User Login
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It could be a brief set of instructions, a description of error messages, or other special information."><tr><td class="indefault"><span class="infotext"> <font size="3">Welcome to Minerva, a user-friendly web interface to McGill's central information system, available to applicants, students, faculty, staff and designated guests.</font> <p> <font size="3">Please select one of the login methods below.</font></p> <p>(Current students, faculty and staff can log in with their McGill Username. All others, use McGill ID and PIN)</p> <!--<p>(Applicants, Ex-students & Guests must all log in with McGill ID)</p>--> <!-- <div id="pwd1" style="margin:15px;padding:10px; width:80%; min-height:185px; border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background-color:#FFFFDD"> <table><tr><td width="250"> <img align="left" width="231" height="144" hspace="20" alt="Attention - McGill Password Reset Required" src="" alt="attention"></td><td valign="top"> McGill required all students, faculty and staff to reset their McGill passwords by <b>March 28, 10:30AM EDT</b>. If not done, your password was automatically reset and will need to be changed. <p><font color="#CC0000" size="3"><b>If you know your 9-digit McGill ID number and Minerva PIN...</b></font><BR> 1. Log into Minerva with your McGill ID & PIN<BR> 2. Go to the <b>Personal Menu</b> and click <b>Password for McGill Username</b><BR> 3. Follow the onscreen instructions</p> <p><font color="#CC0000" size="3"><b>If you don't know your Minerva PIN, but can answer your Security Question, or have an alternate email address on file...</b></font><BR> 1. Enter your McGill ID number and click the <b>FORGOT PIN?</b> link. <br> 2. Answer your security question when prompted, or click <b>FORGOT ANSWER</b> and follow instructions to reset your PIN.<BR> 3. Go to the <b>Personal Menu > Password for McGill Username</b> and follow instructions to change your password.</p> <p><font color="#CC0000" size="3"><b>If you don't know your PIN or security answer...</b></font></p> <ul><li><b>Alumni:</b> Go to the <a href="bzgkpswr.p_display_form_alumni">Alumni Password Recovery</a> page.</li> <li><b>Employees and Students:</b> Go to the <a href="bzgkpswr.p_display_form">McGill Password Recovery</a> page.</li></ul></td></tr></table></div> --></span></td></tr></table><p></div> <style type="text/css"> td.vline_td { width:2px; border-left:2px solid #003366; font-size:200%; vertical-align:middle; color:#003366; } table.login_table { border:none; margin: 30px auto; } td.login_table_center { border:none; text-align:center; white-space:nowrap; } input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #bababa; } input:-moz-placeholder { color: #bababa; } input:-ms-input-placeholder { color: #bababa; } a.flink { margin-left:5px; float:left; text-decoration:none; } a.flink:hover { text-decoration:underline; } .fieldlabelred { color:#c02015; font-size:14px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; } div.fglink_help { background:#fefefe; position: absolute; top:100px; margin-left:5px; text-align:left; display: none; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #6c91b2; font-size: 90%; z-index:-999; width:250px; } </style> <table width="80%"><tr><td id="mcg_id_td"> <form action="/web/20180406190319/" method="POST" name="loginform" autocomplete="OFF"> <!-- McGill Mod August 2015 G. Di Lembo : The following <TABLE> defintion was commented out and replaced by the <TABLE> definition right after it <TABLE CLASS="login_table" SUMMARY="This data entry table is used to format the user login fields"> <TR> <TD CLASS="login_table" scope="row" ><LABEL for=mcg_un><SPAN class=fieldlabelred>McGill Username</SPAN></LABEL></TD> <TD CLASS="login_table"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sid" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="80" ID="mcg_un" placeholder="" tabindex=3></TD> <td></td> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="login_table" scope="row" ><LABEL for=mcg_pw><SPAN class=fieldlabelred>McGill Password</SPAN></LABEL></TD> <TD CLASS="login_table"><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="PIN" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="80" ID="mcg_pw" placeholder="8-18 character password" tabindex=4></TD> <td><a href="" target="_blank" class="flink" id="fgpwlink"><font size="3">Forgot Password?