Hurricane Preparedness

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The Defense Department stands ready with troops, equipment and other capabilities to assist local and federal authorities prepare and provide humanitarian and disaster response support."/> <!-- Twitter Card --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content=""/> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@DeptofDefense" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Hurricane Preparedness"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Hurricane season is from June to November, but preparation, response and recovery are ongoing throughout the year. The Defense Department stands ready with troops, equipment and other capabilities to assist local and federal authorities prepare and provide humanitarian and disaster response support." /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="" /><link rel='SHORTCUT ICON' href='/Portals/1/favicon.ico?ver=wSJzjXOlssZVvf5cay20vA%3d%3d' type='image/x-icon' /><meta name='host' content='DMA Public Web' /><meta name='contact' content='' /><script src="/Desktopmodules/SharedLibrary/Plugins/GoogleAnalytics/Universal-Federated-Analytics-8.5.js?agency=DOD&subagency=DMA&sitetopic=dma.web&dclink=true&pga4=G-SB6KFHKWNW" id="_fed_an_ua_tag" ></script><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" /></head> <body id="Body"> <form method="post" action="/Spotlights/Hurricane-Preparedness/" id="Form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" id="__EVENTTARGET" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" id="__EVENTARGUMENT" 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</p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost double-btn">English <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost double-btn">Español <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> </li> <li><a class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost" href="" target="_blank">Hurricane Milton on DVIDS <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="dgov-col-md-6"> <h3>Hurricane Helene</h3> <ul> <li> <p>What DHS and FEMA Are Doing </p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost double-btn">English <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost double-btn"> Español <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> </li> <li> <p>What the U.S. Government Is Doing</p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost double-btn">English <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost double-btn">Español <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-default-ghost">Hurricane Helene on DVIDS <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <a class="bottom-link" href="" target="_blank">Track the latest developments with the National Hurricane Center <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- End_Module_7273 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-6594"><a name="6594"></a> <div class="empty-container base-container"> <div id="dnn_ctr6594_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_6594 --><div id="dnn_ctr6594_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC"> <div id="dnn_ctr6594_HtmlModule_lblContent" class="Normal"> <style> .top-section { 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</style> <div class="top-section"> <div class="dgov-container"> <div class="dgov-grid"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <h2>Ways You Can Prepare</h2> <div class="btn-cont"> <a class="yellow-btn btn" href="/Multimedia/Quizzes/Quiz/Article/1946579/floods-tornadoes-hurricanes-are-you-prepared/"> Are You Prepared? Take the Quiz </a> <a class="yellow-btn btn" type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#tipsModal"> Top Tips Checklist </a> <a class="yellow-btn btn" type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#afterModal"> After a Hurricane </a> <!-- Modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="tipsModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="tipsModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h5 class="modal-title" id="tipsModalLabel">Top Tips for Hurricane Preparedness</h5> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <ul> <li> Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Find out how rain, wind and water could happen where you live so you can start preparing.</li> <li>Have enough supplies for your household, including medication, disinfectant supplies, cloth face coverings and pet supplies in your go bag or car trunk.</li> <li>If you or anyone in your household has a disability, identify whether you may need additional help during an emergency.</li> <li>You may have to evacuate quickly due to a hurricane so know your local evacuation zone.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Download the FEMA app</a> and receive real-time alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations nationwide.</li> <li>Review your insurance policies and make sure personal documents, like ID, are up to date.</li> <li>Discuss your hurricane emergency plan with members of your household.</li> <li>Prepare your business or workplace with a continuity plan to continue operating when disaster strikes. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END MODAL --> <!-- Modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="afterModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="afterModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h5 class="modal-title" id="afterModalLabel">Immediately After A Hurricane</h5> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <ul> <li>If you evacuated, return home ONLY when officials say it is safe.</li> <li>Once home, drive only if necessary and avoid flooded roads and washed-out bridges. If you must go out, watch for fallen objects in the road, downed electrical wires, and weakened walls, bridges, roads and sidewalks that might collapse.</li> <li>Walk carefully around the outside of your home to check for loose power lines, gas leaks and structural damage. Stay out of any building if you smell gas, if floodwaters remain around the building, if the building or home was damaged by fire, or if the authorities have not declared it safe.</li> <li>Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms in areas dealing with power outages. Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage.</li> <li>Turn on your flashlight BEFORE entering a vacated building; the battery could produce a spark that could ignite leaking gas, if present.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END MODAL --> </div> </div> <div class="dgov-col-md-4"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/portals/1/Spotlight/2021/climate/aid-kit.png"/> <h3>Build A Kit</h3> <p>Have enough food, water and other supplies to support your needs for several days.</p> <div class="btn btn-primary">Learn More <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></div> </a> </div> <div class="dgov-col-md-4"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/portals/1/Spotlight/2021/climate/home.png"/> <h3>Prepare Your Home</h3> <p>Prepare before a hurricane to help manage the impact of high winds and floodwaters. </p> <div class="btn btn-primary">Learn More <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></div> </a> </div> <div class="dgov-col-md-4"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/portals/1/Spotlight/2021/climate/task.png"/> <h3>Have an Evacuation Plan</h3> <p>Plan to evacuate quickly and safely no matter the circumstances. </p> <div class="btn btn-primary">Learn More <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- End_Module_6594 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div></div> <div id="content-pane-wrap"> <div class="content-wrap"> <div id="dnn_ContentPane" class="DNNEmptyPane"></div> </div> </div> <div id="ContentPaneFullBleed84" class="container fullbleed"> <div class="row"> <div id="dnn_ContentPaneFullBleed8X" class="paneMarker col-lg-8 DNNEmptyPane"></div> <div id="dnn_ContentPaneFullBleedX4" class="paneMarkerAlt col-lg-4 DNNEmptyPane"></div> </div> </div> <div id="content-pane-wrap-84"> <div class="content-wrap container"> <div id="ContentPane84" class="row"> <div id="dnn_ContentPane8X" class="paneMarker col-lg-8"><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-ArticleCSDashboard DnnModule-4632"><a 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article-id="4017805" article-title="Guard Looks Back on 2024" article-alt="Several National Guardsmen wearing neon vests over their camo load a case of water and other items into the open back of an SUV." article-url="" article-url-or-link="" article-url-or-link-absolute="" article-summary="In&#32;2024,&#32;National&#32;Guardsmen&#32;conducted&#32;overseas&#32;deployments;&#32;domestic&#32;response&#32;operations&#32;to&#32;wildfires,&#32;hurricanes&#32;and&#32;other&#32;storms;&#32;and&#32;training&#32;in&#32;large-scale&#32;exercises,&#32;among&#32;other&#32;activities." image-url="" article-image-url="" category="National Guard" image-caption="" term-url="" term-name="" publish-date-jss="2024-12-30T11:02:14" publish-date-ap="Dec. 30, 2024"> </listing-dashboard-with-preview> <listing-dashboard-with-preview :show-image="true" :indashboard="true" open-in-new="true" content-type-val="936" content-type-name="From the Services" item-index="1" article-id="3983351" article-title="Hurricane Hunters Wrap Up Active Season" article-alt="Airman reviewing data on computer" article-url="" article-url-or-link="" article-url-or-link-absolute="" article-summary="The&#32;2024&#32;Atlantic&#32;and&#32;Pacific&#32;hurricane&#32;seasons&#32;ended&#32;Nov.&#32;30,&#32;marking&#32;the&#32;end&#32;of&#32;another&#32;active&#32;season&#32;for&#32;the&#32;53rd&#32;Weather&#32;Reconnaissance&#32;Squadron&#32;at&#32;Keesler&#32;Air&#32;Force&#32;Base,&#32;Miss." image-url="" article-image-url="" category="Air Force" image-caption="" term-url="" term-name="" publish-date-jss="2024-12-04T11:46:43" publish-date-ap="Dec. 4, 2024"> </listing-dashboard-with-preview> <listing-dashboard-with-preview :show-image="true" :indashboard="true" open-in-new="true" content-type-val="936" content-type-name="From the Services" item-index="1" article-id="3944876" article-title="Officer&#39;s Training Proves Critical in Hurricane Response" article-alt="A Navy officer poses for a photo." article-url="" article-url-or-link="" article-url-or-link-absolute="" article-summary="When&#32;Navy&#32;Lt.&#32;Cmdr.&#32;Brock&#32;McQueen&#32;learned&#32;about&#32;the&#32;devastation&#32;left&#32;behind&#32;by&#32;Hurricane&#32;Helene&#32;in&#32;his&#32;childhood&#32;town&#32;of&#32;Asheville,&#32;N.C.,&#32;he&#32;knew&#32;this&#32;was&#32;a&#32;moment&#32;when&#32;his&#32;military&#32;training&#32;and&#32;past&#32;deployments&#32;could&#32;make&#32;a&#32;difference." image-url="" article-image-url="" category="Navy" image-caption="" term-url="" term-name="" publish-date-jss="2024-10-25T09:57:00" publish-date-ap="Oct. 25, 2024"> </listing-dashboard-with-preview> <listing-dashboard-with-preview :show-image="true" :indashboard="true" open-in-new="true" content-type-val="936" content-type-name="From the Services" item-index="1" article-id="3943837" article-title="Guard Supports Florida Hurricane Recovery" article-alt="A group of guardsmen load boxes of emergency supplies into the back of a blue van while a driver waits." article-url="" article-url-or-link="" article-url-or-link-absolute="" article-summary="Forty-three&#32;New&#32;York&#32;National&#32;Guard&#32;soldiers&#32;spent&#32;a&#32;week&#32;assisting&#32;the&#32;Florida&#32;National&#32;Guard&#39;s&#32;response&#32;to&#32;Hurricane&#32;Milton." image-url="" article-image-url="" category="National Guard" image-caption="" term-url="" term-name="" publish-date-jss="2024-10-24T08:48:00" publish-date-ap="Oct. 24, 2024"> </listing-dashboard-with-preview> <listing-dashboard-with-preview :show-image="true" :indashboard="true" open-in-new="" content-type-val="1" content-type-name="News" item-index="1" article-id="3942923" article-title="DOD Remains Engaged in Hurricane Response, Recovery Efforts" article-alt="A soldier cuts tree branches with a chainsaw." article-url="" article-url-or-link="" article-url-or-link-absolute="" article-summary="The&#32;Defense&#32;Department&#32;continues&#32;to&#32;be&#32;engaged&#32;with&#32;interagency&#32;partners&#32;in&#32;support&#32;of&#32;the&#32;Federal&#32;Emergency&#32;Management&#32;Agency,&#32;the&#32;White&#32;House,&#32;state&#32;and&#32;local&#32;governments,&#32;Pentagon&#32;Press&#32;Secretary&#32;Air&#32;Force&#32;Maj.&#32;Gen.&#32;Pat&#32;Ryder&#32;said." image-url="" article-image-url="" category="National Guard" image-caption="" term-url="" term-name="" publish-date-jss="2024-10-22T19:05:00" publish-date-ap="Oct. 22, 2024"> </listing-dashboard-with-preview> </feature-template> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('.spinner3').fadeOut('fast'); }); /* link img and title hover */ $('.alist .poster a, .alist .info').hover(function () { $(this).closest('.item').addClass('hover'); }, function () { $(this).closest('.item').removeClass('hover'); }); $('.alist .info').click(function (evt) { if ("info") !== -1) { var url = 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Change is for naming purposes, but of course, card-layout is now getting improvements. --> <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-feature-template"> <div class="feature-template"> <div :class="'feature-template-container' + (removeGrid ? 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layouts[mediaSize] : layouts.desktop; const lfms = layoutsForMediaSize; if (lfms) { if (lfms[numItems]) { layout = lfms[numItems]; } else if (lfms.full) { layout = lfms.full; } } else { // using dgov-grid these are classes for up to five children const default_layout = ["dgov-col-6:feature", "dgov-col-6:feature", "dgov-col-4", "dgov-col-4", "dgov-col-4"]; layout = default_layout; } return layout; }, getLayouts: function (layoutName) { let layouts; switch (layoutName) { case "override": layouts = window._dgov_feature_layout_override; break; case "story": layouts = story_layouts; break; case "blog": default: layouts = blog_layouts; break; } return layouts; }, getMediaType: function () { const isXS = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches; const isMD = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)").matches; const isLG = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)").matches; const isGiant = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 1200px)").matches; if (isXS) { return "xs"; } else if (isMD) { return "md"; } else if (isLG) { return "lg"; } else /* if (isGiant) */ { return "desktop" }; }, markChildren: function () { const numItems = this.$children.length; const mediaSize = this.getMediaType(); let layout = this.getLayout(this.templateMode); const layoutLen = layout.length; for (let i = 0; i < this.$children.length; i++) { const item = this.$children[i] if (DEBUG) console.log('layout', layout.length, layout); if (i >= layout.length) { // hide //item.addClass("hidden-item"); const pieces = layout[layout.length - 1].split(":"); const reflexClass = pieces[0]; const cardType = pieces[1]; if (item.setCardType) item.setCardType(cardType); // undefined means default if (item.resetClass) item.resetClass(); if (item.addClass) item.addClass(reflexClass); } else { const pieces = layout[i].split(":"); const reflexClass = pieces[0]; const cardType = pieces[1]; // might be undefined if (DEBUG) console.log("f-t85:", pieces, reflexClass, cardType); if (item.setCardType) item.setCardType(cardType); // undefined means default if (item.resetClass) item.resetClass(); if (item.addClass) item.addClass(reflexClass); } if (!this.showAll && (i >= this.numToShow)) { if (item.addClass) item.addClass("hidden-item"); } } }, thereAreMoreToView: function () { if (!this.showAll && (this.numToShow < this.$children.length)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, viewMore: function () { // view more! this.numToShow += this.pageAmount; if (DEBUG) console.log("viewMore event, numToShow", this.numToShow); this.resize(); setTimeout(function () { const targel = $('.bottom-target')[0]; if (targel.scrollIntoView) { targel.scrollIntoView(false); } }, 100); }, } }); })(); </script> <style> .feature-template .dgov-grid.feature-template-container .hidden-item { display:none; } .feature-grid.alist.stories .feature-template .item a.title, .feature-grid.alist.stories .feature-template .item a.title:link { font-size:1.4rem; } .more-row { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; padding: 15px; } /* Note: this relates to lack of encapsulation where Dashboard applies .list class to parent container. Would be better to have an event so that the card code 'knows' the card is in 'list' mode. This rule isn't needed however, but is documentation since this may be an issue if the structure changes to include future features. Special rule is in story-card, may be moved or similar for other types of cards. */ .alist.stories.list .feature-template .feature-template-container { display:block; } .more-row { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; padding: 15px; } /*.feature-template-container { display: flex; flex-direction: row; }*/ </style> <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-listing-dashboard-with-preview-template"> <div class="listing-dashboard-with-preview listing-with-preview item explore-item"> <figure> <div class="dgov-grid dgov-grid-bleed"> <template v-if="pageNumber == 1"> <div :class="imageContainerClasses"> <div class="image-wrap" v-bind:class="{'video-wrap-container no-pointer-events': isVideo}"> <template v-if="isVideo"> <img src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" alt="Play video" class="defaultVideoOverlay a-video-button"> <img src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" alt="Play video" class="hoverVideoOverlay a-video-button"> </template> <div class="image-wrap-wrap"> <div class="image-replacement" :style="'background-image: url('+ imageUrl +')'"></div> <img alt="" :src="imageUrl"> </div> </div> </div> </template> <div :class="contentContainerClasses"> <figcaption :style="pageNumber > 1 ? 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It should be linked with "registerscript" --> <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-card-edit-span-template"> <a title="Edit" v-if="isEditMode" class="card-edit-span" :href="editUrl" alt="edit link"> <img title="Edit" :src="imageUrl" alt="edit pencil" /> </a> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { const DEBUG = false; if (DEBUG) console.log("this is the listing-dashboard-with-preview (default card) component"); const tempSel = ""; const tempUse = tempSel ? tempSel : "#vue-listing-dashboard-with-preview-template"; if (DEBUG) console.log("sc85:", tempSel, tempUse); const tempEl = $(tempUse)[0]; if (DEBUG) console.log("sc87:", tempEl); // TODO: move this to shared .js utilizing vue:registerjs token const _contentTypeLib = { '1': { url: "/News/News-Stories", name: "News", }, '514': { url: "/Spotlights", name: "Spotlight", }, '515': { url: "/Explore/Inside-DOD/", name: "Inside DOD", }, '610': { url: "/Explore/Inside-DOD/", name: "Inside DOD", }, '936': { url: "/Explore/Inside-DOD/", name: "From The Services", }, '700': { // "Special Report" url: "/Experience/", name: "Experience", videoName: "Video", }, '800': { url: "/News/Feature-Stories", name: "Feature", videoName: "Video", }, '801': { url: "/Engage/", name: "Quiz", videoName: "Quiz", }, '808': { url: "/Watch/", name: "VideoCS", prettyName: "Legacy Video", videoName: "Legacy Video", }, '809': { url: "/Multimedia/Videos/", name: "VideoCS2", prettyName: "Video", videoName: "Video", }, '616': { url: "/Multimedia/Videos/", prettyName: "Video", videoName: "Video", }, '9': { url: "/News/Releases/", name: "Release" }, '2': { url: "/News/Advisories/", name: "Advisory" }, '13': { url: "/News/Transcripts", name: "Transcript" }, '5': { url: "/News/Publications", name: "Publication" }, '400': { url: "/News/Contracts", name: "Contracts" }, '11': { url: '/News/Speeches/', name: 'Speech' }, '884': { url: '/News/Speeches/', name: 'Speech' }, // for types > 800 (that are not above) custom: { name: null, // means 'actual' contentTypeName videoName: "Video", }, }; const _dashboardCatData = { '1': ['news', '/News/News-Stories', 'News'], '14': ['news', '/News/News-Stories', 'News'], '800': ['feature', '/News/Feature-Stories', 'Feature'], '504': ['faq', null, 'FAQ'], '514': ['spotlight', '/Spotlights', 'Spotlight'], '515': ['inside-dod', '/News/Inside-DoD', 'Blog'], '809': ['video', '/Multimedia/Videos', 'Video'], '616': ['video2', '/Multimedia/Videos', 'Video'], '544': ['live', '/live', 'Live Event'], '700': ['experience', '/experience', 'Experience'], '801': ['quiz', '/engage', 'Quiz'], '610': ['blog', '/News/Inside-DoD', 'Inside DoD'], '936': ['from-the-services', '/Explore/From-the-Services', 'From The Services'], '2': ['advisory', '/Newsroom/Advisories/', 'Advisory'], '889': ['advisory', '/News/Advisories/', 'Advisory'], '5': ['publication', '/News/Publications/', 'Publication'], '886': ['publication', '/News/Publications/', 'Publication'], '9': ['release', '/News/Releases/', 'Release'], '885': ['release', '/News/Releases/', 'Release'], '11': ['speech', '/News/Speeches/', 'Speech'], '884': ['speech', '/News/Speeches/', 'Speech'], '13': ['transcript', '/News/Transcripts/', 'Transcript'], '883': ['transcript', '/News/Transcripts/', 'Transcript'], '400': ['contracts', '/News/Contracts/', 'Contracts'], '887': ['fact-sheet', null, 'Fact Sheet'], '541': ['from-the-podium', '/News/From-the-Podium/', 'From The Podium'], '888': ['related-link', null, 'Related Link'], }; Vue.component('listing-dashboard-with-preview', { name: 'listing-dashboard-with-preview', data: function () { return { templateSelector: "", classes: [], // readonly props contentTypeLib: _contentTypeLib, hover: false, prettyContentTypeName: null, prettyContentTypeUrl: null, isFirst: false }; }, props: [ "article-alt", "article-id", "article-image-url", "article-title", "article-url", "article-url-or-link", "article-url-or-link-absolute", "can-edit", "category-line-override", "category", "content-type-val", "content-type-name", "edit-image", "edit-url", "has-terms", "image-caption", "image-url", "indashboard", "is-video", "item-index", "open-in-new", "publish-date-jss", "publish-date-ap", "show-image", "term-url", "term-name", "article-summary" ], template: tempEl, // el that matches ID in template OR override passed in beforeMount: function () { if (this.$parent.$children.length === 1) { this.isFirst = true; } }, mounted: function () { if (false) console.log("props", this.showImage, JSON.stringify(this.