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TECH WRITER IAN HAMILTON REVIEWS THE NEW PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY."><h4>New virtual reality goggles</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Who steps up for Keenan Allen?" data-duration="1:26" data-id="3946442191001" data-eid="76162"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken talk about who might step up for Keenan Allen."></div><h4>Who steps up for Keenan Allen?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:28" data-id="3946261544001" data-eid="76158"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T News Update"></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Teacher firing case files" data-duration="3:42" data-id="3945968286001" data-eid="76154"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Watchdog: Teacher firing case files"></div><h4>Teacher firing case files</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Circus therapy" data-duration="1:90" data-id="3945840265001" data-eid="76150"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="It might seem like fun and games, but at the Circus Arts Institute in Atlanta, it's all about fitness. 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AND A DECORATED MUSICIAN IS GETTING A TRIBUTE SPECIAL."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3945277905001" data-eid="76142"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="RIGHT NOW IN PAKISTAN SOME PARENTS HAVE THE HEART-BREAKING AND GRIM TASK OF IDENTIFING THEIR SON OR DAUGHTER KILLED WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL. THE TALIBAN IN PAKISTAN IS CLAIMING REPONSIBILITY FOR SIX SUICIDE BOMBERS WHO KILLED AT LEAST 130 PEOPLE..."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: Drug war hypocrisy" data-duration="0:36" data-id="3943837637001" data-eid="76140"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Marijuana is still illegal under federal law. At least it was, until last week. The Obama administration announced that it would allow Native American tribes to grow or sell marijuana on their reservations. There are more than 300 Indian reservations"></div><h4>Opinion: Drug war hypocrisy</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: Bribes aren't free speech" data-duration="0:33" data-id="3943826467001" data-eid="76139"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The pay to play scandal in the Sweetwater Union high school district is about as basic as government corruption gets. Two construction companies got tens of millions of dollars in contracts after showering school board members and district officials"></div><h4>Opinion: Bribes aren't free speech</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Bolts still in playoff hunt" data-duration="1:44" data-id="3943565500001" data-eid="76134"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer break dwon what Sunday's 22-10 loss to the Broncos means for the Chargers and their playoff hopes."></div><h4>Bolts still in playoff hunt</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3943312055001" data-eid="76133"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Police stormed a chocolate cafe in Sydney's business district. The Australian Broadcasting Network says - at least three people are dead and others are in serious condition. Police say- the gunman is among those dead as a result of gunfire..."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Diabetic tips to enjoy holiday food" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3943266170001" data-eid="76131"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Holiday dinners can be difficult for diabetics, because everything you! eat affects your blood sugar. However, reading labels before you cook can keep your holiday feasts festive."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Diabetic tips to enjoy holiday food</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:60" data-id="3942871508001" data-eid="76128"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="PEYTON MANNING THREW FOR 233 YARDS AND A TOUCHDOWN AND DENVER GOT 5 FIELD GOALS ON THEIR WAY TO A 22 TO 10 WIN OVER THE CHARGERS AT THE Q."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:41" data-id="3942790691001" data-eid="76126"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A HOSTAGE STANDOFF INSIDE A CAFE IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA IS OVER--SADLY IT DID NOT END PEACEFUL AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE WERE KILLED."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Advance - Broncos" data-duration="2:36" data-id="3939503263001" data-eid="76109"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken preview the Chargers upcoming game against the Broncos."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Advance - Broncos</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T NEWS UPDATE" data-duration="1:28" data-id="3939503277001" data-eid="76108"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T NEWS UPDATE"></div><h4>U-T NEWS UPDATE</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T MILITARY UPDATE" data-duration="4:50" data-id="3939519773001" data-eid="76107"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Military Update"></div><h4>U-T MILITARY UPDATE</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Live longer, stay leaner, boost your mood." data-duration="1:26" data-id="3939196096001" data-eid="76097"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Medical Minute: Live longer, stay leaner, boost your mood."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Live longer, stay leaner, boost your mood.</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Chargers</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Chargers Roundtable - 49ers" data-duration="5:20" data-id="3948781769001" data-eid="76173"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T sports columnists Kevin Acee and Matt Calkins, and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken break down the Chargers mus-win game versus the 49ers."><h4>Chargers Roundtable - 49ers</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Rivers misses Wednesday practice" data-duration="0:57" data-id="3948889749001" data-eid="76179"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Philip Rivers missed his first practice since 2007 on Wednesday."><h4>Rivers misses Wednesday practice</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Who steps up for Keenan Allen?" data-duration="1:26" data-id="3946442191001" data-eid="76162"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken talk about who might step up for Keenan Allen."><h4>Who steps up for Keenan Allen?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Bolts still in playoff hunt" data-duration="1:44" data-id="3943565500001" data-eid="76134"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer break dwon what Sunday's 22-10 loss to the Broncos means for the Chargers and their playoff hopes."><h4>Bolts still in playoff hunt</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis-Broncos" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3941858115001" data-eid="76121"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken break down the Chargers loss to the Broncos."><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis-Broncos</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Advance - Broncos" data-duration="2:36" data-id="3939503263001" data-eid="76109"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken preview the Chargers upcoming game against the Broncos."><h4>Acee Gehlken Advance - Broncos</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: So long NFL..." data-duration="0:31" data-id="3939428217001" data-eid="76106"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Mayor Kevin Faulconer is ramping up efforts to get a new stadium to keep the Chargers from leaving town. This makes sense. The possibility of the NFL building a stadium in Los Angeles for two teams to use no longer seems a vague rumor."></div><h4>Opinion: So long NFL...</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers Roundtable- Broncos" data-duration="4:47" data-id="3937620420001" data-eid="76084"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Kevin Acee, Michael Gehlken and Nick Canepa break down the Chargers Broncos game."></div><h4>Chargers Roundtable- Broncos</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Report-New Look Broncos" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3935369685001" data-eid="76050"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken discuss how this year's Broncos team is different from others the Chargers have faced."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Report-New Look Broncos</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="McCoy makes plea to Charger fans" data-duration="1:28" data-id="3933131465001" data-eid="75987"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Chargers coach Mike McCoy urgers fans to use their tickets this Sunday."></div><h4>McCoy makes plea to Charger fans</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers take kids on shopping spree" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3931217752001" data-eid="75966"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Chargers and Macy's teamed up to give back to the San Diego community."></div><h4>Chargers take kids on shopping spree</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis - Patriots" data-duration="2:17" data-id="3929381777001" data-eid="75956"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken break down the Chargers 23-14 loss to the Patriots."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis - Patriots</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Advance-Patriots" data-duration="2:55" data-id="3927392153001" data-eid="75952"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Acee Gehlken Advance-Patriots"></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Advance-Patriots</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers Roundtable - Patriots" data-duration="5:57" data-id="3926525726001" data-eid="75927"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Boston Globe NFL/Patriots writer Ben Volin joins U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken in studio for this week's Chargers Roundtable."