{"title":"Globalization - Opportunity or Threat to the Rural Areas in Poland","authors":"Marian Wo\u017aniak, Alicja Sobkowiak","volume":70,"journal":"International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences","pagesStart":2536,"pagesEnd":2540,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/12088","abstract":"<p>The world is entering a new path of development which is becoming the driving force of globalization. It is seen as an irreversible process of the present reality and has a significant impact on the transformation of economic, social and cultural rights. This also applies to changes in the rural environment which while emphasizing the global development should also maintain its identity and locality, and a rural community should do more to recognize the globalization of an opportunity than a threat to the Polish countryside. The paper discusses theoretical problems of rural development and the importance of diversification in rural areas and preserving the countryside life and there werepresente the opinions of residents of the Polish countryside on the impact of globalization on the development.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] S. Moskal, M. Moskal, Podstawy socjologii wsi i rolnictwa (The basis\r\nof village and agriculture sociology). Wyd. AR w Krakowie, Krak\u251c\u2502w\r\n2007, p. 55-56. (only in Polish language version).\r\n[2] Z. Bauman, Globalizacja. (Glabalization) PIW, Warszawa 2000, p\r\n5,7,72. (only in Polish language version).\r\n[3] F. Tomczak, Gospodarka rolnicza w rolnictwie: Uwarunkowania i\r\nmechanizmy rozwoju. (Agricultural economy in agriculture.\r\nConditionings and development mechanisms) IRWiR PAN, Warszawa\r\n2005, p. 289, 385-386. (only in Polish language version).\r\n[4] J. Zegar, Kierunki rozwoju rolnictwa i obszar\u251c\u2502w wiejskich -\r\nuwarunkowania regionalne. Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci wieunkcyjnego rozwoju wsi\r\npolskiej w kontek\u015bcie integracji z UE. (Guidelines for the development\r\nof agriculture areas - region al conditions. Multifunctional development\r\nopportunities in the Polish countryside in the context of UE integration.)\r\nPod red. A. Stasiak. KPZK Warszawa 2000, p. 29.( only in Polish\r\nlanguage version).\r\n[5] .J. E. Stiglitz, Globalizacja. (Globalization) PWN, Warszawa 2007 p. 9.\r\n(only in Polish language version).\r\n[6] Z. Bauman, Globalizacja. (Globalization) PIW, Warszawa 2000, p.\r\n5,7,72. (only in Polish language version).\r\n[7] W. Wosi\u0144ska, Oblicza globalizacji. (Faces of gloalization) Wyd. Smak\r\nS\u253c\u00e9owa, Sopot 2008, p. 23, 24, 370-372. (only in Polish language\r\nversion).\r\n[8] J. Greenberg, R.A. Baron R.A., Behavioring organizations. New Jersey\r\n2003: prentice Hall, 14.\r\n[9] A. Wo\u015b., J. Zegar, Rolnictwo spo\u253c\u00e9ecznie zr\u251c\u2502wnowa\u017cone. (Socially\r\nsustainable agriculture)IERiG\u253c\u2557 Warszawa 2002, p. 83-88. (only in\r\nPolish language version).\r\n[10] G. Spychalski, Mezoekonomiczne aspekty kszta\u253c\u00e9towania rozwoju\r\nobszar\u251c\u2502w wiejskich.(mezoeconomic aspects of shaping the rural areas\r\ndevelopment) IRWiR PAN, Warszawa 2005, p. 49-50. (only in Polish\r\nlanguage version).\r\n[11] W. Musia\u253c\u00e9, Dezagraryzacja polskiej wsi - problemy ekonomiczne,\r\nekologiczne i spo\u253c\u00e9eczne. (Changes in Polish village -economic,\r\necological and social problems)Wie\u015b i Rolnictwo, nr 3, 2007, sp 29-44.\r\n(only in Polish language version).\r\n[12] G. \u015alusarz, A. Czudec,., Dzia\u253c\u00e9alno\u015b\u0107 gospodarcza na obszarach\r\nwiejskich w dobie globalizacji.(Economic activity on the rural areas in\r\nglobalization) [W:] Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i bariery rozwoju dzia\u253c\u00e9alno\u015bci\r\ngospodarczej w obszarach wiejskich. Opportunities and barriers to the\r\ndevelopment of economic activities in rural areas. Rzesz\u251c\u2502w 2004, p 4-5.\r\n(only in Polish language version).\r\n[13] A. Wo\u015b A., Spo\u253c\u00e9eczne funkcje rolnictwa i nowa r\u251c\u2502wnowaga. (The\r\nsocial functions of agriculture and the new balance). Zagadnienia\r\nEkonomiki Rolnej 2005, nr 1, p. 3-16. (only in Polish language\r\nversion).\r\n[14] J. Buszta, Kultura ludowa - kultura narodowa (Folk culture-national\r\nculture). Wyd. LSW, Warszawa 1974, p.344. (only in Polish language\r\nversion).\r\n[15] M. Adamowicz, Przes\u253c\u00e9anki rozwoju wielofunkcyjno\u015bci rolnictwa i\r\nzmian we Wsp\u251c\u2502lnej Polityce Rolnej.(Conditions of multifunctionality of\r\nagriculture and the development of changes in the Common Agricultural\r\nPolicy. Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej (Issues of Agricultural\r\nEconomics) 2005, nr 1\/2005, p. 17-32. (only in Polish language\r\nversion).\r\n[16] Polska wie\u015b (Polish Village-report) 2008. Raport o stanie wsi, Pod red.\r\nJ. Wilkina i I. Nurzy\u0144skiej. FDPA, Warszawa 2008, p. 76. (only in\r\nPolish language version).","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 70, 2012"}