International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN)

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IJWMN is <b>highly selective and maintains less than 15% acceptance rate.</b> All accepted papers will be tested for plagiarism manually as well as by Docoloc . Papers published in IJWMN has received enormous citations and has been regarded as one of the best Journal in the Wireless & Mobile Network research field.<br /><br /> </p> <br /> <h2>ERA Indexed</h2> <ul class="right_menu"> <li>IJWMN is listed in <a href="" target="blank"><b>ERA 2023</b></a> as per the Australian Research Council (ARC) Journal Ranking.<sup style="color:#F00">New</sup></li> <li>IJWMN is listed in <font color="blue"><b>ERA 2018</b></font> as per the Australian Research Council (ARC) Journal Ranking.</li> <li>IJWMN is listed in <font color="blue"><b>ERA 2015</b></font> as per the Australian Research Council (ARC) Journal Ranking.</li> <li>IJWMN is listed in <font color="blue"><b>ERA 2012</b></font> as per the Australian Research Council (ARC) Journal Ranking.</li> </ul> <h4 align="center"><a href="ijwmn.txt" target="_blank"><font color="white">Call for Papers</font></a></h4> <ul class="right_menu"> <li><b>Special issue will be published for selected papers from <a href="" target="blank">WiMoNe 2024</a>, London, United Kingdom</b></li> <li><b>Special issue will be published for selected papers from <a href="" target="blank">WiMo 2024</a>, Toronto, Canada</b></li> </ul> <ul class="right_menu"> <li><b>IJWMN</b> is Indexed in <a href="" target="blank"><b>World Journal Clout Index (WJCI)</b></a> from 2019. <a href="" target="blank"><font color="#66C"><b>World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) Impact Factor : 0.176 (2021); 0.133 (2020) </b></font></a><br></li> </ul> <!-- <center>Special Issue on: " <a href="" target="blank">Analysis of Large Complex Networks</a>" <sup><font color="red"><b>New</b></font></sup></center>--> <br /> </div> </div> <div id="right"> <div class="menu_right"> <ul><li id="id"><a href="ijwmn.html">Scope &amp; Topics</a></li> <li><a href="" target="blank">Ethics</a></li> <li><a href="jwmn_archive.html">Archives</a></li> <li><a href="ijwmn_cited.html">Most Cited Articles <sup><font color="red" size="2"><b>New</b></font></sup></a></li> <li><a href="leaflet_ijwmn.pdf" target="_blank">Download Leaflet <sup><font color="red" size="2"><b>New</b></font></sup></a></li> <li><a href="" target="blank">FAQ</a></li> </ul> </div><br /> <h2 align="center"><a href="ijwmn-top20cited-papers.html" target="blank">Top 20 Cited Papers</a></h2><br> <img src="" alt="Smiley face" style="float:center; margin-left:25px; margin-top:-10px;"> <table width="90%" height="50%" style="text-align:center;"> <tr> <td><b>From</b><br />2009</td> <td><b>Volumes</b><br />16</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Issues</b><br />85</td> <td><b>Articles</b><br />598</td> </tr> </table><br> <h2 align="center">CS & IT</h2><br> <a href=""><img src="/journal/sipij/ijcsit.jpg" alt="Smiley face" style="float:center; margin-left:25px; margin-top:-10px; margin-bottom:10px height:180px; width:180px"></a> <h2 align="center">Conferences</h2> <ul class="right_ul"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">MoWiN 2025 - Denmark</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">CCNET 2025 - India</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">NET 2025 - Canada</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">NMCO 2025 - Australia</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">CoNeCo 2025 - Australia</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">NCO 2025 - Switzerland</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">NCOM 2025 - Canada</a></li> </ul> <h2 align="center">Related Journals</h2> <ul class="right_ul"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">I.J.of Ad hoc, sensor & Ubiquitous Computing</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">I.J.of Graph Theory in Wireless Ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">I.J.of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">I.J.of AdHoc Networking Systems</a></li></ul> <h2 align="center"></h2></br> <img src="" alt="Smiley face" style="float:center; margin-left:25px; margin-top:-10px;"> <br /><br /> <h2 align="center">H-Index</h2> <br> <img src="h_logos/ijwmn.png" alt="Smiley face" style="float:center; margin-left:35px; margin-top:-10px; margin-right:25px; height:100px; width:150px; align:center"> <br><br> <!--<div class="rdd" ><span style="font-size:44px;">32</span></div>--> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="footer"><table width="100%" align="right" > <tr><td height="auto" colspan="2" align="center"><font color="white" size="2" style=" padding-left: 145px; ">Copyright&copy; 2009 - 2025 AIRCC Publishing Corporation</font><br></td> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="right"><font color="white" size="2">Visit us on&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><br /><a href="" target="blank"><img src="" width="25" height="25" /></a><a href="" target="blank"><img src="" width="25" height="25" /></a><a href="" target="blank"><img src="" width="25" height="25" /></a><a href="" target="blank"><img src="" width="25" height="25" /></a> </td></tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> end_(); </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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