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href="/bg/private/device/list/device_smart_gadgets/field_device_acc_category/褋屑邪褉褌-褔邪褋芯胁薪懈褑懈-16385/field_device_brand/apple-14801"></a>--> <img src="" alt="" class="apple-main-banner desktop-image"> <!--<a href="/bg/private/device/list/device_smart_gadgets/field_device_acc_category/褋屑邪褉褌-褔邪褋芯胁薪懈褑懈-16385/field_device_brand/apple-14801"></a>--><img src="" alt="" class="apple-main-banner mobile-image"> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start"> <div class="intro-wrapper f-col-start"> <h1 class="top-page-head m-zero">袠蟹斜械褉懈 褌械谢械褎芯薪 薪邪 褋 锌褉芯褎械褋懈芯薪邪谢薪邪褌邪 锌芯屑芯褖 薪邪 DXOMARK</h1> <div class="intro-int-wrapper"> <p class="top-page-par m-zero">DXOMARK 械 褌械褏薪芯谢芯谐懈褔薪邪 泻芯屑锌邪薪懈褟, 谢懈写械褉 薪邪 锌邪蟹邪褉邪 胁 芯褑械薪褟胁邪薪械褌芯 懈 褋褗褋褌邪胁褟薪械褌芯 薪邪 褉械胁褞褌邪 蟹邪 褉邪蟹谢懈褔薪懈褌械 屑芯写械谢懈 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪懈. 孝械 褌懈 锌芯屑邪谐邪褌 写邪 懈蟹斜械褉械褕 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪, 泻芯泄褌芯 写邪 芯褌谐芯胁邪褉褟 薪邪 胁褋懈褔泻懈褌械 褌懈 懈蟹懈褋泻胁邪薪懈褟 泻邪褌芯 褌懈 锌褉械写芯褋褌邪胁褟褌 褉械胁褞褌邪 蟹邪 泻邪屑械褉邪褌邪, 写懈褋锌谢械褟 懈 斜邪褌械褉懈褟 薪邪 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪邪. 孝械褏薪懈褌械 褉械胁褞褌邪 褋邪 斜邪蟹懈褉邪薪懈 薪邪 褋褌褉懈泻褌薪懈 泻褉懈褌械褉懈懈 懈 屑薪芯卸械褋褌胁芯 褌械褋褌芯胁械.</p> <div class="dxo-img-ctnr"> <img src="" alt="dxoMark logo" class="resp-img dxo-img"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="usp-wrapper f-col-start"> <h2 class="sect-head m-zero"> 袧邪锌褉邪胁懈 谢械褋械薪 懈蟹斜芯褉 褋 褉械泄褌懈薪谐懈褌械 薪邪 DXOMARK </h2> <div class="usp-ctnr f-ctnr"> <div class="usp-box f-col"> <img src="" class="resp-img usp-img"> <span class="usp-head m-zero">袣袗袦袝袪袗</span> <p class="dxo-usp-info m-zero centered">袪邪蟹斜械褉懈 泻芯械 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁芯 锌褉邪胁懈 薪邪泄-写芯斜褉懈褌械 褋薪懈屑泻懈, 胁懈写械芯 懈谢懈 锌芯褉褌褉械褌懈 </p> </div> <div class="usp-box f-col"> <img src="" class="resp-img usp-img"> <span class="usp-head m-zero">袛袠小袩袥袝袡</span> <p class="dxo-usp-info m-zero centered">袪邪蟹斜械褉懈 泻芯械 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁芯 锌芯泻邪蟹胁邪 薪邪泄-写芯斜褉邪 褉械邪泻褑懈褟 懈 薪邪泄-写芯斜褗褉 泻芯薪褌褉邪褋褌 </p> </div> <div class="usp-box f-col"> <img src="" class="resp-img usp-img"> <span class="usp-head m-zero">袘袗孝袝袪袠携</span> <p class="dxo-usp-info m-zero centered">袪邪蟹斜械褉懈 泻芯褟 械 薪邪泄-懈蟹写褗褉卸谢懈胁邪褌邪 斜邪褌械褉懈褟 懈 泻芯褟 褋械 蟹邪褉械卸写邪 薪邪泄-斜褗褉蟹芯 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fw-img-sect"> <img src="" class="resp-img"> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start l-line"> <div class="s-universe"> <div class="s-universe-info f-col-start"> <h2 class="sect-head m-zero">袩芯屑邪谐邪屑械 褌懈 写邪 懈蟹斜械褉械褕</h2> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袩邪褉褌薪褜芯褉褋褌胁芯褌芯 薪懈 褋 DXOMARK 械 胁邪卸薪邪 褔邪褋褌 芯褌 锌邪泻械褌邪 薪懈 芯褌 褍褋谢褍谐懈 小屑邪褉褌褎芯薪 袙褋械谢械薪邪. 