></div><h4>Chargers Roundtable - Patriots</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis - Ravens" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3916698303001" data-eid="75790"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken recap the Chargers 34-33 win over the Ravens."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis - Ravens</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Advance - Ravens" data-duration="1:44" data-id="3915460725001" data-eid="75784"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken preview the Chargers showdown with the Ravens Sunday."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Advance - Ravens</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Bolts vs Ravens always memorable" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3914511294001" data-eid="75782"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Bolts vs Ravens always memorable"></div><h4>Bolts vs Ravens always memorable</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers Roundtable - Ravens" data-duration="4:28" data-id="3912934110001" data-eid="75766"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer break down the latest Chargers news."></div><h4>Chargers Roundtable - Ravens</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Good & bad from Rams game" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3908087927001" data-eid="75694"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken break down the good and the bad from the Chargers 27-24 win over the Rams on Sunday."></div><h4>Good & bad from Rams game</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis-Rams" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3906343106001" data-eid="75643"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken break down the Chargers victory over the Rams."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis-Rams</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Advance - Rams" data-duration="2:15" data-id="3904222800001" data-eid="75625"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken preview the Chargers upcoming matchup vs the Rams."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Advance - Rams</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers Roundtable - Rams" data-duration="5:30" data-id="3902449720001" data-eid="75594"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Chargers Roundtable - Rams"></div><h4>Chargers Roundtable - Rams</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Positives from Raiders game" data-duration="1:52" data-id="3897063057001" data-eid="75520"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Despite the ugly win over the Raiders, U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken say there are positive to take away from the Chargers 13-6 win."></div><h4>Positives from Raiders game</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis-Raiders" data-duration="2:50" data-id="3894525941001" data-eid="75490"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken break down the Chargers win over the Raiders."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis-Raiders</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Sports</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:60" data-id="3942871508001" data-eid="76128"><a href=""><img src="" alt="PEYTON MANNING THREW FOR 233 YARDS AND A TOUCHDOWN AND DENVER GOT 5 FIELD GOALS ON THEIR WAY TO A 22 TO 10 WIN OVER THE CHARGERS AT THE Q."><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Oceanside tops Helix, wins open division title" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3928005007001" data-eid="75954"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Oceanside captured the Open Division title on Saturday night."><h4>Oceanside tops Helix, wins open division title</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztec Report-Season in Review" data-duration="3:45" data-id="3939073659001" data-eid="76095"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Aztec Report-season in review with Tod Leonard and Robby Baker."><h4>Aztec Report-Season in Review</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="SDSU 60 LBSU 59" data-duration="1:33" data-id="3935835943001" data-eid="76053"><a href=""><img src="" alt="The Aztecs edged out the 49ers Wednesday night."><h4>SDSU 60 LBSU 59</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Rivals on the court, brothers off of it" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3933034496001" data-eid="75985"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Brothers Quen Medows and Will Christmas are brothers who play for rival high schools."><h4>Rivals on the court, brothers off of it</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztecs excited for Poinsettia Bowl" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3933126445001" data-eid="75988"><a href=""><img src="" alt="The Aztecs will play in their 5th straight bowl game."><h4>Aztecs excited for Poinsettia Bowl</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers take kids on shopping spree" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3931217752001" data-eid="75966"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Chargers and Macy's teamed up to give back to the San Diego community."></div><h4>Chargers take kids on shopping spree</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Paul Vaden answers the bell" data-duration="4:10" data-id="3926754446001" data-eid="75949"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Paul Vaden grew up in San Diego and always wanted to be a prizefighter. He attained a world title and then his world came crashing down after an opponent he knocked out later died."></div><h4>Paul Vaden answers the bell</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:39" data-id="3930183167001" data-eid="75959"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE PATRIOTS SCORED 10 FOURTH QUARTER POINTS TO BEAT THE CHARGERS, SUNDAY AT QUALCOMM STADIUM. THE NEW ENGLAND CAME OUT ON TOP WITH A 23-14 VICTORY. DESPITE THE LOSS, THE CHARGERS ARE STILL IN CONTROL OF THEIR OWN DESTINY IN THE PLAYOFF RACE."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Saints capture D1 title" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3927166748001" data-eid="75950"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The St. Augustine Saints won the D1 title in dramatic fashion Friday night."></div><h4>Saints capture D1 title</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:36" data-id="3921657752001" data-eid="75853"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="FOR NOW, THE PADRES HAVE DECIDED NOT TO OFFER EVERTH CABRERA A NEW CONRACT MAKING HIM A FREE AGENT. HE'S NOW ELIBILE TO SIGN WITH ANY TEAM INCLUDING THE PADRES IN THE FUTURE. CABRERA WAS ARRESTED IN SEPTEMBER ON SUSPICION OF DRIVING UNDER THE..."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:54" data-id="3919650449001" data-eid="75823"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THIS SUNDAY NIGHT THE CHARGERS HOST THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS IN A SOLD-OUT GAME AT THE Q. THE CHARGERS ARE COMING OFF THEIR THRILLING LAST MINUTE WIN AGAINST THE RAVENS ON THE ROAD. THE PATRIOTS LOST IN GREEN BAY TO THE PACKERS ON SUNDAY AND..."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztecs roll SJSU on senior day" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3915712905001" data-eid="75785"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="SDSU got a big win beating SDJSU 38-7 on Saturday."></div><h4>Aztecs roll SJSU on senior day</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="La Jolla Country Day wins division 5 title" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3914921111001" data-eid="75783"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="La Jolla Country won the division five title in impressive fashion on Friday night."></div><h4>La Jolla Country Day wins division 5 title</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztec Report-San Jose State" data-duration="1:54" data-id="3914287832001" data-eid="75773"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Aztecs host San Jose State on Saturday."></div><h4>Aztec Report-San Jose State</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="USD comes up short against Xavier" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3913292356001" data-eid="75769"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Toreros took on Xavier in the Wooden Legacy Tournament, and lost by a final score of 82-71."></div><h4>USD comes up short against Xavier</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:46" data-id="3911094190001" data-eid="75733"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztecs host San Jose State for Senior Day" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3909801386001" data-eid="75717"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="SDSU has clinched bowl eligibility, but needs a win on Saturday to get a bowl spot."></div><h4>Aztecs host San Jose State for Senior Day</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="USD gets big win, beats Western Michigan" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3908364441001" data-eid="75698"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Toreros beat an NCAA tournament team in Western Michigan."></div><h4>USD gets big win, beats Western Michigan</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:17" data-id="3907346230001" data-eid="75651"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE CHARGERS ARE NOW 7 AND 4 AND PULL INTO A SECOND-PLACE TIE IN THE AFC WEST... AFTER BEATING THE ST. LOUIS RAMS. THE CHARGERS SCORED THREE SECOND HALF TOUCHDOWNS AND GOT A MARCUS GILCHRIST INTERCEPTION IN THE END ZONE WITH UNDER A MINUTE TO..."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztecs beat Air Force, become bowl eligible" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3904680419001" data-eid="75639"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Aztecs beat the Falcons on Friday night."></div><h4>Aztecs beat Air Force, become bowl eligible</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztecs beat Bakersfield" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3902861113001" data-eid="75600"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The SDSU Aztecs struggled on Thursday night but still got a win."></div><h4>Aztecs beat Bakersfield</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Aztec Report- Air Force" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3902230288001" data-eid="75590"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Aztecs face a tough test in Air Force on Friday night."