Změny dopravy | Pražská integrovaná doprava Pražská integrovaná doprava

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0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;2. 00:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Výstaviště – Nádraží Holešovice: dočasné přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-19"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 19 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-193"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 193 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:15"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pankrác C: dočasné uzavření stanice metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Českomoravská B: dočasné uzavření stanice metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X25"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X25, </span> X94</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>31.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dělnická – Palmovka: náhradní autobusová doprava </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-687"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 687, </span> 742, 780, 781, 782, 785, 801, 803, 805</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Kutnohorsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-166"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 166 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy a provozu linky 166 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-319"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 319 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mníšek pod Brdy, U Hřiště </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R42"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R42, </span> S2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 17:00</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 20:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha hl. n. – Lysá nad Labem (– Nymburk hl. n.) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S8"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S8, </span> S88</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 08:00</span> - 27.&nbsp;3. 15:54</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha hl. n. – Praha-Braník – Vrané nad Vltavou: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 6, </span> 11, 96</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:30</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 15:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 06:18"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 7 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nuselské schody (do centra) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS98"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS98 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S98"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S98 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 00:00</span> - 12.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Olbramovice–Sedlčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 345, 427, 700, 714, 715, 717, 720, 721, 730, 733, 734, 736, 737, 739, 763, 775, Cyklobus 2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>9.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladá Boleslav - třída Václava Klementa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-154"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 154, </span> 188, 195, 901, 906</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:31</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 04:01</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> V Korytech: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R44"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R44, </span> S4</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 00:01</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo nádraží – Praha-Holešovice zastávka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Přerušení provozu, Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 716</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mnichovo Hradiště, Víta Nejedlého (II. etapa) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-137"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 137, </span> 297, 908, X137</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;2. 04:31</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Peroutkova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 403, 431, 434, 442, 667, 767, 768, 775</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Benátky n.Jiz., </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-358"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 358 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>16.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chýně,Na Vyhlídce </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>21.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Radlická B: dočasné omezení provozu metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Uzavření stanice, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-cableway view-LD"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-cableway"/> </svg> LD </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>13.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 08:08"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 5 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Újezd – Petřín: přerušení provozu lanové dráhy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-798"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 798 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Teplýšovice, Humenec, rozc. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-568"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 568, </span> 569</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Střezimíř - Mezno </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-338"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 338, </span> 390, 437, 438, 440</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>22.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Štěchovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-415"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 415, </span> 590</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Stochov,Slovanka I </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-186"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 186, </span> 396, 671</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rosická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-637"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 637 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zadní Třebaň </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-209"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 209, </span> 220</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>24.&nbsp;2.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bystrá ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-105"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 105, </span> 118, 125, 129, 172, 190, 196, 197, 241, 244, 314, 317, 318, 320, 334, 338, 360, 361, 390, 392, 393, 395, 407, 416, 420, 428, 901, 907</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2022</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Lihovar - směr Smíchovské nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-526"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 526, </span> 641</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2021</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bavoryně </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-483"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 483 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;5. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy linky 483 v Ostředku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>22.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 23.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>16.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 17.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>14.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 15.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 11.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 1, </span> 2, 25, 96, 97</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-108"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 108, </span> 143, 149, 180, 216, 902</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>5.&nbsp;4. 04:30</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Oblast zastávek Vozovna Střešovice: dočasné přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 5.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>2.&nbsp;4. 00:41</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 04:21</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 21.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:13"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 dny </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přehled krátkodobých omezení v provozu tramvají v dubnu 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 2.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R42"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R42, </span> S2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 15:05</span> - 4.&nbsp;4. 16:50</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty n. Labem – Nymburk hl. n.: krátkodobá odpolední výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-359"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 359, </span> 858</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Horoměřicku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-228"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 228 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky K Hádku v Praze-Dubči </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-353"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 353 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 353 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-464"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 464, </span> 466, 471</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Mělnicku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-331"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 331, </span> 341, 960</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:31</span> - 1.&nbsp;5. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dolní Břežany,Obecní úřad: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-317"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 317, </span> 319, 446</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mníšek p.Brdy, Rozcestí Kytín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-586"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 586, </span> 628</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 21.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:09"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 dny </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mšecké Žehrovice,Lodenice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S2 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>31.&nbsp;3. 06:00</span> - 29.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín-Zálabí a Veltruby: zahájení výluky odloženo na 31. března 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Náhradní doprava, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-101"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 101 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>31.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 13.&nbsp;4. 23:30</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 11:00"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jiřího z Poděbrad: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-22"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 22, </span> 25</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X22"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X22 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>30.&nbsp;3. 07:31</span> - 17:31</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Malovanka – Bílá Hora: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-397"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 397, </span> 903, 951, 952, 954, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>30.&nbsp;3. 03:00</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Informace o změnách v dopravě – přechod na letní čas </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 1, </span> 3, 14, 25, 93</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-905"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 905, </span> 911, X1, X25, X93</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>29.&nbsp;3. 04:15</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 10:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vltavská – Dělnická – Nádraží Holešovice – Ke Stírce: přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava, Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-92"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 92 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X92"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X92 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>28.&nbsp;3. 00:36</span> - 04:31</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Balabenka – Nádraží Libeň – Starý Hloubětín: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS80, </span> XS85</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 07:50</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 17:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 16:21"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 21 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Sázava – Ledečko (– Kácov): denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-137"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 137, </span> 153, 908</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Václavka: dočasné přemístění zastávky autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-516"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 516, </span> 552</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Uzavírka silnice I/18: Solopysky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title 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10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 00:40</span> - 04:40</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Strossmayerovo náměstí – Hradčanská: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 10:01</span> - 14:01</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:12"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prosek C: dočasné omezení přístupu imobilních osob ve stanici metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení bezbariérového přístupu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-133"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 133, </span> 135, 175, 207, 908, 909</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 07:01</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pernerova: dočasné přemístění zastávky autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-754"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 754 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 27.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Uzavírka silnice I/18: Obory </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-377"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 377, </span> 477, 657</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mratín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-504"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 504, </span> 512</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 2.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 21.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:50"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 dny </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Drahlín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>zítra 10:01</span> - 14:01</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:13"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prosek C: dočasné omezení přístupu imobilních osob ve stanici metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení bezbariérového přístupu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-228"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 228 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>zítra 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dubečský hřbitov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S65 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 23:10</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 00:45</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov – Praha hl. n.: noční výluka pro linku S65 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 21:15</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 17:30</span> - 20:30</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:44"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Akce v O2 areně: HC Sparta Praha x HC Oceláři Třinec </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR80, </span> XS80</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 08:20</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 17:15</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 14:42"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 23 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Samechov–Sázava: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS3"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS3 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R21"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R21, </span> R43, S3</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 08:09</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 17:03</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Všetaty – Mladá Boleslav: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-176"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 176, </span> 910</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:31</span> - 4.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zapova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-160"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 160 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:31</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> K Drsnici: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-799"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 799 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 2.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Struhařov,Pecínov - Struhařov,Budkov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-733"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 733, </span> 734</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Křivolačiny </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-753"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 753 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 25.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Podělusy - Lešany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-392"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 392 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 17.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Žírovy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-212"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 212 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>21.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Krňovická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-728"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 728 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - zítra 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Boreč II. etapa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-175"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 175 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:31</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Záveská: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-110"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 110, </span> 136, 195, 201</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-trolley view-58"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-trolley"/> </svg> 58 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Letňany: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-262"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 262 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladých Běchovic: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-728"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 728 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - zítra 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Krnsko </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-354"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 354 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nehvizdy,Mochovská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-688"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 688 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zahořany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-209"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 209, </span> 221, 222</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> ul. Mladých Běchovic </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-620"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 620 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 26.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Brandýsek - Švermov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-380"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 380, </span> 384, 952</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Loděnice,Jánská II </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-643"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 643 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hořovice,,u Dražovky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-822"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 822, </span> 826</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Klučov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-706"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 706, </span> 770, 772, 773</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vavřinec </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-536"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 536 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 22.