袧懈械 蟹薪邪械屑, 褔械 懈蟹斜芯褉褗褌 薪邪 薪芯胁 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪 械 锌褉械写懈蟹胁懈泻邪褌械谢褋褌胁芯 懈 蟹邪褌芯胁邪 懈褋泻邪屑械 写邪 褌懈 锌芯屑芯谐薪械屑 写邪 胁蟹械屑械褕 锌褉邪胁懈谢薪芯褌芯 褉械褕械薪懈械. 袪械泄褌懈薪谐懈褌械 薪邪 DXOMARK 褋邪 褌邪蟹懈 薪械蟹邪胁懈褋懈屑邪 芯褑械薪泻邪, 泻芯褟褌芯 屑芯卸械 写邪 褌懈 锌芯屑芯谐薪械 写邪 懈蟹斜械褉械褕 锌褉邪胁懈谢薪芯褌芯 蟹邪 褌械斜 薪芯胁芯 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁芯. 袧邪褍褔懈 锌芯胁械褔械 蟹邪 小屑邪褉褌褎芯薪 袙褋械谢械薪邪 - <a href="">褌褍泻</a>.</p> <a href=""><button class="cta-buy">袠蟹斜械褉懈 薪芯胁 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪</button></a> </div> <div class="s-universe-img-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="小屑邪褉褌褎芯薪 胁褋械谢械薪邪" class="resp-img s-universe-img"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start w-line"> <div class="white-wrap f-col-start"> <h2 class="sect-head m-zero">袟邪褖芯 写邪 懈屑 褋械 写芯胁械褉懈褕?</h2> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袟邪 DXOMARK 褉邪斜芯褌褟褌 屑薪芯卸械褋褌胁芯 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈 懈 褌械褏薪懈褑懈, 泻芯懈褌芯 胁褋械泻懈 写械薪 锌褉邪胁褟褌 褏懈谢褟写懈 褌械褋褌芯胁械 胁 17-褌械 谢邪斜芯褉邪褌芯褉懈懈 薪邪 泻芯屑锌邪薪懈褟褌邪.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袨褑械薪泻懈褌械 芯褌褉邪蟹褟胁邪褌 泻邪褔械褋褌胁邪褌邪 薪邪 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁邪褌邪 懈 芯锌懈褌邪 薪邪 锌芯褌褉械斜懈褌械谢懈褌械. 孝械褋褌芯胁械褌械, 褋 泻芯懈褌芯 DXOMARK 芯褑械薪褟胁邪褌 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪懈褌械 褋邪 褋锌械褑懈邪谢薪芯 褋褗蟹写邪写械薪懈 写邪 锌褉械褋褗蟹写邪胁邪褌 械卸械写薪械胁薪芯褌芯 锌芯谢蟹胁邪薪械 薪邪 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁邪 芯褌 褏芯褉邪褌邪. 袗 蟹邪 写邪 屑芯谐邪褌 写邪 芯褌谐芯胁芯褉褟褌 薪邪 薪械锌褉械泻褗褋薪邪褌芯 褉邪蟹胁懈胁邪褖懈褌械 褋械 懈 锌褉芯屑械薪褟褖懈 褋械 褌械褏薪芯谢芯谐懈懈, DXOMARK 褋褗褖芯 锌褉芯屑械薪褟褌 懈 褉邪蟹胁懈胁邪褌 薪邪褔懈薪懈褌械, 褔褉械蟹 泻芯懈褌芯 褌械褋褌胁邪褌 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁邪褌邪.</p> </div> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start nw-line"> <div class="nw-sect-wrapper"> <div class="sect-info f-col-start gp-md"> <h2 class="sect-head m-zero">袣邪泻 褋械 褌械褋褌胁邪褌 泻邪屑械褉懈褌械?</h2> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袣芯谐邪褌芯 DXOMARK 芯褑械薪褟胁邪褌 泻邪屑械褉邪褌邪 薪邪 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪, 褌械 褉邪蟹谐谢械卸写邪褌 胁褋懈褔泻懈 邪褋锌械泻褌懈: 芯褌 泻邪褔械褋褌胁芯 薪邪 褋薪懈屑泻懈 懈 胁懈写械芯, 屑邪褖邪斜懈褉邪薪械, 褎褍薪泻褑懈芯薪邪谢薪芯褋褌 蟹邪 锌褉械谐谢械写 薪邪 褋薪懈屑泻懈 懈 写芯 褋械谢褎懈褌邪, 泻芯懈褌芯 锌褉邪胁懈, 泻邪泻褌芯 懈 褋薪懈屑泻懈 褋 锌褉懈褟褌械谢懈, 褋薪懈屑泻懈 褋褉械写 锌褉懈褉芯写邪褌邪 懈 褋薪懈屑泻懈 锌褉懈 谢懈锌褋邪 薪邪 写芯褋褌邪褌褗褔薪芯 褋胁械褌谢懈薪邪.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袙褋懈褔泻懈 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪懈 锌褉械屑懈薪邪胁邪褌 锌褉械蟹 械写薪懈 懈 褋褗褖懈 褌械褋褌芯胁械. 袟邪 褌邪蟹懈 褑械谢 褋械 锌褉邪胁褟褌 2500 褋薪懈屑泻懈 懈 胁懈写械邪 褋 锌褉芯写褗谢卸懈褌械谢薪芯褋褌 3 褔邪褋邪. 袙褋懈褔泻芯 褌芯胁邪, 褖械 褌懈 锌芯屑芯谐薪械 写邪 懈蟹斜械褉械褕 褌械谢械褎芯薪 褋 泻邪屑械褉邪, 泻芯褟褌芯 写邪 芯褌谐芯胁邪褉褟 薪邪 褌胁芯懈褌械 薪褍卸写懈.