</font></a> <div class="fglink_help"><p>For students, instructors, staff members and alumni, your McGill Password is used with your McGill Username to access most McGill systems.</p><p>If you don't know your McGill Password:</p> <ol><li>Log into Minerva using your McGill ID and PIN</li> <li>Go to the <strong>Personal Menu</strong> > <strong>Password for McGill Username</strong>.</li> <li>If you have a McGill Username it will be displayed there along with instructions for choosing a new McGill Password.</li></ol></div></td> </TR> <tr> <td></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login" style="padding:0 7px;" id="mcg_un_submit"></td> <td></td> </tr> </TABLE> --> <table class="login_table" summary="This data entry table is used to format the user login fields"> <tr> <td class="login_table" scope="row"><label for="UserID"><span class="fieldlabelred">McGill ID Number</span></label></td> <td class="login_table"><input type="text" name="sid" size="20" maxlength="9" id="UserID" placeholder="9 digit ID number" tabindex="1"></td> <td><a href="bzgkemlv.p_forgot_id" class="flink" id="fgidlink"><font size="3">Forgot ID?</font></a> <div class="fglink_help"><p>Your McGill ID is the <strong>9-digit number</strong> shown on your McGill ID card.</p> <p>If you don't remember your McGill ID, click <strong>Forgot ID?</strong></p> <p><strong>Applicants</strong>: Your McGill ID number was sent to you in the email acknowledgement of your application.</p> <p><strong>New Staff</strong>: Your McGill ID number was sent to the email address you provided when you applied.</p> <p><strong>Alumni</strong>: If your McGill ID was a 7-digit number when you last studied at McGill, you may be able to access Minerva by adding <strong>11</strong> at the start (e.g. <strong>11</strong>xxxxxxx).</p></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="login_table" scope="row"><label for="PIN"><span class="fieldlabelred">Minerva PIN</span></label></td> <td class="login_table"><input type="password" name="PIN" size="20" maxlength="6" id="PIN" placeholder="6 character PIN" tabindex="2"></td> <td><a href="#" class="flink" id="fgpinlink"><font size="3">Forgot PIN?</font></a><div class="fglink_help"><p>If you don't remember your Minerva PIN, enter your McGill ID and click <strong>Forgot PIN?</strong></p> <p><strong>Applicants and guests</strong>: For first-time login, your PIN is your <strong>date of birth</strong> in the format <strong>yymmdd</strong>, (year, month, day) e.g. 850624.</p> <p><strong>New Staff</strong>: You will receive your initial PIN by email.</p> <p><strong><font color="#dd000">Note</font></strong>: If your PIN has been reset for you, it will revert to your <b>date of birth</b> in the format <b>yymmdd</b> (year, month, day) e.g. 850624.</p></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Login" style="padding:0 7px;" id="mcg_id_submit"></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> <td align="center"> <div style="width:3px;height:60px;background-color:#003366;margin: 3px auto"> </div> <h3 style="margin:3px">OR</h3> <div style="width:3px;height:60px;background-color:#003366;margin: 3px auto"> </div> </td> <td id="mcg_un_td"> <form action="/web/20180406190319/" method="POST" name="loginform1" autocomplete="OFF"> <table class="login_table" summary="This data entry table is used to format the user login fields"> <tr> <td class="login_table" scope="row"><label for="mcg_un"><span class="fieldlabelred">McGill Username</span></label></td> <td class="login_table"><input type="text" name="sid" size="20" maxlength="80" id="mcg_un" placeholder="" tabindex="3"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="login_table" scope="row"><label for="mcg_pw"><span class="fieldlabelred">McGill Password</span></label></td> <td class="login_table"><input type="password" name="PIN" size="20" maxlength="80" id="mcg_pw" placeholder="8-18 character password" tabindex="4"></td> <td><a href="" target="_blank" class="flink" id="fgpwlink"><font size="3">Forgot Password?</font></a> <div class="fglink_help"><p>For students, instructors, staff members and alumni, your McGill Password is used with your McGill Username to access most McGill systems.</p><p>If you don't know your McGill Password:</p> <ol><li>Log into Minerva using your McGill ID and PIN</li> <li>Go to the <strong>Personal Menu</strong> > <strong>Password for McGill Username</strong>.