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Polní Chrčice - Dománovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R26"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R26, </span> S66</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 00:00</span> - 11.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Březnice – Čimelice (– Písek) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-361"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 361, </span> 437</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;7.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nový Knín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-697"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 697 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dubá,Rozprechtice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-137"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 137, </span> 908</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>14.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 9.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Santoška: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S1 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>12.&nbsp;3. 22:15</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo nádraží: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-790"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 790, </span> 793</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bílkovice - Radošovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-531"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 531, </span> 548, 639</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hořovice - Komenského ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-302"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 302, </span> 396, 916</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vinořský hřbitov: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-483"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 483, </span> 791, 793</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 4.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Ostředek - Třemošnice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-848"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 848 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pravonín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-534"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 534, </span> 535, 537</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 4.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín,Třídvorská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R16 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 00:00</span> - 13.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov (ve směru z Prahy) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>7.&nbsp;3. 00:45</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 17:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přehled krátkodobých omezení v provozu tramvají v březnu 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Odklon, Náhradní doprava, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S1 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo nádraží (ve směru z Prahy): denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-675"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 675, </span> 678</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Cerhenice,Škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-135"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 135 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Náměstí Míru: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky, Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-100"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 100, </span> 161, 191, 907, 910, AE</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-trolley view-59"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-trolley"/> </svg> 59 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:21</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Terminál 1: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-714"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 714 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kosmonosy, u zámku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-560"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 560, </span> 562, 563, 584, 760</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-U12"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> U12, </span> X560</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chrášťany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-416"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 416 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Blatná,ž </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-416"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 416 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Horažďovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-801"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 801, </span> 803</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora,Sochorova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-713"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 713, </span> 725</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Obrubce, hl. silnice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-406"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 406, </span> 770, 796, MHD 1 Benešov, MHD 3 Benešov</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Benešov, Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-655"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 655 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 1.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Čelákovice,Záluží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-381"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 381, </span> 382, 383, 385, 387, 435, 494, 765, 959</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Říčany; Černokostelecká ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-516"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 516, </span> 552</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dublovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-433"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 433 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>24.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk,zimní stadion </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-302"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 302, </span> 396, 671, X302</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;2. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přezletice: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-240"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 240 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dubeč - Běchovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-668"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 668 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>13.&nbsp;2. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Lhotka,ž </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-131"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 131, </span> 216, 296, 907, X131</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;2. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> U Matěje: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR16, </span> XS7</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R16, </span> S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;2. 21:45</span> - 13.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Beroun–Karlštejn: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-493"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 493, </span> 498</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;1. 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přední Lhota </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-732"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 732 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>21.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Čistá,škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-156"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 156 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> U Vody: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 2, </span> 3</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-106"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 106, </span> 121</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>9.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nádraží Braník: dočasné přemístění zastávek v obratišti </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-579"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 579 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>8.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Roztoky, Chaloupky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-532"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 532 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Votice,Beztahov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-108"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 108, </span> 216</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vozovna Střešovice: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-488"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 488 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chraštice, Chraštičky, Varkač </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-489"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 489, </span> 494, 557, 582</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Všestary - 4. etapa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-783"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 783 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Svatý Mikuláš,Lišice,rozc. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-396"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 396, </span> 671</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>16.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přezletice, Vinořská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-124"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 124, </span> 139</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Ukrajinská: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S49"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S49, </span> S61</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úvaly – Praha hl. n. (– Praha-Vršovice) a 1. třída na lince S49 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Zrušení linky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-160"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 160 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kosova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-708"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 708 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zlonice, Závod - Dřínov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-780"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 780 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>28.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Ronov nad Doubravou </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-532"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 532 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Votice, Amerika </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-454"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 454 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Sedlec-Prčice,Veletín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-710"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 710, </span> 782</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zbyslav </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-793"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 793 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bílkovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-156"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 156 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Strojnická: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-534"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 534, </span> 535, 537</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>18.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín,Třídvorská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>7.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - 18.&nbsp;5. 18:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Svatoplukova: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-133"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 133, </span> 135, 175, 194, 207, 908, 909</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Florenc: dočasné přemístění zastávek </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-587"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 587 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>18.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Tuřany, Byseň </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-153"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 153 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>12.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - 20.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Malvazinky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-630"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 630 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>2.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kladno, nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-332"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 332, </span> 752, 753</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kamenný Přívoz </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-133"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 133, </span> 135, 175, 207, 908</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pernerova: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-389"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 389 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>9.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Smolnice,rozc. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-435"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 435, </span> 491, 659, 660, 661, 662, 822, 826, 888</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;7.&nbsp;2024</span> - 31.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Český Brod </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-560"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 560, </span> 573, 760</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dopravní omezení v souvislosti s výstavbou dálnice D6 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-776"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 776, </span> 787</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Řendějov,Nový Samechov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-562"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 562 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rakovník - Riegrova ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-386"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 386 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>19.&nbsp;2.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kladno, Petra Bezruče </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-560"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 560 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>24.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2024</span> - 31.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Děkov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 7, </span> 14, 18, 93, 95</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>22.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Svatoplukova: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R24"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R24, </span> R45, S5, S54</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>12.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2023</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo n. (/ Praha hl. n.) – Praha-Dejvice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2022</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Florenc C: dočasné omezení vstupu a výstupu stanice metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Omezení bezbariérového přístupu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-201"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 201, </span> 905, 911</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>29.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2021</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kuchyňka: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <h2 class="title">Archiv</h2> <div id="vymi_tab_1_arch" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-222"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 222 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 13:10</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 12:53"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Černý Most - Xaverov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 9, </span> 10</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 12:41</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 12:42"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hotel Golf - Poštovka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-118"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 118, </span> 170</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 12:24</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 12:25"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> ulice V zápolí </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div 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10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 12:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 11:31"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mnichovo Hradiště, náměstí - Boseň, Mužský </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-350"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 350 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 11:20</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 10:27"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Roztoky, rozcestí Žalov - Kladno, Oaza </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R23"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R23, </span> S32</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 10:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 09:46"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 4 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mělník - Štětí a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz zastaven, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 6, </span> 7, 11, 14, 18, 19, 24</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 10:14</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 10:14"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> křižovatka Otakarova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-368"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 368 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 09:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 09:28"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 4 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Ďáblice - Předboj </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-375"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 375 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 09:22</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 08:07"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 5 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Českomoravská - Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., žel. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-20"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 20, </span> 26</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 09:14</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 09:14"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 4 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vlastina - Divoká Šárka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-339"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 339 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn 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1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Budějovická - Týnec nad Sázavou, železniční stanice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S9 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 08:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Říčany - Strančice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-332"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 332 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 07:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 06:16"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 7 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jílové u Prahy, náměstí - Praha, Budějovická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-370"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 370 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 07:05</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 06:30"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 7 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Postřižín, u kapličky - Praha, Kobylisy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-339"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 339 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 06:46</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:24"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kamenice,Kult.dům - Týnec nad Sázavou, Žel. st. - Budějovická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong 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9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 06:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:47"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty nad Labem, rozcestí Vápensko - Mladá Boleslav, autobusové stanoviště </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-723"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 723 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 06:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:27"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kopidlno, nám. - Mladá Boleslav, aut. