Transurban Credit Reporting Policy | Transurban Group

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.ec-calendar--text-width to limit width to text max--> <div class="ec-calendar fn_ec-calendar ec-calendar--content "> <!-- component title --> <!-- don't render if not specified --> <div class="ec-calendar__title"> <h3>Transurban Credit Reporting Policy</h3> </div> <ul class="ec-calendar__list"> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-98642578-7d79-4874-b0b0-86f451c506a9" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">1. Our Privacy Commitment</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-98642578-7d79-4874-b0b0-86f451c506a9" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>At Transurban we take privacy seriously. We are committed to our customers and the communities in which we operate, and to protecting our customers’ privacy.</li><li>Our Credit Reporting Policy outlines the commitment of Transurban and its Subsidiaries (“Transurban” or “we”, “us” or “our”) to protect the privacy of our customers’ credit-related personal information (“credit information”) we receive in the conduct of our business.</li><li>Transurban complies with the credit reporting provisions in Part IIIA of the Privacy Act and the Credit Reporting Code registered under the Privacy Act.</li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-b08bee7a-9b97-4f35-8a16-5ab9bd84249e" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">2. What does our Credit Reporting Policy do?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-b08bee7a-9b97-4f35-8a16-5ab9bd84249e" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>Our Credit Reporting Policy describes how we look after the credit information we collect including the kinds of credit information we collect, why we collect it, and how we hold, use and disclose it.</li><li>By using our products or services or by providing credit information to us, you agree to the terms of our Credit Reporting Policy.</li><li>We may need to change our Credit Reporting Policy. If we do, we will post the updated version on this page, on our website at <a href=""></a>, and on each relevant retail brand website. The updated version will take effect from the date stated at the top of the Credit Reporting Policy.</li><li>If the changes are significant, we will aim to provide a more prominent notice of the change and, where possible, send our customers a notification of the changes. We encourage you to check our website from time to time to ensure that you are aware of our current Credit Reporting Policy and how it applies to you.</li><li>This policy does not apply to the collection or use of credit information about corporations.</li><li>We are also committed to ensuring that all personal information (including credit information) that we collect is managed in accordance with the Privacy Act and other applicable laws protecting privacy. Our Privacy Policy explains how Transurban manages personal information. A copy of our Privacy Policy is available on our website at <a href=""></a> and on each relevant retail brand website.</li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-7351f618-127a-4a31-acca-54d850ae2dc6" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">3. What credit information do we collect from you?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-7351f618-127a-4a31-acca-54d850ae2dc6" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>Transurban collects information about customer accounts, payments and defaults in the normal course of its business operations.<br /> </li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-fa229df5-e880-4009-8de6-b2e1f4dbdc27" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">4. What credit information do we collect from Credit Reporting Bodies?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-fa229df5-e880-4009-8de6-b2e1f4dbdc27" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>Transurban collects credit information about companies and individuals from Credit Reporting Bodies.<br /> </li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-2640425d-f4ef-455b-82e6-d8106f8c183e" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">5. What credit information do we disclose to Credit Reporting Bodies?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-2640425d-f4ef-455b-82e6-d8106f8c183e" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>Transurban may disclose credit information (including default information) about you to Credit Reporting Bodies and debt collection companies if you are in payment default.</li><li>The types of credit information that we may disclose to Credit Reporting Bodies include:<ol><li>identification information, such as your name, address, date of birth and driver&#39;s licence number; and </li><li>information about a payment default, including the fact that you have defaulted on a payment and the amount of the default.</li></ol> </li><li>We will give you at least 14 days&#39; notice before we disclose default information to a Credit Reporting Body. We do not disclose any credit information to any person located outside Australia.