W3C Process Document
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Etemad / fantasai</a> (<span class="p-org org">Apple</span>) <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-url url" href="">Florian Rivoal</a> (<span class="p-org org">Invited Expert</span>) <dt class="editor">Former Editors: <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><span class="p-name fn">Natasha Rooney</span> (<span class="p-org org">Invited Expert</span>) <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-url url" href="">Charles McCathie Nevile</a> (<span class="p-org org">Yandex</span>) <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-url url" href="">Ian Jacobs</a> (<span class="p-org org">W3C</span>) </dl> </div> </details> <div data-fill-with="warning"></div> <p class="copyright" data-fill-with="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> © 2023 <a href="">World Wide Web Consortium</a>. <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr><sup>®</sup> <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a> and <a href="" rel="license" title="W3C Software and Document License">permissive document license</a> rules apply. </p> <hr title="Separator for header"> </div> <div class="p-summary" data-fill-with="abstract"> <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="abstract"><span class="content">Abstract</span></h2> <p>The mission of the World Wide Web Consortium (<abbr>W3C</abbr>) is to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. The W3C Process Document describes the organizational structure of W3C and processes, responsibilities and functions that enable W3C to accomplish its mission. This document does not describe the internal workings of the Team.</p> <p>For more information about the W3C mission and the history of W3C, please refer to <a href="">About W3C</a>.</p> </div> <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="sotd"><span class="content">Status of this document</span></h2> <div data-fill-with="status"> <p class="advisement">Status Update (June 2024): The links to this version of the process document, its latest version and the editor's draft have been updated and are now located in the policies section of the website.</p> <p>This document is the <a href="">3 November 2023 Process</a>. <p> W3C, including all existing chartered groups, follows the <a href="">most recent operative Process Document</a> announced to the Membership. </p> <p> This document is developed by the Advisory Board’s Process Task Force working within the <a href="">W3C Process Community Group</a> (which anyone can join). <p> A <a href="#changes">history of substantial changes</a> from previous versions of the Process Document is provided. </p> </div> <div data-fill-with="at-risk"></div> <nav data-fill-with="table-of-contents" id="toc"> <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref" id="contents">Table of Contents</h2> <ol class="toc" role="directory"> <li><a href="#Intro"><span class="secno">1</span> <span class="content"> Introduction</span></a> <li> <a href="#Organization"><span class="secno">2</span> <span class="content"> Members and the Team</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li> <a href="#Members"><span class="secno">2.1</span> <span class="content"> Members</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#MemberBenefits"><span class="secno">2.1.1</span> <span class="content"> Rights of Members</span></a> <li> <a href="#RelatedAndAssociatedMembers"><span class="secno">2.1.2</span> <span class="content"> Member Associations and Related Members</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#MemberAssoc"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Membership Associations</span></a> <li><a href="#MemberRelated"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Related Members</span></a> </ol> </ol> <li><a href="#Team"><span class="secno">2.2</span> <span class="content"> The W3C Team</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#groups"><span class="secno">3</span> <span class="content"> Groups and Participation</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li> <a href="#Policies"><span class="secno">3.1</span> <span class="content"> Policies for Participation in W3C Groups</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li> <a href="#ParticipationCriteria"><span class="secno">3.1.1</span> <span class="content"> Individual Participation Criteria</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#discipline"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Expectations and Discipline</span></a> <li><a href="#coi"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Conflict of Interest Policy</span></a> <li><a href="#member-rep"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Individuals Representing a Member Organization</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#GeneralMeetings"><span class="secno">3.1.2</span> <span class="content"> Meetings</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#meeting-schedules"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Meeting Scheduling and Announcements</span></a> <li><a href="#meeting-minutes"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Meeting Minutes</span></a> <li><a href="#meeting-recording"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Meeting Recordings and Transcripts</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#tooling"><span class="secno">3.1.3</span> <span class="content"> Tooling and Archiving for Discussions and Publications</span></a> <li><a href="#resignation"><span class="secno">3.1.4</span> <span class="content"> Resignation from a Group</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#AC"><span class="secno">3.2</span> <span class="content"> The Advisory Committee (AC)</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#ac-role"><span class="secno">3.2.1</span> <span class="content"> Role of the Advisory Committee</span></a> <li><a href="#ac-participation"><span class="secno">3.2.2</span> <span class="content"> Participation in the Advisory Committee</span></a> <li><a href="#ACCommunication"><span class="secno">3.2.3</span> <span class="content"> Advisory Committee Mailing Lists</span></a> <li><a href="#ACMeetings"><span class="secno">3.2.4</span> <span class="content"> Advisory Committee Meetings</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#elected-groups"><span class="secno">3.3</span> <span class="content"> Elected Groups: The AB and the TAG</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li> <a href="#AB"><span class="secno">3.3.1</span> <span class="content"> Advisory Board (AB)</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#ab-role"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Role of the Advisory Board</span></a> <li><a href="#ABParticipation"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Composition of the Advisory Board</span></a> <li><a href="#ab-comm"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Communications of the Advisory Board</span></a> <li><a href="#ab-bod-liaison"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Liaisons between the Advisory Board and the Board of Directors</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#TAG"><span class="secno">3.3.2</span> <span class="content"> Technical Architecture Group (TAG)</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#tag-role"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Role of the Technical Architecture Group</span></a> <li><a href="#tag-participation"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Composition of the Technical Architecture Group</span></a> <li><a href="#tag-comm"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Communications of the Technical Architecture Group</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#AB-TAG-participation"><span class="secno">3.3.3</span> <span class="content"> Participation in Elected Groups</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#elected-expectations"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Expectations for Elected Groups Participants</span></a> <li><a href="#AB-TAG-constraints"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Elected Groups Participation Constraints</span></a> <li><a href="#AB-TAG-elections"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections</span></a> <li><a href="#TAG-appointments"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Technical Architecture Group Appointments</span></a> <li><a href="#random"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Verifiable Random Selection Procedure</span></a> <li><a href="#AB-TAG-vacated"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Elected Groups Vacated Seats</span></a> </ol> </ol> <li> <a href="#GAGeneral"><span class="secno">3.4</span> <span class="content"> Chartered Groups: Working Groups and Interest Groups</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#ReqsAllGroups"><span class="secno">3.4.1</span> <span class="content"> Requirements for All Chartered Groups</span></a> <li><a href="#group-participation"><span class="secno">3.4.2</span> <span class="content"> Participation in Chartered Groups</span></a> <li> <a href="#chartered-group-participants"><span class="secno">3.4.3</span> <span class="content"> Types of Participants in Chartered Groups</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#member-rep-wg"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Member Representative in a Working Group</span></a> <li><a href="#member-rep-ig"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Member Representative in an Interest Group</span></a> <li><a href="#invited-expert-wg"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Invited Expert in a Working Group</span></a> <li><a href="#invited-expert-ig"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Invited Expert in an Interest Group</span></a> <li><a href="#team-rep-wg"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Team Representative in a Working Group</span></a> <li><a href="#team-rep-ig"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Team Representative in an Interest Group</span></a> </ol> </ol> </ol> <li> <a href="#group-lifecyle"><span class="secno">4</span> <span class="content"> Lifecycle of Chartered Groups</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#WGCharterDevelopment"><span class="secno">4.1</span> <span class="content"> Initiating Charter Development</span></a> <li><a href="#WGCharter"><span class="secno">4.2</span> <span class="content"> Content of a Charter</span></a> <li><a href="#CharterReview"><span class="secno">4.3</span> <span class="content"> Advisory Committee Review of a Charter</span></a> <li><a href="#cfp"><span class="secno">4.4</span> <span class="content"> Call for Participation in a Chartered Group</span></a> <li><a href="#charter-extension"><span class="secno">4.5</span> <span class="content"> Charter Extension</span></a> <li><a href="#GeneralTermination"><span class="secno">4.6</span> <span class="content"> Chartered Group Closure</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#decisions"><span class="secno">5</span> <span class="content"> Decisions</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#decision-types"><span class="secno">5.1</span> <span class="content"> Types of Decisions</span></a> <li> <a href="#consensus-building"><span class="secno">5.2</span> <span class="content"> Consensus Building</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#Consensus"><span class="secno">5.2.1</span> <span class="content"> Consensus</span></a> <li><a href="#managing-dissent"><span class="secno">5.2.2</span> <span class="content"> Managing Dissent</span></a> <li><a href="#Votes"><span class="secno">5.2.3</span> <span class="content"> Deciding by Vote</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#formal-address"><span class="secno">5.3</span> <span class="content"> Formally Addressing an Issue</span></a> <li><a href="#WGChairReopen"><span class="secno">5.4</span> <span class="content"> Reopening a Decision When Presented With New Information</span></a> <li><a href="#registering-objections"><span class="secno">5.5</span> <span class="content"> Registering Formal Objections</span></a> <li> <a href="#addressing-fo"><span class="secno">5.6</span> <span class="content"> Addressing Formal Objections</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#team-fo-mediation"><span class="secno">5.6.1</span> <span class="content"> Investigation and Mediation by the Team</span></a> <li> <a href="#council"><span class="secno">5.6.2</span> <span class="content"> W3C Council</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#council-composition"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Council Composition</span></a> <li><a href="#council-delegation"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Extraordinary Delegation</span></a> <li><a href="#council-participation"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Council Participation, Dismissal, and Renunciation</span></a> <li><a href="#council-short-circuit"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Unanimous Short Circuit</span></a> <li><a href="#council-chairing"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Council Chairing</span></a> <li><a href="#council-deliberations"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Council Deliberations</span></a> <li><a href="#council-decision"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Council Decision Report</span></a> <li><a href="#council-appeals"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Appealing Council Decisions</span></a> </ol> </ol> <li> <a href="#ACReview"><span class="secno">5.7</span> <span class="content"> Advisory Committee Reviews</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#ACReviewStart"><span class="secno">5.7.1</span> <span class="content"> Start of a Review Period</span></a> <li><a href="#ACReviewAfter"><span class="secno">5.7.2</span> <span class="content"> After the Review Period</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#ACVotes"><span class="secno">5.8</span> <span class="content"> Advisory Committee Votes</span></a> <li><a href="#ACAppeal"><span class="secno">5.9</span> <span class="content"> Appeal by Advisory Committee Representatives</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#Reports"><span class="secno">6</span> <span class="content"> W3C Technical Reports</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#recs-and-notes"><span class="secno">6.1</span> <span class="content"> Types of Technical Reports</span></a> <li> <a href="#general-requirements"><span class="secno">6.2</span> <span class="content"> General Requirements for Technical Reports</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#publication"><span class="secno">6.2.1</span> <span class="content"> Publication of Technical Reports</span></a> <li> <a href="#doc-reviews"><span class="secno">6.2.2</span> <span class="content"> Reviews and Review Responsibilities</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#wide-review"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Wide Review</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#correction-classes"><span class="secno">6.2.3</span> <span class="content"> Classes of Changes</span></a> <li><a href="#errata"><span class="secno">6.2.4</span> <span class="content"> Errata Management</span></a> <li><a href="#candidate-amendments"><span class="secno">6.2.5</span> <span class="content"> Candidate Amendments</span></a> <li><a href="#contributor-license"><span class="secno">6.2.6</span> <span class="content"> License Grants from Non-Participants</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#rec-track"><span class="secno">6.3</span> <span class="content"> The W3C Recommendation Track</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#maturity-stages"><span class="secno">6.3.1</span> <span class="content"> Maturity Stages on the Recommendation Track</span></a> <li><a href="#implementation-experience"><span class="secno">6.3.2</span> <span class="content"> Implementation Experience</span></a> <li><a href="#transition-reqs"><span class="secno">6.3.3</span> <span class="content"> Advancement on the Recommendation Track</span></a> <li> <a href="#update-reqs"><span class="secno">6.3.4</span> <span class="content"> Updating Mature Publications on the Recommendation Track</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#streamlined-update"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Streamlined Publication Approval</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#first-wd"><span class="secno">6.3.5</span> <span class="content"> Publishing a First Public Working Draft</span></a> <li><a href="#revising-wd"><span class="secno">6.3.6</span> <span class="content"> Revising a Working Draft</span></a> <li><a href="#transition-cr"><span class="secno">6.3.7</span> <span class="content"> Transitioning to Candidate Recommendation</span></a> <li> <a href="#revising-cr"><span class="secno">6.3.8</span> <span class="content"> Revising a Candidate Recommendation</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#publishing-crrs"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Publishing a <span>Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</span></span></a> <li><a href="#publishing-crud"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Publishing a <span>Candidate Recommendation Draft</span></span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#transition-pr"><span class="secno">6.3.9</span> <span class="content"> Transitioning to Proposed Recommendation</span></a> <li><a href="#transition-rec"><span class="secno">6.3.10</span> <span class="content"> Transitioning to W3C Recommendation</span></a> <li> <a href="#revising-rec"><span class="secno">6.3.11</span> <span class="content"> Revising a W3C Recommendation</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#revised-rec-markup"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: Markup Changes</span></a> <li><a href="#revised-rec-editorial"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: Editorial Changes</span></a> <li><a href="#revised-rec-substantive"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: Substantive Changes</span></a> <li><a href="#revised-rec-features"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: New Features</span></a> <li><a href="#change-review"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Incorporating Candidate Amendments</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#rec-track-regression"><span class="secno">6.3.12</span> <span class="content"> Regression on the Recommendation Track</span></a> <li> <a href="#tr-end"><span class="secno">6.3.13</span> <span class="content"> Retiring Recommendation Track Documents</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#abandon-draft"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Abandoning an Unfinished Recommendation</span></a> <li><a href="#rescind-cr"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Rescinding a Candidate Recommendation</span></a> <li><a href="#rec-rescind"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Abandoning a W3C Recommendation</span></a> <li><a href="#deactivation"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Process for Rescinding, Obsoleting, Superseding, Restoring a Recommendation</span></a> </ol> </ol> <li> <a href="#note-track"><span class="secno">6.4</span> <span class="content"> The Note Track (Notes and Statements)</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#Note"><span class="secno">6.4.1</span> <span class="content"> Group Notes</span></a> <li><a href="#publishing-notes"><span class="secno">6.4.2</span> <span class="content"> Publishing Notes</span></a> <li><a href="#w3c-statement"><span class="secno">6.4.3</span> <span class="content"> Elevating Group Notes to W3C Statement status</span></a> <li><a href="#revising-memo"><span class="secno">6.4.4</span> <span class="content"> Revising W3C Statements</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#registries"><span class="secno">6.5</span> <span class="content"> The Registry Track</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#reg-def"><span class="secno">6.5.1</span> <span class="content"> Registry Definitions</span></a> <li><a href="#reg-pub"><span class="secno">6.5.2</span> <span class="content"> Publishing Registries</span></a> <li><a href="#reg-table-update"><span class="secno">6.5.3</span> <span class="content"> Updating Registry Tables</span></a> <li><a href="#reg-data-reports"><span class="secno">6.5.4</span> <span class="content"> Registry Data Reports</span></a> <li><a href="#reg-ref-specifications"><span class="secno">6.5.5</span> <span class="content"> Specifications that Reference Registries</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#switching-tracks"><span class="secno">6.6</span> <span class="content"> Switching Tracks</span></a> <li><a href="#further-reading"><span class="secno">6.7</span> <span class="content"> Further reading</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#dissemination"><span class="secno">7</span> <span class="content"> <span></span> Dissemination Policies</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#pub-com"><span class="secno">7.1</span> <span class="content"> Public Communication</span></a> <li><a href="#confidentiality-levels"><span class="secno">7.2</span> <span class="content"> Confidentiality Levels</span></a> <li><a href="#confidentiality-change"><span class="secno">7.3</span> <span class="content"> Changing Confidentiality Level</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#GAEvents"><span class="secno">8</span> <span class="content"> Workshops and Symposia</span></a> <li><a href="#Liaisons"><span class="secno">9</span> <span class="content"> Liaisons</span></a> <li> <a href="#Submission"><span class="secno">10</span> <span class="content"> Member Submission Process</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li> <a href="#SubmissionRights"><span class="secno">10.1</span> <span class="content"> Submitter Rights and Obligations</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#SubmissionScope"><span class="secno">10.1.1</span> <span class="content"> Scope of Member Submissions</span></a> <li><a href="#SubmissionReqs"><span class="secno">10.1.2</span> <span class="content"> Information Required in a Submission Request</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#TeamSubmissionRights"><span class="secno">10.2</span> <span class="content"> Team Rights and Obligations</span></a> <li><a href="#SubmissionYes"><span class="secno">10.3</span> <span class="content"> Acknowledgment of a Submission Request</span></a> <li><a href="#SubmissionNo"><span class="secno">10.4</span> <span class="content"> Rejection of a Submission Request, and Submission Appeals</span></a> </ol> <li><a href="#GAProcess"><span class="secno">11</span> <span class="content"> Process Evolution</span></a> <li><a href="#acks"><span class="secno">12</span> <span class="content"> Acknowledgments</span></a> <li> <a href="#changes"><span class="secno">13</span> <span class="content"> Changes</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#changes-2023-1"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Changes since the <span>12 June 2023 Process</span></span></a> <li><a href="#changes-previous"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content"> Changes since earlier versions</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#index"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">Index</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#index-defined-here"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">Terms defined by this specification</span></a> <li><a href="#index-defined-elsewhere"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">Terms defined by reference</span></a> </ol> <li> <a href="#references"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">References</span></a> <ol class="toc"> <li><a href="#normative"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">Normative References</span></a> <li><a href="#informative"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">Informative References</span></a> </ol> </ol> </nav> <main> <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="pp"><span class="content"> Relation of Process Document to Patent Policy and Other Policies</span></h2> <p>W3C Members' attention is called to the fact that provisions of the Process Document are binding on Members per the <a href="">Membership Agreement</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-agreement" title="W3C Membership Agreement">[MEMBER-AGREEMENT]</a>. The <a href="">W3C Patent Policy</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> and other policies incorporated by normative reference as a part of the Process Document are equally binding.</p> <p>The Patent Policy and CEPC place additional obligations on Members, Team, and other participants in W3C. The Process Document does not restate those requirements but includes references to them. The Process Document, Patent Policy, and CEPC have been designed to allow each to evolve independently.</p> <p>In the Process Document, the term “participant” refers to an individual, not an organization.</p> <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="terms"><span class="content"> Conformance and specialized terms</span></h2> <p>The terms <em class="rfc2119">must</em>, <em class="rfc2119">must not</em>, <em class="rfc2119">should</em>, <em class="rfc2119">should not</em>, <em class="rfc2119">required</em>, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> are used in accordance with <a href="">RFC 2119</a>. The term <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="not-required"><em class="rfc2119">not required</em><a class="self-link" href="#not-required"></a></dfn> is equivalent to the term <em class="rfc2119">may</em> as defined in RFC2119 <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-rfc2119" title="Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels">[RFC2119]</a>.</p> <p>Some terms have been capitalized in this document (and in other W3C materials) to indicate that they are entities with special relevance to the W3C Process. These terms are defined within this document, and readers are reminded that the ordinary English definitions are insufficient for the purpose of understanding this document.</p> <nav data-fill-with="table-of-contents"></nav> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="1" id="Intro"><span class="secno">1. </span><span class="content"> Introduction</span><a class="self-link" href="#Intro"></a></h2> <p>W3C work revolves around the standardization of Web technologies. To accomplish this work, W3C follows processes that promote the development of high-quality standards based on the <a href="#Consensus">consensus</a> of the Membership, Team, and public. W3C processes promote fairness, responsiveness, and progress: all facets of the W3C mission. This document describes the processes W3C follows in pursuit of its mission.</p> <p>The W3C Process promotes the goals of quality and fairness in technical decisions by encouraging <a href="#Consensus">consensus</a>, soliciting reviews (by both Members and public), incorporating implementation and interoperability experience, and requiring Membership-wide approval as part of the <a href="#Reports">technical report development process</a>. <a href="#group-participation">Participants</a> in W3C include <a href="#member-rep">representatives of its Members</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team">Team</a>, as well as <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a> who can bring additional expertise or represent additional stakeholders. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①">Team</a> representatives both contribute to the technical work and help ensure each group’s proper integration with the rest of W3C.</p> <p>W3C’s technical standards, called <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C">W3C Recommendations</a>, are developed by its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG">Working Groups</a>; W3C also has other types of publications, all described in <a href="#Reports">§ 6 W3C Technical Reports</a>. W3C has various types of groups; this document describes the formation and policies of its chartered <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①">Working Groups</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG">Interest Groups</a>, see <a href="#Policies">§ 3.1 Policies for Participation in W3C Groups</a> and <a href="#GAGeneral">§ 3.4 Chartered Groups: Working Groups and Interest Groups</a>. W3C also operates Community and Business Groups, which are separately described in <a href="">their own process document</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-bg-cg" title="Community and Business Group Process">[BG-CG]</a>.</p> <p>In addition, several groups are formally established by the Consortium: the <a href="#AC">W3C Advisory Committee</a>, which has a representative from each Member, and two oversight groups elected by its membership: the <a href="#AB">Advisory Board (AB)</a>, which helps resolve Consortium-wide non-technical issues and manages the <a href="#GAProcess">evolution of the W3C process</a>; and the <a href="#TAG">Technical Architecture Group (TAG)</a>, which helps resolve Consortium-wide technical issues.</p> <p>Here is a general overview of how W3C initiates standardization of a Web technology:</p> <ol> <li> People generate interest in a particular topic. For instance, Members express interest by developing proposals in Community Groups or proposing ideas in <a href="#Submission">Member Submissions</a>. Also, the <a href="#Team">Team</a> monitors work inside and outside of W3C for signs of interest, and helps organize <a href="#GAEvents">Workshops</a> to bring people together to discuss topics that interest the W3C community. <li> When there is enough interest and an engaged community, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②">Team</a> works with the Membership to draft proposed <a href="#WGCharterDevelopment">Interest Group or Working Group charters</a>. W3C Members <a href="#CharterReview">review</a> the proposed charters, and when there is support within W3C for investing resources in the topic of interest, W3C approves the group(s), and they begin their work. </ol> <p>Further sections of this Process Document deal with topics including liaisons (<a href="#Liaisons">§ 9 Liaisons</a>), confidentiality (<a href="#dissemination">§ 7 Dissemination Policies</a>), and formal decisions and appeals (<a href="#decisions">§ 5 Decisions</a>).</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="2" id="Organization"><span class="secno">2. </span><span class="content"> Members and the Team</span><a class="self-link" href="#Organization"></a></h2> <p>W3C’s mission is to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C <a href="#Members">Member</a> organizations provide resources to this end, and the W3C <a href="#Team">Team</a> provides the technical leadership and organization to coordinate the effort.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="2.1" id="Members"><span class="secno">2.1. </span><span class="content"> Members</span><a class="self-link" href="#Members"></a></h3> <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="W3C Member|Member" data-noexport id="w3c-member">W3C Members</dfn> are organizations subscribed according to the <a href="">Membership Agreement</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-agreement" title="W3C Membership Agreement">[MEMBER-AGREEMENT]</a>. They are represented in W3C processes as follows:</p> <ol> <li> One representative per Member organization participates in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee">Advisory Committee</a> which oversees the work of W3C. <li> Representatives of Member organizations participate in <a href="#GAGeneral">Working Groups and Interest Groups</a>, where they author and review <a href="#Reports">technical reports</a>. </ol> <p id="MemberSubscription">W3C membership is open to all entities, as described in “<a href="">How to Join W3C</a>” <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-join" title="How to Join W3C">[JOIN]</a>; (refer to the public list of <a href="">current W3C Members</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-list" title="The list of current W3C Members">[MEMBER-LIST]</a>). The <a href="#Team">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> ensure that Member participation agreements remain <a href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only">Team-only</a> and that no Member receives preferential treatment within W3C. </p> <p id="IndividualParticipation">While W3C does not have a class of membership tailored to individuals, individuals <em class="rfc2119">may</em> join W3C. Restrictions pertaining to <a href="#MemberRelated">related Members</a> apply when the individual also <a href="#member-rep">represents</a> another W3C Member. </p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="2.1.1" id="MemberBenefits"><span class="secno">2.1.1. </span><span class="content"> Rights of Members</span><a class="self-link" href="#MemberBenefits"></a></h4> <p>Each Member organization enjoys the following rights and benefits:</p> <ul> <li> A seat on the <a href="#AC">Advisory Committee</a>; <li> Access to <a href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only">Member-only</a> information; <li> The <a href="#Submission">Member Submission</a> process; <li> Use of the W3C Member logo on promotional material and to publicize the Member’s participation in W3C. For more information, please refer to the Member logo usage policy described in the <a href="">New Member Orientation</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-intro" title="Process, Patent Policy, Finances, Specs management, Strategic vision (Member-only access)">[INTRO]</a>. </ul> <p>Furthermore, subject to further restrictions included in the Member Agreement, representatives of Member organizations participate in W3C as follows:</p> <ul> <li> In <a href="#GAGeneral">Working Groups and Interest Groups</a>. <li> In <a href="#GAEvents">Workshops and Symposia</a>; <li> On the Team, as <a href="#fellows" id="ref-for-fellows">W3C Fellows</a>. </ul> <p>The rights and benefits of W3C membership <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-agreement" title="W3C Membership Agreement">[MEMBER-AGREEMENT]</a> are contingent upon conformance to the processes described in this document. Disciplinary action for anyone participating in W3C activities is described in <a href="#discipline">§ Expectations and Discipline</a>.</p> <p>Additional information for Members is available at the <a href="">Member website</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-hp" title="Member website (Member-only access)">[MEMBER-HP]</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="2.1.2" id="RelatedAndAssociatedMembers"><span class="secno">2.1.2. </span><span class="content"> Member Associations and Related Members</span><span id="RelatedAndConsortiumMembers"></span><a class="self-link" href="#RelatedAndAssociatedMembers"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="MemberAssoc"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Membership Associations</span><span id="fdn-member-consortium"></span><span id="MemberConsortia"></span><a class="self-link" href="#MemberAssoc"></a></h5> <p>A “<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="Member Association | Member Associations" data-noexport id="member-association">Member Association</dfn>” means a consortium, user society, or association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments, or any combination of these entities which has the purpose of participating in a common activity or pooling resources to achieve a common goal other than participation in, or achieving certain goals in, W3C. A joint-stock corporation or similar entity is not a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-association" id="ref-for-member-association">Member Association</a> merely because it has shareholders or stockholders. If it is not clear whether a prospective Member qualifies as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-association" id="ref-for-member-association①">Member Association</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo">CEO</a> may reasonably make the determination. For a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-association" id="ref-for-member-association②">Member Association</a>, the rights and privileges of W3C Membership described in the W3C Process Document extend to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-association" id="ref-for-member-association③">Member Association</a>'s paid staff and Advisory Committee representative.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-association" id="ref-for-member-association④">Member Associations</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also designate up to four (or more at the Team’s discretion) individuals who, though not employed by the organization, <em class="rfc2119">may</em> exercise the rights of <a href="#member-rep">Member representatives</a>.</p> <p>For <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-association" id="ref-for-member-association⑤">Member Associations</a> that have individual people as members, these individuals <em class="rfc2119">must</em> disclose their employment affiliation when participating in W3C work. Provisions for <a href="#MemberRelated">related Members</a> apply. Furthermore, these individuals <em class="rfc2119">must</em> represent the broad interests of the W3C Member organization and not the particular interests of their employers.</p> <p>For Member Associations that have organizations as Members, all such designated representatives <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be an official representative of the Member organization (e.g. a Committee or Task Force Chairperson) and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> disclose their employment affiliation when participating in W3C work. Provisions for <a href="#MemberRelated">related Members</a> apply. Furthermore, these individuals <em class="rfc2119">must</em> represent the broad interests of the W3C Member organization and not the particular interests of their employers.</p> <p>For all representatives of a Member Association, IPR commitments are made on behalf of the Member Association, unless a further IPR commitment is made by the individuals' employers.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="MemberRelated"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Related Members</span><a class="self-link" href="#MemberRelated"></a></h5> <p>In the interest of ensuring the integrity of the consensus process, Member involvement in some of the processes in this document is affected by related Member status. As used herein, two Members are <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Related Member" id="related-member">related</dfn> if:</p> <ol> <li> Either Member is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#subsidiary" id="ref-for-subsidiary">subsidiary</a> of the other, or <li> Both Members are <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#subsidiary" id="ref-for-subsidiary①">subsidiaries</a> of a common entity, or <li> The Members have an employment contract or consulting contract that affects W3C participation. </ol> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="subsidiary">subsidiary</dfn> is an organization of which effective control and/or majority ownership rests with another, single organization.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#related-member" id="ref-for-related-member">Related Members</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> disclose these relationships according to the mechanisms described in the <a href="">New Member Orientation</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-intro" title="Process, Patent Policy, Finances, Specs management, Strategic vision (Member-only access)">[INTRO]</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="2.2" id="Team"><span class="secno">2.2. </span><span class="content"> The W3C Team</span><span id="def-Director"></span><a class="self-link" href="#Team"></a></h3> <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Team | W3C Team" id="team">Team</dfn> consists of <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="ceo">CEO</dfn>, W3C paid staff, unpaid interns, and W3C Fellows. <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="fellows">W3C Fellows</dfn> are Member employees working as part of the Team; see the <a href="">W3C Fellows Program</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-fellows" title="W3C Fellows Program">[FELLOWS]</a>. The Team provides technical leadership about Web technologies, organizes and manages W3C activities to reach goals within practical constraints (such as resources available), and communicates with the Members and the public about the Web and W3C technologies.</p> <p>The CEO <em class="rfc2119">may</em> delegate responsibility (generally to other individuals in the Team) for any of their roles described in this document. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision">Team Decisions</a> derive from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo①">CEO</a>'s authority, even when they are carried out by other members of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③">Team</a>.</p> <p>Oversight over the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④">Team</a>, budgeting, and other business decisions, is provided by the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="BoD | Board | Board of Directors | W3C Board of Directors" id="bod">W3C Board of Directors</dfn>, rather than managed directly by the Process.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> See the <a data-biblio-display="inline" data-link-type="biblio" href="">W3C Bylaws</a> for more details on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod">Board</a> and overall governance of W3C.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="3" id="groups"><span class="secno">3. </span><span class="content"> Groups and Participation</span><a class="self-link" href="#groups"></a></h2> <p>For the purposes of this Process, a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-local-lt="group" data-noexport id="w3c-group">W3C Group</dfn> is one of W3C’s <a href="#wgparticipant" id="ref-for-wgparticipant">Working Groups</a>, <a href="#igparticipant" id="ref-for-igparticipant">Interest Groups</a>, <a href="#AC">Advisory Committee</a>, <a href="#ABParticipation">Advisory Board</a>, or <a href="#tag-participation">TAG</a>, and a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="participant">participant</dfn> is a member of such a group.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1" id="Policies"><span class="secno">3.1. </span><span class="content"> Policies for Participation in W3C Groups</span><a class="self-link" href="#Policies"></a></h3> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1.1" id="ParticipationCriteria"><span class="secno">3.1.1. </span><span class="content"> Individual Participation Criteria</span><a class="self-link" href="#ParticipationCriteria"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="discipline"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Expectations and Discipline</span><a class="self-link" href="#discipline"></a></h5> <p>There are three qualities an individual is expected to demonstrate in order to participate in W3C:</p> <ol> <li> Technical competence in one’s role; <li> The ability to act fairly; <li> Social competence in one’s role. </ol> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative">Advisory Committee representatives</a> who nominate individuals from their organization for participation in W3C activities are responsible for assessing and attesting to the qualities of those nominees.</p> <p>Participants in any W3C activity <em class="rfc2119">must</em> abide by the terms and spirit of the <a href="">W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cepc" title="W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct">[CEPC]</a> and the participation requirements described in “Disclosure” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. </p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo②">CEO</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> take disciplinary action, including suspending or removing for cause a participant in any group (including the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board">AB</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group">TAG</a>) if serious and/or repeated violations, such as failure to meet the requirements on individual behavior of (a) this process and in particular the CEPC, or (b) the membership agreement, or (c) applicable laws, occur. Refer to the <a href="">Guidelines to suspend or remove participants from groups</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="coi"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Conflict of Interest Policy</span><a class="self-link" href="#coi"></a></h5> <p>Individuals participating materially in W3C work <em class="rfc2119">must</em> disclose significant relationships when those relationships might reasonably be perceived as creating a conflict of interest with the individual’s role at W3C. These disclosures <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be kept up-to-date as the individual’s affiliations change and W3C membership evolves (since, for example, the individual might have a relationship with an organization that joins or leaves W3C). Each section in this document that describes a W3C group provides more detail about the disclosure mechanisms for that group.</p> <p>The ability of an individual to fulfill a role within a group without risking a conflict of interest depends on the individual’s affiliations. When these affiliations change, the individual’s assignment to the role <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be evaluated. The role <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be reassigned according to the appropriate process. For instance, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> appoint a new group <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs">Chair</a> when the current Chair changes affiliations (e.g., if there is a risk of conflict of interest, or if there is risk that the Chair’s new employer will be over-represented within a W3C activity).</p> <p>The following are some scenarios where disclosure is appropriate:</p> <ul> <li> Paid consulting for an organization whose activity is relevant to W3C, or any consulting compensated with equity (shares of stock, stock options, or other forms of corporate equity). <li> A decision-making role/responsibility (such as participating on a Board) in other organizations relevant to W3C. <li> A position on a publicly visible advisory body, even if no decision-making authority is involved. </ul> <p>Individuals seeking assistance on these matters <em class="rfc2119">should</em> contact the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥">Team</a>.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦">Team</a> members are subject to the <a href="">W3C Team conflict of interest policy</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-conflict-policy" title="Conflict of Interest Policy for W3C Team Members Engaged in Outside Professional Activities">[CONFLICT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="member-rep"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Individuals Representing a Member Organization</span><a class="self-link" href="#member-rep"></a></h5> <p>Generally, individuals representing a Member in an official capacity within W3C are employees of the Member organization. However, an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①">Advisory Committee representative</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> designate a non-employee to represent the Member. Non-employee Member representatives <em class="rfc2119">must</em> disclose relevant affiliations to the Team and to any group in which the individual participates.</p> <p>In exceptional circumstances (e.g., situations that might jeopardize the progress of a group or create a <a href="#coi">conflict of interest</a>), the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo③">CEO</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> decline to allow an individual designated by an Advisory Committee representative to participate in a group.</p> <p>A group charter <em class="rfc2119">may</em> limit the number of individuals representing a W3C Member (or group of <a href="#MemberRelated">related Members</a>).</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1.2" id="GeneralMeetings"><span class="secno">3.1.2. </span><span class="content"> Meetings</span><a class="self-link" href="#GeneralMeetings"></a></h4> <p>The requirements in this section apply to the official meetings of any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-group" id="ref-for-w3c-group">W3C group</a>.</p> <p>W3C distinguishes two types of meetings:</p> <ol> <li> A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="ftf-meeting">face-to-face meeting</dfn> is one where most of the attendees are expected to participate in the same physical location. <li> A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="distributed-meeting">distributed meeting</dfn> is one where most of the attendees are expected to participate from remote locations (e.g., by telephone, video conferencing, or <abbr title="Internet Relay Chat">IRC</abbr>). </ol> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> invite an individual with a particular expertise to attend a meeting on an exceptional basis. This person is a meeting guest, not a group <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#participant" id="ref-for-participant">participant</a>. Meeting guests do not have <a href="#Votes">voting rights</a>. It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that all meeting guests respect the chartered <a href="#confidentiality-levels">level of confidentiality</a> and other group requirements.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="meeting-schedules"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Meeting Scheduling and Announcements</span><a class="self-link" href="#meeting-schedules"></a></h5> <p>Meeting announcements <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be sent to all appropriate group mailing lists, i.e. those most relevant to the anticipated meeting participants.