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袪邪蟹斜械褉懈 锌芯胁械褔械 蟹邪 泻褉懈褌械褉懈懈褌械 蟹邪 芯褑械薪褟胁邪薪械 薪邪 褋邪泄褌邪 薪邪 DXOMARK - <a href="">褌褍泻</a>.</p> </div> <div class="sect-mock f-ctnr"> <img src="" alt="DXOmark 泻邪屑械褉邪" class="resp-img mockup-img"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start nw-line"> <div class="nw-sect-wrapper"> <div class="sect-info f-col-start gp-md"> <h2 class="sect-head m-zero">袣邪泻 褋械 褌械褋褌胁邪 写懈褋锌谢械褟?</h2> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袨褋胁械薪 芯褋薪芯胁薪懈褌械 褌械褏薪懈褔械褋泻懈 褋锌械褑懈褎懈泻邪褑懈懈 泻邪褌芯 褉邪蟹屑械褉, 褉械蟹芯谢褞褑懈褟, 褔械褋褌芯褌邪 薪邪 芯锌褉械褋薪褟胁邪薪械, DXOMARK 褋褗褖芯 锌褉芯胁械褉褟胁邪褌 写邪谢懈 械泻褉邪薪褗褌 锌褉械写谢邪谐邪 褟褉泻芯褋褌, 泻芯褟褌芯 褋械 邪写邪锌褌懈褉邪 泻褗屑 褋胁械褌谢懈薪邪褌邪 懈 写褉.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袟邪 写邪 褌懈 锌芯屑芯谐薪邪褌 写邪 懈蟹斜械褉械褕 泻芯泄 褋屑邪褉褌褎芯薪 芯褌谐芯胁邪褉褟 薪邪 褌胁芯懈褌械 懈蟹懈褋泻胁邪薪懈褟, 褌械 芯褑械薪褟胁邪褌 胁褋械泻懈 械泻褉邪薪 褋锌芯褉械写 4 芯褋薪芯胁薪懈 泻褉懈褌械褉懈褟: 褔械褌谢懈胁芯褋褌 薪邪 写懈褋锌谢械褟 锌褉懈 褉邪蟹谢懈褔薪芯 芯褋胁械褌谢械薪懈械, 褑胁械褌芯胁械 薪邪 械泻褉邪薪邪, 褌芯褔薪芯褋褌 懈 芯褌蟹懈胁褔懈胁芯褋褌 薪邪 褋械薪蟹芯褉薪懈褟 械泻褉邪薪.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袪邪蟹斜械褉懈 锌芯胁械褔械 蟹邪 泻褉懈褌械褉懈懈褌械 蟹邪 芯褑械薪褟胁邪薪械 薪邪 DXOMARK - <a href="">褌褍泻</a>. </p> </div> <div class="sect-mock f-ctnr"> <img src="" alt="DXOmark 泻邪屑械褉邪" class="resp-img mockup-img"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start nw-line"> <div class="nw-sect-wrapper"> <div class="sect-info f-col-start gp-md"> <h2 class="sect-head m-zero">袣邪泻 褋械 褌械褋褌胁邪褌 斜邪褌械褉懈懈褌械?</h2> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袨褋薪芯胁薪邪褌邪 懈薪褎芯褉屑邪褑懈褟, 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪邪 褋 斜邪褌械褉懈懈褌械, 褋 泻芯褟褌芯 褉邪蟹锌芯谢邪谐邪褌 锌芯褌褉械斜懈褌械谢懈褌械 械 泻邪锌邪褑懈褌械褌褗褌 薪邪 斜邪褌械褉懈褟褌邪 (mAh). 孝芯胁邪, 屑邪泻邪褉 胁邪卸薪芯, 薪械 械 写芯褋褌邪褌褗褔薪芯, 蟹邪 写邪 褉邪蟹斜械褉械 锌芯褌褉械斜懈褌械谢褟 泻芯谢泻芯 械 懈蟹写褉褗卸谢懈胁邪 懈 泻芯谢泻芯 斜褗褉蟹芯 褋械 蟹邪褉械卸写邪 斜邪褌械褉懈褟褌邪.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袨褑械薪泻邪 薪邪 DXOMARK 褖械 褌懈 写邪写械 褌芯褔薪芯 褌邪蟹懈 懈薪褎芯褉屑邪褑懈褟 懈 芯褖械.</p> <p class="sect-par m-zero">袪邪蟹斜械褉懈 锌芯胁械褔械 蟹邪 泻褉懈褌械褉懈懈褌械 蟹邪 芯褑械薪褟胁邪薪械 薪邪 DXOMARK - <a href="">褌褍泻</a>. </p> </div> <div class="sect-mock f-ctnr"> <img src="" alt="DXOmark 泻邪屑械褉邪" class="resp-img mockup-img"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="inside-cont f-col-start" style="display: none;"> <div id="accordion2" class="general-accordion panel-group"> <h2 class="sect-head">效械褋褌芯 蟹邪写邪胁邪薪懈 胁褗锌褉芯褋懈</h2> <div class="accordion-item"> <input id="accordion-trigger-1" class="accordion-trigger-input" type="checkbox"> <label class="accordion-trigger" for="accordion-trigger-1">Lorem ipsum </label> <section class="accordion-animation-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-animation"> <div class="accordion-transform-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-content"> <strong> <p>袩褉芯胁械褉懈 写邪谢懈 STB 褍褋褌褉芯泄褋褌胁芯褌芯 械:</p> </strong> <ul class="acrd-list"> <li>胁泻谢褞褔械薪芯 胁 械谢. 