0-24-14-44-15-20-39-33-24-14-55-28-31-15-63-29-32-14-62-34-31-20-55-44-24-24-39-61-15-37-15-81 0-91 68-154 68-63 172-63 156 0 261 126l-111 100q-72-94-149-94-38 0-63 23t-24 56q0 21 12 39 12 17 31 31 20 13 46 26l53 25q29 13 57 26 29 14 54 34 26 19 46 44 20 24 31 57 12 34 12 75-2 102-73 163-70 61-175 61-92 0-159-31-67-32-118-94zm694 104v-750h435v130h-283v173h241v130h-241v187h283v130z" fill="#161616"/> <!-- devise --> <path d="M3484 6391c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-48 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-7-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-26-244 93-85v-12h-62l-55 98h24zm-349 82h54l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 134-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 9zm-56-12c7-22-8-34-19-34-47 0-104 43-126 102h15c15-22 41-46 66-50l-91 236c-8 22 8 34 20 34 45 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-15 22-41 46-66 50zm9-94c20 0 37-17 37-37s-17-37-37-37c-10 0-19 4-26 11-7 7-11 16-11 26 0 21 16 37 37 37m-439 126c14 0 22 22 0 71l-64 142c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l63-166c29-36 83-74 107-74 17 0 15 14 4 36l-97 185c-9 18 3 40 24 40 47 0 104-43 126-102h-17c-15 22-41 46-66 50l83-168c11-21 16-41 16-57 0-27-15-45-44-45-41 0-76 46-126 103v-44c0-31-10-59-38-59-33 0-63 52-87 102h15c17-24 32-37 44-37m-65 6c11-39 5-72-24-72-37 0-49 25-85 103v-44c0-31-10-59-38-59-33 0-63 52-87 102h15c16-23 31-37 43-37 14 0 22 22 0 71l-64 142c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l61-166c18-22 34-41 54-62h68zm-349-28c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c17-48 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-6-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-375-162h54l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 135-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 9zm-287 184c0-73 81-172 127-172 10 0 20 1 28 4l-47 126c-27 33-69 73-89 73-12 0-19-9-19-31m249-244-25-2-28 28h-5c-119 0-247 148-247 265 0 27 15 45 44 45 35 0 69-50 108-103l-2 19c-5 54 12 84 40 84 33 0 63-52 86-102h-15c-16 23-31 37-43 37s-21-23 0-71zm-255 86c11-39 5-72-24-72-37 0-49 25-85 103v-44c0-31-10-59-39-59-33 0-63 52-86 102h15c16-23 31-37 43-37 14 0 22 22 0 71l-65 143c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l63-167c18-22 34-41 54-62h67zm-419 239 6-18c-79-15-89-15-57-101l30-81h63c39 0 40 17 34 60h23l52-143h-23c-20 34-35 60-78 60h-63l43-117c15-42 22-50 76-50h14c55 0 62 15 62 73h22l18-97h-305l-6 18c63 13 69 19 40 101l-65 177c-30 81-42 88-115 101l-5 18h234zm1513-956c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-48 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-7-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 1 91-43 129-114m-26-244 93-85v-12h-62l-55 98h24zm-349 82h54l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 