$props, null, 4)); this.prettyContentTypeName = this.constructPrettyContentTypeName(); this.prettyContentTypeUrl = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? 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This is an event from the layout // for the adaptive-card. if (DEBUG) console.log("s-c178: ignoring card type:", cardType); }, targetVal: function () { // openInNew being passed as string because value comes // from server side rendering and might not be a good Vue // value; therefore, must allow this sort of prop to be a string return this.openInNew === 'true' ? true : false; }, }, }); Vue.component('card-edit-span', { name: 'card-edit-span', template: "#vue-card-edit-span-template", props: ["editUrl", "imageUrl", "isEditMode"], }); })(); function normalizeStoryCard() { const cardEls = $('.card-wrapper') const cards = cardEls.toArray(); const maxh = cards.reduce(function (acc, item) { const height = $(item).height(); if (height > acc) { return height; } else { return acc; } }, 0); console.log("height max", maxh); cardEls.height(maxh); } </script> <style> .no-pointer-events { pointer-events: none; } .listing-with-preview figcaption .title i.fas { font-size: 18px; position: relative; bottom: 1px; 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if (typeof (vueToken_mounted_4632) === "function" ) { const mountedCB = vueToken_mounted_4632; if (mountedCB) { // currently no arguments, just a time event, e.g. when slick // could be initialized. this.$nextTick(mountedCB); } } }, data: modData, methods: modMethods, }); }); })(); </script> </div> </div><div class="more-wrap"><a class="btn btn-primary" href="/News/Stories/Tag/56506/hurricane/">View More</a></div><!-- End_Module_4632 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div></div> <div id="dnn_ContentPaneX4" class="paneMarkerAlt col-lg-4"><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-4684"><a name="4684"></a> <div class="empty-container base-container"> <div id="dnn_ctr4684_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_4684 --><div class="hide"><div id="dnn_ctr4684_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC"> <div id="dnn_ctr4684_HtmlModule_lblContent" class="Normal"> <style> .poster-link p { font-weight: bold; margin: 8px 0; } .poster-link { margin: 0; } a:hover.poster-link p { text-decoration: underline!important; } </style> <div id="poster" class="sidebar-section sidebar-section-right"> <h2 class="tab-title"><span>Current Storms</span></h2> <div class="sidebar-section-inner"> <div class="dgov-grid dgov-grid-bleed"> <a class="poster-link" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <img src="/portals/1/Spotlight/2021/hurricane-preparedness/NOAA.jpg?ver=ankHkPddYrNXIBHlKNp4FA%3d%3d&timestamp=1625079369135" alt="Map of developing hurricanes"> <p> Track the latest developments with the National Hurricane Center <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </p> </div> </a> <a class="poster-link" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <p> Hurricane Helene on DVIDS <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </p> </div> </a> <a class="poster-link" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <p> What DHS and FEMA are Doing <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </p> </div> </a> <a class="poster-link" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <p>Spanish: What DHS and FEMA are Doing <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </p> </div> </a> <a class="poster-link" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <p>What the U.S. Government is Doing <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </p> </div> </a> <a class="poster-link" href="" target="_blank"> <div class="dgov-col-md-12"> <p>Spanish: What the U.S. Government is Doing <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> </p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><!-- End_Module_4684 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-4686"><a name="4686"></a> <div class="empty-container base-container"> <div id="dnn_ctr4686_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_4686 --><style> #hurricane > div > h2:after { display: none; } #hurricane > div > h2 > span { top: 5px; } </style><div id="dnn_ctr4686_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC"> <div id="dnn_ctr4686_HtmlModule_lblContent" class="Normal"> <style> #hurricane .tab-title { border-bottom: 3px solid #9a0c00; } #hurricane a, #hurricane span { background-color: #9a0c00; } #hurricane a:before, #hurricane span:before { border-bottom: 33px solid #9a0c00; } #hurricane .sidebar-section .sidebar-section-inner { background: #fff5f4; border: 1px solid #9a0c00; } #hurricane ul li { margin: 10px 0; } #hurricane i { font-size: 15px; } </style> <div id="hurricane"> <div class="sidebar-section sidebar-section-right"> <h2 class="tab-title"><span>Resources</span></h2> <div class="sidebar-section-inner"> <ul> <!-- <li><a href="#">DOD Emergency Response <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> --> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Make a Plan Today <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Stay Informed <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Related Info <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Related Info <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Download the FEMA App <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Military OneSource: Disaster Preparedness <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="/external-content/story/Article/2677502/military-onesource-personnel-accountability-preparedness-resources/" target="_blank">Military Related Info <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> <li><a href="/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2682748/when-hurricanes-strike-uniformed-services-respond/" > DOD's Role </a></li> <li><a href="/Spotlights/Helping-Hands/" > Spotlight: Helping Hands </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">National Preparedness Month <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- End_Module_4686 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="dnn_ContentPaneFullBleed2"><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-SlideShow DnnModule-4634"><a name="4634"></a> <div class="empty-container base-container"> <div id="dnn_ctr4634_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_4634 --><style> .btn-primary-ghost, .btn-primary-ghost:visited { background-color: #355e93; color: #ffffff; border-color: #355e93; } </style><div id="spotlight-photos" class="page-section"> <div class="content-wrap"> <h2 class="tab-title light-tab-title"><span>Photos</span></h2><div id="dnn_ctr4634_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModSlideShowC"> <script type="application/javascript" defer src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/DesktopModules/Slideshow/Resources/js/analyticsParamsForDVIDSAnalyticsAPI.js"></script> <div id="featuregrid-slideshow-4634" class="featuregrid-slideshow"> <div id="featuregrid-id-4634" class="featuregrid-target" > ... loading ... </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function() { var tag=document.createElement('script'); tag.src=""; var firstScriptTag=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag,firstScriptTag); }); (function() { function glsParseAspectRatio(arStr) { let aspectRatio = 6 / 4; // default if (arStr && typeof (arStr) == "string") { try { let arParts; if (arStr.indexOf(":") >= 0) { arParts = arStr.split(":"); 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const imgHeight = imgWidth / aspectRatio; const height = (imgHeight * numRows) + totPadHeight; // this is a temporary height, estimated to be near as possible to the height of the // grid once rendered. gsTarget is removed/replaced by the Vue component once rendered. gsTarget.height(height); let slides = []; let slideItem, slideItemJson, slideItemJsonStr, slideItemFromJsonStr; let opts = { moduleId: "4634", portalId: '1', moduleTitle: 'Slide show', containerClientId: 'dnn_ctr4634_ModuleContent', slideCount: parseInt('135'), width: '990px', height: '382px', imageGalleryUrl: '/Multimedia/Photos', aspectRatio: '', // style 2 for marshalling the data hasMoreUrl: false, moreUrl: false, }; let useOverlay, isVideo, videoDuration, hasMoreUrl, moreUrl; let slideIndex = 0; // // END HEADER TEMPLATE // ------------------- // START ITEM TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571074/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Cleanup", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17277", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571074/", alt: "Three guardsmen carry a large log while outside during the day.", byLine: "Army Spc. Joseph Liggio", description: "Army Spc. Jordyn Chappelle, left, Spc. Brittany DiNoto and Spc. Tessa Orloff move a tree branch downed by Hurricane Milton in Palmetto, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024. The New York Army National Guard cleared debris and distributed supplies to Florida communities in the wake of the hurricane.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '0', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.31MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571081/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Flood Relief", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17274", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571081/", alt: "Two workers oversee a large hose attached to a lake on one end and out to a road on the other.", byLine: "Mark Rankin, Army Corps of Engineers", description: "Robert Poff, a heavy equipment operator with the Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District, connects water hoses in Lakeland, Fla., Oct. 23, 2024. The Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District mobilized and delivered three water pumps to Lakeland, Fla., to relieve Lake Bonny flooding.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '1', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.83MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571079/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Community Outreach", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17276", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571079/", alt: "A service member wearing a neon vest pets a dog while outside on a front lawn during the day.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Hannah Tarkelly", description: "Army Spc. Angela Ramirez pets a dog during community outreach in Waynesville, N.C., Oct. 14, 2024. North Carolina National Guardsmen knocked on doors to assess community needs and provide resources in support of Joint Task Force North Carolina following Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '2', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.44MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570676/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Grateful Gesture", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17273", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570676/", alt: "A soldier kneeling on pavement lifts a barefoot child in a pink dress while hugging the child in front of a parked military vehicle.", byLine: "Courtesy Florida National Guard", description: "Army Pfc. Victoria N. Torres, assigned to the Florida National Guard’s Charlie Battery, 3rd Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, welcomes a spontaneous hug from a toddler while patrolling a neighborhood in Palmetto, Fla., Oct. 8, 2024, to reassure residents and provide information before Hurricane Milton. Soldiers returned to the neighborhood after the storm and confirmed its residents, including the child’s family, were safe.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '799', serverIndex: '3', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.3MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571080/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Heavy-Load Cleanup", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17275", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003571080/", alt: "A crane scoops debris into a dump truck parked on the side of a road by a forest.", byLine: "Army Pfc. Landon Evans", description: "Soldiers assigned to the Army National Guard Training Center Garrison Command and Tennessee Army National Guardsmen continue relief efforts in Cocke County, Tenn., Oct. 24, 2024. This task force utilizes bulldozers, dump trucks, chainsaws, skid steer loaders and other equipment to clear debris.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '4', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.29MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570278/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Assessing Needs", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17265", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570278/", alt: "A couple of guardsmen wearing neon vests chat with a resident on her porch outside during the day.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Hannah Tarkelly", description: "North Carolina National Guardsmen knock on doors to assess community needs and provide resources in Waynesville, N.C., Oct. 14, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '5', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.28MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003569529/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Final Check", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17270", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003569529/", alt: "The silhouette of two airmen are seen under the wing of a parked aircraft in the dark illuminated by an orangish light.", byLine: "Air Force Tech. Sgt. Darius Sostre-Miroir", description: "Airmen make final checks for an Air Force HC-130J Combat King II aircraft in anticipation of Hurricane Milton at Patrick Space Force Base, Fla., Oct. 7, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '6', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.81MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568850/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Sunlit Silhouette", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17259", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568850/", alt: "A worker climbs a ladder as another carries supplies on a roof under a sunlit sky as seen in silhouette.", byLine: "Navy Chief Petty Officer Carlos M. Vazquez II", description: "Workers help a family secure their roof as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Blue Roof Project in Sarasota, Fla., Oct. 16, 2024, in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton. Operation Blue Roof provides homeowners and permanently occupied rental properties in disaster areas with fiber-reinforced sheeting to cover their damaged roofs until arrangements can be made for permanent repairs.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '7', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.59MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570279/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Flood Prevention", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17264", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570279/", alt: "An excavator moves dirt and rock from a road to a pile of dirt and rock, while a soldier looks on from the road during the day.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Joe Roudabush", description: "North Carolina National Guardsmen, partnering with soldiers assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, use High Mobility Engineer Excavators and shovels to clear debris from a critical drainage ditch to prevent further flooding from rainfall in Marshall, N.C., Oct. 18, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '8', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.57MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570277/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Emergency Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17266", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003570277/", alt: "A group of guardsmen load boxes of emergency supplies into the back of a blue van while a driver waits.", byLine: "Army Spc. Joseph Liggio", description: "New York National Guardsmen load boxes of emergency drinking water into a vehicle in Bradenton, Fla., Oct. 12, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '9', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.4MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003569204/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Greeting", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17260", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003569204/", alt: "Two women chat with a soldier.", byLine: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Lauren Cobin ", description: "Air Force Col. Robert Magee, 6th Mission Support Group commander, greets volunteers during a Nourish the Service event at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., Oct. 21, 2024. Nourish the Service is a Blue Star Families-supported event dedicated to bringing installation personnel donations during times of need. The event brought together members of the community to alleviate some of the financial burden caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '750', serverIndex: '10', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.25MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568515/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Loading Boxes", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17240", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568515/", alt: "An airman carries a box during a clear blue sky next to a pile of boxes.", byLine: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Lauren Cobin", description: "Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Kara Marszalek loads a box during a Nourish the Service event at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., Oct. 21, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '11', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.14MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568513/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Play Ball", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17241", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568513/", alt: "Two soldiers work with clippers while hunched over the ground on a baseball field.", byLine: "Army Spc. Damilola Awe", description: "Soldiers remove debris from the Charles D. Owen Middle School baseball field in Swannanoa, N.C., Oct. 20, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '12', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.41MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567938/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Debris Aftermath", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17219", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567938/", alt: "A soldier stands over a pile of debris and holds a large stick.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Charles Brock", description: "A soldier climbs a pile of debris left behind by Hurricane Helene in Marshall, N.C., Oct 17, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '13', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.44MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568516/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Kitty Comfort", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17239", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003568516/", alt: "Two guardsmen wearing hardhats pet a cat during the day.", byLine: "Army Pfc. Landon Evans", description: "Tennessee National Guardsmen comfort a cat following Hurricane Helene in Cocke County, Tenn., Oct. 18, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '14', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.23MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567936/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Restoring Communities", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17221", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567936/", alt: "A soldier clears wooden debris from a pile.", byLine: "Dylan Burnell, Army Corps of Engineers", description: "Soldiers assigned to Task Force Castle clear debris from Hurricane Helene in Chimney Rock, N.C., Oct. 15, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '15', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.28MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567933/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Removing Wreckage", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17220", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567933/", alt: "A group of soldiers remove debris from a pile under a roof.", byLine: "Anthony Hewitt, Army", description: "Soldiers assigned to the 101st Airborne Division remove wreckage so a resident can dislodge a tractor in western North Carolina, Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '16', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.49MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567941/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Removing Debris", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17218", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567941/", alt: "A soldier carries piece of trunk over his shoulder.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Charles Brock", description: "Army Spc. Johnthan Goggans removes debris during route clearance in Marshall, N.C., Oct 17, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '17', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.22MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567177/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Debris Duty", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17200", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567177/", alt: "A guardsman looks at a vehicle that has landed hood down in a pile of debris.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Adena McCluskey", description: "An Alabama National Guardsman participates in a search and recovery mission in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene near Chimney Rock and Lake Lure, N.C., Oct. 9, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '18', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '2.63MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567178/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Look There", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17201", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567178/", alt: "A soldier and a resident survey a debris-strewn riverbank, with the resident pointing toward the distance.