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-201"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 201 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 05:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:20"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> spoj linky 201 "Satalice - Kbely" </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-719"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 719 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 05:14</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 04:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 9 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bakov n.Jiz.,Zvířetice - Mladá Boleslav, </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-20"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 20, </span> 26</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X26"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X26 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Divoká Šárka – Dědina: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-460"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 460 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zásmuky, Sobočice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Zrušení zastávky, Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-460"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 460 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 13:41"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zásmuky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-433"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 433, </span> 434, 436, 443, 493, 497, 499, 541, 673, 674, 676</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl.n. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-801"> <use 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class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 23:08"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 14 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova - Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-107"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 107 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 22:06</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 21:52"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 16 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> spoj linky 107 "Dejvická - Suchdol" a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-175"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 175 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" 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4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 17 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> spoj linky 175 "Strašnická - Háje" </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 18:53</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 18:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 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2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 19 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> linka C - stanice Hlavní nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Uzavření stanice </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" 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6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 18:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 17:03"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 21 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Libáň, aut. st. – Mladá Boleslav, aut. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 9, </span> 11, 31</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 17:27</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 17:28"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 20 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kněžská luka - Chmelnice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-339"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 339 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 15:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 22 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Budějovická – Kamenice, Kult. dům </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-5"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 5, </span> 7, 9, 10, 11</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 13:18</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 13:18"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Biskupcova - Ohrada </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-113"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 113, </span> 154, 197, 333</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 13:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 13:06"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Libušská ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 7, </span> 8</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 11:34</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 11:35"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nademlejnská - U Elektry </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-164"> <use 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class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 05:29"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Malovanka - Sídliště Řepy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS2 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S2 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 04:05</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty nad Labem – Poděbrady </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-403"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 403 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dolní Bousov, nám. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-400"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 400 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 21:40</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 21:41"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Varnsdorf,aut.nádr. - Nový Bor,aut.nádr. - Střížkov a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S7 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 20:09</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 20:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Karlštejn - Praha hlavní nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R16, </span> R26, S6, S65, S7, T4, T6</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 20:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 19:29"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-194"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 194 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 19:07</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 19:04"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Florenc - Nemocnice pod Petřínem </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-T10"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> T10 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 19:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:55"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha hl. n. - Mladá Boleslav - Mikulášovice dolní nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-240"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 240 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 19:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:17"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Háje - Černý Most </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-453"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 453 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:51</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:50"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vlašim žel. st. - Tábor, aut. nádr. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-700"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 700 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:50</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:49"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Černý Most - Mladá Boleslav, aut. st. - Harrachov, aut. nádr. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-112"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 112, </span> 234</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:42"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> oblast Prahy 7 - Troje (zpoždění autobusů) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-341"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 341 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:30"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Obchodní náměstí - Jílové u Prahy, Náměstí </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-442"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 442 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:10</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:07"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Lysá nad Labem, ž - Benátky nad Jizerou, Husovo nám. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-20"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 20, </span> 26</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X26"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X26 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Červený Vrch – Dědina: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-454"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 454 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nedrahovice, Lipský mlýn </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-533"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 533 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:01"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jankov, Odlochovice - Bystřice, náměstí - Benešov, Terminál </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S10"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S10 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:20"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín - Přelouč - Česká Třebová </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 2, </span> 3, 5, 6, 9, 14, 18, 22, 23</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:20</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:25"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> křižovatka Lazarská (více směry) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-238"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 238 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:07"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Depo Hostivař - Fashion Arena Štěrboholy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 6, </span> 7, 19</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 15:36</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:38"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Koh-i-noor - Otakarova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz zastaven, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 2, </span> 17, 18</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 15:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:36"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Staroměstská - Národní divadlo </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 9, </span> 12, 15, 20</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:00"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Anděl - Újezd </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů, Odklon </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-412"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 412 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 15:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Černý Most - Jičín, aut. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-213"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 213 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chodovec - Jižní Město a zpět (linka 213) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-L4"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> L4, </span> S30</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:17"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bakov nad Jizerou </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 7, </span> 8, 12, 31</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:17</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:19"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Balabenka (z centra) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-739"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 739 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bakov n.Jiz., Zájezdy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-250"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 250 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Obchodní centrum Černý Most: dočasné zrušení zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS36 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S36 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 21:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladá Boleslav město – Dolní Bousov – Mladějov v Čechách </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS28 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S28 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 17:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora – Zbraslavice – Zruč nad Sázavou: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR80, </span> XS80, XS84</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hvězdonice–Samechov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R42"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R42, </span> S2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:50</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty n. Labem – Nymburk hl. n.: krátkodobá odpolední výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S65, </span> T1</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:43</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Jinonice – Praha-Smíchov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Ostatní, Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS6 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S6 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov – Nučice – Beroun: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS75"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS75 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S75"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S75 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Beroun–Nižbor: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 95 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X95 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 04:10</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nové Strašnice – Ústřední dílny DP: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-431"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 431, </span> 728, 729</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Boreč I. etapa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS8"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS8 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S8"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S8 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 16:09</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Týnec nad Sázavou – Čerčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Náhradní doprava, Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS21"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS21 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S21"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S21 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 14:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl. n. – Rožďalovice – Kopidlno: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-136"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 136, </span> 275, 351, 911</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 07:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Krystalová: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-91"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 91 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 19. 3. 18:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Obratiště Radošovická: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS40"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS40 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S40"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S40 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 19. 3. 16:50</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kralupy nad Vltavou – Slaný: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Rozvázání přestupní vazby, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-450"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 450, </span> 454, 513, 516, 518, 519, 549, 551, 552, 556, 559</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 18. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Sedlčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-443"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 443 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 18. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk,Pražská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R15"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R15, </span> R20, S4</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 18. 3. 05:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha – Roudnice nad Labem (– Lovosice / Ústí nad Labem) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS36 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S36 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 17. 3. 21:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladá Boleslav město – Dolní Bousov – Mladějov v Čechách </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 17. 3. 20:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Akce v O2 areně: HC Sparta Praha x HC Oceláři Třinec </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-100"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 100, </span> 130, 180, 246, 249, 304, 306, 324, 336, 347, 358, 380, 386, 952, 957</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zličín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS31"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS31 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R22"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R22, </span> S31</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 17:44</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl. n. – Mladá Boleslav (– Řepov) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS28 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S28 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 16:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora – Malešov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS54 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S54 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 16:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Středokluky–Slaný </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-118"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 118, </span> 124, 170, 193</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 08:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vyskočilova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS12"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS12 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S12"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S12 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 05:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl. n. – Poříčany: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS2 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S2 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 04:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty nad Labem – Nymburk hl. n. (– Poděbrady): noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 15. 3. 20:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Akce v O2 areně: TIKI TAKA LIVE </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 716, 897</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy zastávek v Mnichově Hradišti a Lysé nad Labem </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-407"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 407, </span> 416, 488</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy zastávek v okolí Milína </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-841"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 841 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna trasy a zastávek MHD Vlašim </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-650"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 650 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 650 v ranních hodinách </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-546"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 546, </span> 641, 642</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Hořovicku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-474"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 474 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 474 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-392"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 392, </span> 395</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Dobříšsku a Příbramsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-440"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 440 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 440 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-387"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 387, </span> 659</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zprovoznění zastávky Vlkančice, Komorce v opačných směrech </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-450"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 450, </span> 451, 452, 532, 550, 553, 554</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů v oblasti Sedlčanska a Voticka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-383"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 383, </span> 959</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení noční dopravy Praha – Říčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-594"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 594, </span> 595</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Velvarsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-730"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 730 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření provozu linky 730 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-826"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 826 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Milčice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS65 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S65 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 17:09</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov – Praha-Zličín – Hostivice: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR80, </span> XS80, XS84</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hvězdonice–Samechov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS54 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S54 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Středokluky–Noutonice: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 95 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X95 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 04:25</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Palmovka – Ke Stírce: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-369"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 369, </span> 470, 471, 472, 695, 747</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 13. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mělník, 28. října </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-174"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 174, </span> 225, 301, 352, X137</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 12. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Luka: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-L4"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> L4, </span> R22</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 12. 3. 14:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> (Bělá pod Bezdězem –) Doksy – Staré Splavy / Česká Lípa: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 95 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X95 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 12. 3. 04:20</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vinice – Ústřední dílny DP: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS28 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S28 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 11. 3. 16:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora hl. n. – Kutná Hora město – Malešov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-915"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 915 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 24.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření provozu linky 915 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-845"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 845, </span> 846</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů v oblasti Dolních Kralovic </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-402"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 402, </span> 481, 771, 805</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy zastávek na Čáslavsku a v Posázaví </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-888"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 888 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 3.&nbsp;2. 20:25</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření provozu PID Haló </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-156"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 156 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 3.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna trasy linky 156 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-482"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 482, </span> 496</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Blatná </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-193"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 193, </span> 280, 317, 318, 319, 401, 427, 466, 470, 474, 532, 545, 558, 589, 646, 656, 740</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Trvalé změny autobusů PID od ledna 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-406"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 406, </span> 453, 458, 483, 487, 550, 758, 790, 792, 793, 794, 795, 799, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 848, 849, 854, 206001</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Integrace MHD Vlašim </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-515"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 515, </span> 530, 754</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Drásov,Skalka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-238"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 238 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zavedení linky 238 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zavedení linky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-218"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 218 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zavedení linky 218 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zavedení linky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-117"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 117 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 11.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Soukalova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-116"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 116, </span> 123, 130, 158, 159, 160, 166, 182, 185, 202, 216, 246, 257, 276</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-trolley view-58"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-trolley"/> </svg> 58 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změny na linkách MHD Praha </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-659"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 659 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 659 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-303"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 303, </span> 391, 423, 655</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava tras linek na Úvalsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-702"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 702 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prodloužení linky 702 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-319"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 319, </span> 320, 514, 961</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Mníšecku a Dobříšsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-466"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 466, </span> 617, 668, 747</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy provozu autobusů na Mělnicku a Kralupsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-383"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 383, </span> 490, 653</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Ondřejov, škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-429"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 429, </span> 698</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přečíslování linky 429 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-319"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 319, </span> 429, 621, 622, 627</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy linkového vedení na Kladensku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-743"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 743 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy linky 743 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-375"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 375, </span> 476, 478, 667, 670, 671, 876</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava tras linek a zastávek na Brandýsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-101"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 101, </span> 104, 108, 146, 155, 168, 194, 201, 228, 229, 246, 249, 250, 253, 258, 259, 260, 262, 268, 269, 278, 280, 336</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 31.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změny v MHD Praha </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-U14"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> U14 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 3.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Trnovany na lince U14 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-386"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 386 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 16.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kladno,zimní stadion </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-371"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 371, </span> 374, 411, 958</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Zdiby </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-108"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 108, </span> 131, 907</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Ronalda Reagana </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-191"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 191 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava spojů linky 191 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-214"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 214 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy linky 214 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-456"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 456 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 8.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Tursko, Libčická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-749"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 749 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy provozu linky 749 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-456"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 456 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Tursko, Libčická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-505"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 505 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zavedení víkendového provozu na lince 505 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-491"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 491 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření obsluhy zastávky Doubravčice, rozc.Vrátkov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-429"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 429, </span> 443, 661</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna zastávek v Semicích </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-720"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 720, </span> 730</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy provozu na Semilsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-460"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 460 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna obsluhy Krychnova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-794"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 794, </span> 844</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přejmenování zastávky v Trhovém Štěpánově </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-207"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 207 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 28.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nemocnice Na Františku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-274"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 274 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 13.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prodloužení linky 274 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-354"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 354 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 5.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jirny,DHL </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-203"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 203 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 13.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Stachova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-AE"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> AE </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 10.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení provozu linky AE (Airport Express) od 10. 5. 2024 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-697"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 697 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 27.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna obsluhy Zbyn u Doks </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-146"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 146, </span> 268</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 15.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 268 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-159"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 159 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 8.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 159 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-302"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 302 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 302 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-415"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 415 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava linkového vedení linek PID v Žatci </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-365"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 365 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 365 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-481"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 481, </span> 786, 805</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linek v Kutné Hoře a okolí </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="tabs_cnt-tab" style="display: none;" data-tabcnt="2"> <div id="vymi_tab_2" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-673"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 673 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 13:05</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 13:12"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 54 min. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk, hlavní nádraží - Křinec, škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 6, </span> 11, 96</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:30</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 15:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 06:18"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 7 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nuselské schody (do centra) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-415"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 415, </span> 590</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Stochov,Slovanka I </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <h2 class="title">Archiv</h2> <div id="vymi_tab_2_arch" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-222"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 222 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 13:10</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 12:53"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Černý Most - Xaverov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 9, </span> 10</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 12:41</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 12:42"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hotel Golf - Poštovka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-118"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 118, </span> 170</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 12:24</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 12:25"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> ulice V zápolí </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-716"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 716 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 12:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 11:31"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mnichovo Hradiště, náměstí - Boseň, Mužský </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div 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10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 11:20</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 10:27"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Roztoky, rozcestí Žalov - Kladno, Oaza </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R23"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R23, </span> S32</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 10:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 09:46"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 4 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mělník - Štětí a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz zastaven, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 6, </span> 7, 11, 14, 18, 19, 24</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 10:14</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 10:14"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> křižovatka Otakarova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-368"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 368 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 09:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 09:28"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 4 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Ďáblice - Předboj </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-375"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 375 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 09:22</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 08:07"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 5 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Českomoravská - Brandýs n. L.-St. Bol., žel. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-20"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 20, </span> 26</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 09:14</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 09:14"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 4 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vlastina - Divoká Šárka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-339"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 339 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn 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1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Budějovická - Týnec nad Sázavou, železniční stanice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S9 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 08:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Říčany - Strančice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-332"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 332 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 07:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 06:16"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 7 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jílové u Prahy, náměstí - Praha, Budějovická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-370"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 370 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 07:05</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 06:30"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 7 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Postřižín, u kapličky - Praha, Kobylisy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-339"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 339 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 06:46</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:24"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kamenice,Kult.dům - Týnec nad Sázavou, Žel. st. - Budějovická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong 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9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 06:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:47"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty nad Labem, rozcestí Vápensko - Mladá Boleslav, autobusové stanoviště </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-723"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 723 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 06:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:27"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kopidlno, nám. - Mladá Boleslav, aut. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-201"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 201 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 05:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 05:20"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 8 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> spoj linky 201 "Satalice - Kbely" </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-719"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 719 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: dnes 05:14</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 04:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 9 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bakov n.Jiz.,Zvířetice - Mladá Boleslav, </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-460"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 460 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zásmuky, Sobočice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Zrušení zastávky, Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-801"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 801 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" 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stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 14 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora,Žižkov,Fučíkova - Kutná Hora,hlavní nádraží a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong 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9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 22:06</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 21:52"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 16 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> spoj linky 107 "Dejvická - Suchdol" a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-175"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 175 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 20:16</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 20:16"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 17 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> spoj linky 175 "Strašnická - Háje" </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 18:53</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 18:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 19 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> linka C - stanice Hlavní nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Uzavření stanice </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-724"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 724 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 18:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 17:03"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 21 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Libáň, aut. st. – Mladá Boleslav, aut. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 9, </span> 11, 31</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 17:27</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 17:28"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 20 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kněžská luka - Chmelnice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-339"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 339 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 15:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 22 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Budějovická – Kamenice, Kult. dům </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-5"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 5, </span> 7, 9, 10, 11</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 13:18</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 13:18"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Biskupcova - Ohrada </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-113"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 113, </span> 154, 197, 333</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 13:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 13:06"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Libušská ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 7, </span> 8</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 11:34</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 11:35"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nademlejnská - U Elektry </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-164"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 164 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 06:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 05:29"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Malovanka - Sídliště Řepy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div 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10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 21:40</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 21:41"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Varnsdorf,aut.nádr. - Nový Bor,aut.nádr. - Střížkov a zpět </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S7 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 20:09</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 20:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Karlštejn - Praha hlavní nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R16, </span> R26, S6, S65, S7, T4, T6</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 20:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 19:29"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-194"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 194 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 19:07</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 19:04"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Florenc - Nemocnice pod Petřínem </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-T10"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> T10 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 19:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:55"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha hl. n. - Mladá Boleslav - Mikulášovice dolní nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-240"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 240 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 19:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:17"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Háje - Černý Most </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-453"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 453 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:51</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:50"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vlašim žel. st. - Tábor, aut. nádr. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-700"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 700 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:50</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:49"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Černý Most - Mladá Boleslav, aut. st. - Harrachov, aut. nádr. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-112"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 112, </span> 234</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:42"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> oblast Prahy 7 - Troje (zpoždění autobusů) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-341"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 341 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:30"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Obchodní náměstí - Jílové u Prahy, Náměstí </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-442"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 442 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:10</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 18:07"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Lysá nad Labem, ž - Benátky nad Jizerou, Husovo nám. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-533"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 533 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:01"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jankov, Odlochovice - Bystřice, náměstí - Benešov, Terminál </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S10"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S10 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:20"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín - Přelouč - Česká Třebová </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 2, </span> 3, 5, 6, 9, 14, 18, 22, 23</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:20</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:25"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> křižovatka Lazarská (více směry) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-238"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 238 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 16:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:07"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Depo Hostivař - Fashion Arena Štěrboholy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Neodjetí spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 6, </span> 7, 19</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 15:36</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:38"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Koh-i-noor - Otakarova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz zastaven, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 2, </span> 17, 18</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 15:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:36"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Staroměstská - Národní divadlo </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-9"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 9, </span> 12, 15, 20</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:00"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Anděl - Újezd </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů, Odklon </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-412"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 412 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 15:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 15:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha, Černý Most - Jičín, aut. st. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-213"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 213 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:57"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chodovec - Jižní Město a zpět (linka 213) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-L4"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> L4, </span> S30</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:17"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bakov nad Jizerou </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-extraordinary view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 7, </span> 8, 12, 31</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-icn view-no-stroke" title="Mimořádnost"> <title>Mimořádnost</title> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-alert"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 14:17</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 22.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:19"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Balabenka (z centra) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Provoz omezen, Zpoždění spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="tabs_cnt-tab" style="display: none;" data-tabcnt="3"> <div id="vymi_tab_3" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 1, </span> 6, 14, 17, 25, 93</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;2. 00:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Výstaviště – Nádraží Holešovice: dočasné přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-19"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 19 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title 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7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:15"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pankrác C: dočasné uzavření stanice metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Českomoravská B: dočasné uzavření stanice metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X25"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X25, </span> X94</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>31.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dělnická – Palmovka: náhradní autobusová doprava </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-319"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 319 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mníšek pod Brdy, U Hřiště </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R42"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R42, </span> S2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 17:00</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 20:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha hl. n. – Lysá nad Labem (– Nymburk hl. n.) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S8"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S8, </span> S88</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 08:00</span> - 27.&nbsp;3. 15:54</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha hl. n. – Praha-Braník – Vrané nad Vltavou: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS98"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS98 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S98"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S98 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 00:00</span> - 12.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Olbramovice–Sedlčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 345, 427, 700, 714, 715, 717, 720, 721, 730, 733, 734, 736, 737, 739, 763, 775, Cyklobus 2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>9.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladá Boleslav - třída Václava Klementa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-154"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 154, </span> 188, 195, 901, 906</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:31</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 04:01</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> V Korytech: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R44"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R44, </span> S4</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 00:01</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo nádraží – Praha-Holešovice zastávka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Přerušení provozu, Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 716</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mnichovo Hradiště, Víta Nejedlého (II. etapa) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-137"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 137, </span> 297, 908, X137</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;2. 04:31</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Peroutkova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 403, 431, 434, 442, 667, 767, 768, 775</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Benátky n.Jiz., </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-358"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 358 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>16.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chýně,Na Vyhlídce </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>21.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Radlická B: dočasné omezení provozu metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Uzavření stanice, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-cableway view-LD"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-cableway"/> </svg> LD </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>13.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 08:08"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 5 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Újezd – Petřín: přerušení provozu lanové dráhy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-798"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 798 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Teplýšovice, Humenec, rozc. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-568"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 568, </span> 569</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Střezimíř - Mezno </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-338"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 338, </span> 390, 437, 438, 440</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>22.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Štěchovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-186"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 186, </span> 396, 671</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rosická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-637"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 637 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zadní Třebaň </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-209"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 209, </span> 220</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>24.&nbsp;2.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bystrá ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-105"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 105, </span> 118, 125, 129, 172, 190, 196, 197, 241, 244, 314, 317, 318, 320, 334, 338, 360, 361, 390, 392, 393, 395, 407, 416, 420, 428, 901, 907</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2022</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Lihovar - směr Smíchovské nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-526"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 526, </span> 641</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2021</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bavoryně </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>22.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 23.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>16.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 17.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>14.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 15.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 11.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 1, </span> 2, 25, 96, 97</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-108"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 108, </span> 143, 149, 180, 216, 902</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>5.&nbsp;4. 04:30</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Oblast zastávek Vozovna Střešovice: dočasné přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 5.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>2.&nbsp;4. 00:41</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 04:21</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 21.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:13"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 dny </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přehled krátkodobých omezení v provozu tramvají v dubnu 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span 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0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 21:15</span> - 2.&nbsp;4. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R42"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R42, </span> S2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 15:05</span> - 4.&nbsp;4. 16:50</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty n. Labem – Nymburk hl. n.: krátkodobá odpolední výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-331"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 331, </span> 341, 960</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:31</span> - 1.&nbsp;5. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dolní Břežany,Obecní úřad: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-317"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 317, </span> 319, 446</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mníšek p.Brdy, Rozcestí Kytín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-586"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 586, </span> 628</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;4. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 21.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 14:09"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 dny </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mšecké Žehrovice,Lodenice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S2 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>31.&nbsp;3. 06:00</span> - 29.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín-Zálabí a Veltruby: zahájení výluky odloženo na 31. března 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Náhradní doprava, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-101"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 101 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>31.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 13.&nbsp;4. 23:30</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 11:00"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jiřího z Poděbrad: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-22"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 22, </span> 25</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X22"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X22 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>30.&nbsp;3. 