134-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 10zm-56-11c7-22-8-34-20-34-47 0-104 43-126 102h15c15-22 41-46 66-50l-91 236c-8 22 8 34 20 34 45 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-15 22-41 46-66 50zm9-94c20 0 37-17 37-37s-17-37-37-37c-13 0-25 7-32 18-7 11-7 26 0 38 7 11 19 19 32 18m-290 330 150-398-5-7-104 12v12l20 15c18 14 12 27-4 72l-114 304c-10 18 3 40 24 40 47 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-16 23-48 47-72 52m-306-41c0-73 81-172 127-172 10 0 19 1 28 4l-48 126c-27 33-69 73-89 73-11 1-18-9-18-31m249-243-25-2-28 28h-5c-119 0-247 148-247 265 0 27 15 45 44 45 35 0 69-50 108-103l-2 19c-5 54 12 84 40 84 33 0 63-52 86-102h-15c-16 23-31 37-43 37s-21-23 0-70zm-579 393c0-31 30-51 73-68 14 7 36 15 64 24 45 15 62 21 62 34 0 29-41 51-116 51-56 1-83-11-83-41m123-191c-20 0-27-17-27-36 0-59 28-130 73-130 20 0 27 17 27 36 0 58-29 130-73 130m128 162c0-38-34-52-89-68-47-14-69-18-69-34 0-12 10-27 30-38 78-4 127-74 127-136 0-11-2-21-5-30h53l10-34h-90c-12-8-27-12-44-12-82 0-135 72-135 136 0 41 24 69 62 74-38 18-60 37-60 61 0 14 5 24 17 33-88 26-124 59-124 97 0 41 54 58 118 58 108 1 199-58 199-107m-408-240c39 0 40 17 34 60h23l52-143h-23c-20 34-35 60-78 60h-87l43-117c15-42 23-50 76-50h38c55 0 62 15 62 73h22l18-97h-327l-6 18c63 13 69 19 40 101l-65 177c-30 81-42 88-115 101l-5 18h364l65-103h-25c-42 42-85 79-166 79-97 0-88-5-56-95l30-81h86zm47-244 93-68v-12h-62l-55 80zm1390-511c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-49 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-7-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-26-244 93-85v-12h-62l-55 98h24zm-349 81h55l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 135-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 9v25zm-28 27c11-39 5-72-24-72-37 0-49 25-85 103v-44c0-31-10-59-38-59-33 0-63 52-87 102h15c16-23 31-37 43-37 14 0 22 22 0 71l-64 142c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l63-166c18-22 34-41 54-62h66zm-349-28c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-49 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-6-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-382 66c-16 0-39-15-39-28 0-4 7-23 16-46l26-70c28-34 72-71 97-71 15 0 26 10 26 31-1 66-61 184-126 184m182-209c0-48-12-66-46-66-42 0-81 45-121 99l84-226-5-7-104 12v12l20 15c18 14 12 28-4 72l-91 239c-8 20-17 44-17 50 0 28 38 55 73 55 79 2 211-143 211-255m-307-31c6-22-8-34-20-34-47 0-104 43-126 102h15c15-22 41-46 66-50l-91 236c-8 22 8 34 20 34 45 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-15 22-41 46-66 50zm10-94c20 0 37-17 37-37s-17-37-37-37c-13 0-25 7-32 18-7 11-7 26 0 38 7 11 19 19 32 18m-231-45h-216l-6 18c63 13 69 19 40 101l-65 177c-30 81-42 88-115 101l-5 18h328l71-127h-25c-41 45-88 102-161 102-55 0-63-10-32-95l65-177c30-81 