</p> <p>The following table lists <em class="rfc2119">recommendations</em> for organizing a meeting:</p> <table class="data"> <thead> <tr> <td> <th scope="col">Face-to-face meetings <th scope="col">Distributed meetings <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row">Meeting announcement (before) <td><span class="time-interval">eight weeks<sup>*</sup></span> <td><span class="time-interval">one week<sup>*</sup></span> <tr> <th scope="row">Agenda available (before) <td><span class="time-interval">two weeks</span> <td><span class="time-interval">24 hours</span> (or longer if a meeting is scheduled after a weekend or holiday) <tr> <th scope="row">Participation confirmed (before) <td><span class="time-interval">three days</span> <td><span class="time-interval">24 hours</span> <tr> <th scope="row">Action items available (after) <td><span class="time-interval">three days</span> <td><span class="time-interval">24 hours</span> <tr> <th scope="row"><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#minutes" id="ref-for-minutes">Minutes</a> available (after) <td><span class="time-interval">two weeks</span> <td><span class="time-interval">48 hours</span> </table> <p><sup>*</sup> To allow proper planning (e.g., travel arrangements), the Chair is responsible for giving sufficient advance notice about the date and location of a meeting. Shorter notice for a meeting is allowed provided that there are no objections from group participants.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="meeting-minutes"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Meeting Minutes</span><a class="self-link" href="#meeting-minutes"></a></h5> <p>Groups <em class="rfc2119">should</em> take and retain <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="minutes">minutes</dfn> of their meetings, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record any official <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision">group decisions</a> made during the meeting discussions. Details of the discussion leading to such decisions are not required, provided that the rationale for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision①">group decision</a> is nonetheless clear.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="meeting-recording"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Meeting Recordings and Transcripts</span><a class="self-link" href="#meeting-recording"></a></h5> <p>No-one may take an audio or video recording of a meeting, or retain an automated transcript, unless the intent is announced at the start of the meeting, and no-one participating in the recorded portion of the meeting withholds consent. If consent is withheld by anyone, recording/retention <em class="rfc2119">must</em> not occur. The announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em> cover: (a) who will have access to the recording or transcript and (b) the purpose/use of it and (c) how it will be retained (e.g. privately, in a cloud service) and for how long.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1.3" id="tooling"><span class="secno">3.1.3. </span><span class="content"> Tooling and Archiving for Discussions and Publications</span><a class="self-link" href="#tooling"></a></h4> <p>For <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-group" id="ref-for-w3c-group①">W3C Groups</a> operating under this Process, a core operating principle is to allow access across disabilities, across country borders, and across time. Thus in order to allow all would-be participants to effectively participate, to allow future participants and observers to understand the rationale and origins of current decisions, and to guarantee long-lived access to its publications, W3C requires that:</p> <ul> <li id="report-stability"><a class="self-link" href="#report-stability"></a> All reports, publications, or other deliverables produced by the group for public consumption (i.e. intended for use or reference outside its own membership) <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be published and promoted at a W3C-controlled URL, and backed up by W3C systems such that if the underlying service is discontinued, W3C can continue to serve such content without breaking incoming links or other key functionality. <li id="report-accessibility"><a class="self-link" href="#report-accessibility"></a> All reports, publications, or other deliverables produced by the group for public consumption <em class="rfc2119">should</em> follow best practices for internationalization and for accessibility to people with disabilities. Network access to W3C-controlled domains may be assumed. <li id="discussion-archiving"> <a class="self-link" href="#discussion-archiving"></a> Official meeting minutes and other records of decisions made <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be archived by W3C for future reference; and other persistent text-based discussions sponsored by the group, pertaining to their work and intended to be referenceable by all group members <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be. This includes discussions conducted over email lists or in issue-tracking services or any equivalent fora. Materials referenced from discussions and necessary to understand them should be available at a stable URL, at a level of confidentiality no stricter than the discussion minutes. <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> The lack, or loss, of such archives does not by itself invalidate an otherwise-valid decision.</p> <li id="tool-accessibility"> <a class="self-link" href="#tool-accessibility"></a> Any tooling used by the group for producing its documentation and deliverables or for official group discussions <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be usable (without additional cost) by all who wish to participate, including people with disabilities, to allow their effective participation. <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> If a new participant joins who cannot use the tool, this can require the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②">Working Group</a> to change its tooling or operate some workaround.</p> <li id="where-is-your-stuff"><a class="self-link" href="#where-is-your-stuff"></a> All tools and archives used by the group for its discussions and recordkeeping <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be documented such that new participants and observers can easily find the group’s tools and records. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧">Team</a> is responsible for ensuring adherence to these rules and for bringing any group not in compliance into compliance.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1.4" id="resignation"><span class="secno">3.1.4. </span><span class="content"> Resignation from a Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#resignation"></a></h4> <p>A W3C Member or Invited Expert <em class="rfc2119">may</em> resign from a group. On written notification from an Advisory Committee representative or Invited Expert to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨">Team</a>, the Member and their representatives or the Invited Expert will be deemed to have resigned from the relevant group. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record the notification. See “Exclusion and Resignation from the Working Group” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> for information about obligations remaining after resignation from certain groups.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2" id="AC"><span class="secno">3.2. </span><span class="content"> The Advisory Committee (AC)</span><a class="self-link" href="#AC"></a></h3> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2.1" id="ac-role"><span class="secno">3.2.1. </span><span class="content"> Role of the Advisory Committee</span><a class="self-link" href="#ac-role"></a></h4> <p id="ReviewAppeal"> The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Advisory Committee|AC" id="advisory-committee">Advisory Committee</dfn> represents the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-member" id="ref-for-w3c-member">Members</a> of W3C at large. It is responsible for: </p> <ul> <li> reviewing plans for W3C at each <a href="#ACMeetings">Advisory Committee meeting</a>. <li> <a href="#ACReview">reviewing formal proposals</a> of W3C: <a href="#CharterReview">Charter Proposals</a>, <a href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR">Proposed Recommendations</a>, and <a href="#GAProcess">Proposed Process Documents</a>. <li> electing the <a href="#AB">Advisory Board</a> participants other than the Advisory Board Chair. <li> electing a majority (6) of the participants on the <a href="#TAG">Technical Architecture Group</a>. </ul> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a href="#ACAppeal">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision">W3C decision</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①">Team</a>'s decision.</p> <p>See also the additional roles of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative③">Advisory Committee representatives</a> described in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2.2" id="ac-participation"><span class="secno">3.2.2. </span><span class="content"> Participation in the Advisory Committee</span><a class="self-link" href="#ac-participation"></a></h4> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①">Advisory Committee</a> is composed of one <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Advisory Committee representative| AC representative" id="advisory-committee-representative">representative</dfn> from each Member organization (refer to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①②">Member-only</a> list of <a href="">current Advisory Committee representatives</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-current-ac" title="Current Advisory Committee representatives (Member-only access)">[CURRENT-AC]</a>)</p> <p>When an organization joins W3C (see “<a href="">How to Join W3C</a>” <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-join" title="How to Join W3C">[JOIN]</a>), it <em class="rfc2119">must</em> name its Advisory Committee representative as part of the Membership Agreement. The <a href="">New Member Orientation</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-intro" title="Process, Patent Policy, Finances, Specs management, Strategic vision (Member-only access)">[INTRO]</a> explains how to subscribe or unsubscribe to Advisory Committee mailing lists, provides information about <a href="#ACMeetings">Advisory Committee Meetings</a>, explains how to name a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative④">Advisory Committee representative</a>, and more. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative⑤">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> follow the <a href="#coi">conflict of interest policy</a> by disclosing information according to the mechanisms described in the New Member Orientation.</p> <p>The AC representative may delegate any of their rights and responsibilities to an <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="alternate AC representative | alternate Advisory Committee representative | alt AC rep" id="alternate-ac-representative">alternate<a class="self-link" href="#alternate-ac-representative"></a></dfn> (except the ability to designate an alternate).</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2.3" id="ACCommunication"><span class="secno">3.2.3. </span><span class="content"> Advisory Committee Mailing Lists</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACCommunication"></a></h4> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide two mailing lists for use by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②">Advisory Committee</a>:</p> <ol> <li> One for official announcements (e.g., those required by this document) from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①③">Team</a> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③">Advisory Committee</a>. This list is read-only for Advisory Committee representatives. <li> One for discussion among <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative⑥">Advisory Committee representatives</a>. Though this list is primarily for Advisory Committee representatives, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> monitor discussion and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> participate in discussion when appropriate. Ongoing detailed discussions <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be moved to other appropriate lists (new or existing, such as a mailing list created for a <a href="#GAEvents">Workshop</a>). </ol> <p>An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative⑦">Advisory Committee representative</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request that additional individuals from their organization be subscribed to these lists. Failure to contain distribution internally <em class="rfc2119">may</em> result in suspension of additional email addresses, at the discretion of the Team.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2.4" id="ACMeetings"><span class="secno">3.2.4. </span><span class="content"> Advisory Committee Meetings</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACMeetings"></a></h4> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⑤">Team</a> organizes a <a href="#ftf-meeting" id="ref-for-ftf-meeting">face-to-face meeting</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee④">Advisory Committee</a> <span class="time-interval">twice a year</span>. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⑥">Team</a> appoints the Chair of these meetings (generally the CEO). At each Advisory Committee meeting, the Team <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide an update to the Advisory Committee about:</p> <dl> <dt><em>Resources</em> <dd> <ul> <li> The number of W3C Members at each level. <li> An overview of the financial status of W3C. </ul> <dt><em>Allocations</em> <dd> <ul> <li> The allocation of the annual budget, including size of the Team and their approximate deployment. <li> A list of all activities (including but not limited to Working and Interest Groups) and brief status statement about each, in particular those started or terminated since the previous Advisory Committee meeting. <li> The allocation of resources to pursuing <a href="#Liaisons">liaisons</a> with other organizations. </ul> </dl> <p>Each Member organization <em class="rfc2119">should</em> send one <a href="#member-rep">representative</a> to each Advisory Committee Meeting. In exceptional circumstances (e.g., during a period of transition between representatives from an organization), the meeting Chair <em class="rfc2119">may</em> allow a Member organization to send two representatives to a meeting.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the date and location of each Advisory Committee meeting no later than at the end of the previous meeting; <span class="time-interval">one year’s</span> notice is preferred. The Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the region of each Advisory Committee meeting at least <span class="time-interval">one year</span> in advance.</p> <p>More information about <a href="">Advisory Committee meetings</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-ac-meeting" title="Advisory Committee meetings (Member-only access)">[AC-MEETING]</a> is available at the Member website.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.3" id="elected-groups"><span class="secno">3.3. </span><span class="content"> Elected Groups: The AB and the TAG</span><a class="self-link" href="#elected-groups"></a></h3> <p>The W3C Process defines two types of <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="elected-group">elected groups<a class="self-link" href="#elected-group"></a></dfn>: the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①">Advisory Board</a> (AB) and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①">Technical Architecture Group</a> (TAG), both elected by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee⑤">Advisory Committee</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.3.1" id="AB"><span class="secno">3.3.1. </span><span class="content"> Advisory Board (AB)</span><a class="self-link" href="#AB"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="ab-role"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Role of the Advisory Board</span><a class="self-link" href="#ab-role"></a></h5> <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Advisory Board|AB" id="advisory-board">Advisory Board</dfn> provides ongoing guidance to the Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. The Advisory Board also serves the Members by tracking issues raised between Advisory Committee meetings, soliciting Member comments on such issues, and proposing actions to resolve these issues. The Advisory Board manages the <a href="#GAProcess">evolution of the Process Document</a>. As part of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council">W3C Council</a>, members of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②">Advisory Board</a> hear and adjudicate on <a href="#SubmissionNo">Submission Appeals</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection">Formal Objections</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③">Advisory Board</a> is distinct from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod①">Board of Directors</a> and has no decision-making authority within W3C; its role is strictly advisory.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> While the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board④">AB</a> as such does not have decision-making authority, its members do when sitting as part of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①">W3C Council</a>.</p> <p>Details about the Advisory Board (e.g., the list of Advisory Board participants, mailing list information, and summaries of Advisory Board meetings) are available at the <a href="">Advisory Board home page</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-ab-hp" title="The Advisory Board home page">[AB-HP]</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="ABParticipation"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Composition of the Advisory Board</span><a class="self-link" href="#ABParticipation"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board⑤">Advisory Board</a> consists of nine to eleven elected participants and one Chair (who <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be one of the elected participants). With the input of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board⑥">AB</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⑧">Team</a> appoints the Chair, who <em class="rfc2119">should</em> choose a co-chair among the elected participants. The Chair(s) are subject to ratification by secret ballot by two thirds of the AB upon appointment. Chair selection <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be run at least at the start of each regular term, as well as when a majority of the participants request it; and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be run at other times when initiated by the current chairs or the Team, for example if a chair steps down or if a minority of the participants make such a request.</p> <p>The team also appoints a <a href="">Team Contact</a>, as described in <a href="#ReqsAllGroups">§ 3.4.1 Requirements for All Chartered Groups</a>. The CEO and Team Contact have a standing invitation to all regular Advisory Board sessions.</p> <p>The nine to eleven <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board⑦">Advisory Board</a> participants are elected by the W3C <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee⑥">Advisory Committee</a> following the <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">AB/TAG nomination and election process</a>.</p> <p>The terms of elected Advisory Board participants are for <span class="time-interval">two years</span>. Terms are staggered so that each year, either five or six terms expire. If an individual is elected to fill an incomplete term, that individual’s term ends at the normal expiration date of that term. Regular Advisory Board terms begin on 1 July and end on 30 June.</p> <p></p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="ab-comm"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Communications of the Advisory Board</span><a class="self-link" href="#ab-comm"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> make available a mailing list, confidential to the Advisory Board and Team, for the Advisory Board to use for its communication.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board⑧">Advisory Board</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> send a summary of each of its meetings to the Advisory Committee and other group Chairs. The Advisory Board <em class="rfc2119">should</em> also report on its activities at each <a href="#ACMeetings">Advisory Committee meeting</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="ab-bod-liaison"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Liaisons between the Advisory Board and the Board of Directors</span><a class="self-link" href="#ab-bod-liaison"></a></h5> <p>To ensure good communication between the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board⑨">AB</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod②">Board of Directors</a> and facilitate operational and management consistency, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①⓪">AB</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> appoint up to two of its participants as liaisons to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod③">Board</a>. Such appointees are expected to attend and participate in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod④">Board</a> meetings and access <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod⑤">Board</a> materials as Non-voting Observers. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-bylaws" title="Amended and Restated Bylaws of World Wide Web Consortium, Inc.">[BYLAWS]</a> They do not form part of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod⑥">Board</a>'s decision-making body, and may be excluded from such participation in accordance with applicable Board procedures.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①①">Advisory Board</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> reevaluate who is assigned to this role at least at the beginning of each term, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> swap its appointees more frequently as they deem appropriate.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.3.2" id="TAG"><span class="secno">3.3.2. </span><span class="content"> Technical Architecture Group (TAG)</span><a class="self-link" href="#TAG"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="tag-role"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Role of the Technical Architecture Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#tag-role"></a></h5> <p>The mission of the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Technical Architecture Group|TAG" id="technical-architecture-group">TAG</dfn> is stewardship of the Web architecture. There are three aspects to this mission:</p> <ol> <li> to document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary; <li> to resolve issues involving general Web architecture brought to the TAG; <li> to help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C. </ol> <p>As part of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②">W3C Council</a>, the members of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②">TAG</a> hear and adjudicate on <a href="#SubmissionNo">Submission Appeals</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①">Formal Objections</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③">TAG</a>'s scope is limited to technical issues about Web architecture. The TAG <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> consider administrative, process, or organizational policy issues of W3C, which are generally addressed by the W3C Advisory Committee, Advisory Board, and Team. Please refer to the <a href="">TAG charter</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tag-charter" title="Technical Architecture Group (TAG) Charter">[TAG-CHARTER]</a> for more information about the background and scope of the TAG, and the expected qualifications of TAG participants.</p> <p>When the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group④">TAG</a> votes to resolve an issue, each TAG participant (whether appointed, elected, or the Chair) has one vote; see also the section on <a href="">voting in the TAG charter</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tag-charter" title="Technical Architecture Group (TAG) Charter">[TAG-CHARTER]</a> and the general section on <a href="#Votes">votes</a> in this Process Document.</p> <p>Details about the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group⑤">TAG</a> (e.g., the list of TAG participants, mailing list information, and summaries of TAG meetings) are available at the <a href="">TAG home page</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tag-hp" title="The TAG home page">[TAG-HP]</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="tag-participation"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Composition of the Technical Architecture Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#tag-participation"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group⑥">TAG</a> consists of:</p> <ul> <li> Tim Berners-Lee, who is a life member; <li> Three participants <a href="#TAG-appointments">appointed by the Team</a>; <li> Eight participants elected by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee⑦">Advisory Committee</a> following the <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">AB/TAG nomination and election process</a>. </ul> <p>Participants in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group⑦">TAG</a> choose by consensus their Chair or co-Chairs; in the absence of consensus, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②⓪">Team</a> appoints the Chair or co-Chairs of the TAG. The Chair or co-Chairs <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be selected from the participants of the TAG. Chair selection <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be run at least at the start of each regular term, as well as when a majority of the participants request it; and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be run at other times when initiated by the current chairs or the Team, for example if a chair steps down or if a minority of the participants make such a request.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②①">Team</a> also appoints a <a href="">Team Contact</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-team-contact" title="Role of the Team Contact">[TEAM-CONTACT]</a> for the TAG, as described in <a href="#ReqsAllGroups">§ 3.4.1 Requirements for All Chartered Groups</a>.</p> <p>The terms of TAG participants last for <span class="time-interval">two years</span>. Terms are staggered so that four elected terms and either one or two appointed terms expire each year. If an individual is appointed or elected to fill an incomplete term, that individual’s term ends at the normal expiration date of that term. Regular TAG terms begin on 1 February and end on 31 January.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="tag-comm"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Communications of the Technical Architecture Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#tag-comm"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②②">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> make available two mailing lists for the TAG:</p> <ul> <li> a public discussion (not just input) list for issues of Web architecture. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group⑧">TAG</a> will conduct its public business on this list. <li> a <a href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①③">Member-only</a> list for discussions within the TAG and for requests to the TAG that, for whatever reason, cannot be made on the public list. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group⑨">TAG</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also request the creation of additional topic-specific, public mailing lists. For some TAG discussions (e.g., a <a href="#SubmissionNo">Submission Appeal</a>), the TAG <em class="rfc2119">may</em> use a list that will be <a href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①④">Member-only</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①⓪">TAG</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> send a summary of each of its <a href="#GeneralMeetings">meetings</a> to the Advisory Committee and other group Chairs. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①①">TAG</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> also report on its activities at each <a href="#ACMeetings">Advisory Committee meeting</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.3.3" id="AB-TAG-participation"><span class="secno">3.3.3. </span><span class="content"> Participation in Elected Groups</span><a class="self-link" href="#AB-TAG-participation"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="elected-expectations"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Expectations for Elected Groups Participants</span><a class="self-link" href="#elected-expectations"></a></h5> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①②">Advisory Board</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①②">TAG</a> participants have a special role within W3C: they are elected by the Membership and appointed by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②③">Team</a> with the expectation that they will use their best judgment to find the best solutions for the Web, not just for any particular network, technology, vendor, or user. Advisory Board and TAG participants are expected to participate regularly and fully. Advisory Board and TAG participants <em class="rfc2119">should</em> attend <a href="#ACMeetings">Advisory Committee meetings</a>.</p> <p>Individuals elected or appointed to the Advisory Board or TAG act in their personal capacity, to serve the needs of the W3C membership as a whole, and the Web community. Whether they are Member representatives or Invited Experts, their activities in those roles are separate and distinct from their activities on the Advisory Board or TAG.</p> <p>An individual participates on the Advisory Board or TAG from the moment the individual’s term begins until the seat is <a href="#AB-TAG-vacated">vacated</a> (e.g. because the term ends). Although Advisory Board and TAG participants do not advocate for the commercial interests of their employers, their participation does carry the responsibilities associated with Member representation, Invited Expert status, or Team representation (as described in the section on the <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">AB/TAG nomination and election process</a>).</p> <p>Participation in the TAG or AB is afforded to the specific individuals elected or appointed to those positions, and a participant’s seat <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> be delegated to any other person.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="AB-TAG-constraints"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Elected Groups Participation Constraints</span><a class="self-link" href="#AB-TAG-constraints"></a></h5> <p>Given the few seats available on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①③">Advisory Board</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①③">TAG</a>, and in order to ensure that the diversity of W3C Members is represented:</p> <ul> <li> Two participants with the same <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#primary-affiliation" id="ref-for-primary-affiliation">primary affiliation</a> per <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">§ Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections</a> must not both occupy elected seats on the TAG except when this is caused by a change of affiliation of an existing participant. At the completion of the next regularly scheduled election for the TAG, the organization <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have returned to having at most one seat. <li> Two participants with the same <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#primary-affiliation" id="ref-for-primary-affiliation①">primary affiliation</a> per <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">§ Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections</a> must not both occupy elected seats on the AB. If, for whatever reason, these constraints are not satisfied (e.g., because an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①④">AB</a> participant changes jobs), one participant <em class="rfc2119">must</em> cease <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①⑤">AB</a> participation until the situation has been resolved. If after <span class="time-interval">30 days</span> the situation has not been resolved, the Chair will apply the <a href="#random">verifiable random selection procedure</a> described below to choose one person for continued participation and declare the other seat(s) vacant. <li> An individual <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> participate on both the TAG and the AB. </ul> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="AB-TAG-elections"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections</span><a class="self-link" href="#AB-TAG-elections"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①⑥">Advisory Board</a> and a portion of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①④">Technical Architecture Group</a> are elected by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee⑧">Advisory Committee</a>, using a Single Transferable Vote system. An election begins when the Team sends a Call for Nominations to the Advisory Committee. Any Call for Nominations specifies the minimum and maximum number of available seats, the deadline for nominations, details about the specific vote tabulation system selected by the Team for the election, and operational information such as how to nominate a candidate. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> modify the tabulation system after the Call for Nominations but <em class="rfc2119">must</em> stabilize it no later than the Call for Votes. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②⑤">Team</a> announces appointments after the results of the election are known, and before the start of the term, as described in <a href="#TAG-appointments">§ Technical Architecture Group Appointments</a>.</p> <p>In the case of regularly scheduled elections of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①⑤">TAG</a>, the minimum and maximum number of available seats are the same: the 4 seats of the terms expiring that year, plus the number of other seats that are vacant or will be vacant by the time the newly elected members take their seats.</p> <p>In the case of regularly scheduled elections of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①⑦">AB</a>, the minimum and maximum number of available seats differ: The maximum number is the 5 or 6 seats of the terms expiring that year, plus the number of other seats that are vacant or will be vacant by the time the newly elected members take their seats; the minimum number is such that when added to the occupied seats from the prior year, the minimum size of the AB (9) is reached.</p> <p>Each Member (or group of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#related-member" id="ref-for-related-member①">related Members</a>) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> nominate one individual. A nomination <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be made with the consent of the nominee. In order for an individual to be nominated as a Member representative, the individual <em class="rfc2119">must</em> qualify for <a href="#member-rep">Member representation</a> and the Member’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative⑧">Advisory Committee representative</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include in the nomination the (same) <a href="#member-rep-info">information required for a Member representative in a Working Group</a>. In order for an individual to be nominated as an Invited Expert, the individual <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide the (same) <a href="#inv-expert-info" id="ref-for-inv-expert-info">information required for an Invited Expert in a Working Group</a> and the nominating <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative⑨">Advisory Committee representative</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include that information in the nomination. In order for an individual to be nominated as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②⑥">Team</a> representative, the nominating <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①⓪">Advisory Committee representative</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> first secure approval from <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②⑦">Team</a> management. A nominee is <em class="rfc2119">not required</em> to be an employee of a Member organization, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be a <a href="#fellows" id="ref-for-fellows①">W3C Fellow</a>. The nomination form <em class="rfc2119">must</em> ask for the nominee’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#primary-affiliation" id="ref-for-primary-affiliation②">primary affiliation</a>, and this will be reported on the ballot. For most nominees, the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="primary-affiliation">primary affiliation</dfn> is their employer and will match their affiliation in the W3C database. For contractors and invited experts, this will normally be their contracting company or their invited expert status; in some cases (e.g. where a consultant is consulting for only one organization) this <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be the organization for whom the nominee is consulting. A <a href="#AB-TAG-constraints">change of affiliation</a> is defined such that this field would carry a different answer if the nominee were to be re-nominated (therefore, terminating employment, or accepting new employment, are changes of affiliation). (Other formal relationships such as other contracts should be disclosed as potential conflicts of interest.) Each nomination <em class="rfc2119">should</em> include a few informative paragraphs about the nominee.</p> <p>If, after the deadline for nominations, the number of nominees is:</p> <ul> <li> Greater than or equal to the minimum number of available seats and less than or equal to the maximum number of available seats, those nominees are thereby elected. This situation constitutes a tie for the purpose of assigning <a href="#short-term">incomplete terms</a>. Furthermore, if the number is less than the maximum number of available seats, the longest terms are filled first. <li> Less than the minimum number of available seats, Calls for Nominations are issued until a sufficient number of people have been nominated. Those already nominated do not need to be renominated after a renewed call. <li> Greater than the maximum number of available seats, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②⑧">Team</a> issues a Call for Votes that includes the names of all candidates, the (maximum) number of available seats, the deadline for votes, details about the vote tabulation system selected by the Team for the election, and operational information. </ul> <p>When there is a vote, each Member (or group of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#related-member" id="ref-for-related-member②">related Members</a>) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> submit one ballot that ranks candidates in the Member’s preferred order. Once the deadline for votes has passed, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team②⑨">Team</a> announces the results to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee⑨">Advisory Committee</a>. In case of a tie the <a href="#random">verifiable random selection procedure</a> described below will be used to fill the available seats.</p> <p id="short-term">The shortest incomplete term is assigned to the elected candidate ranked lowest by the tabulation of votes, the next shortest term to the next-lowest ranked elected candidate, and so on. In the case of a tie among those eligible for a incomplete term, the <a href="#random">verifiable random selection procedure</a> described below will be used to assign the incomplete term. </p> <p>Refer to <a href="">How to Organize an Advisory Board or TAG election</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-election-howto" title="How to Organize an Advisory Board or TAG election">[ELECTION-HOWTO]</a> for more details.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="TAG-appointments"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Technical Architecture Group Appointments</span><a class="self-link" href="#TAG-appointments"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③⓪">Team</a> is responsible for appointing 3 of the participants to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①⑥">Technical Architecture Group</a>. This mechanism complements the election process. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③①">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> use its appointments to support a diverse and well-balanced <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①⑦">TAG</a>, including diversity of technical background, knowledge, and skill sets.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③②">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> actively seek candidates for appointment to the TAG, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> make available to the W3C community at large a means to propose candidates for consideration, explicitly soliciting input from at least current and incoming <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①⑧">TAG</a> members, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①⓪">Advisory Committee</a>, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③">Working Group</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②">Chairs</a>.</p> <p>The constraints for appointment to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group①⑨">TAG</a> are the same as for elected participants (see <a href="#AB-TAG-constraints">§ Elected Groups Participation Constraints</a> and <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">§ Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections</a>), with the additional constraint that a person <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> be appointed for more than two <em>consecutive</em> terms. (Partial terms used to fill a vacated seat do not count towards this limit.)</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Individuals who have reached the limit of two consecutive appointed terms <em class="rfc2119">may</em> freely run for election if they wish to continue serving on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②⓪">TAG</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③③">Team</a>'s choice of appointee(s) is subject to ratification by secret ballot by both the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①⑧">AB</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②①">TAG</a>, each requiring a two-thirds approval. In the case of regularly scheduled elections, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②②">TAG</a> participants in this ratification are its members for the upcoming term.</p> <p>For regularly scheduled elections, selection begins once the results of the elections are known, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> announce the ratified appointment(s) no later than the start of the regularly scheduled term. When an appointed seat is vacated outside of a regularly scheduled election, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③⑤">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> seek to appoint a replacement unless a regular Call for Nominations is scheduled within 2 months, and it <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the ratified appointment no later than the Call for Nominations of the next scheduled election.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="random"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Verifiable Random Selection Procedure</span><a class="self-link" href="#random"></a></h5> <p>When it is necessary to use a verifiable random selection process (e.g., in an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board①⑨">AB</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②③">TAG</a> election, to “draw straws” in case of a tie or to fill a incomplete term), W3C uses the random and verifiable procedure defined in <a href="">RFC 3797</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-rfc3797" title="Publicly Verifiable Nominations Committee (NomCom) Random Selection">[RFC3797]</a>. The procedure orders an input list of names (listed in alphabetical order by family name unless otherwise specified) into a “result order”.</p> <p>W3C applies this procedure as follows:</p> <p></p> <ol> <li> When N people have tied for M (less than N) seats. In this case, only the names of the N individuals who tied are provided as input to the procedure. The M seats are assigned in result order. <li> After all elected individuals have been identified, when N people are eligible for M (less than N) incomplete terms. In this case, only the names of those N individuals are provided as input to the procedure. The incomplete terms are assigned in result order. </ol> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="AB-TAG-vacated"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Elected Groups Vacated Seats</span><a class="self-link" href="#AB-TAG-vacated"></a></h5> <p>An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②⓪">Advisory Board</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②④">TAG</a> participant’s seat is vacated when:</p> <ul> <li> the participant resigns, or <li> an Advisory Board or TAG participant changes affiliations such that the <a href="#AB-TAG-constraints">Advisory Board and TAG participation constraints</a> are no longer met, or <li> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo④">CEO</a> dismisses the participant for failing to meet the criteria in section <a href="#ParticipationCriteria">§ 3.1.1 Individual Participation Criteria</a>, or <li> their term ends. </ul> <p>If a participant changes affiliation, but the <a href="#AB-TAG-constraints">participation constraints</a> are met, that participant’s seat becomes vacant at the next regularly scheduled election for that group.</p> <p>Vacated seats are filled according to this schedule:</p> <ul> <li> When an appointed <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②⑤">TAG</a> seat is vacated, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③⑥">Team</a> <a href="#TAG-appointments">appoints</a> a replacement. <li> When an elected seat on either the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②①">AB</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②⑥">TAG</a> is vacated, the seat is filled at the next regularly scheduled election for the group unless the group Chair requests that W3C hold an election before then (for instance, due to the group’s workload). <ul> <li> The group Chair <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> request such an election if the next regularly scheduled election is fewer than three months away. <li> The group Chair <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request an election, and the election may begin, as soon as a current member gives notice of a resignation, including a resignation effective as of a given date in the future. </ul> <p>When such an election is held, the minimum number of available seats is such that when added to the number of continuing participants, the minimum total number of elected seats is met (8 for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②⑦">TAG</a>, 9 for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②②">AB</a>); and the maximum number corresponds to all unoccupied seats. Except for the number of available seats and the length of the terms, the <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">usual rules for Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections</a> apply.</p> </ul> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.4" id="GAGeneral"><span class="secno">3.4. </span><span class="content"> Chartered Groups: Working Groups and Interest Groups</span><span id="ChapterGroups"></span><span id="WG-and-IG"></span><a class="self-link" href="#GAGeneral"></a></h3> <p id="GAGroups">This document defines two types of <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="chartered-group">chartered groups</dfn>: </p> <dl> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="GroupsWG"><a href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑨③">Working Groups</a></dfn>. <dd> Working Groups typically produce deliverables (e.g., <a href="#rec-advance">Recommendation Track technical reports</a>, software, test suites, and reviews of the deliverables of other groups) as defined in their <a href="#WGCharter">charter</a>. <p>Working Groups have additional participation requirements described in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, see particularly the “<a href="">Licensing Obligations of Working Group Participants</a>” and the patent claim exclusion process in “<a href="">Exclusion From W3C RF Licensing Requirements</a>”.</p> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="GroupsIG"><a href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG①①">Interest Groups</a></dfn>. <dd> The primary goal of an Interest Group is to bring together people who wish to evaluate potential Web technologies and policies. An Interest Group is a forum for the exchange of ideas. <p>Interest Groups do not publish <a href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦⑤">Recommendation Track technical reports</a>; but can publish <a href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote">technical reports on the Note Track</a>.</p> </dl> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.4.1" id="ReqsAllGroups"><span class="secno">3.4.1. </span><span class="content"> Requirements for All Chartered Groups</span><a class="self-link" href="#ReqsAllGroups"></a></h4> <p>Each group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#charter" id="ref-for-charter">charter</a>. Requirements for the charter depend on the group type. All group charters <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be public (even if other proceedings of the group are <a href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①⑤">Member-only</a>).</p> <p>Each group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="GeneralChairs">Chair</dfn> (or co-Chairs) to coordinate the group’s tasks. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③⑦">Team</a> appoints (and re-appoints) Chairs for all groups. The Chair is a <a href="#member-rep">Member representative</a>, a <a href="#Team">Team representative</a>, or an <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Expert</a>, (invited by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③⑧">Team</a>). The requirements of this document that apply to those types of participants apply to Chairs as well.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> The <a href="">role of the Chair</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-chair" title="W3C Working/Interest Group Chair">[CHAIR]</a> is described in the <a href="">Art of Consensus</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-guide" title="The Art of Consensus, a guidebook for W3C Working Group Chairs and other collaborators">[GUIDE]</a>.</p> <p>Each group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="TeamContact">Team Contact</dfn>, who acts as the interface between the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs③">Chair</a>, group participants, and the rest of the Team.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> The <a href="">role of the Team Contact</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-team-contact" title="Role of the Team Contact">[TEAM-CONTACT]</a> is described in the <a href="">Art of Consensus</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-guide" title="The Art of Consensus, a guidebook for W3C Working Group Chairs and other collaborators">[GUIDE]</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs④">Chair</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact">Team Contact</a> of a group <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> be the same individual.</p> <p>Each group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have an archived mailing list for formal group communication (e.g., for meeting announcements and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#minutes" id="ref-for-minutes①">minutes</a>, documentation of decisions, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②">Formal Objections</a> to decisions). It is the responsibility of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs⑤">Chair</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact①">Team Contact</a> to ensure that new participants are subscribed to all relevant mailing lists. Refer to the list of <a href="">group mailing lists</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-group-mail" title="Group mailing lists">[GROUP-MAIL]</a>.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs⑥">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> form task forces (composed of group participants) to carry out assignments for the group. The scope of these assignments <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> exceed the scope of the group’s charter. A group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> document the process it uses to create task forces (e.g., each task force might have an informal "charter"). Task forces do not publish <a href="#Reports">technical reports</a>; the Working Group <em class="rfc2119">may</em> choose to publish their results as part of a technical report. </p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.4.2" id="group-participation"><span class="secno">3.4.2. </span><span class="content"> Participation in Chartered Groups</span><a class="self-link" href="#group-participation"></a></h4> <p>There are three types of individual <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="wgparticipant">participants in a Working Group</dfn>: <a href="#member-rep">Member representatives</a>, <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a>, and <a href="#Team">Team representatives</a> (including the <a href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact⑦">Team Contact</a>).</p> <p>There are four types of individual <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="igparticipant">participants in an Interest Group</dfn>: the same three types as for Working Groups plus, for an Interest Group where the only <a href="#ig-mail-only">participation requirement is mailing list subscription</a>, <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="public-participant-ig">public participants</dfn>.</p> <p>Except where noted in this document or in a group charter, all participants share the same rights and responsibilities in a group; see also the <a href="#ParticipationCriteria">individual participation criteria</a>.</p> <p>A participant <em class="rfc2119">may</em> represent more than one organization in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG①">Interest Group</a>. Those organizations <em class="rfc2119">must</em> all be members of the group.</p> <p>An individual <em class="rfc2119">may</em> become a Working or Interest Group participant at any time during the group’s existence. See also relevant requirements in “Joining an Already Established Working Group” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <p>On an exceptional basis, a Working or Interest Group participant <em class="rfc2119">may</em> designate a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="mtg-substitute">substitute</dfn> to attend a <a href="#GeneralMeetings">meeting</a> and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> inform the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs⑦">Chair</a>. The substitute <em class="rfc2119">may</em> act on behalf of the participant, including for <a href="#Votes">votes</a>. For the substitute to vote, the participant <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs⑧">Chair</a> in writing in advance. As a courtesy to the group, if the substitute is not well-versed in the group’s discussions, the regular participant <em class="rfc2119">should</em> authorize another participant to act as <a href="#proxy" id="ref-for-proxy">proxy</a> for votes.</p> <p>To allow rapid progress, Working Groups are intended to be small (typically fewer than 15 people) and composed of experts in the area defined by the charter. In principle, Interest Groups have no limit on the number of participants. When a Working Group grows too large to be effective, W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> split it into an Interest Group (a discussion forum) and a much smaller Working Group (a core group of highly dedicated participants).</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="3.4.3" id="chartered-group-participants"><span class="secno">3.4.3. </span><span class="content"> Types of Participants in Chartered Groups</span><a class="self-link" href="#chartered-group-participants"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="member-rep-wg"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Member Representative in a Working Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#member-rep-wg"></a></h5> <p>An individual is a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="member-representative-in-a-working-group">Member representative in a Working Group<a class="self-link" href="#member-representative-in-a-working-group"></a></dfn> if all of the following conditions are satisfied:</p> <ul> <li> the Advisory Committee representative of the Member in question has designated the individual as a Working Group participant, and <li> the individual qualifies for <a href="#member-rep">Member representation</a>. </ul> <p>To designate an individual as a Member representative in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤">Working Group</a>, an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①①">Advisory Committee representative</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs⑨">Chair</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact②">Team Contact</a> with all of the following <span id="member-rep-info">information</span>, in addition to any other information required by the <a href="#cfp">Call for Participation</a> and charter (including the participation requirements of the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>):</p> <ol> <li> The name of the W3C Member the individual represents and whether the individual is an employee of that Member organization; <li> A statement that the individual accepts the participation terms set forth in the charter (with an indication of charter date or version); <li> A statement that the Member will provide the necessary financial support for participation (e.g., for travel, telephone calls, and conferences). </ol> <p>A Member participates in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥">Working Group</a> from the moment the first Member representative joins the group until either of the following occurs:</p> <ul> <li> the group closes, or <li> the Member <a href="#resignation">resigns</a> from the Working Group; this is done through the Member’s Advisory Committee representative. </ul> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="member-rep-ig"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Member Representative in an Interest Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#member-rep-ig"></a></h5> <p>When the participation requirements exceed <a href="#ig-mail-only">Interest Group mailing list subscription</a>, an individual is a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="member-representative-in-an-interest-group">Member representative in an Interest Group</dfn> if all of the following conditions are satisfied:</p> <ul> <li> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①②">Advisory Committee representative</a> of the Member in question has designated the individual as an Interest Group participant, and <li> the individual qualifies for <a href="#member-rep">Member representation</a>. </ul> <p>To designate an individual as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#member-representative-in-an-interest-group" id="ref-for-member-representative-in-an-interest-group">Member representative in an Interest Group</a>, the Advisory Committee representative <em class="rfc2119">must</em> follow the instructions in the <a href="#cfp">Call for Participation</a> and charter.</p> <p>Member participation in an Interest Group ceases under the same conditions as for a Working Group.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="invited-expert-wg"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Invited Expert in a Working Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#invited-expert-wg"></a></h5> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①⓪">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> invite an individual with a particular expertise to participate in a Working Group. This individual <em class="rfc2119">may</em> represent an organization in the group (e.g., if acting as a liaison with another organization).</p> <p>An individual is an <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="invited-expert-in-a-working-group">Invited Expert in a Working Group</dfn> if all of the following conditions are satisfied:</p> <ul> <li> the Chair has designated the individual as a group participant, <li> the Team Contact has agreed with the Chair’s choice, and <li> the individual has provided the <a href="#inv-expert-info" id="ref-for-inv-expert-info①">information required of an Invited Expert</a> to the Chair and Team Contact. </ul> <p>To designate an individual as an Invited Expert in a Working Group, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①①">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the Team Contact and provide rationale for the choice. When the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①②">Chair</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact③">Team Contact</a> disagree about a designation, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo⑤">CEO</a> determines whether the individual will be invited to participate in the Working Group.</p> <p>To <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="inv-expert-info">participate in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦">Working Group</a> as an Invited Expert</dfn>, an individual <em class="rfc2119">must</em>:</p> <ul> <li> identify the organization, if any, the individual represents as a participant in this group, <li> agree to the terms of the <a href="">invited expert and collaborators agreement</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-collaborators-agreement" title="Invited expert and collaborators agreement">[COLLABORATORS-AGREEMENT]</a>, <li> accept the participation terms set forth in the charter, including the participation requirements of the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, especially in “Note on Licensing Commitments for Invited Experts” and in “Disclosure”, indicating a specific charter date or version, <li> disclose whether the individual is an employee of a W3C Member; see the <a href="#coi">conflict of interest policy</a>, <li> provide a statement of who will provide the necessary financial support for the individual’s participation (e.g., for travel, telephone calls, and conferences), and <li> if the individual’s employer (including a self-employed individual) or the organization the individual represents is not a W3C Member, indicate whether that organization intends to join W3C. If the organization does not intend to join W3C, indicate reasons the individual is aware of for this choice. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①③">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> designate as an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#invited-expert-in-a-working-group" id="ref-for-invited-expert-in-a-working-group">Invited Expert in a Working Group</a> an individual who is an employee of a W3C Member. The Chair <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> use Invited Expert status to circumvent participation limits imposed by the <a href="#WGCharter">charter</a>.</p> <p>An Invited Expert participates in a Working Group from the moment the individual joins the group until any of the following occurs:</p> <ul> <li> the group closes, or <li> the Chair or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo⑥">CEO</a> withdraws the invitation to participate, or <li> the individual <a href="#resignation">resigns</a>. </ul> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="invited-expert-ig"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Invited Expert in an Interest Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#invited-expert-ig"></a></h5> <p>When the participation requirements exceed <a href="#ig-mail-only">Interest Group mailing list subscription</a>, the participation requirements for an <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="invited-expert-in-an-interest-group">Invited Expert in an Interest Group<a class="self-link" href="#invited-expert-in-an-interest-group"></a></dfn> are the same as those for an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#invited-expert-in-a-working-group" id="ref-for-invited-expert-in-a-working-group①">Invited Expert in a Working Group</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="team-rep-wg"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Team Representative in a Working Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#team-rep-wg"></a></h5> <p>An individual is a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="team-representative-in-a-working-group">Team representative in a Working Group<a class="self-link" href="#team-representative-in-a-working-group"></a></dfn> when so designated by W3C management. Team representatives both contribute to the technical work and help ensure the group’s proper integration with the rest of W3C.</p> <p>A Team representative participates in a Working Group from the moment the individual joins the group until any of the following occurs:</p> <ul> <li> the group closes, or <li> W3C management changes Team representation by sending email to the Chair, copying the group mailing list. </ul> <p>The Team participates in a Working Group from the moment the creation of the group is announced until the group closes.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="team-rep-ig"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Team Representative in an Interest Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#team-rep-ig"></a></h5> <p>When the participation requirements exceed <a href="#ig-mail-only">Interest Group mailing list subscription</a>, an individual is a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="team-representative-in-an-interest-group">Team representative in an Interest Group<a class="self-link" href="#team-representative-in-an-interest-group"></a></dfn> when so designated by W3C management.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="4" id="group-lifecyle"><span class="secno">4. </span><span class="content"> Lifecycle of Chartered Groups</span><a class="self-link" href="#group-lifecyle"></a></h2> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.1" id="WGCharterDevelopment"><span class="secno">4.1. </span><span class="content"> Initiating Charter Development</span><a class="self-link" href="#WGCharterDevelopment"></a></h3> <p>W3C creates charters for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#chartered-group" id="ref-for-chartered-group">chartered groups</a> based on interest from the Members and Team. The Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> notify the Advisory Committee when a charter for a new Working Group or Interest Group is in development. This is intended to raise awareness, even if no formal proposal is yet available. Advisory Committee representatives <em class="rfc2119">may</em> provide feedback on the <a href="#ACCommunication">Advisory Committee discussion list</a> or via other designated channels.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> begin work on a Working Group or Interest Group charter at any time.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.2" id="WGCharter"><span class="secno">4.2. </span><span class="content"> Content of a Charter</span><a class="self-link" href="#WGCharter"></a></h3> <p>A Working Group or Interest Group <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="charter">charter</dfn> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include all of the following information.</p> <ul> <li> The group’s mission (e.g., develop a technology or process, review the work of other groups). <li> The scope of the group’s work and criteria for success. <li> The duration of the group (typically from six months to two years). <li> The nature of any deliverables (technical reports, reviews of the deliverables of other groups, or software). <li> Expected milestone dates where available. <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> A charter is <em class="rfc2119">not required</em> to include schedules for review of other group’s deliverables.</p> <li> The process for the group to approve the release of deliverables (including intermediate results). <li> Any dependencies by groups within or outside of W3C on the deliverables of this group. For any dependencies, the charter <em class="rfc2119">must</em> specify the mechanisms for communication about the deliverables. <li> Any dependencies of this group on other groups within or outside of W3C. Such dependencies include interactions with <a href="">W3C Horizontal Groups</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-charter" title="How to Create a Working Group or Interest Group">[CHARTER]</a>. <li> The <a href="#confidentiality-levels">level of confidentiality</a> of the group’s proceedings and deliverables. <li> Meeting mechanisms and expected frequency. <li> If known, the date of the first <a href="#ftf-meeting" id="ref-for-ftf-meeting①">face-to-face meeting</a>. The date of the first face-to-face meeting of a proposed group <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> be sooner than <span class="time-interval">eight weeks</span> after the date of the proposal. <li> Communication mechanisms to be employed within the group, between the group and the rest of W3C, and with the general public. <li> Any voting procedures or requirements other than those specified in <a href="#Votes">§ 5.2.3 Deciding by Vote</a>. <li> An estimate of the expected time commitment from participants. <li> The expected time commitment and level of involvement by the Team (e.g., to track developments, write and edit technical reports, develop code, or organize pilot experiments). <li> Intellectual property information. What are the intellectual property (including patents and copyright) considerations affecting the success of the Group? In particular, is there any reason to believe that it will be difficult to meet the Royalty-Free licensing goals in “Licensing Goals for W3C Specifications” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>? </ul> <p>See also the charter requirements in “Licensing Goals for W3C Specifications” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <p>For every Recommendation Track deliverable that continues work on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report">technical report</a> published under any other Charter (including a predecessor group of the same name), for which there is at least an existing <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd">First Public Working Draft</a> the description of that deliverable in the proposed charter of the adopting Working Group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide the following information:</p> <ul> <li> The title, stable URL, and publication date of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD">Working Draft</a> or other Recommendation-track document that will serve as the basis for work on the deliverable (labeled “<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="adopted-draft">Adopted Draft</dfn>”); <li> The title, stable URL, and publication date of the document that was used as the basis for its most recent Exclusion Opportunity as per the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. (labeled “<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="exclusion-draft">Exclusion Draft</dfn>”); and <li> The stable URL of the Working Group charter under which the Exclusion Draft was published (labeled the “<dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="exclusion-draft-charter">Exclusion Draft Charter<span id="other-charter"></span><a class="self-link" href="#exclusion-draft-charter"></a></dfn>”). </ul> <p>All of the above data <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be identified in the adopting Working Group’s charter using the labels indicated.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#adopted-draft" id="ref-for-adopted-draft">Adopted Draft</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#exclusion-draft" id="ref-for-exclusion-draft">Exclusion Draft</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> each be adopted in their entirety and without any modification. The proposed charter <em class="rfc2119">must</em> state the dates on which the Exclusion Opportunity that arose on publishing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#exclusion-draft" id="ref-for-exclusion-draft①">Exclusion Draft</a> began and ended. As per “Joining an Already Established Working Group” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, this potentially means that exclusions can only be made immediately on joining a Working Group.</p> <p id="ig-charter-participation">An Interest Group charter <em class="rfc2119">may</em> include provisions regarding participation, including specifying that the <span id="ig-mail-only">only requirement for participation (by anyone) in the Interest Group is subscription to the Interest Group mailing list</span>. This type of Interest Group <em class="rfc2119">may</em> have <a href="#public-participant-ig" id="ref-for-public-participant-ig">public participants</a>. </p> <p>A charter <em class="rfc2119">may</em> include provisions other than those required by this document. The charter <em class="rfc2119">should</em> highlight whether additional provisions impose constraints beyond those of the W3C Process Document (e.g., limits on the number of individuals in a Working Group who represent the same Member organization or group of <a href="#MemberRelated">related Members</a>).</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.3" id="CharterReview"><span class="secno">4.3. </span><span class="content"> Advisory Committee Review of a Charter</span><a class="self-link" href="#CharterReview"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team③⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> solicit <a href="#ACReview">Advisory Committee review</a> of every new or substantively modified Working Group or Interest Group charter, except for either:</p> <ul> <li data-md> <p>a charter extension</p> <li data-md> <p>substantive changes to a charter that do not affect the way the group functions in any significant way.</p> </ul> <p>The review period <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be at least 28 days. The following are examples of substantive changes that would not require an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review">Advisory Committee Review</a>: the addition of an in-scope deliverable, a change of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact④">Team Contact</a>, or a change of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①④">Chair</a>. Such changes must nonetheless be announced to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①①">Advisory Committee</a> and to <a href="#wgparticipant" id="ref-for-wgparticipant①"> participants in the Working</a> or <a href="#igparticipant" id="ref-for-igparticipant①">in the Interest Group</a>, and a rationale must be provided.</p> <p>The Call for Review of a substantively modified charter <em class="rfc2119">must</em> highlight important changes (e.g., regarding deliverables or resource allocation) and include rationale for the changes.</p> <p>As part of the Advisory Committee review of any new or substantively modified Working Group charter, any Advisory Committee representative <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request an extended review period.</p> <p>Such a request must be submitted with a Member’s comments in response to the Call for Review. Upon receipt of any such request, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④⓪">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> ensure that the Call for Participation for the Working Group occurs at least 60 days after the Call for Review of the charter.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.4" id="cfp"><span class="secno">4.4. </span><span class="content"> Call for Participation in a Chartered Group</span><a class="self-link" href="#cfp"></a></h3> <p>Deciding whether to adopt a proposed <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG②">Interest Group</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#charter" id="ref-for-charter①">charter</a> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision①">W3C Decision</a>. Charters <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be amended based on review comments per <a href="#ACReviewAfter">§ 5.7.2 After the Review Period</a> before the Call for Participation.</p> <p>If the decision is to charter the group, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④①">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> issue a Call for Participation to the Advisory Committee. For a new group, this announcement officially creates the group. The announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include a reference to the <a href="#WGCharter">charter</a>, the name(s) of the group’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①⑤">Chair</a>(s), and the name(s) of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact⑤">Team Contact</a>(s).</p> <p>After a Call for Participation, any <a href="#member-rep">Member representatives</a> and <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be designated (or re-designated). When a group is re-chartered, individuals participating in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑨">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG③">Interest Group</a> before the new Call for Participation may attend any meetings held within forty-five (45) days of the Call for Participation even if they have not yet formally rejoined the group (i.e., committed to the terms of the charter and patent policy).</p> <p>Advisory Committee representatives <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a href="#ACAppeal">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> against the decision to create or substantially modify a Working Group or Interest Group charter.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.5" id="charter-extension"><span class="secno">4.5. </span><span class="content"> Charter Extension</span><a class="self-link" href="#charter-extension"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④②">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> decide to extend a Working Group or Interest Group charter with no other substantive modifications. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④③">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce such <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="charter extension" id="dfn-charter-extension">extensions</dfn> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①②">Advisory Committee</a>. The announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em> indicate the new duration. The announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em> also include rationale for the extension, a reference to the <a href="#WGCharter">charter</a>, and the Group homepage (which includes at least the name(s) of the group’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①⑥">Chair</a>(s), the name of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact⑥">Team Contact</a>, and instructions for joining the group).</p> <p>After a charter extension, Advisory Committee representatives and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①⑦">Chair</a> are <em class="rfc2119">not required</em> to re-designate <a href="#member-rep">Member representatives</a> and <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a>.</p> <p>Advisory Committee representatives <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a href="#ACAppeal">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> against a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision①">Team decision</a> regarding the extension of a Working Group or Interest Group charter.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.6" id="GeneralTermination"><span class="secno">4.6. </span><span class="content"> Chartered Group Closure</span><a class="self-link" href="#GeneralTermination"></a></h3> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①⓪">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG④">Interest Group</a> charter specifies a duration for the group.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④④">Team</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②⑧">TAG</a>, or the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②③">AB</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> propose to close a group prior to the date specified in the charter in any of the following circumstances:</p> <ul> <li data-md> <p>There are insufficient member resources to produce chartered deliverables or to maintain the group, according to priorities established within W3C.</p> <li data-md> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="" id="ref-for-patent-advisory-group">Patent Advisory Group</a> concluded that the work <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be terminated.</p> <li data-md> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group②⑨">TAG</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②④">AB</a> determined that continuing operation of the chartered group or its work would be detrimental to W3C or its mission.</p> <li data-md> <p>The group produced all chartered deliverables ahead of schedule.</p> </ul> <p>Such a proposal to close a group must be accompanied by rationale, and the proposal must be confirmed by an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①">AC Review</a> as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision②">W3C Decision</a>.</p> <p>Closing a Working Group has implications with respect to the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="5" id="decisions"><span class="secno">5. </span><span class="content"> Decisions</span><a class="self-link" href="#decisions"></a></h2> <p>W3C attempts to resolve issues through dialog. Individuals who disagree strongly with a decision <em class="rfc2119">should</em> register with the Chair any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection③">Formal Objections</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.1" id="decision-types"><span class="secno">5.1. </span><span class="content"> Types of Decisions</span><a class="self-link" href="#decision-types"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①⑧">Chair</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①①">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG⑤">Interest Group</a> has the prerogative to make certain decisions based on their own judgment. Such decisions are called <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="chair-decisions">chair decisions<a class="self-link" href="#chair-decisions"></a></dfn>.</p> <p>In contrast, decisions taken by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs①⑨">Chair</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①②">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG⑥">Interest Group</a> on the basis of having assessed the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus">consensus</a> of the group or following a vote (see <a href="#Votes">§ 5.2.3 Deciding by Vote</a>) are called <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="group decision | resolution" id="group-decision">group decisions</dfn> (also known as group “resolutions”).</p> <p>Decisions made by members of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④⑤">Team</a> in connection with this Process, based on their own individual or collective judgement, are called <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="Team Decision | Team’s Decision" data-noexport id="team-decision">Team Decisions</dfn>.</p> <p>In contrast, a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="def-w3c-decision">W3C decision</dfn> is determined by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④⑥">Team</a> on behalf of the W3C community by assessing the consensus of the W3C Community after an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review②">Advisory Committee review</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.2" id="consensus-building"><span class="secno">5.2. </span><span class="content"> Consensus Building</span><a class="self-link" href="#consensus-building"></a></h3> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.2.1" id="Consensus"><span class="secno">5.2.1. </span><span class="content"> Consensus</span><a class="self-link" href="#Consensus"></a></h4> <p>Consensus is a core value of W3C. To promote consensus, the W3C process requires Chairs to ensure that groups consider all legitimate views and objections, and endeavor to resolve them, whether these views and objections are expressed by the active participants of the group or by others (e.g., another W3C group, a group in another organization, or the general public). Decisions <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be made during meetings (<a href="#ftf-meeting" id="ref-for-ftf-meeting②">face-to-face</a> or <a href="#distributed-meeting" id="ref-for-distributed-meeting">distributed</a>) as well as through <a href="#discussion-archiving">persistent text-based discussions</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> The CEO has the role of assessing consensus within the Advisory Committee.</p> <p>The following terms are used in this document to describe the level of support for a decision among a set of eligible individuals:</p> <dl> <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="def-Consensus">Consensus</dfn>: <dd> A substantial number of individuals in the set support the decision and there is no sustained objection from anybody in the set. Individuals in the set <em class="rfc2119">may</em> abstain. Abstention is either an explicit expression of no opinion or silence by an individual in the set. <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="def-Unanimity">Unanimity</dfn>: <dd> The particular case of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus①">consensus</a> where all individuals in the set support the decision (i.e., no individual in the set abstains). <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="def-Dissent">Dissent</dfn>: <dd> At least one individual in the set sustains an objection. </dl> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection④">Formal Objection</a> always indicates a sustained objection, but isn’t necessary to express it (except in the context of formal <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review③">AC Reviews</a>). Disagreement with a proposed decision, however, does not always rise to the level of sustained objection, as individuals could be willing to accept a decision while expressing disagreement.</p> <p>By default, the set of individuals eligible to participate in a decision is the set of group participants. The Process Document does not require a quorum for decisions (i.e., the minimal number of eligible participants required to be present before the Chair can call a question). A charter <em class="rfc2119">may</em> include a quorum requirement for consensus decisions.</p> <p>Where <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Unanimity" id="ref-for-def-Unanimity">unanimity</a> is not possible, a group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> strive to make <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus②">consensus</a> decisions where there is significant support and few abstentions. The Process Document does not require a particular percentage of eligible participants to agree to a motion in order for a decision to be made. To avoid decisions where there is widespread apathy, (i.e., little support and many abstentions), groups <em class="rfc2119">should</em> set minimum thresholds of active support before a decision can be recorded. The appropriate percentage <em class="rfc2119">may</em> vary depending on the size of the group and the nature of the decision. A charter <em class="rfc2119">may</em> include threshold requirements for consensus decisions. For instance, a charter might require a supermajority of eligible participants (i.e., some established percentage above 50%) to support certain types of consensus decisions.</p> <div class="note" role="note"> Note: Chairs have substantial flexibility in how they obtain and assess consensus among their groups. Unless otherwise constrained by charter, they may use modes including but not limited to explicit calls for consensus, polls of participants, “lazy consensus” in which lack of objection after sufficient notice is taken as assent; or they may also delegate and empower a document editor to assess consensus on their behalf, whether in general or for specific pre-determined circumstances (e.g. in non-controversial situations, for specific types of issues, etc.). <p>If questions or disagreements arise, the final determination of consensus remains with the chair.</p> </div> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.2.2" id="managing-dissent"><span class="secno">5.2.2. </span><span class="content"> Managing Dissent</span><a class="self-link" href="#managing-dissent"></a></h4> <p>In some cases, even after careful consideration of all points of view, a group might find itself unable to reach consensus. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②⓪">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> record a decision where there is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Dissent" id="ref-for-def-Dissent">dissent</a> so that the group can make progress (for example, to produce a deliverable in a timely manner). Dissenters cannot stop a group’s work simply by saying that they cannot live with a decision. When the Chair believes that the Group has duly considered the legitimate concerns of dissenters as far as is possible and reasonable, the group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> move on.</p> <p>Groups <em class="rfc2119">should</em> favor proposals that create the weakest objections. This is preferred over proposals that are supported by a large majority but that cause strong objections from a few people. As part of making a decision where there is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Dissent" id="ref-for-def-Dissent①">dissent</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②①">Chair</a> is expected to be aware of which participants work for the same (or <a href="#MemberRelated">related</a>) Member organizations and weigh their input accordingly.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Dissenters can escalate their sustained objection to a decision by registering a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection⑤">Formal Objection</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.2.3" id="Votes"><span class="secno">5.2.3. </span><span class="content"> Deciding by Vote</span><a class="self-link" href="#Votes"></a></h4> <p>A group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> only conduct a vote to resolve a <em>substantive issue</em> after the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②②">Chair</a> has determined that all available means of <a href="#Consensus">reaching consensus</a> through technical discussion and compromise have failed, and that a vote is necessary to break a deadlock. In this case the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②③">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record (e.g., in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#minutes" id="ref-for-minutes②">minutes</a> of the meeting or in an archived email message):</p> <ul> <li> an explanation of the issue being voted on; <li> the decision to conduct a vote (e.g., a simple majority vote) to resolve the issue; <li> the outcome of the vote; <li> any Formal Objections. </ul> <p>In order to vote to resolve a substantive issue, an individual <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be a group <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#participant" id="ref-for-participant①">participant</a>. Each organization represented in the group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have at most one vote, even when the organization is represented by several participants in the group (including Invited Experts). For the purposes of voting:</p> <ul> <li> A Member or group of <a href="#MemberRelated">related Members</a> is considered a single organization. <li> The <a href="#Team">Team</a> is considered an organization. </ul> <p>Unless the charter states otherwise, <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> vote.</p> <p>If a participant is unable to attend a vote, that individual <em class="rfc2119">may</em> authorize anyone at the meeting to act as a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="proxy">proxy</dfn>. The absent participant <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the Chair in writing who is acting as proxy, with written instructions on the use of the proxy. For a Working Group or Interest Group, see the related requirements regarding an individual who attends a meeting as a <a href="#mtg-substitute" id="ref-for-mtg-substitute">substitute</a> for a participant.</p> <p>A group <em class="rfc2119">may</em> vote for other purposes than to resolve a substantive issue. For instance, the Chair often conducts a “straw poll” vote as a means of determining whether there is consensus about a potential decision.</p> <p>A group <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also vote to make a process decision. For example, it is appropriate to decide by simple majority whether to hold a meeting in San Francisco or San Jose (there’s not much difference geographically). When simple majority votes are used to decide minor issues, voters are <em class="rfc2119">not required</em> to state the reasons for votes, and the group is <em class="rfc2119">not required</em> to record individual votes.</p> <p>A group charter <em class="rfc2119">may</em> include formal voting procedures (e.g., quorum or threshold requirements) for making decisions about substantive issues.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.3" id="formal-address"><span class="secno">5.3. </span><span class="content"> Formally Addressing an Issue</span><a class="self-link" href="#formal-address"></a></h3> <p>In the context of this document, a group has <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="formally-addressed">formally addressed</dfn> an issue when it has sent a public, substantive response to the reviewer who raised the issue. A substantive response is expected to include rationale for decisions (e.g., a technical explanation, a pointer to charter scope, or a pointer to a requirements document). The adequacy of a response is measured against what a W3C reviewer would generally consider to be technically sound. If a group believes that a reviewer’s comments result from a misunderstanding, the group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> seek clarification before reaching a decision.</p> <p>As a courtesy, both Chairs and reviewers <em class="rfc2119">should</em> set expectations for the schedule of responses and acknowledgments. The group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> reply to a reviewer’s initial comments in a timely manner. The group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> set a time limit for acknowledgment by a reviewer of the group’s substantive response; a reviewer cannot block a group’s progress. It is common for a reviewer to require a week or more to acknowledge and comment on a substantive response. The group’s responsibility to respond to reviewers does not end once a reasonable amount of time has elapsed. However, reviewers <em class="rfc2119">should</em> realize that their comments will carry less weight if not sent to the group in a timely manner.</p> <p>Substantive responses <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be recorded. The group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> maintain an accurate summary of all substantive issues and responses to them (e.g., in the form of an issues list with links to mailing list archives).</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.4" id="WGChairReopen"><span class="secno">5.4. </span><span class="content"> Reopening a Decision When Presented With New Information</span><a class="self-link" href="#WGChairReopen"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②④">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> reopen a decision when presented with new information, including:</p> <ul> <li> additional technical information, <li> comments by email from participants who were unable to attend a scheduled meeting, <li> comments by email from meeting attendees who chose not to speak out during a meeting (e.g., so they could confer later with colleagues or for cultural reasons). </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②⑤">Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> record that a decision has been reopened, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> do so upon request from a group participant.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.5" id="registering-objections"><span class="secno">5.5. </span><span class="content"> Registering Formal Objections</span><span id="WGArchiveMinorityViews"></span><span id="WGAppeals"></span><span id="wg-decision-appeal"></span><span id="chair-decision-appeal"></span><a class="self-link" href="#registering-objections"></a></h3> <p>Any individual (regardless of whether they are associated with a Member) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> appeal any decision made in connection with this Process (except those having a different appeal process) by registering a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="FormalObjection">Formal Objection</dfn> with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④⑦">Team</a>. Group participants <em class="rfc2119">should</em> inform their <a href="#TeamContact" id="ref-for-TeamContact⑧">Team Contact</a> as well as the group’s Chair(s). The Team Contact <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo⑦">CEO</a> when a group participant has also raised concerns about due process.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> In this document, the term <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection⑥">Formal Objection</a> is used to emphasize this process implication: Formal Objections receive formal consideration and a formal response. The word “objection” used alone has its ordinary English connotations. See <a href="#consensus-building">§ 5.2 Consensus Building</a>.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection⑦">Formal Objection</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include a summary of the issue (whether technical or procedural), the decision being appealed, and the rationale for the objection. It <em class="rfc2119">should</em> cite technical arguments and propose changes that would remove the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection⑧">Formal Objection</a>; these proposals <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be vague or incomplete. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection⑨">Formal Objections</a> that do not provide substantive arguments or rationale are unlikely to receive serious consideration. Counter-arguments, rationales, and decisions <em class="rfc2119">should</em> also be recorded.</p> <p>A record of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①⓪">Formal Objection</a> against a decision regarding a publicly-available document <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be made <a href="#confidentiality-change">publicly available</a>; likewise, a record of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①①">Formal Objection</a> against a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①">Member-visible</a> decision <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be made <a href="#confidentiality-change">available to Members</a>. A Call for Review to the Advisory Committee <em class="rfc2119">must</em> identify any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①②">Formal Objections</a> related to that review.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①③">Formal Objections</a> against matter in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①">technical report</a> are required to be addressed before <a href="#rec-advance">requesting advancement</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②">technical report</a>.