07:31</span> - 17:31</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Malovanka – Bílá Hora: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-397"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 397, </span> 903, 951, 952, 954, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>30.&nbsp;3. 03:00</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Informace o změnách v dopravě – přechod na letní čas </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 1, </span> 3, 14, 25, 93</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-905"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 905, </span> 911, X1, X25, X93</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>29.&nbsp;3. 04:15</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 10:23"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 3 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vltavská – Dělnická – Nádraží Holešovice – Ke Stírce: přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava, Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-92"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 92 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X92"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X92 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>28.&nbsp;3. 00:36</span> - 04:31</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Balabenka – Nádraží Libeň – Starý Hloubětín: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS80, </span> XS85</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 07:50</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 17:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 16:21"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 21 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Sázava – Ledečko (– Kácov): denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-137"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 137, </span> 153, 908</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Václavka: dočasné přemístění zastávky autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-516"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 516, </span> 552</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Uzavírka silnice I/18: Solopysky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-91"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 91, </span> 96</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X91"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X91 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;3. 00:40</span> - 04:40</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Strossmayerovo náměstí – Hradčanská: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 10:01</span> - 14:01</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:12"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prosek C: dočasné omezení přístupu imobilních osob ve stanici metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení bezbariérového přístupu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-133"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 133, </span> 135, 175, 207, 908, 909</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 07:01</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pernerova: dočasné přemístění zastávky autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-754"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 754 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 27.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Uzavírka silnice I/18: Obory </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-377"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 377, </span> 477, 657</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mratín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-504"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 504, </span> 512</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 2.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno 21.&nbs+01:00;3.&nbs+01:00;2025 16:50"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 2 dny </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Drahlín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>zítra 10:01</span> - 14:01</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:13"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prosek C: dočasné omezení přístupu imobilních osob ve stanici metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení bezbariérového přístupu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-228"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 228 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>zítra 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dubečský hřbitov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S65 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 23:10</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 00:45</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov – Praha hl. n.: noční výluka pro linku S65 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS7 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-Ex6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> Ex6, </span> R16, S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 21:15</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 01:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 17:30</span> - 20:30</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno dnes 07:44"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 6 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Akce v O2 areně: HC Sparta Praha x HC Oceláři Třinec </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR80, </span> XS80</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 08:20</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 17:15</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 14:42"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 23 hod. </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Samechov–Sázava: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS3"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS3 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R21"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R21, </span> R43, S3</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 08:09</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 17:03</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Všetaty – Mladá Boleslav: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-176"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 176, </span> 910</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:31</span> - 4.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zapova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-160"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 160 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:31</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> K Drsnici: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-799"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 799 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 2.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Struhařov,Pecínov - Struhařov,Budkov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-733"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 733, </span> 734</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Křivolačiny </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-753"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 753 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 25.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Podělusy - Lešany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-392"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 392 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>dnes 04:00</span> - 17.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Žírovy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-212"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 212 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>21.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Krňovická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-728"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 728 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - zítra 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Boreč II. etapa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-175"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 175 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:31</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 00:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Záveská: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-110"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 110, </span> 136, 195, 201</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-trolley view-58"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-trolley"/> </svg> 58 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Letňany: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-262"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 262 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladých Běchovic: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-728"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 728 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - zítra 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Krnsko </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-354"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 354 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nehvizdy,Mochovská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-688"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 688 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zahořany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-209"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 209, </span> 221, 222</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> ul. Mladých Běchovic </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-620"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 620 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 26.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Brandýsek - Švermov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-380"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 380, </span> 384, 952</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Loděnice,Jánská II </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-643"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 643 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hořovice,,u Dražovky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-822"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 822, </span> 826</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Klučov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-706"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 706, </span> 770, 772, 773</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vavřinec </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-536"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 536 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 22.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Polní Chrčice - Dománovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R26"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R26, </span> S66</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;3. 00:00</span> - 11.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Březnice – Čimelice (– Písek) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-361"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 361, </span> 437</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;7.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nový Knín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-697"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 697 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dubá,Rozprechtice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-137"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 137, </span> 908</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>14.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 9.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Santoška: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S1 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>12.&nbsp;3. 22:15</span> - 28.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo nádraží: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-790"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 790, </span> 793</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bílkovice - Radošovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-531"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 531, </span> 548, 639</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hořovice - Komenského ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-302"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 302, </span> 396, 916</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vinořský hřbitov: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-483"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 483, </span> 791, 793</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 4.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Ostředek - Třemošnice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-848"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 848 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pravonín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-534"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 534, </span> 535, 537</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 4.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín,Třídvorská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R16 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;3. 00:00</span> - 13.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov (ve směru z Prahy) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>7.&nbsp;3. 00:45</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 17:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přehled krátkodobých omezení v provozu tramvají v březnu 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Odklon, Náhradní doprava, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S1"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S1 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo nádraží (ve směru z Prahy): denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-675"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 675, </span> 678</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>4.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Cerhenice,Škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-135"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 135 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Náměstí Míru: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky, Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-100"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 100, </span> 161, 191, 907, 910, AE</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-trolley view-59"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-trolley"/> </svg> 59 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:21</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Terminál 1: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-714"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 714 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kosmonosy, u zámku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-560"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 560, </span> 562, 563, 584, 760</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-U12"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> U12, </span> X560</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chrášťany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-416"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 416 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Blatná,ž </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-416"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 416 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Horažďovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-801"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 801, </span> 803</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora,Sochorova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-713"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 713, </span> 725</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 10.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Obrubce, hl. silnice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-406"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 406, </span> 770, 796, MHD 1 Benešov, MHD 3 Benešov</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Benešov, Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-655"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 655 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - 1.&nbsp;5. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Čelákovice,Záluží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-381"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 381, </span> 382, 383, 385, 387, 435, 494, 765, 959</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;3. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Říčany; Černokostelecká ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-516"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 516, </span> 552</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - 26.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dublovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-433"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 433 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>24.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - 30.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk,zimní stadion </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-302"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 302, </span> 396, 671, X302</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;2. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přezletice: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-240"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 240 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>17.&nbsp;2. 04:00</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dubeč - Běchovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-668"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 668 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>13.&nbsp;2. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Lhotka,ž </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-131"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 131, </span> 216, 296, 907, X131</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>10.&nbsp;2. 04:30</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> U Matěje: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR16, </span> XS7</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R16"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R16, </span> S7</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>3.&nbsp;2. 21:45</span> - 13.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Beroun–Karlštejn: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-493"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 493, </span> 498</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;1. 04:00</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přední Lhota </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-732"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 732 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>21.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Čistá,škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-156"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 156 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> U Vody: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 2, </span> 3</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-106"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 106, </span> 121</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>9.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nádraží Braník: dočasné přemístění zastávek v obratišti </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-579"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 579 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>8.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Roztoky, Chaloupky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-532"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 532 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Votice,Beztahov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-108"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 108, </span> 216</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vozovna Střešovice: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-488"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 488 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Chraštice, Chraštičky, Varkač </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-489"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 489, </span> 494, 557, 582</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Všestary - 4. etapa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-783"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 783 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Svatý Mikuláš,Lišice,rozc. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-396"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 396, </span> 671</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>16.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přezletice, Vinořská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-124"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 124, </span> 139</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Ukrajinská: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S49"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S49, </span> S61</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - 31.