Open Knowledge Foundation – For a fair, sustainable and open future

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href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto">Sustainable Data Commons</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">Open Data Day</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto">Open Knowledge Network</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">Open Knowledge Global Directory</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">Regional Hubs Prototype Programme</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">Open Goes COP</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">Technical support for refugee organisations</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">Data Package v2</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">School of Data</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=">100+ Conversations to inspire our new direction</a></li> <li class=""><a class="" href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto">Digital Public 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md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">We provide services for opening data </strong> <span class="description">We are the technology arm of institutions, organisations and communities, so you can create, manage and publish open data with our tools. </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item -center"> <figure class="flex items-center justify-center md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">We can help you develop your skills and unlock your potential </strong> <span class="description">We offer capacity-building training on data literacies for individuals, teams and communities so you can understand the transformative power of openness. </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item -center"> <figure class="flex items-center justify-center md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">You can partner with us and be part of the global movement </strong> <span class="description">Our local impact through the Open Knowledge Network is spread across over 40 countries. Be our partner and help the movement grow. </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> </div> </div> </section> <div class="sect mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="flex items-center md:flex-row flex-col justify-center gap-2 mb-10"><a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="btn-pill"> Tools </a> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="btn-pill"> Services </a> <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" class="btn-pill"> Network </a> <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" class="btn"> Get in touch </a> </div> </div> </div><!-- heading --> <div class="headline -tighten-1 text-center False mb-20"> <h1 class="col-span-full px-3 py-5 font-bold text-center text-h1"><p>Open Knowledge in Practice</p></h1> </div><!-- /heading --> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <div class="sect -tighten-2 sect-highlights mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"><!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight sm:text-white"> <figure class="img-set text-black"> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="[Announcement] Open Data Editor 1.2.0 stable version release" title="[Announcement] Open Data Editor 1.2.0 stable version release"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><span class="tag">The Tech We Want</span> <strong class="title">[Announcement] Open Data Editor 1.2.0 stable version release</strong> <span class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more</span> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div><!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <div class="sect -tighten-2 sect-highlights mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"><!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight "> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <figcaption class="text"> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div><!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <div class="sect -tighten-2 sect-highlights mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"><!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight sm:text-white"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="Policy Brief: Governing Digital Public Infrastructure as a Commons" title="Policy Brief: Governing Digital Public Infrastructure as a Commons"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><span class="tag">Advocacy</span> <strong class="title">Policy Brief: Governing Digital Public Infrastructure as a Commons</strong> <span class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more</span> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div><!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <div class="sect -tighten-2 sect-highlights mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"><!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight sm:text-white"> <figure class="img-set text-black"> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="CKAN 2.11: Hypermedia approach for the tech we want" title="CKAN 2.11: Hypermedia approach for the tech we want"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><span class="tag">Digital Public Good</span> <strong class="title">CKAN 2.11: Hypermedia approach for the tech we want</strong> <span class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more</span> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div> <div class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-1 gap-10 md:gap-3"><!--TODO: col-span-{n} did not work, so forloop is used instead-as a quick fix --> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight "> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <figcaption class="text"> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-4 gap-10 md:gap-3"><!--TODO: col-span-{n} did not work, so forloop is used instead-as a quick fix --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item -center"> <figure class="flex items-center justify-center md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">‘Digital literacy, not just access, is Africa’s biggest problem’ </strong> <span class="description">By Anglophone Africa Hub </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item -center"> <figure class="flex items-center justify-center md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">‘There are many data gaps in Latin America and we lack collection methods’ </strong> <span class="description">By Latin America Hub </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item -center"> <figure class="flex items-center justify-center md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">‘A vicious circle is preventing openness from flourishing in Francophone Africa’ </strong> <span class="description">By Francophone Africa Hub </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item -center"> <figure class="flex items-center justify-center md:aspect-[272/227]"><img src="" alt=""> </figure><strong class="title">‘Open knowledge is still seen as very technical in Asia, which excludes a lot of people’ </strong> <span class="description">By Asia Hub </span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Transparent Without Title --> </div> </div> </div><!