42-88 115-101z" fill="#161616"/> </svg> </div> <div class="fr-header__operator"> <svg class="fr-responsive-img operator-logo--light" style="max-width:9.0625rem;" id="Calque_0" data-name="Calque 0" xmlns="" width="231px" height="67.93px" viewBox="0 0 231 67.93"> <defs> <style>.cls-1 { fill: #34cb6a; }</style> </defs> <path d="M115.72,30.91a15.13,15.13,0,0,0,15.5-15.45,15.52,15.52,0,0,0-31,0A15.15,15.15,0,0,0,115.72,30.91Zm0-24.67c5.06,0,8.73,3.87,8.73,9.22s-3.67,9.21-8.73,9.21S107,20.8,107,15.46,110.64,6.24,115.72,6.24Z"/> <polygon points="142.52 10.58 154.6 30.1 162.65 30.1 162.65 0.81 156.04 0.81 156.04 20.33 143.97 0.81 135.92 0.81 135.92 30.1 142.52 30.1 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class="fr-header__navbar"></div> </div> <div class="fr-header__service"> <a href="" title="La plateforme nationale des masters"> <p class="fr-header__service-title">La plateforme nationale des masters</p> </a> <p class="fr-header__service-tagline">S'informer, choisir, candidater</p> </div> </div> <div class="fr-header__tools"> <div class="fr-header__tools-links"> <ul class="fr-links-group" data-fr-js-header-links="true"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <div class="fr-container"> <div class="fr-my-7w fr-mt-md-12w fr-mb-md-10w fr-grid-row fr-grid-row--gutters fr-grid-row--middle fr-grid-row--center"> <div class="fr-py-0 fr-col-12 fr-col-md-6"> <h1>La campagne 2024 de recrutement en premi猫re ann茅e de master est close</h1> <p>Le calendrier de la campagne 2025 de <i>Mon Master</i> sera disponible prochainement.</p> </div> <div class="fr-col-12 fr-col-md-3 fr-col-offset-md-1 fr-px-6w fr-px-md-0 fr-py-0"> <svg width="130" height="130" viewBox="0 0 80 80" fill="none" 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16.0963 65.1763 16.0051L65 16H58V19C58 19.5523 57.5523 20 57 20C56.4872 20 56.0645 19.614 56.0067 19.1166L56 19V16H24V19C24 19.5523 23.5523 20 23 20C22.4872 20 22.0645 19.614 22.0067 19.1166L22 19V16H15C13.4023 16 12.0963 17.2489 12.0051 18.8237L12 19V26H22V25C22 24.4477 22.4477 24 23 24C23.5128 24 23.9355 24.386 23.9933 24.8834L24 25V26H57C57.5523 26 58 26.4477 58 27C58 27.5128 57.614 27.9355 57.1166 27.9933L57 28H24V29C24 29.5523 23.5523 30 23 30C22.4872 30 22.0645 29.614 22.0067 29.1166L22 29V28H12V61C12 62.5977 13.2489 63.9037 14.8237 63.9949L15 64H43C43.5523 64 44 64.4477 44 65C44 65.5128 43.614 65.9355 43.1166 65.9933L43 66H15C12.3112 66 10.1182 63.8777 10.0046 61.2169L10 61V19C10 16.3112 12.1223 14.1182 14.7831 14.0046L15 14H22V11C22 10.4477 22.4477 10 23 10Z" fill="#000091"/> <path d="M47 64C46.4477 64 46 64.4477 46 65C46 65.5523 46.4477 66 47 66C47.5523 66 48 65.5523 48 65C48 64.4477 47.5523 64 47 64Z" fill="#000091"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M30 37C30 