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①④">Formal Objection</a> filed during an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review④">Advisory Committee Review</a> is considered registered at the close of the review period.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.6" id="addressing-fo"><span class="secno">5.6. </span><span class="content"> Addressing Formal Objections</span><a class="self-link" href="#addressing-fo"></a></h3> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.6.1" id="team-fo-mediation"><span class="secno">5.6.1. </span><span class="content"> Investigation and Mediation by the Team</span><a class="self-link" href="#team-fo-mediation"></a></h4> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④⑧">Team</a> considers the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①⑤">Formal objection</a>, researches the question, interviews parties, and so on, to make sure the problem and the various viewpoints are well understood, and to the extent possible, to arrive at a recommended disposition. If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team④⑨">Team</a> can resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the individual that filed the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①⑥">Formal Objection</a>, the individual withdraws the objection and the disposition process terminates.</p> <p>Otherwise, upon concluding that consensus cannot be found, and no later than 90 days after the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①⑦">Formal Objection</a> being registered, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤⓪">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> initiate formation of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council③">W3C Council</a>, which should be <a href="#council-convention">convened</a> within 45 days of being initiated. Concurrently, it must prepare a report for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council④">Council</a> documenting its findings and attempts to find consensus.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.6.2" id="council"><span class="secno">5.6.2. </span><span class="content"> W3C Council</span><a class="self-link" href="#council"></a></h4> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-local-lt="Council" id="w3c-council">W3C Council</dfn> is the body convened to resolve <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①⑧">Formal Objections</a> by combining the capabilities and perspectives of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②⑤">AB</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③⓪">TAG</a>, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤①">Team</a>, and is tasked with doing so in the best interests of the Web and W3C.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-composition"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Council Composition</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-composition"></a></h5> <p>Each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council⑤">W3C Council</a> is composed of the following members (excepting any <a href="#council-participation">renounced or dismissed</a>):</p> <ul> <li data-md> <p>the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ceo" id="ref-for-ceo⑧">CEO</a> or their chosen <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤②">Team</a> delegate</p> <li data-md> <p>the members of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②⑥">Advisory Board</a></p> <li data-md> <p>the members of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③①">Technical Architecture Group</a></p> </ul> <p>Participation in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council⑥">W3C Council</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> require attendance of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ftf-meeting" id="ref-for-ftf-meeting③">face-to-face meetings</a>.</p> <p>A distinct instance of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council⑦">W3C Council</a> is convened for each decision being appealed or objected to. Membership of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council⑧">Council</a> instance is fixed at formation, and is not changed by any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②⑦">AB</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③②">TAG</a> elections occurring before that Council has reached a conclusion. However, if participation in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council⑨">Council</a> falls so low as to hinder effective and balanced deliberations, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair">W3C Council Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> dissolve the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①⓪">Council</a> and call for a new one to be convened.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤③">Team</a> member is assigned to act as the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="council-team-contact">Council Team Contact</dfn>, to support this Council and to facilitate adherence to this Process.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-delegation"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Extraordinary Delegation</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-delegation"></a></h5> <p>In extraordinary cases, if they feel a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①①">Council</a> would not be the appropriate deciding body, a member of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤④">Team</a> (particularly the Legal Counsel) or any potential Council member may suggest that the decision for that specific Formal Objection be delegated to the W3C Board of Directors, to an officer of its corporation (such as the Legal Counsel), or to one or more specific individuals from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤⑤">Team</a>. The potential Council members then <em class="rfc2119">may</em> confidentially discuss and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> vote whether to delegate the decision for that specific <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection①⑨">Formal Objection</a>. A decision to delegate <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be supported by a two-thirds supermajority vote (i.e., at least twice as many votes in favor as against). Delegation in such cases cannot be later revoked.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤⑥">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①③">Advisory Committee</a> when a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②⓪">Formal Objection</a> has been delegated, and to whom it has been delegated.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-participation"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Council Participation, Dismissal, and Renunciation</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-participation"></a></h5> <p>A potential Council member may be <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="dismissed | dismiss | dismissal" data-noexport id="dismissed">dismissed</dfn> from the Council. In order to apply consistent criteria, the potential Council members decide collectively which reasons against service rise to a sufficient level for a potential member to be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dismissed" id="ref-for-dismissed">dismissed</a>. No-one is automatically dismissed, and individual recusal is not used in the Council. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dismissed" id="ref-for-dismissed①">Dismissal</a> applies to an individual person in the context of a specific Council, and should be used rarely in order to preserve the greatest diversity on the Council.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> A W3C Council is a deliberative body whose purpose is to find the best way forward for the Web and for W3C. It is not a judicial body tasked with determining right or wrong.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> draft a list of potential <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①②">Council</a> members, with annotations of possible reasons for dismissal against each one. The W3C community, including members and team, and potential council members, <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be given an opportunity to contribute possible reasons to this list. Affected members <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be given an opportunity to respond to such comments about themselves. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤⑧">Team</a> may report comments verbatim or may paraphrase them while preserving their intent; they may also elide inappropriate comments, such as any that violate applicable laws or the <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cepc" title="W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct">[CEPC]</a>.</p> <p>Before a Council forms, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑤⑨">Team</a> presents the entire list of potential members and collected reasons and responses to the potential Council members, who then consider for each potential member whether that individual’s participation would compromise the integrity of the Council decision, and vote whether to dismiss that potential member. No one is allowed to vote on their own dismissal; each dismissal is decided by simple majority of those not abstaining.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Since dismissal is individual, when the decision being objected to was made by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③③">TAG</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②⑧">AB</a> acting as a body, the entire <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③④">TAG</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board②⑨">AB</a> is not expected or required to be dismissed.</p> <p>An individual <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="renounce | renunciation" data-noexport id="renounce">renounce</dfn> their seat on a Council, for strong reason, such as being forbidden by their employer to serve. The individual chooses the extent to which they explain their renunciation. Renunciation is disqualification from participation, not abstention, and <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> be used to excuse an absence of participation.</p> <p>Any person who has been <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dismissed" id="ref-for-dismissed②">dismissed</a> or who <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#renounce" id="ref-for-renounce">renounces</a> their seat does not receive <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①③">Council</a> materials, take part in its deliberations, help in the determination of consensus, or vote. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①④">W3C Council</a> <em class="rfc2110">may</em> still solicit and hear their testimony, as they can of anyone else in the W3C community.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-short-circuit"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Unanimous Short Circuit</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-short-circuit"></a></h5> <p>The full Council process <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be short-circuited if the Team recommends a resolution and every potential member of a Council who is not renouncing their seat votes affirmatively (no abstentions) to adopt this resolution.</p> <p>This step <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be run concurrently with <a href="#council-participation">§ Council Participation, Dismissal, and Renunciation</a> and prior to choosing a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair①">Chair</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> This is intended for exceptional cases that don’t seem to warrant a full Council response because they are, for instance, too trivial, duplicative, etc.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-chairing"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Council Chairing</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-chairing"></a></h5> <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="W3C Council Chair" data-noexport id="w3c-council-chair">Chair</dfn> of each W3C Council is chosen by its members, by consensus if possible, falling back to a vote if that fails. The chair must be a member of that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①⑤">W3C Council</a>. Chair selection happens during formation of each Council, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be re-run if requested by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-team-contact" id="ref-for-council-team-contact">Council Team Contact</a> or by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②⑥">Chair</a> during the Council’s operation.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-deliberations"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Council Deliberations</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-deliberations"></a></h5> <p id="council-convention"> Upon appointment of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair②">W3C Council Chair</a> and delivery of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥⓪">Team</a>’s report, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①⑥">W3C Council</a> is considered to be convened and can start deliberations. </p> <p>Having reviewed the information gathered by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥①">Team</a>, the Council <em class="rfc2119">may</em> conduct additional research or analysis, or request additional information or interviews from anyone, including the Team.</p> <p id="broker-consensus"> The Council <em class="rfc2119">may</em> further attempt to broker consensus, which, if successful, disposes the formal objection. </p> <p>Otherwise, after sufficient deliberation, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①⑦">W3C Council</a> decides whether to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="uphold | upholds | upheld | upholding" data-noexport id="uphold">uphold</dfn> or <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="overrule">overrule</dfn> the objection. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①⑧">W3C Council</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#overrule" id="ref-for-overrule">overrule</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②①">Formal Objection</a> even if it agrees with some of the supportive arguments.</p> <p id="fo-mitigations"> When <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#uphold" id="ref-for-uphold">upholding</a> an objection, it <em class="rfc2199">should</em> recommend a way forward. If the overturned decision has already had consequences (e.g., if the objection concerns material already in a published document) the Council <em class="rfc2119">should</em> suggest how these consequences might be mitigated. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥②">Team</a> is responsible for making sure that adequate mitigations are enacted in a timely fashion; and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②②">Formal Objection</a> is not considered <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="fully-addressed">fully addressed</dfn> until then. </p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> This does not create new powers for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥③">Team</a>, such as the ability to “unpublish” documents. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥④">Team</a>'s role is to ensure the responsible parties enact adequate mitigations, by whatever means they already have at their disposal.</p> <p>A Council <em class="rfc2119">may</em> form sub-groups for deliberation, who may return with a recommendation, but the full Council issues the final decision. The decision of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council①⑨">W3C Council</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be unanimous, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be issued under consensus. However, if despite careful deliberation a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②⓪">W3C Council</a> is unable to reach consensus, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair③">W3C Council Chair</a> may instead resort to voting. In that case, the decision is made by simple majority, with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair④">W3C Council Chair</a> breaking any tie. In case of a vote, if two members of a Council who share the same affiliation cast an identical ballot, then their ballots count as a one vote, not two.</p> <p>In the case of non-unanimous decisions, members of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②①">W3C Council</a> who disagree with the decision <em class="rfc2119">may</em> write a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="minority-opinion">Minority Opinion</dfn> explaining the reason for their disagreement.</p> <p>The deliberations of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②②">W3C Council</a> are confidential to that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②③">W3C Council</a> and its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-team-contact" id="ref-for-council-team-contact①">Council Team Contact</a>.</p> <p>If a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②④">W3C Council</a> is unable to come to a conclusion within 45 days of being <a href="#council-convention">convened</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair⑤">W3C Council Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①④">AC</a> of this delay and of the status of the discussions. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council-chair" id="ref-for-w3c-council-chair⑥">W3C Council Chair</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> additionally make this report <a href="#confidentiality-levels">public</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-decision"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Council Decision Report</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-decision"></a></h5> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②⑤">Council</a> terminates by issuing a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="council-report">Council Report</dfn>, which:</p> <ul> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must</em> state whether the Council <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#uphold" id="ref-for-uphold①">upholds</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#overrule" id="ref-for-overrule①">overrules</a> the objection(s).</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide a rationale supporting the decision, which <em class="rfc2119">should</em> address each argument raised in the Formal Objection(s).</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must</em> include any recommendation decided by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②⑥">Council</a>.</p> <li data-md> <p>if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②③">Formal Objection</a> has been upheld, <em class="rfc2119">should</em> include any suggested <a href="#fo-mitigations">mitigations</a>.</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must</em> include the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#minority-opinion" id="ref-for-minority-opinion">Minority Opinion</a>(s), if any.</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must</em> report the names of those who were <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dismissed" id="ref-for-dismissed③">dismissed</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#renounce" id="ref-for-renounce①">renounced</a> their seat as well as those who were qualified to serve.</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must</em> report the names of the individuals who participated in the final decision.</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">may</em> report vote totals, if any vote was held.</p> <li data-md> <p><em class="rfc2119">must not</em> attribute any position to any individual on the Council.</p> </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥⑤">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> maintain a <a data-biblio-display="inline" data-link-type="biblio" href="">public page on the W3C website</a> indexing all completed <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-report" id="ref-for-council-report">Council Reports</a>. If a Council decision is later overturned by an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal">AC Appeal</a>, this <em class="rfc2119">must</em> also be mentioned. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-report" id="ref-for-council-report①">Council Reports</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be no more confidential than the decision or document being objected to.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②⑦">Council</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also issue a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="supplemental-confidential-council-report">Supplemental Confidential Council Report<a class="self-link" href="#supplemental-confidential-council-report"></a></dfn> with a more restricted <a href="#confidentiality-levels">level of confidentiality</a> than its main report when it believes that additional commentary on confidential aspects of the case would be informative. However, the main <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-report" id="ref-for-council-report②">Council Report</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be self-sufficient and understandable without reference to Supplemental Confidential Council Reports.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="council-appeals"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Appealing Council Decisions</span><a class="self-link" href="#council-appeals"></a></h5> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①③">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal①">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of a Council decision issued in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-report" id="ref-for-council-report③">Council Report</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.7" id="ACReview"><span class="secno">5.7. </span><span class="content"> Advisory Committee Reviews</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACReview"></a></h3> <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Advisory Committee review | AC Review" id="advisory-committee-review"> Advisory Committee review</dfn> is the process by which the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①⑤">Advisory Committee</a> formally confers its approval on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#charter" id="ref-for-charter②">charters</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③">technical reports</a>, and other matters.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.7.1" id="ACReviewStart"><span class="secno">5.7.1. </span><span class="content"> Start of a Review Period</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACReviewStart"></a></h4> <p>Each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review⑤">Advisory Committee review</a> period begins with a Call for Review from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥⑥">Team</a> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①⑥">Advisory Committee</a>. The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="reviewform">Call for Review</dfn> describes the proposal, raises attention to deadlines, estimates when the decision will be available, and includes other practical information. Each Member organization <em class="rfc2119">may</em> send one review, which <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be returned by its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①④">Advisory Committee representative</a>.</p> <p>For clarity, in the context of an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review⑥">AC Review</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Dissent" id="ref-for-def-Dissent②">dissent</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be expressed as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②④">Formal Objection</a>.</p> <p>The Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide two channels for Advisory Committee review comments:</p> <ol> <li> an archived <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only⑦">Team-only</a> channel; <li> an archived <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only②">Member-only</a> channel. </ol> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#reviewform" id="ref-for-reviewform">Call for Review</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> specify which channel is the default for review comments on that Call.</p> <p>Reviewers <em class="rfc2119">may</em> send information to either or both channels. A reviewer <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also share their own reviews with other Members on the <a href="#ACCommunication">Advisory Committee discussion list</a>, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also make it available to the public.</p> <p>A Member organization <em class="rfc2119">may</em> modify its review during a review period (e.g., in light of comments from other Members).</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="5.7.2" id="ACReviewAfter"><span class="secno">5.7.2. </span><span class="content"> After the Review Period</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACReviewAfter"></a></h4> <p>After the review period, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥⑦">Team</a> determines the appropriate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision③">W3C Decision</a>, which they <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①⑦">Advisory Committee</a>. The announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em> indicate the level of support for the proposal (<a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus③">consensus</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Dissent" id="ref-for-def-Dissent③">dissent</a>), and specifically whether there were any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②⑤">Formal Objections</a>, with attention to <a href="#confidentiality-change">changing the confidentiality level</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②⑥">Formal Objections</a>.</p> <p>If there were <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②⑦">Formal Objections</a>, at least some of which were <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#uphold" id="ref-for-uphold②">upheld</a>, or if there is not <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus④">consensus</a> because of insufficient support, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision④">W3C Decision</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be one of:</p> <ul> <li> The proposal is returned for additional work, with a request to the initiator to improve the proposal. <li> The proposal is rejected. </ul> <p>If the proposal has <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus⑤">consensus</a>, or if any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②⑧">Formal Objections</a> are retracted or overruled and the proposal otherwise has sufficient support to achieve <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus⑥">consensus</a>, this <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision⑤">W3C Decision</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be one of:</p> <ul> <li> The proposal is adopted, possibly with additional changes integrated in order to address the comments of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①⑧">AC</a> (see below). <li> The proposal is returned for additional work, with a request to the initiator to make desirable changes identified during the review and to resubmit. </ul> <p>If the proposal is adopted with changes other than <a href="#class-1">class 1 (markup) changes</a>, then those changes <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be announced to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee①⑨">AC</a> and to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-group" id="ref-for-w3c-group②">Group</a> that owns the document (if any).</p> <p>Additionally, when adopting a proposal with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change">substantive changes</a> integrated, the announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include rationale for the substantive changes, and those changes must have the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus⑦">consensus</a> of the subset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②⓪">AC</a> that voted on the proposal (including anyone who explicitly abstained). For publications which have conditions in addition to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②①">AC</a> approval for introducing <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change①">substantive changes</a> (such as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-group" id="ref-for-w3c-group③">Group</a> consensus or implementation experience), those other conditions must also be re-fulfilled.</p> <div class="example" id="example-978a60c7"><a class="self-link" href="#example-978a60c7"></a> For example, to make <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change②">substantive changes</a> to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR①④">Proposed Recommendations</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report④">technical report</a> could be returned to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR">Candidate Recommendation</a>. Alternatively, the desired changes can be introduced as non-substantive amendments using the process for <a href="#revising-rec">revising a Recommendation</a>. However, they cannot be directly integrated between <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR①">PR</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①">REC</a>, because that would fail to trigger a patent exclusion opportunity. </div> <p>This document does not specify time intervals between the end of an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review⑦">Advisory Committee review</a> period and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision⑥">W3C decision</a>. This is to ensure that the Members and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥⑧">Team</a> have sufficient time to consider comments gathered during the review. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②②">Advisory Committee</a> <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> expect an announcement sooner than <span class="time-interval">two weeks</span> after the end of a review period. If, after <span class="time-interval">three weeks</span>, the outcome has not been announced, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑥⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②③">Advisory Committee</a> with an update.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.8" id="ACVotes"><span class="secno">5.8. </span><span class="content"> Advisory Committee Votes</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACVotes"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②④">Advisory Committee</a> votes in <a href="#AB-TAG-elections">elections for seats on the TAG or Advisory Board</a>, and in the event of an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal②">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> achieving the required support to trigger an appeal vote. Whenever the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②⑤">Advisory Committee</a> votes, each Member or group of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#related-member" id="ref-for-related-member③">related Members</a> has one vote.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.9" id="ACAppeal"><span class="secno">5.9. </span><span class="content"> Appeal by Advisory Committee Representatives</span><a class="self-link" href="#ACAppeal"></a></h3> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①⑤">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> appeal certain decisions, though appeals are only expected to occur in extraordinary circumstances.</p> <p>When a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision⑦">W3C decision</a> is made following an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review⑧">Advisory Committee review</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①⑥">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Advisory Committee Appeal|AC Appeal| Appeal" id="advisory-committee-appeal">Advisory Committee Appeal</dfn>. These <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision⑧">W3C decisions</a> include those related to group creation and modification, and transitions to new maturity stages for Recommendation Track documents and the Process document.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①⑦">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also initiate an appeal for decisions of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②⑧">W3C Council</a>, and for certain decisions that do not involve an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review⑨">Advisory Committee review</a>. These cases are identified in the sections which describe the requirements for the decision and include additional (non-reviewed) maturity stages of Recommendation Track documents, group <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-charter-extension" id="ref-for-dfn-charter-extension">charter extensions</a> and closures, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#mou" id="ref-for-mou">Memoranda of Understanding</a>.</p> <p>In all cases, an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal③">appeal</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be initiated within <span class="time-interval">three weeks</span> of the decision.</p> <p>An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①⑧">Advisory Committee representative</a> initiates an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal④">appeal</a> by sending a request to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦⓪">Team</a>, and should also share this request with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②⑥">Advisory Committee</a>. The request should say “I appeal this Decision” and identify the decision, and may also include their rationale for appealing the decision.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> See <a data-biblio-display="inline" data-link-type="biblio" href=""><cite>Appealing a W3C Decision</cite></a> for a recommendation on how to communicate an appeal request to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦①">Team</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②⑦">AC</a>.</p> <p>Within one week the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦②">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the appeal process to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②⑧">Advisory Committee</a> and provide a mechanism for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative①⑨">Advisory Committee representatives</a> to respond with a statement of positive support for this appeal. The archive of these statements <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only③">member-only</a>. If, within <span class="time-interval">one week</span> of the Team’s announcement, 5% or more of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee②⑨">Advisory Committee</a> support the appeal request, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> organize an appeal vote asking the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③⓪">Advisory Committee</a> “Do you approve of the Decision?” together with links to the decision and the appeal support.</p> <p>The ballot <em class="rfc2119">must</em> allow for three possible responses: “Approve”, “Reject”, and “Abstain”, together with Comments.</p> <p>If the number of votes to reject exceeds the number of votes to approve, the decision is overturned. In that case, there are the following possible next steps:</p> <ol> <li> The proposal is rejected. <li> The proposal is returned for additional work, after which the applicable decision process is re-initiated. </ol> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="6" id="Reports"><span class="secno">6. </span><span class="content"> W3C Technical Reports</span><a class="self-link" href="#Reports"></a></h2> <p>The W3C technical report development process is the set of steps and requirements followed by W3C <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①③">Working Groups</a> to standardize Web technology. The W3C technical report development process is designed to:</p> <ul> <li> support multiple specification development methodologies <li> maximize <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus⑧">consensus</a> about the content of stable technical reports <li> ensure high technical and editorial quality <li> promote consistency among specifications <li> facilitate royalty-free, interoperable implementations of Web Standards, and <li> earn endorsement by W3C and the broader community. </ul> <p>See also “licensing goals for W3C Specifications” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.1" id="recs-and-notes"><span class="secno">6.1. </span><span class="content"> Types of Technical Reports</span><a class="self-link" href="#recs-and-notes"></a></h3> <p>This chapter describes the formal requirements for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing">publishing</a> and maintaining a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②">W3C Recommendation</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote②②">Note</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report">Registry Report</a>.</p> <dl> <dt>Recommendations <dd> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①④">Working Groups</a> develop technical reports on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track">W3C Recommendation Track</a> in order to produce normative specifications or guidelines as standards for the Web. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track①">Recommendation Track</a> process incorporates requirements for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review">wide review</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#adequate-implementation" id="ref-for-adequate-implementation">adequate implementation experience</a>, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus⑨">consensus</a>-building, and is subject to the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, under which participants commit to Royalty-Free IPR licenses for implementations. See <a href="#rec-track">§ 6.3 The W3C Recommendation Track</a> for details. <dt>Notes <dd> Groups can also publish documents as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①">W3C Notes</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement">W3C Statements</a>, typically either to document information other than technical specifications, such as use cases motivating a specification and best practices for its use. See <a href="#note-track">§ 6.4 The Note Track (Notes and Statements)</a> for details. <dt>Registries <dd> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①⑤">Working Groups</a> can also publish <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry">registries</a> in order to document collections of values or other data. These are typically published in a separate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report①">registry report</a>, although they can also be directly embedded in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track②">Recommendation Track</a> documents as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-section" id="ref-for-registry-section">registry section</a>. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition">Defining a registry</a> requires <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review①">wide review</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus①⓪">consensus</a>, but once set up, changes to registry entries are lightweight and can even be done without a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①⑥">Working Group</a>. See <a href="#registries">§ 6.5 The Registry Track</a> for details. </dl> <p>Individual <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①⑦">Working Groups</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG⑦">Interest Groups</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> adopt additional processes for developing publications, so long as they do not conflict with the requirements in this chapter.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2" id="general-requirements"><span class="secno">6.2. </span><span class="content"> General Requirements for Technical Reports</span><a class="self-link" href="#general-requirements"></a></h3> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2.1" id="publication"><span class="secno">6.2.1. </span><span class="content"> Publication of Technical Reports</span><a class="self-link" href="#publication"></a></h4> <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="publish" data-noexport id="publishing">Publishing</dfn> as used in this document refers to producing a version which is listed as a W3C <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="technical-report">Technical Report</dfn> on its <a href="">Technical Reports index at</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tr" title="The W3C technical reports index">[TR]</a>. Every document published as part of the technical report development process <em class="rfc2119 old">must</em> be a public document. W3C strives to make archival documents indefinitely available at their original address in their original form.</p> <p>Every document published as part of the technical report development process <em class="rfc2119 old">must</em> clearly indicate its <a href="#maturity-stages">maturity stage</a>, and <em class="rfc2119" id="DocumentStatus">must</em> include information about the status of the document. This status information:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be unique each time a specification is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing①">published</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> state which <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①⑧">Working Group</a> developed the specification, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> state how to send comments or file bugs, and where these are recorded, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include expectations about next steps, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> explain how the technology relates to existing international standards and related work inside or outside W3C, and <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> explain or link to an explanation of significant changes from the previous version. </ul> <p>Every Technical Report published as part of the Technical Report development process is edited by one or more editors appointed by a Group <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②⑦">Chair</a>. It is the responsibility of these editors to ensure that the decisions of the Group are correctly reflected in subsequent drafts of the technical report. An editor <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be a participant, per <a href="#group-participation">§ 3.4.2 Participation in Chartered Groups</a> in the Group responsible for the document(s) they are editing.</p> <p>The Team is <em class="rfc2119">not required</em> to publish a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report⑤">Technical Report</a> that does not conform to the Team’s <a href="">Publication Rules</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-pubrules" title="Publication Rules">[PUBRULES]</a> (e.g., for <span id="DocumentName">naming</span>, status information, style, and <span id="document-copyright">copyright requirements</span>). These rules are subject to change by the Team from time to time. The Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform group <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②⑧">Chairs</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③①">Advisory Committee</a> of any changes to these rules.</p> <p>The primary language for W3C <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report⑥">Technical Reports</a> is English. W3C encourages the translation of its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report⑦">Technical Reports</a>. <a href="">Information about translations of W3C technical reports</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-translation" title="Translations of W3C technical reports">[TRANSLATION]</a> is available at the W3C website.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2.2" id="doc-reviews"><span class="secno">6.2.2. </span><span class="content"> Reviews and Review Responsibilities</span><a class="self-link" href="#doc-reviews"></a></h4> <p>A document is available for review from the moment it is first <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing②">published</a>. Working Groups <em class="rfc2119">should</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed">formally address</a> <em>any</em> substantive review comment about a technical report in a timely manner.</p> <p>Reviewers <em class="rfc2119">should</em> send substantive technical reviews as early as possible. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG①⑨">Working Groups</a> are often reluctant to make <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change③">substantive changes</a> to a mature document, particularly if this would cause significant compatibility problems due to existing implementation. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②⓪">Working Groups</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> record substantive or interesting proposals raised by reviews but not incorporated into a current specification.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="wide-review"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Wide Review</span><a class="self-link" href="#wide-review"></a></h5> <p>The requirements for <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="dfn-wide-review">wide review</dfn> are not precisely defined by the W3C Process. The objective is to ensure that the entire set of stakeholders of the Web community, including the general public, have had adequate notice of the progress of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②①">Working Group</a> (for example through notices posted to <a href=""></a>) and were able to actually perform reviews of and provide comments on the specification. A second objective is to encourage groups to request reviews early enough that comments and suggested changes can still be reasonably incorporated in response to the review. Before approving transitions, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦③">Team</a> will consider who has been explicitly offered a reasonable opportunity to review the document, who has provided comments, the record of requests to and responses from reviewers, especially <a href="">W3C Horizontal Groups</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-charter" title="How to Create a Working Group or Interest Group">[CHARTER]</a> and groups identified as dependencies in the charter or identified as <a href="">liaisons</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-liaison" title="W3C liaisons with other organizations">[LIAISON]</a>, and seek evidence of clear communication to the general public about appropriate times and which content to review and whether such reviews actually occurred.</p> <p>For example, inviting review of new or significantly revised sections published in Working Drafts, and tracking those comments and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②②">Working Group</a>'s responses, is generally a good practice which would often be considered positive evidence of wide review. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②③">Working Groups</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> follow the <a href="">W3C Horizontal Groups</a>’ review processes, and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> announce to other W3C Working Groups as well as the general public, especially those affected by this specification, a proposal to enter <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①">Candidate Recommendation</a> (for example in approximately 28 days). By contrast a generic statement in a document requesting review at any time is likely not to be considered as sufficient evidence that the group has solicited wide review.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②④">Working Group</a> could present evidence that wide review has been received, irrespective of solicitation. But it is important to note that receiving many detailed reviews is not necessarily the same as wide review, since they might only represent comment from a small segment of the relevant stakeholder community.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2.3" id="correction-classes"><span class="secno">6.2.3. </span><span class="content"> Classes of Changes</span><a class="self-link" href="#correction-classes"></a></h4> <p>This document distinguishes the following 5 classes of changes to a document. The first two classes of change are considered <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="editorial change" data-noexport id="editorial-change">editorial changes</dfn>, the next two <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="substantive change" data-noexport id="substantive-change">substantive changes</dfn>, and the last one <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="registry change" data-noexport id="registry-change">registry changes</dfn>.