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Alison Strout", description: "A resident speaks to a soldier about the destruction of the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge, N.C., Oct. 16, 2024. The Flowering Bridge, once home to 30 gardens and more than 2,000 species of plants, sustained severe damage from Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '19', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '3.42MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566342/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Bridging the Gap", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17184", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566342/", alt: "Guardsmen put a log over a creek as fellow service members watch while standing in the woods during daylight.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Hannah Tarkelly, National Guard", description: "North Carolina National Guardsmen conduct bridge building operations in Nebo, N.C., Oct. 9, 2024. Guardsmen built bridges to connect roadways for residents following Tropical Storm Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '20', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.17MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567179/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "High-Up Repair", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17202", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003567179/", alt: "A Coast Guardsman stands on a navigation tower holding a yellow rope, while another guardsman in a small boat holds the other end. The tower's reflection is seen on the water.", byLine: "Coast Guard", description: "Coast Guardsmen repair critical navigation aids on the west coast of Florida following Hurricane Milton, Oct. 15, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '21', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.56MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566332/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Supply Drive", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17185", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566332/", alt: "A soldier hands cans to a person sitting in a car as other car are parked in the background during daylight.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Charles Brock", description: "A soldier distributes supplies during a homeland defense mission in Black Mountain, N.C., Oct. 15, 2024. The Defense Department, through U.S. Northern Command and in support of FEMA, provides necessary support to civil authorities in the wake of any natural disasters.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '22', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.23MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566207/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Cleanup", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17187", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566207/", alt: "Soldiers lift large pieces of battered furniture out of a stone building. Yellow caution tape is strung between wooden posts and a pile of trash sits in the foreground.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Alison Strout", description: "Soldiers assigned to the 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division move destroyed furniture out of a local business in Chimney Rock, N.C., Oct. 11, 2024. The town was heavily damaged by flooding resulting from Hurricane Helene, which swept away entire homes and destroyed buildings.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '23', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.1MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565033/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Help and a Hug", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17188", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565033/", alt: "A soldier hugs a civilian and three other people look on, while they all stand in front of a huge pile of wreckage and storm debris.", byLine: "Air Force Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith, Air National Guard", description: "A soldier assigned to the Florida National Guard's Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 124th Infantry Regiment hugs a resident in the Spanish Lakes community in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024, while delivering aid following Hurricane Milton.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '24', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.39MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566278/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helping Hands", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17186", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003566278/", alt: "A soldier carries a box as another stands in a hurricane relief supply area during daylight.", byLine: "Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan Walvoord", description: "Soldiers move supplies for those affected by Hurricane Helene in Black Mountain, N.C., Oct. 13, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '25', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.12MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565291/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Debris Cleanup", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17189", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565291/", alt: "A soldier uses a chainsaw to cut through a large log. Other large logs lie in the background.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Hannah Tarkelly", description: "North Carolina Army National Guardsman Sgt. Victoria Sweetman cuts wood during debris cleanup operations at Lake Lure, N.C., Oct. 8, 2024. Sweetman is assigned to the 105th Engineer Battalion and supporting Hurricane Helene relief efforts as part of Joint Task Force-North Carolina.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '26', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.37MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565582/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Care Package Couriers", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17151", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565582/", alt: "Two soldiers load boxes of supplies on top of an open vehicle with trees in the background during daylight.", byLine: "Army Master Sgt. Will Reinier", description: "Army Sgt. 1st Class Cody Colewell and Staff Sgt. Dillon Harding secure care packages to the top of a vehicle at Riverside Elementary School in Ingalls, N.C., Oct. 14, 2024. The soldiers partnered with teachers from the school to visit students and families affected by Hurricane Helene to deliver the packages and supplies.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '27', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.91MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564791/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Continued Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17158", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564791/", alt: "A soldier uses a broom to hold up temporary roof covering in a damaged home.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and non-perishable goods to senior citizens while doing wellness checks following Hurricane Milton at the Spanish Lakes community in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '28', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.21MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564792/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Soldiers Help Victims", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17157", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564792/", alt: "Two soldiers carry boxes and supplies to a resident standing outside their home.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and non-perishable goods to senior citizens at the Spanish Lakes community following Hurricane Milton in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '29', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.36MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565356/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Relief", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17150", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003565356/", alt: "A military vehicle with cases of bottled water strapped to its roof drives alongside a river with downed trees near it during daylight.", byLine: "Army Master Sgt. Will Reinier", description: "Army paratroopers drive along a river near Ingalls, N.C., Oct. 13, 2024. Most roads and paths to local communities were severely damaged in the wake of Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '30', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.48MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564902/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Citizen Check", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17153", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564902/", alt: "A soldier talks with a resident at the front of their home.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and non-perishable goods to senior citizens following Hurricane Milton at the Spanish Lakes community in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '31', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.33MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564910/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Arriving Aid", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17152", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564910/", alt: "Three soldiers walk up a residential street next to civilian vehicles carrying care boxes.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and non-perishable goods to senior citizens affected by Hurricane Milton in the Spanish Lakes community, Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '32', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.29MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564856/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Continued Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17155", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564856/", alt: "A soldier looks on as another holds out a care box to a resident surrounded by another and a child.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and nonperishable goods to senior citizens at the Spanish Lakes community following Hurricane Milton in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '33', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.29MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564855/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helping Hug", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17154", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564855/", alt: "A soldier is hugged on either side by two residents while another looks on near hurricane debris in front of a home.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and non-perishable goods to senior citizens affected by Hurricane Milton at the Spanish Lakes community in Port St. Lucie, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '34', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.43MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564857/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Soldier Delivery", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17156", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564857/", alt: "A soldier is surrounded by three residents behind a car with hurricane debris in the background.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Soldiers deliver water, meals and nonperishable goods to senior citizens at the Spanish Lakes community in Port St. Lucie, Fla., following Hurricane Milton, Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '35', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.35MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563828/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Airport Arrival", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17112", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563828/", alt: "An airman motions to a Humvee driving out the open back of an aircraft parked on a rain-dampened flight line.", byLine: "Army National Guard Spc. Joseph Liggio", description: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Albert Rein, assigned to the New York Air National Guard's 137th Airlift Squadron, guides a Humvee out of a C-17 Globemaster III at Cecil Airport in Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 9 2024, to support Hurricane Milton response efforts.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '36', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.27MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563844/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Water Push", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17107", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563844/", alt: "Soldiers move packages of bottled water in a warehouse-type space.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Alison Strout", description: "Soldiers assigned to the 20th Engineer Brigade help move supplies at Mitchell Middle School in Bakersville, N.C., Oct. 10, 2024, during Hurricane Helene response efforts. The XVIII Airborne Corps is working side-by-side with state and local officials to ensure that critical supplies and support are delivered to North Carolinians.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '37', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.31MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563838/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Asheville Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17109", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563838/", alt: "A soldier hands a box to a civilian on a lawn as other soldiers carry boxes toward civilians standing outside nearby houses.", byLine: "Madeleine Cook, FEMA", description: "Soldiers assigned to the 101st Airborne Division distribute food and water to residents while supporting Hurricane Helene response efforts in Asheville, N.C., Oct. 8, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '38', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.31MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563832/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Looking to Help", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17111", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563832/", alt: "Three soldiers walk along brick hardscaping by a decimated bluish-gray wood-framed house.", byLine: "Air National Guard Maj. Cammy Alberts", description: "Florida and South Carolina National Guard soldiers search for residents in need of assistance near Stuart, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024. Tornadoes spawned by Hurricane Milton decimated areas of the city as the storm progressed across the state. This photo has been edited for privacy protection.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '39', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.49MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563835/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Working Together", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17110", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563835/", alt: "Two soldiers and a civilian hold cases of water as another soldier signals by cars pulled up outside a school.", byLine: "Madeleine Cook, FEMA", description: "Soldiers assigned to Task Force Panther work alongside volunteers to distribute food and water at William W. Estes Elementary School in Asheville, N.C., to support residents affected by Hurricane Helene, Sept. 30, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '40', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.37MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564341/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Water Distribution", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17126", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564341/", alt: "A group of guardsmen chat with a resident by a table with essential supplies.", byLine: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Jacob Hancock", description: "Florida and South Carolina National Guardsmen distribute water, meals and sanitation kits to residents of St. Lucie county, Fla., who were impacted by tornadoes caused by Hurricane Milton, Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '41', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.46MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564340/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Unloading Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17127", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564340/", alt: "A group of soldiers push a large pallet holding essential supplies on the ground next to a helicopter.", byLine: "Army Staff. Sgt. Julius Harris", description: "Army Spc. Zachary Stevens assists in the drop off and unloading of supplies and aid from a CH-47 helicopter to the citizens of Hendersonville, N.C., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '42', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.35MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564343/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Soldiers Assist Residents", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17125", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564343/", alt: "A guardsman chats with a passenger inside a grey vehicle during the day.", byLine: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Jacob Hancock", description: "Florida and South Carolina National Guardsmen distribute water, meals and sanitation kits to residents of St. Lucie county, Fla., who were impacted by tornadoes caused by Hurricane Milton, Oct. 11, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '43', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.38MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564339/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "After Milton", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17128", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003564339/", alt: "A line of military trucks travel on a road at night on one lane.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Spencer Rhodes", description: "Florida National Guardsmen travel through Gulfport, Fla, neighborhoods nearby their initial staging area at Boca Ciega High School in the early morning hours following Hurricane Milton, Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '44', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.16MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563826/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Residential Ruin", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17114", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563826/", alt: "Four soldiers walk on a residential street past downed tree limbs and piles of storm debris.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Smith", description: "Florida and South Carolina National Guard soldiers search for residents in need of assistance near Stuart, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024. Tornadoes spawned by Hurricane Milton decimated areas of the city as the storm progressed across the state.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '45', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.95MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563827/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Mission Coordination", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17113", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563827/", alt: "A standing soldier looks at documents on a table near monitors displaying storm data as other soldiers sit at laptops.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class Shane Klestinski", description: "Army Lt. Col. Harvey Rocha, second from left, commander of the Florida Army National Guard's 260th Military Intelligence Battalion, reviews reports as staff members coordinate missions and assigns tasks during recovery operations in Fort Myers, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024, following Hurricane Milton’s landfall.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '46', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.62MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563823/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Post-Milton View", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17117", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563823/", alt: "An aerial view of an urban area with a round stadium in the foreground that has large portions of its roof missing.", byLine: "Mike O’keefe, Coast Guard", description: "The tattered roof of Tropicana Field is visible from a Coast Guard aircraft flying over St. Petersburg, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024, to look for people in distress and assess damage from Hurricane Milton.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '47', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.34MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563841/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Supplying Support", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17108", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563841/", alt: "Soldiers carry packages of food and beverages past large boxes of supplies outside a brick building.