Daniel 3 HCSB
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Is 46:6; Jr 16:20; Hs 2:8; 8:4; Hab 2:19">a</a><a href="" title="אַמָּה ncfpa 521"> 90 feet</a><a href="" title="שִׁתִּין ucbpa 8361"></a><a href="" title="רוּם ncmsc 7314"> high</a><a href="" title="אַמָּה ncfpa 521"> and nine feet</a><a href="" title="שֵׁת ucfsa 8353"></a><a href="" title="פְּתָי ncmsc 6613"> wide</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Lit statue, its height 60 cubits, its width six cubits">b</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psv3ms"> He set it</a><a href="" title="קום vAp3ms 6966"> up</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> on</a><a href="" title="בִּקְעָה ncfsc 1236"> the plain</a><a href="" title="דּוּרָא np 1757"> of Dura</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="מְדִינָה ncfsc 4083"> the province</a><a href="" title="בָּבֶל np 895"> of Babylon</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Gn 11:2; Dn 2:48-49">c</a> <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">2</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430">King</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="שׁלח vNp3ms 7972"> sent</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> word to</a><a href="" title="כנשׁ vNc 3673"> assemble</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפַּן ncmpd 324"> satraps</a>, <a href="" title="סְגַן ncmpd 5460">prefects</a>, <a href="" title="פֶּחָה ncmpd 6347">governors</a>, <a href="" title="אֲדַרְגָּזֵר ncmpd 148">advisers</a>, <a href="" title="גְּדָבַר ncmpd 1411">treasurers</a>, <a href="" title="דְּתָבַר ncmpd 1884">judges</a>, <a href="" title="תִּפְתַּי ncmpd 8614">magistrates</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> all</a><a href="" title="שִׁלְטֹן ncmpc 7984"> the rulers</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ezr 8:36; Dn 2:48; 6:1-7">d</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="מְדִינָה ncfsd 4083"> provinces</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="אתה vNc 858"> attend</a><a href="" title="חֲנֻכָּה ncfsc 2597"> the dedication</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsd 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> King</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="קום vBp3ms 6966"> had set up</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">3</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">So</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפַּן ncmpd 324"> satraps</a>, <a href="" title="סְגַן ncmpd 5460">prefects</a>, <a href="" title="פֶּחָה ncmpd 6347">governors</a>, <a href="" title="אֲדַרְגָּזֵר ncmpd 148">advisers</a>, <a href="" title="גְּדָבַר ncmpd 1411">treasurers</a>, <a href="" title="דְּתָבַר ncmpd 1884">judges</a>, <a href="" title="תִּפְתַּי ncmpd 8614">magistrates</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> all</a><a href="" title="שִׁלְטֹן ncmpc 7984"> the rulers</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="מְדִינָה ncfsd 4083"> provinces</a><a href="" title="כנשׁ vSPmpa 3673"> assembled</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> for</a><a href="" title="חֲנֻכָּה ncfsc 2597"> the dedication</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsd 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a><a href="" title="קום vBp3ms 6966"> had set up</a>. <a href="" title="וְ Pc">Then</a><a href="" title="קום vNPmpa 6966"> they stood</a><a href="" title="קֳבֵל ncmsc 6903"> before</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsd 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="קום vBp3ms 6966"> had set up</a>.</p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">4</a><a href="" title="כָּרֹוז ncmsd 3744">A herald</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> loudly</a><a href="" title="חַיִל ncmsa 2429"></a><a href="" title="קרא vNPmsa 7123"> proclaimed</a>, “<a href="" title="עַם ncmpd 5972">People</a><a href="" title="אֻמָּה ncfpd 524"> of every nation</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="לִשָּׁן ncmpd 3961"> language</a>, <a href="" title="כֹון psn2mp">you</a><a href="" title="אמר vNPmpa 560"> are commanded</a>: <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">5</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp">When</a><a href="" title="עִדָּן ncmsd 5732"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"></a><a href="" title="שׁמע vNi2mp 8086"> you hear</a><a href="" title="קָל ncmsc 7032"> the sound</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="קֶרֶן ncfsd 7162"> horn</a>, <a href="" title="מַשְׁרֹוקִי ncfsd 4953">flute</a>, <a href="" title="קַתְרֹוס ncmsa 7030">zither</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Or lyre">e</a><a href="" title="שַׂבְּכָא ncfsa 5443"> lyre</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Or sambuke">f</a><a href="" title="פְּסַנְתֵּרִין ncmsa 6460"> harp</a>, <a href="" title="סוּמְפֹּנְיָה ncfsa 5481">drum</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Or pipe">g</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> every</a><a href="" title="זַן ncmpc 2178"> kind</a><a href="" title="זְמָר ncmsd 2170"> of music</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Gn 4:21; 1Ch 6:31; 25:6; Jb 21:12; 30:31; Ps 33:2; 71:22; ; 81:2; 149:3; 150:4; Is 5:12">h</a><a href="" title="נפל