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type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"initialEvents":[],"brandCollectiveResources":[{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"itui8iwqqpt7"}},"id":"2bFY8Qlbod94A4MSpTLqXT","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2022-10-17T17:57:00.870Z","updatedAt":"2023-12-14T21:06:20.291Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":36,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"blog"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Gen Z-Approved Brands: Learn from Companies Kicking it With the Kids","category":"Marketing","metaTitle":"Gen Z-Approved Brands: Learn from Companies Kicking it With the Kids","metaDescription":"Spotify, Youth to the People, AmTrack and Overtime are among the brands scoring major points with the coveted generation z. Read our blog to learn from companies that are effectively marketing to this generation.","metaImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","slug":"gen-z-approved-brands","author":"Rachel Serpa","headerGradient":"Strawberry =\u003e Aster","content":"Gen Z’s influence is undeniable. From travel to music and everything in between, this powerhouse generation is shaping the future of brand marketing and operations. Want to engage Gen Z buyers, employees or both? We’ve got you covered with strategies and examples that will help your company appeal to the world’s largest generation. \n\nIn this article you’ll learn why your brand should be targeting Gen Z now — even if they’re not one of your biggest markets (yet). Then, discover which brands are winning the hearts and minds of kids these days along with takeaways you can directly apply to your own business. Let’s dive in!\n\n## Why Gen Z Matters for Brands\nThink your brand doesn’t need to reach Gen Z audiences? You might be risking $700,000 with that mindset. \n\nThat number represents the median revenue loss of brands that are slow to respond to change, according to a [recent survey]( In fact, the study also found that 56% of brands have reported financial setbacks as a result of this. \n\nOn the other hand, brands that have remained resilient and flexible to the changing needs of one of the marketplace’s biggest consumer and employment groups have reaped the rewards. [Gen Z controls $360 billion of wealth](,or%20by%20cunning%20side%20hustles.). \n\nWant a piece of that pie? Let’s take a closer look at brands who are already kicking it with the kids and how you can do the same. \n\n## 4 Examples of Brands Gen Z Can’t Get Enough of\n\nGen Z already has tremendous buying power and it’s growing day by day. This generation now represents [32% of the world’s population]( and a large portion of the workplace. And while we may not see [Gen Z’s collective income surpass that of Millennials until 2031](, the impact this generation has already had is impressive. If your company hasn’t started to care, they should — fast. \n\nNot sure where to start? Whether they’ve always aimed to reach a younger demographic or they’ve had to pivot their marketing to appeal to a new generation, the brands listed below are shining examples of what Gen Z resonates with most. In this section we’ll go over who these brands are, how they manage to stand out from the crowd and what you can practically take away from each example. \n\n### 1. Spotify\n\nThe way we work has changed — a lot. So it should come as no surprise that Gen Z has a fresh perspective on what makes a company great to work for. Enter Spotify. \n\nSpotify is widely considered “[career goals](” as far as this generation is concerned. But it wasn’t always that way. \n\nAccording to the [2022 NSHSS Career Interest Survey](, Spotify was considered the 46th most desirable place to work two years ago but has impressively risen to 3rd since then. One key to their success is that they actually take Gen Z seriously. \n\nHow do we know they’re doing this? Let’s take a look at some of their recent initiatives. \n\nIn 2021, Spotify’s CEO publicly announced the brand’s goal to appeal to more Gen Z listeners. To kick things off, they launched user-generated playlists that populate directly on the app’s homepage based on the feedback they received from younger users. \n\nThey also invested heavily into original research on Gen Z preferences and behaviors. Since then they’ve published insightful reports on topics such as “[How Gen Z Is Using Audio To Hear and Be Heard](\u0026sa=D\u0026source=docs\u0026ust=1663957241695922\u0026usg=AOvVaw2zPvjAPzmtk9cEo7A0NetE),” among others. \n\nAnd, perhaps most importantly, they’ve revamped their [organizational culture](,app%20development%20and%20for%20marketing.) to reflect their new direction. The streaming app’s workplace now prioritizes the following:\n\n- Innovation\n- Collaboration\n- Sincerity\n- Passion\n- Playfulness\n- Open and trusting\n- Idiosyncratic and quirky\n\nAll of these characteristics check important boxes for potential Gen Z recruits. According to [Business Insider](, Gen Z employees are looking for roles that are meaningful (collaborative, innovative) and support a larger, impactful goal (sincere, passionate). They are also seeking work environments that prioritize health and wellbeing through flexibility (open and trusting) and the opportunity for self expression (idiosyncratic and quirky, playful). \n\nAnd last but certainly not least, we know that another reason why Spotify is so popular with Gen Z employees is because it’s an established brand. [According to research by JUV Consulting](, 54% of Gen Z respondents said they’d rather work for a company that has already made a name for itself as opposed to freelancing, working at a startup or working in a non-profit. \n\nThat’s not to say new or small businesses don’t stand a chance at acquiring talent from this pool. But it is worth considering during your next recruitment cycle. \n\n__Takeaway:__ As you can see, Spotify is prioritizing Gen Z consumers by actively asking for feedback, listening to what is said and applying it. And it’s not just paying off with Gen Z consumers. As the NHSS Survey shows, it’s also being noticed by Gen Z employees. Use consumer surveys, fund original research and then learn about and apply the values this generation holds to your own work environment to attract and keep more highly qualified Gen Z candidates. \n\n### 2. Youth to the People\n\nThey don’t just talk about making a difference — [Youth to the People]( actually spends money on it. And Gen Z has noticed.\n\nIf you’re not already familiar with Youth to the People, the skincare company is “a vegan, cruelty-free, sustainable brand that actually has glass packaging and the expectation is that you’ll refill your product but still have something that isn’t plastic or is plastic neutral,” explains Shaina Zafar, Co-founder and CMO at [JUV Consulting]( \n\nRecently acquired by L’Oreal, the Gen Z-approved business focuses on community building through transparent, purpose-driven practices. One example of this is who they choose to partner with when it comes to brand collaborations. \n\nAs Zafar points out, “They partner with social media influencers who are authentically going to engage with their mission statement. They are diverse folks themselves rather than falling into the cliche or Eurocentric beauty standards we usually see.”