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Alison Strout", description: "Soldiers assigned to 20th Engineer Brigade move supplies from Harris Middle School in Spruce Pine, N.C., while supporting Hurricane Helene response efforts, Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '48', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.51MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563825/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Neighborhood Delivery", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17115", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563825/", alt: "Soldiers remove boxes from an open military vehicle and hand them to civilians on a residential street.", byLine: "Army 1st Lt. Dalton Worley", description: "Soldiers assigned to Cobra Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment continue efforts to distribute food, water and necessary supplies to residents affected by Hurricane Helene in Asheville, N.C., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '49', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.28MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563824/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Delivering Essentials", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17116", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563824/", alt: "Three soldiers, two carrying boxes on their shoulders, walk down a residential street as a fourth, shown from behind, stands by.", byLine: "Army 1st Lt. Dalton Worley", description: "Soldiers assigned to Cobra Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment continue efforts to distribute food, water and necessary supplies to residents affected by Hurricane Helene in Asheville, N.C., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '50', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.26MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563586/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Clearing Debris", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17101", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563586/", alt: "Three airmen wearing hardhats clear trees and brush near a house. A line of green trees is in the background.", byLine: "Air Force Senior Airman Ben Cash", description: "Airmen clear debris on a job site in Erwin, Tenn., Oct. 9, 2024. The airmen are assigned to the 118th Wing, 134th Air Refueling Wing and 164th Airlift Wing. They’ve been tasked with debris clearing, infrastructure repair and other relief efforts to aid those affected by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '51', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.96MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563589/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Bridge Collapse", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17098", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563589/", alt: "A large chunk of a road is collapsed on its entire width during an overcast day.", byLine: "Air Force Capt. Kaitlin Butler", description: "A collapsed roadway is shown following Hurricane Milton at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '52', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563612/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "On Call", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17100", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563612/", alt: "Soldiers take phone calls seated at desks in an office setting.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class Shane Klestinski", description: "Florida Army National Guard members track the status of emergency commodities from the unified logistics operations center of Florida’s State Logistics Response Center in Orlando, Fla., Oct. 8, 2024, in preparation for Hurricane Milton’s landfall.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '53', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.41MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563588/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "High-Water Rescue", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17097", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563588/", alt: "A truck with passengers moves over a flooded street on an overcast day.", byLine: "Army Capt. Jacob Bassette", description: "Florida National Guardsmen assigned to the 1448th Chemical Company, 448th Chemical Battalion assist in high-water rescue missions in Altamonte Springs, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '54', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.99MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563153/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Giving a Lift", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17081", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563153/", alt: "Two soldiers help a civilian climb up and into the open back of a military vehicle.", byLine: "Army courtesy photo by Maj. James Suber", description: "Soldiers assigned to the Florida Army National Guard's 1448th Chemical Company assist in high-water rescue missions in Seminole County, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024. The Florida National Guard remains committed to ensuring the safety of residents in the areas most affected by Hurricane Milton.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '55', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.67MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563590/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Collecting Samples", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17099", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563590/", alt: "An airman and a soldier collect soil samples from the ground with a large pile of debris stacked behind them.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Everett Babbitt", description: "Army Sgt. 1st Class Stephen Evans and Air Force Staff Sgt. Taylor Shultz collect soil samples in the wake of Hurricane Helene in Erwin, Tenn., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '56', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.97MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563262/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Survey and Assist", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17085", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563262/", alt: "A guardsman standing by the road signals the driver of a green military vehicle as it drives by a house with a van parked in front.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Marc Morgenstern", description: "Florida National Guardsmen assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 116th Field Artillery Regiment conduct a survey and assist patrol following Hurricane Milton in Kissimmee, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '57', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.45MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563261/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Safety Check", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17084", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563261/", alt: "A Guardsman talks with a resident who is holding a phone; palm trees and a road are in the background.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Marc Morgenstern", description: "A Florida National Guardsman assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 116th Field Artillery Regiment checks in with a resident following Hurricane Milton during a survey and assist patrol in Kissimmee, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '58', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.41MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563335/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Clearing Debris", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17087", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003563335/", alt: "Six guardsmen walk down a road toward a small bridge blocked by debris; heavy equipment is behind them.", byLine: "Sgt. Madeline Fortune", description: "Florida National Guardsmen assigned to the 753rd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team inspect debris left by Hurricane Milton before beginning clearing efforts in Plass-a-Grille, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '59', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.93MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562943/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Supply Station", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17068", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562943/", alt: "A soldier grabs a box from a partially visible truck as fellow service members stand near stacks of boxes in the background.", byLine: "Army Pfc. Eli Johnson", description: "Soldiers prepare to distribute supplies in Suwannee County, Fla., Sept. 29, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '60', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '2.41MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562941/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Loading Up", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17067", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562941/", alt: "A soldier hands a box to a soldier standing on top of parked vehicle in front of a church as fellow soldiers line up with boxes.", byLine: "Army Master Sgt. Anthony Hewitt", description: "Soldiers load supplies for the community in the wake of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina, Oct. 8, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '61', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.51MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562728/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Filling Sandbags", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17065", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562728/", alt: "An airman holds a white bag open while another shovels in sand.", byLine: "Air Force Senior Airman Lauren Cobin", description: "Air Force airmen assigned to the 6th Air Refueling Wing fill sandbags ahead of Hurricane Milton at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., Oct. 7, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '62', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.59MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561831/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Perfect Practice", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17074", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561831/", alt: "An airman holds a cable while being lowered from a helicopter in a wooded area.", byLine: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Abbey Rieves", description: "An airman practices rappelling from an HH-60W Jolly Green II helicopter during Hurricane Helene relief operations in Tennessee, Oct. 2, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '63', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.19MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562159/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Muddy Talk", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17073", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562159/", alt: "Airmen speak to civilians while standing in the mud as seen from above.", byLine: "Air Force Senior Airman Andrew Garavito", description: "Airmen speak with civilians during a disaster relief mission in North Carolina, Oct. 4, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '64', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.79MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562778/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17071", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562778/", alt: "A soldier knocks on a glass storm door during daylight as the reflections of two other soldiers can be seen in the door.", byLine: "Army Master Sgt. Anthony Hewitt", description: "A soldier knocks on a door in the wake of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina, Oct. 8, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '65', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.19MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562726/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Sawing Sparks", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17069", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562726/", alt: "An airman wearing a hardhat and a face shield uses a chainsaw to cut through metal debris creating lots of orange sparks.", byLine: "Army Pfc. Landon Evans", description: "Tennessee Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Chad Bright clears out metal debris during Hurricane Helene recovery efforts in Hampton, Tenn., Oct. 7, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '66', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.89MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562151/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Through the Storm", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17072", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562151/", alt: "An aircraft's propeller is visible on the right as the sun peeks through a swirl of clouds.", byLine: "Air Force Lt. Col. Mark Withee", description: "Airmen fly through Hurricane Milton at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., Oct. 8, 2024. Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters fly storm missions to provide up-to-date weather data to the National Hurricane Center to help improve weather forecasts.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '67', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.19MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562939/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Prep", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17066", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562939/", alt: "A soldier sits on an orange inflatable device as two fellow service members pull it from opposite ends in a parking lot.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Marc Morgenstern", description: "Army Pfc. Sanjarbek Bakhodirov helps deploy a flood mitigation device to protect a hospital from flooding in Sanford, Fla., Oct. 8, 2024. The Florida National Guard has soldiers and airmen ready to assist in humanitarian aid, security operations and search and rescue missions throughout the state.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '68', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.86MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562730/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helping Victims", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17063", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562730/", alt: "A soldier chats with a civilian in front of a building.", byLine: "Army Master Sgt. Anthony Hewitt", description: "Soldiers assist volunteers at a church in loading and organizing supplies for a local community in the wake of Hurricane Helene in western N.C., Oct. 8, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '69', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.55MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562729/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Welfare Check", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17064", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562729/", alt: "Two soldiers hold blankets inside of a house near a kitchen.", byLine: "Army Master Sgt. Anthony Hewitt", description: "Soldiers conduct a door-to-door welfare check in a local community in the wake of Hurricane Helene in western N.C., Oct. 8, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '70', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.35MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562732/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Relief", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17061", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003562732/", alt: "A guardsmen holds a hands saw and cuts into metal amid a field of metal debris.", byLine: "Air National Guard Senior Airman Xaviera Stevens", description: "Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Chad Bright, water and fuel systems maintenance with the 134th Civil Engineer Squadron, uses a hand-held gas saw on a metal structure in Elizabethton, Tenn., Oct. 7, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '71', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.85MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561862/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Disaster Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16909", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561862/", alt: "A soldier wearing a yellow vest directs a car in a parking lot in front of boxes of supplies.", byLine: "Gregory Wayne, FEMA", description: "Georgia National Guard and Lowndes County Government employees distribute ice, water and Meals Ready-to-Go to disaster survivors following Hurricane Helene at the Bemiss Road Flying Tiger in Valdosta, Ga., Oct. 4, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '72', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.94MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561830/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Aerial Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "17060", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561830/", alt: "Two airmen rappel down from a helicopter to a driveway with the word ‘HELP’ written on it in large red capital letters.", byLine: "Courtesy photo", description: "Two Air Force pararescuemen respond to a call for help by rappelling down from an HH-60W Jolly Green II helicopter during Hurricane Helene relief operations in North Carolina, Oct. 4, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '73', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.08MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561860/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Emergency Operations", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16911", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561860/", alt: "A group of soldiers sitting on desks looks at monitors tracking the storm.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Madeline Fortune", description: "Florida National Guardsmen establish an emergency operations center in Pinellas Park, Fla., Oct. 7, 2024, in preparation for Hurricane Milton.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '74', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.05MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561871/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Aftermath of Helene", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16908", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561871/", alt: "An excavator pulls weeds from a flooded area.", byLine: "Air National Guard Senior Airman Xaviera Stevens", description: "Air National Guard Master Sgt. Matt Webster uses an excavator to unclog a creek in Hampton, Tenn., Oct. 3, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '75', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.89MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561861/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Response Efforts", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16910", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561861/", alt: "A group of service members sit at desks with laptops, papers and headsets.", byLine: "Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan Walvoord", description: "Joint Task Force Civil Support personnel brief Commander, Col. Tanya McGonegal virtually during the response efforts for those affected by Hurricane Helene in Marion, N.C., Oct. 7, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '76', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.91MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561058/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helping Hands", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16894", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561058/", alt: "A group of guardsmen carry water from a helicopter to a vehicle.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. Olivia Gum", description: "Tennessee Army National Guardsmen drop supplies in areas damaged by Hurricane Helene in Unicoi County, Tenn., Oct. 2, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '77', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.09MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561869/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Distributing Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16907", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561869/", alt: "A guardsmen chats with someone in a vehicle while a line of cars sit behind.", byLine: "Gregory Wayne, FEMA", description: "Geogia County government employees and National Guardsmen distribute ice, water and Meals Ready-to-Go to disaster survivors following Hurricane Helene at the Bemiss Road Flying Tiger in Valdosta, Ga., Oct. 4, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '78', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.42MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561021/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Stabilization Effort", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16899", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561021/", alt: "A dump truck and a plow operate on a dusty road on a hazy day. Headlights from the truck illuminate the photo.", byLine: "Army Lt. Col. William Wratee", description: "Army Reserve engineers use a dump truck to drop boulders in Yancey County, N.C., as part of stabilization efforts to reinforce areas impacted by recent mudslides in the wake of Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '79', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.19MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561965/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Road Repair", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16901", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561965/", alt: "Soldiers assess hurricane damage to a curved road and guardrail during daylight.