></div><h4>Aztec Report- Air Force</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:17" data-id="3901525653001" data-eid="75573"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="QUARTERBACK PHILIP RIVERS WAS LISTED WITH A CHEST INJURY ON THE INJURY REPORT THAT THE CHARGERS RELEASED WEDNESDAY. BUT RIVERS WAS AT PRACTICE WEDNESDAY, ACCORDING TO COACH MIKE MCCOY. THE SECOND-YEAR COACH AND RIVERS EACH SAID THAT THE VETERAN..."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>News</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3948896977001" data-eid="76178"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T News Update"><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:43" data-id="3947887230001" data-eid="76167"><a href=""><img src="" alt="EARY MORNING SHOWERS HAVE CAUSED TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AROUND THE COUNTY.. SLOWING THE MORNING COMMUTE TO WORK. THE RAIN IS EXPECTED TO LAST WELL INTO THE MORNING... BEFORE THE SYSTEM LOSES A LOT OF ITS PUNCH."><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="New virtual reality goggles" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3946461142001" data-eid="76163"><a href=""><img src="" alt="LAST WEEK SAMSUNG CAME OUT WITH NEW VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES -- THESE ARE THE FIRST ONES TO COME TO THE CONSUMER MARKET. TECH WRITER IAN HAMILTON REVIEWS THE NEW PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY."><h4>New virtual reality goggles</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:28" data-id="3946261544001" data-eid="76158"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T News Update"><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Children's Pool shut down for pupping season" data-duration="1:24" data-id="3943917851001" data-eid="76141"><a href=""><img src="" alt="In the most sweeping action yet to protect a seal rookery, San Diego officials on Monday blocked off access to Children's Pool beach in La Jolla for the next five months. The closure, which covers the seal pupping season, is scheduled to occur each D"><h4>Children's Pool shut down for pupping season</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3945834156001" data-eid="76149"><a href=""><img src="" alt="The world is reacting with condem-nation and horror -- after a bloody Taliban attack on a school in Pe-shower, Pakistan. At least six suicide bombers stormed the complex - gunning down at least 141 people - 132 of which were children between..."><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3945277905001" data-eid="76142"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="RIGHT NOW IN PAKISTAN SOME PARENTS HAVE THE HEART-BREAKING AND GRIM TASK OF IDENTIFING THEIR SON OR DAUGHTER KILLED WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL. THE TALIBAN IN PAKISTAN IS CLAIMING REPONSIBILITY FOR SIX SUICIDE BOMBERS WHO KILLED AT LEAST 130 PEOPLE..."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T NEWS UPDATE" data-duration="1:56" data-id="3943648028001" data-eid="76137"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T NEWS UPDATE"></div><h4>U-T NEWS UPDATE</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3943312055001" data-eid="76133"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Police stormed a chocolate cafe in Sydney's business district. The Australian Broadcasting Network says - at least three people are dead and others are in serious condition. Police say- the gunman is among those dead as a result of gunfire..."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:41" data-id="3942790691001" data-eid="76126"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A HOSTAGE STANDOFF INSIDE A CAFE IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA IS OVER--SADLY IT DID NOT END PEACEFUL AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE WERE KILLED."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The World's Largest Battery" data-duration="0:39" data-id="3939529783001" data-eid="76111"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The World's Largest Battery is coming to Southern California."></div><h4>The World's Largest Battery</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T NEWS UPDATE" data-duration="1:28" data-id="3939503277001" data-eid="76108"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T NEWS UPDATE"></div><h4>U-T NEWS UPDATE</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T MILITARY UPDATE" data-duration="4:50" data-id="3939519773001" data-eid="76107"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Military Update"></div><h4>U-T MILITARY UPDATE</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="UT News Update" data-duration="1:29" data-id="3938686556001" data-eid="76089"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="FORECASTERS SAY TO EXPECT ABOUT ABOUT ONE INCH OF RAIN AT THE COAST AND ABOUT TWO INCHES ACROSS THE INLAND VALLEYS AND FOOTHILLS. A WIND ADVISORY IS EFFECT UNTIL LATER THIS MORNING IN COASTAL AND VALLEY AREAS WHERE 45- MILE-PER-HOUR GUSTS ARE EXPECT"></div><h4>UT News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="2:31" data-id="3937554376001" data-eid="76081"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Christmas house of horror" data-duration="1:38" data-id="3937555063001" data-eid="76082"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A haunted house with a Christmas theme, a post office named after one of Santa's reindeer, and Jesus' face on a tortilla"></div><h4>Christmas house of horror</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="12:26" data-id="3937315842001" data-eid="76066"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THIS WAS THE SCENE EARLY THIS MORNING IN SANTA ROSA. THE STORM KNOCKED OUT POWER IN PARTS OF SAN FRANCISCO. 3-POINT-5 INCHES OF RAIN WAS RECORDED IN OAKMONT."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:26" data-id="3936598437001" data-eid="76054"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="KEEP UMBRELLAS CLOSE... A STORM IS HEADED TO SAN DIEGO AND WE COULD GET RAIN LATE TONIGHT AND THROUGHOUT THE DAY TOMORROW. RAINFALL TOTALS ARE EXPECTED MORE THAN AN INCH IN COASTAL AND VALLEYS AREAS ... AND UP TO 3 INCHES IN THE MOUNTAINS."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Decoding sudden death" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3933240805001" data-eid="75991"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Sudden unexplained deaths are being investigated by the S.D. County Medical Examiner and Scripps Translational Science Institute."></div><h4>Decoding sudden death</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3935316876001" data-eid="76048"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T News Update"></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Military Minute: Benghazi takes center stage" data-duration="3:20" data-id="3935316639001" data-eid="76047"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Military Minute: Benghazi takes center stage"></div><h4>Military Minute: Benghazi takes center stage</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Abominable snowman walks dog" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3935268549001" data-eid="76045"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Here's a look at some rare & bizarre Christmas sightings."></div><h4>Abominable snowman walks dog</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Holiday Food Drive" data-duration="4:40" data-id="3935160036001" data-eid="76042"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="NEARLY HALF-A-MILLION PEOPLE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY LIVE IN POVERTY AND MANY FACE THE THREAT OF HUNGER THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. FIGHT HUNGER IN OUR COMMUNITY AND HELP THE JACOBS & CUSHMAN SAN DIEGO FOOD BANK."></div><h4>Holiday Food Drive</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T News Update" data-duration="1:59" data-id="3934962310001" data-eid="76039"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="An S-U-V landed on the roof of a home in Escondido, and police are looking for the driver. You can see a B-M-W slammed through the roof of the home's garage. Police say- two cars inside the garage also sustained damage, but no one was home at the..."></div><h4>U-T News Update</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Entertainment</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="San Diego: This Weekend (Dec. 18 - 21)" data-duration="1:16" data-id="3949428379001" data-eid="76184"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Here's your look at what to do and where to go this weekend in San Diego"><h4>San Diego: This Weekend (Dec. 18 - 21)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:70" data-id="3948382711001" data-eid="76170"><a href=""><img src="" alt="SIX ACTS ARE BECOMING MUSIC's NEWEST LEGENDS... AND AMC IS PREPPING FOR NEW SHOWS."><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:80" data-id="3945680194001" data-eid="76146"><a href=""><img src="" alt="HOLLYWOOD HAS A NEW CROP OF 'FASCINATING PEOPLE'... AND A DECORATED MUSICIAN IS GETTING A TRIBUTE SPECIAL."><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3937132815001" data-eid="76062"><a href=""><img src="" alt="HOLLYWOOD IS GEARING UP FOR AWARDS SEASON... AND LATE NIGHT IS LOSING A LEGEND."><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment MInute" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3934898713001" data-eid="76037"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Entertainment MInute"><h4>Entertainment MInute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="New Music Out This Week (Dec. 9)" data-duration="4:10" data-id="3932722307001" data-eid="75975"><a href=""><img src="" alt="From Angels & Airwaves to The Smashing Pumpkins and J. Cole, here's a look at new music album releases. Watch now:"><h4>New Music Out This Week (Dec. 9)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3932565874001" data-eid="75973"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Understanding Our Musical Differences Part II" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3926868794001" data-eid="75948"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Tom Delonge and Ilan Rubin come from different places musically and have collaborated on The Dream Walker, the new album by Angels and Airwaves. Video by John Gastaldo/U-T San Diego"></div><h4>Understanding Our Musical Differences Part II</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Angels and Airwaves The Dream Walker" data-duration="2:28" data-id="3926754449001" data-eid="75947"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Tom Delonge speaks about the state of the record industry, creatively monetizing and creating art and making Angels and Airwaves be successful. Video by John Gastaldo/U-T San Diego"></div><h4>Angels and Airwaves The Dream Walker</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:17" data-id="3926253830001" data-eid="75921"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="TWO ICONIC FILM FRANCHISES ARE BACK... AND PHARELL WILLIAMS HAS A NEW REASON TO BE HAPPY."