LogEc: Download Statistics
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/logec.css"> <LINK REL='SHORTCUT ICON' HREF='/favicon.ico'> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <META http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/logec.js"></script> <title>LogEc: Download Statistics</title> </head> <body> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td align=left valign=top> <h1><i>Access Statistics for Participating RePEc Services</i></h1> <hr> <p class=brag>Access statistics for <a href="">RePEc</a>. The worlds largest collection of online Economics Working Papers, Journal Articles and Software. <p class=brag>345,676 File Downloads and 1,599,356 Abstract Views in January 2025 <p class=brag>139,085,709 File Downloads and 581,707,483 Abstract Views since January 1998 <p class=brag> <a href='details.htm'>The raw data</a><hr> <h2><a name="service">Statistics for Participating RePEc Services</a></h2> <h3>File Downloads by RePEc Service</h3> <img src="Downloadsbyservice.png" alt="Access Statistics"> <p class=note>Download statistics for IDEAS is only available from 2000-10. <p class=note>NetEc ceased operating at the end of 2005-03. <p class=note>Economists Online ceased operating at the end of 2013. <p class=note>The algorithms for detecting non-human accesses were updated in January 2022. This lead to a more accurate classification and reduction of the number of counted accesses. The statistics from January 2022 on are thus not directly comparable to the earlier statistics. <p> <h3>Abstract Views by RePEc Service</h3> <img src="Viewsbyservice.png" alt="Access Statistics"> <p class=note>NetEc ceased operating at the end of 2005-03. <p class=note>Economists Online ceased operating at the end of 2013. <p class=note>The algorithms for detecting non-human accesses were updated in January 2022. This lead to a more accurate classification and reduction of the number of counted accesses. The statistics from January 2022 on are thus not directly comparable to the earlier statistics. <p> <hr> <h2><a name="doctype">Statistics by Document Type</a></h2> <h3>File Downloads by RePEc Document Type</h3> <img src="Downloadsbytype.png" alt="Access Statistics"> <p class=note>Data is only shown for material currently in RePEc, totals are smaller than for the summary by service. <p class=note>The algorithms for detecting non-human accesses were updated in January 2022. This lead to a more accurate classification and reduction of the number of counted accesses. The statistics from January 2022 on are thus not directly comparable to the earlier statistics. <p> <h3>Abstract Views by RePEc Document Type</h3> <img src="Viewsbytype.png" alt="Access Statistics"> <p class=note>Data is only shown for material currently in RePEc, totals are smaller than for the summary by service. <p class=note>The algorithms for detecting non-human accesses were updated in January 2022. This lead to a more accurate classification and reduction of the number of counted accesses. The statistics from January 2022 on are thus not directly comparable to the earlier statistics. <p> <hr> <h2><a name='counts'>Number of Items in RePEc</a></h2> <img src="counts.png" alt="Access Statistics"> <p> <hr> </td> <td align=left valign=top colspan=1 width="180"> <DIV class=sidebar> <img src="/logec.jpg" width="180" height="65" alt="logo"> <!-- Home --> <p><b>LogEc Home</b> <!-- Home --> <!-- Top WP --> <p><a href="/scripts/">Top Working Papers</a><br> <!-- Top WP --> <!-- Top ART --> <a href="/scripts/">Top Journal Articles</a><br> <!-- Top ART --> <!-- Top BOOK --> <a href="/scripts/">Top Books</a><br> <!-- Top BOOK --> <!-- Top CHAP --> <a href="/scripts/">Top Chapters</a><br> <!-- Top CHAP --> <!-- Top SOFT --> <a href="/scripts/">Top Software Items</a><br> <!-- Top SOFT --> <!-- Top AUTH --> <p><a href="/scripts/">Top Authors</a> <!-- Top AUTH --> <!-- Top SER --> <p><a href="/scripts/">Top Working Paper series and Journals</a> <!-- Top SER --> <p><a href="/about.htm">About LogEc</a> <p class='note'><br><a href="#service">Statistics by RePEc Service</a><br> <a href="#doctype">Statistics by Document Type</a><br> <a href="#counts">Number of Items in RePEc</a></p> <br><hr><div align="center"><img src="/repec3.gif" alt="RePEc" width='127' height='29'></div> LogEc provides access and usage for services based on the <a href="">RePEc</a> data set. <p><img align='left' src='/oru.gif' alt="脰rebro University" hspace='0' vspace='0' width='30' height='39'>LogEc is hosted by the <a href=''>脰rebro University School of Business</a>. <p>Questions or comments? Please see our <a href='/about.htm#stats'>explanation</a> of how the statistics are collected or e-mail <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>Obfuscate( '', 'logec' )</script> </DIV></td> </tr> </table> <p class='note'>Statistics updated 2025-02-05 </body> </html>