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Despite the name, this tends to be serious business."/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="/w/resources/lib/html5shiv/html5shiv.js"></script><![endif]--> </head> <body class="mediawiki ltr sitedir-ltr mw-hide-empty-elt ns-4 ns-subject page-RationalWiki_Chicken_coop rootpage-RationalWiki_Chicken_coop skin-vector action-view minerva--history-page-action-enabled skin-vector-legacy"> <div id="mw-page-base" class="noprint"></div> <div id="mw-head-base" class="noprint"></div> <div id="content" class="mw-body" role="main"> <a id="top"></a> <div id="siteNotice" class="mw-body-content"><div id="localNotice" lang="en" dir="ltr"><div id="2025_RationalWiki_.27Oregon_Plan.27_Fundraiser"> <table role="presentation" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto; width: 100%;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="width: 60%; text-align: left;"><big><center><b><a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Fundraiser" title="RationalWiki:Fundraiser">2025 RationalWiki 'Oregon Plan' Fundraiser</a></b></center></big> <p><b>There is no RationalWiki without you.</b> We are a small non-profit with no staff—we are hundreds of volunteers who document pseudoscience and crankery around the world every day. 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[[Conservapedia]] on his blocked account says &quot;inconclusive but convincing checkuser evidence of sockpuppetry&quot;. And since he admits to socking on Wikipedia, was blocked for doing it on Conservapedia - it's almost certain he does it on RationalWiki. But as he says it's not against the rules here - however he's someone who has attacked me across the internet for owning &quot;hundreds of accounts&quot;. Likely projection since I don't that many (my estimate is 35-40, but that's over a 8 year period), perhaps he does though. And note he's publicly discussing his Wikipedia accounts he shares on an IP with his sister here, but made a dubious claim I doxxed his sister when I merely posted her Wikipedia account. (facepalm)[[User:Flight|Flight]] ([[User talk:Flight|talk]]) 12:39, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</div></td><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'><div>:: Dysklyver is banned from other wikis for sockpuppetry. [[Conservapedia]] on his blocked account says &quot;inconclusive but convincing checkuser evidence of sockpuppetry&quot;. And since he admits to socking on Wikipedia, was blocked for doing it on Conservapedia - it's almost certain he does it on RationalWiki. But as he says it's not against the rules here - however he's someone who has attacked me across the internet for owning &quot;hundreds of accounts&quot;. Likely projection since I don't that many (my estimate is 35-40, but that's over a 8 year period), perhaps he does though. And note he's publicly discussing his Wikipedia accounts he shares on an IP with his sister here, but made a dubious claim I doxxed his sister when I merely posted her Wikipedia account. (facepalm)[[User:Flight|Flight]] ([[User talk:Flight|talk]]) 12:39, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</div></td></tr> <tr><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'><div>:::On that note Smith, the user account that you are using, [[User:Flight]] is a sockpuppet of a banned user. Is there any reason why this account should not be blocked? If there isn't then why even bother with a vote? Why not just proceed to blocking Smith? We can then review the block afterwards, if deemed appropriate. We have enough drama on this wiki without Smith, by allowing Smith to return we are only allowing more drama to take place here. Not good, and not rational either. [[User:Kiko4564|Kiko4564]] ([[User talk:Kiko4564|talk]]) 22:07, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</div></td><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'><div>:::On that note Smith, the user account that you are using, [[User:Flight]] is a sockpuppet of a banned user. Is there any reason why this account should not be blocked? If there isn't then why even bother with a vote? Why not just proceed to blocking Smith? We can then review the block afterwards, if deemed appropriate. We have enough drama on this wiki without Smith, by allowing Smith to return we are only allowing more drama to take place here. Not good, and not rational either. [[User:Kiko4564|Kiko4564]] ([[User talk:Kiko4564|talk]]) 22:07, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</div></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td><td class='diff-marker'>+</td><td class='diff-addedline'><div><ins class="diffchange">::::Feel free to link where Smith was banned mate. {{User:Dysklyver/sig}} 10:25, 17 September 2020 (UTC)</ins></div></td></tr> <tr><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'></td><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'></td></tr> <tr><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'><div>== Ban Abd ==</div></td><td class='diff-marker'> </td><td class='diff-context'><div>== Ban Abd ==</div></td></tr> </table><hr class='diff-hr' id='mw-oldid' /> <h2 class='diff-currentversion-title'>Revision as of 10:26, 17 September 2020</h2> <div class="mw-parser-output"><div role="note" class="hatnote">Not to be confused with the <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki_talk:All_things_in_moderation" title="RationalWiki talk:All things in moderation">moderator noticeboard</a>.</div> <p style="clear: both;"></p> <div class="archive"> Archives for this talk page: <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Chicken_coop/Archive_list" title="RationalWiki:Chicken coop/Archive list">Archive list</a> <span class="plainlinks"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";action=edit"><span style="color: gray;">(new)</span></a></span> <div class="mw-inputbox-centered" style=""><form name="searchbox" class="searchbox" action="/wiki/Special:Search"><input class="mw-inputbox-input searchboxInput mw-ui-input mw-ui-input-inline" name="search" type="text" value="" placeholder="" size="60" dir="ltr" /><input type="hidden" value="RationalWiki:Chicken coop" name="prefix" /><br /><input type="submit" name="fulltext" class="mw-ui-button" value="Search this talk page and its archives" /><input type="hidden" value="Search" name="fulltext" /></form></div> </div> <p style="clear: both;"></p> <div id="RW:CC" style="position: relative; top: -3em;"><span id="RW:COOP"></span></div> <div role="note" aria-labelledby="shortcut-label" class="shortcutbox plainlist noprint" style="float: right; clear: right; border: 1px solid #aaa; background: #fff; margin: .35em .35em .35em 1.2em; padding: 0.75em 0.5em; font-size: 84%; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;"><span id="shortcut-label"><a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Shortcuts" title="RationalWiki:Shortcuts">Shortcuts</a></span>:<ul> <li> <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:CC" class="mw-redirect" title="RationalWiki:CC">RW:CC</a></li><li> <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:COOP" class="mw-redirect" title="RationalWiki:COOP">RW:COOP</a></li></ul></div> <div style="max-width: 400px;margin: auto;border: thin solid #aaa;text-align: center;padding: 1em;background-color: #FAE5D3;"><span style="border-bottom: 2px solid #666;padding-bottom: 0.4em;font-size: large;"><big><a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Headless_Chicken_Mode" title="RationalWiki:Headless Chicken Mode">HCM</a> Level <big><b>3</b></big></big></span> <p style="margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><span style="color:#EA2C2C;"><big><big>Strike forces launch.</big></big></span></p></div> <p>The <b>chicken coop</b> is for the avoidance, containment and resolution of cases of <a href="/wiki/Headless_Chicken_Mode" class="mw-redirect" title="Headless Chicken Mode">Headless Chicken Mode</a> (HCM). Despite the name, this tends to be serious business. </p><p>This page can be used for reporting cases of administrative abuse (abuse of <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Sysop_guide" title="RationalWiki:Sysop guide">sysop</a> or <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Moderators" title="RationalWiki:Moderators">moderator</a> abilities such as blocking, page deletion, or user rights management), general abuse (such as <a href="/wiki/Troll" class="mw-redirect" title="Troll">trolling</a>, <a href="/wiki/Wandalism" class="mw-redirect" title="Wandalism">wandalism</a>, and personal attacks), and <b>conflicts which cannot be solved through normal talk page discussion</b> (such as long-standing edit wars or article content disputes). Please be specific and include links to any relevant discussions, page edits or logs. </p><p>All editors are welcome to comment on the cases raised here, and to try to reach a consensus on any action to be taken. If no consensus can be reached, and the HCM seems to be escalating, moderators are expected to take some action. However, any serious or permanent solution, such as removal of rights or lengthy ban, requires a community vote here according to the guidelines laid out in our <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:Community_Standards#Voting" title="RationalWiki:Community Standards">Community Standards</a>. </p><p><b>Please</b> try to resolve conflicts directly through discussion on other editor's talk pages <b>before</b> reporting them. It's better to just talk to someone rather than try to drag their name through the mud. </p><p>If the issue is not conflict resolution, but concerns RationalWiki policies, suggested changes to how things work around here, or similar matters of principle, please post <b><a href="/wiki/RationalWiki_talk:Community_Standards" title="RationalWiki talk:Community Standards">on the Community Standards talk page</a> instead.