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3924241484001" data-eid="75895"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="WARNER BROTHERS UNVEILS A VILLAINOUS CAST... AND NEW YEARS EVE JUST GOT A LITTLE MORE COUNTRY."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego: This Weekend (Dec. 4 - 7)" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3922671039001" data-eid="75882"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="From holiday parades to christmas tree lighting and concerts, there's plenty to do during the holiday weekend. Check out our top picks of events happening in San Diego this weekend."></div><h4>San Diego: This Weekend (Dec. 4 - 7)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute -- SPOILER ALERT" data-duration="1:16" data-id="3921951515001" data-eid="75854"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="**SPOILER ALERT** AN A-LISTER HAS A SECRET WEDDING, AND A CABLE NETWORK IS APOLOGIZING TO VIEWERS FOR A MAJOR MISTAKE."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute -- SPOILER ALERT</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3919836342001" data-eid="75827"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="New Music Out This Week (Dec. 2)" data-duration="3:21" data-id="3918907560001" data-eid="75820"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="From Wu-Tang Clan to AC/DC and Willie Nelson, here's a look at new music album releases. Watch here:"></div><h4>New Music Out This Week (Dec. 2)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3918137754001" data-eid="75803"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="AN ACTOR PUTS ON SERIOUS MUSCLE FOR HIS LATEST ROLE, AND TWO S-N-L ALUMS GEAR UP FOR AWARDS SEASON."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:26" data-id="3907525749001" data-eid="75656"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="CHANNING TATUM IS READY TO GO BEHIND THE CAMERA, TINA FEY MAKES A MAJOR MOVE, AND THE ODDS ARE CLEARLY IN MOCKINGJAY PART 1'S FAVOR."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego: This Weekend (Nov. 27 - 30)" data-duration="1:23" data-id="3911791451001" data-eid="75752"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="From 5k races to musicals and concerts, there's plenty to do during the holiday weekend. Check out our top picks of events happening in San Diego this weekend."></div><h4>San Diego: This Weekend (Nov. 27 - 30)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3911410757001" data-eid="75737"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3909412511001" data-eid="75704"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego: This Weekend (Nov. 20 - 23)" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3900590468001" data-eid="75569"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="From San Diego Bay Food & Wine Festival to stand-up comedy with Bryan Callen, there's plenty to do in San Diego this weekend. Watch now:"></div><h4>San Diego: This Weekend (Nov. 20 - 23)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:21" data-id="3899805338001" data-eid="75552"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Taylor Swift is on a roll, Matthew McConaughey gets his own star, and a One Direction member is angry with Matt Lauer."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3897733214001" data-eid="75527"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="BONO IS THE KING OF BAD LUCK, AND AN OSCAR WINNER LINES UP HIS NEXT ROLE."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="New Music Out This Week (Nov. 18)" data-duration="2:51" data-id="3897142436001" data-eid="75521"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="From Foo Fighters to Pink Floyd and Garth Brooks, here's a look at new music album releases. Music writer Jarnard Sutton shares music releases from 11/18/14."></div><h4>New Music Out This Week (Nov. 18)</h4></a></li></ul></div><div class="ad-and-callout fourteen columns"><div class="video-ad-wrap"><div class="left"><div data-plugin="lazyad" data-slot="192x90_1" data-size="192x90"></div></div><div class="ad-wrap left"><div class="ad-728x90"><div id="dfp_728x90_1" data-slot="728x90_1" data-size="728x90"><script type="text/javascript">googletag.display('dfp_728x90_1');</script></div></div></div><div class="left"><div data-plugin="lazyad" data-slot="192x90_2" data-size="192x90"></div></div></div></div><h2>Features</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Children's Hospital Volunteer Tom Sandler" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3949021161001" data-eid="76182"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Rady Children's Hospital Volunteer Need photo of Longtime Rady Children's volunteer Tom Sandler plays with children in the oncology playroom as he has for the last 20 years."><h4>Children's Hospital Volunteer Tom Sandler</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Father Joe's kids get a special treat" data-duration="1:49" data-id="3926402092001" data-eid="75924"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Father Joe's kids get a special treat"><h4>Father Joe's kids get a special treat</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="F35 STORY" data-duration="2:42" data-id="3880971389001" data-eid="75350"><a href=""><img src="" alt="F35 STORY"><h4>F35 STORY</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Saving a San Diego train car" data-duration="2:70" data-id="3853724322001" data-eid="74993"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Madison Kirkman is hoping to bring a McKeen Motor Car back to San Diego where it ran between downtown and the beach communities in the early 20th century."><h4>Saving a San Diego train car</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Proposal to remove cap on Taxicab permits" data-duration="2:35" data-id="3755072247001" data-eid="74007"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Proposal to remove cap on Taxicab permits"><h4>Proposal to remove cap on Taxicab permits</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Eric Chen packing for college" data-duration="2:49" data-id="3744159298001" data-eid="73880"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Eric Chen packing for college"><h4>Eric Chen packing for college</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Ebola Breakdown" data-duration="4:39" data-id="3738648941001" data-eid="73772"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="finding a cure for viruses has been dr. erica olmann saphire's mission. She is working at Scripps research institute with local company zmapp to find a cure for the ebola virus that has broken out now in several counteries. Kaushal Patel has more"></div><h4>Ebola Breakdown</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Miracle On The Mesa" data-duration="3:55" data-id="3723178703001" data-eid="73516"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Miracle On The Mesa"></div><h4>Miracle On The Mesa</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="History of Surf in SD" data-duration="4:43" data-id="3671448453001" data-eid="72566"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="How surf and beach culture shaped San Diego."></div><h4>History of Surf in SD</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The Cobbler" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3171534512001" data-eid="65893"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Cobbler"></div><h4>The Cobbler</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Warmth, Finally" data-duration="6:58" data-id="2855022972001" data-eid="63532"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Seventy years ago, Zane Gemmill entered WWII at the age of 19 as a B17 radio operator. He survived 50 combat missions and never shared the details with his family. At 65 years of age, his daugter Maureen read his journal, and discovered her father."></div><h4>Warmth, Finally</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Life After the Typhoon By Nelvin C. Cepeda & Kristina Le" data-duration="22:30" data-id="2977418598001" data-eid="64596"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Life After the Typhoon By Nelvin C. Cepeda & Kristina Le"></div><h4>Life After the Typhoon By Nelvin C. Cepeda & Kristina Le</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Life on a carrier" data-duration="7:52" data-id="3658072576001" data-eid="72251"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A day aboard the San Diego based Aircraft Carrier Carl Vinson"></div><h4>Life on a carrier</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Afghanistan security in question" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3657917550001" data-eid="72241"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Afghanistan security in question"></div><h4>Afghanistan security in question</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Farewell To Connie" data-duration="20:36" data-id="3431367718001" data-eid="68452"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="It was a city within a city. For 41 years, the carrier Constellation — home to as many as 5,500 sailors — operated out of San Diego Bay, where its island became part of the city’s skyline. More than 160,000 men and women served on " connie" during a p"></div><h4>Farewell To Connie</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The state of Afghanistan" data-duration="1:46" data-id="3547868818001" data-eid="69861"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A look back at the war and the state of Afghanistan as the U.S. plans to cease almost all combat operations there by year’s end."