Animal rights activists protest shooting of stray dog in Sikkim - The Hindu
<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" itemscope itemtype=""><head><title> Animal rights activists protest shooting of stray dog in Sikkim - The Hindu </title><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><meta name="title" content="Animal rights activists protest shooting of stray dog in Sikkim" /><meta name="description" content="Animal rights activists in Gangtok rally against shooting of stray dog, demand action and awareness for animal abuse." /><meta name="publish-date" content="2024-08-11T21:55:06+05:30"/><meta name="created-date" content="2024-08-11T21:55:06+05:30"/><meta name="modified-date" content="2024-08-11T21:55:10+05:30" /><meta property="article:published_time" content="2024-08-11T16:25:06.000Z"/><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2024-08-11T16:25:10Z"/><meta name="cXenseParse:articleid" content="68512968"/><meta name="cXenseParse:thg-articleid" 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class="update-publish-time"><p class="publish-time-new"> Published <span>- August 11, 2024 09:55 pm IST - Guwahati</span></p></div><div class="author"><div class="author-name noimg"><a href="" class="person-name lnk"> The Hindu Bureau</a></div></div><div class="comments-shares share-page flex print-hide" data-artid="68512968" data-title="Animal rights activists protest shooting of stray dog in Sikkim" data-url=""><div class="left"><div class="share"><button class="btn share-btn" data-ga-labelclick="ArticleShare"></button><ul class="share-list " style="display: none;" ><li class="copy-link" onclick="copytext('');"> Copy link </li><li class="email"><a href="mailto:?subject=Animal%20rights%20activists%20protest%20shooting%20of%20stray%20dog%20in%20Sikkim&amp;" target="_self"> Email </a></li><li class="facebook" onclick="openShareLink('')"> Facebook </li><li class="twitter" onclick="openShareLink('')"> Twitter </li><li class="telegram" onclick="openShareLink('')"> Telegram </li><li 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id="content-body-68512968" class="articlebodycontent col-xl-9 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12" itemprop="articleBody"><p><b>Guwahati</b></p><p>Animal rights activists in Sikkim’s capital Gangtok took out a rally on Sunday to protest the shooting of a stray dog almost a month ago.</p><p>The stray dog was found dead with a wound on its chest on July 19. Its carcass, buried by some unidentified people in the town’s Kazi Road area, was exhumed and taken to a polyclinic where an examination confirmed that it had been shot.</p><p>Members of organisations such as Guardian of Sikkim, People For Animals, and Citizens Animal Shelter Sikkim assembled on the streets of Gangtok to demand action against the killing of stray animals and raise awareness about animal abuse.</p><p>“All forms of life merit respect because the earth is not for humans alone. The authorities should take strict action against people who subject animals to cruelty and kill them,” Karma D. Youtso of Guardian of Sikkim told journalists.</p><div class="also-read print-hide" data-ga-label="AlsoReadArticle"><div class="element"><div class="title"><a href=""> Is India in the grip of a ‘stray dog’ crisis?</a></div><div class="picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" alt="" data-device-variant= "SQUARE~SQUARE~SQUARE~SQUARE" class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></div></div></div><p>The protesters also asked the local authorities to ensure shelter and care for stray animals in urban spaces.</p><p>There have been similar instances of shooting stray animals in the northeast earlier. In May 2017, officials in Daporijo town of Arunachal Pradesh’s Upper Subansiri district shot several stray dogs and pigs as part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan programme. The shooting supervised by a town magistrate attracted flak from animal rights activists. </p><p>A shoot-at-sight order was also issued in August 2005 to clear the streets of the State’s capital Itanagar of stray dogs.</p><div class="articleblock-container" id="arthardpv"></div><div class="update-publish-time article-published-time-end"><p class="publish-time-new"> Published <span>- August 11, 2024 09:55 pm IST</span></p></div><button class="btn comments comment-btn print-hide"> Read Comments <span class="coral-count" data-coral-url="" data-coral-id="68512968" data-coral-notext="true"></span></button><div class="comments-shares share-page flex print-hide" data-artid="68512968" data-title="Animal rights activists protest shooting of stray dog in Sikkim" data-url=""><div class="left"><div class="share"><button class="btn share-btn" data-ga-labelclick="ArticleShare"></button><ul class="share-list bottom" style="display: none;" ><li class="copy-link" onclick="copytext('');"> Copy link 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