\n\n__Takeaway:__ Put your money where your brand’s mouth is and Gen Z will champion you. Standing up for a cause and transparently communicating through actions rather than words are the cornerstones of [mission-driven branding](, which is a highly effective strategy for reaching this generation. \n\nAs branding expert [Andy Cunningham]( has said, “Every company today needs values, a purpose and a mission. You can’t do great branding until you understand what your purpose is as a company.”\n\n### 3. AmTrak\n\nThink only the new brands in town can reach Gen Z? Think again. [AmTrak]( is a great example of a brand that has had to pivot to kick it. \n\n“I don’t think a lot of people would think of [AmTrak] as a Gen Z brand”, says Zafar. “It’s not as flashy or as hot of a brand you would expect to necessarily resonate with Gen Z.” Zafar goes on to point out that it’s not typically associated with the colorful pastel aesthetic consumers expect from brands that Gen Z loves. But that doesn’t seem to matter. \n\nWhat Gen Z really cares about is their commitment to environmentalism and conscious consumerism. In fact, studies have shown that Gen Zers overwhelmingly prefer sustainable businesses and [3 out of 4 would choose a company that is environmentally-friendly](,comes%20to%20making%20a%20purchase.) over a name brand if given the choice. \n\nKnowing this, AmTrak saw an opportunity to rebrand and reach Gen Z like they never have before.\n\nAs AmTrak’s own website says, they’ve recently created a company-wide sustainability program that aims to increase awareness about and improve the practices of their operations. “Through continuous improvement, we aim to create long-term benefits for our customers, employees and business partners,” they declare. \n\nHere’s just a sampling of what the AmTrak brand has done so far: \n\n- Launched affordable options for Gen Z customers through a loyalty program and specific student deals\n- Set up a seat cushion recycling program that decreases landfill waste\n- Lowered energy usage through lamp maintenance and renovations at their facilities\n- Donated relief supplies to communities affected by natural disasters\n- Improved the fuel and energy efficiency of their entire fleet\n\nThe result? Excellent word of mouth marketing among Gen Z travelers. \n\nZafar’s coworker recently took a trip from New York to Chicago and raved about the experience. In addition to being scenic, the AmTrak route was also more affordable and sustainable than flying. It also provided her colleague an opportunity to do work while she traveled thanks to WiFi available onboard. Hearing this story made Zafar ask herself, “Should I be doing that? I’ll book an AmTrak trip!”\n\n__Takeaway:__ Afraid of [rebranding]( to appeal to Gen Z audiences? Don’t be. If AmTrak hadn’t taken the leap towards making a massive impact on a cause Gen Z cares about, they never would have created large-scale positive change for the environment or revamped their image so effectively. \n\nStart by picking an important cause that matters to the younger generation. Then, create and share your intentions for supporting it. Build or refresh your branding around this goal and market accordingly. Be sure to follow up with statistical analysis like AmTrak does with their sustainability reports in order to prove your brand is really walking the walk. \n\n### 4. Overtime\n\nNo, being part of Gen Z isn’t just about loving TikTok. But it is an important part of their life. And as Overtime’s success shows, there’s more to it than posting a few dance videos. \n\n“[Overtime]( is a media company that has branched out to a lot of different things but it’s focused on high school Gen Z athletes,” says Brian Bosché, Director of Product Marketing at [Smartsheet]( In fact, Overtime is one of the first brands to acknowledge there is a market around high school sports, “high school basketball especially.” \n\nAccording to Bosché, they used TikTok to pioneer high school highlights going viral. And the creative marketing campaign has paid off. \n\nTom Weingarten, Head of Social Media at Overtime, shared the strategy behind their digital and social eCommerce plan in a recent interview with [Conviva]( He said it all came down to two things: growing the community through their comment sections and maintaining the mindset that going viral before their competitors is their first priority. \n\nTo do all of this, they’ve established a strong project management process and daily workflow while encouraging their account leads to take complete ownership of their page. “We want [Gen Z’s] experience with our account to feel like a human as much as possible. I think that’s been the differentiator for a lot of our content.”\n\nThat might be a large part of why marketing leaders are taking notice. “They have done an incredible job of building a community where they now go into different sports, and they have channels for different sports across TikTok,” says Bosché. “They produce original content and shows. They even created their own professional sports leagues, Overtime Elite and a professional basketball league for high school students in Atlanta,” among others. \n\n__Takeaway:__ Focus on selling through digital and social commerce (and yes, TikTok!) if you want to meet Gen Z where they’re already spending time. Lead with authenticity by giving your team full permission to share their personal lives, thoughts and creative impulses on your social accounts. Plan to be first and best every time you post content. And set your team up for success with the systems and processes that are required to maintain brand consistency through each channel you use to reach Gen Z consumers. \n\n## Gen Z and Me: Next Steps for Brands\n\nIf you take away nothing else from this article, just know that targeting Gen Z is no longer a “nice-to-have” strategy. It is now crucial to business success no matter what sector you serve. By learning from the success of brands that are already beloved by this generation you can replicate their wins. \n\nReady to deep dive into what makes Gen Z tick? Hear more from Zafar and Bosché when you [watch a replay of our free webinar]( on how to build a resilient, future-ready marketing strategy that aligns your brand with Gen Z.\n","datePublished":"2022-10-06T00:00-06:00","ctaButtonText":"Watch the Webinar","ctaUrl":"","rolesTopics":["Marketers","Marketing"],"cardImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","cardImageCdnAltText":"thumbs up neon sign with Michaelangelo fingers","brandCollectiveResource":true}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"itui8iwqqpt7"}},"id":"5LyMDsvyxZ11KsTWiYIuWy","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2022-06-28T18:32:07.612Z","updatedAt":"2023-12-12T22:43:46.454Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":16,"revision":3,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"resource"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Say Goodbye to Lost Content","description":"Maybe it’s time to move on from that dusty old hard drive. Time to meet Brandfolder.","datePublished":"2022-06-28T00:00-06:00","cardImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","cardImageCdnAltText":"woman looking at hard drive","resourceType":"Video","rolesTopics":["Creative Impact","Creative Operations","Marketers","Inspiration","Marketing","Branding","Brand Managers","Creatives"],"destinationUrl":"","brandCollectiveResource":true}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"itui8iwqqpt7"}},"id":"1esGMByk7pksYCZiv4w8fE","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2022-06-16T20:27:25.008Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-31T21:34:22.948Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":69,"revision":11,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"seoBlog"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"11 