vNi2mp 5308"> you are to fall down</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi2mp 5457"> worship</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 2:46">i</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="דְּהַב ncmsd 1722"> gold</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> that</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> King</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="קום vBp3ms 6966"> has set up</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">6</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc">But</a><a href="" title="מַן pii 4479"> whoever</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"></a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> does not</a><a href="" title="נפל vNi3ms 5308"> fall down</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi3ms 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> will immediately</a><a href="" title="ַהּ psn3fs"></a><a href="" title="שָׁעָה ncfsd 8160"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"></a><a href="" title="רמא vFi3ms 7412"> be thrown</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> into</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> a furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>.”<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Jr 29:22; Mt 13:42,50; Rv 9:2">j</a></p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">7</a><a href="" title="כְּ Pp">Therefore</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"></a><a href="" title="קֳבֵל ncmsc 6903"></a><a href="" title="דְּנָה ams 1836"></a>, <a href="" title="כְּ Pp">when</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"></a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> all</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="עַם ncmpd 5972"> people</a><a href="" title="שׁמע vNPmpa 8086"> heard</a><a href="" title="קָל ncmsc 7032"> the sound</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="קֶרֶן ncfsd 7162"> horn</a>, <a href="" title="מַשְׁרֹוקִי ncfsd 4953">flute</a>, <a href="" title="קַתְרֹוס ncmsa 7030">zither</a>, <a href="" title="שַׂבְּכָא ncfsa 5443">lyre</a>, <a href="" title="פְּסַנְתֵּרִין ncmsa 6460">harp</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> every</a><a href="" title="זַן ncmpc 2178"> kind</a><a href="" title="זְמָר ncmsd 2170"> of music</a>, <a href="" title="עַם ncmpd 5972">people</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> of every</a><a href="" title="אֻמָּה ncfpd 524"> nation</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="לִשָּׁן ncmpd 3961"> language</a><a href="" title="נפל vNPmpa 5308"> fell down</a><a href="" title="סגד vNPmpa 5457"> and worshiped</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="דְּהַב ncmsd 1722"> gold</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> that</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> King</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="קום vBp3ms 6966"> had set up</a>.</p><p class="heading">The Furnace of Blazing Fire</p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">8</a><a href="" title="כַּשְׂדָּי ngp 3779">Some Chaldeans</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 2:2,4,5,10">k</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> took this</a><a href="" title="זְמָן ncmsd 2166"> occasion</a><a href="" title="קרב vNp3mp 7127"> to come forward</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="אכל vNp3mp 399"> maliciously accuse</a><a href="" title="קְרַץ ncmpc 7170"></a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Lit and eat the pieces of">l, </a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ezr 4:12-16; Est 3:8-9; Dn 6:12,24">m</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="יְהוּדָי ngpd 3062"> Jews</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">9</a><a href="" title="ענה vNp3mp 6032">They said</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> King</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a>, “<a href="" title="ָא Pa">May the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a><a href="" title="חיא vNvms 2418"> live</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> forever</a><a href="" title="עָלַם ncmpa 5957"></a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">10</a><a href="" title="אַנְתְּ pi2ms 607">You</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> as king</a><a href="" title="שׂים vNp2ms 7761"> have issued</a><a href="" title="טְעֵם ncmsa 2942"> a decree</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 4:6; 6:26">n</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> that</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> everyone</a><a href="" title="אֱנָשׁ ncmsa 606"></a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> who</a><a href="" title="שׁמע vNp3ms 8086"> hears</a><a href="" title="קָל ncmsc 7032"> the sound</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="קֶרֶן ncfsd 7162"> horn</a>, <a href="" title="מַשְׁרֹוקִי ncfsd 4953">flute</a>, <a href="" title="קַתְרֹוס ncmsa 7030">zither</a>, <a href="" title="שַׂבְּכָא ncfsa 5443">lyre</a>, <a href="" title="פְּסַנְתֵּרִין ncmsa 6460">harp</a>, <a href="" title="סוּמְפֹּנְיָה ncfsa 5481">drum</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> every</a><a href="" title="זַן ncmpc 