</li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-f46570f7-2204-466f-b305-c9003394fadb" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">6. How do we secure your information?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-f46570f7-2204-466f-b305-c9003394fadb" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>We use reasonable safeguards and security measures to ensure credit information we hold about you is protected from risks such as misuse, interference, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We use a number of physical and electronic measures to protect your credit information.</li><li>However, the Internet is not a secure environment. Although due care is taken, we cannot guarantee the security of information provided to us via electronic means or stored electronically.</li><li>Credit information is only retained for as long as is necessary for the identified purposes or as required by law.</li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-ffcc605e-3472-42d4-af5d-db13f935bec1" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">7. How can you access and correct your credit information?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-ffcc605e-3472-42d4-af5d-db13f935bec1" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>You have a right to access credit information that we hold about you. You may also request that we correct any credit information that we hold about you that you believe may be inaccurate.</li><li>If you think that any credit information we hold about you is inaccurate, you may <a href="/content/linkt/en_au/archive/linkt-content-archive/content2/contact-us.html">contact us</a>. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that the information is corrected.</li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-3f5b485f-c69b-46d9-a6f0-e31ef4a8813c" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">8. Complaints and External Dispute Resolution</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-3f5b485f-c69b-46d9-a6f0-e31ef4a8813c" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>If you wish to make a complaint about the way we have handled your credit information, or if you believe we have not complied with our obligations under the credit reporting provisions in Part IIIA of the Privacy Act or in the Credit Reporting Code, you may do so by <a href="/content/linkt/en_au/archive/linkt-content-archive/content2/contact-us.html">contacting us</a> in writing. Please:<ol><li>include your contact details (such as email address, name, address and telephone number).</li><li>clearly describe your concerns.</li></ol> </li><li>We will acknowledge your complaint within two business days. We will aim to give you an initial response within 14 days and, depending on the complexity of your complaint, we will aim to finalise our response to your complaint within 30-45 days.</li><li>If you are not satisfied with our response, you may also contact the relevant regulator such as the Australian Information Commissioner or the Tolling Customer Ombudsman. As at the date of this Credit Reporting Policy, the contact details are as follows:<br /> <br /> <b>Tolling Customer Ombudsman</b><br /> PO Box 7095<br /> Hawthorn North VIC 3122<br /> <br /> Phone: <a href="tel:&#43;611800145009">1800 145 009</a><br /> Email: <a href="mailto:admin&#64;">admin&#64;</a><br /> Website: <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> <b>Office of the Australian Information Commissioner</b><br /> GPO Box 5218<br /> Sydney NSW 2001<br /> <br /> Phone: <a href="tel:&#43;611300363992">1300 363 992</a><br /> Email: <a href="mailto:enquiries&#64;">enquiries&#64;</a><br /> Online: <a href=""></a></li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-a9d8a01c-afe3-4721-a84c-10fe9d073a6d" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">9. Do you need further information?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-a9d8a01c-afe3-4721-a84c-10fe9d073a6d" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion" style=""><li>For further information about our Credit Reporting Policy or our privacy policies or practices please visit our website at and the website of the retail brand relevant to you.</li><li>Alternatively, you can contact the Transurban Privacy Officer by email on <a href="mailto:privacy&#64;">privacy&#64;</a>.</li><li>You can also <a href="/content/linkt/en_au/archive/linkt-content-archive/content2/contact-us.html">contact us</a>.</li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-8e9ebdbf-9b65-4eab-aecb-bcdf5f6a51bd" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">10. Definitions</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-8e9ebdbf-9b65-4eab-aecb-bcdf5f6a51bd" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion_cop_580817547"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><ol class="legal-accordion start-10"><li>This Credit Reporting Policy applies to the following entities:<ol><li>each of Transurban International Limited (ABN 90 121 746 825), Transurban Holdings Limited (ABN 86 098 143 429) and Transurban Holding Trust (ARSN 098 807 419) by its responsible entity Transurban Infrastructure Management Limited (ABN 27 098 147 678) and each of its Subsidiaries.