</p> <dl> <dt id="class-1"> <a class="self-link" href="#class-1"></a> <ol> <li data-md> <p>No changes to text content</p> </ol> <dd> These changes include fixing broken links, style sheets, or invalid markup. <dt id="class-2"> <a class="self-link" href="#class-2"></a> <ol start="2"> <li data-md> <p>Changes that do not functionally affect interpretation of the document</p> </ol> <dd> For <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track③">Recommendation-track</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report⑧">technical reports</a> specifically, this constitutes changes that do not affect conformance, i.e. changes that reasonable implementers would not interpret as changing architectural or interoperability requirements or their implementation. Changes which resolve ambiguities in the specification are considered to change (by clarification) the implementation requirements and do not fall into this class. <dd> Examples of changes in this class include correcting non-normative examples which clearly conflict with normative requirements, clarifying informative use cases or other non-normative text, fixing typos or grammatical errors where the change does not change requirements. <dd> If there is any doubt or disagreement as to whether a change functionally affects interpretation, that change does not fall into this class. <dt id="class-3"> <a class="self-link" href="#class-3"></a> <ol start="3"> <li data-md> <p>Other changes that do not add new features</p> </ol> <dd> For <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track④">Recommendation-track</a> documents, these changes <em class="rfc2119">may</em> affect conformance to the specification. A change that affects conformance is one that: <ul> <li> makes conforming data, processors, or other conforming agents become non-conforming according to the new version, or <li> makes non-conforming data, processors, or other agents become conforming, or <li> clears up an ambiguity or under-specified part of the specification in such a way that data, a processor, or an agent whose conformance was once unclear becomes clearly either conforming or non-conforming. </ul> <dt id="class-4"> <a class="self-link" href="#class-4"></a> <ol start="4"> <li data-md> <p>New features</p> </ol> <dd> Changes that add new functionality, such as new elements, new APIs, new rules, etc. <dt id="class-5"> <a class="self-link" href="#class-5"></a> <ol start="5"> <li data-md> <p>Changes to the contents of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table">registry table</a></p> </ol> <dd> Changes that add, remove, or alter <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-entry" id="ref-for-registry-entry">registry entries</a> in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①">registry table</a>. </dl> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2.4" id="errata"><span class="secno">6.2.4. </span><span class="content"> Errata Management</span><a class="self-link" href="#errata"></a></h4> <p>Tracking errors is an important part of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②⑤">Working Group</a>'s ongoing care of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report⑨">technical report</a>; for this reason, the scope of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②⑥">Working Group</a> charter generally allows time for work after publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③">Recommendation</a>. In this Process Document, the term “<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="erratum | errata" id="erratum">erratum</dfn>” (plural “errata”) refers to any error that can be resolved by one or more changes in classes 1-3 of section <a href="#correction-classes">§ 6.2.3 Classes of Changes</a>.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②⑦">Working Groups</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> keep a public record of errors that are reported by readers and implementers for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④">Recommendations</a>. Such error reports <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be compiled no less frequently than quarterly.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②⑧">Working Groups</a> decide how to document errata. Such documentation <em class="rfc2119">must</em> identify the affected <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①⓪">technical report</a> text and describe the error; it <em class="rfc2119">may</em> also describe some possible solution(s). Readers of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①①">technical report</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be able easily to find and see the errata that apply to that specific <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①②">technical report</a> with their associated tests. Errata <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be documented in a separate errata page or tracking system. They <em class="rfc2119">may</em>, in addition or alternatively, be annotated inline alongside the affected <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①③">technical report</a> text or at the start or end of the most relevant section(s).</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2.5" id="candidate-amendments"><span class="secno">6.2.5. </span><span class="content"> Candidate Amendments</span><span id="candidate-changes"></span><a class="self-link" href="#candidate-amendments"></a></h4> <p>An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#erratum" id="ref-for-erratum">erratum</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be accompanied by an informative, <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="candidate-correction">candidate correction</dfn> approved by <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision②">group decision</a>. When annotated inline, errata—<wbr>including their <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-correction" id="ref-for-candidate-correction">candidate corrections</a>—<wbr>must be marked as such, are treated as <a href="#correction-classes">class 2 changes</a>, and are published accordingly.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Annotating changes in this way allows more mature documents such as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤">Recommendations</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR②">Candidate Recommendations</a> to be updated quickly with the Working Group’s most current thinking, even when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment">candidate amendments</a> have not yet received sufficient review or implementation experience to be normatively incorporated into the specification proper.</p> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="candidate-addition">candidate addition</dfn> is similar to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-correction" id="ref-for-candidate-correction①">candidate correction</a>, except that it proposes a new feature rather than an error correction.</p> <p>If there is no group chartered to maintain a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①④">technical report</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> maintain its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#erratum" id="ref-for-erratum①">errata</a> and associated <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-correction" id="ref-for-candidate-correction②">candidate corrections</a>. Such corrections <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be marked as <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="team-correction">Team correction</dfn>, and do not constitute a normative portion of the Recommendation, as defined in the Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> (i.e. they are not covered by the Patent Policy). The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦⑤">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> solicit <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review②">wide review</a> on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-correction" id="ref-for-team-correction">Team corrections</a> that it produces.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-correction" id="ref-for-candidate-correction③">Candidate corrections</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-addition" id="ref-for-candidate-addition">candidate additions</a> are collectively known as <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="candidate amendment" data-noexport id="candidate-amendment">candidate amendments</dfn>.</p> <p>In addition to their actual <a href="#maturity-stages">maturity stage</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing③">published</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track⑤">REC Track</a> documents with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment①">candidate amendments</a> are also considered, for the purpose of the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, to be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD①">Working Drafts</a> with those <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment②">candidate amendments</a> treated as normative.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.2.6" id="contributor-license"><span class="secno">6.2.6. </span><span class="content"> License Grants from Non-Participants</span><a class="self-link" href="#contributor-license"></a></h4> <p>When a party who is not already obligated under the Patent Policy offers a change in class 3 or 4 (as described in <a href="#correction-classes">§ 6.2.3 Classes of Changes</a>) to a technical report under this process the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦⑥">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> request a recorded royalty-free patent commitment; for a change in class 4, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> secure such commitment. Such commitment <em class="rfc2119">should</em> cover, at a minimum, all the party’s Essential Claims both in the contribution, and that become Essential Claims as a result of incorporating the contribution into the draft that existed at the time of the contribution, on the terms specified in the “W3C Royalty-Free (RF) Licensing Requirements” section of the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3" id="rec-track"><span class="secno">6.3. </span><span class="content"> The W3C Recommendation Track</span><span id="rec-advance"></span><a class="self-link" href="#rec-track"></a></h3> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG②⑨">Working Groups</a> create specifications and guidelines to complete the scope of work envisioned by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③⓪">Working Group</a>'s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#charter" id="ref-for-charter③">charter</a>. These <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①⑤">technical reports</a> undergo cycles of revision and review as they advance towards <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥">W3C Recommendation</a> status. Once review suggests the Working Group has met their requirements for a new standard, including <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review③">wide review</a>, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR③">Candidate Recommendation</a> phase allows the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③①">Working Group</a> to formally collect <a href="#implementation-experience">implementation experience</a> to demonstrate that the specification works in practice. At the end of the process, the Advisory Committee reviews the mature technical report, and if there is support from its Membership, W3C publishes it as a <a href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦⑥">Recommendation</a>.</p> <p>In summary, the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="W3C Recommendation Track | REC Track | Recommendation Track | Recommendation-track" data-noexport id="w3c-recommendation-track">W3C Recommendation Track</dfn> consists of:</p> <ol> <li>Publication of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd①">First Public Working Draft</a>. <li>Publication of zero or more revised <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD②">Working Drafts</a>. <li>Publication of one or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR④">Candidate Recommendations</a>. <li>Publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR②">Proposed Recommendation</a>. <li>Publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦">W3C Recommendation</a>. </ol> <div aria-label="Basic W3C Recommendation Track" role="region"> <svg viewBox="-5 40 630 180" width="100%" xmlns=""> <title>Basic W3C Recommendation Track</title> <g role="list"> <g fill="#060" role="listitem"> <a href="#wd-1"> <rect fill="white" height="45" role="img" width="57" y="122"> <title>First Public Working Draft (FPWD) - Exclusion opportunity</title> </rect> <text font-size="8"> <tspan x="0" y="132">First Public WD</tspan> <tspan x="0" y="152">WG Decision +</tspan> <tspan x="0" y="160">Team Approval</tspan> </text> <path d="M0,140h53" fill="none" stroke="#060"></path> <polygon points="47,136 57,140 47,144"></polygon> </a> </g> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#cr-1"> <ellipse cx="97" cy="140" fill="#fff" id="wd-1" role="img" rx="38" ry="18" stroke="black"> <title>Working Draft (WD)</title> </ellipse> <text font-size="14" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="97" y="144">WD</text> </a> <g role="list"> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#wd-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Publish a new Working Draft</title> </g> <text font-size="8"> <tspan x="70" y="100">WG Decision</tspan> </text> <path d="M78,124C73,114 79,104 97,104 108,104 115,108 117,114" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="6 2"></path> <polygon points="120,114 116,124 114,113"></polygon> </a> </g> <g fill="#060" role="listitem"> <a href="#cr-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Advance to Candidate Recommendation</title> </g> <text font-size="8" x="138" y="126">WG Decision +</text> <text font-size="8" x="138" y="134">Team Approval</text> <path d="M135,140h81" stroke="#060"></path> <polygon points="211,136 221,140 211,144"></polygon> </a> </g> </g> </g> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#pr-1"> <ellipse cx="260" cy="140" fill="#fff" id="cr-1" role="img" rx="38" ry="18" stroke="black"> <title>Candidate Recommendation Snapshot (CRS) - Patent Policy exclusion opportunity</title> </ellipse> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="260" y="144">CRS</text> </a> <a href="#crd-1"> <ellipse cx="260" cy="80" fill="#fff" id="crd-1" role="img" rx="38" ry="18" stroke="black"> <title>Candidate Recommendation Draft (CRD)</title> </ellipse> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="260" y="84">CRD</text> </a> <g role="list"> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#crd-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Publish revised Candidate Recommendation Draft</title> </g> <text font-size="8"> <tspan x="182" y="110">WG Decision</tspan> </text> <path d="M234,127v-34" stroke="#000"></path> <polygon points="234,92 230,102 238,102"></polygon> </a> </g> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#crd-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Publish revised Candidate Recommendation Draft</title> </g> <text font-size="8"> <tspan x="282" y="52">WG Decision</tspan> </text> <path d="M242,64C238,54 244,44 260,44 271,44 277,48 279,54" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="6 2"></path> <polygon points="282,54 277,64 275,53"></polygon> </a> </g> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#cr-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Publish revised Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</title> </g> <text font-size="8"> <tspan x="290" y="102">WG Decision +</tspan> <tspan x="290" y="110">Team Approval</tspan> </text> <path d="M286,127v-34" stroke="#000"></path> <polygon points="286,128 282,118 290,118"></polygon> </a> </g> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#cr-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Publish revised Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</title> </g> <text font-size="8"> <tspan x="290" y="102">WG Decision</tspan> <tspan x="290" y="110">Team Approval</tspan> </text> <path d="M242,124C238,114 244,104 260,104 271,104 277,108 279,114" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="6 10"></path> <path d="M242,124C238,114 244,104 260,104 271,104 277,108 279,114" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="6 10" stroke-dashoffset="8"></path> <polygon points="282,114 277,124 275,113"></polygon> </a> </g> <g fill="#060" role="listitem"> <a href="#pr-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Advance to Proposed Recommendation</title> </g> <text font-size="8" x="300" y="126">WG Decision +</text> <text font-size="8" x="300" y="134">Team Approval</text> <path d="M298,140h77" stroke="#060"></path> <polygon points="374,136 384,140 374,144"></polygon> </a> </g> <g fill="#900" role="listitem"> <a href="#wd-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Return to Working Draft</title> </g> <text font-size="8" text-anchor="end"> <tspan x="230" y="160">WG Decision</tspan> <tspan font-size="6" x="230" y="168">(or Team Decision with AB+TAG Approval)</tspan> </text> <path d="M140,147h84" stroke="#900" stroke-dasharray="4 4"></path> <polygon points="140,145 133,147 140,149"></polygon> </a> </g> </g> </g> <g role="listitem"> <a href="#rec-1"> <ellipse cx="413" cy="140" fill="#fff" id="pr-1" role="img" rx="28" ry="18" stroke="black"> <title>Proposed Recommendation (PR) — AC Review</title> </ellipse> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="413" y="144">PR</text> <text area-hidden="true" font-size="6" text-anchor="middle" x="413" y="150">AC Review</text> </a> <g role="list"> <g fill="#060" role="listitem"> <a href="#rec-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Advance to Recommendation</title> </g> <text font-size="8" x="300" y="138"> <tspan x="445" y="134">W3C Decision</tspan> </text> <path d="M441,140h100" stroke="#060"></path> <polygon points="534,136 544,140 534,144"></polygon> </a> </g> <g fill="#900" role="listitem"> <a href="#cr-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Return to Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</title> </g> <text font-size="8" text-anchor="end"> <tspan x="385" y="160">W3C Decision</tspan> </text> <path d="M301,147h88" stroke="#900" stroke-dasharray="4 4"></path> <polygon points="301,145 296,147 301,149"></polygon> </a> </g> <g fill="#900" role="listitem"> <a href="#wd-1"> <g role="img"> <title>Return to Working Draft</title> </g> <text font-size="8" text-anchor="end"> <tspan x="410" y="185">W3C Decision</tspan> </text> <path d="M413,158v32h-316v-26" fill="none" stroke="#900" stroke-dasharray="4 4"></path> <polygon points="95,164 97,159 99,164"></polygon> </a> </g> </g> </g> <g role="listitem"> <ellipse cx="573" cy="140" fill="#fff" id="rec-1" role="img" rx="28" ry="18" stroke="black" stroke-width="2"> <title>Recommendation (Rec)</title> </ellipse> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="16" font-weight="bold" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="573" y="144">REC</text> </g> </g> </svg> </div> <p>This Process defines certain <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track⑥">Recommendation Track</a> publications as <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="patent-review-drafts">Patent Review Drafts</dfn>. Under the 2004 Patent Policy (and its 2017 update) <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy-2004" title="The W3C 2004 Patent Policy, Updated 2017">[PATENT-POLICY-2004]</a>, these correspond to “Last Call Working Draft” in the Patent Policy; Starting from the 2020 Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy-2020" title="The W3C 2020 Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY-2020]</a>, these correspond to “Patent Review Draft” in the Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> <a href="#tr-end">end work on a technical report</a> at any time.</p> <p>As described in <a href="#transition-reqs">§ 6.3.3 Advancement on the Recommendation Track</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦⑦">Team</a> will decline a request to advance in maturity stage and return the specification to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③②">Working Group</a> for further work if it determines that the requirements for advancement have not been met.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.1" id="maturity-stages"><span class="secno">6.3.1. </span><span class="content"> Maturity Stages on the Recommendation Track</span><span id="maturity-levels"></span><a class="self-link" href="#maturity-stages"></a></h4> <dl> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="W3C Working Draft | Working Draft | WD" id="RecsWD">Working Draft</dfn> (<abbr>WD</abbr>) <dd> A Working Draft is a document that W3C has <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing④">published</a> on the <a href="">W3C’s Technical Reports page</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tr" title="The W3C technical reports index">[TR]</a> for review by the community (including W3C Members), the public, and other technical organizations, and for simple historical reference. Some, but not all, Working Drafts are meant to advance to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑧">Recommendation</a>; see the <a href="#DocumentStatus">document status section</a> of a Working Draft for the group’s expectations. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD③">Working Drafts</a> do not necessarily represent a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus①①">consensus</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③③">Working Group</a> with respect to their content, and do not imply any endorsement by W3C or its members beyond agreement to work on a general area of technology. Nevertheless the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③④">Working Group</a> decided to adopt the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD④">Working Draft</a> as the basis for their work at the time of adoption. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD⑤">Working Draft</a> is suitable for gathering <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review④">wide review</a> prior to advancing to the next stage of maturity. <p>For all Working Drafts a Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> document outstanding issues, and parts of the document on which the Working Group does not have consensus, and <li> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request publication of a Working Draft even if its content is considered unstable and does not meet all Working Group requirements. </ul> <p>The first Working Draft of a technical report is called the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="fpwd">First Public Working Draft</dfn> (<abbr>FPWD</abbr>), and has patent implications as defined in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="W3C Candidate Recommendation | Candidate Recommendation | CR" id="RecsCR">Candidate Recommendation</dfn> (<abbr>CR</abbr>) <dd> A Candidate Recommendation is a document that satisfies the technical requirements of the Working Group that produced it and their dependencies, and has already received wide review. W3C publishes a Candidate Recommendation to <ul> <li> signal to the wider community that it is time to do a final review <li> gather <a href="#implementation-experience">implementation experience</a> </ul> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Advancing to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR⑤">Candidate Recommendation</a> indicates that the document is considered complete and fit for purpose, and that no further refinement to the text is expected without additional implementation experience and testing; additional features in a later revision may however be expected. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR⑥">Candidate Recommendation</a> is expected to be as well-written, detailed, self-consistent, and technically complete as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑨">Recommendation</a>, and acceptable as such if and when the requirements for further advancement are met.</p> <p>Candidate Recommendation publications take one of two forms:</p> <dl> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Candidate Recommendation Snapshot | CRS" id="candidate-recommendation-snapshot">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</dfn> (<abbr>CRS</abbr>) <dd> A Candidate Recommendation Snapshot corresponds to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#patent-review-drafts" id="ref-for-patent-review-drafts">Patent Review Draft</a> as used in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. Publishing a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#patent-review-drafts" id="ref-for-patent-review-drafts①">Patent Review Draft</a> triggers a Call for Exclusions, per “Exclusion From W3C RF Licensing Requirements” in the W3C Patent Policy. <p>Publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> requires verification of either a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#trans-req" id="ref-for-trans-req">Transition Request</a> (for the first <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR⑦">Candidate Recommendation</a> publication from another maturity stage) or an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests">Update Request</a> (for subsequent <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①">Candidate Recommendation Snapshots</a>).</p> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Candidate Recommendation Draft | CRD" id="candidate-recommendation-draft">Candidate Recommendation Draft</dfn> (<abbr>CRD</abbr>) <dd> A Candidate Recommendation Draft is published on the <a href="">W3C’s Technical Reports page</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tr" title="The W3C technical reports index">[TR]</a> to integrate changes from the previous <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot②">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> that the Working Group intends to include in a subsequent <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot③">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>. This allows for wider review of the changes and for ease of reference to the integrated specification. <p>Any changes published directly into a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a> should be at the same level of quality as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot④">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>. However, the process requirements are minimized so that the Working Group can easily keep the specification up to date.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft①">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a> <em>does not</em> provide an exclusion opportunity; instead, it is considered a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD⑥">Working Draft</a> for the purpose of the <a href="">W3C Patent Policy</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> </dl> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="rescinded-candidate-recommendation">Rescinded Candidate Recommendation</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR⑧">Candidate Recommendation</a> in which significant problems have been discovered such that W3C cannot endorse it or continue work on it, for example due to burdensome patent claims that affect implementers and cannot be resolved (see the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> and in particular “PAG Conclusion”). There is no path to restoration for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rescinded-candidate-recommendation" id="ref-for-rescinded-candidate-recommendation">Rescinded Candidate Recommendation</a>. See “W3C Royalty-Free (RF) Licensing Requirements” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> for implication on patent licensing obligations.</p> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="W3C Proposed Recommendation | Proposed Recommendation | PR" id="RecsPR">Proposed Recommendation</dfn> (<abbr>PR</abbr>) <dd> A Proposed Recommendation is a document that has been accepted by W3C as of sufficient quality to become a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①⓪">W3C Recommendation</a>. This phase triggers formal review by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③②">Advisory Committee</a>, who <em class="rfc2119">may</em> recommend that the document be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing⑤">published</a> as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①①">W3C Recommendation</a>, returned to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③⑤">Working Group</a> for further work, or abandoned. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change④">Substantive changes</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> be made to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR③">Proposed Recommendation</a> except by <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing⑥">publishing</a> a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD⑦">Working Draft</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR⑨">Candidate Recommendation</a>. <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="W3C Recommendation | Recommendation | REC" id="RecsW3C">W3C Recommendation</dfn> (<abbr>REC</abbr>) <dd> A W3C Recommendation is a specification or set of guidelines or requirements that, after extensive <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus①②">consensus</a>-building, has received the endorsement of W3C and its Members. W3C recommends the wide deployment of its Recommendations as standards for the Web. The W3C Royalty-Free IPR licenses granted under the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> apply to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①②">W3C Recommendations</a>. As technology evolves, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①③">W3C Recommendation</a> may become: <dl> <dt> A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="RecsSup">Superseded Recommendation</dfn> <dd> A Superseded Recommendation is a specification that has been replaced by a newer version that W3C recommends for new adoption. An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsObs" id="ref-for-RecsObs">Obsolete</a> or Superseded specification has the same status as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①④">W3C Recommendation</a> with regards to W3C Royalty-Free IPR Licenses granted under the Patent Policy. <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> When a Technical Report which had previously been published as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①⑤">Recommendation</a> is again published as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①⑥">Recommendation</a> after following the necessary steps to <a href="#revising-rec">revise</a> it, the latest version replaces the previous one, without the need to invoke the steps of <a href="#rec-rescind">§ Abandoning a W3C Recommendation</a>: it is the same document, updated. Explicitly declaring a documented superseded, using the process documented in <a href="#rec-rescind">§ Abandoning a W3C Recommendation</a>, is intended for cases where a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①⑦">Recommendation</a> is superseded by a separate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①⑥">Technical Report</a> (or by a document managed outside of W3C).</p> <dt> An <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="RecsObs">Obsolete Recommendation</dfn> <dd> An Obsolete Recommendation is a specification that W3C has determined lacks sufficient market relevance to continue recommending it for implementation, but which does not have fundamental problems that would require it to be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RescindedRec" id="ref-for-RescindedRec">Rescinded</a>. If an Obsolete specification gains sufficient market relevance, W3C may decide to restore it to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①⑧">Recommendation</a> status. <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="RescindedRec">Rescinded Recommendation</dfn> <dd> A Rescinded Recommendation is an entire Recommendation that W3C no longer endorses, and believes is unlikely to ever be restored to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C①⑨">Recommendation</a> status. See also “W3C Royalty-Free (RF) Licensing Requirements” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. </dl> <dt> <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="discontinuedREC">Discontinued Draft</dfn> <dd> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①⑦">technical report</a> representing the state of a Recommendation-track document at the point at which work on it was discontinued. See <a href="#abandon-draft">§ Abandoning an Unfinished Recommendation</a>. </dl> <p>Only sufficiently technically mature work should be advanced.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Should faster advancement to meet scheduling considerations be desired, this can be achieved by reducing the scope of the technical report to a subset that is adequately mature and deferring less stable features to other technical reports.</p> <p>When publishing an updated version of an existing <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①⓪">Candidate Recommendation</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②⓪">Recommendation</a>, technical reports are expected to meet the same maturity criteria as when they are first published under that status. However, in the interest of replacing stale documents with improved ones in a timely manner, if flaws have been discovered in the technical report after its initial publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①①">CR</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②①">REC</a> that would have been severe enough to reject that publication had they be known in time, it is also permissible to publish an updated <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①②">CR</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②②">REC</a> following the usual process, even if only some of these flaws have been satisfactorily addressed.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③⑥">Working Groups</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG⑧">Interest Groups</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> make available <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editors-draft" id="ref-for-editors-draft">Editor’s drafts</a>. <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Editor’s Draft | Editor Draft | ED" id="editors-draft">Editor’s drafts</dfn> (<abbr>ED</abbr>) have no official standing whatsoever, and do not necessarily imply consensus of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③⑦">Working Group</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG⑨">Interest Group</a>, nor are their contents endorsed in any way by W3C.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.2" id="implementation-experience"><span class="secno">6.3.2. </span><span class="content"> Implementation Experience</span><a class="self-link" href="#implementation-experience"></a></h4> <p>Implementation experience is required to show that a specification is sufficiently clear, complete, and relevant to market needs, to ensure that independent interoperable implementations of each feature of the specification will be realized. While no exhaustive list of requirements is provided here, when assessing that there is <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="adequate-implementation">adequate implementation experience</dfn> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦⑧">Team</a> will consider (though not be limited to):</p> <ul> <li> is each feature of the current specification implemented, and how is this demonstrated? <li> are there independent interoperable implementations of the current specification? <li> are there implementations created by people other than the authors of the specification? <li> are implementations publicly deployed? <li> is there implementation experience at all levels of the specification’s ecosystem (authoring, consuming, publishing…)? <li> are there reports of difficulties or problems with implementation? </ul> <p>Planning and accomplishing a demonstration of (interoperable) implementations can be very time consuming. Groups are often able to work more effectively if they plan how they will demonstrate interoperable implementations early in the development process; for example, developing tests in concert with implementation efforts.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.3" id="transition-reqs"><span class="secno">6.3.3. </span><span class="content"> Advancement on the Recommendation Track</span><a class="self-link" href="#transition-reqs"></a></h4> <p>For <em>all</em> requests to advance a specification to a new maturity stage (called <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="trans-req">Transition Requests</dfn>), the Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record the group’s decision to request advancement. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must </em> obtain <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑦⑨">Team</a> verification. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧⓪">Team</a> verification (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision②">Team decision</a>) <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be withheld if any Process requirements are not met or if there remain any unresolved Formal Objections (including any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#uphold" id="ref-for-uphold③">upheld</a> by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council②⑨">Council</a> but not yet <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fully-addressed" id="ref-for-fully-addressed">fully addressed</a>), or if the document does not adequately reflect all relevant decisions of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council③⓪">W3C Council</a> (or its delegates). If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧①">Team</a> rejects a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#trans-req" id="ref-for-trans-req①">Transition Request</a> it <em class="rfc2119">must</em> indicate its rationale to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③③">Advisory Committee</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③⑧">Working Group</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119 ">must</em> publicly document all new features (<a href="#correction-classes">class 4 changes</a>) to the technical report since the previous publication. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> publicly document if other substantive changes (<a href="#correction-classes">class 3 changes</a>) have been made, and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> document the details of such changes. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> publicly document if <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change">editorial changes</a> have been made, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> document the details of such changes. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed①">formally address</a> all issues raised about the document since the previous <a href="#maturity-stages">maturity stage</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide public documentation of any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection②⑨">Formal Objections</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report which, if any, of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG③⑨">Working Group</a>'s requirements for this document have changed since the previous step. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report any changes in dependencies with other groups. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide information about implementations known to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④⓪">Working Group</a>. </ul> <p>For a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd②">First Public Working Draft</a> there is no “previous maturity stage”, so many requirements do not apply, and verification is normally fairly straightforward. For later stages, especially transition to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①③">Candidate</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR④">Proposed Recommendation</a>, there is usually a formal review meeting to verify that the requirements have been met.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#trans-req" id="ref-for-trans-req②">Transition Requests</a> to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd③">First Public Working Draft</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①④">Candidate Recommendation</a> will not normally be approved while a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④①">Working Group</a>'s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#charter" id="ref-for-charter④">charter</a> is undergoing or awaiting a decision on an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①⓪">Advisory Committee Review</a>.</p> <p></p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.4" id="update-reqs"><span class="secno">6.3.4. </span><span class="content"> Updating Mature Publications on the Recommendation Track</span><a class="self-link" href="#update-reqs"></a></h4> <p>Certain requests to re-publish a specification within its current maturity stage (called <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="update-requests">Update Requests</dfn>) require extra verification. For such <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests①">update requests</a>, the Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record the group’s decision to request the update. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that the changes have received <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review⑤">wide review</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must </em> obtain <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧②">Team</a> verification, or fulfill the criteria for <a href="#streamlined-update">§ Streamlined Publication Approval</a>. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧③">Team</a> verification (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision③">Team decision</a>), <em>should</em> be withheld if any Process requirements are not met, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be withheld in consideration of unresolved Formal Objections (including any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#uphold" id="ref-for-uphold④">upheld</a> by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council③①">Council</a> but not yet <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fully-addressed" id="ref-for-fully-addressed①">fully addressed</a>) or if the document does not adequately reflect all relevant decisions of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-council" id="ref-for-w3c-council③②">W3C Council</a> (or its delegates). If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧④">Team</a> rejects an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests②">Update Request</a>, it must indicate its rationale to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④②">Working Group</a>. If it waives any Process requirements, it must indicate its rationale to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③④">AC</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide public documentation of any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection③⓪">Formal Objections</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119 ">must</em> publicly document of all new features (<a href="#correction-classes">class 4 changes</a>) to the technical report since the previous publication. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> publicly document if other substantive changes (<a href="#correction-classes">class 3 changes</a>) have been made, and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> document the details of such changes. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> publicly document if <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change①">editorial changes</a> changes have been made, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> document the details of such changes. <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that the revised specification meets all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④③">Working Group</a> requirements, or explain why the requirements have changed or been deferred, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report which, if any, of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④④">Working Group</a>'s requirements for this document have changed since the previous step. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report any changes in dependencies with other groups. <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide information about implementations known to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④⑤">Working Group</a>. </ul> <p>There is usually a formal review meeting to verify that the requirements have been met.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests③">Update request</a> verification is expected to be fairly simple compared to verification of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#trans-req" id="ref-for-trans-req③">transition request</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧⑤">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the publication of the revised specification to other W3C groups and the Public.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="streamlined-update"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Streamlined Publication Approval</span><a class="self-link" href="#streamlined-update"></a></h5> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> These criteria are intentionally stricter than the general requirements for an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests④">update request</a>. This is in order to minimize ambiguities and the need for expert judgment, and to make self-evaluation practical.</p> <p>In order to streamline the publication process in non-controversial cases, verification of an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests⑤">update request</a> is automatically granted without formal review when the following <em>additional</em> criteria are fulfilled:</p> <ul> <li> There <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have been no changes to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④⑥">Working Group</a> requirements about this document. <li> For each of the <a href="">W3C Horizontal Groups</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-charter" title="How to Create a Working Group or Interest Group">[CHARTER]</a>, if the Horizontal Review Group has made available a set criteria under which their review is not necessary, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④⑦">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> document that these criteria have been fulfilled. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④⑧">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that review from that group has been solicited and received. <li> No <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection③①">Formal Objection</a> has been registered against the document. <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG④⑨">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> have <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed②">formally addressed</a>: <ul> <li data-md> <p>all issues raised against the document that resulted in changes since the previous publication</p> <li data-md> <p>all issues raised against changes since the previous publication</p> <li data-md> <p>all issues raised against the document that were closed since the previous publication with no change to the document</p> </ul> <p>The response to each of these issues <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be to the satisfaction of the person who raised it: their proposal has been accepted, or a compromise has been found, or they accepted the Working Group’s rationale for rejecting it.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> This is stricter than the general Transition Request criteria.</p> </ul> <p>Additionally, for updates to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②③">Recommendations</a> with <a href="#revised-rec-substantive">substantive changes</a> or <a href="#revised-rec-features">with new features</a>:</p> <ul> <li> Changes to the document are limited to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-corrections" id="ref-for-proposed-corrections">proposed corrections</a> that were included in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections" id="ref-for-last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections</a> possibly combined with <a href="#correction-classes">class 1 or 2 changes</a>, and/or (in the case of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②④">Recommendation</a> that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#allow-new-features" id="ref-for-allow-new-features">allows new features</a>) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-additions" id="ref-for-proposed-additions">proposed additions</a> that were included in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-additions" id="ref-for-last-call-for-review-of-proposed-additions">Last Call for Review of Proposed Additions</a>. <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤⓪">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that all changes have been implemented in at least 2 distinct products by 2 different implementers, as evidenced by passing tests of a test suite providing extensive coverage of the changes, or an alternative streamlined verification implementation requirement described in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤①">working Group</a> charter has been met. <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> This is stricter than the general criteria for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#adequate-implementation" id="ref-for-adequate-implementation①">adequate implementation experience</a>.</p> </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤②">Working Group</a> must provide written evidence for these claims, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧⑥">Team</a> must make these answers publicly and permanently available.</p> <p>After publication, if an AC Representative or Team member doubts that the evidence presented supports the claims, they <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request that a formal review meeting be convened post facto. If that review finds that the requirements were not fulfilled, the Team <em class="rfc2119">may</em> revert the changes by updating in place the status section to indicate that it has been reverted, and by republishing the previously approved version of the technical report.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.5" id="first-wd"><span class="secno">6.3.5. </span><span class="content"> Publishing a First Public Working Draft</span><a class="self-link" href="#first-wd"></a></h4> <p>To publish the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd④">First Public Working Draft</a> of a document, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤③">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> meet the applicable <a href="#transition-reqs">requirements for advancement</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd⑤">First Public Working Draft</a> to other W3C groups and to the public.