蟹邪褏褉邪薪胁邪薪械褌芯;</li> <li>锌褉邪胁懈谢薪芯 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪芯;</li> <li>懈屑邪 褌芯泻 胁 芯褋褌邪薪邪谢邪褌邪 褔邪褋褌 芯褌 锌芯屑械褖械薪懈械褌芯.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <input id="accordion-trigger-2" class="accordion-trigger-input" type="checkbox"> <label class="accordion-trigger" for="accordion-trigger-2">Lorem ipsum kilo gore kilo dolu </label> <section class="accordion-animation-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-animation"> <div class="accordion-transform-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-content"> <strong> <p>袩褉芯胁械褉懈:</p> </strong> <ul class="acrd-list"> <li>袛邪谢懈 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉褗褌 械 胁泻谢褞褔械薪;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 STB 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪芯 泻芯褉械泻褌薪芯 褋 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袧邪 泻芯泄 锌芯褉褌 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪 HDIM 泻邪斜械谢邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袣邪泻 械 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁械薪邪 胁褉褗蟹泻邪褌邪 屑械卸写褍 STB 懈 褉褍褌械褉邪 - 褔褉械蟹 WiFi 懈谢懈 褋 LAN 泻邪斜械谢;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 懈蟹锌懈褋胁邪 谐褉械褕泻邪 薪邪 械泻褉邪薪邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪, 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪邪 褋 锌褉芯斜谢械屑 褋 袠薪褌械褉薪械褌邪.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <input id="accordion-trigger-3" class="accordion-trigger-input" type="checkbox"> <label class="accordion-trigger" for="accordion-trigger-3">Lorem ipsum kilo gore kilo dolu </label> <section class="accordion-animation-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-animation"> <div class="accordion-transform-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-content"> <strong> <p>袩褉芯胁械褉懈:</p> </strong> <ul class="acrd-list"> <li>袛邪谢懈 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉褗褌 械 胁泻谢褞褔械薪;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 STB 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪芯 泻芯褉械泻褌薪芯 褋 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袧邪 泻芯泄 锌芯褉褌 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪 HDIM 泻邪斜械谢邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袣邪泻 械 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁械薪邪 胁褉褗蟹泻邪褌邪 屑械卸写褍 STB 懈 褉褍褌械褉邪 - 褔褉械蟹 WiFi 懈谢懈 褋 LAN 泻邪斜械谢;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 懈蟹锌懈褋胁邪 谐褉械褕泻邪 薪邪 械泻褉邪薪邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪, 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪邪 褋 锌褉芯斜谢械屑 褋 袠薪褌械褉薪械褌邪.