DOI - JACoW-FEL2017-WEP040

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Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'17), Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 20-25, 2017" /> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Craievich, Paolo" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="A脽mann, Ralph" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Bopp, Markus" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Braun, Hans-Heinrich" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Catal谩n Lasheras, Nuria" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Christie, Florian" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="D'Arcy, Richard" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Ganter, Romain" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Grudiev, Alexej" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Marchetti, Barbara" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Marx, Daniel" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="McMonagle, Gerard" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Pedrozzi, Marco" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Prat, Eduard" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Reiche, Sven" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Wuensch, Walter" /> <meta name="DC.creator" content="Zennaro, Riccardo" /> <meta name="DC.issued" content="meta_cit_date" /> <meta name="dcterms:issued" content="2018" /> <meta name="DC.title" content="Sub-Femtosecond Time-Resolved Measurements Based on a Variable Polarization X-Band Transverse Deflecting Structures for SwissFEL" /> <meta name="DC.publisher" content="JACOW, Geneva, Switzerland" /> <meta name="DC.citation.spage" content="499" /> <meta name="DC.citation.epage" content="502" /> <meta name="DC:identifier" content="info:doi/10.18429/JACoW-FEL2017-WEP040" /> <meta name="dcterms:isPartOf" content="urn:ISBN:978-3-95450-179-3" /> <meta name="DC.subject" content="ion, FEL, undulator, diagnostics, polarization" /> <meta name="citation_language" content="en" /> <meta name="dcterms:bibliographicCitation" content="38th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'17), Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 20-25, 2017" /> <meta name="DC.identifier" content="" /> <title>DOI - JACoW-FEL2017-WEP040</title> </head> <body> <a href=""><img src="../im0ges/jacowheader.jpg" width="480" height="60" alt="JACoW logo" /></a> <h1>Joint Accelerator Conferences Website</h1> <p class="intro">The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (<a href="">JACoW</a>) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.</p> <hr /> <div><span class="doiheader"><a href=""></a></span></div> <div> <table class="doitabledef"> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldgrp">Title</td> <td class="fieldhigh">Sub-Femtosecond Time-Resolved Measurements Based on a Variable Polarization X-Band Transverse Deflecting Structures for SwissFEL</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Authors</td> <td class="datarow"> <ul> <li><span class="author_cl"><strong>P.&nbsp;Craievich</strong>, M.&nbsp;Bopp, H.-H.&nbsp;Braun, R.&nbsp;Ganter, M.&nbsp;Pedrozzi, <span class="tooltip presenter">E.&nbsp;Prat<span class="pr-text presentertxt">presenter</span></span>, S.&nbsp;Reiche, R.&nbsp;Zennaro</span><br /> PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland</li> <li><span class="author_cl">R.W.&nbsp;A&szlig;mann, F.&nbsp;Christie, R.T.P.&nbsp;D'Arcy, B.&nbsp;Marchetti, D.&nbsp;Marx</span><br /> DESY, Hamburg, Germany</li> <li><span class="author_cl">N.&nbsp;Catal&aacute;n Lasheras, A.&nbsp;Grudiev, G.&nbsp;McMonagle, W.&nbsp;Wuensch</span><br /> CERN, Geneva, Switzerland</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Abstract</td> <td> <span class="abstract hyphenate jtext" lang="en">The SwissFEL project, under commissioning at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), will produce FEL radiation for soft and hard X-rays with pulse durations ranging from a few to several tens of femtoseconds. A collaboration between DESY, PSI and CERN has been established with the aim of developing and building an advanced X-Band transverse deflector structure (TDS) with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force. As this innovative CERN design requires very high manufacturing precision to guarantee highest azimuthal symmetry of the structure to avoid the deterioration of the polarization of the streaking field, the high-precision tuning-free assembly procedures developed at PSI for the SwissFEL C-band accelerating structures will be used for the manufacturing. Such a TDS will be installed downstream of the undulators of the soft X-ray beamline of SwissFEL and thanks to the variable polarization of the TDS, it will be possible to perform a complete characterization of the 6D phase-space. We summarize in this work the status of the project and its main technical parameters.</span> </td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Paper</td> <td class="datarow">download <a href="" target="pdf">WEP040.PDF</a> [0.542 MB / 4 pages]</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Export</td> <td class="datarow">download &#8251; <a href="../export/WEP040-bib.htm" target="exp">BibTeX</a> &#8251; <a href="../export/WEP040-tex.htm" target="exp"> LaTeX</a> &#8251; <a href="../export/WEP040-txt.htm" target="exp">Text/Word</a> &#8251; <a href="../export/WEP040-ris.htm" target="exp">RIS</a> &#8251; <a href="../export/WEP040.xml" target="exp">EndNote</a></td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldgrp">Conference</td> <td class="fieldhigh">FEL2017, Santa Fe, NM, USA</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Series</td> <td class="datarow">International Free Electron Laser Conference (38th)</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Proceedings</td> <td class="datarow">Link to full <a href="" target="pdf">FEL2017 Proccedings</a></td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Session</td> <td class="datarow">Poster III</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Date</td> <td class="datarow">23-Aug-17 &nbsp; 15:30&ndash;17:30</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Main Classification</td> <td class="datarow">Electron Diagnostics, Timing, Controls</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Keywords</td> <td class="datarow">ion, FEL, undulator, diagnostics, polarization</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldgrp">Publisher</td> <td class="fieldhigh">JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Editors</td> <td class="datarow">Kip Bishofberger (LANL, Los Alamos, NM, USA); Bruce Carlsten (LANL, Los Alamos, NM, USA); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">ISBN</td> <td class="datarow">978-3-95450-179-3</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Published</td> <td class="datarow">February 2018</td> </tr> <tr class="tablerow"> <td class="fieldkey">Copyright</td> <td class="datarow"> <table> <tr><td>Copyright &copy; 2018 by JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland</td><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; </td> <td rowspan="2"><img src="../im0ges/ccby-88x31.png" width="88" height="31" alt="CC-BY Creative Commons License" /></td> </tr> <tr><td>cc <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a></td><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; </td> </tr> </table> </td> </table> </div> </body> </html>

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