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úvaly – Praha hl. n. (– Praha-Vršovice) a 1. třída na lince S49 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Zrušení linky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-160"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 160 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kosova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-708"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 708 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zlonice, Závod - Dřínov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-780"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 780 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>28.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Ronov nad Doubravou </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-532"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 532 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Votice, Amerika </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-454"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 454 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Sedlec-Prčice,Veletín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-710"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 710, </span> 782</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>11.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zbyslav </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-793"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 793 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bílkovice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-156"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 156 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>26.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Strojnická: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-534"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 534, </span> 535, 537</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>18.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - 30.&nbsp;3. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kolín,Třídvorská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>7.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - 18.&nbsp;5. 18:00</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Svatoplukova: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-133"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 133, </span> 135, 175, 194, 207, 908, 909</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;10.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Florenc: dočasné přemístění zastávek </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-587"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 587 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>18.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Tuřany, Byseň </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-153"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 153 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>12.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - 20.&nbsp;4. 23:59</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Malvazinky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-630"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 630 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>2.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kladno, nádraží </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-332"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 332, </span> 752, 753</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kamenný Přívoz </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-133"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 133, </span> 135, 175, 207, 908</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>27.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Pernerova: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-389"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 389 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>9.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Smolnice,rozc. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-435"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 435, </span> 491, 659, 660, 661, 662, 822, 826, 888</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>25.&nbsp;7.&nbsp;2024</span> - 31.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Český Brod </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-560"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 560, </span> 573, 760</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dopravní omezení v souvislosti s výstavbou dálnice D6 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-776"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 776, </span> 787</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>15.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Řendějov,Nový Samechov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-562"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 562 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>20.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rakovník - Riegrova ulice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-386"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 386 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>19.&nbsp;2.&nbsp;2024</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kladno, Petra Bezruče </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-560"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 560 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>24.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2024</span> - 31.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Děkov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-7"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 7, </span> 14, 18, 93, 95</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>22.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2023</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Svatoplukova: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R24"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R24, </span> R45, S5, S54</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>12.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2023</span> - 1.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2025</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha Masarykovo n. (/ Praha hl. n.) – Praha-Dejvice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-C"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> C </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>6.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2022</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Florenc C: dočasné omezení vstupu a výstupu stanice metra </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Omezení bezbariérového přístupu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception" title="Probíhající"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-201"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 201, </span> 905, 911</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Probíhající"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-cnt-time-icn"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#icon-hours"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>29.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2021</span> - do&nbsp;odvolání</div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kuchyňka: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <h2 class="title">Archiv</h2> <div id="vymi_tab_3_arch" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-20"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 20, </span> 26</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X26"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X26 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Divoká Šárka – Dědina: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-460"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 460 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-updated" title="Aktualizováno včera 13:41"> <svg width="15" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g> <path d="M14 2V5H11" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1 10V7H4" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M1.78123 4.06879C1.63535 4.45646 1.83137 4.88899 2.21904 5.03487C2.60672 5.18075 3.03925 4.98474 3.18513 4.59707L1.78123 4.06879ZM11.2582 2.4658L10.7442 3.01204C10.7499 3.01739 10.7557 3.02265 10.7616 3.02782L11.2582 2.4658ZM13.5034 5.45063C13.8138 5.72491 14.2877 5.69564 14.562 5.38524C14.8363 5.07485 14.807 4.60088 14.4966 4.3266L13.5034 5.45063ZM1.49663 6.54937C1.18623 6.27509 0.712263 6.30436 0.437984 6.61476C0.163705 6.92515 0.192981 7.39912 0.503373 7.6734L1.49663 6.54937ZM3.74182 9.53419L4.25575 8.98796C4.25007 8.98261 4.2443 8.97735 4.23844 8.97218L3.74182 9.53419ZM13.2188 7.93121C13.3646 7.54354 13.1686 7.11101 12.781 6.96513C12.3933 6.81925 11.9608 7.01526 11.8149 7.40293L13.2188 7.93121ZM3.18513 4.59707C3.69867 3.23233 4.93236 2.1861 6.47917 1.85698L6.16699 0.389821C4.15178 0.818612 2.48601 2.19586 1.78123 4.06879L3.18513 4.59707ZM6.47917 1.85698C8.02748 1.52753 9.63825 1.97144 10.7442 3.01204L11.7721 1.91957C10.2964 0.531073 8.1807 -0.0386523 6.16699 0.389821L6.47917 1.85698ZM10.7616 3.02782L13.5034 5.45063L14.4966 4.3266L11.7548 1.90379L10.7616 3.02782ZM0.503373 7.6734L3.24519 10.0962L4.23844 8.97218L1.49663 6.54937L0.503373 7.6734ZM3.22788 10.0804C4.70364 11.4689 6.8193 12.0387 8.83301 11.6102L8.52083 10.143C6.97252 10.4725 5.36175 10.0286 4.25575 8.98796L3.22788 10.0804ZM8.83301 11.6102C10.8482 11.1814 12.514 9.80414 13.2188 7.93121L11.8149 7.40293C11.3013 8.76767 10.0676 9.8139 8.52083 10.143L8.83301 11.6102Z" fill="black"/> </g> </svg> <span> před 1 dnem </span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zásmuky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title 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6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl.n. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS2 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S2 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 23. 3. 04:05</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty nad Labem – Poděbrady </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-403"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 403 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Dolní Bousov, nám. </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-20"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 20, </span> 26</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X26"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X26 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 18:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Červený Vrch – Dědina: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přerušení provozu tramvají, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-454"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 454 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 22. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nedrahovice, Lipský mlýn </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-739"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 739 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Bakov n.Jiz., Zájezdy </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-250"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 250 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Obchodní centrum Černý Most: dočasné zrušení zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS36 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S36 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 21:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladá Boleslav město – Dolní Bousov – Mladějov v Čechách </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS28 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S28 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 17:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora – Zbraslavice – Zruč nad Sázavou: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR80, </span> XS80, XS84</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hvězdonice–Samechov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R42"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R42, </span> S2</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:50</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty n. Labem – Nymburk hl. n.: krátkodobá odpolední výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S65, </span> T1</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:43</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Jinonice – Praha-Smíchov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Ostatní, Zrušení zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS6 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S6"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S6 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:45</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov – Nučice – Beroun: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS75"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS75 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S75"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S75 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 16:15</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Beroun–Nižbor: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 95 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X95 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 21. 3. 04:10</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nové Strašnice – Ústřední dílny DP: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-431"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 431, </span> 728, 729</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Boreč I. etapa </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS8"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS8 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S8"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S8 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 16:09</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Týnec nad Sázavou – Čerčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zrušení zastávky, Náhradní doprava, Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS21"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS21 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S21"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S21 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 14:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl. n. – Rožďalovice – Kopidlno: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-136"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 136, </span> 275, 351, 911</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 20. 3. 07:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Krystalová: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-91"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 91 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 19. 3. 18:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Obratiště Radošovická: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS40"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS40 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S40"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S40 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 19. 3. 16:50</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kralupy nad Vltavou – Slaný: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Rozvázání přestupní vazby, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-450"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 450, </span> 454, 513, 516, 518, 519, 549, 551, 552, 556, 559</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 18. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Sedlčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-443"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 443 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 18. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk,Pražská </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R15"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R15, </span> R20, S4</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 18. 3. 05:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha – Roudnice nad Labem (– Lovosice / Ústí nad Labem) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS36 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S36"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S36 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 17. 3. 21:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mladá Boleslav město – Dolní Bousov – Mladějov v Čechách </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 17. 3. 20:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Akce v O2 areně: HC Sparta Praha x HC Oceláři Třinec </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Omezení přístupu do stanice, Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-100"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 100, </span> 130, 180, 246, 249, 304, 306, 324, 336, 347, 358, 380, 386, 952, 957</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zličín </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS31"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS31 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-R22"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> R22, </span> S31</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 17:44</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl. n. – Mladá Boleslav (– Řepov) </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS28 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S28 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 16:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora – Malešov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS54 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S54 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 16:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Středokluky–Slaný </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-118"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 118, </span> 124, 170, 193</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 08:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vyskočilova: dočasná změna trasy a zastávek autobusů </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS12"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS12 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S12"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S12 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 05:23</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nymburk hl. n. – Poříčany: noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS2 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S2"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S2 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 16. 3. 04:55</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kostomlaty nad Labem – Nymburk hl. n. (– Poděbrady): noční výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 15. 3. 20:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Akce v O2 areně: TIKI TAKA LIVE </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-826"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 826 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Milčice </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS65 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S65"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S65 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 17:09</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Praha-Smíchov – Praha-Zličín – Hostivice: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XR80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XR80, </span> XS80, XS84</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S80"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S80 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Hvězdonice–Samechov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS54 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S54"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S54 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 17:00</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Středokluky–Noutonice: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 95 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X95 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 14. 3. 04:25</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Palmovka – Ke Stírce: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava, Přerušení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-369"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 369, </span> 470, 471, 472, 695, 747</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 13. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Mělník, 28. října </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-174"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 174, </span> 225, 301, 352, X137</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 12. 3. 23:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Luka: dočasné přemístění zastávky </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-L4"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> L4, </span> R22</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 12. 3. 14:30</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> (Bělá pod Bezdězem –) Doksy – Staré Splavy / Česká Lípa: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-tram view-95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-tram"/> </svg> 95 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-X95"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> X95 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 12. 3. 