of the Most Important Rebrands","category":"Marketing","metaTitle":"11 of the Most Important Rebrands","metaDescription":"To keep you inspired with fresh ideas for your own rebrand, we’ve rounded up nine of the buzziest examples of rebranding. Whether giving fast food a new image or rebuilding brand loyalty, each of these brands had big mandates ahead of them.","metaImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","slug":"important-rebrands","author":"Chelsea D'Angelo","headerImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","headerImageCdnAlt":"Typewriter","content":"Rebrands are risky business. But there are plenty of real-world examples of companies that took the leap and reaped the rewards. If you’re debating whether or not you should rebrand, use the following case studies as inspiration for what you can achieve. For small businesses and large enterprises alike, rebrands can present new opportunities to engage your consumers and reaffirm your brand’s values. Whether your goal is to maintain a healthy, dynamic brand, reinvent your business after a crisis or it’s simply time for an upgrade, you’ve come to the right place. \n\nWe’ve rounded up eleven of the buzziest rebrands to keep you inspired with fresh ideas for your own marketing makeover. How do you think they fared?\n\n## 1. Facebook\n\u003coptimizedvideo-meta-rebrand /\u003e\n\nMeta recently rose from the ashes of Facebook to usher in a new era and a fresh start. In a surprising move from Zuckerberg and co., the brand unveiled its new name and initiatives after months of ramping tension among stakeholders, activists and even the government. With the rebrand came a new logo, [thousands of new employees]( and a new plane of existence: the Metaverse. \n\nThe [Metaverse]( is an immersive virtual world accessible through the internet and the proper headset/goggles combo. Users can create their own 3D avatar and do everything from bowling to hosting an all-hands-on-deck meeting for their teams. \n\nAlthough it’s too early to say exactly how much of a hit the Meta rebrand will be considered in the history books, there are three solid reasons why the New York Times says [Meta’s recent rebrand could be a huge success]( First, it shows Zuckerberg’s commitment to moving the brand identity into a new chapter. Second, the reorganization of the company around its new brand goals is beneficial for investors. And last but not least, Meta can have more authority over its offerings now that it’s building a product that the brand alone has control over. \n\n## 2. Taco Bell\n\nAfter years of “Yo Quiero” and chihuahuas, coupled with the rise of fast-casual options like Chipotle, this well-worn taco chain knew it was time to elevate its visual identity. The rebrand earned it an [8% overall growth in revenue](, so we can confidently say Taco Bell’s audience wanted it too.\n\nThe soft launch of the brand’s new image? A new Taco Bell “Cantina” restaurant in Vegas, of course. Customers visiting the Cantina could shop branded Taco Bell merchandise, enjoy an alcoholic beverage, browse digital menu boards, choose from a tapas-style menu and relax in a VIP lounge that no restaurant in Vegas is complete without.\n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Taco Bell rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nThe new logo, created collaboratively by Taco Bell’s internal design team, TBD, and creative consultancy Lippincott, created a logo that fits with the brand’s new restaurant strategy: one size doesn’t fit all. Its 1995 iteration was given a modern look, allowing for customization through patterns, textures and different use cases. \n\nThe restaurant rebranding was met with praise at launch, and Taco Bell has enjoyed some good press after being named one of the [healthiest fast-food chains in America]( Hey, if Taco Bell has managed to position itself as a healthy option in the fast food world, we think that earns them a spot on this list of important rebrands. \n\n## 3. McDonald’s\n\nWhoever said looks don’t matter clearly hasn’t seen McDonald’s 2021 packaging rebrand. The design, dubbed “[aesthetic minimalism](”, combines item names, simple shapes and bold colors to make the Instagram-worthy new wrappers and boxes. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"McDonalds Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nNot only has this rebrand transcended language barriers for a global audience but it has also successfully infused McDonald’s unique sense of playfulness into every item. From ocean waves on Fish Filets to illustrated cheese slices melting down the sides of Big Macs, this simple rebrand proved to be fun for everyone. \n\nMeanwhile, McDonald’s logo, products and other marketing campaigns have remained the same. It just goes to show that even the simplest of changes can make a big impression when it comes to rebrands. \n\n## 4. Adobe Creative Cloud\n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Adobe Creative Cloud Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nAdobe has done such a good job coming up with new and advanced products that it ended up making its extensive library of tools hard for audiences to navigate and understand—oops! Luckily a rebrand came to the rescue. \n\nIn order to infuse functionality into every inch of its catalog, Adobe updated logos for products found within the Creative Cloud to a more modern color scheme, weight and font. It also swapped illustrated icons for icons with two-letter abbreviations of each product name. Smaller, more detailed updates include removing border outlines, rounding out app corners and making sure that products with similar functions are easy to choose between by adding bold, contrasting colors. \n\nAs for the Creative Cloud logo itself, the brand has chosen to change the icon from its signature red to a rainbow gradient. This update represents all the different products Creative Cloud offers under this one umbrella. \n\nAccording to a [press release from Adobe](, “We’re making these branding changes to ensure our portfolio continues to be easy for our customers to navigate and understand and maintain a fresh look and feel.” \n\nAnd guess what? It worked! Talk about finding a customer pain point and solving it. Sometimes a rebrand means so much more than just a new font. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Get a Demo\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 500px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\n## 5. Volvo\n\nVolvo is giving its logo the Silicon Valley treatment with a [new 2D, flat and minimalist design]( The old logo created the illusion of shining metal and used multiple colors. Now the black and white rebranded logo shines in a new way by bringing its visual identity into modern times with its first makeover in seven years. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Volvo Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nAlthough the rebrand was done quietly overnight without the usual fireworks you’d expect from a launch, critics called the update [electrifying]( Not only does the classic iron mark represent the interesting and vast history of the brand itself but the streamlined look also symbolizes a forward-thinking company. \n\nIn fact, the logo change was made in conjunction with the launch of the brand’s new electric SUV as Volvo continues to pave the way for accessible hybrid vehicles. A rebrand that pays homage to the past while looking forward to the future? Yes, please. \n\n## 6. Instagram\n\nWhen Instagram quietly unveiled its new logo in May of 2016, some loved it, some loathed it, and most of us thought a new app had appeared on our phones. The fact that everyone was talking about it and had an opinion? That’s what the world’s most important rebrands do. \n\nSo why did they do it? Six years after the photo-sharing app’s launch, it boasted [more than 400 million users posting photos each month and 80 million photos every day]( As Wired pointed out, “Those numbers boggle the imagination, and underscore how essential content is to Instagram’s continued growth.” \n\nBut Instagram was no longer just a photo-sharing service. With a suite of sub-brands, from Layout to Boomerang, and a growing focus on video, Instagram had fundamentally changed for its user, and its app design needed to reflect that change. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Instagram Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nThe new logo was flat, clean, and let the focus lay on advertisers and user content. The app itself better integrated Instagram’s own sub-brands in a more intuitive, user-friendly way. And while they still haven’t quite lived down that [algorithm change](, most users and brand experts agree that one of the year’s most controversial rebrands was also one of the most vital and successful.\n\n## 7. Pfizer\n\nPfizer’s not just a pill company anymore and they’ve got the rebrand to prove it. After creating a ground-breaking vaccine to protect against COVID-19 the company knew it was time for a change. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Pfizer Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nMany customers perceived their old logo to be too commercial-looking and not very science-like. How did Pfizer handle the feedback? By changing their main logo symbol from a pill to a helix, of course. \n\nThe brilliant design upgrade is one of the most well-timed and thoughtful rebrands we’ve seen. As [CEO Albert Bourla]( has said, “Pfizer is no longer in the business of just treating diseases—we’re curing and preventing them.” What a powerful shift!\n\n## 8. Mastercard\n\nAnother well-worn brand that hadn’t had a rebrand in two decades? MasterCard. Design agency Pentagram gave the credit card staple new website graphics, information pamphlets, a new logo and more.\n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Mastercard Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nThe recognizable red and yellow circles were retained and the logo, largely unchanged since the company’s founding in 1966, received a subtle refresh to usher the brand into the digital age where the rest of the banking world was already living. The rebrand was another vote for trendy flat designs, with Pentagram partner [Michael Bierut]( explaining, “We took their DNA and went through this process of distillation. With each wave of simplification, it felt sharper, cleaner, and more flexible.”\n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Free Digital Asset Management Software: 5 Top-Rated DAMs\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 500px;\"/\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\n\n## 9. Guinness\n\nHow do you rebrand a brand that’s over 200 years old? London-based firm Design Bridge found out in 2016 using two clear methods: a logo update and a wildly popular social media campaign. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Guiness Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nBucking the flat design trend, they gave the Guinness logo more detail and dimension. They also started applying the techniques they learned from making iconic television commercials to their social-first ads, bringing the entire brand into the modern age in a holistic way. \n\nGuinness kicked off its strategy on Facebook and Instagram with a three-minute movie about LA’s legendary Compton Cowboys. They did this as part of their award-winning [Made of More messaging]('%20'Made%20of%20More',the%20efficiency%20on%20their%20ROI.) which aims to “celebrate people with character, integrity, and confident self-expression, and groups that live life on their own terms.” \n\nAfter their rebrand, Guinness saw a revenue ROI of £19.90 per £1 spent with the total profit from the campaign nearly doubling the category norm. Not only did the rebrand bring the company into modern times, but it also caught the attention of a new target demographic on social media, which paid off in spades. \n\n## 10. Pandora\n\nMusic streaming service Pandora has been around since 2000, and up until 2016, so had its logo. Pandora had faced increasing pressure from brands like Spotify until it finally made the switch. In the fall of 2016, it put forth a refreshed brand identity and a new subscription service its leaders hoped would contribute to one of the most important rebrands of the year. Luckily for them, they were right. \n\n\u003ca href=\"\u0026rel=0\u0026feature=oembed\u0026enablejsapi=1\u0026origin=\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Pandora Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nThe new logo featured, you guessed it, a flat design and a new wordmark. Though the new design was not exciting, the campaign they released in conjunction with it definitely was. The block-style letter P has since been used at the center of many wildly colored and diverse designs ranging from black and white polka dot boxes to electric squiggles that “feel as though they could have been pulled from the 80’s-90’s MTV specials.” All of this showcased the [brand’s new focus](,a%20wordmark%20and%20a%20symbol.): personalization, personalization and personalization. \n\nAnd even though their top competitor, Spotify, is having its moment, major outlets like [Digital Trends](,144%20million%20paying%20monthly%20subscribers.) even admit that Pandora offers music discovery features that outshine its contemporaries. All of this makes it possible for users to have a more unique and personalized music experience on Pandora’s platform than anywhere else. And that is exactly why Pandora’s strategic, USP-focused update makes it one of the most important rebrands. \n\n\u003ca href=\" \" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"What is Digital Asset Management?\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 500px;\"/\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\n\n## 11. Mozilla\n\nMozilla shared each step of its 2017 rebrand with their global audience. Although the brand has seen some challenging years, its open-sourced rebrand certainly garnered some good press and supported an impressive [forecasted revenue of $500 million]( for 2021 (up from $465 million in 2019). \n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Mozilla Rebrand\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 700px;\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e\n\nMozilla shared several [logo designs]( from London firm Johnson Banks online early in the rebranding process. It let anyone comment on the selection of logos, and spent the next five months reviewing roughly 3,000 opinions, before unveiling the final design.\n\nOf the new logo, Mozilla’s creative director Tim Murray said, “Because it has a portion of URL embedded in the middle of the logo, you know this must be some kind of internet company.” Their new “letters only” logo also allows members to attach photos, graphics and .gifs to it, feeding into the “maker spirit” Murray hopes the new identity will harness. \n\nSo how was this experimental new rebrand received? Overall, pretty well! Most appreciated an original approach to the age-old process of rebranding. And, come on, we all like it when someone asks our opinion, right?