</b> </p><p>When presenting a case here, be sure to include <i>whom</i> you are accusing, what exactly you are accusing them <i>of</i>, some hard <i>evidence</i>, and a brief <i>explanation</i>. Since the sole purpose of the Coop is to resolve these disputes, don't post unrelated or more generalized complaints here — if you do, your posts will be moved off the page. Any vote started within 48 hours of filing will be deleted and you will be blocked. </p><p>Use <code>{{<a href="/wiki/Template:CoopNotice" title="Template:CoopNotice">CoopNotice</a>}}</code> to inform the user in question, so that they have a chance to discuss their actions here. </p><p>As a final note, if you think this page is a good tactic to apply in gaming the mob into doing your bidding, you may be shocked to see your post archived <i>quite</i> swiftly. </p> <div id="toc" class="toc" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="mw-toc-heading"><input type="checkbox" role="button" id="toctogglecheckbox" class="toctogglecheckbox" style="display:none" /><div class="toctitle" lang="en" dir="ltr"><h2 id="mw-toc-heading">Contents</h2><span class="toctogglespan"><label class="toctogglelabel" for="toctogglecheckbox"></label></span></div> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Ban_Smith"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Ban Smith</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-2"><a href="#Discussion"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">Discussion</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-3"><a href="#Cultivating_this_many_sockpuppets"><span class="tocnumber">1.2</span> <span class="toctext">Cultivating this many sockpuppets</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href="#Ban_Abd"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Ban Abd</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-5"><a href="#Disscussion"><span class="tocnumber">2.1</span> <span class="toctext">Disscussion</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-6"><a href="#Invalid_vote:_started_prematurely"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Invalid vote: started prematurely</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-7"><a href="#Derp"><span class="tocnumber">3.1</span> <span class="toctext">Derp</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-8"><a href="#A_summary_of_my_actions_wrongly_claimed_to_be_doxxing_by_EK_and_Dysk"><span class="tocnumber">3.2</span> <span class="toctext">A summary of my actions wrongly claimed to be doxxing by EK and Dysk</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-9"><a href="#Indefinite_ban_for_D"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Indefinite ban for D</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Ban_Smith">Ban Smith</span></h2> <p>I propose to formally ban the user known as "Smith" for the offenses of: </p> <ol><li>Doxing me and at least 3 other members of this site on various talk pages here and creating at least 2 libellous attack pages on editors here.</li> <li>Doxing members of this site on <a href="/wiki/Kiwi_Farms" title="Kiwi Farms">Kiwi Farms</a> and Reddit and elsewhere.</li> <li>Attempting to bulk delete pages here in <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">connection with</a> a lawsuit and causing disruption in the process along with arguably shifting the legal responsibility for those pages onto the site users who voted to keep them.</li> <li>Deliberately introducing defamatory material to multiple pages as part of a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">dispute</a> with some crank.</li> <li>Using this site to carry out a flame war with <a href="/wiki/Mikemikev" class="mw-redirect" title="Mikemikev">Mikemikev</a> and <a href="/wiki/Abd" class="mw-redirect" title="Abd">Abd</a> for several years including impersonating both on several occasions.</li> <li>Vandalism and trolling with "throwaway" accounts to disrupt site processes on numerous occasions.</li></ol> <p>I'm not going to specify any evidence because the most relevant evidence is suppressed and everyone with suppression access is well aware of the situation already. Just remember voting starts in 48 hours and requires a 2/3 majority. — Z 11:43, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Discussion">Discussion</span></h3> <dl><dd>so we are being asked to vote to ban a user few of us actually know who they are with no evidence provided? another coop another farce. <a href="/wiki/User:AMassiveGay" title="User:AMassiveGay">AMassiveGay</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:AMassiveGay" title="User talk:AMassiveGay">talk</a>) 12:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Yes exactly that. — Z 12:08, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd> <dd>It's honestly difficult to get the details clear, since a lot was suppressed. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">That said, this discussion remains</a> as well as the AfD Ze has linked. It appears to be tied to the <a href="/wiki/Mikemikev" class="mw-redirect" title="Mikemikev">Mikemikev</a>/<a href="/wiki/Abd_ul-Rahman_Lomax" title="Abd ul-Rahman Lomax">Abd ul-Rahman Lomax</a> drama, the former of whom got banned from RW for... what should frankly be obvious reasons (just read his page lol). I'll be frank, I won't vote in the Smith stuff since I don't know this particular drama shitstorm surrounding those two, but as far as I'm concerned, there is not exactly a great loss to the wiki should they remain gone? -Also just to quickly clarify, this coop isn't about nobs lol-. <a href="/wiki/User:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Sirius">Techpriest</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Sirius">I am Alpharius!</a> / <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sirius" title="Special:Contributions/Sirius"><img alt="Pencil.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT" title="RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT"><img alt="Tux icon.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki_talk:All_things_in_moderation" title="RationalWiki talk:All things in moderation"><img alt="Shield.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a>)</sup> 12:23, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Not banning him would kinda send the message that doxing is ok here so my vote is settled already. — Z 12:29, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Smith's only real activity here was and is meant to further internet grudges and escalate drama. It's caused problems on more than one occasion. Not an editor we need to keep around. <a href="/wiki/File:Pizza_SLICE.gif" class="image"><img alt="Pizza SLICE.gif" src="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/25px-Pizza_SLICE.gif" decoding="async" width="25" height="22" srcset="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/38px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/50px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 2x" data-file-width="750" data-file-height="661" /></a><a href="/wiki/User:DuceMoosolini" title="User:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:green"><b>Chef Moosolini’s Ristorante Italiano</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:DuceMoosolini" title="User talk:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:red"><sup><i>Make a Reservation</i></sup></span></a> 13:21, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Funny comment considering I've added the most articles of any editor to RationalWiki. Most the people criticising me instead don't add constructive content but use this wiki as a chat-room such as Saloon bar (a place I've virtually never visited).<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 13:47, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd> <dd>I've never doxed, impersonated or defamed anyone, notice as well no evidence is ever presented for these wild allegations. Ze has engaged in a gaslighting campaign against me for some time and nothing they post about me is accurate. They link to the preliminary judgement <i>Kirkegaard v Smith [2019] EWHC 3393 (QB)</i> but that has nothing to do with RationalWiki. I was never sued for comments I made on this wiki so claims I have posted libel on this wiki are blatantly false. And I won the lawsuit - Kirkegaard discontinued in May and has to pay my legal fees as the losing party. The preliminary judgement concerned fact versus opinion and ruled my comments were "expressions of opinion and are defamatory" <i>however</i> the judge pointed out "For the avoidance of doubt, I am not deciding the question of serious harm under s 1 of the Defamation Act 2013." (the preliminary was to determine whether my comments were fact or opinion not the question of serious harm and I won it on the basis I was arguing my comments were opinions while Kirkegaard incorrectly said they were facts and he was criticised by the judge for taking my comments out of context). Had it gone to full trial or summary judgement (I filed for) a judge would have decided if my comments were either honest opinion (my legal defence) or defamation based on the serious harm question. Kirkegaard discontinued the lawsuit shortly before the judge was going to decide this knowing he/she would almost certainly have ruled my opinions were honestly held rather than defamation. So did I defame him? No. It' s highly misleading to say I did since my comments were upheld as honest opinion which provides a legal defence to defamation (other than truth) and he discontinued the lawsuit knowing the judge in the summary judgement would have ruled my comments did not cause him serious harm. Of course, I don't expect Ze (formerly EK) or Dysk (aka D) to acknowledge this and both of them have spent the past year character assassinating me on Reddit and various wiki-related forums over this lawsuit. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 13:47, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><span class="outdent-template" style="display:block; margin-top:-0.5em; color:#AAA;"><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┌</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; width:15.2em;">────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┘</span></span><span></span> </p> <dl><dd>You doxed me <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";diff=2073359&amp;oldid=2073357&amp;unhide=1">here</a> and then a bunch of other times that I could find if you really want and then doxed other editors later and when your comments were suppressed you went to do the same thing on other sites including <a href="/wiki/Kiwi_Farms" title="Kiwi Farms">Kiwi Farms</a> whose users still follow me around to harrass even now because of it. — Z 14:02, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Upon further consideration, I changed my mind. I hadn't quite seen the KiwiFarms shit. Let me be clear here, anyone who is on that site and thinks that posting anything to do with a member here is an A-Okay thing can honestly and directly fuck off. Smith needs as far as I am concerned no more place here. <a href="/wiki/User:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Sirius">Techpriest</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Sirius">I am Alpharius!