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <div class="sect -tighten-2 sect-highlights mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"><!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight sm:text-white"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="Follow the webinars and podcasts of OPEN GOES COP, a coalition advocating for openness in the UN Climate Change Conferences" title="Follow the webinars and podcasts of OPEN GOES COP, a coalition advocating for openness in the UN Climate Change Conferences"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><span class="tag">Climate Crisis</span> <strong class="title">Follow the webinars and podcasts of OPEN GOES COP, a coalition advocating for openness in the UN Climate Change Conferences</strong> <span class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more</span> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div> <div class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-3 gap-10 md:gap-3"><!--TODO: col-span-{n} did not work, so forloop is used instead-as a quick fix --> </div> </div> </div> <section class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <h2 class="mb-20 text-h1 text-center font-bold leading-none">Open Knowledge Data Tools</h2> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-10 lg:gap-16 mx-auto"><!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item"> <figure class=""><img src="" alt=""> </figure><span class="description">The world's leading open source data management system. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and discover data. It powers hundreds of data portals worldwide including governments, NGOs, research centers and enterprises.</span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Background Rounded --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item"> <figure class=""><img src="" alt=""> </figure><span class="description">The home of a set of legal tools and licenses to help you publish, provide and use open data: Open Database License (ODbL), Open Data Commons Attribution License, and Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL).</span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Background Rounded --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item"> <figure class=""><img src="" alt=""> </figure><span class="description">The Open Definition sets out principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content. It makes precise the meaning of “open” in the terms “open data” and “open content” and thereby ensures quality and encourages compatibility between different pools of open material.</span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Background Rounded --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item"> <figure class=""><img src="" alt=""> </figure><span class="description">Data Package is a standard consisting of a set of simple yet extensible specifications to describe datasets, data files and tabular data. It is a data definition language (DDL) and data API that facilitates findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) of data.</span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Background Rounded --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item"> <figure class=""><img src="" alt=""> </figure><span class="description">No-code application to explore and publish all kinds of data: datasets, tables, charts, maps, stories, and more. Forever free and open source project powered by open standards and generative AI.</span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Background Rounded --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="feature-item"> <figure class=""><img src="" alt=""> </figure><span class="description">Frictionless Data is an open-source toolkit that brings simplicity to the data experience – whether you're wrangling a CSV or engineering complex pipelines.</span> <em class="link-arrow-curved"> Learn more </em> </a> <!-- Background Rounded --> </div> </div> </section> <div class="sect -tighten-2 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="block-txt"> <hr> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div><!-- default--> <section class="sect -tighten-1 mx-auto -has-bg-circle -bg-circle-okfn-purple -bg-circle-lg mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="lg:flex lg:gap-x-8 lg:items-center md:flex-row-reverse md:!gap-x-28"> <div class="flex-shrink-0"> <div class="flex-shrink-0 mb-10 lg:mb-0"><img src="" alt="Global movement in action" class="mx-auto" alt="Home Hero"> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grow"> <h2 class="mb-8 font-bold text-h1 leading-none">Global movement in action</h2><span class="block mb-16 text-2xl">Open Knowledge Foundation is part of a worldwide movement working together for a fair, sustainable and open future.</span> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="btn">Join us!</a> </div> </div> </div> </section><!-- section center--> <!-- heading --> <div class="headline -tighten-1 text-center False mb-20"> <h1 class="col-span-full px-3 py-5 font-bold text-center text-h3"><p>Open Knowledge established chapters</p></h1> </div><!-- /heading --> <div class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-5 gap-10 md:gap-3"><!--TODO: col-span-{n} did not work, so forloop is used instead-as a quick fix --> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight 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<figcaption class="text"> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight "> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="Open Knowledge Nepal" title="Open Knowledge Nepal"> </div> <figcaption class="text"> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight "> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="Open Knowledge Sweden" title="Open Knowledge Sweden"> </div> <figcaption class="text"> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Not In Column--> <!-- img-set --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="highlight "> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <figcaption class="text"> </figcaption> </figure></a> <!-- /img-set --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="flex items-center md:flex-row flex-col justify-center gap-2 mb-10"><a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="link-arrow-curved"> More countries </a> </div> </div> </div><!-- Slider--> <section class="sect true-w-full False -mt-20 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content overflow-hidden"> <div class="slider-wrapper"> <div class="slider -is-width-auto" data-slider="{ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 0, arrows: false, cssEase: 'linear', slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, speed: 9000, variableWidth: true, draggable: true, pauseOnHover: true }" data-slider-mobile="{ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 0, arrows: false, cssEase: 'linear', slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, speed: 9000, variableWidth: true, draggable: true, pauseOnHover: true }"><!