\n\n## Why Are These Important Rebrands?\n\nWhile you may not be facing a global rollout and the subsequent critique of a brand identity refresh, it is important to unveil your rebrand correctly. Bring the right people into the process early in the rebrand, unveil it to your internal team with all the flash you usually reserve for the public and make sure your new brand assets are easily accessible. That way everyone can start putting them to use immediately!\n\nTo find out how Brandfolder can help keep your brand assets organized during a rebrand and beyond, [click here for a demo](","datePublished":"2022-06-16T00:00-06:00","rolesTopics":["Branding","Brand Managers","Creative Impact","Creatives","Marketers","Marketing"],"cardImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","cardImageCdnAltText":"typewriter and laptop back-to-back","optimizedVideoSlugs":"meta-rebrand","brandCollectiveResource":true}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"itui8iwqqpt7"}},"id":"1FTuAErLMDIXWM2KlDG0rQ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2022-02-23T18:09:36.602Z","updatedAt":"2023-09-01T19:47:24.344Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":135,"revision":13,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"blog"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"What It Means to Be a Mission-Driven Brand with Andy Cunningham","category":"Thought Leadership","metaTitle":"Mission-Driven Branding with Andy Cunningham ","metaDescription":"Learn what it takes to build and maintain a mission-focused brand from branding expert Andy Cunningham.","metaImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","slug":"mission-driven-branding-andy-cunningham","author":"Rachel Serpa","headerGradient":"Strawberry =\u003e Aster","content":"*Race relations. Climate change. Gender equality. These and other social, environmental, and public health issues have come center stage over the last several months, causing society as a whole to reevaluate the way we live. Never before have so many people questioned the impact their personal beliefs and everyday decisions have on others and the world around us — including where they choose to spend their money.*\n\n*Today, more than [60% of consumers]({:target=\"_blank\"} want companies to take a stand on social, cultural, political, and environmental issues. Consumers are [4-6x more likely]({:target=\"_blank\"} to champion and trust purpose-driven brands. And [71% of consumers]({:target=\"_blank\"} prefer buying from companies that align with their personal values.*\n\n*From Victoria’s Secret to Nike, leading brands are reexamining their purpose and values and taking a mission-driven approach to marketing. But doing this in an authentic and consistent way that resonates with target consumers is much easier said than done. So, we consulted one of the country’s foremost positioning and branding experts: Andy Cunningham.*\n\n*After coming to Silicon Valley to help Steve Jobs launch the original Macintosh, Andy has spent the last 30+ years developing marketing, branding, and communication strategies for some of the world’s leading companies. As an expert in helping brands accelerate growth, increase shareholder value, and advance their reputation, Andy has also written a [best-selling book]({:target=\"_blank\"}, founded the [Cunningham Collective]({:target=\"_blank\"}, started a marketing [podcast]({:target=\"_blank\"}, served on dozens of company and non-profit boards, and taught marketing classes at Harvard.*\n\n*We sat down with Andy to learn more about company DNA, how this impacts a brand’s mission and values, ways to authentically convey brand purpose that drive employee and consumer loyalty, and much more.*\n\n## Brandfolder: In your book, [Get to Aha](!, you explain that there are three types of companies: Mothers, Mechanics, and Missionaries. What are the differences between these DNA types, as you call them?\n\n__Andy:__ I have this underlying thesis that companies are a lot like people. I think they also have a DNA, which is typically ignited by the founders. That DNA should drive their behavior going forward because just like with humans, if you happen to have amazing natural talent to be a violinist or a basketball player, for example, it would serve you well to follow that DNA, rather than doing something completely different that you're not very good at.\n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Andy Cunningham quote\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 700px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\nTo simplify it for companies, I divided the whole mass of the world into three DNA types using all of the companies that I had worked for in the past as my sample set. I call the first DNA type Mothers, and these companies are customer-centric. They put the customer first, and that’s how they structure themselves, what they talk about in meetings, and how they measure success.\n\nThen there's a whole bunch of companies that focus on product domination, product leadership, and product functionality. I call them Mechanics. They tend to be very feature-driven, more aggressive, and measure success with regard to things like market share and sales. \n\nThe third type of company is a rare breed, and these are Missionaries. These companies exist to change human behavior and how the world operates on a fundamental level. Tesla today is a good example of this. Apple was a good example in the early days. Starbucks changed how we think about and pay for coffee. They’re typically run by a founder with a strong vision, and they tend to be very “cult of personality-esque.” \n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Andy Cunningham quote\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 700px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\n## Brandfolder: How does a company’s DNA influence and shape its mission, purpose, and values?\n\n__Andy:__ A company’s DNA really is the foundational element of its position, which is the epicenter of great branding. Every company today needs values, a purpose, and a mission — it doesn't matter whether you're a Mother, Mechanic, or Missionary. You can't do great branding until you understand what your purpose is as a company. Then you move into the exercise of, \"Okay, where's our role and relevance and how do we articulate it in the market, given this purpose and these values?\"\n\nUnfortunately, most companies jump right into logos, taglines, and other creative and emotional branding elements without first going through the rigor of defining who they are and why they matter. Figuring out a company’s values, purpose, mission, and spot on the map that they can credibly own — that’s the hard work of positioning. So, many of these branding attempts fail because they skipped over all this and were never true to who the brand was in the first place.\n\nWe all know that Nordstrom is a Mother that focuses entirely on the customer, right? You can pretty much return anything at Nordstrom, even if you didn't buy it there. They're all about customer relationships, success, and emotions, and they’ve done a really good job of actively conveying and living out those values.