</a> / <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sirius" title="Special:Contributions/Sirius"><img alt="Pencil.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT" title="RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT"><img alt="Tux icon.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki_talk:All_things_in_moderation" title="RationalWiki talk:All things in moderation"><img alt="Shield.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a>)</sup> 15:30, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I've never doxed Ze - they formerly used their name initials (EK) on RationalWiki which is public knowledge. They renamed their account. They were banned from Wikipedia for trolling using their real name. How is any of this doxing if they've publicly used their real name as their account name on Wikipedia and used their initials on RationalWiki? If you go down that road and define doxing as someone who posts public information then by the same definition Ze (aka EK) has doxed me by posting my name Oliver Smith all over the place.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 17:23, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>LOL. If you want to ban people who post on Kiwi Farms, then ban EK/Ze - she posts there and libelled me as a pedophile on an account. It would be pretty moronic to deny this is her since the account is an SPA dedicated to attacking me and contains the same "feminazi" name description. EK/Ze has been using Kiwi Farms to libel me for months.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 17:27, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><span class="outdent-template" style="display:block; margin-top:-0.5em; color:#AAA;"><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┌</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; width:15.2em;">────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┘</span></span><span></span> My account initials were never connected to any name until you decided to do that, obviously it was public knowledge after you made it public knowledge which is what you must have wanted. The Zionist Feminazi account on Kiwifarms is obviously not me, and in addition to calling you a pedophile it doxes LGM, posts personal information about Dysk, claims Bongolian is your brother, and calls various peeps here SJWs which tbf is fairly standard for all the posters on that thread. It also engages in severe transphobia against dysk which seems cringe and is ngl a lot like your own very transphobic comments about dysk you made <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";target=Arthur+Kerensa&amp;timestamp=20190426123447">here</a> which is now suppressed. — Z 18:04, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>What personal info from me was revealed? DM may be appropriate. --It's-a me, <a href="/wiki/File:Lgm_sigpic.png" class="image"><img alt="Lgm sigpic.png" src="/w/images/6/66/Lgm_sigpic.png" decoding="async" width="34" height="16" data-file-width="34" data-file-height="16" /></a> <a href="/wiki/User:LeftyGreenMario" title="User:LeftyGreenMario"><span style="font-family:Verdana;color:#735203;">Lefty</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:LeftyGreenMario" title="User talk:LeftyGreenMario"><span style="font-family:Verdana;color:DarkGreen;">Green</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/LeftyGreenMario" title="Special:Contributions/LeftyGreenMario"><span style="font-family:Verdana;color:#aa0404">Mario</span></a>! 18:43, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>The "Zionist Feminazi" account on Kiwifarms is Ze who calls herself a feminazi here. Ze and Dysk claim to be siblings in real life. The "Zionist Feminist" account on Kiwi Farms libeled me as a pedophile and it is <i>only</i> Ze/Dysk that repeats the libel on that account. Ze is also involved with Mikemikev drama and note the only other thread the Feminazi account on KF posted in is Mike's. There are plenty of other evidences that account is Ze.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 19:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>On Kiwi Farms there is talk that Ze and Dysk are the same person. On his Reddit account, Dysk posted several times he is in actual fact Ze. Does anyone know what all this is about, or is it an elaborate hoax? <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 19:14, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>It's a well known fact nothing I post on Reddit is true, I have no idea why people still take me seriously there. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 21:30, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd><s>I disagree with a ban of Smith,</s> I personally don't have an opinion either way. I'd say that a stern admonishment along with a 2 way interaction ban from contacting Ze (and vice-versa) <s>should be sufficient in my opinion</s> would be a good idea in the event that Smith is not banned. Additionally, a preemptive sysoprevoke may be in order, especially with Ze active on the site. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 19:33, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Kiko you are a moron, if you want to comment, make an effort to understand the situation. You want an interaction ban for someone who doxed several editors? What a joke. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 21:28, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>EK/Ze doxxed my brother and if they didn't do that I wouldn't have even looked into their identity and found their Wikipedia account. My actions were retaliatory - Proof is here. View this edit: <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=";diff=prev&amp;oldid=2073294">;diff=prev&amp;oldid=2073294</a> (this is me confronting Ze over the dox of my brother <i>before</i> I posted links to their Wikipedia account with their name). <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 23:58, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><span class="outdent-template" style="display:block; margin-top:-0.5em; color:#AAA;"><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┌</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; width:10.4em;">────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┘</span></span><span></span> Glad to see that you admit to doxing Ze now mate, your denials were fucking tiresome. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 10:59, 16 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>I've rebutted that below. I never posted private information about your sister - she signed up a public Wikipedia account with her name. In contrast, your sister doxxed my brother's name on Wikipedocracy and other websites when he's never publicly revealed his name online. You have a penchant for projection. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 12:42, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Dysk, there is no need for personal attacks. No I don't neccessarily want an interaction ban. I only said that this would be an option if Smith is not banned, whether as a result of this coop, or otherwise. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 17:46, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Cultivating_this_many_sockpuppets">Cultivating this many sockpuppets</span></h3> <p>I don't know, man. Sockpuppetry is not explicitly against our rules. In fact having sock accounts has largely been condoned in the past. But I can't help but feel that this Oliver D. Smith business has taken it to a whole other level. It may be worth it to ban them simply because they're more trouble than they're worth. We don't need to embroil RationalWiki in a conflict spanning half the internet, just for the sake of a single user. The scale of this is... disturbing.-<a href="/wiki/User:Hastur" title="User:Hastur">Hastur!</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Hastur" title="User talk:Hastur">talk</a>) 18:41, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>I don't see the point in any of these debates. Smith and Ze have been involved in an online slap-fight for over a year its on Kiwi Farms, discord, Reddit etc. It's impossible to have both these people on the same website. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 19:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd>I'd be inclined to support banning Smith just based on the scale of the drama they're embroiled in. All sorts of websites and sockpuppets and angry basement-dwellers plus at least one court case. It's not worth it to allow any chance of all that garbage spilling onto RW. <a href="/wiki/File:Pizza_SLICE.gif" class="image"><img alt="Pizza SLICE.gif" src="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/25px-Pizza_SLICE.gif" decoding="async" width="25" height="22" srcset="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/38px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/50px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 2x" data-file-width="750" data-file-height="661" /></a><a href="/wiki/User:DuceMoosolini" title="User:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:green"><b>Chef Moosolini’s Ristorante Italiano</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:DuceMoosolini" title="User talk:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:red"><sup><i>Make a Reservation</i></sup></span></a> 19:07, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd><dl><dd>If you look up the Wikipedia clusterfuck, EK (Ze) was indef b&amp; as a sockpuppet of Dysk (indef b&amp; as either a suspected troll or irredeemable PITA). I'd provide links, but I can't be arsed with accusations of doxxing. This whole thing is weird AF. <a href="/wiki/User:Helena_Bonham_Carter" title="User:Helena Bonham Carter">Helena Bonham Carter</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Helena_Bonham_Carter" title="User talk:Helena Bonham Carter">talk</a>) 20:16, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Ze was originally blocked due to a technical link between us, this was overturned (for Ze) by a Wikimedia steward, based on showing identity documents. Terms of the unblock followed the WP:CLEANSTART guidelines and the original account remains locked. However, despite this I personally remain banned from all Wikipedia projects, for trolling, and ban evasion. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 21:24, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>We don't need the identity documents, obviously, but a link to the ruling would be nice-<a href="/wiki/User:Hastur" title="User:Hastur">Hastur!