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src="/web/20120515183257im_/" border="0"/></a><span><a class="ms-sitemapdirectional" href="/web/20120515183257/"></a></span><span> :: </span><span class="BCcurrent">Privacy Policy</span><a id="ctl00_dotORGBreadcrumbs_siteMapPath_SkipLink"></a></span></div></td></tr> <!-- END TABLE ROW FOR BREADCRUMBS --> <!-- BEGIN TABLE ROW FOR BASIC PAGES LAYOUT --> <tr> <td class="WhiteBackgroundImage"> <div id="ORGColumns"> <div id="OrgCol1"> <div id="ORGMainHeadline"> <p><b>Boys & Girls Clubs of America Legal Notice</b></p></div> <div id="ORGMainSubhead"> </div> <div id="ORGPageContent"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" id="ORGPageImage"> <tr><td></td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> <tr><td id="ORGPageImageCaption"> </td></tr> </table> <p>Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a national organization that serves local independent member organizations (the "Local Boys & Girls Clubs"). Together Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the Local Boys & Girls Clubs form one of the nation's largest networks of local youth organizations dedicated to promoting the health, social, educational, vocational and character development of youth throughout the United States of America. </p> <p>Each Boys & Girls Club organization is a separate legal entity, is governed by an independent board of directors, executive committee or other governing body and is solely responsible for its own affairs, including, but not limited to, matters of safety; compliance with federal, state and local laws; physical facilities; uses of technology, finances; policies and programs and personnel policies and decisions. Each Local Boys & Girls Club has sole authority to hire, to terminate, to prescribe the duties of and to establish the terms of employment of its employees and officers. </p> <p>The national Boys & Girls Clubs of America has no authority with respect to employment policies or decisions of Local Boys & Girls Clubs. Accordingly, each Local Boys & Girls Club controls its own affairs and Boys & Girls Clubs of America does not control and cannot be held responsible for the actions of Local Boys & Girls Clubs.</p> <p><strong>Boys & Girls Clubs of America Privacy Policy</strong></p> <p>This site is provided by Boys & Girls Clubs of America (“BGCA”). BGCA is committed to complying fully with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. BGCA does not intend to collect personal information from children under the age of 13. Our information collection practices are described below. While we encourage children to visit our site and learn more about our programs, we recommend, however, that parents approve and closely supervise the activity of their children at this and all other online sites. We urge children to check with their parents before entering information on any website and we urge parents to discuss with their children restrictions regarding the online release of personal information to anyone they don't know.</p> <p><b>The Information BGCA Collects</b><br>We respect your privacy as our online guest, and we will not collect any identifying or personal information about you while you are here except as set forth in this Privacy Policy.<br><br>BGCA collects information in several ways from different parts of this site. BGCA may collect personal information from you when you register with this site. BGCA also may ask you for personal information at other times, such as when you ask a question or report a problem with this site. If you contact BGCA, BGCA may keep a record of that session or correspondence, including a record of your e-mail address. BGCA may also occasionally ask users to complete surveys for research purposes. There also may be services on this site that require you to fill out an online form or send BGCA an e-mail message in order to utilize these services. BGCA collects any information that you provide in such circumstances, including any personal information. <br><br>We may ask you for identifying and personal information to:</p> <ul> <li>Invite you to receive periodic e-mail updates about our progress: When you accept, or “opt in,” we ask you to give us your e-mail address and respond to some questions that help us tailor our information to your interests. You can “opt out” of receiving these periodic updates at any time.</li> <li>Processing any online donations you make to Boys & Girls Clubs of America: When you donate to honor someone else, we do not use the information you give us about that person for any other purpose. </li> <li>Accepting your online “registration” at our site: When you agree to give us identifying and personal information, you are giving that information only to Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the parties we have involved in operating this site. You are giving it solely to enable the services this site provides. </li></ul> <p>BGCA also may collect IP addresses, domain names, and similar items regarding users of this site to measure the number of visits, pages visited, average time spent on this site, and similar items.<br><br>"Cookies" may be used in connection with this site. A cookie is a small amount of identifier data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. By using cookies, information is potentially collected without your express knowledge. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies but permit you to change the setting to refuse cookies or to be alerted when cookies are being sent. While refusal to accept cookies will not prevent the use of some portions of this site, other portions of this site may not function properly without cookies.<br><br><b>How BGCA Uses the Information it Collects</b><br>BGCA uses the information it collects through this site to improve its marketing and promotional efforts, to improve its content, and to customize this site's services, content, and layout. BGCA may provide the information it collects through this site to BGCA's business partners, and to third parties who provide services on BGCA's behalf. BGCA may use the information it collects through this site to inform you of new services, changes, or promotions. If you do not want us to send you this type of information, please let us know by contacting us at <a href=""></a>. We will not disclose your personal information collected through this site to third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy without first informing you of such change in our disclosure practices and providing you a choice regarding such disclosure. <br><br>Generally, BGCA may use cookies and the information they provide to: (a) remind it of who you are; (b) access your account information in order to deliver to you better and more personalized service; (c) estimate its audience size; (d) determine the nature and extent of repeat usage; and (e) measure certain traffic patterns to understand how users' habits are similar or different from one another, so that BGCA may improve its site.<br><br>BGCA understands the importance of privacy and confidentiality to users of this site. BGCA will not share personal information you submit through this site with companies not affiliated with BGCA for purposes of marketing or promoting events, products, or similar items, unless such events, products, or similar items are related to BGCA, and except that BGCA may, from time to time, make personal information available to selected third parties, but only in the aggregate. <br><br>BGCA may disclose information it collects through this site when required to do so by a court, regulatory agency, subpoena, law, regulation, or other body of competent jurisdiction and authority, and for administrative and other purposes that BGCA deems necessary to maintain, service, and improve its products and services and to protect its rights and property. Finally, if you become involved in any violation of security, violation of this website's Terms of Use, or violation of any party's or third party's rights, BGCA may release information about you to assist in investigating, resolving, or remediating any such incidents.<br><br><b>Integrity and Security</b><br>BGCA employs commercially reasonable managerial and technical measures to help protect the security and integrity of the personal information it collects online through this site. You acknowledge, however, that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while BGCA strives to protect your personal information, BGCA cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit to or from this site. <br><br><b>Privacy Practices of Other Sites</b><br>This Privacy Policy only address the use and disclosure of information BGCA collects online through this site, not information that BGCA collects through other sources. For your convenience, this site may contain links, or addresses, that you can simply click to open other useful sites where we do not control the content or privacy policy. Carefully review the approach these sites take to your privacy before you use them or provide them with information.<br><br>We assume no liability for any unauthorized actions of third parties or accidental transmission errors that may disclose information about you, and BGCA is not responsible for these other sites' privacy practices, which may be different from BGCA's privacy practices.<br><br><b>Contacting BGCA About Your Personal Information</b><br>If you would like to review the personal information that BGCA has collected about you through this site in order to verify its accuracy and completeness, or if you have a question or complaint regarding BGCA's privacy practices, or to request that BGCA delete your personal information from its records, please contact BGCA at <a href=""></a>.<br><br><b>Changes To This Privacy Policy</b><br>BGCA may revise this Privacy Policy at any time by updating this posting. Please consult this Privacy Policy regularly.<br><br>Last updated: January 21, 2005</p> <p>© Boys & Girls Clubs of America. 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