St. Non's Chapel - St Davids, Wales

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- Sacred Destinations"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <!-- hero --> <!-- article and photos --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-7" id="essay"> <!-- intro --> <p class="lead">The site identified as the <b>Chapel of St. Non</b>, mother of the Celtic saint Dewi (David), is picturesquely located in a field above St. Non's Bay, on the outskirts of <a href="st-davids">St Davids</a> in Wales. This is traditionally believed to be the site at which Non gave birth to David around 500 AD.</p> <!-- top ad --> <div class="ad ad-rect-top"><div class="ad" id="ad-rect-top"> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script async src="//"></script> <!-- Large Rectangle Top --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;height:280px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3007722683096311" data-ad-slot="6831773382"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <small>advertisement</small> </div> </div> <!-- article --> <h2>History of St. Non's Chapel</h2> <p>The ruins identified as the <b>Chapel of St. Non</b>, mother of St. David, are picturesquely located in a field above St. Non's Bay, on the outskirts of the small city of St Davids. This is traditionally believed to be the site at which Non gave birth to David around 500 AD. Legend also has it that at the moment of the saint's birth, there was a great thunderstorm and a well sprung up nearby. That site, known as <a href="st-davids-st-nons-well">St. Non's Well</a>, is marked by a simple arch and small shrine.</p> <p>It may be that Non's similarity to the word &quot;nun&quot; led to confusion between the name of a male companion of David and his mother, and to the invention or adaption of the unedifying story of the circumstances of his conception. Similar stories are told of other Welsh saints.</p> <p>The remains of the <b>chapel</b> provide no clue as to its date or function, since no architectural detail survives. Unlike the majority of Christian buildings, the structure is aligned north and south, probably due to the steep fall in the ground.</p> <p>The ruins are probably the platform on which the building was constructed. The site has undergone many changes since the medieval period, when it was considered the &quot;chief and principal&quot; of the many pilgrimage chapels scattered around the parish of St. Davids.</p> <p>After the chapel passed out of use at the Reformation, it appears to have been converted into a <b>dwelling-house</b>, which was itself in ruins by the mid-19th century. In the late 16th century, the site was a leek garden; in the last century the remains of the chapel were piled with stones gathered from the surrounding field.</p> <p>This later fate was a far cry from its <b>heyday</b> in the early 16th century when offerings from it and the other pilgrimage chapels were brought every Saturday to the cathedral chapter house and divided among the canons &quot;by the dishful.&quot; </p> <p>The site was <b>conserved</b> in the 1950s, and is now maintained by CADW (Welsh Heritage).</p> <h2>What to See at St. Non's Chapel</h2> <p>Although not much remains of the ancient chapel, this site is well worth seeing for its <b>simple beauty and spectacular location</b>. Signs lead here from the center town. A Wales Heritage sign marks the chapel and visitors are free to wander into the site anytime.</p> <p>In the southeast corner of the chapel ruins stands a stone slab inscribed with a simple <b>Latin ring-cross</b>. This dates from between the 7th and 9th centuries. It was once built into the walls, but may not have been originally associated with the chapel.</p> <p><a href="st-davids-st-nons-well">St. Non's Well</a>, said to have healing properties, is just a few steps away.</p> <!-- Contextual Ad --> <div id="648683611"> <script type="text/javascript"> try { window._mNHandle.queue.push(function () { window._mNDetails.loadTag("648683611", "495x250", "648683611"); }); } catch (error) {} </script> </div> <!-- facts --> <section class="facts"> <h2>Quick Facts on St. Non's Chapel</h2> <table> <tr class="subhead"><td colspan="2">Site Information</td></tr> <tr><th>Names:</th><td>Capel Non &middot; St. Non's Chapel</td></tr> <tr><th>Country:</th><td><a href="/wales">Wales</a></td></tr> <tr><th>Categories:</th><td><a href="/categories/churches">churches</a>; <a href="/categories/ruins">ruins</a></td></tr> <tr><th>Styles:</th><td><a href="/categories/celtic">Celtic</a></td></tr> <tr><th>Dedication: </th><td>St. Non</td></tr> <tr><th>Status: </th><td>ruins</td></tr> <tr class="subhead"><td colspan="2">Visitor and Contact Information</td></tr> <tr><th>Coordinates:</th><td>51.872192&deg; N, 5.268807&deg; W</td></tr> <tr><th>Address:</th><td>St Davids, Wales</td></tr> <tr><th>Hours:</th><td>Always open.</td></tr> <tr><th>Lodging:</th><td><a href="">View hotels near St. Non's Chapel</a></td></tr> </table> <small>Note: This information was accurate when first published and we do our best to keep it updated, but details such as opening hours and prices can change without notice. To avoid disappointment, please check with the site directly before making a special trip.</small> </section> <!-- resources --> <section class="refs"> <h2>References</h2> <ol> <li>Personal visit (February 11, 2006).</li> <li>J. Wyn Evans and Rick Turner, <em>St Davids Bishop's Palace and St. Non's Chapel, 3rd ed.</em> (CADW, 2005). </li> </ol> <h2>More Information</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos">Photos of St. Non's Chapel</a> - here on Sacred Destinations</li> </ul> </section> <!-- tours --> </div><!-- end #essay --> <!-- photos --> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 imgs"> <figure class="lz" data-src=""> <a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos/h_249p"></a> <figcaption>St. Non's Chapel, a Welsh historic monument in St Davids. <span>&copy; Holly Hayes</span></figcaption> </figure> <!-- BuySellAds Zone Code --> <!-- <div id="bsap_1300101" class="bsarocks bsap_dd1a9f8d392b9f68b3742dd630c0aed1" style="margin: 0 auto;"></div> --> <!-- End BuySellAds Zone Code --> <figure class="lz" data-src=""> <a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos/h_248p"></a> <figcaption>Inside the ruins of St. Non's Chapel. <span>&copy; Holly Hayes</span></figcaption> </figure> <figure class="lz" data-src=""> <a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos/h_252p2"></a> <figcaption>Slab inscribed with a Celtic cross. <span>&copy; Holly Hayes</span></figcaption> </figure> <figure class="lz" data-src=""> <a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos/d_068p"></a> <figcaption>Exterior of the ruined chapel. <span>&copy; Holly Hayes</span></figcaption> </figure> <figure class="lz" data-src=""> <a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos/d_051p"></a> <figcaption>Beautiful Welsh coastline at St. Non's Bay. <span>&copy; Holly Hayes</span></figcaption> </figure> <figure class="lz" data-src=""> <a href="/wales/st-davids-st-nons-chapel/photos/h_239p"></a> <figcaption>Blue waters of St. Non's Bay. <span>&copy; Holly Hayes</span></figcaption> </figure> <!-- Contextual ad added by Ari S. 2/25/2015 --> <div id="956877862"> <script type="text/javascript"> try { window._mNHandle.queue.push(function () { window._mNDetails.loadTag("956877862", "300x250", "956877862"); }); } catch (error) {} </script> </div> </div> </div><!-- end .row --> <!-- map --> <h2>Map of St. Non's Chapel, St Davids</h2> <p>Below is a location map and aerial view of St. Non's Chapel. 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