Chris Lilley’s Publications • Chris Lilley

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Chapter 16 in Green, P. (editor) (2024) <em>Fundamentals and Applications of Colour Engineering</em>. Wiley. <span class="isbn">978-1119827184</span> </li> <li>Watt, Andrew H.; Lilley, Chris, <em>et. al.</em> (2003) <span class="title">SVG Unleashed</span>. Sams. <span class="isbn">ISBN 0-672-32429-6</span> <li>Lin, F.; Wyrwas, K.; Irwin J.; Lilley, C.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1995) <span class="title">Geometry for Computer Graphics</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-059-4</span> <li>Lilley, C.; Lin, F.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1993) <span class="title">Visualisation 1: Graphical Communication</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-027-6</span> <li>Lilley, C.; Lin, F.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1993) <span class="title">Colour in Computer Graphics</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-022-5</span> <li>Lilley, C.; Lin, F.; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1993) <span class="title">Standards for Computer Graphics</span>. Sheffield, UCoSDA. <span class="isbn">ISBN 1-85889-017-9</span> </ul> </section> <section id="papers"> <h2>Papers &amp; articles</h2> <ul> <li>Lilley, C. <span class="title">Towards an HDR-capable ICC PCS</span>. Expert contribution to the International Color Consortium (ICC), June 2020. <a href="/ICC July 2020/Towards an HDR-capable ICC PCS.html" class="paper">HTML</a>.</li> <li>Lilley, C. <span class="title">Ask an expert: Why is CSS . . . the way it is?</span>. In <span class="journal">Increment magazine</span> Issue 13, May 2020. <a href="" class="paper">HTML</a>.</li> <li>Lilley, C.; Correll, S. (2003) <span class="title">Extending SVG Fonts with Graphite</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 23rd International Unicode Conference</span> <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (2001) <span class="title">SVG: Unicode meets Vector Graphics</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 18th International Unicode Conference</span>. <li>Lilley, C. (2000) <span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the Ninth International World Wide Web Conference</span> <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (2000) <span class="title">Internationalisation and Localisation with SVG</span> in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 16th International Unicode Conference</span>. <li>Lilley, C. (1998) <span class="title">Rendering Multilingual Documents – CSS and XSL</span> in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 13th International Unicode Conference</span>. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Nielsen, Henrik Frystyk; Gettys, Jim; Baird-Smith, Anselm; Prud'hommeaux, Eric; Lie, Håkon Wium; Lilley, Chris (1997) <span class="title">Network Performance Effects of HTTP/1.1, CSS1, and PNG </span> in <span class="journal">ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review</span> <span class="vol">27(4)</span>, pp.155-166 ·October 1997 <a href="" class="paper">HTML</a> <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (1997) <span class="title">The Design of an International Web Font Extension for Cacading Style Sheets</span> in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 11th International Unicode Conference</span>. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a>. <li>Lilley, C (1995) <span class="title">Not Just Decoration : Quality Graphics for the Web</span>. in <span class="journal">World Wide Web Journal</span> <span class="vol">1(1)</span>, pp.291–307, Boston, 1995. <a href="" class="paper">HTML</a>. <li>Lilley, C. (1995) <span class="title">Active Web Pages</span>. In <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 1995 Eurographics UK Conference</span>, Loughborough, 1995, pp 267–281 <li>K.W. Brodlie, J.R. Gallop, A.J. Grant, J. Haswell, W.T. Hewitt, S. Larkin, C.C. Lilley, H. Morphet, A. Townend, J. Wood, H. Wright (1995) <span class="title">Review of Visualization Systems</span>. Advisory Group on Computer Graphics Technical Report No. 9. February 1995. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a></li> <li>Lilley, C; Lin, F; Hewitt, W.T.; Howard, T.L.J. (1994) <span class="title">The Design and Development of Distance Learning Materials for Graphics and Visualisation</span>. In <span class="journal">Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Visualisation Education (GVE)</span>, Barcelona, 1993. Also reprinted in <span class="journal">Computers & Graphics</span> <span class="vol">18(3)</span>, pp.269–275. <a href="" class="paper">PDF</a> <li>Lilley, C. (1994) <span class="title">An Introduction to Standardised Colour Measurement</span>. in <span class="journal">Proceedings of the 12th Eurographics UK Conference</span>, 22–24 March 1994 pp.163–177. ISBN 0952109719 </ul> </section> <section id="reports"> <h2>Web Standards and other specifications</h2> <ul> <li>Maxfield, Myles; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2021) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Fonts Module Level 5</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 29 June 2021</li> <li>Lilley, Chris; Kravets, Una; Verou, Lea; Argyle, Adam (editors) (2021) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color Module Level 5</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 1 June 2021</li> <li>Atkins, Tab; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2021) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color Module Level 4</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 1 June 2021.