</li> <li>If you have a McGill Username it will be displayed there along with instructions for choosing a new McGill Password.</li></ol></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Login" style="padding:0 7px;" id="mcg_un_submit"></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td></tr></table> </form> <div class="infotextdiv"><table class="infotexttable" summary="This layout table contains information that may be helpful in understanding the content and functionality of this page. It could be a brief set of instructions, a description of error messages, or other special information."><tr><td class="indefault"><span class="infotext"> <span style="font-size:80%"> This is a private information system for use by authorized personnel only. Unauthorized access may lead to legal prosecution. All Minerva users agree to comply with the <a href="" target="_blank">Policy on the Responsible Use of McGill IT Resources</a><br> <strong>Problems logging in?</strong> Click <strong>HELP</strong> in the top right corner. When finished using Minerva, please click <strong>EXIT</strong> and close your browser to protect your privacy. </span></span></td></tr></table><p></div> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" language="JScript"> document.loginform.reset(); document.loginform1.reset(); // HTML5 placeholder plugin version 1.01 // Copyright (c) 2010-The End of Time, Mike Taylor, // MIT Licensed: (function($){ var hasPlaceholder = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'); var isOldOpera = $.browser.opera && $.browser.version < 10.5; $.fn.placeholder = function(options) { var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.placeholder.defaults, options), o_left = options.placeholderCSS.left; return (hasPlaceholder) ? this : this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), inputVal = $.trim($this.val()), inputWidth = $this.width(), inputHeight = $this.height(), inputId = ( ? : 'placeholder' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 1123456789)), placeholderText = $this.attr('placeholder'), placeholder = $('<label for='+ inputId +'>'+ placeholderText + '</label>'); options.placeholderCSS['width'] = inputWidth; options.placeholderCSS['height'] = inputHeight; options.placeholderCSS['color'] = options.placeholderCSS.color; options.placeholderCSS.left = (isOldOpera && (this.type == 'email' || this.type == 'url')) ? 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Please enter it in the proper format (e.g. or"); return false; } $("#UserID,#PIN").attr("disabled", "true"); } return true; }); })(jQuery); // End script hiding --> </script> <!-- ** START OF twbkwbis.P_CloseDoc ** --> <table class="plaintable" summary="This is table displays line separator at end of the page." width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td class="bgtabon" width="100%" colspan="2"><img src="/web/20180406190319im_/" alt="Transparent Image" class="headerImg" title="Transparent Image" name="web_transparent" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" height="3" width="10"></td></tr></table> <a href="#top" onmouseover="window.status='Skip to top of page'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true" onfocus="window.status='Skip to top of page'; return true" onblur="window.status=''; return true" class="skiplinks">Skip to top of page</a> <div class="footerbeforediv"> </div> <div class="footerafterdiv"> </div> <div class="globalafterdiv"> </div> <div class="globalfooterdiv"> </div> <div class="pagefooterdiv"> <span class="releasetext">Release: 8.7</span> </div> <div class="poweredbydiv"> </div> <div class="div1"></div> <div class="div2"></div> <div class="div3"></div> <div class="div4"></div> <div class="div5"></div> <div class="div6"></div> </div> <div class="banner_copyright"> <h5><br>漏 2018 Ellucian Company L.P. and its affiliates.<br>This software contains confidential and proprietary information of Ellucian or its subsidiaries.<br>Use of this software is limited to Ellucian licensees, and is subject to the terms and conditions of one or more written license agreements between Ellucian and such licensees.</h5></div> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 19:03:19 Apr 06, 2018 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:08:43 Mar 11, 2025. 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