\n\nBut let’s look at another successful Mother company: Amazon. Jeff Bezos often says that Amazon is out to be Earth's most customer-centric company. They're not a warm and fuzzy company like Nordstrom, but they’re doing it through technology. They're trying to make sure that everything you want is available at the touch of a button. That's what Prime is all about. That's why they bought Zappos. Their brand and everything they do is driven by their mission and values and is a reflection of everything they are deep down. \n\n## Brandfolder: How do you think COVID and the various social justice movements that have occurred over the last 18 months have impacted the way that companies think about their market position and approach branding?\n\n__Andy:__ I think they’ve exacerbated and accelerated the need for companies to pay very close attention to things like their purpose and their mission. My generation, the Baby Boomers, grew up with this notion that we called shareholder value, and it was all about making money. Well, the Millennials taught us that there's more involved here than just shareholders: There are employees, partners, customers and all these other people that you have to pay attention to when you're building a company. \n\nNow the bulk of employees, who are now Millennials and also Gen Zers, are really looking to companies and wondering, \"Okay, why are we here? We're not here just to make money. What is our purpose? Why do we exist? What is our mission? What am I supposed to do every day in service of that purpose?\" And this is a generation of people who can smell bullshit ten miles away. These can’t just be words. It has to be authentic. It has to be not only verbalized, but also acted out and then measured and then reported on. \n\nThere's a whole level of responsibility now associated with things like your purpose and your mission. Personally, I think that it's a wonderful thing and that having all of these companies focused on a purpose in addition to making money is going to actually accelerate the progress that we make on this planet.\n\n## Brandfolder: It’s becoming a trend for companies to do things like change their logo to a rainbow for Gay Pride Month or pink for breast cancer awareness. How can brands do things like this in an authentic way that resonates with their audience?\n\n__Andy:__ Let's talk about Patagonia for a minute. Patagonia is a great brand that pays attention to its purpose and is very authentic about it. If they decided to paint their logo rainbow during Pride, everybody would think, \"That makes sense. What a cool thing to do!\" But if some company, Comcast for example, decided to do that, it wouldn't have the same effect, right? People would be like, \"What is that all about?\" \n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Andy Cunningham quote\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 700px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\nIt's about being true to your brand. You have to establish a set of values that everyone in your company understands and actually lives by, because you can do anything with your brand as long as it's authentic to who you are — which is why DNA is such an important thing to start with. It’s what gives you that authenticity. It’s like a map. What can you do and what can't you do? What should you do? What shouldn't you do? It's all inside of the company's DNA.\n\nIf your brand has a value around diversity, equity, and inclusivity, and you decide to paint your logo rainbow, people will understand and embrace that. But if you don't have those values and you're not living them and you can't show them to the world, then you shouldn't do something like that just for marketing purposes. Like, it wouldn’t make sense for Oracle or IBM to do something like that, because they’re very serious and aggressive. It’s not their personality. But it might make sense for Salesforce to, because they are much more spirited and fun. \n\n## Brandfolder: What sort of impact does genuine, purpose-driven branding have on a company’s customers? And what about its employees?\n\n__Andy:__ It really comes down to loyalty. You want your employees to remain loyal to you, and you want your customers to keep coming back. Your brand is about building loyalty with a certain base of people — and they shouldn’t just be employees and customers, but also board members, advisors, partners, potential customers, etc. You're really trying to build this place in a person's mind that doesn’t go away, and today that’s especially important because we have so much more stuff fighting for that real estate in our brains. \n\nThere was a book written in the 1970s called Positioning. They provide a very simple description of what positioning is, and I love it and use it all the time. And it’s that positioning is about staking out, owning, and protecting real estate in the mind of the customer or the potential customer. First, you’ve got to stake out the real estate. What is the place on the map that can belong to you and only you? Then you’ve got to own it. You’ve got to buy that real estate. Finally, you must defend and protect it. That's what positioning really is, and what the sort of great, mission-focused branding that comes out of it can ultimately achieve.\n\n## Brandfolder: How important is brand consistency to showing that the image you’re portraying is authentic, upholding your mission and values, and defending that space in people’s minds?\n\n__Andy:__ It’s probably the most important thing. Consistency is like the holy grail of marketing. In fact, you can even make a bad idea work really well if you’re consistent! Frequency is also extremely important. Consistency and frequency constantly reaffirm what it is you've put out there, and this is where almost all companies fall down. Because when you can't be consistent, you can't get stickiness. And when you don't get stickiness, you don't get awareness. And when you don't have awareness, you don't get people buying your stuff. It's just a problem that continues to exacerbate itself over and over again. \n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Andy Cunningham quote\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 700px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\nIt is super hard for humans to be consistent — human beings are the frailty in this entire system. If it were just up to software, we wouldn’t have to worry about it. But it's people who are making decisions every single day about how to make brands go forward. And any single person who makes a decision that isn't consistent with the brand screws up the whole system and it all starts to fall apart. It's like being on an assembly line. Remember the I Love Lucy episode where she's on the chocolate assembly line? The minute one chocolate gets screwed up, the whole assembly line falls down. The same is true with marketing.\n\n## Brandfolder: Let’s say a brand wants to update its mission or its values to align with a deeper purpose or emerging social movement. What are some of the first steps they should take?\n\n__Andy:__ You have to have a plan and then you have to have people engaged in that plan. First get alignment among leadership, and then reexamine your corporate values and how the company's actually living them to see what’s really happening. If diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) really is a value, well, how are you living it? If transparency's really a value, how are you living it? You have to stand behind the values you publish. It all goes back to authenticity.