></div><h4>The state of Afghanistan</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Special Tribute: Tony Gwynn remembered" data-duration="15:00" data-id="3642577410001" data-eid="71913"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T San Diego sports writers recall their favotire memories of Tony Gwynn."></div><h4>Special Tribute: Tony Gwynn remembered</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Turmoil in Iraq hits home" data-duration="4:26" data-id="3637489738001" data-eid="71764"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Termoil in Iraq hits home"></div><h4>Turmoil in Iraq hits home</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Normal Heights Diversity" data-duration="3:60" data-id="3621662014001" data-eid="71450"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="In- Depth story about Normal Heights Diversity and demographics."></div><h4>Normal Heights Diversity</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Geeks who drink" data-duration="2:60" data-id="3083199388001" data-eid="65253"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="On Tuesdays at 8pm at The South Park Abbey, Geeks Who Drink trivia night draws a crowd of big-brained fun. It's social, smart, and even a bit rowdy."></div><h4>Geeks who drink</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="An American Christmas" data-duration="2:34" data-id="2957070916001" data-eid="64519"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Each year at the Hotel Del Coronado, Lamb's Players Theatre hosts " an american christmas", a 5 course dinner and interactive experience with the marshall family and their friends, 100 years in the past."></div><h4>An American Christmas</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Drive Thru Prayer" data-duration="1:21" data-id="2637189769001" data-eid="60273"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Drive Thru Prayer"></div><h4>Drive Thru Prayer</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego's New Central library" data-duration="4:26" data-id="2683932203001" data-eid="61094"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Over 30 years in the making, San Diego is ready to open it's new flagship, the Central Library. City Librarian Deborah Barrow and design architect Rob Quigley explain the importance of a modern library in today's society."></div><h4>San Diego's New Central library</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Behind the Freak Show" data-duration="3:90" data-id="2902580669001" data-eid="64034"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="La Jolla Playhouse has taken its makeup and costuming to a new level for their original production of " side show""></div><h4>Behind the Freak Show</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Watchdog</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Teacher firing case files" data-duration="3:42" data-id="3945968286001" data-eid="76154"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T Watchdog: Teacher firing case files"><h4>Teacher firing case files</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sacramento leaders get pay hikes" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3926561981001" data-eid="75926"><a href=""><img src="" alt="California already has the top-paid lawmakers in the nation, at $95,000 a year. Now, that number is going up. Legislators will make $97,000 a year starting this month. Plus, they get paid $163 a day extra just for showing up for work, and..."><h4>Sacramento leaders get pay hikes</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Dangerous candles, toys and more recalled" data-duration="0:54" data-id="3922258283001" data-eid="75861"><a href=""><img src="" alt="In the last few months, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has recalled dozens of products to protect consumers from harm. And U-T Watchdog took a look at products with known incidents or injury reports."><h4>Dangerous candles, toys and more recalled</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="DA's office management changes" data-duration="1:29" data-id="3920158112001" data-eid="75834"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A trio of veteran prosecutors who were tied to a political opponent of District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis have been removed from their management posts in the wake of Dumanis's successful re-election effort."><h4>DA's office management changes</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Cockroaches found in eateries" data-duration="1:13" data-id="3717942902001" data-eid="73428"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A U-T Watchdog review of health inspection records found that most problems were minor and quickly resolved, but the county repeatedly cited and closed down 11 establishments for major violations. The biggest culprit: cockroaches."><h4>Cockroaches found in eateries</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Leasing a dog? Really?" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3914364218001" data-eid="75778"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Anthony and Francoise Claessens entered the Oceanside Puppy pet store earlier this month looking to purchase a Bichon Frise puppy just days after losing their 7-year-old dog of the same breed. They left not as new dog owners, but saddled with a 27-mo"><h4>Leasing a dog? Really?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Head of charity laundry steps down" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3911584811001" data-eid="75744"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Customers at Auntie Helen's nonprofit thrift store in North Park probably never expected their money would help pay for a Palm Springs area nudist resort visit for the executive director. That's only one of the questionable purchases former..."></div><h4>Head of charity laundry steps down</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Ysidro pesticide warnings" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3911584853001" data-eid="75743"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Lawyers for the San Ysidro School District charged the district more than $35,000 to defend a lawsuit that asks officials to comply with state law and post notices when pesticides are used on campus. Attorney Jason Turner, who represents a mother..."></div><h4>San Ysidro pesticide warnings</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="How 'the OC' gets dead voters off the rolls" data-duration="1:21" data-id="3909683088001" data-eid="75708"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="In San Diego County, many deceased voters remain registered to vote. In Orange County, they have taken extra steps to clear them off the rolls."></div><h4>How 'the OC' gets dead voters off the rolls</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Was San Ysidro told of settlement offer?" data-duration="2:41" data-id="3904222786001" data-eid="75623"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Art Castañares of EcoBusiness Alliance tells U-T Watchdog that his company's settlement offer on an $18 million lawsuit against San Ysidro schools was never communicated to the school board."></div><h4>Was San Ysidro told of settlement offer?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="State moves to close Escondido day care" data-duration="1:36" data-id="3900265465001" data-eid="75563"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="An Escondido chain of day-care centers that’s facing the loss of its five state licenses has been accused of new violations even as it appeals the previous ones."></div><h4>State moves to close Escondido day care</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Water use spikes at Waterfront Park" data-duration="1:43" data-id="3900387445001" data-eid="75562"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The county administration complex on San Diego’s downtown waterfront has been using 1.3 million more gallons of water per month since a popular new park and splashy water feature went in."></div><h4>Water use spikes at Waterfront Park</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="A whale of an increase in SeaWorld water use" data-duration="1:11" data-id="3895831519001" data-eid="75510"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The theme park saw a 25 percent increase from 2012 to 2013, but promises it will cut back this year."></div><h4>A whale of an increase in SeaWorld water use</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The 'Impossible Railroad,' indeed" data-duration="1:15" data-id="3888524905001" data-eid="75430"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The investor group that was awarded a 99-year lease by Metropolitan Transit System to resurrect the dormant Desert Line railroad hasn’t been able to reach a key agreement with officials in Mexico, dashing hopes for a binational railroad that economic"></div><h4>The 'Impossible Railroad,' indeed</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Where does the money go?" data-duration="2:40" data-id="3886006213001" data-eid="75392"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Raising money in the name of veterans can be easier than other causes. But does it all go to help those who served?"></div><h4>Where does the money go?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="DA won't prosecute 'dead voter' cases" data-duration="1:28" data-id="3865543200001" data-eid="75098"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis has declined to prosecute two cases of possible voter fraud referred over the summer, including one case where 14 absentee ballots appear to have been cast in the name of a woman who died in 1998."></div><h4>DA won't prosecute 'dead voter' cases</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Wining and dining under the First Amendment" data-duration="1:70" data-id="3863221358001" data-eid="75079"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Lawyers for two companies accused in a corruption probe at Sweetwater schools are arguing they should not have to give back construction contract proceeds because the meals, trips and tickets they used to ply officials were protected free speech."