FOSDEM 2024 - Frequently Asked Questions

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Please keep an eye on our <a href="/2024/news/">news</a> page or subscribe to our <a href="">rss feed</a>. </p> <a name="video" id="video"></a> <h4>Visiting and videos</h4> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> In what timezone are you?</h5> <p> The conference is in Brussels time, which is CET (UTC + 1). </p> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> I need a formal invitation for a VISA request</h5> <p> For legal reasons, the FOSDEM organization can only issue such letters of invitation to “main track” speakers for whom we also make travel and hotel arrangements. </p> <p>If you are attending FOSDEM as part of your involvement with a project represented at our conference, we recommend you get in touch with someone you know locally who is involved in the project and ask them to invite you. </p> <p>For information regarding Belgian visa requirements, we refer you to <a href="">the website of the Belgian ministry of foreign affairs</a>. </p> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> Where can I watch the talks?</h5> <p> All talks can be watched from our website. Go to <a href="/2024/schedule/">schedule</a>, find the topic you are interested in, click on the <i>Watch the live stream</i>-link and enjoy the presentation. </p> <a name="video-recordings" id="video-recordings"></a> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> Are talk recordings available?</h5> <p> All talk recordings will be made available on <a href=""></a> as soon as the presenter reviewed the contents to make sure the recording is correct. </p> <p> This will usually take a few days to a few weeks, check <a href=""></a> for updates! </p> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> Is there a job corner?</h5> <p> Yes! Visit the H building to see the job corner. </p> <a name="registration" id="registration"></a> <h4>Registration</h4> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> I plan on visiting FOSDEM, where can I register?</h5> <p>No registration is required.</p> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> How much does a entry ticket for FOSDEM cost?</h5> <p>Attendance is free, including access to all talks and facilities.</p> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> If entrance to FOSDEM is free, who pays the expenses?</h5> <p>We have two sources of income: <a href="/2024/support/donate/">donations</a> from our visitors and <a href="/2024/about/sponsors/">sponsorship</a>.</p> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> My company loves FOSDEM, what are the sponsoring possibilities?</h5> <p>Have a look at the <a href="/2024/about/sponsors/">sponsor</a> page.</p> <a name="fosdem" id="fosdem"></a> <h4>FOSDEM in general</h4> <h5><span class="label label-info">Q:</span> There is a mistake on the website, where do I report it?</h5> <p> You can talk to us at the Infodesk (K or H), in the <a href="[]">Infodesk</a> channel on <i></i> or open an issue on our <a href="">Github repository</a>. Pull requests welcome! </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #main --> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer-holder"> <div class="panel-block"> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>FOSDEM</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li class="home"><a accesskey="1" href="/2024/">Home</a></li> <li><a accesskey="2" href="/2024/news/">News</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/about/">About</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/about/sponsors/">Sponsors</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/support/donate/">Donate</a></li> <li><a accesskey="5" href="/2024/faq/">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/archives/">Archives</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>This year</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li><a accesskey="s" href="/2024/schedule/">Schedule</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/stands/">Stands</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/certification/">Certification exams</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/volunteer/">Volunteer</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/fringe/">Fringe</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>Practical information</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li><a href="/2024/practical/accessibility/">Accessibility</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/practical/conduct/">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/practical/services/">During the Event</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/practical/covid/">COVID-19 policy</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>Media and press</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li><a href="/2024/social/">Social media</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> </div> <!-- .panel-block --> <div class="company-info"> <div class="company-info-logo"></div> <strong class="logo-small"><a href="/2024/schedule/">fosdem-2024</a></strong> <p>Brussels <span>/</span> <strong>3 &amp; 4 February 2024</strong></p> </div> <div class="license-info"> <div class="license-info-logo"></div> This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Belgium Licence.<br/> To view a copy of this licence, visit <a class="quiet" rel="license" href=""></a><br/> or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.<br /> All content such as talks and biographies is the sole responsibility of the speaker. </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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