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.6" id="revising-wd"><span class="secno">6.3.6. </span><span class="content"> Revising a Working Draft</span><span id="revised-wd"></span><a class="self-link" href="#revising-wd"></a></h4> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤④">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing⑦">publish</a> a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD⑧">Working Draft</a> to the W3C Technical Reports page when there have been significant changes to the previous published document that would benefit from review beyond the Working Group.</p> <p>If 6 months elapse without significant changes to a specification, a Working Group <em class="rfc2119">should</em> publish a revised <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD⑨">Working Draft</a>, whose status section <em class="rfc2119">should</em> indicate reasons for the lack of change.</p> <p>To publish a revision of a Working draft, a Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record the group’s decision to request publication. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus①③">Consensus</a> is not required, as this is a procedural step, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide public documentation of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change⑤">substantive changes</a> to the technical report since the previous <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD①⓪">Working Draft</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide public documentation of significant <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change②">editorial changes</a> to the technical report since the previous step, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report which, if any, of the Working Group’s requirements for this document have changed since the previous step, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report any changes in dependencies with other groups, </ul> <p>Possible next steps for any Working Draft:</p> <ul> <li>Revised <a href="#revising-wd">Working Draft</a> <li><a href="#transition-cr">Candidate Recommendation</a> <li><a href="#abandon-draft">Discontinued Draft</a> </ul> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.7" id="transition-cr"><span class="secno">6.3.7. </span><span class="content"> Transitioning to Candidate Recommendation</span><span id="candidate-rec"></span><span id="last-call"></span><a class="self-link" href="#transition-cr"></a></h4> <p>To publish a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①⑤">Candidate Recommendation</a>, in addition to meeting the <a href="#transition-reqs">requirements for advancement</a> a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤⑤">Working Group</a>:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that the specification has met all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤⑥">Working Group</a> requirements, or explain why the requirements have changed or been deferred, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> document changes to dependencies during the development of the specification, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> document how <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#adequate-implementation" id="ref-for-adequate-implementation②">adequate implementation experience</a> will be demonstrated, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> specify the deadline for comments, delineating the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="candidate-recommendation-review-period">Candidate Recommendation review period</dfn>, which <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be <strong>at least</strong> 28 days after publication, and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be longer for complex documents, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that the specification has received <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review⑥">wide review</a>, and <li> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> identify features in the document as <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="at-risk">at risk</dfn>. These features <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be removed before advancement to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR⑤">Proposed Recommendation</a> without a requirement to publish a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①⑥">Candidate Recommendation</a>. </ul> <p>The first Candidate Recommendation publication after verification of having met the requirements for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#trans-req" id="ref-for-trans-req④">Transition Request</a> is always a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot⑤">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧⑧">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the publication of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot⑥">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> to other W3C groups and to the public.</p> <p>Possible next steps after a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot⑦">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>:</p> <ul> <li>Return to <a href="#revising-wd">Working Draft</a> <li>A revised <a href="#publishing-crrs">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> <li>A revised <a href="#publishing-crud">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a> <li><a href="#transition-pr">Proposed Recommendation</a> <li><a href="#abandon-draft">Discontinued Draft</a> </ul> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③⑤">Advisory Committee</a> representatives <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a href="#ACAppeal">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the decision to advance the technical report.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.8" id="revising-cr"><span class="secno">6.3.8. </span><span class="content"> Revising a Candidate Recommendation</span><span id="revised-cr"></span><a class="self-link" href="#revising-cr"></a></h4> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="publishing-crrs"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Publishing a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot⑧">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a></span><a class="self-link" href="#publishing-crrs"></a></h5> <p>If there are any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change⑥">substantive changes</a> made to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①⑦">Candidate Recommendation</a> since the previous <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot⑨">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> other than to remove features explicitly identified as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#at-risk" id="ref-for-at-risk">at risk</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤⑦">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> meet the requirements of an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests⑥">update request</a> in order to republish.</p> <p>In addition the Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> specify the deadline for further comments, which <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be <strong>at least</strong> 28 days after publication, and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be longer for complex documents, <li> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> identify features in the document as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#at-risk" id="ref-for-at-risk①">at risk</a>. These features <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be removed before advancement to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR⑥">Proposed Recommendation</a> without a requirement to publish a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①⑧">Candidate Recommendation</a>. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑧⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the publication of a revised <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①⓪">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> to other W3C groups and to the public.</p> <p>To provide timely updates and patent protection, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①①">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be published within 24 months of the Working Group accepting any proposal for a substantive change (and preferably sooner). To make scheduling reviews easier, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①②">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> be published more often than approximately once every 6 months.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change⑦">Substantive changes</a> trigger a new Exclusion Opportunity per “Exclusion From W3C RF Licensing Requirements” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="publishing-crud"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Publishing a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft②">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a></span><a class="self-link" href="#publishing-crud"></a></h5> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤⑧">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing⑧">publish</a> an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft③">Update Draft</a> to the W3C Technical Reports page when there have been significant changes to the previous published document that would benefit from review beyond the Working Group.</p> <p>To publish a revision of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft④">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a>, a Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record the group’s decision to request publication, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide public documentation of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change⑧">substantive changes</a> to the technical report since the previous <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①③">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide public documentation of significant <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change③">editorial changes</a> to the technical report since the previous <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①④">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> document outstanding issues, and parts of the document on which the Working Group does not have consensus, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report which, if any, of the Working Group’s requirements for this document have changed since the previous step, <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> report any changes in dependencies with other groups. </ul> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> A Working Group <em>does not</em> need to meet the requirements of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①⑤">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests⑦">update request</a> in order to publish a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft⑤">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a>.</p> <p>Possible next steps after a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft⑥">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a>:</p> <ul> <li>Return to <a href="#revising-wd">Working Draft</a> <li>A revised <a href="#publishing-crrs">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> <li>A revised <a href="#publishing-crud">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a> <li><a href="#transition-pr">Proposed Recommendation</a>, if there are no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change⑨">substantive change</a> other than dropping <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#at-risk" id="ref-for-at-risk②">at risk</a> features <li><a href="#abandon-draft">Discontinued Draft</a> </ul> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.9" id="transition-pr"><span class="secno">6.3.9. </span><span class="content"> Transitioning to Proposed Recommendation</span><span id="rec-pr"></span><a class="self-link" href="#transition-pr"></a></h4> <p>In addition to meeting the <a href="#transition-reqs">requirements for advancement</a>,</p> <ul> <li> The status information <em class="rfc2119">must</em> specify the deadline for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①①">Advisory Committee review</a>, which <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be <strong>at least</strong> 28 days after the publication of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR⑦">Proposed Recommendation</a> and <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be at least 10 days after the end of the last Exclusion Opportunity per ”Exclusion From W3C RF Licensing Requirements” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. </ul> <p>A Working Group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#adequate-implementation" id="ref-for-adequate-implementation③">adequate implementation experience</a> except where an exception is approved by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision④">Team Decision</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that the document has received <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review⑦">wide review</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> show that all issues raised during the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-review-period" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-review-period">Candidate Recommendation review period</a> have been <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed③">formally addressed</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must </em>identify any substantive issues raised since the close of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-review-period" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-review-period①">Candidate Recommendation review period</a>, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> have made any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change①⓪">substantive changes</a> to the document since the most recent <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①⑥">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>, other than dropping features identified <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#at-risk" id="ref-for-at-risk③">at risk</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> have removed features identified in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①⑦">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> document as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#at-risk" id="ref-for-at-risk④">at risk</a> without republishing the specification as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①⑧">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a>. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨⓪">Team</a>:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR⑧">Proposed Recommendation</a> to the <a href="#AC">Advisory Committee</a>, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> begin an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①②">Advisory Committee Review</a> on the question of whether the specification is appropriate to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing⑨">publish</a> as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②⑤">W3C Recommendation</a>. <li> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> approve a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR⑨">Proposed Recommendation</a> with minimal <a href="#implementation-experience">implementation experience</a> where there is a compelling reason to do so. In such a case, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨①">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> explain the reasons for that decision, and that information <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be included in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#reviewform" id="ref-for-reviewform①">Call for Review</a> proposing advancement to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②⑥">W3C Recommendation</a>. </ul> <p>Since a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②⑦">W3C Recommendation</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> include any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change①①">substantive changes</a> from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR①⓪">Proposed Recommendation</a> it is based on, to make any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change①②">substantive change</a> to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR①①">Proposed Recommendation</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑤⑨">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> return the specification to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR①⑨">Candidate Recommendation</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD①①">Working Draft</a>.</p> <p id="expandable-rec"> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR①②">Proposed Recommendation</a> may identify itself as intending to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="allow-new-features">allow new features</dfn> (<a href="#correction-classes">class 4 changes</a>) after its initial publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②⑧">Recommendation</a>, as described in <a href="#revised-rec-features">§ Revising a Recommendation: New Features</a>. Such an allowance cannot be added to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①⑧">technical report</a> previously published as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C②⑨">Recommendation</a> that did not allow such changes. </p> <p>Possible Next Steps:</p> <ul> <li> Return to <a href="#revising-wd">Working Draft</a> <li> Return to <a href="#transition-cr">Candidate Recommendation</a> <li> <a href="#transition-rec">Recommendation status</a>, (the expected next step). <li> <a href="#abandon-draft">Discontinued Draft</a> </ul> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②⓪">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal⑤">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the decision to advance the technical report.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.10" id="transition-rec"><span class="secno">6.3.10. </span><span class="content"> Transitioning to W3C Recommendation</span><span id="rec-publication"></span><a class="self-link" href="#transition-rec"></a></h4> <p>The decision to advance a document to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③⓪">Recommendation</a> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision⑨">W3C Decision</a>.</p> <p>In addition to meeting the <a href="#transition-reqs">requirements for advancement</a>,</p> <ul> <li> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③①">Recommendation</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> identify where errata are tracked, and <li> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③②">Recommendation</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> include any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change①③">substantive changes</a> from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsPR" id="ref-for-RecsPR①③">Proposed Recommendation</a> on which it is based. <li> If there was any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Dissent" id="ref-for-def-Dissent④">dissent</a> in Advisory Committee reviews, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨②">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> publish the substantive content of the dissent to W3C and the general public, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed④">formally address</a> the comment at least 14 days before publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③③">W3C Recommendation</a>. <li> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②①">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal⑥">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision①⓪">W3C decision</a> <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨③">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③④">W3C Recommendation</a> to <a href="#AC">Advisory Committee</a>, other W3C groups and to the public. </ul> <p>Possible next steps: A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③⑤">W3C Recommendation</a> normally retains its status indefinitely. However it <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be:</p> <ul> <li> republished as a <a href="#revising-rec">revised Recommendation</a>, or <li> republished as a <a href="#transition-cr">Candidate Recommendation</a> to be developed towards a revised <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③⑥">Recommendation</a>, or <li> declared <a href="#rec-rescind">superseded or obsolete</a>, or <li> <a href="#rec-rescind">rescinded</a>. </ul> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.11" id="revising-rec"><span class="secno">6.3.11. </span><span class="content"> Revising a W3C Recommendation</span><span id="rec-modify"></span><span id="revised-rec"></span><a class="self-link" href="#revising-rec"></a></h4> <p>This section details the process for making changes to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③⑦">Recommendation</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="revised-rec-markup"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: Markup Changes</span><a class="self-link" href="#revised-rec-markup"></a></h5> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥⓪">Working group</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request republication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③⑧">Recommendation</a> to make corrections that do not result in any changes to the text of the specification. (See <a href="#correction-classes">class 1 changes</a>.)</p> <p>If there is no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥①">Working Group</a> chartered to maintain a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C③⑨">Recommendation</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> republish the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④⓪">Recommendation</a> with such changes incorporated.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="revised-rec-editorial"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: Editorial Changes</span><a class="self-link" href="#revised-rec-editorial"></a></h5> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change④">Editorial changes</a> to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④①">Recommendation</a> require no technical review of the intended changes. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥②">Working Group</a>, provided there are no votes against the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision③">decision</a> to publish, <em class="rfc2119">may</em> request publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④②">Recommendation</a> to make this class of change without passing through earlier maturity stages. (See <a href="#correction-classes">class 2 changes</a>.)</p> <p>If there is no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥③">Working Group</a> chartered to maintain a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④③">Recommendation</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨⑤">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> republish the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④④">Recommendation</a> with such changes incorporated, including <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#erratum" id="ref-for-erratum②">errata</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-correction" id="ref-for-team-correction①">Team corrections</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="revised-rec-substantive"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: Substantive Changes</span><a class="self-link" href="#revised-rec-substantive"></a></h5> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-correction" id="ref-for-candidate-correction④">candidate correction</a> can be made normative and be folded into the main text of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④⑤">Recommendation</a>, once it has satisfied all the same criteria as the rest of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④⑥">Recommendation</a>, including review by the community to ensure the technical and editorial soundness of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment③">candidate amendments</a>. To validate this, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥④">Working Group</a> must request a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a>, followed by an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests⑧">update request</a>. See <a href="#change-review">§ Incorporating Candidate Amendments</a>.</p> <p>Alternatively, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥⑤">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> incorporate the changes and <a href="#revising-wd">publish as a Working Draft</a>—<wbr>or, if the relevant criteria are fulfilled, <a href="#transition-cr">publish as a Candidate Recommendation</a>—<wbr>and advance the specification from that state. (See <a href="#correction-classes">class 3 changes</a>.)</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> If there is no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥⑥">Working Group</a> chartered to maintain a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④⑦">Recommendation</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨⑥">Team</a> cannot make substantive changes and republish the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④⑧">Recommendation</a>. It can, however, informatively highlight problems and desirable changes using <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#erratum" id="ref-for-erratum③">errata</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-correction" id="ref-for-candidate-correction⑤">candidate corrections</a> and republish as described in <a href="#revised-rec-editorial">the previous section</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="revised-rec-features"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Revising a Recommendation: New Features</span><a class="self-link" href="#revised-rec-features"></a></h5> <p>New features (see <a href="#correction-classes">class 4 changes</a>) may be incorporated into a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C④⑨">Recommendation</a> explicitly identified as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#allow-new-features" id="ref-for-allow-new-features①">allowing new features</a> using <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-addition" id="ref-for-candidate-addition①">candidate additions</a>. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-addition" id="ref-for-candidate-addition②">candidate addition</a> can be made normative and be folded into the main text of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤⓪">Recommendation</a> using the same process as for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment④">candidate amendments</a>, as detailed in <a href="#revised-rec-substantive">§ Revising a Recommendation: Substantive Changes</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> This prohibition against new features unless explicitly allowed enables third parties to depend on Recommendations having a stable feature-set, as they have prior to the 2020 revision of this Process.</p> <p>To make changes which introduce a new feature to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤①">Recommendation</a> that does not <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#allow-new-features" id="ref-for-allow-new-features②">allow new features</a>, W3C <em class="rfc2119">must</em> create a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report①⑨">technical report</a>, following the full process of <a href="#rec-advance">advancing a technical report to Recommendation</a> beginning with a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd⑥">First Public Working Draft</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="change-review"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Incorporating Candidate Amendments</span><a class="self-link" href="#change-review"></a></h5> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="last-call-review">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</dfn> verifies acceptance by the W3C community of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment⑤">candidate amendments</a> by combining an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①③">AC Review</a> with a patent exclusion opportunity.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review①">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a> must be announced to other W3C groups, the public, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③⑥">Advisory Committee</a>. The announcement <em class="rfc2119">must</em>:</p> <ul> <li> Identify whether this is a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections</dfn>, <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="last-call-for-review-of-proposed-additions">Last Call for Review of Proposed Additions</dfn>, or <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections-and-additions">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections and Additions</dfn>. <li> Identify the specific <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment⑥">candidate amendments</a> under review as <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="proposed-amendments">proposed amendments</dfn> (<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="proposed-corrections">proposed corrections</dfn>/<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="proposed-additions">proposed additions<span id="proposed-addition"></span></dfn>). <li> Specify the deadline for review comments, which must not be any sooner than 60 days from the Call for Review. <li> Solicit review and, if it does not already have it, implementation experience. </ul> <p>The combination of the existing <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤②">Recommendation</a> with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments">proposed amendments</a> included in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review②">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a> is considered a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#patent-review-drafts" id="ref-for-patent-review-drafts②">Patent Review Draft</a> for the purposes of the Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. Also, the review initiated by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review③">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a> is an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①④">Advisory Committee Review</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-additions" id="ref-for-last-call-for-review-of-proposed-additions①">Last Call for Review of Proposed Additions</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections-and-additions" id="ref-for-last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections-and-additions">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections and Additions</a> can only be issued for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤③">Recommendations</a> that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#allow-new-features" id="ref-for-allow-new-features③">allow new features</a>.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥⑦">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> batch multiple <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments①">proposed amendments</a> into a single <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review④">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a>. To facilitate review, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review⑤">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a> on a given specification <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> be issued more frequently than approximately once every 6 months.</p> <p>At the end of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review⑥">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision①①">W3C Decision</a> may either be to reject the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments②">proposed amendment</a>, or to clear the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments③">proposed amendment</a> for advancement as is, or to return the proposal to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥⑧">Working Group</a> with a request to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed⑤">formally address</a> comments made on the changes under review. If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑥⑨">Working Group</a> needs to amend a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments④">proposed amendment</a> in response to review feedback it must issue another <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review⑦">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a> on the revised change before it can be incorporated into the main text.</p> <p>Once all comments on a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments⑤">proposed amendment</a> have been <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed⑥">formally addressed</a>, and after the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦⓪">Working Group</a> can show <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#adequate-implementation" id="ref-for-adequate-implementation④">adequate implementation experience</a> and the fulfillment of all other requirements of Recommendation text, it may incorporate the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments⑥">proposed amendment</a> into the normative <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤④">Recommendation</a> by issuing an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests⑨">update request</a> for publication of the updated <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤⑤">Recommendation</a>.</p> <p>To ensure adequate review of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments⑦">proposed amendment</a> combinations, only <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments⑧">proposed amendments</a> included in the most recent <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-review" id="ref-for-last-call-review⑧">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a> can be incorporated into the normative <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤⑥">Recommendation</a> text. (Thus if incorporation of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments⑨">proposed amendment</a> is postponed, it may need to be included in multiple Last Calls for Review of Proposed Amendments.)</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.12" id="rec-track-regression"><span class="secno">6.3.12. </span><span class="content"> Regression on the Recommendation Track</span><a class="self-link" href="#rec-track-regression"></a></h4> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦①">Working Group</a> may republish a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track⑦">Recommendation-track</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②⓪">technical report</a> at a lower <a href="#maturity-stages">maturity stage</a> by fulfilling the requirements to transition to that maturity stage, as described above.</p> <p>Additionally, with the approval of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③⑤">TAG</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③⓪">AB</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②①">technical report</a> to a lower <a href="#maturity-stages">maturity stage</a> in response to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review⑧">wide review</a> or a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection③②">formal objection</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.3.13" id="tr-end"><span class="secno">6.3.13. </span><span class="content"> Retiring Recommendation Track Documents</span><a class="self-link" href="#tr-end"></a></h4> <p>Work on a technical report <em class="rfc2119">may</em> cease at any time. Work <em class="rfc2119 new">should</em> cease if W3C or a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦②">Working Group</a> determines that it cannot productively carry the work any further.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="abandon-draft"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Abandoning an Unfinished Recommendation</span><a class="self-link" href="#abandon-draft"></a></h5> <p>Any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track⑧">Recommendation-track</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②②">technical report</a> no longer intended to advance or to be maintained, and that is not being rescinded, <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing①⓪">published</a> as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#discontinuedREC" id="ref-for-discontinuedREC">Discontinued Draft</a>, with no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#substantive-change" id="ref-for-substantive-change①④">substantive change</a> compared to the previous publication. This can happen if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦③">Working Group</a> decided to abandon work on the report, or as the result of an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①⑤">AC Review</a> requiring the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦④">Working Group</a> to discontinue work on the technical report before completion. If a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦⑤">Working Group</a> is made to <a href="#GeneralTermination">close</a>, W3C <em class="rfc2119">must</em> re-<a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing①①">publish</a> any unfinished <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②③">technical report</a> on the Recommendation track as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#discontinuedREC" id="ref-for-discontinuedREC①">Discontinued Draft</a>.</p> <p>Such a document should include in its status section an explanation of why it was discontinued.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦⑥">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> resume work on such a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②④">technical report</a> within the scope of its charter at any time, by re-<a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing①②">publishing</a> it as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD①②">Working Draft</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="rescind-cr"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Rescinding a Candidate Recommendation</span><a class="self-link" href="#rescind-cr"></a></h5> <p>The process for rescinding a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR②⓪">Candidate Recommendation</a> is the same as for rescinding a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤⑦">Recommendation</a>.</p> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="rec-rescind"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Abandoning a W3C Recommendation</span><a class="self-link" href="#rec-rescind"></a></h5> <p>It is possible that W3C decides that implementing a particular <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤⑧">Recommendation</a> is no longer recommended. There are three designations for such specifications, chosen depending on the advice W3C wishes to give about further use of the specification.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> obsolete a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑤⑨">Recommendation</a>, for example if the W3C Community decides that the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥⓪">Recommendation</a> no longer represents best practices, or is not adopted and is not apparently likely to be adopted. An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsObs" id="ref-for-RecsObs①">Obsolete Recommendation</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be restored to normal <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥①">Recommendation</a>, for example because despite marking it Obsolete the specification is later more broadly adopted.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> declare a Recommendation Superseded if a newer version exists which W3C recommends for new adoption. The process for declaring a Recommendation Superseded is the same as for declaring it Obsolete, below; only the name and explanation change.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> rescind a Recommendation if W3C believes there is no reasonable prospect of it being restored for example due to burdensome patent claims that affect implementers and cannot be resolved; see the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> and in particular “W3C Royalty-Free (RF) Licensing Requirements” and “PAG Conclusion”.</p> <p>W3C only rescinds, supersedes, or obsoletes entire Recommendations. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥②">Recommendation</a> can be both superseded and obsolete. To rescind, supersede, or obsolete some part of a Recommendation, W3C follows the process for <a href="#revising-rec">modifying a Recommendation</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> For the purposes of the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsObs" id="ref-for-RecsObs②">Obsolete</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsSup" id="ref-for-RecsSup">Superseded Recommendation</a> has the status of an active <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥③">Recommendation</a>, although it is not recommended for future implementation; a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RescindedRec" id="ref-for-RescindedRec①">Rescinded Recommendation</a> ceases to be in effect and no new licenses are granted under the Patent Policy.</p> <div aria-label="Retiring a W3C Recommendation" role="region"> <svg viewBox="0 0 300 135" width="100%" xmlns=""> <title>Supersede, Obsolete or Rescind a W3C Recommendation</title> <g role="list"> <g role="listitem"> <ellipse cx="40" cy="50" fill="#fff" id="rec-3" role="img" rx="30" ry="20" stroke="black" stroke-width="2"> <title>Recommendation (Rec)</title> </ellipse> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="18" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="40" y="55">REC</text> <g role="list"> <g role="listitem"> <title>A major problem and an AC review can lead to a Recommendation being Rescinded. There are no new IPR licences issued under the W3C Patent Policy, and reinstating the Recommendation requires going through the full Rec-track process again.</title> <path d="M40,29v-5s0,-5 5,-5h150" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="3 1" stroke-width="2"></path> <text font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" x="105" y="16">Major problem, AC review</text> <polygon points="195,16 195,22 199,19"></polygon> <rect fill="#fff" height="36" id="rescinded" role="img" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" width="80" x="200" y="4"></rect> <title>Rescinded Recommendation - no new IPR licenses</title> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="16" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="240" y="19">Rescinded</text> <path d="M198,42l84,-40" stroke="red" stroke-width="2"></path> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="8" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="240" y="28">No new IPR licenses</text> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="8" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="240" y="37">No reinstatement path</text> </g> <g role="listitem"> <g role="img"> <path d="M69,45h93c10,0 20,30 30,30h10" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="4 4"></path> <title>With little uptake, following AC review a specification may become an Obsolete Recommendation</title> <path d="M69,45h93c10,0 20,30 30,30h10" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-dasharray="2 6" stroke-dashoffset="3"></path> <polygon points="204,75 200,72 200,78"></polygon> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" x="115" y="42">Minimal usage, AC review</text> <rect fill="#fff" height="26" id="obsolete" rx="8" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="3 3" stroke-width="2" width="75" x="205" y="66"></rect> <title>Obsolete Recommendation</title> <rect fill="none" height="26" rx="8" stroke="red" stroke-dasharray="3 3" stroke-dashoffset="3" stroke-width="2" width="75" x="205" y="66"></rect> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="16" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="242" y="84">Obsolete</text> </g> <g role="list"> <g role="listitem"> <g role="img"> <path d="M204,82h-149s-5,0 -5,-5v-5" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="2 3"></path> <title>If there is new uptake, with AC review an Obsolete Recommendation may return to normal Recommendation status</title> <polygon points="50,70 47,74 53,74"></polygon> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" x="115" y="79">New uptake, AC review</text> </g> </g> </g> </g> <g role="listitem"> <g role="img"> <path d="M40,71v29s0,5 5,5h153" fill="none" stroke="black"></path> <polygon points="199,105 195,102 195,108"></polygon> <text font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" x="115" y="102">Replaced by a new version, AC review</text> <rect fill="#fff" height="30" id="superseded" role="img" rx="3" stroke="#600" stroke-width="2" width="80" x="200" y="100"> <title>Superseded Recommendation</title> </rect> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="16" stroke-width=".3" text-anchor="middle" x="240" y="119">Superseded</text> </g> <g role="list"> <g role="listitem"> <g role="img"> <title>A Superseded Recommendation can become a normal Recommendation with AC review</title> <path d="M199,125h-164s-5,0 -5,-5v-52" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="1 4"></path> <polygon points="30,70 27,74 33,74"></polygon> <text aria-hidden="true" font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" x="115" y="122">Oops! The Web still needs this, AC review</text> </g> </g> </g> </g> </g> </g> </g> </svg> </div> <h5 class="heading settled" data-level="" id="deactivation"><span class="secno"> </span><span class="content"> Process for Rescinding, Obsoleting, Superseding, Restoring a Recommendation</span><a class="self-link" href="#deactivation"></a></h5> <p>The process of rescinding, obsoleting, superseding, or restoring a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥④">Recommendation</a> can be initiated either by a request from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨⑧">Team</a> or via a request from any of the following:</p> <ul> <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦⑦">Working Group</a> who produced, or is chartered to maintain, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥⑤">Recommendation</a> <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③⑥">TAG</a>, if there is no such <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦⑧">Working Group</a> <li> Any individual who made a request to the relevant <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑦⑨">Working Group</a> as described above, or the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③⑦">TAG</a> if such a group does not exist, to obsolete, rescind, supersede, or restore a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥⑥">Recommendation</a>, where the request was not answered within 90 days <li> 5% of the members of the Advisory Committee </ul> <p id="proposed-rescinded-rec">The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team⑨⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> then submit the request to the <a href="#AC">Advisory Committee</a> for review. For any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①⑥">Advisory Committee review</a> of a proposal to rescind, obsolete, supersede, or restore a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥⑦">Recommendation</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪⓪">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em>: </p> <ul> <li> announce the proposal to all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧⓪">Working Group</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GeneralChairs" id="ref-for-GeneralChairs②⑨">Chairs</a>, and to the Public, as well as to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③⑦">Advisory Committee</a> <li> indicate that this is a proposal to Rescind, Obsolete, Supersede, or restore, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥⑧">Recommendation</a> as appropriate <li> identify the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑥⑨">Recommendation</a> by URL <li> publish a rationale for the proposal <li> identify known dependencies and solicit review from all dependent <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧①">Working Groups</a> <li> solicit public review <li> specify the deadline for review comments, which <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be at least 28 days after the announcement </ul> <p>and <em class="rfc2119">should</em></p> <ul> <li> identify known implementations. </ul> <p>If there was any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Dissent" id="ref-for-def-Dissent⑤">dissent</a> in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①⑦">Advisory Committee review</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪①">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> publish the substantive content of the dissent to W3C <strong>and the public</strong>, and <em class="rfc2119">must</em> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed⑦">formally address</a> the dissent at least 14 days before publication as an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsObs" id="ref-for-RecsObs③">Obsolete</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RescindedRec" id="ref-for-RescindedRec②">Rescinded Recommendation</a>.</p> <p>The <a href="#AC">Advisory Committee</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal⑦">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪②">Team</a>'s decision.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">must</em> publish an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsObs" id="ref-for-RecsObs④">Obsolete</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RescindedRec" id="ref-for-RescindedRec③">Rescinded Recommendation</a> with up to date status. The updated version <em class="rfc2119">may</em> remove the main body of the document. The Status of this Document section <em class="rfc2119">should</em> link to the explanation of <a href="">Obsoleting and Rescinding W3C Specifications</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-obs-resc" title="Obsoleting and Rescinding W3C Specifications">[OBS-RESC]</a> as appropriate.</p> <p>Once W3C has published a Rescinded Recommendation, future W3C technical reports <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> include normative references to that technical report.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> W3C strives to ensure that all Technical Reports will continue to be available at their version-specific URL.