></div><h4>Wining and dining under the First Amendment</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sexual harassment alleged at federal office" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3861563792001" data-eid="75065"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Two lawsuits against an obscure federal agency could end up costing Chula Vista taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. The agency is called HIDTA, or a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area."></div><h4>Sexual harassment alleged at federal office</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="DeMaio says Peters promotes allegations" data-duration="1:19" data-id="3849855724001" data-eid="74938"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Congressional candidate Carl DeMaio is making national news, claiming that Representative Scott Peters is actively promoting sexual harassment allegations against DeMaio."></div><h4>DeMaio says Peters promotes allegations</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Attorney General starts catching up on reports" data-duration="3:22" data-id="3841669160001" data-eid="74863"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Attorney General Kamala Harris has issued eight reports in the past month on criminal justice issues such as firearms, juvenile offenders and hate crimes — all published after U-T Watchdog reported that Harris was missing report deadlines by months o"></div><h4>Attorney General starts catching up on reports</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Educational program sanctioned on claims" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3841638283001" data-eid="74862"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A San Diego company that sells educational software promising it will improve grades and SAT scores — with “Jeopardy” host Alex Trebek as pitchman — has settled charges of deceptive marketing with federal regulators."></div><h4>Educational program sanctioned on claims</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="'Pain is beauty, honey.'" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3837294281001" data-eid="74798"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="That's what one customer was told while experiencing first and second degree burns on her scalp visiting a salon in San Diego County."></div><h4>'Pain is beauty, honey.'</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Should Dumanis even take DeMaio case?" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3830797381001" data-eid="74741"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and her public affairs staff declined to answer questions on Thursday about whether she might recuse herself from potential criminal proceedings involving the May break-in at the headquarters of political ally Carl De"></div><h4>Should Dumanis even take DeMaio case?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Commander seeks front line support on pension issue" data-duration="0:58" data-id="3826163303001" data-eid="74666"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="David Myers wears two hats. He's a commander in the sheriff's office, and a representative on the county pension board. The roles came together recently, as Myers felt strongly that the pension board should keep consultant Lee Partridge of Texas..."></div><h4>Commander seeks front line support on pension issue</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Business</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Record year for tourism" data-duration="1:33" data-id="3948816203001" data-eid="76174"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Record year for tourism"><h4>Record year for tourism</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Pace of home-price appreciation in the county falls" data-duration="1:21" data-id="3946259610001" data-eid="76157"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>Pace of home-price appreciation in the county falls</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sea World Ceo Resigns" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3939428177001" data-eid="76104"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Sea World CEO resigns and housing rental prices rise"><h4>Sea World Ceo Resigns</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Qualcomm lays off over 600 people" data-duration="1:27" data-id="3935108717001" data-eid="76041"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>Qualcomm lays off over 600 people</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Gasoline in San Diego under $3" data-duration="1:16" data-id="3932948392001" data-eid="75981"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Gasoline in San Diego under $3"><h4>Gasoline in San Diego under $3</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Job gains put US on pace for best growth since '99" data-duration="1:24" data-id="3926610662001" data-eid="75928"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Nonfarm payrolls surged by 321,000 in November, the most in nearly three years. And the unemployment rate remained steady at 5.8 percent, matching a six-year low."><h4>Job gains put US on pace for best growth since '99</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="State's gasoline use is on the rise" data-duration="1:31" data-id="3922266198001" data-eid="75862"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SAYS CONSUMERS BOUGHT 14-POINT-FIVE-SEVEN BILLION GALLONS OF GASOLINE IN THE FISCAL YEAR THAT ENDED JUNE 30. THAT WAS UP ZERO-POINT-NINE PERCENT FROM THE PREVIOUS YEAR, AND THE FIRST INCREASE SINCE 2006."></div><h4>State's gasoline use is on the rise</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Salary to buy a home" data-duration="1:34" data-id="3920174904001" data-eid="75839"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="IT'S NO SECRET THAT HOMES IN SAN DIEGO ARE EXPENSIVE, BUT HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO THE REST OF THE NATION?"></div><h4>Salary to buy a home</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Uber Black Friday discounts" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3911593290001" data-eid="75745"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="If you're out shopping this week, but don't want to waste time parking -- Uber has the answer. The popular ridesharing service is offering $10 discounts to and from six popular malls from Black Friday through Sunday. You can get up to two rides..."></div><h4>Uber Black Friday discounts</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Home price appreciation in San Diego slowed" data-duration="1:19" data-id="3909730671001" data-eid="75710"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="AFTER A SLUGGISH SUMMER, THE PACE OF HOME PRICE APPRECIATION IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY SLOWED AGAIN IN SEPTEMBER."></div><h4>Home price appreciation in San Diego slowed</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="HOLIDAY SHOPPING OUTLOOK" data-duration="3:13" data-id="3907945511001" data-eid="75686"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="We discuss what consumers are looking for most this Black Friday."></div><h4>HOLIDAY SHOPPING OUTLOOK</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="SD neighborhoods star in new videos" data-duration="1:13" data-id="3900180080001" data-eid="75557"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="LOCAL RESTAURANTS ON THE VERGE OF FAILURE MAY HAVE A SHOT AT A STARRING ROLE IN A NEW REALITY TV SHOW. EYEWORKS USA, A LOS ANGELES AREA COMPANY THAT HAS PRODUCED SUCH REALITY SHOWS AS " bar rescue" and "extreme weight loss," is casting about for..."></div><h4>SD neighborhoods star in new videos</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Hillcrest block up for sale" data-duration="1:19" data-id="3897960607001" data-eid="75534"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A KEY HILLCREST BLOCK IS UP FOR SALE WITH POSSIBLE REDEVELOPMENT COMING IN THE NEXT DECADE."></div><h4>Hillcrest block up for sale</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Ralphs to hire 1,200 employees in SoCal" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3892183019001" data-eid="75476"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="RALPH'S GROCERY COMPANY ANNOUNCED FRIDAY IT PLANS TO HIRE 1,200 NEW PERMANENT EMPLOYEES ACROSS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. THE LOS ANGELES-BASED SUPERMARKET CHAIN IS HIRING FOR ALL POSITIONS, INCLUDING FRONT END, DELI, BAKERY AND STORE CLERK POSITIONS."></div><h4>Ralphs to hire 1,200 employees in SoCal</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Give the Change" data-duration="4:56" data-id="3890515600001" data-eid="75452"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A NEW SAN DIEGO BASED COMPANY IS TRYING TO CHANGE THE WAY PEOPLE GIVE. THE COMPANY IS CALLED GIVE THE CHANGE WHICH IS HELPING NON-PROFITS RAISE MORE MONEY. STEPHEN STATLER, THE CEO OF GIVE THE CHANGE JOINS ME IN STUDIO."></div><h4>Give the Change</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Seaworld's earnings drop" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3888566403001" data-eid="75432"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="SEAWORLD'S EARNINGS PLUNGED 28 PERCENT IN THE THIRD QUARTER."></div><h4>Seaworld's earnings drop</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Green Flash acquires Alpine" data-duration="1:80" data-id="3886623874001" data-eid="75407"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="TWO OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY'S MOST CELEBRATED BREWERIES HAVE MERGED. GREEN FLASH AND ALPINE BREWERY SIGNED A DEAL MONDAY TO JOIN FORCES, AS THE REGION CELEBRATED SAN DIEGO BEER WEEK. THAT MEANS GREEN FLASH WILL BEGIN BOTTLING ALPINE BEERS IN 2015."></div><h4>Green Flash acquires Alpine</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Unemployment drops but wages haven't improved much" data-duration="1:24" data-id="3881334778001" data-eid="75354"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="YOUR JOB PROSPECTS ARE IMPROVING, BUT YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING A SIGNIFICANT RAISE? NOT SO MUCH"></div><h4>Unemployment drops but wages haven't improved much</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Phil Mickelson lists his home for sale" data-duration="0:55" data-id="3878475940001" data-eid="75254"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Professional golfer Phil Mickelson, who won the 2005 PGA Championship, has listed his Rancho Santa Fe estate for sale for $5.99 million. Mickelson, 44, a native San Diegan known as " lefty," is selling the 4.55 acre property for about $49,000..."