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6-8 15-9 25-11-2-4-8 0-8-4 0-2 2-2 4-2h-4c-4-2-2-6-2-8 11-13 11-30 17-45-2 0-4 0-4-2-19 21-49 28-77 36h-13c-9 4-23 4-32-2-8-4-11-9-19-15-15-9-30-17-47-23-47-15-96-23-145-21 21-11 44-12 66-19 32-9 62-21 96-19-6-2-13 0-19 0-26-2-53 6-81 11-19 4-36 11-55 15-11 4-17 15-30 13v-6c19-23 42-45 72-47 34-6 66 0 100 4 25 2 47 8 72 13 9 0 11 15 19 17 11 4 23 0 34 8 0-4-2-8 0-11 8-8 17 2 25-2 15-9-13-26-21-40 0-2 2-4 2-4 15 13 26 28 45 38 9 4 32 9 28-2-9-21-28-38-44-57v-8c-4 0-4-2-6-4v-8c-8-4-6-11-9-17-6-9-2-23-6-34-4-11-6-21-8-32-6-32-13-60-17-91-4-36 21-64 38-96 13-23 28-45 53-60 6-23 21-42 36-60 15-18 40-30 58-38 26-12 50-19 50-19h-1304v1e3h927c36-26 72-38 122-63 24-10 78-35 96-53m-290-136c-4 0-11 2-9-2 2-9 15-9 23-13 4-2 9-6 13-4 4 6 9 4 13 8-12 11-27 6-40 11m-290-41s-2-2-2-4c25-32 43-62 61-96 25-13 45-32 64-53 32-34 66-64 106-83 15-6 34-4 49 2-6 8-15 6-23 11-2 0-4 0-6-2 2-2 2-4 2-6-19 21-45 30-60 55-11 19-19 43-43 49-8 2 2-6-2-4-59 36-100 80-146 131m157-125c-2 4-4 4-6 8-2 4-4 6-8 8-2 0-4 0-4-2 2-8 8-15 15-17 3-1 3 1 3 3m88 283c-1 2-3 4-5 6 2 0 4 2 2 3-4 4-9 8-14 10h-3c-2 2-5 4-7 7-2 2-13 1-10-2 5-4 9-9 14-13 3-2 6-5 8-8 1-2 2-3 4-4 3-2 13-3 11 1m-34-15c-8 5-15 10-22 15-8 5-17 8-25 12-1-1-2-1-3-1-7 4-13 9-19 15l-3 3-3 3-4 4c-1 1-1 2-3 3-1 1-4 1-4-1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 1-2 1-3 2h-2c-2 2-5 4-7 6-4 4-8 7-11 12v1l-1 1s0 1-1 1c0 1-1 1-1 2 0 0-1 1-2 1l-1-1s0-1-1-1c-1-1-1-2-2-3v-1c2-2 4-4 6-7 1-1 1-2 2-2 1-1 2-3 3-4 0-1 1-1 1-2 2-3 4-5 6-8l1-1c1-1 2-3 3-4s1-2 2-4v-1c1-2 1-3 2-4v-1c0-1 0-1 1-2 0-1 0-2 1-3v-1c2-4 5-7 8-10h-1c-3 2-5 4-7 6-2 2-6-1-3-3 2-1 3-3 4-4 3-3 6-7 10-10 2-2 4-3 6-4l1-1c1-2 3-3 4-5 18-17 49-17 72-28 9-4 21 2 30 0 6 0 11 0 17 4-17 3-32 14-48 24m39-132c-2-2 6 0 8-4h-15c-2 0-2-2-2-4-9 2-21 6-30 8-13 4-25 13-40 17-21 8-38 25-60 32-2 0-2-2-2-4 2-6 9-8 13-13 0-2 0-4-2-4 15-21 36-32 55-49v-6c6-8 15-11 19-21 2-6 10-13 19-17-2-2-6-2-6-6-8 0-15 4-23-2 4-3 8-5 12-7-2 0-3-1-4-3-2-4 4-8 9-9 8-2 17-2 23-8-13-2-28 4-42-4 9-25 25-45 47-57 2 0 6 0 6 2 0 9-6 17-15 19 15 4 30 4 45 11-2 4-6 2-8 2 9 6 21 2 30 9-6 6-11 0-17 0 59 17 121 30 170 68-42 21-85 30-130 40-6 0-9 0-15-2 0 2 0 6-2 6-8 0-13 0-19 4-7 6-18 8-24 2" fill="#000091"/> <path d="M3755 1e3h-1074s2 0 10 5c9 5 20 11 27 14 14 7 27 16 36 30 4 6 9 17 6 25-4 9-6 25-15 28-11 6-26 6-40 4-8 0-15-2-23-4 28 11 55 25 74 51 2 4 9 6 17 6 2 0 2 4 2 6-4 4-8 6-6 11h6c9-4 8-23 21-17 9 6 13 19 8 28-8 8-15 13-23 19-2 4-2 9 0 13 6 8 8 15 9 23 6 13 8 28 13 42 8 28 15 57 13 85 0 15-8 28-2 43 4 15 13 26 21 40 8 11 15 19 21 30 11 19 32 38 23 60-6 13-26 11-40 19-11 9-2 25 4 34 9 17-11 28-25 33 4 6 11 4 13 8 2 9 11 15 6 25-8 11-30 17-19 34 8 13 3 28-2 42-6 15-19 25-34 28-11 4-25 4-36 2-4-2-8-4-11-4-32-4-64-13-96-13-9 2-19 4-26 7-8 6-16 13-23 20-1 