2178"> kind</a><a href="" title="זְמָר ncmsd 2170"> of music</a><a href="" title="נפל vNi3ms 5308"> must fall down</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi3ms 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="דְּהַב ncmsd 1722"> gold</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> statue</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">11</a><a href="" title="מַן pii 4479">Whoever</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"></a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> does not</a><a href="" title="נפל vNi3ms 5308"> fall down</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi3ms 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="רמא vFi3ms 7412"> will be thrown</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> into</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> a furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">12</a><a href="" title="אִיתַי ncmsc 383">There are</a><a href="" title="יְהוּדָי ngp 3062"> some Jews</a><a href="" title="מנה vMp2ms 4483"> you have appointed</a><a href="" title="עַל Pp 5922"> to manage</a><a href="" title="מְדִינָה ncfsc 4083"> the province</a><a href="" title="בָּבֶל np 895"> of Babylon</a>: <a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715">Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 1:7">o</a><a href="" title="אִלֵּךְ abp 479"> These</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpd 1400"> men</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> have ignored</a><a href="" title="שׂים vNp3mp 7761"></a><a href="" title="טְעֵם ncmsa 2942"></a><a href="" title="כְ psn2ms"> you</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 6:13">p</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> the king</a>; <a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809">they do not</a><a href="" title="פלח vNPmpa 6399"> serve</a><a href="" title="כְ psn2ms"> your</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsc 426"> gods</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> or</a><a href="" title="סגד vNPmpa 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="דְּהַב ncmsd 1722"> gold</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="קום vBp2ms 6966"> you have set up</a>.”</p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">13</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">Then</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="חֱמָא ncfsa 2528"> a furious</a><a href="" title="רְגַז ncmsa 7266"> rage</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 2:12">q</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="אמר vNp3ms 560"> gave orders</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="אתה vBc 858"> bring</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a>. <a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">So</a><a href="" title="אִלֵּךְ abp 479"> these</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpd 1400"> men</a><a href="" title="אתה vDp3mp 858"> were brought</a><a href="" title="קֳדָם Pp 6925"> before</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">14</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020">Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="אמר vNPmsa 560"> asked</a><a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp"> them</a>, “<a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715">Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a>, <a href="" title="צְדָא ncmsa 6656">is it true</a><a href="" title="כֹון psn2mp"> that you</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> don’t</a><a href="" title="פלח vNPmpa 6399"> serve</a><a href="" title="ִי psn1cs"> my</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmpc 426"> gods</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> or</a><a href="" title="סגד vNPmpa 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="דְּהַב ncmsd 1722"> gold</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> statue</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Jr 50:2">r</a><a href="" title="קום vBp1cs 6966"> I have set up</a><a href="" title="הֲ Pg">?</a> <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">15</a><a href="" title="כְּעַן Pd 3705">Now</a><a href="" title="הֵן Pc 2006"> if</a><a href="" title="כֹון psn2mp"> you’re</a><a href="" title="עֲתִיד ampa 6263"> ready</a>, <a href="" title="בְּ Pp">when</a><a href="" title="עִדָּן ncmsd 5732"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"></a><a href="" title="שׁמע vNi2mp 8086"> you hear</a><a href="" title="קָל ncmsc 7032"> the sound</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="קֶרֶן ncfsd 7162"> horn</a>, <a href="" title="מַשְׁרֹוקִי ncfsd 4953">flute</a>, <a href="" title="קַתְרֹוס ncmsa 7030">zither</a>, <a href="" title="שַׂבְּכָא ncfsa 5443">lyre</a>, <a href="" title="פְּסַנְתֵּרִין ncmsa 6460">harp</a>, <a href="" title="סוּמְפֹּנְיָה ncfsa 5481">drum</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> every</a><a href="" title="זַן ncmpc 2178"> kind</a><a href="" title="זְמָר ncmsd 2170"> of music</a>, <a href="" title="נפל vNi2mp 5308">fall down</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi2mp 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsd 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="עבד vNp1cs 5648"> I made</a>. <a href="" title="וְ Pc">But</a><a href="" title="הֵן Pc 2006"> if</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> you don’t</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi2mp 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> it, you will immediately</a><a href="" title="ַהּ psn3fs"></a><a href="" title="שָׁעָה ncfsd 8160"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"></a><a href="" title="רמא vFi2mp 7412"> be thrown</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> into</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> a furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> — and</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> who</a><a href="" title="מַן pii 4479"></a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsa 426"> is the god</a><a href="" title="שׁיזב vRi3ms 7804"> who can rescue</a><a href="" title="כֹון psv2mpXe"> you</a><a href="" title="מִן Pp 4481"> from</a><a href="" title="ִי psn1cs"> my</a><a href="" title="יַד ncfpc 3028"> power</a>? ”<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ex 5:20; 2Kg 18:35; Is 36:18">s</a></p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">16</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715">Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="ענה vNp3mp 6032"> replied</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a>, “<a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020">Nebuchadnezzar</a>, <a href="" title="אֲנַחְנָא pi1cp 586">we</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> don’t</a><a href="" title="חשׁח vNPmpa 2818"> need</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="תוב vBc 8421"> give</a><a href="" title="כְ psv2ms"> you</a><a href="" title="פִּתְגָם ncmsa 6600"> an answer</a><a href="" title="עַל Pp 5922"> to</a><a href="" title="דְּנָה ams 1836"> this</a> question. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">17</a><a href="" title="הֵן Pc 2006">If</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsc 426"> the God</a><a href="" title="אֲנַחְנָא pi1cp 586"> we</a><a href="" title="פלח vNPmpa 6399"> serve</a><a href="" title="אִיתַי ncmsc 383"> exists</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="They do not doubt God's existence as 3:18 shows. The 'if' is part of an argument used to defend their refusal to serve Babylonian gods.">t</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ps 10:4; 14:1; 53:1; Hs 13:4; Heb 11:6">u</a><a href="" title="יכל vNPmsa 3202"> then He can</a><a href="" title="שׁיזב vRc 7804"> rescue</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="1Sm 17:37; Jb 5:19; Jr 15:20,21; 2Co 1:10">v</a><a href="" title="נָא psv1cp"> us</a><a href="" title="מִן Pp 4481"> from</a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> the furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="שׁיזב vRi3ms 7804"> He can rescue</a><a href="" title="מִן Pp 4481"> us from</a><a href="" title="יַד ncfsc 3028"> the power</a><a href="" title="כְ psn2ms"> of you</a>, <a href="" title="ָא Pa">the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">18</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc">But</a><a href="" title="הֵן Pc 2006"> even if</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> He does not</a> rescue us,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Lit But if not">w</a><a href="" title="כְ psn2ms"> we want you</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> as king</a><a href="" title="ידע vNsmsa 3046"> to know</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> that</a><a href="" title="נָא psn1cp"> we</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> will not</a><a href="" title="פלח vNPmpa 6399"> serve</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Heb 11:25">x</a><a href="" title="כְ psn2ms"> your</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmpc 426"> gods</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Jos 24:15">y</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> or</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi1cp 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="דְּהַב ncmsd 1722"> gold</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> statue</a><a href="" title="קום vBp2ms 6966"> you set up</a>.”</p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">19</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">Then</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="מלא vFp3ms 4391"> was filled</a><a href="" title="חֱמָא ncfsa 2528"> with rage</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Est 7:7">z</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="צְלֵם ncmsc 6755"> the expression</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> on his</a><a href="" title="אֲנַף ncmpc 600"> face</a><a href="" title="שׁנא vKp3ms 8133"> changed</a><a href="" title="עַל Pp 5922"> toward</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a>. <a href="" title="ענה vNPmsa 6032">He gave orders</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="אזא vNc 228"> heat</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsd 861"> furnace</a><a href="" title="שְׁבַע ucmsa 7655"> seven times</a><a href="" title="עַל Pp 5922"> more than</a><a href="" title="חזה vNsmsa 2370"> was customary</a>, <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">20</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="אמר