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.4" id="note-track"><span class="secno">6.4. </span><span class="content"> The Note Track (Notes and Statements)</span><a class="self-link" href="#note-track"></a></h3> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.4.1" id="Note"><span class="secno">6.4.1. </span><span class="content"> Group Notes</span><a class="self-link" href="#Note"></a></h4> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Group Note | Note | W3C Note | Working Group Note | Interest Group Note | AB Note | TAG Note" id="WGNote">Group Note</dfn> (<abbr>NOTE</abbr>) is published to provide a stable reference for a useful document that is not intended to be a formal standard.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧②">Working Groups</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsIG" id="ref-for-GroupsIG①⓪">Interest Groups</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③⑧">TAG</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③①">AB</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> publish work as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote②">Notes</a>. Examples include:</p> <ul> <li> supporting documentation for a specification, such as explanations of design principles or use cases and requirements <li> non-normative guides to good practices </ul> <p>Some <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote③">Notes</a> are developed through successive <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="Draft Note" data-noexport id="draft-note">Draft Notes</dfn> before publication as a full <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote④">Notes</a>, while others are <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing①③">published</a> directly as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote⑤">Note</a>. There are few formal requirements to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#publishing" id="ref-for-publishing①④">publish</a> a document as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote⑥">Note</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#draft-note" id="ref-for-draft-note">Draft Note</a>, and they have no standing as a recommendation of W3C but are simply documents preserved for historical reference.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> The W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> does not apply any licensing requirements or commitments for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote⑦">Notes</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#draft-note" id="ref-for-draft-note①">Draft Notes</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.4.2" id="publishing-notes"><span class="secno">6.4.2. </span><span class="content"> Publishing Notes</span><a class="self-link" href="#publishing-notes"></a></h4> <p>In order to publish a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote⑧">Note</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#draft-note" id="ref-for-draft-note②">Draft Note</a>, the group:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> record their decision to request publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote⑨">Note</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#draft-note" id="ref-for-draft-note③">Draft Note</a>, and <li> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> publish documentation of significant changes to the technical report since any previous publication. </ul> <p>Both <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①⓪">Notes</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#draft-note" id="ref-for-draft-note④">Draft Notes</a> can be updated by republishing as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①①">Note</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#draft-note" id="ref-for-draft-note⑤">Draft Note</a>. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②⑤">technical report</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> remain a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①②">Note</a> indefinitely.</p> <p>If a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①③">Note</a> produced by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#chartered-group" id="ref-for-chartered-group①">chartered group</a> is no longer in scope for any group, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪③">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> republish the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①④">Note</a> with <a href="#correction-classes">class 1</a> changes incorporated, as well as with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#erratum" id="ref-for-erratum④">errata</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-correction" id="ref-for-team-correction②">Team corrections</a> annotated.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.4.3" id="w3c-statement"><span class="secno">6.4.3. </span><span class="content"> Elevating Group Notes to W3C Statement status</span><span id="memo"></span><a class="self-link" href="#w3c-statement"></a></h4> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="Statement | W3C Statement" data-noexport id="statement">W3C Statement</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①⑤">Note</a> that has been endorsed by W3C as a whole. In order to elevate a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①⑥">Note</a> to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement①">W3C Statement</a> status, A group <em class="rfc2119">must</em>:</p> <ul> <li> show that the document has received <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#dfn-wide-review" id="ref-for-dfn-wide-review⑨">wide review</a>. <li> record the group’s decision to request publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement②">W3C Statement</a>. <li> show that all issues raised against the document since its first publication as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①⑦">Note</a> have been <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed⑧">formally addressed</a>. <li> provide public documentation of any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection③③">Formal Objections</a>. </ul> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①⑧">Note</a> specifying implementable technology <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> be elevated to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement③">W3C Statement</a> status; if it does, the request to publish as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement④">Statement</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include rationale for why it should be elevated, and why it is not on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track⑨">Recommendation track</a>.</p> <p>Once these conditions are fulfilled, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> then begin an Advisory Committee Review on the question of whether the document is appropriate to publish as a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement⑤">W3C Statement</a>. During this review period, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote①⑨">Note</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> be updated.</p> <p>The decision to advance a document to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement⑥">W3C Statement</a> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision①②">W3C Decision</a>. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②②">Advisory Committee representatives</a> may initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal⑧">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the decision.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪⑤">Team</a> must announce the publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement⑦">W3C Statement</a> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③⑧">Advisory Committee</a>, other W3C groups, and the public.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.4.4" id="revising-memo"><span class="secno">6.4.4. </span><span class="content"> Revising W3C Statements</span><a class="self-link" href="#revising-memo"></a></h4> <p>Given a recorded <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision④">group decision</a> to do so, groups can request publication of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement⑧">W3C Statement</a> with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change⑤">editorial changes</a>—<wbr>including <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment⑦">candidate amendment</a>—<wbr>without any additional process.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment⑧">candidate amendment</a> can be folded into the main text of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement⑨">W3C Statement</a>, once it has satisfied all the same criteria as the rest of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement①⓪">Statement</a>, including review by the community to ensure the substantive and editorial soundness of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment⑨">candidate amendments</a>. To validate this, the group must request an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①⑧">Advisory Committee review</a> of the changes it wishes to incorporate. The specific <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment①⓪">candidate amendments</a> under review <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be identified as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments①⓪">proposed amendments</a> just as in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections" id="ref-for-last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections①">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections</a>.</p> <p>The decision to incorporate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments①①">proposed amendments</a> into <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement①①">W3C Statement</a> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision①③">W3C Decision</a>. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②③">Advisory Committee representatives</a> may initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal⑨">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the decision.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5" id="registries"><span class="secno">6.5. </span><span class="content"> The Registry Track</span><a class="self-link" href="#registries"></a></h3> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="registry">registry</dfn> documents a data set consisting of one or more associated <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="registry table" id="registry-table">registry tables</dfn>, each table representing an updatable collection of logically independent, consistently-structured <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="registry entry" id="registry-entry">registry entries</dfn>. A registry has three associated components:</p> <ul> <li>the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition①">registry definition</a>, defining how the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table②">registry tables</a> are structured and maintained <li>one or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table③">registry tables</a>, holding the data set represented by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry①">registry</a> (the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="registry-data">registry data</dfn>) <li>one or more referencing specifications, which make use of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry②">registry</a> </ul> <p>The purposes of maintaining a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry③">registry</a> can include:</p> <dl> <dt>non-collision <dd> Avoiding the problem of two entities using the same value with different semantics. <dt>non-duplication <dd> Avoiding the problem of having two or more different values in use with the same semantics. <dt>information <dd> Providing a central index where anyone can find out what a value means and what its formal definition is (and where it is). <dt>submission <dd> Ease of adding new terms, including by stakeholders external to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#custodian" id="ref-for-custodian">custodian</a> organization. <dt>consensus <dd> Promoting a clear consensus of the community on the terms. </dl> <p>This section of the W3C Process provides a specialized process facilitating the publication and maintenance of such <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table④">registry tables</a>, particularly those required by or closely related to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦⓪">W3C Recommendations</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Not every table in a specification is a potential registry. If the intent or effect is that the table enumerates all the possibilities the authors of the specification expect or envisage, then the table by itself is enough. Similarly, if the table is managed by the Working Group and only updated as part of specification update, then the complexities of registry management are not needed.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5.1" id="reg-def"><span class="secno">6.5.1. </span><span class="content"> Registry Definitions</span><a class="self-link" href="#reg-def"></a></h4> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="registry-definition">registry definition</dfn> defines what each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table⑤">registry table</a> is and how it is maintained. It <em class="rfc2119">must</em>:</p> <ul> <li> Define the scope and purpose of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table⑥">registry table</a>. <li> Define the fields of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table⑦">registry table</a> and their constraints (e.g. values must be drawn from a defined set, or be unique, or only reference publicly available resources, etc.) <li> Define the policy for changes to existing entries, such as <ul> <li>whether entries can be deleted or deprecated <li>whether entries can be changed after being published, and what kinds of changes are allowed <li>whether previously-deleted unique identifiers can be re-used, or are reserved indefinitely </ul> <li> Define the method and criteria by which changes are proposed, approved, and incorporated. (For example, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry④">registry</a> could define that changes to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-entry" id="ref-for-registry-entry①">registry entries</a> can be proposed using a particular web form or email address, that they must be accompanied by certain background information, or that they do or do not need to be approved by any member of a particular Working Group.) <li> Identify the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="custodian">custodian</dfn> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table⑧">registry table</a>: the entity to which requests for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-change" id="ref-for-registry-change">registry changes</a> must be sent, and which is responsible for evaluating whether such requests satisfy the criteria defined in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition②">registry definition</a>. <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#custodian" id="ref-for-custodian①">custodian</a> may be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧③">Working Group</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪⑥">Team</a>, or a delegated entity. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#custodian" id="ref-for-custodian②">custodian</a> for all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table⑨">registry tables</a> in a single <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry⑤">registry</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> generally be the same entity.</p> </ul> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5.2" id="reg-pub"><span class="secno">6.5.2. </span><span class="content"> Publishing Registries</span><a class="self-link" href="#reg-pub"></a></h4> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry⑥">Registries</a> can be published either as a stand-alone <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②⑥">technical report</a> on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-track" id="ref-for-registry-track">Registry Track</a> called a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="registry-report">registry report</dfn>, or incorporated as part of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦①">Recommendation</a> as a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="registry-section">registry section</dfn>.</p> <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report②">registry report</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-section" id="ref-for-registry-section①">registry section</a> is purely documentational, is not subject to the W3C Patent Policy, and <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> contain any requirements on implementations. For the purposes of the Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-section" id="ref-for-registry-section②">registry section</a> in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track①⓪">Recommendation track</a> document is not a normative portion of that specification.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report③">registry report</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-section" id="ref-for-registry-section③">registry section</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em>:</p> <ul> <li> Clearly label the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report④">registry report</a>/<a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-section" id="ref-for-registry-section④">section</a>, its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①⓪">tables</a>, and its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition③">registry definitions</a> as such, including a link to <a href="#registries">§ 6.5 The Registry Track</a> in this Process. <li> Include the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition④">registry definition</a> for each of its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①①">registry tables</a>. <li> Provide the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-data" id="ref-for-registry-data">registry data</a> by either: <ul> <li> Including the entire contents of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①②">registry table</a>, either inline in the report (e.g. formatted as a table, or list, or other appropriate representation), or in a machine-readable file published as part of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②⑦">technical report</a>, or (preferably) both. <li> Linking to one or more standalone <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-data-report" id="ref-for-registry-data-report">Registry Data Reports</a> containing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①③">registry tables</a> in human-readable form, machine-readable form, or (preferably) both. </ul> <li> Include, if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①④">registry table</a> is provided in a machine-readable file, a definition of the format of that file. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> make available a means for interested parties to be notified of any updates to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①⑤">registry table</a>.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> Since the Process does not impose requirements on changes to the contents of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①⑥">registry table</a> other than those imposed by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition⑤">registry definition</a>, acceptance of proposed <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-change" id="ref-for-registry-change①">registry changes</a> on behalf of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#custodian" id="ref-for-custodian③">custodian</a> and publication of an updated <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report⑤">registry report</a> that contains only <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-change" id="ref-for-registry-change②">registry changes</a> since the previous publication can be automated if satisfaction of those rules can be automatically verified.</p> <p>Rules for publication and advancement on the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="registry-track">Registry Track</dfn> are identical to that of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track①①">Recommendation Track</a> with the following exceptions:</p> <ul> <li> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-report" id="ref-for-registry-report⑥">Registry reports</a> are not subject to the <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>, and therefore none of their publications correspond, to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#fpwd" id="ref-for-fpwd⑦">First Public Working Draft</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD①③">Working Draft</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#patent-review-drafts" id="ref-for-patent-review-drafts③">Patent Review Draft</a> for the purposes of the <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>. <li> For the same reason, there is no equivalent to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RescindedRec" id="ref-for-RescindedRec④">Rescinded Recommendation</a> nor to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rescinded-candidate-recommendation" id="ref-for-rescinded-candidate-recommendation①">Rescinded Candidate Recommendation</a> for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry⑦">Registries</a>. <li> The equivalent of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsWD" id="ref-for-RecsWD①④">Working Draft</a> is called <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="draft-registry">Draft Registry<a class="self-link" href="#draft-registry"></a></dfn>. <li> The equivalent of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsCR" id="ref-for-RecsCR②①">Candidate Recommendation</a> is called <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="candidate-registry">Candidate Registry<a class="self-link" href="#candidate-registry"></a></dfn>, with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-snapshot①⑨">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-recommendation-draft" id="ref-for-candidate-recommendation-draft⑦">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a> corresponding to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="candidate-registry-snapshot">Candidate Registry Snapshot</dfn> and <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="candidate-registry-draft">Candidate Registry Draft<a class="self-link" href="#candidate-registry-draft"></a></dfn>. <li> The equivalent of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦②">W3C Recommendation</a> is called <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="w3c-registry">W3C Registry</dfn>; <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsObs" id="ref-for-RecsObs⑤">Obsolete Recommendation</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsSup" id="ref-for-RecsSup①">Superseded Recommendation</a> correspond to <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="obsolete-registry">Obsolete Registry<a class="self-link" href="#obsolete-registry"></a></dfn> and <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="superseded-registry">Superseded Registry<a class="self-link" href="#superseded-registry"></a></dfn>. <li> There is no equivalent to the Proposed Recommendation phase. Instead, an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review①⑨">Advisory Committee Review</a> is started upon publication of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-registry-snapshot" id="ref-for-candidate-registry-snapshot">Candidate Registry Snapshot</a>. <li> Changes that add new features (i.e. <a href="#correction-classes">class 4 changes</a>) are allowed in all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-registry" id="ref-for-w3c-registry">W3C Registries</a>, without needing the to explicitly indicate that this is allowed. </ul> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5.3" id="reg-table-update"><span class="secno">6.5.3. </span><span class="content"> Updating Registry Tables</span><a class="self-link" href="#reg-table-update"></a></h4> <p>Changes to the contents of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①⑦">registry table</a> that are in accordance with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition⑥">registry definition</a>, (i.e. <a href="#correction-classes">Class 5 changes</a>) can be made by re-publishing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②⑧">technical report</a> that contains the affected table, without needing to satisfy any other requirements for the publication (not even Working Group consensus, unless this is required by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition⑦">registry definition</a>). Such <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-change" id="ref-for-registry-change③">registry changes</a> do not trigger new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review②⓪">Advisory Committee Reviews</a>, nor Exclusion Opportunities, and do not require verification via an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#update-requests" id="ref-for-update-requests①⓪">update request</a>, even for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report②⑨">technical reports</a> at maturities where this would normally be expected. Such publications can be made even in the absence of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧④">Working Group</a> chartered to maintain the registry when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#custodian" id="ref-for-custodian④">custodian</a> is another entity.</p> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> The custodian is only empowered to make <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-change" id="ref-for-registry-change④">registry changes</a>. If the Working Group establishing the registry wishes to empower the custodian to add commentary on individual entries, this needs to be part of the registry table’s definition. If other changes are desired, they must be requested of the responsible Working Group—<wbr>or in the absence of a Working Group, of the Team.</p> <p>Changes to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①⑧">registry tables</a> made in accordance with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#candidate-amendment" id="ref-for-candidate-amendment①①">candidate</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#proposed-amendments" id="ref-for-proposed-amendments①②">proposed amendments</a> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition⑧">registry definition</a> which would not be allowed by the unamended <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition⑨">registry definition</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be identified as such.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5.4" id="reg-data-reports"><span class="secno">6.5.4. </span><span class="content"> Registry Data Reports</span><a class="self-link" href="#reg-data-reports"></a></h4> <p>When the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-data" id="ref-for-registry-data①">registry data</a> is published in a separate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③⓪">technical report</a> from its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition①⓪">registry definition</a>, that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③①">report</a> is called a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="registry-data-report">Registry Data Report</dfn>. This <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③②">technical report</a>:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">Must</em> link to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition①①">registry definition</a> establishing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table①⑨">registry tables</a> that it contain. <li> <em class="rfc2119">May</em> contain informative introductory text, examples, and notes about the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table②⓪">registry tables</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-entry" id="ref-for-registry-entry②">entries</a> that it contains. (Changes to these parts are deemed to be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change⑥">editorial changes</a>). </ul> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-data-report" id="ref-for-registry-data-report①">Registry Data Reports</a> do not have maturity stages in and of themselves; The maturity stage of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry" id="ref-for-registry⑧">registry</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-data" id="ref-for-registry-data②">data</a> they record is that of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③③">technical report</a> holding the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition①②">registry definition</a>.</p> <p>Anytime a change is made to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-definition" id="ref-for-registry-definition①③">registry definition</a>, the Working Group <em class="rfc2119">must</em> update and republish any document holding the corresponding <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-table" id="ref-for-registry-table②①">registry tables</a> to make it consistent with these changes.</p> <p>Given a recorded <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision⑤">group decision</a> to do so, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧⑤">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> republish the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-data-report" id="ref-for-registry-data-report②">Registry Data Report</a> to incorporate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change⑦">editorial changes</a>. If there is no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧⑥">Working Group</a> chartered to maintain this registry, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪⑧">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> do so instead.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5.5" id="reg-ref-specifications"><span class="secno">6.5.5. </span><span class="content"> Specifications that Reference Registries</span><a class="self-link" href="#reg-ref-specifications"></a></h4> <p>Registries document values, they do not define any architectural or interoperability requirements related to those values. All architectural and interoperability requirements pertaining to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#registry-entry" id="ref-for-registry-entry③">registry entries</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be contained in the specifications that reference the registry, and are therefore subject to the processes (including approval and intellectual property provisions) applicable to those referencing specifications.</p> <p>If there are entries that must be implemented, or any other such restrictions, they <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be defined or documented in the referencing specification without dependency on the registry.</p> <div class="example" id="example-cbb39e74"><a class="self-link" href="#example-cbb39e74"></a> For example, “All implementations must implement the <code>Basic-Method</code> as defined in the registry” is not acceptable; a change to the definition of the <code>Basic-Method</code> in the registry would then affect conformance. Instead, the requirement must be complete in the specification, directly or by reference to another specification. For example “All implementations must recognize the name <code>Basic-Method</code>, and implement it as defined by section yy of IETF RFC xxxx”. (The Registry should nonetheless contain Basic-Method as an entry.) </div> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.6" id="switching-tracks"><span class="secno">6.6. </span><span class="content"> Switching Tracks</span><a class="self-link" href="#switching-tracks"></a></h3> <p>Given a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#group-decision" id="ref-for-group-decision⑥">Group decision</a> to do so, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧⑦">Working Groups</a> can republish a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③④">technical report</a> on a different track than the one it is on, under the following restrictions:</p> <ul> <li> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③⑤">technical report</a> that is or was a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦③">W3C Recommendation</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#statement" id="ref-for-statement①②">W3C Statement</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#patent-review-drafts" id="ref-for-patent-review-drafts④">Patent Review Draft</a> cannot switch tracks. <li> A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③⑥">technical report</a> should not switch away from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-recommendation-track" id="ref-for-w3c-recommendation-track①②">Recommendation Track</a> without due consideration of the Patent Policy implications and approval of W3C’s legal counsel if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧⑧">Working Group</a> envisions a likelihood of returning to it later. </ul> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③⑦">Technical reports</a> that switch tracks start at their new track’s initial maturity stage, while retaining any established identity (url, shortname, etc.).</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.7" id="further-reading"><span class="secno">6.7. </span><span class="content"> Further reading</span><a class="self-link" href="#further-reading"></a></h3> <p>Refer to <a href="">"How to Organize a Recommendation Track Transition"</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-transition" title="Organize a Technical Report Transition">[TRANSITION]</a> in the <a href="">Art of Consensus</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-guide" title="The Art of Consensus, a guidebook for W3C Working Group Chairs and other collaborators">[GUIDE]</a> for practical information about preparing for the reviews and announcements of the various steps, and <a href="">tips on getting to Recommendation faster</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-rec-tips" title="Tips for Getting to Recommendation Faster">[REC-TIPS]</a>. Please see also the <a href="">Requirements for modification of W3C Technical Reports</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-republishing" title="In-place modification of W3C Technical Reports">[REPUBLISHING]</a>.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="7" id="dissemination"><span class="secno">7. </span><span class="content"> <span id="chapterDissemination"></span> Dissemination Policies</span><a class="self-link" href="#dissemination"></a></h2> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="7.1" id="pub-com"><span class="secno">7.1. </span><span class="content"> Public Communication</span><a class="self-link" href="#pub-com"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①⓪⑨">Team</a> is responsible for managing communication within W3C and with the general public (e.g., news services, press releases, managing the website and access privileges, and managing calendars). Members <em class="rfc2119">should</em> solicit review by the Team prior to issuing press releases about their work within W3C.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①⓪">Team</a> makes every effort to ensure the persistence and availability of the following public information:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="#Reports">W3C technical reports</a> whose publication has been approved. Per <a data-biblio-display="inline" data-link-type="biblio" href=""><cite>W3C IPR Policies</cite></a>, W3C technical reports (and software) are available free of charge to the general public. <li> A <a href="">mission statement</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-mission" title="The W3C Mission statement">[MISSION]</a> that explains the purpose and mission of W3C, the key benefits for Members, and the organizational structure of W3C. <li> Legal documents, including the <a href="">Membership Agreement</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-agreement" title="W3C Membership Agreement">[MEMBER-AGREEMENT]</a> and documentation of any legal commitments W3C has with other entities. <li> The Process Document. <li> Public results of W3C activities and <a href="#GAEvents">Workshops</a>. </ul> <p>To keep the Members abreast of W3C meetings, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#EventsW" id="ref-for-EventsW">Workshops</a>, and review deadlines, the Team provides them with a regular (e.g., weekly) news service and maintains a <a href="">calendar</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-calendar" title="Calendar of all scheduled official W3C events">[CALENDAR]</a> of official W3C events. Members are encouraged to send schedule and event information to the Team for inclusion on this calendar.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="7.2" id="confidentiality-levels"><span class="secno">7.2. </span><span class="content"> Confidentiality Levels</span><a class="self-link" href="#confidentiality-levels"></a></h3> <p>There are three principal levels of access to W3C information (on the W3C website, in W3C meetings, etc.): public, Member-only, and Team-only.</p> <p>While much information made available by W3C is public, “<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Member-Only" id="Member-only">Member-only</dfn>” information is available to authorized parties only, including representatives of Member organizations, <a href="#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a>, the Advisory Board, the TAG, and the Team. For example, the <a href="#WGCharter">charter</a> of some Working Groups <em class="rfc2119">may</em> specify a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only④">Member-only</a> confidentiality level for group proceedings.</p> <p>“<dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Team-Only" id="Team-only">Team-only</dfn>” information is available to the Team and other authorized parties.</p> <p>Those authorized to access <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only⑤">Member-only</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only①">Team-only</a> information:</p> <ul> <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> treat the information as confidential within W3C, <li> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> use reasonable efforts to maintain the proper level of confidentiality, and <li> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> release this information to the general public or press. </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①①">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only⑥">Member-only</a> information and ensure that authorized parties have proper access to this information. Documents <em class="rfc2119">should</em> clearly indicate whether they require <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only⑦">Member-only</a> confidentiality. Individuals uncertain of the confidentiality level of a piece of information <em class="rfc2119">should</em> contact the Team.</p> <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②④">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> authorize <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only⑧">Member-only</a> access to <a href="#member-rep">Member representatives</a> and other individuals employed by the Member who are considered appropriate recipients. For instance, it is the responsibility of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②⑤">Advisory Committee representative</a> and other employees and official representatives of the organization to ensure that Member-only news announcements are distributed for internal use only within their organization. Information about Member mailing lists is available in the <a href="">New Member Orientation</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-intro" title="Process, Patent Policy, Finances, Specs management, Strategic vision (Member-only access)">[INTRO]</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="7.3" id="confidentiality-change"><span class="secno">7.3. </span><span class="content"> Changing Confidentiality Level</span><a class="self-link" href="#confidentiality-change"></a></h3> <p>As a benefit of membership, W3C provides some <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only②">Team-only</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only⑨">Member-only</a> channels for certain types of communication. For example, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②⑥">Advisory Committee representatives</a> can send <a href="#ACReview">reviews</a> to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only③">Team-only</a> channel. However, for W3C processes with a significant public component, such as the technical report development process, it is also important for information that affects decision-making to be publicly available. The Team <em class="rfc2119">may</em> need to communicate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only④">Team-only</a> information to a Working Group or the public. Similarly, a Working Group whose proceedings are <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①⓪">Member-only</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> make public information pertinent to the technical report development process.</p> <p>This document clearly indicates which information <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be available to Members or the public, even though that information was initially communicated on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only⑤">Team-only</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Member-only" id="ref-for-Member-only①①">Member-only</a> channels. Only the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①②">Team</a> and parties authorized by the Team may change the level of confidentiality of this information. When doing so:</p> <ol> <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①③">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> use a version of the information that was expressly provided by the author for the new confidentiality level. In Calls for Review and other similar messages, the Team <em class="rfc2119">should</em> remind recipients to provide such alternatives. <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> attribute the version for the new confidentiality level to the author without the author’s consent. <li> If the author has not conveyed to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①⑤">Team</a> a version that is suitable for another confidentiality level, the Team <em class="rfc2119">may</em> make available a version that reasonably communicates what is required, while respecting the original level of confidentiality, and without attribution to the original author. </ol> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="8" id="GAEvents"><span class="secno">8. </span><span class="content"> Workshops and Symposia</span><a class="self-link" href="#GAEvents"></a></h2> <p>The Team organizes <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="EventsW">Workshops</dfn> and <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="Symposium | Symposia" id="EventsS">Symposia<a class="self-link" href="#EventsS"></a></dfn> to promote early involvement in the development of W3C activities from Members and the public.</p> <p>The goal of a Workshop is usually either to convene experts and other interested parties for an exchange of ideas about a technology or policy, or to address the pressing concerns of W3C Members. Organizers of the first type of Workshop <em class="rfc2119">may</em> solicit position papers for the Workshop program and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> use those papers to choose attendees and/or presenters.</p> <p>The goal of a Symposium is usually to educate interested parties about a particular subject.</p> <p>The Call for Participation in a Workshop or Symposium <em class="rfc2119">may</em> indicate participation requirements or limits, and expected deliverables (e.g., reports and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#minutes" id="ref-for-minutes③">minutes</a>). Organization of an event does not guarantee further investment by W3C in a particular topic, but <em class="rfc2119">may</em> lead to proposals for new activities or groups.</p> <p>Workshops and Symposia generally last one to three days. If a Workshop is being organized to address the pressing concerns of Members, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> issue the Call for Participation no later than <span class="time-interval">six weeks</span> prior to the Workshop’s scheduled start date. For other Workshops and Symposia, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> issue a Call for Participation no later than <span class="time-interval">eight weeks</span> prior to the meeting’s scheduled start date. This helps ensure that speakers and authors have adequate time to prepare position papers and talks.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="9" id="Liaisons"><span class="secno">9. </span><span class="content"> Liaisons</span><a class="self-link" href="#Liaisons"></a></h2> <p>W3C uses the term <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="liaison">liaison<a class="self-link" href="#liaison"></a></dfn> to refer to coordination of activities with a variety of organizations, through a number of mechanisms ranging from very informal (e.g., an individual from another organization participates in a W3C Working Group, or just follows its work) to mutual membership, to even more formal agreements. Liaisons are not meant to substitute for W3C membership.</p> <p>All liaisons <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be coordinated by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①⑥">Team</a> due to requirements for public communication; patent, copyright, and other IPR policies; confidentiality agreements; and mutual membership agreements.</p> <p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> negotiate <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement①">technical agreements</a> with another organization. For purposes of the W3C Process, a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-local-lt="agreement" data-noexport id="technical-agreement">technical agreement</dfn> is a formal contract, or a Memorandum of Understanding (<abbr id="mou">MoU</abbr>), or a similar document, between W3C and another party or parties, that relates to the technical activity of the Consortium (e.g., its publications, groups, or liaisons). It specifies rights and obligations of each party toward the others. These rights and obligations <em class="rfc2119">may</em> include joint deliverables, an agreed share of technical responsibilities with due coordination, and/or considerations for confidentiality and specific IPR.</p> <p>Non-technical agreements, including those between W3C and its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#w3c-member" id="ref-for-w3c-member①">Members</a> for the purposes of membership, between W3C and its Partners for the purposes of partnership <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-bylaws" title="Amended and Restated Bylaws of World Wide Web Consortium, Inc.">[BYLAWS]</a>, and other agreements related to the operation of the Consortium or to the ordinary provision of services, are not subject to these Process provisions.</p> <p>When considering a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement②">technical agreement</a> (i.e., before the decision whether to sign is made), the Team <em class="rfc2119">should</em> provide the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee③⑨">Advisory Committee</a> with a draft of the proposed <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement③">agreement</a>, along with an explanation of how W3C would benefit from signing this <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement④">agreement</a>, for their review and discussion. After addressing any comments, and subject to any management or governance procedures that apply (e.g., formal review of proposed contracts by legal counsel or by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod⑦">Board</a>), if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision⑤">Team decides</a> to proceed with signing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement⑤">agreement</a>, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> announce the intent to sign, and provide the final text of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement⑥">agreement</a>, with an explanation of signing rationale, to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee④⓪">Advisory Committee</a>. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②⑦">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal①⓪">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> of the decision to sign the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement⑦">agreement</a>. If the proposal is rejected on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal①①">appeal</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> sign the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement⑧">agreement</a> on behalf of W3C unless directed to do so by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#bod" id="ref-for-bod⑧">Board</a>. A signed <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-agreement" id="ref-for-technical-agreement⑨">agreement</a> <em class="rfc2119">should</em> be made public.</p> <p>Information about <a href="">W3C liaisons with other organizations</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-liaison" title="W3C liaisons with other organizations">[LIAISON]</a> and the guidelines W3C follows when creating a liaison is available on the Web.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="10" id="Submission"><span class="secno">10. </span><span class="content"> Member Submission Process</span><a class="self-link" href="#Submission"></a></h2> <p>The Member Submission process allows Members to propose technology or other ideas for consideration by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①⑧">Team</a>. After review, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①①⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> make the material available at the W3C website. The formal process affords Members a record of their contribution and gives them a mechanism for disclosing the details of the transaction with the Team (including IPR claims). The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②⓪">Team</a> also makes review comments on the Submitted materials available for W3C Members, the public, and the media.