</li><li>Queensland Motorways Holding Pty Limited (ACN 150 265 197) (also known as Transurban Queensland) and each of its Subsidiaries, as applicable.</li><li>all the retail brands that operate under those Transurban entities, including but not limited to Transurban Linkt, Linkt and Roam.</li></ol> </li></ol> <p><b>Credit Reporting Body</b><br /> means those credit reporting bodies Transurban may deal with from time to time. As at the date of this Credit Reporting Policy, Transurban deals with Equifax Australia Information Systems and Solutions Pty Limited (ABN 26 000 602 862) and Illion Australia (ABN 95 006 399 677).</p> <p><b>Credit Reporting Code</b><br /> means the Credit Reporting Privacy Code registered under the Privacy Act.</p> <p><b>personal information</b><br /> means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or about an individual who is reasonably identifiable.</p> <p><b>Privacy Act</b><br /> means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).</p> <p><b>Subsidiary</b><br /> means, in respect of a company, trust or other entity, a subsidiary of that entity within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or an entity which is, for the purposes of section 50AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), under the “control” of that entity.<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!--END ec calendar--> <!-- END ec-calendar module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END ec-calendar module wrapper --></div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="newpar new section"> </div> <div class="par iparys_inherited"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="react-components-root"></div> <div> <div class="xfpage page basicpage"> <div class="xf-content-height"> <div class="root responsivegrid"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="globalfooter aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- Start: Desktop footer --> <div class="new-footer"> <div class="l-padding cf"> <div class="footer__content-container cf"> <!-- .section div to replicate AEM--> <!-- NOTE: do not add this div into the AEM component--> <div class="section"> <div class="module module--social-links"> <!-- START social-links module wrapper --> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <!-- START social-links module content --> <!-- START: social linke--> <div class="social-links"> <ul class="social-links__list"> <li> <!-- href should be editable--> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-links__link"> <div class="icon--social-media-linkedin icon--white icon--small" data-grunticon-embed="icon"></div> <span class="text">LinkedIn</span> </a> </li> <li> <!-- href should be editable--> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-links__link"> <div class="icon--social-media-facebook icon--white icon--small" data-grunticon-embed="icon"></div> <span class="text">Facebook</span> </a> </li> <li> <!-- href should be editable--> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-links__link"> <div class="icon--social-media-youtube icon--white icon--small" data-grunticon-embed="icon"></div> <span class="text">YouTube</span> </a> </li> <li> <!-- href should be editable--> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-links__link"> <div class="icon--social-media-medium icon--white icon--small" data-grunticon-embed="icon"></div> <span class="text">Medium</span> </a> </li> <li> <!-- href should be editable--> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-links__link"> <div class="icon--social-media-instagram icon--white icon--x-small" data-grunticon-embed="icon"></div> <span class="text">Instagram</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- END: social linke--> <!-- END social-links module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END social-links module wrapper --> </div> </div> <p data-emptytext="React | Share Price Compact View Component" class="cq-placeholder"></p> <div data-component="SharePriceCompactView" data-json-author="{&#34;linkurl&#34;:&#34;/content/transurban/en_au/content/investor-centre/share-price.html&#34;,&#34;sharelabel&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;datetext&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;backgroundcolor&#34;:&#34;investor-tile--bg-primary&#34;,&#34;transparent&#34;:&#34;&#34;}"></div> <div class="footer__links fn_footer__links link-icons-disabled cf"> <ul> <li> <a class="fn_footer__link" href="/corporate-governance.html">Corporate governance</a> </li> <li> <a class="fn_footer__link" href="/suppliers.html">Suppliers and contractors</a> </li> <li> <a class="fn_footer__link" href="/contact-us.html">Contact us</a> </li> <li> <a class="fn_footer__link" href="/social.html">Connect with us on social</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer__copy"> <div class="footer__logo-container"> <!-- wrapper for footer logo--> <div class="footer__logo-wrapper"> <a href="/home.html"> <img height="17px" width="110px" src="/etc.clientlibs/digitalcms/clientlibs/legacy.ui/resources/img/New_transurban_logo.svg"/> </img> </a> </div> </div> <div class="copyright"> <p style="margin: 0px;"><p>© Copyright 2024 Transurban Limited. 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