vNp3ms 560"> he commanded</a><a href="" title="חַיִל ncmsa 2429"> some of the strongest</a><a href="" title="גִּבָּר ncmpc 1401"> soldiers</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> his</a><a href="" title="חַיִל ncmsc 2429"> army</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="כפת vMc 3729"> tie up</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="רמא vNc 7412"> and throw</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> them into</a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> the furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">21</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">So</a><a href="" title="אִלֵּךְ abp 479"> these</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpd 1400"> men</a>, <a href="" title="בְּ Pp">in</a><a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp"> their</a><a href="" title="פְּטַשׁ ncmpc 6361"> trousers</a>, <a href="" title="סַרְבָּל ncmpc 5622">robes</a>, <a href="" title="כַּרְבְּלָא ncfpc 3737">head coverings</a>,<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="The identity of these articles of clothing is uncertain.">aa</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="לְבוּשׁ ncmpc 3831"> other clothes</a>, <a href="" title="כפת vOp3mp 3729">were tied up</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="רמא vOp3mp 7412"> thrown</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> into</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> the furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">22</a><a href="" title="מִן Pp 4481">Since</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king’s</a><a href="" title="מִלָּה ncfsc 4406"> command</a><a href="" title="חצף vAPfsa 2685"> was so urgent</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Or harsh">ab, </a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 2:15">ac</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsd 861"> furnace</a><a href="" title="יַתִּיר afsa 3493"> extremely</a><a href="" title="אזא vNsmsa 228"> hot</a>, <a href="" title="ָא Pa">the</a><a href="" title="שְׁבִיב ncmsd 7631"> raging flames</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Lit the flame of the fire">ad</a><a href="" title="קטל vMp3ms 6992"> killed</a><a href="" title="אִלֵּךְ abp 479"> those</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpd 1400"> men</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> who</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> carried Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="סלק vBp3mp 5559"> up</a>. <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">23</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc">And</a><a href="" title="אִלֵּךְ abp 479"> these</a><a href="" title="תְּלָת ucmsc 8532"> three</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpd 1400"> men</a>, <a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715">Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="נפל vNp3mp 5308"> fell</a>, <a href="" title="כפת vMsmpa 3729">bound</a>, <a href="" title="לְ Pp">into</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>.</p><p class="heading">Delivered from the Fire</p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">24</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">Then</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> King</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020"> Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="קום vNp3ms 6966"> jumped up</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="בהל vFc 927"> alarm</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 4:19">ae</a><a href="" title="אמר vNPmsa 560"> He said</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> his</a><a href="" title="הַדָּבַר ncmpc 1907"> advisers</a>, “<a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809">Didn’t</a><a href="" title="רמא vNp1cp 7412"> we throw</a><a href="" title="תְּלָת ucmsa 8532"> three</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpa 1400"> men</a>, <a href="" title="כפת vMsmpa 3729">bound</a>, <a href="" title="לְ Pp">into</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a><a href="" title="הֲ Pg">?</a> ”</p><p class="reg">“<a href="" title="יַצִּיב afsa 3330">Yes, of course</a>, <a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430">Your Majesty</a>,” <a href="" title="ענה vNPmpa 6032">they replied</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a>.</p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">25</a><a href="" title="אמר vNPmsa 560">He exclaimed</a>, “<a href="" title="הָא Pi 1888">Look</a>! <a href="" title="אֲנָה pi1cs 576">I</a><a href="" title="חזה vNPmsa 2370"> see</a><a href="" title="אַרְבַּע ucmsa 703"> four</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpa 1400"> men</a>, <a href="" title="שׁרא vNsmpa 8271">not tied</a>, <a href="" title="הלך vAPmpa 1981">walking around</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a><a href="" title="חֲבָל ncmsa 2257"> unharmed</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"></a>;<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ps 91:3-9; Is 43:2">af</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="רְבִיעָי uomsd 7244"> fourth</a><a href="" title="דמה vNPmsa 1821"> looks like</a><a href="" title="בַּר_2 ncmsc 1247"> a son</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmpa 426"> of the gods</a>.”