Subversion Dev: Re: [PATCH] faq to help xlc users compile

<head> <title>Subversion Dev: Re: [PATCH] faq to help xlc users compile</title> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/~dast/svn.css"> </head> <body> <div class="topmenu"> [<a href="/"></a>] &middot; <a href="/dev/">SVN Dev</a> &middot; <a href="/users/">SVN Users</a> &middot; <a href="/org/">SVN Org</a> &middot; <a href="/tsvn/">TSVN Dev</a> &middot; <a href="/tsvnusers/">TSVN Users</a> &middot; <a href="/subdev/">Subclipse Dev</a> &middot; <a href="/subusers/">Subclipse Users</a> &middot; <a href="./">this month's index</a> </div> <table><tr valign="top"><td> <div class="box"> <div class="head"> <h1>Re: [PATCH] faq to help xlc users compile</h1> <!-- received="Sun Jan 25 20:48:37 2004" --> <!-- isoreceived="20040125194837" --> <!-- sent="Sun, 25 Jan 2004 13:48:44 -0600" --> <!-- isosent="20040125194844" --> <!-- name="Travis P" --> <!-- email="" --> <!-- subject="Re: [PATCH] faq to help xlc users compile" --> <!-- id="" --> <!-- charset="US-ASCII" --> <!-- inreplyto="1075058401.16682.157.camel&#64;" --> <!-- expires="-1" --> <map id="navbar" name="navbar"> <ul class="links"> <li> <dfn>This message</dfn>: [ <a href="#start" name="options1" id="options1" tabindex="1">Message body</a> ] [ <a href="#options2">More options</a> ] </li> <li> <dfn>Related messages</dfn>: <!-- unext="start" --> [ <a href="0923.shtml" title="Branko 膶ibej: &quot;Re: svn commit: r8490 - trunk/subversion/mod_dav_svn&quot;">Next message</a> ] [ <a href="0921.shtml" title="Daniel Quinlan: &quot;.svn directories&quot;">Previous message</a> ] [ <a href="0920.shtml" title="Greg Hudson: &quot;Re: [PATCH] faq to help xlc users compile&quot;">In reply to</a> ] <!-- unextthread="start" --> <!-- ureply="end" --> </li> </ul> </map> </div> <!-- body="start" --> <div class="mail"> <address class="headers"> <span id="from"> <dfn>From</dfn>: Travis P &lt;<a href="[PATCH]%20faq%20to%20help%20xlc%20users%20compile"></a>&gt; </span><br /> <span id="date"><dfn>Date</dfn>: 2004-01-25 20:48:44 CET</span><br /> </address> <p> On Jan 25, 2004, at 1:20 PM, Greg Hudson wrote: <br /> <p><em class="quotelev1">&gt; On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 13:08, Travis P wrote: </em><br /> <em class="quotelev2">&gt;&gt; +&lt;p&gt;By default, xlc compiles to a strict standard which is in minor </em><br /> <em class="quotelev2">&gt;&gt; +conflict with Subversion code in just a couple places. </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; That's not an accurate characterization of the current problem. xlc is </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; simply buggy in this respect; a compiler must accept duplicate volatile </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; qualifiers and most definitely must accept &quot;volatile sig_atomic_t&quot;. </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; (The other problem, which was a signed/unsigned conflict in cram.c, has </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; been fixed on the mainline and on the 1.0-stabilization branch, and </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; thus </em><br /> <em class="quotelev1">&gt; in the 0.37 release.) </em><br /> <p>Sure. I tried to avoid the detail by saying &quot;a strict standard&quot; with <br /> no implication <br /> of whose standard was implemented or whether anyone is right or wrong. <br /> And <br /> the CFLAGS suggestion will make compilation more likely to work, even <br /> if the volatile <br /> issue is resolved but another similar issue pops up in the future. <br /> Avoid specific <br /> mention of the need for the suggestion may thus avoid a faq change. <br /> <p>Anyway, those were my thoughts. I've revised the patch below. There <br /> are two versions. Both reworded. <br /> One mentioning duplicate volatile. The other does not. Take your pick. <br /> <p>-Travis <br /> ____________________________________ <br /> <p>Add FAQ item about compiling with xlc. <br /> <p>* www/project_faq.html <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(xlc-compile): New item. <br /> <p><p>Index: project_faq.html <br /> =================================================================== <br /> --- project_faq.html (revision 8515) <br /> +++ project_faq.html (working copy) <br /> &#64;&#64; -111,6 +111,8 &#64;&#64; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file, but svn says something about &quot;path not found&quot;. What's going <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;on?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;li&gt;<a href="#digest-auth">Why doesn't HTTP Digest auth work?