></div><h4>Phil Mickelson lists his home for sale</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Bullying in the workplace" data-duration="1:43" data-id="3869561434001" data-eid="75149"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A UCSD employee talks about his experiences under a bullying supervisor and the new law intended to limit potential abuse."></div><h4>Bullying in the workplace</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="British retailer hits Fashion Valley mall" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3869434841001" data-eid="75162"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>British retailer hits Fashion Valley mall</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="18.5M Californians lose data to hackers" data-duration="1:16" data-id="3865564635001" data-eid="75099"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL KAMALA HARRIS REPORTED THE STEEP RISE ON TUESDAY. HER REPORT SAID EIGHTEEN-AND-A-HALF MILLION CALIFORNIANS WERE INVOLVED IN DATA BREACHES LAST YEAR -- UP FROM TWO-AND-A-HALF MILLION IN 2012."></div><h4>18.5M Californians lose data to hackers</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Alexan tower with 'hat' OKd" data-duration="1:51" data-id="3863242136001" data-eid="75080"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="It's the Alexan, an 18 story apartment building in downtown's East Village. One of Civic San Diego's directors who ruled in favor of the project praised the design and its distinctive rooftop " hat." the four-foot structure actually is just an..."></div><h4>Alexan tower with 'hat' OKd</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Linkage fees approved" data-duration="2:12" data-id="3853538802001" data-eid="74981"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>Linkage fees approved</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Partners</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="3:80" data-id="3937445495001" data-eid="76078"><a href=""><img src="" alt="This week U-T Realty expert Sari Harner tells us the each side of the new vs. old housing debate. Check her list to see wheather a new or a resale home is right for your family!"><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="2:54" data-id="3924309720001" data-eid="75898"><a href=""><img src="" alt="This week U-T Realty Expert Sari Harner explains the easily overlooked pitfalls of buying a tempting priced foreclosure..."><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Spotlight on San Diego Real Estate" data-duration="13:32" data-id="3911730390001" data-eid="75755"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Looking for a home in the San Diego area? We are currently profiling houses in the area from feature realtors: Neil Libinin Allied Gardens, Robert Richley Point Loma, The Zaragozas in Coronado, Amy Cook in San Diego, Palo Verde at the Foothills......"><h4>Spotlight on San Diego Real Estate</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="3:28" data-id="3911489587001" data-eid="75742"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T Realty Expert Sari Harner comes back with this week's Property Perspective by Sari to warn home owners about the most common code violations and how you can prevent a safety disaster in your home this winter..."><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="3:20" data-id="3879573535001" data-eid="75265"><a href=""><img src="" alt="This week on Property Perspective by Sari host and U-T real estate expert Sari Harner tells us the importiantce of title insurance and what you can do right now to prevent a huge headache in the future..."><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="3:14" data-id="3902497397001" data-eid="75595"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T Realty expert Sari Harner tells us all we need to know (And the help that may be available) for all the first time home buyers in the area and why you might be one- even if you've owned a house before!"><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Spotlight on San Diego Real Estate" data-duration="8:10" data-id="3869503261001" data-eid="75159"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Neil Libin Real Living Lifestyles 5576 Elgin Ave Cindy Davis: 1990 White Oak Court, San Marcos Kathy Koop, Berkshire Hathaway 10 Ocean Court Coronado Michael Kenyon, Ascent Realty 1285 Brooks Terrace, San Diego Carmel Pacific Ridge Linda Vista 92110"></div><h4>Spotlight on San Diego Real Estate</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Spotlight on San Diego Real Estate" data-duration="8:10" data-id="3869503261001" data-eid="75151"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Neil Libin Real Living Lifestyles 5576 Elgin Ave Cindy Davis: 1990 White Oak Court, San Marcos Kathy Koop, Berkshire Hathaway 10 Ocean Court Coronado Michael Kenyon, Ascent Realty 1285 Brooks Terrace, San Diego Carmel Pacific Ridge Linda Vista 92110"></div><h4>Spotlight on San Diego Real Estate</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="3:18" data-id="3869102653001" data-eid="75143"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="This week U-T Real Estate expert Sari Harner gives us great tips on going green & lowing your water & energy bills on Property Perspective by Sari."></div><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="2:35" data-id="3803832185001" data-eid="74460"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="This week on Property Perspective by Sari host Sari Harner tells us if it's a good time to buy an investment property."></div><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="2:42" data-id="3843354179001" data-eid="74875"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Property Perspective by Sari"></div><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET: threats to medical data pt1" data-duration="7:50" data-id="3238178898001" data-eid="66355"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET: threats to medical data pt1"></div><h4>ESET: threats to medical data pt1</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET: protecting kids online pt2" data-duration="7:53" data-id="3186708411001" data-eid="65960"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET: protecting kids online pt2"></div><h4>ESET: protecting kids online pt2</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET with Stephen Cobb part 1" data-duration="6:16" data-id="3054224578001" data-eid="65034"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET with Stephen Cobb part 1"></div><h4>ESET with Stephen Cobb part 1</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET Go Explore (3:30HD)" data-duration="3:29" data-id="3701697843001" data-eid="73114"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET Go Explore (3:30HD)"></div><h4>ESET Go Explore (3:30HD)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET Go Explore (1:20HD)" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3701733073001" data-eid="73112"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET Go Explore (1:20HD)"></div><h4>ESET Go Explore (1:20HD)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET: threats to medical data pt2" data-duration="7:33" data-id="3238116135001" data-eid="66359"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET: threats to medical data pt2"></div><h4>ESET: threats to medical data pt2</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET: protecting kids online pt1" data-duration="7:33" data-id="3186745667001" data-eid="65961"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET: protecting kids online pt1"></div><h4>ESET: protecting kids online pt1</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET with Stephen Cobb part 2" data-duration="8:15" data-id="3054224555001" data-eid="65033"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET with Stephen Cobb part 2"></div><h4>ESET with Stephen Cobb part 2</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET - Data Privacy Day" data-duration="12:18" data-id="3114671879001" data-eid="65482"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET - Data Privacy Day"></div><h4>ESET - Data Privacy Day</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="ESET Go Explore (:30HD)" data-duration="0:30" data-id="3701744673001" data-eid="73113"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ESET Go Explore (:30HD)"></div><h4>ESET Go Explore (:30HD)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="2:52" data-id="3833084136001" data-eid="74759"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Property Perspective by Sari"></div><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="2:50" data-id="3819726326001" data-eid="74624"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Real Estate expert Sari Harner tells us the pros and cons of reverse mortgages and weather they are right for you or your loved one on this week's Property Perspective by Sari."></div><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Property Perspective by Sari" data-duration="2:40" data-id="3806559295001" data-eid="74484"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="This week on Property Perspective by Sari host Sari Harner lets us in on the good and the bad side of real estate investment trusts (REITS) and why it may be a great option for you to get into the real estate market with little money upfront."></div><h4>Property Perspective by Sari</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Taylor Time</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Circus therapy" data-duration="1:90" data-id="3945840265001" data-eid="76150"><a href=""><img src="" alt="It might seem like fun and games, but at the Circus Arts Institute in Atlanta, it's all about fitness. Juggling, twirling and flipping are actually a form of physical and mental training. The Circus Arts Institute offers an opportunity to learn..."><h4>Medical Minute: Circus therapy</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Diabetic tips to enjoy holiday food" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3943266170001" data-eid="76131"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Holiday dinners can be difficult for diabetics, because everything you! eat affects your blood sugar. However, reading labels before you cook can keep your holiday feasts festive."