<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Or of a divine being">ag, </a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Mt 14:33; Mk 1:1; Lk 1:35; Jn 3:18; Ac 9:20">ah</a></p><p class="reg"><a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">26</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020">Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116"> then</a><a href="" title="קרב vNp3ms 7127"> approached</a><a href="" title="תְּרַע ncmsc 8651"> the door</a><a href="" title="אַתּוּן ncmsc 861"> of the furnace</a><a href="" title="יקד vNPfsd 3345"> of blazing</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="אמר vNPmsa 560"> called</a>: “<a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715">Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a>, <a href="" title="עֲבֵד ncmpc 5649">you servants</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> of the</a><a href="" title="עִלָּי amsd 5943"> <span class="fn" style="color:#0092f2">•</span>Most High</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsd 426"> God</a><a href="" title="נפק vNvmp 5312"> — come out</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">! ” So</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="נפק vNPmpa 5312"> came out</a><a href="" title="מִן Pp 4481"> of</a><a href="" title="גַּו ncmsc 1459"></a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 4:2">ai</a> <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">27</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc">When</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפַּן ncmpd 324"> satraps</a>, <a href="" title="סְגַן ncmpd 5460">prefects</a>, <a href="" title="פֶּחָה ncmpd 6347">governors</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king’s</a><a href="" title="הַדָּבַר ncmpc 1907"> advisers</a><a href="" title="כנשׁ vSPmpa 3673"> gathered around</a>, <a href="" title="חזה vNPmpa 2370">they saw</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> that the</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsd 5135"> fire</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> had no</a><a href="" title="שׁלט vNp3ms 7981"> effect</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Heb 11:34">aj</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> on</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Lit fire had not overcome">ak</a><a href="" title="גְּשֵׁם ncmsc 1655"> the bodies</a><a href="" title="אִלֵּךְ abp 479"> of these</a><a href="" title="גְּבַר ncmpd 1400"> men</a>: <a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809">not</a><a href="" title="שְׂעַר ncmsc 8177"> a hair</a><a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp"> of their</a><a href="" title="רֵאשׁ ncmsc 7217"> heads</a><a href="" title="חרך vSp3ms 2761"> was singed</a>, <a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp">their</a><a href="" title="סַרְבָּל ncmpc 5622"> robes</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> were unaffected</a><a href="" title="שׁנא vNp3mp 8133"></a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> there was no</a><a href="" title="רֵיחַ ncmsc 7382"> smell</a><a href="" title="נוּר ncbsa 5135"> of fire</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> on</a><a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp"> them</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dt 29:5">al</a> <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">28</a><a href="" title="נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר np 5020">Nebuchadnezzar</a><a href="" title="ענה vNPmsa 6032"> exclaimed</a>, “<a href="" title="ברך_2 vNsmsa 1289">Praise</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsc 426"> to the God</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> of</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a>! <a href="" title="שׁלח vNp3ms 7972">He sent</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> His</a><a href="" title="מַלְאַךְ ncmsc 4398"> angel</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Or messenger">am, </a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Heb 1:14">an</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="שׁיזב vRp3ms 7804"> rescued</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> His</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד ncmpc 5649"> servants</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> who</a><a href="" title="רחץ vFp3mp 7365"> trusted</a><a href="" title="עַל Pp 5922"> in</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> Him</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ps 34:7; Is 37:36; Ac 5:19; 12:7">ao</a><a href="" title="שׁנא vMp3mp 8133"> They violated</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king’s</a><a href="" title="מִלָּה ncfsc 4406"> command</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> and</a><a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp"> risked their</a><a href="" title="גְּשֵׁם ncmsc 1655"> lives</a><a href="" title="פלח vNi3mp 6399"> rather than serve</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> or</a><a href="" title="סגד vNi3mp 5457"> worship</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> any</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsa 426"> god</a><a href="" title="לָהֵן_2 Pc 3861"> except</a><a href="" title="הֹון psn3mp"> their own</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsc 426"> God</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ps 22:4-5; Is 12:2; 26:3-4; Jr 17:7">ap</a> <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">29</a><a href="" title="וְ Pc">Therefore</a><a href="" title="ִי psn1cs"> I</a><a href="" title="שׂים vOp3ms 7761"> issue</a><a href="" title="טְעֵם ncmsa 2942"> a decree</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 4:6">aq</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> that</a><a href="" title="כֹּל ncmsc 3606"> anyone</a><a href="" title="עַם ncmsa 5972"> of any people</a>, <a href="" title="אֻמָּה ncfsa 524">nation</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">or</a><a href="" title="לִשָּׁן ncmsa 3961"> language</a><a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 3:4,7; 4:1; 5:19; 6:25; 7:14; Rv 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15">ar</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> who</a><a href="" title="אמר vNi3ms 560"> says</a><a href="" title="שָׁלוּ ncfsa 7960"> anything offensive</a><a href="" title="עַל Pp 5922"> against</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsc 426"> the God</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> of</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="הַדָּם ncmpa 1917"> will be torn limb</a><a href="" title="עבד vFi3ms 5648"></a><a href="" title="וְ Pc"> from limb and</a><a href="" title="ֵהּ psn3ms"> his</a><a href="" title="בַּיִת ncmsc 1005"> house</a><a href="" title="שׁוה vSi3ms 7739"> made</a><a href="" title="נְוָלִי ncfsa 5122"> a garbage dump</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Ezr 6:11; Dn 2:5">as</a><a href="" title="כְּ Pp"> For</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"></a><a href="" title="קֳבֵל ncmsc 6903"></a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"></a><a href="" title="אִיתַי ncmsc 383"> there is</a><a href="" title="לָא Pn 3809"> no</a><a href="" title="אָחֳרָן amsa 321"> other</a><a href="" title="אֱלָהּ ncmsa 426"> god</a><a href="" title="דִּי Pr 1768"> who</a><a href="" title="יכל vNi3ms 3202"> is able</a><a href="" title="לְ Pp"> to</a><a href="" title="נצל vBc 5338"> deliver</a><a href="" title="כְּ Pp"> like</a><a href="" title="דְּנָה ams 1836"> this</a>.” <a href="" style="color:#0092f2" class="reftext">30</a><a href="" title="אֱדַיִן Pd 116">Then</a><a href="" title="ָא Pa"> the</a><a href="" title="מֶלֶךְ ncmsd 4430"> king</a><a href="" title="צלח vBp3ms 6744"> rewarded</a><a href="" title="שַׁדְרַךְ np 7715"> Shadrach</a>, <a href="" title="מֵישַׁךְ np 4336">Meshach</a>, <a href="" title="וְ Pc">and</a><a href="" title="עֲבֵד נְגֹו np 5665"> Abednego</a><a href="" title="בְּ Pp"> in</a><a href="" title="מְדִינָה ncfsc 4083"> the province</a><a href="" title="בָּבֶל np 895"> of Babylon</a>.<a href="#ftn" style="color:#0092f2;" class="fn" title="Dn 2:48-49">at</a></p><hr size="1" color="DDEEFF"><span class="mainfootnotes"><A name="ftn"></a><span class="mainfootnoteshdg">Footnotes:</span><br><span class="fn1"><span class="ftn">a. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:1</b> 1Kg 12:28; Is 46:6; Jr 16:20; Hs 2:8; 8:4; Hab 2:19</span><br /><span class="ftn">b. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:1</b> Lit <i>statue, its height 60 cubits, its width six cubits</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">c. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:1</b> Gn 11:2; Dn 2:48-49</span><br /><span class="ftn">d. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:2</b> Ezr 8:36; Dn 2:48; 6:1-7</span><br /><span class="ftn">e. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:5</b> Or <i>lyre</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">f. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:5</b> Or <i>sambuke</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">g. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:5</b> Or <i>pipe</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">h. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:5</b> Gn 4:21; 1Ch 6:31; 25:6; Jb 21:12; 30:31; Ps 33:2; 71:22; ; 81:2; 149:3; 150:4; Is 5:12</span><br /><span class="ftn">i. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:5</b> Dn 2:46</span><br /><span class="ftn">j. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:6</b> Jr 29:22; Mt 13:42,50; Rv 9:2</span><br /><span class="ftn">k. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:8</b> Dn 2:2,4,5,10</span><br /><span class="ftn">l. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:8</b> Lit <i>and eat the pieces of</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">m. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:8</b> Ezr 4:12-16; Est 3:8-9; Dn 6:12,24</span><br /><span class="ftn">n. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:10</b> Dn 4:6; 6:26</span><br /><span class="ftn">o. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:12</b> Dn 1:7</span><br /><span class="ftn">p. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:12</b> Dn 6:13</span><br /><span class="ftn">q. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:13</b> Dn 2:12</span><br /><span class="ftn">r. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:14</b> Jr 50:2</span><br /><span class="ftn">s. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:15</b> Ex 5:20; 2Kg 18:35; Is 36:18</span><br /><span class="ftn">t. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:17</b> They do not doubt God’s existence as 3:18 shows. The “if” is part of an argument used to defend their refusal to serve Babylonian gods.</span><br /><span class="ftn">u. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:17</b> Ps 10:4; 14:1; 53:1; Hs 13:4; Heb 11:6</span><br /><span class="ftn">v. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:17</b> 1Sm 17:37; Jb 5:19; Jr 15:20,21; 2Co 1:10</span><br /><span class="ftn">w. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:18</b> Lit <i>But if not</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">x. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:18</b> Heb 11:25</span><br /><span class="ftn">y. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:18</b> Jos 24:15</span><br /><span class="ftn">z. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:19</b> Est 7:7</span><br /><span class="ftn">aa. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:21</b> The identity of these articles of clothing is uncertain.</span><br /><span class="ftn">ab. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:22</b> Or <i>harsh</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">ac. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:22</b> Dn 2:15</span><br /><span class="ftn">ad. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:22</b> Lit <i>the flame of the fire</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">ae. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:24</b> Dn 4:19</span><br /><span class="ftn">af. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:25</b> Ps 91:3-9; Is 43:2</span><br /><span class="ftn">ag. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:25</b> Or <i>of a divine being</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">ah. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:25</b> Mt 14:33; Mk 1:1; Lk 1:35; Jn 3:18; Ac 9:20</span><br /><span class="ftn">ai. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:26</b> Dn 4:2</span><br /><span class="ftn">aj. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:27</b> Heb 11:34</span><br /><span class="ftn">ak. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:27</b> Lit <i>fire had not overcome</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">al. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:27</b> Dt 29:5</span><br /><span class="ftn">am. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:28</b> Or <i>messenger</i></span><br /><span class="ftn">an. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:28</b> Heb 1:14</span><br /><span class="ftn">ao. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:28</b> Ps 34:7; Is 37:36; Ac 5:19; 12:7</span><br /><span class="ftn">ap. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:28</b> Ps 22:4-5; Is 12:2; 26:3-4; Jr 17:7</span><br /><span class="ftn">aq. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:29</b> Dn 4:6</span><br /><span class="ftn">ar. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:29</b> Dn 3:4,7; 4:1; 5:19; 6:25; 7:14; Rv 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15</span><br /><span class="ftn">as. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:29</b> Ezr 6:11; Dn 2:5</span><br /><span class="ftn">at. </span><span class="ftnb"><b>3:30</b> Dn 2:48-49</span><br /></span></div></div><div id="botbox"><div class="padbot"><div align="center"><a href="">Holman Christian Standard Bible®,<br>Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.<br>Used by permission.</a><span class="p"><br /><br /></span><a href="/">Bible Hub</a></div></div></div></div></td></tr></table></div><div id="left"><a href="../daniel/2.htm" onmouseover='lft.src="/leftgif.png"' onmouseout='lft.src="/left.png"' title="Daniel 2"><img src="/left.png" name="lft" border="0" alt="Daniel 2" /></a></div><div id="right"><a href="../daniel/4.htm" onmouseover='rght.src="/rightgif.png"' onmouseout='rght.src="/right.png"' title="Daniel 4"><img src="/right.png" name="rght" border="0" alt="Daniel 4" /></a></div><div id="botleft"><a href="#" onmouseover='botleft.src="/botleftgif.png"' onmouseout='botleft.src="/botleft.png"' title="Top of Page"><img src="/botleft.png" name="botleft" border="0" alt="Top of Page" /></a></div><div id="botright"><a href="#" onmouseover='botright.src="/botrightgif.png"' onmouseout='botright.src="/botright.png"' title="Top of Page"><img src="/botright.png" name="botright" border="0" alt="Top of Page" /></a></div></td></tr></table></div><div id="rightbox"><div class="padright"><div id="pic"><iframe width="100%" height="860" scrolling="no" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></div></div><div id="rightbox4"><div class="padright2"><div id="spons1"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="sp1"><iframe width="122" height="860" scrolling="no" src="../sidemenu.htm" frameborder="0"></iframe></td></tr></table></div></div></div><div align="center"><span class="p"><br /><br /></span><script id="3d27ed63fc4348d5b062c4527ae09445"> (new Image()).src = ''; 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