</li> <li>Daggett, John; Maxfield, Myles C.; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2020) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Fonts Module Level 4</span></a>. W3C Working Draft, 17 November 2020 </li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2020) <a href=""><span class="title">Progressive Font Enrichment: Evaluation Report</span></a>. W3C Working Group Note, 15 October 2020 </li> <li>Everson, Michael; Lilley, Chris (2019) <a href="19179-n5044-tau-gallicum.pdf"><span class="title">Proposal for the addition of four Latin characters to the UCS</a>. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N5044, 26 May 2019. Proposal was later <a href="">accepted into Unicode</a>.</li> <li>Daggett, John; Maxfield, Myles; Lilley, Chris (editors) (2018) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Fonts Module Level 3</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 20 September 2018.</li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2017) <a href=""><span class="title">RFC 8081: The font Top Level Type</span>. IETF Proposed Standard, February 2017. ISSN: 2070-1721</a> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (2015) <a href=""><span class="title">WOFF 2.0 Evaluation Report</span></a>. W3C specification, 14 April 2015.</li> <li>Thompson, H.; Lilley, C. <a href=""><span class="title">RFC 7303: XML Media Types</span></a>. IETF Proposed Standard. 07 July 2014. ISSN: 2070-1721</li> <li>Everson, Michael; Jacquerye, Denis; Lilley, Chris (2012) <a href="n4297.pdf"><span class="title">Proposal for the addition of ten Latin characters to the UCS</span></a>. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N4297. 26 July 2012. <li>Dahlström, Eric <em>et. al.</em> (2011) <a href=""><span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition)</span></a>. W3C Recommendation. 16 August 2011.</li> <li>Çelik, Tantek; Lilley, Chris; Baron, L. David (editors) (2011) <a href=""><span class="title">CSS Color Module Level 3</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 7 June 2011.</li> <li>Lilley, Chris; Grasso, Anthony (2009) <a href=""><span class="title">SVG Color 1.2, Part 2: Language</span>.</a> W3C specification, 01 October 2009.</li> <li>Anderson, A.; Berjon, R. <em>et. al.</em> (2006) <a href=""><span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 22 December 2008.</li> <li>Jacobs, Ian; Walsh, Norm (eds)(2004) <a href=""><span class="title">Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One</span>.</a> W3C Recommendation, 15 December 2004.</li> <li>Lilley, Chris (2004) <a href=""><span class="title">How should the problem of identifying ID semantics in XML languages be addressed in the absence of a DTD?</span></a>. TAG finding, 30 November 2004.</li> <li>Duce, David (editor) (2003) <a href=""><span class="title">Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition)</span></a>. W3C Recommendation. 10 November 2003. Also published as <span class="title">Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Portable Network Graphics (PNG): Functional specification</title>. ISO/IEC 15948:2003 (E).</span> <li>Lilley, Chris (2003) <a href=""><span class="title">Separation of semantic and presentational markup, to the extent possible, is architecturally sound</span></a>. Draft TAG finding, 30 June 2003.</li> <li>Diaz, A. et al. (2001) <a href=""><span class="title">Component Extension (CX) API requirements Version 1.0</span></a>. W3C specification, 11 December 2001.</li> <li>Ferraiolo, Jon (editor) (2001) <a href=""><span class="title">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification</span></a>. W3C Recommendation. 4 September 2001.</li> <li>Lie, Håkon Wium; Bos, Bert; Lilley, Chris (editors) (1998) <a href=""><span class="title">RFC 2318: The text/css Media Type</span></a>. IETF Informational. March 1998.</li> <li>Bos, Bert; Lie, Håkon Wium; Lilley, Chris; Jacobs, Ian (1998) <a href=""><span class="title">Cascading Style Sheets, level 2</span></a>. W3C Recommendation, 12 May 1998.</li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (1997) <a href=""><span class="title">Aural Cascading Style Sheets (ACSS)</span></a>. W3C Note, 7 January 1997.</li> <li>Lilley, Chris (editor) (1997) <a href=""><span class="title">Web Fonts</span></a>. W3C specification, 21 July 1997. This work was later merged into CSS2.</li> <li>Lilley, Chris; Platon, Roy (1997) <a href=""><span class="title">Use of CGM as a Scalable Graphics Format</span></a>. W3C specification, 18 June 1997.</li> </ul> </section> </article> </main> <script src="sitewide.js"></script> </body> </html>

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