Free Hosting

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Well, you've come to the right place. We offer <a href="freewebhosting.html">free web hosting</a>, <a href="freepersonalhosting.html">free personal hosting</a>, paid web hosting and even business hosting for higher volume clients.</p> <h2>What is web hosting?</h2> <p>The simple answer: Web hosting is a service that allows a web site to be viewed on the internet. Our web hosting uses servers which are connected to the web. Your web site is placed on a server and is made available for the hundreds of millions of internet users worldwide to see your site. And this can all be done for no cost with our <a href="freewebhosting.html">free web hosting</a> package!</p> <p>Through our diverse web hosting options, anyone can have their own web space. All you need is an internet connection.</p> <h2>Free Personal Hosting</h2> <p>Free personal hosting is one of our most popular uses for web hosting. For no cost you can create, develop, update and manage your own web space - your way. Whether you're a first-timer and have little web experience or you're a seasoned vet who can build a website with your eyes closed, our web hosting will be a breeze for you. Free web site builder takes all the headaches out of web development. With free web site builder you can make additions, deletions, edits and modifications on your own time and at your own pace. Everyone has a different personality and temperament and now your web space can reflect that.</p> <h2>Free Web Hosting</h2> <p>By now you're beginning to understand web hosting. Our <a href="freewebhosting.html">free web hosting</a> gives you the great opportunity to carve out your own little corner of the internet. Consider it your home on the web. Customize it, decorate it, hang pictures of your best friends and loved ones with free pictures hosting, talk about your favorite hobbies and interests - do what you want on your free web space. There are no hidden costs, no set up fees, no money at all - just a little bit of tender love and care to make your web site feel like home.</p> <h2>Free Web Space Hosting</h2> <p>Free web space hosting gives you the chance to manage your space on the web for no charge. Pictures, links, blogs, XML feeds; it's all available through <a href="freewebspacehosting.html">free web space hosting</a>. Of course there are numerous packages available and depending on what type of user you are - high volume or low volume, business or personal, hands on or hands off - we've got a web space package that makes sense for you. With our various features you can get anywhere from 50MB up to 10GB!</p> <h2><a href="freedomainhosting.html">Free Domain Hosting</a></h2> <p>Host your domains through our website. All of our packages include our free Domain Manager. Some packages offer more features and premium options, but even the <a href="freewebhosting.html">free web hosting</a> package comes with <a href="freedomainhosting.html">free domain hosting</a>. Understanding domain terminology is important to making an informed decision when it comes to your web hosting package. There are four main types of domains that will be explained further on the Free Domain Hosting page. Keep in mind that all of our packages, from <a href="freewebhosting.html">free web hosting</a> on up to Business Hosting come with Domain Manager. </p> <div align="right">&lt;&lt; <a href="/hosting/index.html">Back to Hosting Information</a></div> <p> <!-- --> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var str1 = 'As low as <b style="font-size:16px;">$' var str2 = '</b> /mo.' var str3 = '' var freehost = '0.00'; var dphost06100 = '5.95'; var dphost06200 = '9.95'; //--></script> <table width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="33%" align="center"> <table style="border-left:1px #ccd solid;" width="236" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td style="width:237px; height:27px; background-image:url(/fs_img/mysite/2007/pkg1-heading.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat;"> <div style="margin:5px;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;"> Free* </div> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td style="height:130px;padding:1px;"> <div style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:5px;font-size:11px;"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write(str1+freehost+str2); //--></script> <div style="margin-top:5px"> Want a website but don't want to pay for hosting? Then this is the right hosting package for you. </div> <b><ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;list-style-image: url(/fs_img/mysite/2007/bullet2.gif);"> <li>Ads on your site </li> <li>50 MB disk space</li> </ul></b> *With purchase of a domain, prices start at $22.95 </td> </div> </tr> <tr> <td> <div style="margin:10px;font-size:11px;color:#333333"> <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="/cgi-bin/show_me?page=hosting_details&object=freehost&refcd=">Learn more</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="/cgi-bin/show_me?page=hosting_compare&refcd=">Compare packages</a> <div style="margin:0px;margin-top:5px;"> <a href=""><img src="/fs_img/mysite/2007/signup1.gif" border="0"></a></div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="33%" align="center"> <table style="border-left:1px #ccd solid;" width="236" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td style="width:237px; height:27px; background-image:url(/fs_img/mysite/2007/pkg2-heading.