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Gathering of experts from the open community in the Open Knowledge Symposium" title="Gathering of experts from the open community in the Open Knowledge Symposium"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Gathering of experts from the open community in the Open Knowledge Symposium (Barcelona, May 2022)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Open Definition workshop with Latin American communities at RightsCon (San José, Jun 2023)" title="Open Definition workshop with Latin American communities at RightsCon (San José, Jun 2023)"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Open Definition workshop with Latin American communities at RightsCon (San José, Jun 2023)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Network-run event parallel to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit (Tallinn, Sep 2023)" title="Network-run event parallel to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit (Tallinn, Sep 2023)"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Network-run event parallel to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit (Tallinn, Sep 2023)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Network members planning next year’s strategy for the global movement (Zurich, Jun 2023)" title="Network members planning next year’s strategy for the global movement (Zurich, Jun 2023)"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Network members planning next year’s strategy for the global movement (Zurich, Jun 2023)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Grantees from the Philippines running an event on Open Data Day (Manila, Mar 2023)" title="Grantees from the Philippines running an event on Open Data Day (Manila, Mar 2023)"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Grantees from the Philippines running an event on Open Data Day (Manila, Mar 2023)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Participants of Coda.Br, the largest data journalism conference in Latin America (São Paulo, Nov 2022)" title="Participants of Coda.Br, the largest data journalism conference in Latin America (São Paulo, Nov 2022)"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Participants of Coda.Br, the largest data journalism conference in Latin America (São Paulo, Nov 2022)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> <!-- In Gallery--> <!-- Is a Logo--> <div class="gallery__item pt-20"> <figure class="img-set "> <div class="image"><img src="" class="h-[28rem]" alt="Community gathering with OKFN team during csv,conf,v7 (Buenos Aires, Apr 2023)" title="Community gathering with OKFN team during csv,conf,v7 (Buenos Aires, Apr 2023)"> </div> <figcaption class="text"><strong class="title">Community gathering with OKFN team during csv,conf,v7 (Buenos Aires, Apr 2023)</strong> </figcaption> </figure> </div><!-- In Carousel--> </div> </div> </div> </section><!-- Static Logo--> <!-- heading --> <div class="headline -tighten-1 text-center False mb-20"> <h1 class="col-span-full px-3 py-5 font-bold text-center text-h3"><p>Featured Network Projects</p></h1> </div><!-- /heading --> <div class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-4 gap-10 md:gap-3"><!--TODO: col-span-{n} 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is a special occasion, an opportunity for us to come together, share our knowledge, listen attentively, and forge meaningful connections.</p><time class="date" date-time="31/07/2023">September 26, 2024</time> </a> <!-- Transparent Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="content-grid__item"> <h3 class="title block mb-8 font-bold text-2xl">Unlocking the Power of Data for Peace</h3><p>In July 2024, peacebuilders, activists, academics, third sector and staff from intergovernmental organisations such as the United Nations and the OSCE, came together for a policy hackathon at the Austrian Forum for Peace Conference in Burgenland near the Hungarian border.</p><time class="date" date-time="16/07/2023">September 11, 2024</time> </a> <!-- Transparent Title --> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="content-grid__item"> <h3 class="title block mb-8 font-bold text-2xl">Data Package version 2.0 is out!</h3><p>Thanks to the generous support of NLnet, now Data Package includes features that were often requested throughout the years and improves extensibility for domain-specific implementations.</p><time class="date" date-time="26/06/2023">June 26, 2024</time> </a> <!-- Transparent Title --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="flex items-center md:flex-row flex-col justify-center gap-2 mb-10"><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" class="btn"> Read more in the Newsroom </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sect -tighten-2 mb-20"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="block-txt"> <hr> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div><!-- default--> <section class="sect md:!col-start-5 md:!col-end-9 -has-bg-circle -bg-circle-lg -bg-circle-okfn-green before:top-1/2 before:left-1/2 before:-translate-y-1/2 mb-20 text-center"> <div class="sect__content"><img src="/assets/images/home-sect-library.png" src="" alt="Open Knowledge Library"> <h2 class="mb-8 font-bold text-h1 leading-none">Open 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Join Renata Ávila and Tim Davies as they examine the impact and barriers of open data initiatives in various sectors.</p><span class="link-arrow-curved absolute left-8 bottom-8 group-hover:drop-shadow-okfn" date-time="30/03/2023">Learn more</span> </a> <!-- Yellow Box--> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="relative block px-4 lg:px-8 pt-5 lg:pt-10 pb-28 border-3 border-black bg-white bg-opacity-30 group"> <h3 class="title block mb-8 font-bold text-2xl">Problematising Strategic Tension Lines in the Digital Commons</h3><p>A report by Open Knowledge, Open Future and Wikimedia Europe.</p><span class="link-arrow-curved absolute left-8 bottom-8 group-hover:drop-shadow-okfn" date-time="30/03/2023">Learn more</span> </a> <!-- Yellow Box--> <!-- White Box --> <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" class="relative block px-4 lg:px-8 pt-5 lg:pt-10 pb-28 border-3 border-black bg-white bg-opacity-30 group"> <h3 class="title block mb-8 font-bold text-2xl">What is open?</h3><p>Are you new here? Take the first steps to understanding why openness is a key part of an inclusive digital future for all.</p><span class="link-arrow-curved absolute left-8 bottom-8 group-hover:drop-shadow-okfn" date-time="03/06/2023">Learn more</span> </a> <!-- Yellow Box--> </div> </div> </div><!-- sect-newsletter --> <section class="sect -tighten-1 mb-20 -has-bg-circle -bg-circle-lg before:top-full before:left-full before:-translate-y-1/2 before:-translate-x-1/2"> <div class="sect__content"> <div class="lg:flex lg:flex-row-reverse lg:items-center lg:gap-16"><img class="mx-auto lg:flex-shrink-0" src="/assets/img/section-newsletter.png" alt=""> <div class="lg:flex-grow"> <h2 class="mb-5 text-h1 leading-none font-bold">Don't miss a thing</h2> <p class="mb-8 text-2xl leading-normal">Stay on top of what's happening in the #OpenMovement around the world. 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