\n\n\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"Mission Matters Guide\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 500px; height: auto;\" width=\"500\" height=\"228\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e \n\nThe pandemic, and race relations, and climate change, and all the issues that have come to the forefront of society over the last 18 months are causing brands to accelerate this reexamination of our values and our purpose as companies. If you haven't taken a step back and examined your values in the last couple of years, I would say it's time to do a refresh and truly dig into how they are being lived and measured. It’s critical to do all of that work before you do a positioning exercise or try to figure out your brand. After all, your brand is a reflection of your values and if you don’t have them or aren’t living them, your brand will form cracks. And a cracked brand is a broken brand.\n\nWhich brands are getting mission-focused messaging right? And what can we learn from them? Download our guide to learn 3 important lessons from a few brands that are showing us how it’s done.","datePublished":"2022-02-22T00:00-07:00","ctaButtonText":"How To Bring Your Brand Mission To Life","ctaUrl":"","rolesTopics":["Brand Managers","Branding","CMOs + VPs","Creative Impact","Creatives","Marketing","Inspiration","Creative Operations"],"cardImageCdn":"\u0026format=png","cardImageCdnAltText":"Andy Cunningham Headshot","brandCollectiveResource":true}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"itui8iwqqpt7"}},"id":"5O5IcqBegUsBVBHbHgGwtS","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2021-11-05T15:28:39.127Z","updatedAt":"2023-12-14T20:47:16.018Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":217,"revision":25,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"blog"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Brand Collaborations: Our Recent Favorites and Why We Love Them","category":"Branding","metaTitle":"Brandfolder’s Recent Favorite Brand Collaborations","metaDescription":"For collaborations to be impactful, it's critical that each brand stays true to its values, retains its visual integrity, and remains recognizable. Here are some brands that have done just that. ","metaImageCdn":"","slug":"brand-collaborations","author":"Katie Walsh","headerGradient":"Orchid =\u003e Aster =\u003e OG Blue","content":"When an organization and all of its marketing efforts are operating at their absolute best, a brand begins to function on a higher level. As we’ve all witnessed, a consistent experience with a brand — from its marketing to its customer service, product design and everything in between — creates a personality. Be it heartfelt, goofy or just straight-up weird, we all have a few brands that come to mind. And as marketing geeks, we believe there’s nothing better than when two of these brands and their “personalities” mesh to create something even greater. \n\nBut any time two personalities come together, there's always the potential for conflict. For collaborations to be truly memorable and impactful, it's critical that each brand stays true to its values, retains its visual integrity, and remains recognizable to customers. This is much easier said than done!\n\nWe’ve rounded up some of our recent favorite brand collabs that have managed to do all of these things well, and we’ve included a peek behind the curtain as to why we love them. Enjoy!\n\n## 1. Tesla X Nosotros Tequila\n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Tesla Tequila\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 800px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\n### __The Collaboration:__ \n[Tesla Tequila]( arrived in late 2020, giving Tesla another leg up on its coolness factor. To no one’s surprise, the tequila, which came in a hand-blown lightning-shaped bottle, sold out almost immediately. It retailed for $250 a bottle and was produced by [Nosotros Tequila](, a spirits company based in Southern California. \n\nTesla’s website describes the tequila as “an exclusive, small-batch, premium, 100% de agave tequila añejo made from sustainably sourced highland and lowland agaves. Aged for 15 months in French oak barrels and into a hand-blown glass bottle, Tesla Tequila features a dry fruit and light vanilla nose with a balanced cinnamon-pepper finish. Best enjoyed as a sipping tequila.”\n\n### Why We Love It: \nTesla is widely known for its beautiful branding. From its sleek vehicles to branded apparel, the brand knows how simple and cohesive creative can be markedly memorable. Extend this look and feel to spirits and you better believe you’ll have a massive following. While the tequila sold out quickly, today’s it’s [reselling for almost $1,200]( Car and whiskey fanatics combined = collaboration success! \n\n## 2. Dôen X Ergobaby\n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Doen Ergobaby Carrier\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 800px;width:100%;\"\u003e\n\n### The Collaboration: \n[Dôen]( (a direct to consumer womenswear brand) and Ergobaby teamed up in spring of 2021 to create a line of ergonomic baby carriers in a beautiful floral design. This partnership was born of a deeply personal connection that the founders of Dôen, sisters Katherine and Margaret Kleveland, have to their families. Motherhood and female empowerment is an integral part of Dôen's [spirit as a brand]( And with a total of five children between them, the sisters have a deep appreciation of the [Ergobaby]( brand. \n\n“Ergobaby has played a huge role in both of our lives,” explains Katherine. “Margaret and I have shared the same carrier, which has gone back and forth between five babies over the last nine years! We keep going back to the importance of having a carrier that offers both physical support for the development of our babies as well as emotional security through carrying them close to our chests and bodies.” \n\nThe six-piece collection combined Ergobaby’s most popular carrier styles with Dôen’s famous floral prints. \n\n### Why We Love It: \nThis one is pretty darn simple: We are all about women supporting women. Not only is this collaboration beautiful to look at, but it’s also a partnership between women who are helping to elevate and expand each other’s business. And to add another layer, this collaboration supports parents. If you or someone you know has a little one, you can appreciate how much of a gift it is to be able to be hands-free while watching a child — not to mention also being confident that they are safe, secure and supported. Combine this with a beautiful floral pattern from Dôen and that’s a win in our book. \n\n## 3. Shea Couleé X Goose Island\n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Shea Coulee Goose Island Collaboration\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 800px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\n### The Collaboration: \nRuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars Champion, Shea Couleé, partnered with [Goose Island Brewery]( to create an original beer: Shea Coul-Alé: Royal Edition. The limited edition beer, described as “a flavorful, fierce, tropical wheat ale that’s dramatically bursting with pineapple, followed by hints of orange zest,” was released in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis in late May 2021. \n\nArguably the most exciting part of this collaboration was the packaging, which featured Goose Island’s signature goose, upgraded with long eyelashes, a crown and a shimmering finish, with the tagline “She’s here, she’s queer, and this is her year.” \n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Shea Coulee Goose Island Collaboration\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 800px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\n### Why We Love It: \nThis collaboration is all about celebrating and promoting inclusivity. Not only is the can aesthetically pleasing, but for every purchase of Shea Coul-Alé, the partnership donated $2 to [Brave Space Alliance](, the first Black-led LGBTQ center in the South Side of Chicago. The Brave Space Alliance is \"dedicated to creating and providing affirming, culturally competent, for-us, by-us resources, programming and services for LGBTQIA+ individuals on the South and West Sides of the city.