EU Clinical Trials Register - What's new?
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We also took this opportunity to correct discrepancy in the number of records displayed for Art.45 on the EU CTR </p> <p><strong>V2.1</strong></p> <p>The register now contains information on paediatric clinical trials completed by 26 January 2007, in respect of products authorised in the EU / EEA, that were submitted to the Agency by pharmaceutical companies in accordance with Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006. <br> </p> <p>Paediatric clinical trials that are marketing-authorisation-holder-sponsored and involve the use in the paediatric population of a medicinal product covered by an EU marketing authorisation (Article 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006), are now included even if the investigator sites are outside the EU / EEA.</p> <p><strong>Previous versions:</strong></p> <p><strong>V2.0</strong></p> <ul> <li>In this version, the user is able to search for clinical trials with or without results and view the results of a clinical trial that have been provided by the sponsor.</li> </ul> <p><strong>v1.2</strong></p> <p>The EU Clinical Trials Register v1.2 upgrade was a non-functional release.</p> <p><strong>v1.1</strong></p> <p>The following enhancements were made to the EU Clinical Trials Register for v1.1:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Download function - </strong>It is now possible to download clinical trial data in plain text format. </li> <li><strong>Bookmarkable URLs - </strong>Individual links to Clinical Trial pages and searches can now be saved as bookmarks or copy-pasted from the browser’s address bar and shared with others.</li> <li><strong>Search filter enhancements - </strong>New search filters allow searches for trials where the condition being studied is a rare disease and for trials by specific gender. In addition, search filters now support multiple selections.</li> <li><strong>Support for browser Back/Forward buttons - </strong>The EU Clinical Trials Register now fully supports the use of browser Back/Forward buttons.</li> <li><strong>Improved user interface</strong> - Other changes have been made to the user interface to make the Register easier to use including simplified scrolling and improved pagination of search results.</li> <li><strong>Thesaurus enabled search</strong> - The EU Clinical Trials Register now makes use of thesaurus enabled searching to expand synonyms of certain known terms in order to obtain better search results. The thesaurus searching uses health and biomedical terms and other data provided in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)® Metathesaurus®. The EMA is a Licensee authorised to use the UMLS®.<br> <strong>Note:</strong> Some material in the UMLS® Metathesaurus® is from copyrighted sources of the respective copyright holders. Users of the UMLS® Metathesaurus® are solely responsible for compliance with any copyright, patent or trademark restrictions and are referred to the copyright, patent or trademark notices appearing in the original sources, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference.<br> For more information please visit: <a href="" title="Unified Medical Language System Home" target="_blank"></a> <img src="img/icon_html.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="External link"><br> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="grid_3 columnContainer" style="float:right"> <h3>Version of the website</h3> <p>EU Clinical Trials Register version 2.2</p> <p> </p> <h3>See also:</h3> <p><a href="doc/EU_Clinical_Trials_Register_Glossary.pdf" class="pdfIco" target="_blank">Glossary</a> <img src="img/icon_pdf_small.gif" width="17" height="17" alt="PDF document"></p> <p><a href="doc/How_to_Search_EU_CTR.pdf" class="pdfIco" target="_blank">How to search</a> <img src="img/icon_pdf_small.gif" width="17" height="17" alt="PDF document"></p> <p><a href="doc/EU_CTR_FAQ.pdf" class="pdfIco" target="_blank">FAQs</a> <img src="img/icon_pdf_small.gif" width="17" height="17" alt="PDF document"></p> <p><a href="" class="pdfIco" target="_blank">Patients’ and Consumers’ Organisations’ contact information</a></p> <p><a href="" class="pdfIco" target="_blank">Healthcare Professionals’ Organisations contact information</a></p> <p><a href="doc/Sponsor_Contact_Information_EUCTR.pdf" class="pdfIco" target="_blank">Sponsors' contact information</a> <img src="img/icon_pdf_small.gif" width="17" height="17" alt="PDF document"></p> </div> </div> <div id="footerContainer" class="width100"> <div class="container_12" id="footerMenuContainer"> <p><span class="leftFooter"> For the United Kingdom, as of 1 January 2021, European Union law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in <br> the Protocol on Ireland / NI. <br><br> For support, please <a href="" target="_blank">Contact us</a>. <br><br> European Medicines Agency © 1995-2024 I Domenico Scarlattilaan 6, 1083 HS Amsterdam, The Netherlands </span></p> <p> <span class="rightFooter"> <a class="whitefooterlink controls" href="disclaimer.html"> Legal notice </a> </span></p> </div> </div> <div id="finalContainer" class="width100"> <div class="container_12"> <img src="img/footerLogos.png" width="960" height="48" alt="EMA and HMA"> </div> </div> </body> </html> <script id="f5_cspm">(function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:'GCHJONHOPPCEHOFCBKKCBFGODNLINCFPLHGBLDEAIPIDGHOABKIKJBKJLIICBGCONFIBDDGKAAEKBGNNNNNADHPGAAEDGJCLHBNEEEHOPGBFNPAPDIGHOMEPKODMEFMD',setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<<4)|(str.charCodeAt(i+s)-65);},set_byte:function(str,i,b){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+16+s),String.fromCharCode((b>>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,40,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,41,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,35,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1377058531aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_cspm_='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/;'+'';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;'+';';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());</script>