04:20</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Vinice – Ústřední dílny DP: krátkodobé přerušení provozu tramvají </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Odklon, Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-exception view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-XS28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> XS28 </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-S28"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> S28 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg class="box-subject-icn is-exception" width="20" height="13" viewBox="0 0 20 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Výluka</title> <path d="M20 7.02168V10.8512H14.9467C14.6972 10.8509 14.4502 10.8011 14.2198 10.7047C13.9894 10.6083 13.7801 10.4672 13.6039 10.2894C13.4277 10.1116 13.288 9.90057 13.1928 9.66843C13.0977 9.4363 13.0488 9.18757 13.0492 8.93645V3.82871H9.88333V8.93645C9.88366 9.18757 9.83484 9.4363 9.73966 9.66843C9.64448 9.90057 9.5048 10.1116 9.3286 10.2894C9.15241 10.4672 8.94314 10.6083 8.71274 10.7047C8.48235 10.8011 8.23534 10.8509 7.98583 10.8512H2.92667V13L0 9.07484L2.9275 5.14968V7.02168H6.0875V1.91394C6.08728 1.66281 6.13621 1.41411 6.23149 1.18202C6.32677 0.949928 6.46654 0.738999 6.64282 0.561273C6.8191 0.383548 7.02843 0.242507 7.25886 0.146204C7.4893 0.0499003 7.73632 0.000220185 7.98583 0L14.9467 0C15.1962 0.000330205 15.4432 0.0501193 15.6736 0.146524C15.904 0.24293 16.1132 0.384063 16.2894 0.561866C16.4656 0.739669 16.6053 0.950661 16.7005 1.18279C16.7957 1.41493 16.8445 1.66365 16.8442 1.91477V7.02252L20 7.02168Z" fill="#E4842C"/> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <span>provoz&nbsp;obnoven: 11. 3. 16:59</span> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kutná Hora hl. n. – Kutná Hora město – Malešov: denní výluka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Náhradní doprava </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="tabs_cnt-tab" style="display: none;" data-tabcnt="4"> <div id="vymi_tab_4" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-687"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 687, </span> 742, 780, 781, 782, 785, 801, 803, 805</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Kutnohorsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-166"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 166 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy a provozu linky 166 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-483"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 483 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;5. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy linky 483 v Ostředku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-359"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 359, </span> 858</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Horoměřicku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-228"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 228 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky K Hádku v Praze-Dubči </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-353"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 353 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 353 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change" title="Budoucí"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-464"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 464, </span> 466, 471</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Budoucí"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.5 3.5H5V2.75H11V3.5H12.5V2.75H14V5H2V2.75H3.5V3.5ZM2 6.5V14H14V6.5H2ZM5 1.25H11V0.5H12.5V1.25H14C14.8284 1.25 15.5 1.92157 15.5 2.75V14C15.5 14.8284 14.8284 15.5 14 15.5H2C1.17157 15.5 0.5 14.8284 0.5 14V2.75C0.5 1.92157 1.17157 1.25 2 1.25H3.5V0.5H5V1.25Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Mělnicku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <h2 class="title">Archiv</h2> <div id="vymi_tab_3_arch" class="boxes view-grid view-smaller dark-back"> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-315"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 315, </span> 716, 897</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy zastávek v Mnichově Hradišti a Lysé nad Labem </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-407"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 407, </span> 416, 488</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy zastávek v okolí Milína </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-841"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 841 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna trasy a zastávek MHD Vlašim </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-650"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 650 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 650 v ranních hodinách </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zpoždění spoje, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-546"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 546, </span> 641, 642</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Hořovicku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-474"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 474 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 474 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-392"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 392, </span> 395</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Dobříšsku a Příbramsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-440"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 440 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 440 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-387"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 387, </span> 659</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zprovoznění zastávky Vlkančice, Komorce v opačných směrech </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-450"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 450, </span> 451, 452, 532, 550, 553, 554</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů v oblasti Sedlčanska a Voticka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-383"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 383, </span> 959</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení noční dopravy Praha – Říčany </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-594"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 594, </span> 595</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Velvarsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu, Omezení provozu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-730"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 730 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;3. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření provozu linky 730 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-915"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 915 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 24.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření provozu linky 915 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-845"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 845, </span> 846</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů v oblasti Dolních Kralovic </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-402"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 402, </span> 481, 771, 805</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy zastávek na Čáslavsku a v Posázaví </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-888"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 888 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 3.&nbsp;2. 20:25</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření provozu PID Haló </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-156"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 156 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 3.&nbsp;2. 05:30</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna trasy linky 156 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-482"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 482, </span> 496</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Blatná </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-193"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 193, </span> 280, 317, 318, 319, 401, 427, 466, 470, 474, 532, 545, 558, 589, 646, 656, 740</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Trvalé změny autobusů PID od ledna 2025 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-406"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 406, </span> 453, 458, 483, 487, 550, 758, 790, 792, 793, 794, 795, 799, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 848, 849, 854, 206001</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;1.&nbsp;2025</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Integrace MHD Vlašim </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-515"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 515, </span> 530, 754</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Drásov,Skalka </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-238"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 238 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zavedení linky 238 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zavedení linky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-218"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 218 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;12.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zavedení linky 218 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Zavedení linky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-117"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 117 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 11.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Soukalova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-116"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 116, </span> 123, 130, 158, 159, 160, 166, 182, 185, 202, 216, 246, 257, 276</strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-trolley view-58"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-trolley"/> </svg> 58 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;11.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změny na linkách MHD Praha </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-659"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 659 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu linky 659 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-303"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 303, </span> 391, 423, 655</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava tras linek na Úvalsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-702"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 702 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prodloužení linky 702 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-319"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 319, </span> 320, 514, 961</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava provozu autobusů na Mníšecku a Dobříšsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-466"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 466, </span> 617, 668, 747</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy provozu autobusů na Mělnicku a Kralupsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-383"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 383, </span> 490, 653</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Ondřejov, škola </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-429"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 429, </span> 698</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přečíslování linky 429 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-319"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 319, </span> 429, 621, 622, 627</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy linkového vedení na Kladensku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-743"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 743 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy linky 743 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-375"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 375, </span> 476, 478, 667, 670, 671, 876</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;9.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava tras linek a zastávek na Brandýsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-metro view-B"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-metro"/> </svg> B </span> </strong> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-101"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 101, </span> 104, 108, 146, 155, 168, 194, 201, 228, 229, 246, 249, 250, 253, 258, 259, 260, 262, 268, 269, 278, 280, 336</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 31.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změny v MHD Praha </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-train view-U14"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-train"/> </svg> U14 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 3.&nbsp;8.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Trnovany na lince U14 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-386"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 386 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 16.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Kladno,zimní stadion </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-371"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 371, </span> 374, 411, 958</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Zdiby </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-108"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 108, </span> 131, 907</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Ronalda Reagana </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-191"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 191 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava spojů linky 191 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-214"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 214 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 29.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava trasy linky 214 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy a zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-456"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 456 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 8.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Tursko, Libčická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-749"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 749 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy provozu linky 749 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna trasy </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-456"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 456 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Tursko, Libčická </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-505"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 505 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zavedení víkendového provozu na lince 505 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-491"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 491 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Rozšíření obsluhy zastávky Doubravčice, rozc.Vrátkov </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-429"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 429, </span> 443, 661</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna zastávek v Semicích </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-720"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 720, </span> 730</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úpravy provozu na Semilsku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-460"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 460 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna obsluhy Krychnova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-794"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 794, </span> 844</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 9.&nbsp;6.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Přejmenování zastávky v Trhovém Štěpánově </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-207"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 207 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 28.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Nemocnice Na Františku </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-274"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 274 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 13.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Prodloužení linky 274 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Ostatní </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-354"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 354 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 5.&nbsp;3.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Jirny,DHL </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Přemístění zastávky </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-203"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 203 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 13.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Zřízení zastávky Stachova </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-AE"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> AE </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 10.&nbsp;5.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení provozu linky AE (Airport Express) od 10. 5. 2024 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-697"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 697 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 27.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Změna obsluhy Zbyn u Doks </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-146"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 146, </span> 268</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 15.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 268 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-159"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 159 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 8.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 159 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-302"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 302 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 302 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-415"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 415 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 1.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Úprava linkového vedení linek PID v Žatci </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Změna zastávek, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-365"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 365 </span> </strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 C39.383,34 34,39.383 34,46 C34,52.617 39.383,58 46,58 C52.617,58 58,52.617 58,46 C58,39.383 52.617,34 46,34 Z M46,56 C40.486,56 36,51.514 36,46 C36,40.486 40.486,36 46,36 C51.514,36 56,40.486 56,46 C56,51.514 51.514,56 46,56 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M52,45 L47,45 L47,40 C47,39.447 46.553,39 46,39 C45.447,39 45,39.447 45,40 L45,46 C45,46.553 45.447,47 46,47 L52,47 C52.553,47 53,46.553 53,46 C53,45.447 52.553,45 52,45 Z"></path> <path d="M27,21 L25,21 L18,21 L16,21 L7,21 L7,30 L7,32 L7,39 L7,41 L7,50 L16,50 L18,50 L27,50 L27,41 L27,39 L27,32 L34,32 L36,32 L45,32 L45,21 L36,21 L34,21 L27,21 Z M36,23 L43,23 L43,30 L36,30 L36,23 Z M18,23 L25,23 L25,30 L18,30 L18,23 Z M9,23 L16,23 L16,30 L9,30 L9,23 Z M9,32 L16,32 L16,39 L9,39 L9,32 Z M16,48 L9,48 L9,41 L16,41 L16,48 Z M25,48 L18,48 L18,41 L25,41 L25,48 Z M25,39 L18,39 L18,32 L25,32 L25,39 Z M34,30 L27,30 L27,23 L34,23 L34,30 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> <path d="M33,55 L2,55 L2,16 L50,16 L50,29 C50,29.553 50.447,30 51,30 C51.553,30 52,29.553 52,29 L52,15 L52,5 C52,4.447 51.553,4 51,4 L46,4 L46,1 C46,0.447 45.553,0 45,0 L38,0 C37.447,0 37,0.447 37,1 L37,4 L15,4 L15,1 C15,0.447 14.553,0 14,0 L7,0 C6.447,0 6,0.447 6,1 L6,4 L1,4 C0.447,4 0,4.447 0,5 L0,15 L0,56 C0,56.553 0.447,57 1,57 L33,57 C33.553,57 34,56.553 34,56 C34,55.447 33.553,55 33,55 Z M39,2 L44,2 L44,5 L44,8 L39,8 L39,5 L39,2 Z M8,2 L13,2 L13,5 L13,8 L8,8 L8,5 L8,2 Z M2,6 L6,6 L6,9 C6,9.553 6.447,10 7,10 L14,10 C14.553,10 15,9.553 15,9 L15,6 L37,6 L37,9 C37,9.553 37.447,10 38,10 L45,10 C45.553,10 46,9.553 46,9 L46,6 L50,6 L50,14 L2,14 L2,6 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> <div class="box-cnt-time" title="Ukončeno"> <svg class="box-cnt-time-icn view-no-stroke" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 17.25C4.44365 17.25 0.75 13.5563 0.75 9C0.75 4.44365 4.44365 0.75 9 0.75C13.5563 0.75 17.25 4.44365 17.25 9C17.25 13.5563 13.5563 17.25 9 17.25ZM9 15.75C12.7279 15.75 15.75 12.7279 15.75 9C15.75 5.27208 12.7279 2.25 9 2.25C5.27208 2.25 2.25 5.27208 2.25 9C2.25 12.7279 5.27208 15.75 9 15.75ZM11.4697 6.21965L7.49998 10.1893L5.78031 8.46965L4.71965 9.53031L7.49998 12.3106L12.5303 7.28031L11.4697 6.21965Z" fill="#969696"/> </svg> <div class="date"><span>trvale od 2.&nbsp;4.&nbsp;2024</span></div> </div> <div class="box-cnt-halfs"> <div class="box-cnt-title is-full"> Posílení linky 365 </div> <div class="box-cnt-notes"> Posílení spojů, Změna jízdního řádu </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="box view-permanent_change view-finished" title="Ukončeno"> <div class="box-subject"> <strong class="box-subject-title view-iconsvyl"> <span class="view-nowrap"> <svg xmlns="" class="box-subject-title-icn travel-bus view-481"> <use xlink:href="/wp-content/themes/pid/images/icons.svg#travel-bus"/> </svg> 481, </span> 786, 805</strong> </div> <div class="box-cnt"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 58 58" class="box-subject-icn is-permanent_change" title="Trvalá změna"> <title>Trvalá změna</title> <path d="M46,34 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