</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Hastur" title="User talk:Hastur">talk</a>) 21:33, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>This was largely conducted in private on Wikimedia IRC, you will have to make do with the rather limited WP:AN ruling linked to my "main" Wikipedia account. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 21:58, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><span class="outdent-template" style="display:block; margin-top:-0.5em; color:#AAA;"><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┌</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; width:15.2em;">────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┘</span></span><span></span><span class="template-ping">@<a href="/wiki/User:Dysklyver" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Dysklyver">Dysklyver</a></span> Pull the other one, son. Look, you've had a good run. Let's not spoil it by going down the very silly road of my-sister-totally-started-editing-Wikipedia-a-month-before-I-got-b&amp;-and-whilst-I-was-sockpuppeteering-like-crazy. Smell tests n' all that. </p><p>I invite you to resign from the board of trustees, hand back both your tech bits, and decide whether you'll use your Dysk or Ze account for voting in future. Graceful exits on gentle off ramps ftw. <a href="/wiki/User:Helena_Bonham_Carter" title="User:Helena Bonham Carter">Helena Bonham Carter</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Helena_Bonham_Carter" title="User talk:Helena Bonham Carter">talk</a>) 01:44, 16 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>1. RationalWiki has no rule against sockpuppetry it is a moot argument, nevertheless I will point out that nothing you wrote is true.</dd> <dd>2. I've been sockpuppeting on Wikipedia since around 2006. Although my socks are assigned to various SPI cases, the oldest one blocked as "Dysk" is <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">this</a> November 2006 account. Ze did not get blocked until 2018 (12 years later) and that was a quickly resolved mishap I caused quite accidentally.</dd> <dd>3. I never stopped Sockpuppeting on Wikipedia and still edit articles there on a regular basis, occasionally I get banned this doesn't concern me. I haven't been banned for nearly 2 months.</dd> <dd>4. I don't intend to quit the board without having pushed certain changes outlined in my candidacy statement, this isn't negotiable.</dd> <dd>5. It's probable that I will lose Tech over the IP-Data visibility issue. Not because I did anything wrong, but because of what I said about it.</dd> <dd>6. This is very much off-topic to this Coop case, if you have further questions take it to my DMs or Email.</dd> <dd>Thanks. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 11:18, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd>Thanks for the link. I hadn't dug any further than A____r K_____a, but my main concern now is your use of the Dysk and Ze accounts to sustain a "doxxing" drama that doesn't impact your RL identity at all. I get that you might be having tons of fun fucking with people on the internet, but bollocks to you indulging that shit here. You have an off ramp. Take it, please. <a href="/wiki/User:Helena_Bonham_Carter" title="User:Helena Bonham Carter">Helena Bonham Carter</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Helena_Bonham_Carter" title="User talk:Helena Bonham Carter">talk</a>) 18:42, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd>Dysklyver is banned from other wikis for sockpuppetry. <a href="/wiki/Conservapedia" title="Conservapedia">Conservapedia</a> on his blocked account says "inconclusive but convincing checkuser evidence of sockpuppetry". And since he admits to socking on Wikipedia, was blocked for doing it on Conservapedia - it's almost certain he does it on RationalWiki. But as he says it's not against the rules here - however he's someone who has attacked me across the internet for owning "hundreds of accounts". Likely projection since I don't that many (my estimate is 35-40, but that's over a 8 year period), perhaps he does though. And note he's publicly discussing his Wikipedia accounts he shares on an IP with his sister here, but made a dubious claim I doxxed his sister when I merely posted her Wikipedia account. (facepalm)<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 12:39, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>On that note Smith, the user account that you are using, <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">User:Flight</a> is a sockpuppet of a banned user. Is there any reason why this account should not be blocked? If there isn't then why even bother with a vote? Why not just proceed to blocking Smith? We can then review the block afterwards, if deemed appropriate. We have enough drama on this wiki without Smith, by allowing Smith to return we are only allowing more drama to take place here. Not good, and not rational either. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 22:07, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Feel free to link where Smith was banned mate. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 10:25, 17 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Ban_Abd">Ban Abd</span></h2> <p>I can't remember exactly what this guy did but allegedly trolling and doxing were involved. I think he created a blog to attack various editors after that and the validity of what he wrote there is disputed. Like Smith he was unilaterally banned by a sysop on the basis of doxing without a coop vote, so in the interests of fairness we will confirm this ban too at the same time. Remember that the vote starts in 48 hours and requires a 2/3 majority to pass. — Z 12:19, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>I oppose having a vote to reinstate Abd because he has not petitioned for reinstatement of rights. It's a needless drama to rehash all of his bullshit (or anyone else's who hasn't petitioned). He appears to be a death's door according to D, and partly-confirmed by his own website. <a href="/wiki/User:Bongolian" title="User:Bongolian">Bongolian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bongolian" title="User talk:Bongolian">talk</a>) 19:48, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Disscussion">Disscussion</span></h3> <p>Seems like a wise idea, poking through history, it seems his community also was responsible for raiding RW or something? Anyway, that blog of his was in the abuse filter at some point if I'm not mistaken. Unlike Smith, I do think I can be confident in saying that blocking Abd is a good idea. <a href="/wiki/User:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Sirius">Techpriest</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Sirius">I am Alpharius!</a> / <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sirius" title="Special:Contributions/Sirius"><img alt="Pencil.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT" title="RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT"><img alt="Tux icon.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki_talk:All_things_in_moderation" title="RationalWiki talk:All things in moderation"><img alt="Shield.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a>)</sup> 12:23, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>I mean in terms of damage Smith did more than Abd but yes both should be banned and this is more about procedure since both have been treated as banned for a long time and had hundreds of accounts blocked for ban evasion. — Z 12:26, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd>Abd Lomax is a threat to RationalWiki user's privacy and was rightly banned. He threatened to sue David Gerard and RationalWiki, he posted this on his website coldfusioncommunity in 2018 (if you want I can link to this). He later dropped this idea and filed a lawsuit against Wikipedia for banning him. His lawsuit against Wikipedia was dismissed with prejudice, but Abd claimed in this lawsuit that RationalWiki had 'defamed' him. On Abd's coldfusioncommunity website there are 50 negative articles dedicated to 'researching' RationalWiki editors such as Smith and their alleged sock-puppets.</dd></dl></dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd>Lomax also doxed some RationalWiki staff on his website and some of that information is still live. Fuzzycatpotato has been doxed on Abd Lomax's website his real name and house address has been exposed. Ze is a close friend of Abd Lomax, indeed Lomax wrote on Reddit a few months ago he considers ZE like a "daughter". Ze also has a discord "The Treehouse" and she invited Abd to join it, and made him a mod there. D/Ze have been in an online slapfight with Smith for a year spilling over multiple websites. We need someone totally uninvolved with this Abd or Smith drama to solve these matters. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 18:30, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I've only interacted with Abd once, but he did <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">post briefly about me on his site</a> (he did not doxx me) which brought it to my notice. He does seem to post a lot about RW stuff on his webpage. <a href="/wiki/File:Pizza_SLICE.gif" class="image"><img alt="Pizza SLICE.gif" src="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/25px-Pizza_SLICE.gif" decoding="async" width="25" height="22" srcset="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/38px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/50px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 2x" data-file-width="750" data-file-height="661" /></a><a href="/wiki/User:DuceMoosolini" title="User:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:green"><b>Chef Moosolini’s Ristorante Italiano</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:DuceMoosolini" title="User talk:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:red"><sup><i>Make a Reservation</i></sup></span></a> 19:09, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Yeah well your like me anonymous so Abd can't get you but he tries to get hold of editors real life names, then he publishes it on his website. Does fuzzy know Abd has published his personal details? <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 19:16, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I would vote Aye to a ban of Abd, but I've not been on here long enough. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 19:31, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <dl><dd>Abd was banned on <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Some random Smith</a> a suckpuppet using my surname and then editing Emil Kirkegaard's article when he knew I was involved at the time in a lawsuit with Kirkegaard. So I suspect this was an impersonation. Abd is a malicious troll and <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Some_random_Smith#Hey_FYI" title="User talk:Some random Smith">David Gerard blocked the Smith account</a> recognising it was Abd. Abd falsely claims (without any evidence) I impersonate people on his blog - it's psychological projection and he's describing his own sick behaviour.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 22:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I could say the same about you. Funny how you have no self awareness, when you post obviously hypocritical statements. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 22:13, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>The difference is I've never impersonated anyone while Abd Lomax demonstrably has or at least he has used my surname on his sockpuppets. Who am I meant to have impersonated? And why has no mod blocked me for an impersonation? They only seem to exist in your imagination. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 22:27, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <dl><dd><dl><dd><dl><dd><dl><dd>D has admitted to being a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";diff=2226696&amp;oldid=2226693">friend</a> of Lomax. Ze is also a close friend of Abd. We need neutral users on here if any discussion is to go forward. Abd has personally harassed me over email so I am against him fully. I admit I hate this evil ol man! So I am not neutral. I suggest we all stop debating this topic and wait for the voting. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 23:08, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Abd is a great guy, that said, I don't oppose his ban on the grounds of doxing. Same with Smith, but Smith is actually a cunt. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 11:21, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I understand that you have a personal relationship with Abd, and I have no problem with that. Abd however is a lunatic (<a href="/wiki/Abd_ul-Rahman_Lomax#Pseudoscience" title="Abd ul-Rahman Lomax">pseudoscience promotion</a>), a pest (repeated ban evasions), and a danger (doxing). He is not 'great'. <a href="/wiki/User:Bongolian" title="User:Bongolian">Bongolian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bongolian" title="User talk:Bongolian">talk</a>) 18:04, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>That's all water under the bridge now, Abd needs banning in my opinion. Smith, however needs summary banning without a vote in my opinion. He is the sockpuppet of an indefinitely blocked user by his own admission. Why are we even wasting our valuable time feeding this troll? <a href="/wiki/Don%27t_feed_the_Troll" title="Don&#39;t feed the Troll"><img alt="Troll" src="/w/images/thumb/e/eb/Troll01.png/30px-Troll01.png" decoding="async" width="30" height="30" style="vertical-align: text-bottom" srcset="/w/images/thumb/e/eb/Troll01.png/45px-Troll01.png 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/e/eb/Troll01.png/60px-Troll01.png 2x" data-file-width="128" data-file-height="128" /></a> <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 22:15, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Invalid_vote:_started_prematurely">Invalid vote: started prematurely</span></h2> <p><b>As noted at the top of the page, since this vote did not start 48 hours after the beginning of the coop, it is therefore invalid.</b> <a href="/wiki/User:Bongolian" title="User:Bongolian">Bongolian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bongolian" title="User talk:Bongolian">talk</a>) 18:11, 16 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>This shit is so tiresome already, and we have to sit through another fucking day of this? <a href="/wiki/File:Pizza_SLICE.gif" class="image"><img alt="Pizza SLICE.gif" src="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/25px-Pizza_SLICE.gif" decoding="async" width="25" height="22" srcset="/w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/38px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/3/37/Pizza_SLICE.gif/50px-Pizza_SLICE.gif 2x" data-file-width="750" data-file-height="661" /></a><a href="/wiki/User:DuceMoosolini" title="User:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:green"><b>Chef Moosolini’s Ristorante Italiano</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:DuceMoosolini" title="User talk:DuceMoosolini"><span style="color:red"><sup><i>Make a Reservation</i></sup></span></a> 01:06, 17 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Derp">Derp</span></h3> <ul><li>I would settle for blocking my account on a voluntary basis i.e. post this user has decided to quit. Would I show up again? No. Because this time there was actually a Coop discussion rather than the irregular procedure of banning me via discord with no consensus or discussion. I returned to this wiki to add articles because there was no proper ban, rather, it was two problematic admins (Ze and Dysk) who banned me based on dubious allegations of doxing (I've rebutted these allegations above). There is also a repeated false allegation I libelled Ze or Dysk; yet last time I looked they're the people viciously smearing me on multiple websites as a child abuser and pedophile among many other outrageous claims. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 18:01, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</li></ul> <div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:502px;"><a href="/wiki/File:Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png" class="image"><img alt="" src="/w/images/thumb/7/7f/Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png/500px-Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png" decoding="async" width="500" height="151" class="thumbimage" srcset="/w/images/thumb/7/7f/Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png/750px-Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/7/7f/Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png/1000px-Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png 2x" data-file-width="1492" data-file-height="452" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="/wiki/File:Tobias_on_kiwifarms_2019.png" class="internal" title="Enlarge"></a></div>Smith calling the RationalWiki mods and sysops "mentally ill SJWs"</div></div></div><p> Smith you said after you wrote banned as <a href="/wiki/User:Tobias" title="User:Tobias">User:Tobias</a> that you would never return while calling the mods and sysops here "mentally ill SJWs" and saying a highly transphobic homophobic, and ableist <a href="/wiki/Kiwi_Farms" title="Kiwi Farms">Kiwi Farms</a> thread was true (See the image). Why are you back. — Z 18:37, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p><dl><dd>I agree, I think that Ze asks a fair question. That said I will add that I'm not in favour of anything other than a simple 2 way interaction ban on both Ze and Smith. Additionally, I think that Ze should be admonished for misuse of sysop. Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes like that should never be repeated again. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 19:29, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>There's no transphobia, homophobia, and ableism in any of my comments on KF or anywhere else (not that I actually care). Furthermore it's pretty stupid to use that as a guilt by association fallacy when we both know you (Ze) are the "Zionist Feminazi" account I was responding to in that thread who was libelling me as a pedophile. To anyone who wants to actually check that full thread to get the context rather than believe Ze's quote-mines - notice my comment in the screenshot is only responding to "Zionist Feminazi" after I was provoked. And note how the "Zionist Feminazi" account identically matches Ze's posts and writing style, for example take the following comment they posted on Kiwi Farms:</dd></dl></dd></dl> <blockquote class="letter" style="width:auto; background:#f8f8ff; border:1px solid #C9C9CF;"> <p>May 18, 2019 Zionist Feminazi </p><p>maybe the doxing has something to do with how her name wasnt linked to her rationalwiki account and the harassment has something to do with how u went onto her talk page and discord to post threats and weird shit about the things u would do unless she redacted a wikipediocracy post to not mention ur insane brother who spends his time spamming reddit? </p> </blockquote> <p>To those familiar with Ze aka EK's writing style will know their usage of "ur". Not only that but it matches identical claims they make here such as the dubious claims of doxing and how her account "name wasnt linked to her rationalwiki account" (we've seen that same claim made above by Ze). Add this to the fact EK calls herself as a feminazi and elsewhere has claimed to support zionism plus that user only was posting in the RationalWiki and Mikemikev thread specifically to attack me -is rather conclusive its the same person. How many other people who support zionism and call themself a feminazi with the same writing style to Ze are there? I'm not sure how much more evidence other mods here would need. The fact they are denying this is them shows how highly deceptive they are. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 19:36, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd><dl><dd>The Zionist Feminazi user on Kiwifarms is a former close friend of mine, I can confirm it's not Ze. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 21:32, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd> <dd>I would vote Aye, but 1) I'm not an eligible voter and 2) I think this proposal is ill concieved and we'd be better off if we did what WMF wikis do and implement a procedure for appealing bans that does not involve sockpuppetery. The problem with this proposal is that it encourages people who are banned to evade their bans. Hence invalidating their meaning and purpose. Not good. So if I were an eligible voter, I'd vote Nay, we're better off with the status quo, which at least wouldn't create a precedent that any ban retrospectively deemed "invalid" may simply be disregarded without consequence. This isn't an Anarchy, or a battleground. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 19:50, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd> <dd>I don't even understand whey this is a vote. Abd is a certified doxer. I'm not about to give Smith the benefit of the doubt, particularly if there is confirmation that Smith is a doxer. <a href="/wiki/User:Bongolian" title="User:Bongolian">Bongolian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bongolian" title="User talk:Bongolian">talk</a>) 20:09, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Either way I think that Smith has admitted to being a sockpuppet of <a href="/wiki/User:Tobias" title="User:Tobias">User:Tobias</a> who has already been indefinitely banned. So I fully agree with you, on the basis of that evidence alone, there appears to be no need for a vote. I don't see why we can't just summarily ban Smith aka Tobias aka Flight instead of bothering with a vote, which is just a waste of everyone's time. If Smith wishes to appeal the ban, and sees it as unjust, and intends to edit there are already proper channels for doing so e.g. on his talk page (if not revoked), by email (if not revoked), or by Discord. If both his talk page, and email access have been revoked, and he is banned from the Discord server, then tough shit. That's his problem, not our problem. If that's the case then we can just ban him, then Forget It, Move On. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 20:15, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>@ Kiko and Bongolian - my Tobias account was banned without the correct procedure. It was banned with no discussion or vote based on a dubious claim of doxing. I dispute the doxing claim because all I did is link to Ze (aka EK) Wikipedia account. That's all I ever did. I don't consider that doxing. Ze's dubious claim is it was doxing because she had not mentioned/linked her Wikipedia account on RationalWiki. Wikipedia accounts are public. Perhaps the reason Ze acted the way they did is because their Wikipedia account is perm banned for trolling and they're a notorious sockpuppeteer - there's dozens of accounts banned under their name. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 21:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Are we going to ignore you doxing Greenrd, Occam, and that you posted Ze's full name which isn't in the Wikipedia link? Get real mate, you can focus on one thing, and there are a dozen more offenses I can list. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 21:18, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>You're a proven liar. Ze's full name is in the Wikipedia url I posted. A mere google search of "Greenrd" <i>reveals his full name</i>. How is that doxing? This stuff is public and Greenrd connects his online pseudonym to his real name on multiple sites. Same for Captain Occam who has identified himself on blogs and forums (his real name) with his pseudonym. None of this is doxxing (revealing private information), but you know that. You've made up a tun of false allegations to smear me with. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 21:36, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Remarkably Smith, what you wrote there is proven lies by the suppression logs already posted on this page... I guess you are full of shite. <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 22:01, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>That's your and EK's usual response when you're been exposed as outright lying. "It's the logs!" when these aren't even viewable. And lol @ doxing Greenrd when his surname is his pseudonmyn. But I guess you're going to go back to spamming Reddit with your "Oliver is a malicious doxxer" crap. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 22:13, 15 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><span class="outdent-template" style="display:block; margin-top:-0.5em; color:#AAA;"><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┌</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; width:10.4em;">────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┘</span></span><span></span>Thanks for your response Smith, as a result I can now be satisfied so that I am sure (i.e. beyond a reasonable doubt) that you are the sockpuppet of a banned user i.e. Smith aka Tobias. Therefore, if I were an eligible voter I would definitely voting Aye. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 17:42, 16 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>On that note, I feel that this coop will be pointless if I just block Smith to enforce his desire to LANCB. I have asked him to confirm that he desires to LANCB, and that he is happy for me to indefinitely block him to enforce his desire. If he does confirm that, then I will just indefinitely block him, and ask for this coop to be archived without a vote. Are there any objections? <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 08:36, 17 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Yes, I object. Too many people have LANCBed before only to return. And since Smith is notorious for his sockpuppetry, we need a 2/3 mob decision on whether all his current and future incarnations can be summarily banished. <a href="/wiki/User:Knight_Commander" title="User:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#000080"><b>Knight Commander</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Contributions/Knight Commander"><sup><span style="color:#FF0000"><i><b>In Service</b></i></span></sup></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Block/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Block/Knight Commander"><span style="color:#800080"><sub><i><b>To </b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/Baphomet" title="Baphomet"><span style="color#000000"><sub><i><b>Her</b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Knight_Commander" title="User talk:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#ff00ff"><sup><i><b>Goatness</b></i></sup></span></a> 09:06, 17 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I also object. Users shouldn't get away with no punishment just because they ragequit. <a href="/wiki/User:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Sirius">Techpriest</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sirius" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Sirius">I am Alpharius!</a> / <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sirius" title="Special:Contributions/Sirius"><img alt="Pencil.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT" title="RationalWiki:TECHSUPPORT"><img alt="Tux icon.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a> / <a href="/wiki/RationalWiki_talk:All_things_in_moderation" title="RationalWiki talk:All things in moderation"><img alt="Shield.png" src="" decoding="async" width="16" height="16" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></a>)</sup> 09:15, 17 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="A_summary_of_my_actions_wrongly_claimed_to_be_doxxing_by_EK_and_Dysk">A summary of my actions wrongly claimed to be doxxing by EK and Dysk</span></h3> <ul><li>Ze's former name on RationalWiki was EK. Those are her real name initials and she has a Wikipedia account (banned) under her real name. I linked to the Wikipedia account.</li> <li>Greenrd pseudonym is his surname. All I did was Google his name and you get his full name including surname on plenty of sites. The first link on Google has Greenrd, his surname and first name (I won't here post, but its public).</li> <li>Captain Occam (a banned Wikipedia troll) has identified his pseudonyms (Captain Occam, Occam) with his real name on blogs and forums.</li></ul> <p>So how did I dox any of these people? Nothing I linked or posted was private information. If EK wanted to be anonymous in cyberspace why use her real name initials on RationalWiki and sign up a Wikipedia account with full real name? Based on the above false allegations of doxing I was incorrectly banned on the user:Tobias.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 22:49, 15 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>I don't think you or D/Ze should continue your slapfight on this website. It's been going on over a year on other platforms. You need to put an end to it and just agree to never talk to each other again. Users should stop arguing here and just wait to vote on the bans. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 23:04, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>The problem is the mods or other users aren't looking at the evidence, some are uncritically going along with D/Ze's total BS and lies. I've never doxxed those 3 listed people. Anyone impartial can see that if they read my simple rebuttal above. No information I've posted is private but public.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 23:08, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Just because Ze volunteered her real life name on one platform, doesn't justify you revealing it on another one. Revealing her name on RW is doxxing. And you continuing to point out her real world initials should be reason for immediate block for as long as it takes until we get the permaban vote concluded. <a href="/wiki/User:Knight_Commander" title="User:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#000080"><b>Knight Commander</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Contributions/Knight Commander"><sup><span style="color:#FF0000"><i><b>In Service</b></i></span></sup></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Block/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Block/Knight Commander"><span style="color:#800080"><sub><i><b>To </b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/Baphomet" title="Baphomet"><span style="color#000000"><sub><i><b>Her</b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Knight_Commander" title="User talk:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#ff00ff"><sup><i><b>Goatness</b></i></sup></span></a> 23:15, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Anyone can Google these peoples usernames and get their real life name because they are publicly attached to their accounts on other websites like Greenrd so it does not match the usual definition of "doxing" used in law because the information is public, not private. But there is a stricter definition of the term doxing on this website where you can not divulge any name from any external website even if it is public and connect it to a pseudonym. This sort of connecting the pieces research is forbidden. My advice is to close your account here and move on. Abd is not coming back here. You should not come back either. The best way to leave is by choice. The infighting on this website can be very toxic. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 23:28, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Four points as a rebuttal:</dd> <dd>(1) They used their real name initials on RationalWiki.</dd> <dd>(2) They use their first real name on RationalWiki-related discord chats.</dd> <dd>(3) Ze claims their brother is Dysk; the latter's Wikipedia account is connected to his sisters and since Dysk has mentioned his Wikipedia identity on RationalWiki it was easy to find</dd> <dd>(4) Finally, I don't use the weakened definition of doxing but the strong dictionary definition which contradicts what Coigreach said. Cambridge dictionary definition: "the action of finding or publishing private information about someone on the internet without their permission, especially in a way that reveals their name, address, etc." Key word: private. EK signed up her real name on Wikipedia. How is that private? It isn't - Wikipedia is a public site. What would be doxing is if someone leaked actual private information including, for example a name behind a paywall site or credit card details. Guess what? <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";diff=prev&amp;oldid=2073294">The former is what EK did to my brother</a> on the Wikipedocracy forum which is what I confronted them about on Tobias and asked them to retract where they did this. My brother was doxxed by a troll who put his name on the internet having paid for his information behind paywall site. My brother never released his name on any public website - yet EK went around the internet doxxing him on multiple websites. I then get banned for posting Ek's name after I was confronting them about doxxing my brother. You really couldn't make it up. Had they not doxxed my brother I wouldn't have looked into their identity and found their Wikipedia account. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";diff=prev&amp;oldid=2073294">My actions were retaliatory</a>. <a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 23:39, 15 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Ze/Abd have both been doxing your family so in retaliation you found her banned Wikipedia account name. I understand but this slap-fight has been going on too long. There is bad on all sides. Nobody is innocent here. Abd was the first to dox your family. Abd has quite an influence on Ze. I think the real issue here is him and his bad influence on some from this community. I mean it was him that started this flame war between you guys. But I am bored of this now and I going to sleep. My advice is to move on. These petty online feuds are not worth the time. I seriously think you should close your account on here. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 00:00, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd> <dd>(Edit conflict) (1) Again, it wasn't known that those were her real life initials until you brought it up.</dd> <dd>(2)I hold a strong belief that what happens in Discord should have no bearing here.</dd> <dd>(3)Just because it's easy to find doesn't mean it's justifiable to reveal. Also, what Dysk reveals shouldn't make it okay to reveal extended information about his (alleged) sister.</dd> <dd>(4)This <i>is</i> RationalWiki. And our more strict definition of Doxxing applies as far as the blocking policy is concerned. <a href="/wiki/User:Knight_Commander" title="User:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#000080"><b>Knight Commander</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Contributions/Knight Commander"><sup><span style="color:#FF0000"><i><b>In Service</b></i></span></sup></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Block/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Block/Knight Commander"><span style="color:#800080"><sub><i><b>To </b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/Baphomet" title="Baphomet"><span style="color#000000"><sub><i><b>Her</b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Knight_Commander" title="User talk:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#ff00ff"><sup><i><b>Goatness</b></i></sup></span></a> 00:01, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>It must be wonderful to have this much free time to spend hours doing pointless shittery, trolling, doxing, revenge bitching, online stalking and year long bickering all over the internet. Must be conducive to a truly content happy soul. <a href="/wiki/User:Shabidoo" title="User:Shabidoo"><span style="color:#0070FF"><b>Shabi</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Shabidoo" title="User talk:Shabidoo"><span style="color:#FF007F"><b>DOO</b></span></a> 11:24, 16 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>Agreed but <a href="/wiki/Don%27t_feed_the_Troll" title="Don&#39;t feed the Troll"><img alt="Troll" src="/w/images/thumb/e/eb/Troll01.png/30px-Troll01.png" decoding="async" width="30" height="30" style="vertical-align: text-bottom" srcset="/w/images/thumb/e/eb/Troll01.png/45px-Troll01.png 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/e/eb/Troll01.png/60px-Troll01.png 2x" data-file-width="128" data-file-height="128" /></a> <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 17:40, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Back to reality: view my <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";dir=prev&amp;offset=20200908214141&amp;target=Flight">user contributions</a>. My edit history on this wiki is adding mainspace articles - and I've added between 200 and 300 since 2012. My account Flight is only 2 weeks old, but has already made 3 lengthy articles such as <a href="/wiki/Spiteful_mutant_hypothesis" title="Spiteful mutant hypothesis">spiteful mutant hypothesis</a>. The behaviour you are describing is the total <i>opposite</i> of mine. I've never used this wiki for drama and I've virtually never posted in the saloon bar and with few exceptions (obviously if you exclude this coop where I protest an incorrect blocking procedure and a couple of talk pages), rarely post on non-mainspace articles. I also never joined any RationalWiki group or chat. I'm a solitary individual who never even made friends here over 8 years and only used this wiki to add constructive articles. I have no idea why people think I'm involved in shit-posting or trolling. As I said view my edit history. As far as drama, stalking or revenge bitching is concerned - Ze (aka EK) followed me on Twitter months back - I blocked them and told them to fuck off. Despite the misinformation saying otherwise, I have no interest in 'bickering all over the internet'. The only place off-this wiki I briefly mentioned my ban was on KF. My total post count there is very small and I haven't posted there for well over a year.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 18:47, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Your honesty is appreciated Smith, but the fact that you've already been convicted and sentenced, but are unlawfully at large, and clearly don't see anything wrong with your prior misconduct, are all things that strongly suggest that you need indefinite banning. This doesn't even need a vote in my opinion, a straight ban would be sufficient due process for you. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 21:57, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Indefinite_ban_for_D">Indefinite ban for D</span></h2> <p>There is now solid evidence <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">D</a> has been looking up private IP data and using this data as a personal check-user. I also believe he has been sending that information to his friend <a href="/wiki/Abd_Lomax" class="mw-redirect" title="Abd Lomax">Abd Lomax</a> a hostile critic of this website who has threatened various editors here with legal action in the past. Even if he has not sent private information to Abd, he has violated users privacy. </p><p>User Flight recently revealed this comment from D on Reddit: </p> <ul><li>"<i>I can see the IP addresses Smith used on RationalWiki due to the fact I'm a tech there. Every single IP on a Smith account that I checked going back to 2016 or so was a VPN</i> and <i>I can clearly see the IP addresses Smith used on his accounts don't match his public IP address he used separately without an account. Furthermore, Smith has been recently editing RationalWiki using different IP addresses</i>. The link can be found here <a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href="">[1]</a>.</li> <li>D <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";diff=2226696&amp;oldid=2226693">admits here</a> Abd is his friend and admits to trolling Wikipedia talk-pages.</li> <li>Also D says he takes LSD <a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href=";diff=2226693&amp;oldid=2226681">[2]</a>. On Reddit D says he does much of his editing when he is high.</li> <li>D is indefinitely banned on Wikipedia and uncyclopedia. Whilst bans off this website have no involvement in RationalWiki it does paint a picture that this user is a troll which he confesses to. Here D admits to trolling. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=";diff=2226685&amp;oldid=2226683"><i>"I personally remain banned from all Wikipedia projects, for trolling, and ban evasion</i></a>.</li> <li>D has been in communication with Abd Lomax for over a year. I received emails from Abd telling me he has private IP data of RationalWiki accounts. Abd has threatened to sue RationalWiki users in the past.</li> <li>D and Ze invited Abd to join their discord server "The Treehouse" and made him a mod there. There are many chats there about RationalWiki with Abd.</li> <li>Abd filed a lawsuit against Wikipedia (it was thrown out with prejudice) but in that lawsuit Abd mentioned RationalWiki as 'defaming' him <a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href="">[3]</a>. D has publicly posted on Reddit and Wikipediocracy that he supports Abd's lawsuit.</li> <li>Here D admits nothing he posts is true, <a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href=";diff=2226689&amp;oldid=2226686">[4]</a>. Is this someone we want on the board of trustees?</li> <li>The abuse of tech rights is outright ban offense. This is violation of privacy. Totally unacceptable. On any other wiki, this would not even be a vote. You need an indefinite ban on this user right now. Apparently tech rights has now been fixed so IP/s can not be seen but it is way too late. Privacy has been violated here. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) 21:44, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</li></ul> <dl><dd><dl><dd>I fully agree, and would happily vote Aye, however I'm not an eligible voter. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 21:54, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I wouldn't be in favour of banning (talking to Abd on Discord, taking LSD and being banned from other projects are not bannable offences). But I will say that <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">comments Dysk made here</a> are extremely damning, and a very serious breach of tech privileges. I'd support re-looking at whether Dysk should have tech rights. --<a href="/wiki/User:RWRW" title="User:RWRW">RWRW</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:RWRW" title="User talk:RWRW">talk</a>) 22:00, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>The ban is over the breach of tech privileges which violates privacy. The Abd link is very suspect but I have known about that for months. His behavior in regard to the IPs is absolutely unethical and outrageous. The trustees need to take action and suspend this user. I don't see how this can even be up for debate. Pinging the other trustees <span class="template-ping">@<a href="/wiki/User:GrammarCommie" title="User:GrammarCommie">GrammarCommie</a></span>, <span class="template-ping">@<a href="/wiki/User:LeftyGreenMario" title="User:LeftyGreenMario">LeftyGreenMario</a></span>, <span class="template-ping">@<a href="/wiki/User:FuzzyCatPotato" title="User:FuzzyCatPotato">FuzzyCatPotato</a></span>, <span class="template-ping">@<a href="/wiki/User:Tmtoulouse" title="User:Tmtoulouse">Tmtoulouse</a></span>, <span class="template-ping">@<a href="/wiki/User:Spud" title="User:Spud">Spud</a></span>. <a href="/wiki/User:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Johns">Johns</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Johns" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Johns">talk</a>) <dl><dd>If D isn't permanently banned, then I fully agree with RWRW on that one. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 22:11, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>In my opinion banning is not necessary, but tech removal is on the table. The <i>suspicion</i> of this sort of thing played a major role in removing tech rights from Oxy.-<a href="/wiki/User:Flandres" title="User:Flandres">Flandres</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flandres" title="User talk:Flandres">talk</a>) 22:17, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd><dl><dd>Yep - immediate loss of tech rights followed by vote on a ban. But who gives a shit about LSD? I've edited this site under influence of many substances. <a href="/wiki/User:Ace_McWicked" title="User:Ace McWicked">Ace</a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ace_McWicked" title="User talk:Ace McWicked"><sup>Moderator</sup></a> 22:20, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I've donned my mod hat and removed tech rights pending discussion about said rights. I think the offense is serious enough for immediate action. <a href="/wiki/User:Ace_McWicked" title="User:Ace McWicked">Ace</a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ace_McWicked" title="User talk:Ace McWicked"><sup>Moderator</sup></a> 22:21, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><span class="outdent-template" style="display:block; margin-top:-0.5em; color:#AAA;"><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┌</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; width:13.6em;">────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</span><span style="display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;">┘</span></span><span></span> Fully agreed Ace. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 22:27, 16 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>As far as I'm concerned, only the tech rights abuse is actionable. I don't care who D is friends with, nor what substances he abuses. I mostly edit when drunk. In fact I'm drunk right now. And extra wiki douchebaggery should be unpunishable 99.99% of the time</dd> <dd>That said, the tech rights abuse is serious enough to warrant major punishment. I agree with Aces decision to unilaterally strip Dysks tech rights. The same should be done to Ze, who also admitted to the abuses. Furthermore a long block is warranted, even if permaban might be a bit too much for my liking. <a href="/wiki/User:Knight_Commander" title="User:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#000080"><b>Knight Commander</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Contributions/Knight Commander"><sup><span style="color:#FF0000"><i><b>In Service</b></i></span></sup></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Block/Knight_Commander" title="Special:Block/Knight Commander"><span style="color:#800080"><sub><i><b>To </b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/Baphomet" title="Baphomet"><span style="color#000000"><sub><i><b>Her</b></i></sub></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Knight_Commander" title="User talk:Knight Commander"><span style="color:#ff00ff"><sup><i><b>Goatness</b></i></sup></span></a> 22:35, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I'm somewhat tipsy already and it's 10:36am and I am in my office with the door closed. But yes - loss of tech rights is the least we can do for now. <a href="/wiki/User:Ace_McWicked" title="User:Ace McWicked">Ace</a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ace_McWicked" title="User talk:Ace McWicked"><sup>Moderator</sup></a> 22:37, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Some of the evidence given is besides the point, if not particularly flattering (e.g. editing on acid). The IP issue is the crux of the matter and I think it is damning. <a href="/wiki/User:Bongolian" title="User:Bongolian">Bongolian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bongolian" title="User talk:Bongolian">talk</a>) 22:44, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>I agree Coigreach. <a href="/wiki/User:Kiko4564" title="User:Kiko4564">Kiko4564</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kiko4564" title="User talk:Kiko4564">talk</a>) 22:45, 16 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd> <dd>I can dig up another Reddit comment in the same thread (I need to go through 100+ comments though...); an anonymous user asked Dysk for a specific log/IP detail of a RationalWiki account, and Dysk's response was he would give it in private (by private I assume email or the private message feature on Reddit). The main person Dysk has been discussing and likely giving IP data to in that <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Reddit thread</a> is <a href="/wiki/Emil_Kirkegaard" class="mw-redirect" title="Emil Kirkegaard">Emil Kirkegaard</a> who posts on Reddit as Deleetdk. There is no doubt the pseudonym Deleetdk is Kirkegaard and the Deleetdk account identifies as Emil. Deleetdk appears <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">in the thread at least once.</a> The allegations by Kirkegaard and Dysk I use VPNs is false. Whatever IPs Dysk was discussing and presumably leaking (if they weren't public IP edits) to Kirkegaard weren't mine but other editors, though my real IP he probably gave to Kirkegaard but I've publicly edited on it on this wiki. lol. That's how stupid their false claim I use VPNs is.<a href="/wiki/User:Flight" title="User:Flight">Flight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Flight" title="User talk:Flight">talk</a>) 23:02, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Can confirm that Deleetdk is openly Emil Kirkegaard - <a href="/wiki/User:David_Gerard" title="User:David Gerard">David Gerard</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:David_Gerard" title="User talk:David Gerard">talk</a>) 23:18, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Someone asked me for my opinion on this? Sure, whatever, have at it. Dysk doesn't show good judgement, that's not news. --It's-a me, <a href="/wiki/File:Lgm_sigpic.png" class="image"><img alt="Lgm sigpic.png" src="/w/images/6/66/Lgm_sigpic.png" decoding="async" width="34" height="16" data-file-width="34" data-file-height="16" /></a> <a href="/wiki/User:LeftyGreenMario" title="User:LeftyGreenMario"><span style="font-family:Verdana;color:#735203;">Lefty</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:LeftyGreenMario" title="User talk:LeftyGreenMario"><span style="font-family:Verdana;color:DarkGreen;">Green</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/LeftyGreenMario" title="Special:Contributions/LeftyGreenMario"><span style="font-family:Verdana;color:#aa0404">Mario</span></a>! 23:40, 16 September 2020 (UTC) <dl><dd>Yes, by all means proceed with disciplinary action against D.</dd> <dd>But I'd like to make it clear at this point that it is still my considered opinion that Oliver D. Smith is a horrible person just like the vast majority of his many online enemies are horrible people too. I think his ban as Tobias was legitimate and he shouldn't be editing here using another account now. <a href="/wiki/User:Spud" title="User:Spud">Spud</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Spud" title="User talk:Spud">talk</a>) 00:48, 17 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>Is there any evidence d and ze are different people? Several other websites say they are the same person, do they need two accounts on here? <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk: (page does not exist)">talk</a>) 09:22, 17 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd>There is no evidence, if anyone decides to post any I will ban them. Alright? <span>— Dysk (<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/D" title="Special:Contributions/D">contribs</a>)</span> 10:23, 17 September 2020 (UTC)</dd></dl> <!-- NewPP limit report Parsed by apache5 Cached time: 20250304162021 Cache expiry: 3600 Dynamic content: true Complications: [] CPU time usage: 0.104 seconds Real time usage: 1.050 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 812/1000000 Post‐expand include size: 13890/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 802/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 8/40 Expensive parser function count: 4/100 Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 512/5000000 bytes --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 429.185 1 -total 35.31% 151.549 1 Template:Talkpage 26.13% 112.134 1 Template:Archivenewlink 7.44% 31.943 2 Template:DFFT 7.18% 30.797 1 Template:Shortcut 6.11% 26.205 6 Template:Ping 5.78% 24.788 1 Template:Quotebox 5.53% 23.713 13 User:Dysklyver/sig 5.48% 23.503 6 Template:Od 5.46% 23.421 4 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