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Alison Strout", description: "Soldiers assess road damage from Hurricane Helene in Fairview, N.C., Oct. 5, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '80', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.69MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561076/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Assisting Citizens", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16898", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561076/", alt: "A soldier and two people load supplies into the bed of a red truck during a sunny day.", byLine: "Courtesy photo", description: "Georgia National Guardsmen assist residents of Ware County, Ga. at a relief supply distribution center in Waycross, Ga., Oct. 4, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '81', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.64MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561068/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Relief", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16897", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561068/", alt: "A group of guardsmen push a large pallet of supplies in an aircraft bay.", byLine: "Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Reanna Hartgrove", description: "Guardsmen push a hurricane relief pallet into position on a C-17 Globemaster III for delivery to Western North Carolina following Tropical Storm Helene in support of humanitarian efforts at the North Carolina Air National Guard, Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, N.C., Oct. 3, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '82', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.87MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561062/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Distribution Point", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16895", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003561062/", alt: "Two soldiers load ice into a vehicle.", byLine: "Army National Guard Spc. Katlynn Pickle", description: "Army soldiers load ice into a vehicle at a distribution point in Lakeland, Ga., Oct. 5, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '83', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.94MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003559790/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Water Distribution", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16888", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003559790/", alt: "A group of people unload a truck containing boxes and water bottles.", byLine: "Army Sgt. 1st Class David Logsdon ", description: "Food and water are distributed to soldiers at Fort Eisenhower, keeping them fed during the storm. The local municipalities, community partners and Army came together to support each other and the surrounding communities in the wake of Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '84', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.89MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003559788/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Cleanup Efforts", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16886", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003559788/", alt: "Five people stand at a parking lot to chat.", byLine: "James Walker, Army Corps of Engineers", description: "Representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency met with city leadership and residents in Damascus, Va., Oct. 4, 2024, to discuss response and recovery efforts following the impact of Hurricane Helene in the region.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '85', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.6MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558780/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Clearing Debris", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16883", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558780/", alt: "An airman clears debris from atop a metal wall during the day.", byLine: "Air National Guard Senior Airman Ben Cash", description: "Air National Guard Senior Master Sgt. Kevin Jackson helps clear debris in Elizabethton, Tenn., Oct. 2, 2024. Airmen commuted to Elizabethton and surrounding areas daily to help clear debris and give assistance to local residents in need due to flooding from Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '86', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.24MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558082/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Aerial View", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16889", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558082/", alt: "As seen from the air, a view of a highway and flooded side streets and businesses.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class Leticia Samuels", description: "The North Carolina National Guard continues to deploy military capabilities in support of state authorities to protect the lives and properties of fellow residents, Sept. 29, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '87', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.3MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558409/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helping Hands", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16882", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558409/", alt: "An airman carries tree branches while walking near the woods.", byLine: "Air National Guard Senior Master Sgt. Caycee Watson", description: "Air Force Master Sgt. Elizabeth Sailer removes debris in Gaffney, S.C., Oct. 2, 2024, following Hurricane Helene. The South Carolina National Guard has more than 900 soldiers and airmen deployed across the state, responding to disaster relief requests from federal, local and state agencies.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '88', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.96MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003559789/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Supplies for Relief", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16887", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003559789/", alt: "A tractor carries a large box of supplies while a service member guides the driver.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Christopher Sherlock", description: "Air Force Master Sgt. Patrick Williams guides Tech. Sgt. Bradley Gann as they palletize Meals, Ready-to-Eat to be sent in support of Hurricane Helene recovery at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., Oct. 3, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '89', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.93MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558956/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Flight Ops", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16879", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558956/", alt: "A soldier photographed in silhouette walks toward a military aircraft parked on a tarmac.", byLine: "Army Sgt. N.W. Huertas", description: "Florida Army National Guard soldiers prepare for flight operations during Hurricane Helene support missions at Army Aviation Support Facility 1, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '90', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.59MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558883/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Soldier Support", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16878", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558883/", alt: "A soldier stands at the passenger window of a car holding a sheet of paper while talking to the people inside the car.", byLine: "Army Spc. Turner Horton", description: "A South Carolina Army National Guardsman mans a distribution point for food, water and supplies for residents impacted by Hurricane Helene in Pickens, S.C., Oct. 1, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '91', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.87MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557130/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Moody Recovery", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16881", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557130/", alt: "An airman wearing a hard hat leans forward to saw a large fallen tree on a sunny day.", byLine: "Air Force Airman 1st Class Iain Stanley", description: "An airman cuts a downed tree during hurricane cleanup operations at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., Sept. 28, 2024. Moody is working to restore base operations in the wake of Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '92', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.41MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558077/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Distributing Water", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16858", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558077/", alt: "In a parking lot, a person in civilian clothes tosses a bag of ice to a soldier, while another soldier holds a bag of ice and a civilian reaches into a car.", byLine: "National Guard Sgt. Thomas Norris", description: "Army soldiers partner with the Augusta Fire Department to distribute cases of water and bags of ice at a point of distribution in Augusta, Ga., Oct. 1, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '93', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.98MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558081/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helene Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16857", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558081/", alt: "Three soldiers and a nurse help a hurricane survivor onto a medical helicopter.", byLine: "Kevin Larson, Army", description: "Winn Army Community Hospital provided critical care support to Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center following the impact of Hurricane Helene throughout Augusta, Ga., Sept. 29, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '94', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.85MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558079/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helene Aftermath", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16861", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558079/", alt: "A destroyed vehicle is lodged in a field of mud and debris.", byLine: "Madeleine Cook, FEMA", description: "The town of Swannanoa in Western N.C. reels in the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene, Oct. 1, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '95', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.78MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558078/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Road Clearing", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16859", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558078/", alt: "Soldiers work to clear a tree from a roadway during the day.", byLine: "Air National Guard Master Sgt. Caila Arahood", description: "Soldiers conduct road clearing operations in Columbia County, Ga., Sept. 29, 2024. The Georgia National Guard is providing response and recovery support to areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '96', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.23MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558080/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Equipment Prep", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16860", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003558080/", alt: "Two guardsmen work with a equipment attached to the bed of a truck while outside on a road.", byLine: "Philip Speck, Air National Guard ", description: "National Guardsmen prepare equipment for deployment from the Kentucky Air National Guard Base in Louisville, Ky., Sept. 30, 2024, in response to massive flooding across N.C. following Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '97', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.86MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557479/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Supply Talk", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16854", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557479/", alt: "A soldier bends over to speak to a resident through their car window as other cars wait in line.", byLine: "Army Sgt. Spencer Rhodes", description: "Florida Army National Guard Sgt. Nicholas Andrews asks a resident what supplies they need in Live Oak, Fla, Oct. 2, 2024, following Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '98', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.19MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557485/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Resting Place", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16853", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557485/", alt: "Suitcases sit next to cots in a fitness center as seen from above.", byLine: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessi Roth", description: "Airmen establish temporary living quarters in a fitness center at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., Sept. 30, 2024, to support Hurricane Helene recovery efforts.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '99', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.03MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557070/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Essential Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16838", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557070/", alt: "Bottled water is handed out on post to families outside of the closed Commissary on Fort Eisenhower, Ga., Sept. 29, 2024. T", byLine: "David Logsdon, Army", description: "Bottled water is handed out on post to families outside of the closed Commissary at Fort Eisenhower, Ga., Sept. 29, 2024. The local municipalities, community partners and Army came together to support each other and the surrounding communities in the wake of Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '100', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557068/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Clean Up", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16836", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557068/", alt: "Two soldiers clear debris from a forest and cut down branches.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. Fernanda Olivas", description: "Army soldiers conduct chainsaw clearance operations in Augusta, Ga., Sept. 30, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '101', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.2MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557076/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Transporting Goods", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16840", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557076/", alt: "Inside a helicopter a pilot and a passenger look out at a flooded landscape below.", byLine: "Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Juan Paz", description: "National Guardsmen transport more than 100,000 pounds of essential goods from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Western North Carolina in support of humanitarian efforts following Helene in Asheville, N.C., Sept 30, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '102', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.89MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557069/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Recovery Efforts", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16837", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557069/", alt: "An airman wearing outdoor gear cuts a tree stump with a chainsaw during a cloudy day with a yellow tractor in the background.", byLine: "Air Force Tech. Sgt. Devin Boyer", description: "Air Force airmen cut down fallen trees as part of Hurricane Helene recovery efforts at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., Sept. 29, 2024. Prior to the storm, leadership assembled a Hurricane Rideout Team who assumed responsibility for recovery efforts.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '103', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.9MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003556214/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helene Destruction", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16828", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003556214/", alt: "In a scene of devastation, a house is mostly torn of its foundation while a Do Not Block Road sign tilts to the left.", byLine: "Mark Rankin, Army Corps of Engineers", description: "The Army Corps of Engineers coordinates closely with federal, state, local and tribal government officials to support residents in Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '104', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.9MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003556213/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Loading Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16827", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003556213/", alt: "A mechanical lift puts a pallet of water onto the back of a helicopter while a soldier directs the path.", byLine: "Army National Guard Spc. Katlynn Pickle", description: "Army aviators load pallets of water into a CH-47 Chinook helicopter at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport in Macon, Ga., Sept. 30, 2024. The Georgia National Guard is providing response and recovery support to areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '105', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.88MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557075/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Removing Debris", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16839", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003557075/", alt: "An excavator removes large trees from a road during a sunny day in a neighborhood.", byLine: "Army National Guard Spc. Kemarvo Smith", description: "Army soldiers remove fallen trees from a road using a high mobility engineer excavator in Martinez, Ga., Oct. 1, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '106', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.13MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555490/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Humanitarian Assistance", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16810", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555490/", alt: "A soldier holds a dog at the back of a truck while a soldier and a civilian push the dog up to the truck.", byLine: "Army Maj. James Suber", description: "Members assigned to the 256th Medical Company assist families unable to drive their cars to shelters during high water reconnaissance in Crystal River, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '107', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.26MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555817/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Recovery", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16820", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555817/", alt: "A group of engineers using a crane remove tree debris from a road during night time.", byLine: "National Guard", description: "National Guard engineers dispatched from Rock Hill and Edgefield worked after dark in support of local Greenville County agencies during Hurricane Helene recovery efforts, Sept. 29, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '108', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.37MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003556215/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helene Aftermath", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16829", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003556215/", alt: "A soldier carrying a chainsaw walks on a road with debris and fallen trees.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. Fernanda Olivas", description: "Army Sgt. 1st Class Stuart Stroubel, a horizontal construction engineer, conducts chainsaw clearance operations in Augusta, Ga., Sept. 30, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '109', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.06MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555815/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Distributing Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16818", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555815/", alt: "A cadet loads two boxes onto the back passenger seat of a blue car.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Debra Cook", description: "A cadet distributes supplies at a point of distribution during the response to Hurricane Helene in Cross City, Fla., Sept. 28, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '110', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.62MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555818/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Airlifting Civilians", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16821", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555818/", alt: "A group of people carrying boxes, luggage and bags prepares to load onto the back of Chinook helicopter.", byLine: "Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class Leticia Samuels", description: "National Guard soldiers airlift stranded civilians from Avery County to Hickory, N.C., Sept. 29, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '111', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.09MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555489/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Helene", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16815", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555489/", alt: "Dark clouds seen from above in an aircraft during the night with a portion of a propeller seen on the right.", byLine: "Marnee Losurdo, Air Force", description: "Hurricane Hunters flew a weather reconnaissance mission into Hurricane Helene, Sept. 26, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '112', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555816/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Removing Debris", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16819", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555816/", alt: "A soldier cuts a fallen tree with a chainsaw next to a sign that reads, \"No through traffic! Do not enter.\"", byLine: "Army Sgt. Thomas Norris", description: "Army Sgt. Benjamin Harrison utilizes a chainsaw while removing a fallen tree in Augusta, Ga., Sept. 28, 2024. The Georgia National Guard is providing response and recovery support to areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '113', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.92MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555492/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Rescue Handshake", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16817", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555492/", alt: "A soldier shakes hands with a rescued civilian.", byLine: "Army 1st Lt. Brandon Miles", description: "Soldiers conduct high water rescue operations in Crystal River, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '114', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.9MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555076/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Road Patrol", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16806", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555076/", alt: "A line of trucks powers through a water-flooded road with trees on either side.", byLine: "Army 1st Lt. Brandon Miles", description: "Soldiers clear road debris in Cedar Key while assisting law enforcement at a checkpoint as part of their route clearing patrol, Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '115', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.13MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555491/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Water Rescue", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16809", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555491/", alt: "A soldier chats with a rescued civilian at the back of a military truck.", byLine: "Army 1st Lt. Brandon Miles", description: "Soldiers assigned to the 256th Medical Company conduct high water rescue operations for a stranded resident in Crystal River, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '116', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.91MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003554690/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Hurricane Hunter", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16803", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003554690/", alt: "An airman tracks a storm on a computer aboard an aircraft.", byLine: "Jessica Kendziorek, Air Force", description: "Air Force Staff Sgt. Mike Underwood flew through Hurricane Helene, Sept. 25, 2024. The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters fly storm missions to provide up-to-date weather data to the National Hurricane Center to help improve weather forecasts.