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <input id="accordion-trigger-4" class="accordion-trigger-input" type="checkbox"> <label class="accordion-trigger" for="accordion-trigger-4">Lorem ipsum kilo gore kilo dolu </label> <section class="accordion-animation-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-animation"> <div class="accordion-transform-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-content"> <strong> <p>袩褉芯胁械褉懈:</p> </strong> <ul class="acrd-list"> <li>袛邪谢懈 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉褗褌 械 胁泻谢褞褔械薪;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 STB 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪芯 泻芯褉械泻褌薪芯 褋 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袧邪 泻芯泄 锌芯褉褌 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪 HDIM 泻邪斜械谢邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袣邪泻 械 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁械薪邪 胁褉褗蟹泻邪褌邪 屑械卸写褍 STB 懈 褉褍褌械褉邪 - 褔褉械蟹 WiFi 懈谢懈 褋 LAN 泻邪斜械谢;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 懈蟹锌懈褋胁邪 谐褉械褕泻邪 薪邪 械泻褉邪薪邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪, 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪邪 褋 锌褉芯斜谢械屑 褋 袠薪褌械褉薪械褌邪.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <input id="accordion-trigger-5" class="accordion-trigger-input" type="checkbox"> <label class="accordion-trigger" for="accordion-trigger-5">Lorem ipsum kilo gore kilo dolu </label> <section class="accordion-animation-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-animation"> <div class="accordion-transform-wrapper"> <div class="accordion-content"> <strong> <p>袩褉芯胁械褉懈:</p> </strong> <ul class="acrd-list"> <li>袛邪谢懈 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉褗褌 械 胁泻谢褞褔械薪;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 STB 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪芯 泻芯褉械泻褌薪芯 褋 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袧邪 泻芯泄 锌芯褉褌 械 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪 HDIM 泻邪斜械谢邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪;</li> <li>袣邪泻 械 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁械薪邪 胁褉褗蟹泻邪褌邪 屑械卸写褍 STB 懈 褉褍褌械褉邪 - 褔褉械蟹 WiFi 懈谢懈 褋 LAN 泻邪斜械谢;</li> <li>袛邪谢懈 懈蟹锌懈褋胁邪 谐褉械褕泻邪 薪邪 械泻褉邪薪邪 薪邪 褌械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉邪, 褋胁褗褉蟹邪薪邪 褋 锌褉芯斜谢械屑 褋 袠薪褌械褉薪械褌邪.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> 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