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat;"> <div style="margin:5px;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;"> Starter Hosting </div> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td style="height:130px;padding:1px;"> <div style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:5px;font-size:11px;"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write(str1+dphost06100+str2+str3); //--></script> <div style="margin-top:5px"> Perfect for sharing photos, having a family website or promoting your business. </div> <b><ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;list-style-image: url(/fs_img/mysite/2007/bullet2.gif);"> <li>No ads on your site </li> <li>1 GB disk space</li> <li>FTP for fast, easy file upload</li> </ul></b> </td> </div> </tr> <tr> <td> <div style="margin:10px;font-size:11px;color:#333333"> <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="/cgi-bin/show_me?page=hosting_details&object=dphost06100&refcd=">Learn more</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="/cgi-bin/show_me?page=hosting_compare&refcd=">Compare packages</a> <div style="margin:0px;margin-top:5px;"> <a href=""><img src="/fs_img/mysite/2007/signup2.gif" border="0"></a></div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="33%" align="center"> <table style="border-left:1px #ccd solid;" width="236" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td style="width:237px; height:27px; background-image:url(/fs_img/mysite/2007/pkg3-heading.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat;"> <div style="margin:5px;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;"> Personal Hosting </div> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td style="height:130px;padding:1px;"> <div style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:5px;font-size:11px;"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write(str1+dphost06200+str2+str3); //--></script> <div style="margin-top:5px"> Best hosting value with space to grow. Provides the most functionality and flexibility for your needs. </div> <b><ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;list-style-image: url(/fs_img/mysite/2007/bullet2.gif);"> <li>No ads on your site </li> <li>5 GB disk space</li> <li>CGI Access: Perl, PHP, MySQL, FTP</li> <li>WordPress 2 blog</li> </ul></b> </td> </div> </tr> <tr> <td> <div style="margin:10px;font-size:11px;color:#333333"> <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="/cgi-bin/show_me?page=hosting_details&object=dphost06200&refcd=">Learn more</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="/cgi-bin/show_me?page=hosting_compare&refcd=">Compare packages</a> <div style="margin:0px;margin-top:5px;"> <a href=""><img src="/fs_img/mysite/2007/signup3.gif" border="0"></a></div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- end: ab --> </DIV> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- footer --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="footerms" width="100%" style="margin-top:15px;"> <tr> <td width="1%"><img src="/fs_img/mysite/0506/bl.gif" alt=""></td> <td width="100%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="1%"><img src="/fs_img/mysite/0506/br.gif" alt=""></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <div align="center" style="margin-top:10px;" class="footer"> <style type="text/css">.Xfooter, .Xfooter a{ color: #666; }</style> <div class="Xfooter" align="center" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; margin:5px; margin-top:20px;"> <table align="center"><tr><td style="color:#333333;" class="footer" nowrap> <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">About UOL Web Services</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">About United Online</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">Acceptable Use Guidelines</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">Privacy Statement</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">Terms of Service</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">Billing Policy</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="">SiteMap</a> | <a style="color:#184CC3;" href="" >Contact Us</a> </td></tr></table> <br> <style type="text/css"> #uberfooter td div{ margin-top:5px; } #uberfooter td { padding-right:1em;padding-left:1em; } #uberfooter a{ text-decoration:none; color: #408cd9; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; } #uberfooter a img{ display:block; margin-bottom:5px; } </style> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" id="uberfooter" style="background-color:#fff;border: #ccc 1px solid;"> <tr> <td align="center" style="border-right:1px #ccc solid;"><a href="" target="_blank"> United Online</a></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"> NetZero</a></td> <td width="1"><img src="" height="29" width="1" alt=""></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"> Juno</a></td> <td width="1"><img src="" height="29" width="1" alt=""></td> <td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"> MySite</a></td> </tr> </table> <p><div style="font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;">MYSITE IS A UNITED ONLINE COMPANY</div> <div style="margin:5px;">Copyright &copy; 2025 United Online Web Services, Inc. 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