</a>&lt;/li&gt; <br /> +&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;#xlc-compile&quot;&gt;Compiling with xlc on AIX, I get compilation <br /> + errors. What's wrong?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; <br /> <p><p><p>&#64;&#64; -1448,6 +1450,17 &#64;&#64; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;to see if the description there matches your symptoms. <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; <br /> <p>+&lt;![CDATA[-----------------------------------------------------------]]&gt; <br /> + <br /> +&lt;h3&gt;&lt;a name=&quot;xlc-compile&quot;&gt;Compiling with xlc on AIX, I get compilation <br /> + errors. What's wrong?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h3&gt; <br /> + <br /> +&lt;p&gt;Adding &lt;tt&gt;-qlanglvl=extended&lt;/tt&gt; to the <br /> +environment variable CFLAGS for configuration and build <br /> +will make xlc a bit more flexible and the code will <br /> +compile without error. <br /> +&lt;/p&gt; <br /> + <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;![CDATA[=========================================================]]&gt; <br /> <p><p><p>Index: project_faq.html <br /> =================================================================== <br /> --- project_faq.html (revision 8515) <br /> +++ project_faq.html (working copy) <br /> &#64;&#64; -111,6 +111,8 &#64;&#64; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file, but svn says something about &quot;path not found&quot;. What's going <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;on?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;li&gt;<a href="#digest-auth">Why doesn't HTTP Digest auth work?</a>&lt;/li&gt; <br /> +&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;#xlc-compile&quot;&gt;Compiling with xlc on AIX, I get compilation <br /> + errors. What's wrong?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; <br /> <p><p><p>&#64;&#64; -1448,6 +1450,18 &#64;&#64; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;to see if the description there matches your symptoms. <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; <br /> <p>+&lt;![CDATA[-----------------------------------------------------------]]&gt; <br /> + <br /> +&lt;h3&gt;&lt;a name=&quot;xlc-compile&quot;&gt;Compiling with xlc on AIX, I get compilation <br /> + errors. What's wrong?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h3&gt; <br /> + <br /> +&lt;p&gt;By default, xlc complains about duplicate volatile <br /> +qualifiers. Adding &lt;tt&gt;-qlanglvl=extended&lt;/tt&gt; to the <br /> +environment variable CFLAGS for configuration and build <br /> +will make xlc a bit more flexible and the code will <br /> +compile without error. <br /> +&lt;/p&gt; <br /> + <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;![CDATA[=========================================================]]&gt; <br /> <p><p>--------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe&#64;subversion&#46;<!--nospam--> <br /> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help&#64;subversion&#46;<!--nospam--> <br /> <span id="received"><dfn>Received on</dfn> Sun Jan 25 20:48:37 2004</span> </div> <!-- body="end" --> <div class="foot"> <map id="navbarfoot" name="navbarfoot" title="Related messages"> <ul class="links"> <li><dfn>This message</dfn>: [ <a href="#start">Message body</a> ]</li> <!-- lnext="start" --> <li><dfn>Next message</dfn>: <a href="0923.shtml" title="Next message in the list">Branko 膶ibej: "Re: svn commit: r8490 - trunk/subversion/mod_dav_svn"</a></li> <li><dfn>Previous message</dfn>: <a href="0921.shtml" title="Previous message in the list">Daniel Quinlan: ".svn directories"</a></li> <li><dfn>In reply to</dfn>: <a href="0920.shtml" title="Message to which this message replies">Greg Hudson: "Re: [PATCH] faq to help xlc users compile"</a></li> <!-- lnextthread="start" --> <!-- lreply="end" --> </ul> <ul class="links"> <li><a name="options2" id="options2"></a><dfn>Contemporary messages sorted</dfn>: [ <a href="date.shtml#922" title="Contemporary messages by date">By Date</a> ] [ <a href="index.shtml#922" title="Contemporary discussion threads">By Thread</a> ] [ <a href="subject.shtml#922" title="Contemporary messages by subject">By Subject</a> ] [ <a href="author.shtml#922" title="Contemporary messages by author">By Author</a> ] [ <a href="attachment.shtml" title="Contemporary messages by attachment">By messages with attachments</a> ]</li> </ul> </map> </div> <!-- trailer="footer" --> </div> </td><td> </td></tr></table> <p> This is an archived mail posted to the <a href="/dev/">Subversion Dev</a> mailing list.</p> <p>This site is subject to the Apache <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> and the Apache <a href="">Public Forum Archive Policy</a>.

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