2-3 3-4 5-1 1-2 2-2 3l-2 2c-6 7-10 14-15 22 0 1-1 1-1 1 0 1-1 2-2 3-6 11-11 23-14 35-13 43-7 80 2 89 2 2 62 21 104 40 20 9 33 15 45 23h1055v-1e3z" fill="#e1000f"/> <path d="M2745 1366c8 2 19 2 19 6-4 15-26 19-38 34h-6c-6 4-4 13-9 13-6-2-11 0-17 2 8 8 17 13 28 11 2 0 6 4 6 8 0 0 2 0 4-2 2 0 4 0 4 2v8c-6 8-15 4-23 6 15 4 30 4 44 0 11-4 0-23 8-32-4 0 0-6-4-6 4-4 8-9 11-11 4 0 9-2 11-6 0-4-8-6-6-9 11-8 21-19 17-30-2-6-17-6-26-10s-21 0-32 2c-9 0-19 6-28 8-13 4-25 11-36 19 13-6 26-8 41-11 11-2 20-4 32-2" fill="gray"/> </g> <!-- RF --> <path d="M1e3 3250v-750h228q124 0 194 60 71 60 72 164 0 67-31 116-31 50-88 78l234 332h-181l-199-303h-77v303zm152-432h85q48 0 74-25 27-25 27-71 0-43-27-68-27-25-74-24h-85zm563 432v-750h435v130h-284v173h241v130h-241v187h284v130zm147-814 120-145h156l-138 145zm473 814v-750h247q123 0 193 60 71 60 71 164 0 104-71 163-71 60-193 60h-95v303zm152-432h101q49 0 76-26 27-25 27-70 0-43-28-68-27-25-75-24h-101zm481 139v-457h152v469q0 75 40 118 40 42 111 42 70 0 110-42 40-42 40-118v-469h152v457q0 148-81 231t-222 83q-140 0-221-83-81-84-81-231zm803 293v-750h212q117 0 183 54 67 54 67 150 0 93-79 148 59 27 91 72 32 46 32 105 0 103-75 162-74 59-203 59zm151-130h86q53 0 83-26 30-27 30-73 0-46-30-72-30-25-83-25h-86zm0-326h64q43 0 67-22 24-21 24-61 0-38-24-59-23-22-67-22h-64zm520 456v-750h151v612h284v138zm579 0v-750h151v750zm336-222q-29-73-29-153t29-152q29-73 80-127 52-54 126-86 75-32 161-32 86 0 161 32 75 32 126 86 51 54 80 127 29 72 29 152 0 94-39 176t-108 137l45 43q79 72 156 71 32 0 54-8v129q-35 14-79 13-121 0-233-98l-89-80q-49 13-103 13-86 0-161-32-74-32-126-85-51-54-80-126zm195-334q-68 73-69 181 0 108 69 181 68 73 173 73 69 0 123-33 55-33 86-92 31-58 31-129 0-108-69-181-68-73-172-73-105 0-173 73zm710 263v-457h152v469q0 75 40 118 40 42 111 42 70 0 110-42 40-42 40-118v-469h152v457q0 148-81 231-81 84-222 83-140 0-221-83-81-84-81-231zm803 293v-750h435v130h-284v173h241v130h-241v187h284v130zm-6065 1085v-750h435v130h-283v173h241v130h-241v317zm579 0v-750h228q123 0 195 60 71 60 71 164 0 67-31 117-31 50-88 77l234 332h-181l-199-303h-77v303zm152-432h85q48 0 75-25 27-25 26-71 0-43-26-68-26-25-75-24h-85zm500 432 283-750h198l283 750h-161l-72-195h-299l-71 195zm279-325h206l-103-281zm611 325v-750h194l334 537v-537h151v750h-194l-334-539v539zm836-375q0-80 29-152 29-73 80-127 52-54 126-85 75-32 162-32 99 0 180 40 82 41 134 112l-119 93q-33-47-83-75-50-28-112-28-105 0-173 73-68 73-69 181 0 108 69 182 68 73 173 72 62 0 112-27 50-28 83-76l119 92q-44 61-110 100-66 39-146 49l-93 156h-134l94-158q-95-17-169-73-74-56-114-139-40-83-39-178zm755 375 283-750h198l283 750h-161l-71-195h-299l-72 195zm280-325h205l-103-281zm610 325v-750h152v750zm304-104 110-101q34 44 76 68 43 24 89 24 45 0 70-23 26-23 26-64 0-24-14-44-15-20-39-33-24-14-55-28-31-15-63-29-32-14-62-34-31-20-55-44-24-24-39-61-15-37-15-81 0-91 68-154 68-63 172-63 156 0 261 126l-111 100q-72-94-149-94-38 0-63 23t-24 56q0 21 12 39 12 17 31 31 20 13 46 26l53 25q29 13 57 26 29 14 54 34 26 19 46 44 20 24 31 57 12 34 12 75-2 102-73 163-70 61-175 61-92 0-159-31-67-32-118-94zm694 104v-750h435v130h-283v173h241v130h-241v187h283v130z" fill="#161616"/> <!