><h4>Medical Minute: Diabetic tips to enjoy holiday food</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Live longer, stay leaner, boost your mood." data-duration="1:26" data-id="3939196096001" data-eid="76097"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Medical Minute: Live longer, stay leaner, boost your mood."><h4>Medical Minute: Live longer, stay leaner, boost your mood.</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Music therapy" data-duration="1:24" data-id="3934964414001" data-eid="76040"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Some medical professionals have been using music to help with their healing practices. In today's medical minute, we look at one program that's bringing smiles and changing the lives of their young patients. Jennifer Puckett owns a music therapy..."><h4>Medical Minute: Music therapy</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Overcoming disabilities with theater" data-duration="1:14" data-id="3932736080001" data-eid="75976"><a href=""><img src="" alt="An Atlanta theater company is giving those with disabilities a chance to shine. In today's medical minute, you'll learn their performance is much more than just entertainment! Jerry's Habima Theatre - features a cast of actors with..."><h4>Medical Minute: Overcoming disabilities with theater</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Foods to eat within age" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3930542360001" data-eid="75961"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Dieticians say- a simple way to eat better is to fill your cart with some " must have" foods packed with nutrients your body requires as you grow older. in your twenties --- she suggests eating plenty of calcium-rich foods like yogurt, milk..."><h4>Medical Minute: Foods to eat within age</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Flu vaccine less effective this year" data-duration="1:51" data-id="3926318955001" data-eid="75922"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The C-D-C says - the current virus has mutated, making this year's vaccination less effective. In an advisory to doctors, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said- flu virus samples taken from October 1st through November 22nd showed..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Flu vaccine less effective this year</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Soft bedding unsafe for babies" data-duration="0:56" data-id="3922117101001" data-eid="75858"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at data from 1993 to 2010 in the national sleep position study. Although the use of infant bedding has declined in recent years - the study found about 55-percent of parents..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Soft bedding unsafe for babies</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Tanning addiction?" data-duration="2:46" data-id="3919970014001" data-eid="75832"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="People who frequently tan on the beach or in tanning booths may be genetically dependent on that bronzed look, like those who have a substance dependence. That's the conclusion of a new study led by Yale University researchers."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Tanning addiction?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Exercise helps treat depression" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3918085850001" data-eid="75801"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Millions of Americans suffer from depression - and have found relief from the symptoms by using antidepressant medications. But most cases of depression can be treated by simply exercising."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Exercise helps treat depression</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Weight-loss technology" data-duration="0:59" data-id="3911431007001" data-eid="75740"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Fit bits… fit bugs… fuel bands… up's… and vivo-fits. Everybody's got one, and it seems like every company is making theM For the uninitiated, these wearable fitness devices clip on your belt, strap around your wrist or hang around your neck, and..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Weight-loss technology</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="5 money lessons for raising thankful kids" data-duration="4:38" data-id="3909744982001" data-eid="75711"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Gratitude...It's one of the toughest lessons to teach our kids, but one of the most important. Financial professional Steve Sexton from Sexton Advisory Group is here with 5 money lessons for raising thankful kids."></div><h4>5 money lessons for raising thankful kids</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: New calorie label rules" data-duration="1:25" data-id="3909590086001" data-eid="75707"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The F-D-A is set to finalize rules requiring calorie information to be listed at places- including convenience stores, movie theaters, chain restaurants, amusement parks -- even vending machines!"></div><h4>Medical Minute: New calorie label rules</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Nicotine Addiction" data-duration="2:43" data-id="3907759184001" data-eid="75678"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Nicotine addiction involves a newly discovered kind of neuron - that also activates during nicotine with-drawal, according to a study led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute. This could guide development of better therapies to help..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Nicotine Addiction</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Treating Alzheimer's Disease" data-duration="5:25" data-id="3903980848001" data-eid="75617"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Medical Minute: Treating Alzheimer's Disease"></div><h4>Medical Minute: Treating Alzheimer's Disease</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: RSV symptoms in babies" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3901997174001" data-eid="75586"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="It starts out like the common cold. But your baby could have R-S-V. Peak season for R-S-V is November through April. The virus may only cause mild symptoms in healthy infants. Typical symptoms include a runny nose, cough, congestion."></div><h4>Medical Minute: RSV symptoms in babies</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Kiss of bacteria" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3899928231001" data-eid="75554"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Not to be a buzz kill - but, A ten second french kiss can transfer as many as 80 million bacteria to the other person. That's according to a new study just published in the Medical Journal..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Kiss of bacteria</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Ebola-tracking app" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3897767195001" data-eid="75528"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Two brothers from South Africa created the Ebola Care App. App developers Philip (jew-burr) Joubert and his brother - just moved from South Africa to Palo Alto to do business. Aid workers told them the biggest issue they experienced there was..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Ebola-tracking app</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Tips to stay healthy while flying" data-duration="1:27" data-id="3895691888001" data-eid="75509"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>Medical Minute: Tips to stay healthy while flying</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Obamacare open enrollment" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3891980226001" data-eid="75473"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Open enrollment for obama-care kicks off saturday. And that means millions of people - will be logging on to Healthcare-dot-gov - to choose their health insurance coverage plans for 20-15. The obama administrations says - people will have more..."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Obamacare open enrollment</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: surprising facts about cardiac health" data-duration="1:25" data-id="3890344697001" data-eid="75449"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Medical Minute: surprising facts about cardiac health"></div><h4>Medical Minute: surprising facts about cardiac health</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Pets bring health benefits" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3888328500001" data-eid="75427"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="We all know pets can be fun, but they can also have physical and mental health benefits. Whether it be a dog, a cat, or some other creature. Interacting with a pet may bring some surprising health benefits."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Pets bring health benefits</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Prescription compliance" data-duration="1:60" data-id="3886498094001" data-eid="75400"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="When it comes to prescriptions, following your doctor's orders is critical. Whether you use over-the-counter- or prescription medicine - it most likely means you're looking for something to make you feel better."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Prescription compliance</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Medical Minute: Decoding the restaurant menu" data-duration="1:19" data-id="3884754479001" data-eid="75377"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="" medical minute: decoding the restaurant menu" are you planning to dine out tonight -- and maybe wish you could more easily find something a little healthier on the menu? if so, here's a few tips on cracking that restaurant menu code."></div><h4>Medical Minute: Decoding the restaurant menu</h4></a></li></ul></div><div class="ad-and-callout fourteen columns"><div class="video-ad-wrap"><div class="left"><div data-plugin="lazyad" data-slot="192x90_3" data-size="192x90"></div></div><div class="ad-wrap left"><div class="ad-728x90"><div data-plugin="lazyad" data-slot="728x90_2" 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