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '117', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.45MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555073/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Response Efforts", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16808", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555073/", alt: "A group of guardsmen work in front of computer monitors tracking a hurricane.", byLine: "National Guard", description: "Alabama National Guard members work in the Joint Emergency Operations Center monitoring and coordinating th response to Hurricane Helene as needed, Sept. 25, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '118', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.04MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555075/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Road Clearing", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16807", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003555075/", alt: "Soldiers on a road direct a vehicle.", byLine: "Army 1st Lt. Brandon Miles", description: "Soldiers clear road debris in Cedar Key while assisting law enforcement at a checkpoint as part of their route clearing patrol, Sept. 27, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '119', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.24MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003554553/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Helene Preparation", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16797", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003554553/", alt: "A group of soldiers takes supplies to a truck.", byLine: "Army Spc. Christian Wilson", description: "Soldiers prepare supplies for Hurricane Helene in Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 25, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '120', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.33MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003520240/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Center of Operations", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16528", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003520240/", alt: "A group of workers sit around a table looking at a TV displaying a hurricane forecast as more TVs line the walls.", byLine: "Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Lauren Linville", description: "Coast Guard Rear Adm. Schofield joins the Emergency Operations Center in Tallahassee, Fl., Aug. 5, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '121', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.88MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003554692/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Loading Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16805", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003554692/", alt: "Tw airmen carry hurricane relief supplies down a road featuring more vehicles, equipment and service members.", byLine: "Army Sgt. N.W. Huertas", description: "Florida Air National Guard airmen load supplies into a vehicle during storm preparations at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, Fla., Sept. 25, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '122', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '9.64MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003528123/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Flood Rescue", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16563", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003528123/", alt: "Military vehicles navigate high floodwaters near power lines during daylight.", byLine: "Army National Guard", description: "Puerto Rico Army National Guardsmen evacuated residents affected by Tropical Storm Ernesto in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Aug. 14, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '123', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.95MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003519155/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Flooding Ops", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16519", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003519155/", alt: "A soldier moves through flood waters with stranded vehicles behind and trees on either side.", byLine: "Army Sgt. 1st Class Trinity Bierley", description: "Soldiers conduct a high-water rescue operation during flooding caused by Hurricane Debby in Live Oak, Fla., Aug. 6, 2024. The Florida National Guard is dedicated to response efforts to support the community and assist residents during the storm.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '124', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.95MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003520236/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Essential Supplies", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16527", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003520236/", alt: "A soldier carries a box labeled Emergency Drinking Water next to an open SUV with more soldiers milling about outside in the background.", byLine: "Army Pfc. Eli Johnson ", description: "Soldiers assigned to the 1-265th Air Defense Artillery Battalion operate a public point of distribution, Perry, Fla., Aug. 6, 2024. The point of distribution acts as a central location where people can receive essential supplies.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '125', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.4MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003520476/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Clearing the Way", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16526", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003520476/", alt: "An airman wearing protective gear uses a chainsaw to cut fallen trees.", byLine: "Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Jacob Hancock", description: "An airman clears roads in the aftermath of Hurricane Debby in Dixie County, Fla., Aug. 6, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '126', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.67MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003519336/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Resident Rescue", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16524", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003519336/", alt: "Three soldiers wearing hats and equipment lift a storm victim into a vehicle during a cloudy day outside a house.", byLine: "Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Vann", description: "Army 2nd Lt. Zachary Cale and Army Spc. Chau Luong fo the Florida Guard conduct a high-water rescue in Suwannee County, Fl., Aug. 6, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '127', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.45MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003519160/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Debby Rescue", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16520", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003519160/", alt: "A service member assists a resident through low flood waters with trees in the background.", byLine: "Army Sgt. 1st Class Trinity Bierley", description: "Soldiers conduct a high-water rescue operation during flooding caused by Hurricane Debby in Live Oak, Fla., Aug. 6, 2024. The Florida National Guard is dedicated to response efforts to support the community and assist residents during the storm.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '128', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '2.04MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003500683/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Damage Assessment", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "16078", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003500683/", alt: "The wing of a Coast Guard aircraft can be seen in a daylight aerial view of a partially flooded shoreline community.", byLine: "Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Jessica Fontenette", description: "A Coast Guard aircrew conducts flyovers in Texas to assess the damage left behind by Hurricane Beryl in Matagorda, Texas City, Galveston and Houston, July 8, 2024.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '801', serverIndex: '129', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.37MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003101953/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Recovery Survey", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "14593", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003101953/", alt: "An Army Corps of Engineers worker in neon vest and hardhat holds two phones while standing on damaged beach.", byLine: "Patrick Moes, Army Corps of Engineers", description: "Molly Holt, an Army Corps of Engineers infrastructure team civil engineer for Hurricane Ian recovery, conducts a rapid evaluation safety assessment at Fort Myers Beach, Fla., Oct. 19, 2022.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '130', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '4.11MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003088807/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Ian Support", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "14612", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003088807/", alt: "Soldiers unload bottled water from the back of a military truck.", byLine: "Sgt. Neysa Huertas Quinones", description: "Soldiers assigned to the Florida National Guard's Chemical, Biological, Radiological/Nuclear, and Explosive - Enhanced Response Force Package load supplies as part of their response to Hurricane Ian in Sarasota, Fla., Sept. 29, 2022.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '131', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '3MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2002862501/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Road to Recovery", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "14619", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2002862501/", alt: "A flooded neighborhood and roadway.", byLine: "1st Lt. Steven McCoppin", description: "Louisiana National Guardsmen ferry emergency responders and equipment from Lafitte to Barataria to assist locals with recovery efforts, Jean Lafitte, La., Sept. 4, 2021.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '132', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '0.5MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003092956/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Special Delivery", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "14601", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003092956/", alt: "A soldier delivers tarps to residents.", byLine: "Army Spc. Christian Wilson", description: "A National Guard soldier delivers aid to residents of Englewood, Fla., during relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Oct. 5, 2022. Englewood is located in Charlotte County, one of the areas most heavily impacted by the hurricane.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '133', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.57MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // useOverlay = false; isVideo = false; videoDuration = false; // Data marshalling // It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as // building in C# as nested structure, convert to json. // style two for marshalling the data // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional slideItem = { link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003083175/", target: "_self", imageUrl: "", serverHiresImageUrl: "", preventDistortionClass: "", title: "Colorful Cockpit", useOverlay: useOverlay, isVideo: isVideo, slideIndex: slideIndex, slideId: "14610", link: "/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003083175/", alt: "An airman reviews a control panel in a cockpit illuminated by green lights.", byLine: "Courtesy photo", description: "Air Force 1st Lt. Zach McDermott, a pilot assigned to the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, conducts preflight checks on an WC-130J Super Hercules aircraft in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Sept. 22, 2022. The squadron deployed to support atmospheric data collection efforts in Hurricane Fiona and the suspect area near the Lesser Antilles.", primaryWidth: '1200', primaryHeight: '800', serverIndex: '134', mediaContent: '', videoDuration: '', videoDate: 'Unknown', virin: null, fileSize: '1.29MB', //// booleans isImage: true, isVideo: false, isDvids: false, isYoutube: false, }; slideIndex++; slides.push(slideItem); // END OF ITEM TEMPLATE // FOOTER TEMPLATE // // console.log('slides', slides); window.addEventListener("load", function () { opts.slides = slides; attachFeatureGrid("#featuregrid-id-4634", opts); }); })(); </script> </div></div> </div><!-- End_Module_4634 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML DnnModule-4666"><a name="4666"></a> <div class="empty-container base-container"> <div id="dnn_ctr4666_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_4666 --><div class="hide"><div id="dnn_ctr4666_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC"> <div id="dnn_ctr4666_HtmlModule_lblContent" class="Normal"> <style>.top-row img { transition: transform .2s; } .top-row img:hover { transform: scale(1.1); } .top-row a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .top-row { background: linear-gradient( 136deg , rgba(53,94,148,.8) 0%, #142959 100%), url( center center; background-size: cover; padding-top: 6rem; padding-bottom: 6rem; border-top: 5px solid #fdf500; box-shadow: 0 0 20px #14295975; } .text-card { background: rgb(0 0 0 / 39%); color: #fff; padding: 20px; border-radius: 3px; position: relative; min-height: 600px; } span.yellow { background-color: #f3f553; padding: 0 5px; font-style: italic; color: #1c233e; } .top-row p { padding-top: 30px; color: #fff;}.top-row h2 { font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 1.6rem; text-shadow: none; line-height: 1.2em; margin-bottom: 20px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #f3f553; font-weight: 100; } .top-row .title { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 120px; }.text-card:hover { box-shadow: 8px 28px 50px #f5f5f51c, 1px 6px 12px rgb(39 44 49 / 4%); transition: all .4s ease; background: rgb(0 0 0 / 59%); } .text-card { box-shadow: 8px 14px 38px rgb(39 44 49 / 6%), 1px 3px 8px rgb(39 44 49 / 3%); transition: all .5s ease; background: rgb(0 0 0 / 39%); } @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) { .top-row h2 { font-size: 1.8rem; } .top-row .title { height: 140px; } .text-card { min-height: 620px; }} @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .top-row .title { display: unset; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: unset; } .text-card { min-height: unset; } .top-row h2 { font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 2.2rem;}} </style><div class="top-row"> <div class="content-wrap-wide"> <div class="dgov-container"> <div class="dgov-grid"> <div class="dgov-col-md-4"><a href="/experience/prepare"><div class="text-card"> <div class="title"><h2>We Prepare. You Should Too.</h2></div><img alt="Sattelite imagery of a hurricane" src="/portals/1/Interactive/2018/09-preparedness/florence.jpg"> <p>Hurricanes pose the greatest threat to life and property of all natural disasters – bringing powerful winds, dangerous storm surges, inland flooding and tornadoes.</p> </div></a></div> <div class="dgov-col-md-4"> <a href="/explore/spotlight/tackling-the-climate-crisis/"><div class="text-card"> <div class="title"><h2>Tackling the Climate Crisis</h2></div> <img alt="A young polar bear investigates a piece of ice in the Chukchi Sea." src=""><p>DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies and partner engagements.</p> </div></a> </div> <div class="dgov-col-md-4"> <a href="/Explore/News/Article/Article/2630037/climate-change-resiliency-a-high-dod-priority-deputy-defense-secretary-says/"><div class="text-card"> <div class="title"><h2>Climate Change Resiliency: A High DOD Priority</h2></div> <img alt="Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Carl Miller carries sandbags in preparation for Hurricane Dorian." src=""><p>“Climate change has exacerbated natural disasters such as hurricanes, drought and flooding both at home and abroad.” <span style="font-style: italic;">– Kathleen H. Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense</span></p> </div></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><!-- End_Module_4666 --></div> </div><!--end of empty container --> </div><div class="DnnModule DnnModule-SlideShow DnnModule-4636"><a name="4636"></a> <section class="dgov-carousel carousel-wrap-mask dgov-carousel-watch"> <div class="carousel-wrap content-wrap-wide"> <h1 class="pull-title"><span class="highlight">Watch:</span> <span id="dnn_ctr4636_dnnTitle_titleLabel" class="Head">Videos</span> </h1> <div id="dnn_ctr4636_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_4636 --><style> .dgov-carousel-watch h1 .highlight { display: none; } .dgov-carousel-watch h1 .Head { font-weight: 300; } .dgov-carousel-watch { background: rgb(37,66,103); padding-bottom: 6rem; } .slick-slide div { line-height: 1 !important; } </style><div id="dnn_ctr4636_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModSlideShowC"> <div class="carousel"> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=941388" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Brothers Nate and Matt Hoskins with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District share why they volunteered to assist with the Hurricane Helene recovery mission. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers video by Charles Delano with interview footage provided by Travis England)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineer Volunteers Share Why They Lend Aid</div> <div class="video-duration">0:37</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=941388" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineer Volunteers Share Why They Lend Aid</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940792" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Tennessee Adjutant General, Major General Warner A. Ross II, and Tennessee Assistant Adjutant General, Air, Brigadier General M. Lee Hartley Jr., discuss the Tennessee National Guard&#39;s efforts to help Tennesseans in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. In response to historic flooding from that storm, both Airmen and Soldiers continue to commute to surrounding areas daily to help clear debris and give assistance to local residents. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Staff Sgt. Brandon Keys, Senior Airman Ben Cash, and Senior Airman Xaviera Stevens.)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Tennessee National Guardsmen Help Fellow Tennesseans</div> <div class="video-duration">1:06</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940792" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Tennessee National Guardsmen Help Fellow Tennesseans</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940919" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) help support FEMA, the North Carolina National Guard and the citizens of Chimney Rock, N.C. on October 14, 2024. More than 1,100 Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) assisted in Hurricane Helene response efforts led by the North Carolina National Guard and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Interview with: Staff Sgt. Kyle Clark 1-502, 2MBCT, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Soldiers Mobilize to Aid Chimney Rock</div> <div class="video-duration">0:37</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940919" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Soldiers Mobilize to Aid Chimney Rock</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940932" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="The 563d Personnel Recovery Task Force highlights the operations performed during the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief efforts at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base, Tennessee, Oct. 21, 2024. The 563d PRTF conducted rescue and recovery operations in support of the U.S. Northern Command and Air Forces Northern, Defense Support of Civil Authorities Disaster Relief mission following the wake of Hurricane Helene. (U.S. Air Force video by Senior Airman Andrew Garavito)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Personnel Recovery Task Force Highlights Hurricane Relief Operations</div> <div class="video-duration">3:14</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940932" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Personnel Recovery Task Force Highlights Hurricane Relief Operations</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940140" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="In response to historic flooding from Hurricane Helene, both Airmen and Soldiers are commuting to surrounding areas daily to help clear debris and give assistance to local residents. Kingsport, Tennessee native Senior Airman Katie Williams of the 134th Medical Group is back in northeast Tennessee, as she helps Airmen and Soldiers stay safe as they continue to provide aid to the region." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Tennessee Airman Returns Home to Help</div> <div class="video-duration">0:56</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940140" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Tennessee Airman Returns Home to Help</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940791" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Hurricane Milton Response 24, USACE, Jacksonville District Commander Col. Brandon Bowman provides a brief overview of progress the Hurricane Milton Response 24 team. An Emergency Management Field Office (EFO) has been set up in Sarasota, Florida to provide assistance with the Blue Roof Mission. he U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District has been tasked by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assist eligible homeowners with temporary roof repairs. peration Blue Roof is a free service to homeowners. The counties currently identified for the program include: Brevard, Citrus, Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Lake, Manatee, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Lucie, Sumter, and Volusia Counties." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Provides Aid to Jacksonville District</div> <div class="video-duration">1:11</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940791" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Provides Aid to Jacksonville District</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940578" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="1st Lt. Robert Mehlhorn of the 230th Engineer Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard, explains why his team flies the Tennessee flag each day while working to remove Hurricane Helene flood and storm damage in Cocke County, Tennessee Oct. 13, 2024. The flag serves as a symbol of unity as they clear bridges to ensure structural soundness for inspection. Joint Task Force Castle, comprised of engineers from the 230th Engineer Battalion, 134th Civil Engineer Squadron, 118th Civil Engineering Squadron, and 164th Civil Engineer Squadron, are using bulldozers, dump trucks, chainsaws, skid steer loaders, and other equipment to clear roads and other critical locations. They have already removed more than 420 truckloads of debris across several East Tennessee counties. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Staff Sgt. Yonette Martin)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Tennessee Guardsmen Support Communities</div> <div class="video-duration">0:24</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940578" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Tennessee Guardsmen Support Communities</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940302" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="In response to historic flooding from Hurricane Helene, both Airmen and Soldiers are commuting to surrounding areas daily to help clear debris and give assistance to local residents. 134th Logistical Readiness Squadron Staff Sgt. Jessica Bustamante volunteered to help northeast Tennessee in their time of need because of her connection to the community. In 2023, Staff Sgt. Bustamante hiked the Appalachian Trail with her husband, and after receiving kindness from locals during her trail stops in Tennessee, wanted to return that same kindness to support those affected in the aftermath of historic storms and flooding." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Hiker Returns to Help Tennessee Town</div> <div class="video-duration">1:05</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940302" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Hiker Returns to Help Tennessee Town</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940394" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Kristen Day, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District primary contracting officer for the Temporary Emergency Power Team, talks about the USACE mission to restore power to critical facilities in partnership with FEMA, state and local agencies, and contractors, by installing generators to save and preserve lives in communities impacted by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides the generators while the Emergency Power Team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers coordinates with a contractor to install the generators at critical facilities, such as hospitals, first-responder centers and water resource stations. The Pittsburgh District is the lead office for USACE to coordinate the emergency power program. They coordinate Planning Response Teams from across the nation to deploy to disaster areas within 48 hours to communities in need. USACE is working in partnership with the local, state, and federal response to the Hurricane Helene. 261 USACE personnel are deployed, coordinating with partners in the affected areas. Additionally, 65 USACE personnel are supporting response efforts via reach-back and has 218 contractor personnel deployed. The Temporary Emergency Power Planning and Response Team in North Carolina consists of employees from the Pittsburgh and Honolulu districts as well as Soldiers from the 249th Prime Power Engineer Battalion, and contractors. So far, the team has installed more than 20 generators and completed more than 40 assessments to determine further emergency power needs. The Wilmington District oversees the disaster response and relief effort on behalf of USACE in North Carolina. The district provides support to western North Carolina through execution of FEMA mission assignments. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District video by Michel Sauret) Music: &quot;Disaster&quot; by AZ Studio (Licensed for use)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Corps of Engineers Restores Power</div> <div class="video-duration">4:17</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940394" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Corps of Engineers Restores Power</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940414" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Emergency Manager Jason Ritter explains the process of conducting assessments of water and wastewater treatment plants that were damaged when Hurricane Helene ravaged East Tennessee. Deployed from the USACE Huntington District in West Virginia, he is the subject matter expert providing essential support and technical assistance for the state in these rural communities. In this video he is assessing the Erwin, Tennessee, Wastewater Treatment Plant Oct. 11, 2024, in Unicoi County. (USACE Video by Leon Roberts) #helene #helene24 #USACE #debrisremoval #assessments #emergencyresponse" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Corps of Engineers Conducts Water Treatment Plant Assessment</div> <div class="video-duration">0:59</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940414" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Corps of Engineers Conducts Water Treatment Plant Assessment</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940082" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Tennessee National Guardsmen cleared over 20 tons of debris and sediment from an Erwin, Tennessee water treatment facility on October 11, 2024. In response to historic flooding from Hurricane Helene, both Airmen and Soldiers are commuting to surrounding areas daily to help clear debris and give assistance to local residents." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Guardsmen Clear Debris From Water Treatment Facility</div> <div class="video-duration">0:54</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940082" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Guardsmen Clear Debris From Water Treatment Facility</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940256" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger Alison Hebert shares what it means to support debris operations along the Nolichucky River in Unicoi County, Tennessee, in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Deployed from the USACE New Orleans District in Louisiana, a state often affected by hurricanes, she is using the opportunity to provide essential support and technical assistance for the state-led debris operation in these rural communities as a way of giving back. (USACE Video by Leon Roberts) #helene #helene24 #USACE #debrisremoval #assessments #emergencyresponse" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Park Ranger Shares Hurricane Helene Support Perspective</div> <div class="video-duration">0:36</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940256" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Park Ranger Shares Hurricane Helene Support Perspective</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940142" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="North Carolina National Guard Soldiers help with hurricane relief efforts providing door to door aid in Haywood County, North Carolina October 14, 2024 (U.S Army National Guard Video by Cpl. Nigel Hatcher)." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Guardsmen Provide Door to Door Aid</div> <div class="video-duration">0:54</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940142" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Guardsmen Provide Door to Door Aid</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940036" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District has deployed two survey vessels to survey the waterways in support of the Hurricane Milan Response to Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida. USACE is working in partnership with the local, state, and federal response to Hurricane Milan." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Surveys Waterways</div> <div class="video-duration">2:06</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940036" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Surveys Waterways</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940076" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Florida National Guardsmen provide humanitarian relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, providing search and rescue, route clearance, points of distribution and more all across Florida. The Florida National Guard&#39;s commitment to preparedness ensures they are ready to support the community when needed most. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Airman Brooke Keisler)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Florida Army and Air National Guard in Action</div> <div class="video-duration">1:47</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940076" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Florida Army and Air National Guard in Action</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940108" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Florida Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer 4 Jason Beihl, FMS6 superintendent, Staff Sgt. Juan Romanortiz, master mechanic, and Spc. Adam Cason, wheeled vehicle mechanic with Field Maintenance Shop 6, explain why mechanic shops are important to hurricane response efforts in Haines City, Florida, on Oct. 13, 2024." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">How Mechanic Shops Aid Response Efforts</div> <div class="video-duration">1:17</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940108" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">How Mechanic Shops Aid Response Efforts</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939991" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="1st Sgt. Jonathan Watson, Crew Chief, 77th TAB, explains the capabilities of the new medical rescue Black Hawk helicopter. The Arkansas National Guard sent a five-Soldier HH-60M Black Hawk crew to Florida Oct. 8, 2024, to augment the Florida National Guard and provide hoist and airlift support after Hurricane Milton passes. The 11-day mission will provide direct hoist and airlift support to ground-based search-and-rescue teams. The support is provided through an Emergency Management Assistance Compact between Florida and Arkansas. “This is our first operational state active-duty mission for our newest model Black Hawk, the HH-60M,” said Brig. Gen Chad Bridges, Arkansas’ adjutant general. “It’s also the first time we’re going to operate outside the state with the Arkansas Urban Search and Rescue Task Force-1 team from central Arkansas who is sending four personnel. Our crews have trained rigorously with their civilian counterparts, and they’re well prepared to take on this vital mission once the hurricane has passed.” The five-Soldier crew includes two pilots, two crew chiefs and a medic. They are expected to stage overnight in the Florida panhandle before proceeding where directed by the Florida National Guard in the wake of Hurricane Milton. The HH-60M is a modernized version of the “legacy Black Hawk helicopter designed to be joint forces capable and execute missions 24 hours a day under all-weather conditions,” according to an Army fact sheet. “The M model Black Hawk has multiple upgrades over its predecessors including multi-mission capabilities and features a new airframe, advanced digital avionics and a powerful propulsion system that can be used to perform tactical transport, utility, search and rescue, airborne assault, command and control, medical evacuation, aerial sustainment, disaster relief and firefighting missions.” The HH-60M crew took a water rescue basket along with a variety of devices to help them safely rescue people of all age" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Arkansas National Guardsmen Deploy to Florida to Lend Aid</div> <div class="video-duration">2:51</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939991" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Arkansas National Guardsmen Deploy to Florida to Lend Aid</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940051" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Florida Army National Guard 1st Lt. Jillian Zakrzeski and Staff Sgt. Martin Martinez with 3rd Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, provide insight about Points of Distribution in Manatee County, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024. Florida National Guard had POD sites where food and water were distributed to civilians in need." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Guardsmen Provide Insight on Points of Distribution</div> <div class="video-duration">1:20</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=940051" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Guardsmen Provide Insight on Points of Distribution</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939855" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="A Coast Guard Air Station Miami aircrew rescues a man clinging to a cooler approximately 30 miles off Longboat Key, Florida, Oct. 9th, 2024. The man was taken to Tampa General hospital for medical care after Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg lost communications with the man at approximately 6:45 p.m. (U.S. Coast Guard video)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Coast Guard Rescues Man Following Hurricane Milton</div> <div class="video-duration">0:41</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939855" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Coast Guard Rescues Man Following Hurricane Milton</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939360" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Coast Guard crews from Air Station Clearwater move their resources to Coast Guard Aviation Training Center Mobile to assist post-Hurricane Milton, in Clearwater, Florida, Oct. 7, 2024. Following the hurricane’s departure, Coast Guard crews stand ready for search and rescue and will assess ports and waterways to ensure mariners can transit safely through the area. (U.S. Coast Guard video by Petty Officer 3rd Class Santiago Gomez)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Coast Guard Preps Equipment for Hurricane Milton</div> <div class="video-duration">2:15</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939360" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Coast Guard Preps Equipment for Hurricane Milton</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939936" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Lt. Col. Daniel Brown, commander of the 1st Squadron, 153rd Cavalry Regiment, and Soldiers from Delta Troop removed a water barrier protecting the water treatment plant in Tampa, Florida after Hurricane Milton passed on Oct. 10, 2024. Florida National Guard provides humanitarian assistance, security operations, search and rescue, and more." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">National Guardsman Discusses Flood Prevention Efforts</div> <div class="video-duration">2:31</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939936" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">National Guardsman Discusses Flood Prevention Efforts</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939505" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="As Hurricane Milton makes its way through the Gulf of Mexico toward Florida, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District (USACE), is preparing to respond as needed and providing information on operational adjustments that will take place within the district." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Add to Support for Milton</div> <div class="video-duration">1:36</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939505" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Add to Support for Milton</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939720" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="As of Oct. 9, 2024, more than 5,100 National Guard members from nine states are preparing for Hurricane Milton&#39;s landfall in Florida. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Master Sgt. Amber Monio)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">The Data Behind the Coast Guard's Milton Response</div> <div class="video-duration">0:39</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939720" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">The Data Behind the Coast Guard's Milton Response</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939359" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Soldiers from 1-502, 2nd Mobile Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) fly in a MH-47 &quot;Chinook&quot; Army helicopter with support from 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment from Ft. Campbell, KY on October 6, 2024 to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts. More than 1,100 Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) are departing Fort Campbell to assist in Hurricane Helene response efforts led by the North Carolina National Guard and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Interviews with: Lt. Col. Robert St.Claire Commander, 326th Engineer Battalion Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Hoyt 1-502, 2nd Mobile Brigade Combat Team" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">101 Airborne Support Helene Recovery</div> <div class="video-duration">1:46</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939359" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">101 Airborne Support Helene Recovery</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939325" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="In the midst of coordinating with local, state, and federal agencies, Staff Sgt. Parker Kessel, an Army Reserve Engineer, recounts his experiences responding to Hurricane Helene. Facing severe flooding, power outages, and blocked roads in western North Carolina, Kessel and his team from the 357th Engineer Company sprang into action, answering the call for support in Burnsville, North Carolina (Yancey County)." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Reserve Engineers Support Hurricane Helene’s Emergency Efforts</div> <div class="video-duration">1:11</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939325" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Reserve Engineers Support Hurricane Helene’s Emergency Efforts</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939465" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="National Guard members from 19 states mobilized to assist in the aftermath of Helene, and more than 6,000 remain on duty supporting response missions. They are assisting impacted communities through efforts like debris clearing, search and rescue, food, water, and essential supply distribution." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">More Than 6,000 Guardsmen on Duty for Disaster Response</div> <div class="video-duration">0:40</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939465" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">More Than 6,000 Guardsmen on Duty for Disaster Response</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939342" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="A civilian speaks at a lectern on a flight line as other officials stand nearby." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Military, FEMA Leaders Speak on Helene Response</div> <div class="video-duration">22:15</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939342" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Military, FEMA Leaders Speak on Helene Response</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939160" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Pvt. Jerry Chasteen, a combat engineer assigned to the 878th Engineer Battalion, 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Georgia National Guard, shares his experience being a part of hurricane relief efforts in Southeast Georgia, Oct. 3, 2024. Over 1,800 Georgia National Guardsmen have been actively responding across Southern Georgia after Hurricane Helene swept through the state Sept. 26, 2024. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Airman Christa Ross) (Music is released by Pixabay under the Content License, which makes it safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for certain commercial purposes.)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Guardsman Reflects on Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts</div> <div class="video-duration">1:34</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=939160" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Guardsman Reflects on Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938952" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="As of Oct. 3, 2024, more than 6,700 National Guard Soldiers and Airmen from 16 states continue to support Hurricane Helene response efforts across the Southeast, conducting search and rescue missions, clearing debris to reopen roads, transporting and distributing food, water and other essential supplies, and more. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Master Sgt. Amber Monio)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">National Guard Continues Hurricane Helene Response Efforts</div> <div class="video-duration">0:48</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938952" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">National Guard Continues Hurricane Helene Response Efforts</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938767" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="The National Guard is mobilized to assist with disaster relief efforts in response to Hurricane Helene, which made landfall along the Gulf Coast on Sept. 26, 2024. Thousands of Guard members from multiple states have been deployed to support local authorities with search and rescue operations, transport and distribute vital supplies, and help restore critical infrastructure. Helicopters, high-water vehicles, and boats are being used to evacuate stranded residents, while engineers work to clear debris from major roadways. These efforts highlight the National Guard’s calabilities to support its dual mission to defend the nation and respond to domestic emergencies. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Master Sgt. Amber Monio)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">National Guard Responds to Hurricane Helene</div> <div class="video-duration">0:44</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938767" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">National Guard Responds to Hurricane Helene</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938928" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Paratroopers assigned to 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, prepare and load CH-47 Chinooks on Simmons Army Airfield, North Carolina, Oct. 2, 2024. These paratroopers are preparing to support state and local authorities to help first responders save lives and support the North Carolina community. (U.S. Army video by Staff Sgt. Clara Harty)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">CH-47 Chinooks Prepare to Deploy</div> <div class="video-duration">0:32</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938928" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">CH-47 Chinooks Prepare to Deploy</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938908" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Soldiers of the 20th Engineer Brigade assist FEMA during the Hurricane Helene response. One of the missions of the Department of Defense is homeland defense. Through U.S. Northern Command and in support of FEMA, active-duty soldiers on Title 10 orders provide necessary support to civilian authorities during natural disasters when directed and approved by the Secretary of Defense. The DoD&#39;s collaborative, whole-of-government response efforts with interagency partners demonstrate our national capabilities and resilience." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Soldiers Assist FEMA During Hurricane Helene Response</div> <div class="video-duration">7:18</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938908" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Soldiers Assist FEMA During Hurricane Helene Response</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938833" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Georgia Air National Guardsmen clear roads during the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in Mt. Vernon, Georgia, Oct. 2, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene. At the direction of the Governor and through The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS), the Georgia National Guard will continue to partner local, state, and federal entities in this effort. (U.S. Army National Guard video by Sgt. Jaylan Caulton)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Georgia Air Guardsmen Clear Roads in Mt. Vernon</div> <div class="video-duration">1:01</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938833" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Georgia Air Guardsmen Clear Roads in Mt. Vernon</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938783" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Angie Petroni, the mother of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Nick Petroni, a combat engineer with the Augusta-based Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 878th Engineer Battalion, 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Georgia Army National Guard, delivers food and supplies donated by citizens of Decatur, Georgia to service members at the Augusta Readiness Center Oct. 2, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene. At the direction of the Governor and through The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS), the Georgia National Guard will continue to partner local, state, and federal entities in this effort. (U.S. Army video by Sgt. 1st Jeron Walker)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Military Mother Assists After Hurricane Helene</div> <div class="video-duration">1:21</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938783" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Military Mother Assists After Hurricane Helene</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938772" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Members of the South Carolina National Guard help pass out water and meals to people impacted by Hurricane Helene." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">South Carolina National Guard Supports Hurricane Helene Response</div> <div class="video-duration">2:32</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938772" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">South Carolina National Guard Supports Hurricane Helene Response</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938822" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Tennessee Air National Guard members from the 118th Wing and 134th Air Refueling Wing&#39;s civil engineering squadrons remove debris from Hampton, Tennessee Oct. 2, 2024. The Tennessee Air National Guard CES members were activated to assist with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Helene hit East Tennessee. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Airmen Xaviera Stevens.)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Tennessee Air National Guardsmen Assist With Flood Recovery</div> <div class="video-duration">0:59</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938822" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Tennessee Air National Guardsmen Assist With Flood Recovery</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938955" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Soldiers with the Hinesville-based 179th Military Police Company, 170th Military Police Battalion, 201st Regional Support Group, Georgia Army National Guard, work alongside the Augusta Fire Department to assist civilians affected by Hurricane Helene at a point of distribution (POD) site in Augusta, Georgia Oct. 1, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene. At the direction of the Governor and through The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS), the Georgia National Guard will continue to partner local, state, and federal entities in this effort. (U.S. Army National Guard video by Sgt. 1st Class Jeron Walker)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">179th Military Police Company Helene Response</div> <div class="video-duration">1:12</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938955" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">179th Military Police Company Helene Response</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938862" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Master Sgt. Christopher Ulm, Joint Incident Site Communications Capability NCOIC with the 165th Communications Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard, explains how the 165th Communications JISCC is delivering critical communications support to the Georgia National Guard&#39;s tactical operations center. This includes providing wired and wireless internet, wireless IP phones, VoIP systems, commercial internet, and access to the DoD network. Their mobile communications system enhances collaboration between the National Guard and local and state disaster response agencies, playing a key role in hurricane relief efforts.(U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Airman Christa Ross) (Music is released by Pixabay under the Content License, which makes it safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for certain commercial purposes.)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Joint Incident Site Communications Capability Support</div> <div class="video-duration">1:09</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938862" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Joint Incident Site Communications Capability Support</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938967" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Soldiers assist FEMA during Hurricane Helene relief efforts." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Soldiers Assist FEMA During Hurricane Helene Relief</div> <div class="video-duration">6:31</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938967" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Soldiers Assist FEMA During Hurricane Helene Relief</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938788" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Soldiers with the Augusta-based Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 878th Engineer Battalion, 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Georgia Army National Guard, conduct route clearance operations with a Georgia Power worker at a residential neighborhood in Martinez, Georgia Oct. 1, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene. At the direction of the Governor and through The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS), the Georgia National Guard will continue to partner local, state, and federal entities in this effort. (U.S. Army National Guard video by Sgt. 1st Class Jeron Walker)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">878th Engineer Battalion Conducts Route Clearance</div> <div class="video-duration">1:07</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938788" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">878th Engineer Battalion Conducts Route Clearance</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938705" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Army Soldiers with the Macon-based 148th Brigade Support Battalion, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Georgia Army National Guard, share their experiences and talk about their mission of serving the citizens of Georgia during the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The Georgia National Guard is providing response and recovery support to areas impacted by Hurricane Helene. The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) is the lead agency. We will continue to partner with GEMA/HS as well as other local, state, and federal entities at the direction of the Governor. (U.S. Army National Guard video by Spc. Ehron Ostendorf)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Georgia Guardsmen Provide Response and Recovery Support</div> <div class="video-duration">2:14</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938705" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Georgia Guardsmen Provide Response and Recovery Support</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938371" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="U.S. Airmen assigned to the 202nd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers (RED HORSE) Squadron, Florida Air National Guard, clear roads in West Florida, after the landfall of Hurricane Helene on Sept. 26, 2024. The 202nd RED HORSE Squadron, stationed at Camp Blanding, Florida, is a specialized, highly mobile civil engineering team comprised of Florida Air National Guardsmen that provides rapid response capabilities for multiple worldwide contingencies and operations. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Airman Thomas S. Keisler IV)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Red Horse Assists With Helene Recovery</div> <div class="video-duration">1:32</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938371" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Red Horse Assists With Helene Recovery</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938272" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="The Florida Army National Guard helps establish the base camp for Florida National Guard and civilian relief organizations in Perry, Fla., on September 27, 2024. This effort responds to and aids civilians after Hurricane Helene." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Florida National Guard Sets Up Base Camp</div> <div class="video-duration">0:51</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938272" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Florida National Guard Sets Up Base Camp</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938264" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Jake Edwards, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Liasion Officer for Hurricane Helene and Jacksonville District employee, discusses supporting the Hurricane Helene support mission at Cedar Key, Florida, Sept. 27. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is working in partnership with the local, state, and federal response to the Hurricane Helene. 131 USACE personnel are deployed, coordinating with partners in the affected areas. Additionally, 41 USACE personnel are supporting response efforts via reach-back, and USACE has 170 contractor personnel deployed." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Helene Recovery Efforts</div> <div class="video-duration">1:22</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938264" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Helene Recovery Efforts</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938449" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers are neighbors serving neighbors. U.S. Army Pfc. Wiley Kimbrough, a motor transportation operator assigned to the Dublin-based Alpha Company, 148th Brigade Support Battalion, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Georgia Army National Guard, describes his unit&#39;s role during the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Sept. 29, 2024. The Georgia National Guard has mobilized to provide response and recovery support to areas in the state impacted by Hurricane Helene. At the direction of the Governor and through The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS), the Georgia National Guard will continue to partner local, state, and federal entities in this effort. (U.S. Army National Guard video produced by Sgt. 1st Class James Braswell; U.S. Army National Guard b-roll by Sgt. 1st Class Jeron Walker and Spc. Ehron Ostendorf; U.S. Army National Guard a-roll by Spc. Ehron Ostendorf)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Georgia National Guardsmen Aid Neighbors</div> <div class="video-duration">0:43</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938449" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Georgia National Guardsmen Aid Neighbors</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938456" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Col. Nicholas O. Melin, Commander for the Task Force Temporary Emergency Power team and Pittsburgh District Commander explains the teams mission and response to Hurricane Helene. The USACE Temporary Emergency Power mission team has mobilized in response to Hurricane Helene in Albany Ga. The team working alongside Planning and Response Teams from the Albuquerque District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Honolulu District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USACE is ensuring swift and efficient power restoration. USACE personnel are deployed to Alabama and Florida coordinating with Soldiers from the 249th Engineer Battalion - Prime Power and contractors. Temporary Emergency power personnel are at staging bases with generators and equipment, postured to provide support. USACE brings unique capabilities to emergency responses, but we are just one piece of a much larger Army and DoD team working to support our federal, state, and local partners." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Responds to Helene</div> <div class="video-duration">1:44</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938456" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineers Responds to Helene</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938165" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="A Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater helicopter crew rescued a man and dog from a disabled and taking-on-water 36-foot sailing vessel 25 miles off Sanibel Island, Florida, on Sept. 26, 2024. The man and his dog were reportedly in good health and taken to Southwest Florida International Airport to meet with EMS. (U.S. Coast Guard video, courtesy of Air Station Clearwater)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Coast Guard Rescues Man and Dog During Hurricane Helene</div> <div class="video-duration">0:40</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938165" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Coast Guard Rescues Man and Dog During Hurricane Helene</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938029" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Members from the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron flew through Hurricane Helene, Sept. 25. The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters fly storm missions to provide up-to-date weather data to the National Hurricane Center to help improve weather forecasts. (U.S. Air Force b-roll video by Jessica L. Kendziorek)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Hurricane Hunters Fly Through Helene</div> <div class="video-duration">2:11</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938029" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Hurricane Hunters Fly Through Helene</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938100" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District (USACE) is coordinating closely with Federal agencies, state, local, and tribal government officials in Florida to support local residents and prepare for the impacts of HURRICANE HELENE on the state, our facilities, and projects. Emergency Management Specialist Micheal A. Ornella explains. (U.S. Army Video by Brigida I. Sanchez)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Army Corps of Engineer Prepares for Helene</div> <div class="video-duration">1:25</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=938100" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Army Corps of Engineer Prepares for Helene</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=774570" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="Video compilation of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron flying storms throughout the 2020 Hurricane season. The 403rd Wing’s Hurricane Hunters based out of Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, is the only Department of Defense organization that flies weather reconnaissance. The 53rd WRS flew 22 named storms for the season. (Courtesy video)" src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Into the Eye of the Storm</div> <div class="video-duration">2:01</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=774570" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Into the Eye of the Storm</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=800112" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="As June 1st marks the official start of hurricane season, the communication team at U.S. Army North took the opportunity to train Soldiers in the Defense Coordinating Elements and the 76th Operational Response Command on communication methods in disaster responses, at Joint Base San Antonio from May 17- 21, 2021." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Communication Ready</div> <div class="video-duration">1:01</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=800112" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Communication Ready</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="slide-container"> <div class="image-wrap video-wrap-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=636087" target="_self"> <div class="zoom-bg image-replacement" style="background-image: url("></div> <img alt="What started as a dare more than 70 years ago turned into the way we predict hurricanes today. Find out how the Air Force got started in a critical mission that saves lives by flying through hurricanes. Air Force Tech Report: Hurricane Hunters - YouTube The Hurricane Hunters of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron use high tech equipment called a &#39;Dropsonde&#39; to aid forecasting hurricanes and other tropic... Hurricane warning - AIRMAN Magazine The view above Hurricane Katrina. (U.S. Air Force photo). As the WC-130J Hercules draws closer to a hurricane deep in the Atlantic Ocean, the ... NOAA Hurricane Hunters - Official Site Specially equipped NOAA aircraft play an integral role in hurricane forecasting. Data collected during hurricanes by these high-flying meteorological stations help forecasters make accurate predictions during a hurricane and help hurricane researchers achieve a better understanding of storm processes, improving their forecast models." src="" class="" /> <img alt="Play" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-default.png" class="defaultVideoOverlay"> <img alt="" src="/Portals/_default/Skins/DGOV2/Resources/img/play-hover.png" class="hoverVideoOverlay"> <div class="slide-title">Yesterday’s Hurricane Hunters</div> <div class="video-duration">2:58</div> </a> </div> <div class="mobile-slide-title-container"> <a href="/Multimedia/Videos?videoid=636087" target="_self"> <div class="mobile-slide-title">Yesterday’s Hurricane Hunters</div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var $container = $('#dnn_ctr4636_ModuleContent'), breakpoint = 1025; //actually kicks in the next pixel down /*variations in mores between the two 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