-- devise --> <path d="M3484 6391c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-48 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-7-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-26-244 93-85v-12h-62l-55 98h24zm-349 82h54l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 134-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 9zm-56-12c7-22-8-34-19-34-47 0-104 43-126 102h15c15-22 41-46 66-50l-91 236c-8 22 8 34 20 34 45 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-15 22-41 46-66 50zm9-94c20 0 37-17 37-37s-17-37-37-37c-10 0-19 4-26 11-7 7-11 16-11 26 0 21 16 37 37 37m-439 126c14 0 22 22 0 71l-64 142c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l63-166c29-36 83-74 107-74 17 0 15 14 4 36l-97 185c-9 18 3 40 24 40 47 0 104-43 126-102h-17c-15 22-41 46-66 50l83-168c11-21 16-41 16-57 0-27-15-45-44-45-41 0-76 46-126 103v-44c0-31-10-59-38-59-33 0-63 52-87 102h15c17-24 32-37 44-37m-65 6c11-39 5-72-24-72-37 0-49 25-85 103v-44c0-31-10-59-38-59-33 0-63 52-87 102h15c16-23 31-37 43-37 14 0 22 22 0 71l-64 142c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l61-166c18-22 34-41 54-62h68zm-349-28c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c17-48 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-6-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-375-162h54l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 135-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 9zm-287 184c0-73 81-172 127-172 10 0 20 1 28 4l-47 126c-27 33-69 73-89 73-12 0-19-9-19-31m249-244-25-2-28 28h-5c-119 0-247 148-247 265 0 27 15 45 44 45 35 0 69-50 108-103l-2 19c-5 54 12 84 40 84 33 0 63-52 86-102h-15c-16 23-31 37-43 37s-21-23 0-71zm-255 86c11-39 5-72-24-72-37 0-49 25-85 103v-44c0-31-10-59-39-59-33 0-63 52-86 102h15c16-23 31-37 43-37 14 0 22 22 0 71l-65 143c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l63-167c18-22 34-41 54-62h67zm-419 239 6-18c-79-15-89-15-57-101l30-81h63c39 0 40 17 34 60h23l52-143h-23c-20 34-35 60-78 60h-63l43-117c15-42 22-50 76-50h14c55 0 62 15 62 73h22l18-97h-305l-6 18c63 13 69 19 40 101l-65 177c-30 81-42 88-115 101l-5 18h234zm1513-956c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-48 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-7-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 1 91-43 129-114m-26-244 93-85v-12h-62l-55 98h24zm-349 82h54l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 134-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 