\"\n\nFor Couleé, this collaboration represented an opportunity to reconnect with “chosen” families during a year when many were forced to be physically distanced from their loved ones. We can all relate to wanting to feel supported and connected to our community, and this collab does just that — while delivering a delicious beer from a brand we all know and love! \n\n## 4. Postmates X TikTok \n\n\u003cimg alt=\"Postmates and TikTok Collaboration\" src=\"\u0026format=png\" style=\"max-width: 800px;width: 100%;\"\u003e\n\n### The Collaboration: \nIn October of 2020, [Postmates]( and [Tiktok]( partnered together to launch the first-ever creator-led menu which featured some of the year’s most popular food trends on TikTok. The partnership, called [TikTok Treats](}, was available exclusively in the Los Angeles area and included 2020’s most shared food trends including #cloudbread by Dialog Cafe, #whippedcoffee by Coffee N' Clothes, #pancakecereal by B Sweet and #bentobox by Sweetfin. \n\n\"From music to fashion to food, the TikTok community has built a reputation of starting movements that influence today's zeitgeist,\" [said Nick Tran](, head of global marketing, TikTok. \"As we continue to celebrate how culture starts on TikTok, we are thrilled to be partnering with leading on-demand delivery platform Postmates and beloved local LA restaurants to bring TikTok treats to fans across the city.\"\n\nThe widely known food trends reached massive popularity on Tiktok during 2020 with #BentoBox seeing a reach of 259.3M, #PancakeCereal 1.6B, #WhippedCoffee 2.2B and #CloudBread 3.0B. \n\nThe entirety of the menu of TikTok treats was created and prepared by locally-owned restaurants and each order included free delivery from the Postmates app. \n\n### Why We Love It: \nThis campaign combines two staples of modern society: viral videos and food delivery. Since Tiktok’s inception, it's been incredible to witness the power this app puts in the hands of its users. Together, TikTok users have decided what is trendy and what is not, largely impacting behavior and purchasing decisions of people all over the world. This collaboration is an example of how powerful these trends can be. Collectively, billions of people were exposed to food offerings that originated from LA based businesses. This insane exposure not only largely amplified the reach and recognition of small businesses but it also majorly supported restaurants that faced enormous challenges during the pandemic. \n\nThis partnership is a fabulous example of how TikTok and Postmates can be used for social good to help support local businesses. Here’s to hoping both of these apps are used for more of this in the future!\n\n## 5. Budweiser X Ad Council X American Red Cross\n\n\u003coptimizedvideo-budweiser-american-red-cross-collaboration /\u003e\n\n### The Collaboration: \nFebruary 2021 was the first time in 37 years that [Budweiser]( decided not to run an ad during the Super Bowl. While many other brands have chosen to sit out from advertising during the big game over the years, Budweiser was the first to publicly announce that its media spend would be reallocated to a purpose-driven effort. In this case, their $5 million went to the [Ad Council (and COVID Collaborative)]( and the [American Red Cross]( in an effort to support COVID-19 vaccine efforts. \n\n\"Like everyone else, we are eager to get people back together, reopen restaurants and bars, and be able to gather to cheers with friends and family,\" Monica Rustgi, VP of marketing at Budweiser, said in a press release. \"To do this, and to bring consumers back into neighborhood bars and restaurants that were hit exceptionally hard by the pandemic, we're stepping in to support critical awareness of the COVID-19 vaccine.\"\n\nThis multiphased collaboration included a digital short film titled “[The Bigger Picture](” that focused on American resilience and highlighted health care workers who were among the first to receive the vaccine. Additionally, the collaboration included an advertisement titled “[One Team](” that outlined Budweiser’s commitment to redirect its sports investments toward helping heroes on the front lines by using stadiums to host American Red Cross blood drives during the COVID-10 crisis. \n\n### Why We Love It:\nIt goes without saying that the experience of the global pandemic has affected each and every one of us. And while we’ve adapted to this new way of life, it’s refreshing to see brands recognize the importance of giving back. Budweiser has long been known as one of the staple advertisers for the biggest football game of the year, so it’s a deeply satisfying thing to see them take a step back (for the first time in 37 years!), show us what they truly care about, and then act on it. The world would be a better place if more brands would take the time and money to collaborate with organizations that are making a difference. \n\n## The Benefit of Brand Collaborations\n\nHere at Brandfolder, we’re firm believers that brand collaborations are worthwhile for a variety of reasons, but most notably for their ability to amplify brand recognition while tapping into shared knowledge and resources. Think about it: Double the audience and double the budget sounds pretty darn enticing, right? Not to mention the fact that collaborations give brands an opportunity to show their true colors and showcase what matters to them. Today more than ever, we as consumers are looking to support companies that believe in the same things we do. Brand collaborations are the perfect way to showcase that. \n\nThat being said, there’s absolutely an art to collaborating. As a brand, consistent messaging is key to building trust with your audience. And this consistent messaging extends to the brands you choose to collaborate with. Finding the right partner to help you deliver your message will only further your audience loyalty — but choosing the wrong brand could do irrefutable damage. To be truly effective, it’s critical that collaborations allow space for brands to stay true to their values, retain visual integrity, and remain recognizable to their audience. \n\nInterested to learn more about how you can tactfully build a solid foundation for your brand? Check out our webinar, [Finding Your Digital Sweet Spot]( Where campaign quality \u0026 efficiency intersect for brand impact.\n","datePublished":"2021-11-04T00:00-06:00","ctaButtonText":"Watch the Webinar!","ctaUrl":"","rolesTopics":["Branding","Brand Managers","Creatives","Marketers","Collaborative Work"],"resourceTitleOverride":"Favorite Collaborations \u0026 Why We Love Them","resourceDescriptionOverride":"Our favorite impactful collaborations from brands we all know and love.","cardImageCdn":"\u0026format=png ","cardImageCdnAltText":"Images of collaborations: Tesla Tequila bottle, Shea Couleé Beer, and Floral Ergobaby Carrier ","optimizedVideoSlugs":"budweiser-american-red-cross-collaboration","brandCollectiveResource":false}}]},"__N_SSG":true},"page":"/brand-collective","query":{},"buildId":"xRLagKPeDE6SlLjVONFA4","isFallback":false,"dynamicIds":[62858],"gsp":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>