</p> <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="MemberSubmission">Member Submission</dfn> consists of:</p> <ul> <li> One or more documents developed outside of the W3C process, and <li> Information about the documents, provided by the Submitter. </ul> <p>One or more Members (called the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export data-lt="submitter" id="submitter">Submitter(s)</dfn>) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> participate in a Member Submission. Only W3C Members <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be listed as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter">Submitters</a>.</p> <p>The Submission process consists of the following steps:</p> <ol> <li> One of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①">Submitters</a> sends a request to the Team to acknowledge the Submission request. The Team and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter②">Submitter</a>(s) communicate to ensure that the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission">Member Submission</a> is complete. <li> After review, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②①">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> either acknowledge or reject the Submission request. <ul> <li> If <a href="#SubmissionYes">acknowledged</a>, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must</em> make the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission①">Member Submission</a> available at the public W3C website, in addition to Team comments about the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission②">Member Submission</a>. <li>If <a href="#SubmissionNo">rejected</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter③">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate a <a href="#SubmissionNo">Submission Appeal</a>. </ul> </ol> <div class="note" role="note"> Note: To avoid confusion about the Member Submission process, please note that: <ul> <li> Documents in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission③">Member Submission</a> are developed outside of the W3C <a href="#Reports">technical report development process</a> (and therefore are not included in the <a href="">index of W3C technical reports</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-tr" title="The W3C technical reports index">[TR]</a>). <li> The Submission process is <strong>not</strong> a means by which Members ask for “ratification” of these documents as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#RecsW3C" id="ref-for-RecsW3C⑦④">W3C Recommendations</a>. <li> There is no requirement or guarantee that technology which is part of an acknowledged Submission request will receive further consideration by W3C (e.g., by a W3C <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑧⑨">Working Group</a>). </ul> </div> <p>Making a Member Submission available at the W3C website does not imply endorsement by W3C, including the W3C Team or Members. The acknowledgment of a Submission request does not imply that any action will be taken by W3C. It merely records publicly that the Submission request has been made by the Submitter. A Member Submission made available by W3C <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> be referred to as “work in progress” of W3C.</p> <p>The list of <a href="">acknowledged Member Submissions</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-submission-list" title="The list of acknowledged Member Submissions">[SUBMISSION-LIST]</a> is available at the W3C website.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="10.1" id="SubmissionRights"><span class="secno">10.1. </span><span class="content"> Submitter Rights and Obligations</span><a class="self-link" href="#SubmissionRights"></a></h3> <p>When more than one Member jointly participates in a Submission request, only one Member formally sends in the request. That Member <em class="rfc2119">must</em> copy each of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②⑧">Advisory Committee representatives</a> of the other participating Members, and each of those <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative②⑨">Advisory Committee representatives</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> confirm (by email to the Team) their participation in the Submission request.</p> <p>At any time prior to acknowledgment, any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter④">Submitter</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> withdraw support for a Submission request (described in "<a href="">How to send a Submission request</a>" <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-submission-req" title="Make or Withdraw a Member Submission Request (Member-only access)">[SUBMISSION-REQ]</a>). A Submission request is “withdrawn” when no Submitter(s) support it. The Team <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> make statements about withdrawn Submission requests.</p> <p>Prior to acknowledgment, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter⑤">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">must not</em>, <strong>under any circumstances</strong>, refer to a document as “submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium” or “under consideration by W3C” or any similar phrase either in public or Member communication. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter⑥">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> imply in public or Member communication that W3C is working (with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter⑦">Submitter</a>(s)) on the material in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission④">Member Submission</a>. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter⑧">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> release the documents in the Member Submission to the public prior to acknowledgment (without reference to the Submission request).</p> <p>After acknowledgment, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter⑨">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">must not</em>, <strong>under any circumstances</strong>, imply W3C investment in the Member Submission until, and unless, the material has been adopted as a deliverable of a W3C <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑨⓪">Working Group</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="10.1.1" id="SubmissionScope"><span class="secno">10.1.1. </span><span class="content"> Scope of Member Submissions</span><a class="self-link" href="#SubmissionScope"></a></h4> <p>When a technology overlaps in scope with the work of a chartered Working Group, Members <em class="rfc2119">should</em> <a href="#group-participation">participate in the Working Group</a> and contribute the technology to the group’s process rather than seek publication through the Member Submission process. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑨①">Working Group</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> incorporate the contributed technology into its deliverables. If the Working Group does not incorporate the technology, it <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> publish the contributed documents as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote②⓪">Working Group Notes</a> since <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#WGNote" id="ref-for-WGNote②①">Working Group Notes</a> represent group output, not input to the group.</p> <p>On the other hand, while W3C is in the early stages of developing a charter, Members <em class="rfc2119">should</em> use the Submission process to build consensus around concrete proposals for new work.</p> <p>Members <em class="rfc2119">should not</em> submit materials covering topics well outside the scope of <a href="">W3C’s mission</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-mission" title="The W3C Mission statement">[MISSION]</a>.</p> <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="10.1.2" id="SubmissionReqs"><span class="secno">10.1.2. </span><span class="content"> Information Required in a Submission Request</span><a class="self-link" href="#SubmissionReqs"></a></h4> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①⓪">Submitter</a>(s) and any other authors of the submitted material <em class="rfc2119">must</em> agree that, if the request is acknowledged, the documents in the Member Submission will be subject to the <a href="">W3C Document License</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-doc-license" title="W3C Document License">[DOC-LICENSE]</a> and will include a reference to it. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①①">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> hold the copyright for the documents in a Member Submission.</p> <p>The request <em class="rfc2119">must</em> satisfy the Member Submission licensing commitments in “Licensing Commitments in W3C Submissions” in the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①②">Submitter</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">must</em> include the following information:</p> <ul> <li> The list of all submitting Members. <li> Position statements from all submitting Members (gathered by the Submitter). All position statements <em class="rfc2119">must</em> appear in a separate document. <li> Complete electronic copies of any documents submitted for consideration (e.g., a technical specification, a position paper, etc.) If the Submission request is acknowledged, these documents will be made available by W3C and therefore <em class="rfc2119">must</em> satisfy the Team’s <a href="">Publication Rules</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-pubrules" title="Publication Rules">[PUBRULES]</a>. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①③">Submitters</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> hold the copyright for the material contained in these documents, but when made available by W3C, these documents <em class="rfc2119">must</em> be subject to the provisions of the <a href="">W3C Document License</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-doc-license" title="W3C Document License">[DOC-LICENSE]</a>. </ul> <p>The request <em class="rfc2119">must</em> also answer the following questions.</p> <ul> <li> What proprietary technology is required to implement the areas addressed by the request, and what terms are associated with its use? Again, many answers are possible, but the specific answer will affect the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision⑥">Team’s Decision</a>. <li> What resources, if any, does the Submitter intend to make available if W3C acknowledges the Submission request and takes action on it? <li> What action would the Submitter like W3C to take if the Submission request is acknowledged? <li> What mechanisms are there to make changes to the specification being submitted? This includes, but is not limited to, stating where change control will reside if the request is acknowledged. </ul> <p>For other administrative requirements related to Submission requests, see “<a href="">How to send a Submission request</a>” <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-member-sub" title="How to send a Submission request">[MEMBER-SUB]</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="10.2" id="TeamSubmissionRights"><span class="secno">10.2. </span><span class="content"> Team Rights and Obligations</span><a class="self-link" href="#TeamSubmissionRights"></a></h3> <p>Although they are not technical reports, the documents in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission⑤">Member Submission</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> fulfill the requirements established by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②②">Team</a>, including the Team’s <a href="">Publication Rules</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-pubrules" title="Publication Rules">[PUBRULES]</a>.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②③">Team</a> sends a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="validation-notice">validation notice</dfn> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①④">Submitter</a>(s) once the Team has reviewed a Submission request and judged it complete and correct.</p> <p>Prior to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team-decision" id="ref-for-team-decision⑦">decision</a> to <a href="#SubmissionYes">acknowledge</a> or <a href="#SubmissionNo">reject</a> the request, the request is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#Team-only" id="ref-for-Team-only⑥">Team-only</a>, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②④">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> hold it in the strictest confidentiality. In particular, the Team <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> comment to the media about the Submission request.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="10.3" id="SubmissionYes"><span class="secno">10.3. </span><span class="content"> Acknowledgment of a Submission Request</span><a class="self-link" href="#SubmissionYes"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②⑤">Team</a> <a href="#SubmissionYes">acknowledges</a> a Submission request by sending an announcement to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee④①">Advisory Committee</a>. Though the announcement <em class="rfc2119">may</em> be made at any time, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①⑤">Submitter</a>(s) can expect an announcement between <span class="time-interval">four to six weeks</span> after the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#validation-notice" id="ref-for-validation-notice">validation notice</a>. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②⑥">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> keep the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①⑥">Submitter</a>(s) informed of when an announcement is likely to be made.</p> <p>Once a Submission request has been acknowledged, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②⑦">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em>:</p> <ul> <li> Make the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#MemberSubmission" id="ref-for-MemberSubmission⑥">Member Submission</a> available at the W3C website. <li> Make the Team comments about the Submission request available at the W3C website. </ul> <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①⑦">Submitter</a>(s) wishes to modify a document made available as the result of acknowledgment, the Submitter(s) <em class="rfc2119">must</em> start the Submission process from the beginning, even just to correct <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#editorial-change" id="ref-for-editorial-change⑧">editorial changes</a>.</p> <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="10.4" id="SubmissionNo"><span class="secno">10.4. </span><span class="content"> Rejection of a Submission Request, and Submission Appeals</span><a class="self-link" href="#SubmissionNo"></a></h3> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②⑧">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">may</em> reject a Submission request for a variety of reasons, including any of the following:</p> <ul> <li> The ideas expressed in the request overlap in scope with the work of a chartered Working Group, and acknowledgment might jeopardize the progress of the group. <li> The IPR statement made by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①⑧">Submitter</a>(s) is inconsistent with W3C’s Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a> and in particular the “Licensing Commitments in W3C Submissions”, <a href="">Document License</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-doc-license" title="W3C Document License">[DOC-LICENSE]</a>, or other IPR policies. <li> The ideas expressed in the request are poor, might harm the Web, or run counter to <a href="">W3C’s mission</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-mission" title="The W3C Mission statement">[MISSION]</a>. <li> The ideas expressed in the request lie well outside the scope of W3C’s mission. </ul> <p>In case of a rejection, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①②⑨">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> inform the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative③⓪">Advisory Committee representative</a>(s) of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter①⑨">Submitter</a>(s). If requested by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter②⓪">Submitter</a>(s), the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①③⓪">Team</a> <em class="rfc2119">must</em> provide rationale to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter②①">Submitter</a>(s) about the rejection. Other than to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter②②">Submitter</a>(s), the Team <em class="rfc2119">must not</em> make statements about why a Submission request was rejected.</p> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-representative" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-representative③①">Advisory Committee representative</a>(s) of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submitter" id="ref-for-submitter②③">Submitters</a>(s) <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#submission-appeals" id="ref-for-submission-appeals">Submission Appeal</a>. The procedure for handling <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport id="submission-appeals">Submission Appeals</dfn> is the same as for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#FormalObjection" id="ref-for-FormalObjection③④">Formal Objections</a>, except that an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal①②">AC Appeal</a> is not possible and both the Formal Objection and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#council-report" id="ref-for-council-report④">Council Report</a> are confidential to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①③①">Team</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-architecture-group" id="ref-for-technical-architecture-group③⑨">TAG</a>, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③②">AB</a>.</p> <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="11" id="GAProcess"><span class="secno">11. </span><span class="content"> Process Evolution</span><a class="self-link" href="#GAProcess"></a></h2> <p>Revision of the W3C Process and related documents (see below) undergoes similar <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-Consensus" id="ref-for-def-Consensus①④">consensus</a>-building processes as for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#technical-report" id="ref-for-technical-report③⑧">technical reports</a>, with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③③">Advisory Board</a>—<wbr>acting as the sponsoring <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#GroupsWG" id="ref-for-GroupsWG⑨②">Working Group</a>. The documents may be developed by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③④">AB</a> or by another group to whom the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③⑤">AB</a> has delegated development. Review includes soliciting input from the W3C community, and in particular the Team.</p> <p>The documents covered by this section are:</p> <ul> <li data-md> <p>the W3C Process (this document)</p> <li data-md> <p>the W3C Patent Policy <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">[PATENT-POLICY]</a></p> <li data-md> <p>the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cepc" title="W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct">[CEPC]</a></p> <li data-md> <p>The W3C Document License <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-doc-license" title="W3C Document License">[DOC-LICENSE]</a></p> </ul> <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-board" id="ref-for-advisory-board③⑥">Advisory Board</a> initiates review as follows:</p> <ol> <li> The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#team" id="ref-for-team①③②">Team</a> sends a Call for Review to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee④②">Advisory Committee</a> and other W3C groups. <li> After comments have been <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#formally-addressed" id="ref-for-formally-addressed⑨">formally addressed</a> and the document possibly modified, the Team seeks endorsement from the Members by initiating an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-review" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-review②①">Advisory Committee review</a>. The review period <em class="rfc2119">must</em> last at least <span class="time-interval">28 days</span>. <li> <a href="#ACReviewAfter">After the Advisory Committee review</a>, following a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#def-w3c-decision" id="ref-for-def-w3c-decision①④">W3C decision</a> to adopt the document(s), the Team does so and sends an announcement to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee" id="ref-for-advisory-committee④③">Advisory Committee</a>. Advisory Committee representatives <em class="rfc2119">may</em> initiate an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#advisory-committee-appeal" id="ref-for-advisory-committee-appeal①③">Advisory Committee Appeal</a> to W3C. </ol> <p class="note" role="note"><span class="marker">Note:</span> As of June 2020, the <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-patent-policy" title="The W3C Patent Policy">Patent Policy</a> is developed in the <a href="">Patents and Standards Interest Group</a>, the <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cepc" title="W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct">Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct</a> in the <a href="">Positive Work Environment Community Group</a>, and the Process in the <a href="">W3C Process Community Group</a>.</p> <h2 class="non-normative heading settled" data-level="12" id="acks"><span class="secno">12. </span><span class="content"> Acknowledgments</span><a class="self-link" href="#acks"></a></h2> <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p> <p>The editors are grateful to the following people, who as interested individuals and/or with the affiliation(s) listed, have contributed to this proposal for a revised Process: Brian Kardell, Carine Bournez (W3C), Charles McCathie Nevile (ConsenSys), Chris Needham (BBC), Chris Wilson (Google), David Singer (Apple), Delfí Ramírez, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C), Elika J. Etemad <abbr title="also known as">aka</abbr> fantasai, Fuqiao Xue (W3C), Jeff Jaffe (W3C), Jeffrey Yasskin (Google), Kevin Fleming (Bloomberg), Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group), Mark Nottingham (Cloudflare), Michael Champion (Microsoft), Nigel Megitt (BBC), Philippe Le Hégaret (W3C), Ralph Swick (W3C), Samuel Weiler (W3C), Sandro Hawke (W3C), Shawn Lawton Henry, Tantek Çelik (Mozilla), Ted Thibodeau Jr (OpenLink Software), Virginia Fournier (Apple), Wendy Seltzer (W3C), Yves Lafon (W3C).</p> <p>The editors are sorry for forgetting any names, and grateful to those who have listened patiently to conversations about this document without feeling a need to add more.</p> <p>The following individuals contributed to the development of earlier versions of the Process: Alex Russell (Google), Andreas Tai (Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik), Andrew Betts (Fastly), Ann Bassetti (The Boeing Company), Anne van Kesteren, Art Barstow (Nokia, unaffiliated), Bede McCall (MITRE), Ben Wilson, Brad Hill (Facebook), Brian Kardell (JQuery), Carine Bournez (W3C), Carl Cargill (Netscape, Sun Microsystems, Adobe), Chris Lilley (W3C), Chris Wilson (Google), Claus von Riegen (SAP AG), Coralie Mercier (W3C), Cullen Jennings (Cisco), Dan Appelquist (Telefonica, Samsung), Dan Connolly (W3C), Daniel Dardailler (W3C), Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations), David Baron (Mozilla), David Fallside (IBM), David Singer (Apple), David Singer (IBM), Delfí Ramírez, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C), Don Brutzman (Web3D), Don Deutsch (Oracle), Eduardo Gutentag (Sun Microsystems), Elika J. Etemad <abbr title="also known as">aka</abbr> fantasai, Florian Rivoal, Fuqiao Xue (W3C), Geoffrey Creighton (Microsoft), Giri Mandyam (Qualcomm), Gregg Kellogg, Hadley Beeman, Helene Workman (Apple), Henri Sivonen (Mozilla), Håkon Wium Lie (Opera Software), Ian Hickson (Google), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Ivan Herman (W3C), J Alan Bird (W3C), Jay Kishigami 岸上順一 (NTT), Jean-Charles Verdié (MStar), Jean-François Abramatic (IBM, ILOG, W3C), Jeff Jaffe (W3C), Jim Bell (HP), Jim Miller (W3C), Joe Hall (CDT), John Klensin (MCI), Josh Soref (BlackBerry, unaffiliated), Judy Brewer (W3C), Judy Zhu 朱红儒 (Alibaba), Kari Laihonen (Ericsson), Karl Dubost (Mozilla), Ken Laskey (MITRE), Kevin Fleming (Bloomberg), Klaus Birkenbihl (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft), Larry Masinter (Adobe Systems), Lauren Wood (unaffiliated), Liam Quin (W3C), Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group), Marcos Cáceres (Mozilla), Maria Courtemanche (IBM), Mark Crawford (SAP), Mark Nottingham, Michael Champion (Microsoft), Michael Geldblum (Oracle), Mike West (Google), Mitch Stoltz (EFF), Natasha Rooney (GSMA), Nigel Megitt (BBC), Olle Olsson (SICS), Ora Lassila (Nokia), Paul Cotton (Microsoft), Paul Grosso (Arbortext), Peter Linss, Peter Patel-Schneider, Philippe Le Hégaret (W3C), Qiuling Pan (Huawei), Ralph Swick (W3C), Renato Iannella (IPR Systems), Rigo Wenning (W3C), Rob Sanderson (J Paul Getty Trust), Robin Berjon (W3C), Sally Khudairi (W3C), Sam Ruby (IBM), Sam Sneddon, Sandro Hawke (W3C), Sangwhan Moon (Odd Concepts), Scott Peterson (Google), Steve Holbrook (IBM), Steve Zilles (Adobe Systems) Steven Pemberton (CWI), TV Raman (Google), Tantek Çelik (Mozilla), Terence Eden (Her Majesty’s Government), Thomas Reardon (Microsoft), Tim Berners-Lee (W3C), Tim Krauskopf (Spyglass), Travis Leithead (Microsoft), Virginia Fournier (Apple), Virginie Galindo (Gemalto), Wayne Carr (Intel), Wendy Fong (Hewlett-Packard), Wendy Seltzer (W3C), Yves Lafon (W3C).</p> <h2 class="non-normative heading settled" data-level="13" id="changes"><span class="secno">13. </span><span class="content"> Changes</span><a class="self-link" href="#changes"></a></h2> <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p> <h3 class="no-num heading settled" id="changes-2023-1"><span class="content"> Changes since the <a href="">12 June 2023 Process</a></span><a class="self-link" href="#changes-2023-1"></a></h3> <p>This document is based on the <a href="">12 June 2023 Process</a>. A <a href="">list of issues addressed</a>, a <a href="">diff from Process 2023 to this latest version</a>, as well as a <a href="">detailed log of all changes since then</a> are available. </p> <p>The only change is:</p> <ul> <li> Expand the TAG from 6 elected and 3 appointed to 8 and 3. See <a href="">the 2023-05-24 Disposition of Comments</a> for rationale. </ul> <h3 class="no-num heading settled" id="changes-previous"><span class="content"> Changes since earlier versions</span><span id="changes-2023"></span><span id="changes-2021"></span><span id="changes-2020"></span><span id="changes-2019"></span><span id="changes-2018"></span><span id="changes-2017"></span><a class="self-link" href="#changes-previous"></a></h3> <p>Changes since earlier versions of the Process are detailed in the <a href="">changes section of the previous version</a> of the Process.</p> </main> <script src=""></script> <h2 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="index"><span class="content">Index</span><a class="self-link" href="#index"></a></h2> <h3 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="index-defined-here"><span class="content">Terms defined by this specification</span><a class="self-link" href="#index-defined-here"></a></h3> <ul class="index"> <li><a href="#advisory-board">AB</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">AB Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee">AC</a><span>, in § 3.2.1</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-appeal">AC Appeal</a><span>, in § 5.9</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-representative">AC representative</a><span>, in § 3.2.2</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-review">AC Review</a><span>, in § 5.7</span> <li><a href="#adequate-implementation">adequate implementation experience</a><span>, in § 6.3.2</span> <li><a href="#adopted-draft">Adopted Draft</a><span>, in § 4.2</span> <li><a href="#advisory-board">Advisory Board</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee">Advisory Committee</a><span>, in § 3.2.1</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-appeal">Advisory Committee Appeal</a><span>, in § 5.9</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-representative">Advisory Committee representative</a><span>, in § 3.2.2</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-review">Advisory Committee review</a><span>, in § 5.7</span> <li><a href="#technical-agreement">agreement</a><span>, in § 9</span> <li><a href="#allow-new-features">allow new features</a><span>, in § 6.3.9</span> <li><a href="#alternate-ac-representative">alt AC rep</a><span>, in § 3.2.2</span> <li><a href="#alternate-ac-representative">alternate AC representative</a><span>, in § 3.2.2</span> <li><a href="#alternate-ac-representative">alternate Advisory Committee representative</a><span>, in § 3.2.2</span> <li><a href="#advisory-committee-appeal">Appeal</a><span>, in § 5.9</span> <li><a href="#at-risk">at risk</a><span>, in § 6.3.7</span> <li><a href="#bod">Board</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#bod">Board of Directors</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#bod">BoD</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#reviewform">Call for Review</a><span>, in § 5.7.1</span> <li><a href="#candidate-addition">candidate addition</a><span>, in § 6.2.5</span> <li><a href="#candidate-amendment">candidate amendment</a><span>, in § 6.2.5</span> <li><a href="#candidate-correction">candidate correction</a><span>, in § 6.2.5</span> <li><a href="#RecsCR">Candidate Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#candidate-recommendation-draft">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#candidate-recommendation-review-period">Candidate Recommendation review period</a><span>, in § 6.3.7</span> <li><a href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot">Candidate Recommendation Snapshot</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#candidate-registry">Candidate Registry</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#candidate-registry-draft">Candidate Registry Draft</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#candidate-registry-snapshot">Candidate Registry Snapshot</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#ceo">CEO</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#GeneralChairs">Chair</a><span>, in § 3.4.1</span> <li><a href="#chair-decisions">chair decisions</a><span>, in § 5.1</span> <li><a href="#charter">charter</a><span>, in § 4.2</span> <li><a href="#chartered-group">chartered groups</a><span>, in § 3.4</span> <li><a href="#dfn-charter-extension">charter extension</a><span>, in § 4.5</span> <li><a href="#def-Consensus">Consensus</a><span>, in § 5.2.1</span> <li><a href="#w3c-council">Council</a><span>, in § 5.6.2</span> <li><a href="#council-report">Council Report</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#council-team-contact">Council Team Contact</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#RecsCR">CR</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#candidate-recommendation-draft">CRD</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#candidate-recommendation-snapshot">CRS</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#custodian">custodian</a><span>, in § 6.5.1</span> <li><a href="#discontinuedREC">Discontinued Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#dismissed">dismiss</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#dismissed">dismissal</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#dismissed">dismissed</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#def-Dissent">Dissent</a><span>, in § 5.2.1</span> <li><a href="#distributed-meeting">distributed meeting</a><span>, in § 3.1.2</span> <li><a href="#draft-note">Draft Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#draft-registry">Draft Registry</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#editors-draft">ED</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#editors-draft">Editor Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#editorial-change">editorial change</a><span>, in § 6.2.3</span> <li><a href="#editors-draft">Editor’s Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#elected-group">elected groups</a><span>, in § 3.3</span> <li><a href="#erratum">errata</a><span>, in § 6.2.4</span> <li><a href="#erratum">erratum</a><span>, in § 6.2.4</span> <li><a href="#exclusion-draft">Exclusion Draft</a><span>, in § 4.2</span> <li><a href="#exclusion-draft-charter">Exclusion Draft Charter</a><span>, in § 4.2</span> <li><a href="#ftf-meeting">face-to-face meeting</a><span>, in § 3.1.2</span> <li><a href="#fpwd">First Public Working Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#formally-addressed">formally addressed</a><span>, in § 5.3</span> <li><a href="#FormalObjection">Formal Objection</a><span>, in § 5.5</span> <li><a href="#fully-addressed">fully addressed</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#w3c-group">group</a><span>, in § 3</span> <li><a href="#group-decision">group decision</a><span>, in § 5.1</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">Group Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">Interest Group Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#GroupsIG">Interest Groups</a><span>, in § 3.4</span> <li><a href="#invited-expert-in-an-interest-group">Invited Expert in an Interest Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#invited-expert-in-a-working-group">Invited Expert in a Working Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-additions">Last Call for Review of Proposed Additions</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#last-call-review">Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#last-call-for-review-of-proposed-corrections-and-additions">Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections and Additions</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#liaison">liaison</a><span>, in § 9</span> <li><a href="#w3c-member">Member</a><span>, in § 2.1</span> <li><a href="#member-association">Member Association</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#member-association">Member Associations</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#Member-only">Member-Only</a><span>, in § 7.2</span> <li><a href="#member-representative-in-an-interest-group">Member representative in an Interest Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#member-representative-in-a-working-group">Member representative in a Working Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#MemberSubmission">Member Submission</a><span>, in § 10</span> <li><a href="#minority-opinion">Minority Opinion</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#minutes">minutes</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#not-required">not required</a><span>, in § Unnumbered section</span> <li><a href="#RecsObs">Obsolete Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#obsolete-registry">Obsolete Registry</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#overrule">overrule</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#participant">participant</a><span>, in § 3</span> <li><a href="#igparticipant">participants in an Interest Group</a><span>, in § 3.4.2</span> <li><a href="#wgparticipant">participants in a Working Group</a><span>, in § 3.4.2</span> <li><a href="#inv-expert-info">participate in a Working Group as an Invited Expert</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#patent-review-drafts">Patent Review Drafts</a><span>, in § 6.3</span> <li><a href="#RecsPR">PR</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#primary-affiliation">primary affiliation</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#proposed-additions">proposed additions</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#proposed-amendments">proposed amendments</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#proposed-corrections">proposed corrections</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#RecsPR">Proposed Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#proxy">proxy</a><span>, in § 5.2.3</span> <li><a href="#public-participant-ig">public participants</a><span>, in § 3.4.2</span> <li><a href="#publishing">publish</a><span>, in § 6.2.1</span> <li><a href="#RecsW3C">REC</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#RecsW3C">Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#w3c-recommendation-track">Recommendation Track</a><span>, in § 6.3</span> <li><a href="#w3c-recommendation-track">Recommendation-track</a><span>, in § 6.3</span> <li><a href="#w3c-recommendation-track">REC Track</a><span>, in § 6.3</span> <li><a href="#registry">registry</a><span>, in § 6.5</span> <li><a href="#registry-change">registry change</a><span>, in § 6.2.3</span> <li><a href="#registry-data">registry data</a><span>, in § 6.5</span> <li><a href="#registry-data-report">Registry Data Report</a><span>, in § 6.5.4</span> <li><a href="#registry-definition">registry definition</a><span>, in § 6.5.1</span> <li><a href="#registry-entry">registry entry</a><span>, in § 6.5</span> <li><a href="#registry-report">registry report</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#registry-section">registry section</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#registry-table">registry table</a><span>, in § 6.5</span> <li><a href="#registry-track">Registry Track</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#related-member">Related Member</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#renounce">renounce</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#renounce">renunciation</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#rescinded-candidate-recommendation">Rescinded Candidate Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#RescindedRec">Rescinded Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#group-decision">resolution</a><span>, in § 5.1</span> <li><a href="#statement">Statement</a><span>, in § 6.4.3</span> <li><a href="#submission-appeals">Submission Appeals</a><span>, in § 10.4</span> <li><a href="#submitter">submitter</a><span>, in § 10</span> <li><a href="#subsidiary">subsidiary</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#substantive-change">substantive change</a><span>, in § 6.2.3</span> <li><a href="#mtg-substitute">substitute</a><span>, in § 3.4.2</span> <li><a href="#RecsSup">Superseded Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#superseded-registry">Superseded Registry</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#supplemental-confidential-council-report">Supplemental Confidential Council Report</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#EventsS">Symposia</a><span>, in § 8</span> <li><a href="#EventsS">Symposium</a><span>, in § 8</span> <li><a href="#technical-architecture-group">TAG</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">TAG Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#team">Team</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#TeamContact">Team Contact</a><span>, in § 3.4.1</span> <li><a href="#team-correction">Team correction</a><span>, in § 6.2.5</span> <li><a href="#team-decision">Team Decision</a><span>, in § 5.1</span> <li><a href="#Team-only">Team-Only</a><span>, in § 7.2</span> <li><a href="#team-representative-in-an-interest-group">Team representative in an Interest Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#team-representative-in-a-working-group">Team representative in a Working Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#team-decision">Team’s Decision</a><span>, in § 5.1</span> <li><a href="#technical-agreement">technical agreement</a><span>, in § 9</span> <li><a href="#technical-architecture-group">Technical Architecture Group</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#technical-report">Technical Report</a><span>, in § 6.2.1</span> <li><a href="#trans-req">Transition Requests</a><span>, in § 6.3.3</span> <li><a href="#def-Unanimity">Unanimity</a><span>, in § 5.2.1</span> <li><a href="#update-requests">Update Requests</a><span>, in § 6.3.4</span> <li><a href="#uphold">upheld</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#uphold">uphold</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#uphold">upholding</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#uphold">upholds</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#validation-notice">validation notice</a><span>, in § 10.2</span> <li><a href="#bod">W3C Board of Directors</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#RecsCR">W3C Candidate Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#w3c-council">W3C Council</a><span>, in § 5.6.2</span> <li><a href="#w3c-council-chair">W3C Council Chair</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#def-w3c-decision">W3C decision</a><span>, in § 5.1</span> <li><a href="#fellows">W3C Fellows</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#w3c-group">W3C Group</a><span>, in § 3</span> <li><a href="#w3c-member">W3C Member</a><span>, in § 2.1</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">W3C Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#RecsPR">W3C Proposed Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#RecsW3C">W3C Recommendation</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#w3c-recommendation-track">W3C Recommendation Track</a><span>, in § 6.3</span> <li><a href="#w3c-registry">W3C Registry</a><span>, in § 6.5.2</span> <li><a href="#statement">W3C Statement</a><span>, in § 6.4.3</span> <li><a href="#team">W3C Team</a><span>, in § 2.2</span> <li><a href="#RecsWD">W3C Working Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#RecsWD">WD</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#dfn-wide-review">wide review</a><span>, in §</span> <li><a href="#RecsWD">Working Draft</a><span>, in § 6.3.1</span> <li><a href="#WGNote">Working Group Note</a><span>, in § 6.4.1</span> <li><a href="#GroupsWG">Working Groups</a><span>, in § 3.4</span> <li><a href="#EventsW">Workshops</a><span>, in § 8</span> </ul> <h3 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="index-defined-elsewhere"><span class="content">Terms defined by reference</span><a class="self-link" href="#index-defined-elsewhere"></a></h3> <ul class="index"> <li> <a data-link-type="biblio">[W3C-PATENT-POLICY]</a> defines the following terms: <ul> <li><span class="dfn-paneled" id="b923fc87">patent advisory group</span> </ul> </ul> <h2 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="references"><span class="content">References</span><a class="self-link" href="#references"></a></h2> <h3 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="normative"><span class="content">Normative References</span><a class="self-link" href="#normative"></a></h3> <dl> <dt id="biblio-cepc">[CEPC] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-collaborators-agreement">[COLLABORATORS-AGREEMENT] <dd><a href=""><cite>Invited expert and collaborators agreement</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-conflict-policy">[CONFLICT-POLICY] <dd><a href=""><cite>Conflict of Interest Policy for W3C Team Members Engaged in Outside Professional Activities</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-doc-license">[DOC-LICENSE] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C Document License</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-patent-policy">[PATENT-POLICY] <dd><a href=""><cite>The W3C Patent Policy</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-patent-policy-2004">[PATENT-POLICY-2004] <dd><a href=""><cite>The W3C 2004 Patent Policy, Updated 2017</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-patent-policy-2020">[PATENT-POLICY-2020] <dd><a href=""><cite>The W3C 2020 Patent Policy</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-pubrules">[PUBRULES] <dd><a href=""><cite>Publication Rules</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-rfc2119">[RFC2119] <dd>S. Bradner. <a href=""><cite>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</cite></a>. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-rfc3797">[RFC3797] <dd>D. Eastlake 3rd. <a href=""><cite>Publicly Verifiable Nominations Committee (NomCom) Random Selection</cite></a>. June 2004. Informational. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-w3c-patent-policy">[W3C-PATENT-POLICY] <dd>Wendy Seltzer. <a href=""><cite>W3C Patent Policy</cite></a>. 15 September 2020. URL: <a href=""></a> </dl> <h3 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="informative"><span class="content">Informative References</span><a class="self-link" href="#informative"></a></h3> <dl> <dt id="biblio-ab-hp">[AB-HP] <dd><a href=""><cite>The Advisory Board home page</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-ac-meeting">[AC-MEETING] <dd><a href=""><cite>Advisory Committee meetings (Member-only access)</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-bg-cg">[BG-CG] <dd><a href=""><cite>Community and Business Group Process</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-bylaws">[BYLAWS] <dd><a href=""><cite>Amended and Restated Bylaws of World Wide Web Consortium, Inc.</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-calendar">[CALENDAR] <dd><a href=""><cite>Calendar of all scheduled official W3C events</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-chair">[CHAIR] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C Working/Interest Group Chair</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-charter">[CHARTER] <dd><a href=""><cite>How to Create a Working Group or Interest Group</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-council-report-index">[COUNCIL-REPORT-INDEX] <dd><a href=""><cite>Council Report Index</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-current-ac">[CURRENT-AC] <dd><a href=""><cite>Current Advisory Committee representatives (Member-only access)</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-decision-appeal">[DECISION-APPEAL] <dd><a href=""><cite>Appealing a W3C Decision</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-election-howto">[ELECTION-HOWTO] <dd><a href=""><cite>How to Organize an Advisory Board or TAG election</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-fellows">[FELLOWS] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C Fellows Program</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-group-mail">[GROUP-MAIL] <dd><a href=""><cite>Group mailing lists</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-guide">[GUIDE] <dd><a href=""><cite>The Art of Consensus, a guidebook for W3C Working Group Chairs and other collaborators</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-intro">[INTRO] <dd><a href=""><cite>Process, Patent Policy, Finances, Specs management, Strategic vision (Member-only access)</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-join">[JOIN] <dd><a href=""><cite>How to Join W3C</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-liaison">[LIAISON] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C liaisons with other organizations</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-member-agreement">[MEMBER-AGREEMENT] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C Membership Agreement</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-member-hp">[MEMBER-HP] <dd><a href=""><cite>Member website (Member-only access)</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-member-list">[MEMBER-LIST] <dd><a href=""><cite>The list of current W3C Members</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-member-sub">[MEMBER-SUB] <dd><a href=""><cite>How to send a Submission request</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-mission">[MISSION] <dd><a href=""><cite>The W3C Mission statement</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-obs-resc">[OBS-RESC] <dd><a href=""><cite>Obsoleting and Rescinding W3C Specifications</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-rec-tips">[REC-TIPS] <dd><a href=""><cite>Tips for Getting to Recommendation Faster</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-republishing">[REPUBLISHING] <dd><a href=""><cite>In-place modification of W3C Technical Reports</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-submission-list">[SUBMISSION-LIST] <dd><a href=""><cite>The list of acknowledged Member Submissions</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-submission-req">[SUBMISSION-REQ] <dd><a href=""><cite>Make or Withdraw a Member Submission Request (Member-only access)</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-tag-charter">[TAG-CHARTER] <dd><a href=""><cite>Technical Architecture Group (TAG) Charter</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-tag-hp">[TAG-HP] <dd><a href=""><cite>The TAG home page</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-team-contact">[TEAM-CONTACT] <dd><a href=""><cite>Role of the Team Contact</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-tr">[TR] <dd><a href=""><cite>The W3C technical reports index</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-transition">[TRANSITION] <dd><a href=""><cite>Organize a Technical Report Transition</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-translation">[TRANSLATION] <dd><a href=""><cite>Translations of W3C technical reports</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> <dt id="biblio-w3c-ipr">[W3C-IPR] <dd><a href=""><cite>W3C IPR Policies</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a> </dl> <script>/* Boilerplate: script-dfn-panel */ "use strict"; { const dfnsJson = window.dfnsJson || {}; // Functions, divided by link type, that wrap an autolink's // contents with the appropriate outer syntax. // Alternately, a string naming another type they format // the same as. const typeFormatters = { 'dfn': (text) => `[=${text}=]`, 'abstract-op': (text) => `[\$${text}\$]`, 'value': (text) => `''${text}''`, 'http-header': (text) => `[:${text}:]`, 'idl': (text) => `{{${text}}}`, 'interface': 'idl', 'constructor': 'idl', 'method': 'idl', 'argument': 'idl', 'attribute': 'idl', 'callback': 'idl', 'dictionary': 'idl', 'dict-member': 'idl', 'enum': 'idl', 'enum-value': 'idl', 'exception': 'idl', 'const': 'idl', 'typedef': 'idl', 'stringifier': 'idl', 'serializer': 'idl', 'iterator': 'idl', 'maplike': 'idl', 'setlike': 'idl', 'extended-attribute': 'idl', 'event': 'idl', 'element': (element) => `<{${element}}>`, 'element-state': 'element', 'element-attr': 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