10zm-56-11c7-22-8-34-20-34-47 0-104 43-126 102h15c15-22 41-46 66-50l-91 236c-8 22 8 34 20 34 45 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-15 22-41 46-66 50zm9-94c20 0 37-17 37-37s-17-37-37-37c-13 0-25 7-32 18-7 11-7 26 0 38 7 11 19 19 32 18m-290 330 150-398-5-7-104 12v12l20 15c18 14 12 27-4 72l-114 304c-10 18 3 40 24 40 47 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-16 23-48 47-72 52m-306-41c0-73 81-172 127-172 10 0 19 1 28 4l-48 126c-27 33-69 73-89 73-11 1-18-9-18-31m249-243-25-2-28 28h-5c-119 0-247 148-247 265 0 27 15 45 44 45 35 0 69-50 108-103l-2 19c-5 54 12 84 40 84 33 0 63-52 86-102h-15c-16 23-31 37-43 37s-21-23 0-70zm-579 393c0-31 30-51 73-68 14 7 36 15 64 24 45 15 62 21 62 34 0 29-41 51-116 51-56 1-83-11-83-41m123-191c-20 0-27-17-27-36 0-59 28-130 73-130 20 0 27 17 27 36 0 58-29 130-73 130m128 162c0-38-34-52-89-68-47-14-69-18-69-34 0-12 10-27 30-38 78-4 127-74 127-136 0-11-2-21-5-30h53l10-34h-90c-12-8-27-12-44-12-82 0-135 72-135 136 0 41 24 69 62 74-38 18-60 37-60 61 0 14 5 24 17 33-88 26-124 59-124 97 0 41 54 58 118 58 108 1 199-58 199-107m-408-240c39 0 40 17 34 60h23l52-143h-23c-20 34-35 60-78 60h-87l43-117c15-42 23-50 76-50h38c55 0 62 15 62 73h22l18-97h-327l-6 18c63 13 69 19 40 101l-65 177c-30 81-42 88-115 101l-5 18h364l65-103h-25c-42 42-85 79-166 79-97 0-88-5-56-95l30-81h86zm47-244 93-68v-12h-62l-55 80zm1390-511c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-49 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-7-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-26-244 93-85v-12h-62l-55 98h24zm-349 81h55l-86 236c-8 20 3 40 24 40 61 0 135-52 162-126h-15c-22 31-70 65-106 72l79-222h81l10-34h-79l30-85h-31l-56 85-67 9v25zm-28 27c11-39 5-72-24-72-37 0-49 25-85 103v-44c0-31-10-59-38-59-33 0-63 52-87 102h15c16-23 31-37 43-37 14 0 22 22 0 71l-64 142c-12 27 1 44 27 44 16 0 23-4 30-21l63-166c18-22 34-41 54-62h66zm-349-28c22 0 41 17 31 56l-101 27c16-49 46-83 70-83m56 164h-20c-25 30-53 54-80 54-28 0-42-17-42-54 0-15 2-31 5-45l164-54c32-76-6-109-52-109-78 0-166 136-166 243 0 51 24 79 62 79 45 0 91-43 129-114m-382 66c-16 0-39-15-39-28 0-4 7-23 16-46l26-70c28-34 72-71 97-71 15 0 26 10 26 31-1 66-61 184-126 184m182-209c0-48-12-66-46-66-42 0-81 45-121 99l84-226-5-7-104 12v12l20 15c18 14 12 28-4 72l-91 239c-8 20-17 44-17 50 0 28 38 55 73 55 79 2 211-143 211-255m-307-31c6-22-8-34-20-34-47 0-104 43-126 102h15c15-22 41-46 66-50l-91 236c-8 22 8 34 20 34 45 0 98-43 120-102h-15c-15 22-41 46-66 50zm10-94c20 0 37-17 37-37s-17-37-37-37c-13 0-25 7-32 18-7 11-7 26 0 38 7 11 19 19 32 18m-231-45h-216l-6 18c63 13 69 19 40 101l-65 177c-30 81-42 88-115 101l-5 18h328l71-127h-25c-41 45-88 102-161 102-55 0-63-10-32-95l65-177c30-81 42-88 115-101z" fill="#161616"/> </svg> 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