Veeam Backup for AWS 8 Release Notes
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<div class="content js-page-content"> <div class="viewport js-content-viewport"> <nav class="page-toc mobile-hidden js-page-toc"> <div class="page-toc__title">Veeam Backup for AWS 8<br><span class="document_title">Release Notes</span></div> <div class="page-toc__search js-toc-search"> <div class="page-toc__search-inner js-toc-search-container"> <input class="page-toc__search-input js-toc-search-input" type="text" value="" placeholder="Search table of contents"> <a class="js-toc-search-clear page-toc__search-clear"></a> </div> <div class="page-toc__search-container"> <div class="page-toc__search-list js-toc-search-list"></div> </div> </div> <ul><li class="current"><a href="#what-s-new" title="What's New">What's New</a></li><li class="has-list"><a href="#system-requirements" title="System Requirements">System Requirements</a><i></i><ul><li class="has-list"><a href="#system-requirements-hardware" title="Hardware">Hardware</a><i></i><ul><li ><a href="#system-requirements-hardware-veeam-backup-for-aws-server" title="Veeam Backup for AWS Server">Veeam Backup for AWS Server</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="#system-requirements-software" title="Software">Software</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="#installing-veeam-backup-for-aws" title="Installing Veeam Backup for AWS">Installing Veeam Backup for AWS</a></li><li ><a href="#upgrading-veeam-backup-for-aws" title="Upgrading Veeam Backup for AWS">Upgrading Veeam Backup for AWS</a></li><li class="has-list"><a href="#integration-with-veeam-backup---replication" title="Integration with Veeam Backup Replication">Integration with Veeam Backup Replication</a><i></i><ul><li class="has-list"><a href="#integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements" title="Hardware and Software Requirements">Hardware and Software Requirements</a><i></i><ul><li ><a href="#integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements-veeam-backup---replication" title="Veeam Backup Replication">Veeam Backup Replication</a></li><li ><a href="#integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements-veeam-backup-for-aws" title="Veeam Backup for AWS">Veeam Backup for AWS</a></li><li ><a href="#integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements-aws-services" title="AWS Services">AWS Services</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li ><a href="#licensing" title="Licensing">Licensing</a></li><li class="has-list"><a href="#known-issues" title="Known Issues">Known Issues</a><i></i><ul><li ><a href="#known-issues-general" title="General">General</a></li><li ><a href="#known-issues-infrastructure" title="Infrastructure">Infrastructure</a></li><li ><a href="#known-issues-backup" title="Backup">Backup</a></li><li ><a href="#known-issues-restore" title="Restore">Restore</a></li><li ><a href="#known-issues-rest-apis" title="REST APIs">REST APIs</a></li><li ><a href="#known-issues-veeam-backup---replication-integration" title="Veeam Backup Replication Integration">Veeam Backup Replication Integration</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="#technical-documentation-references" title="Technical Documentation References">Technical Documentation References</a></li><li ><a href="#technical-support" title="Technical Support">Technical Support</a></li><li class="has-list"><a href="#contacting-veeam-software" title="Contacting Veeam Software">Contacting Veeam Software</a><i></i><ul><li ><a href="#contacting-veeam-software-customer-support" title="Customer Support">Customer Support</a></li><li ><a href="#contacting-veeam-software-company-contacts" title="Company Contacts">Company Contacts</a></li></ul></li></ul> <div class="page-toc__pdf"> <a class="link--pdf" onclick="window.print();"><span>Print PDF</span></a> </div> </nav> <div class="topic-container js-topic-container"> <div class="topic"> <div class="split js-split"> <span class="split__dots js-split-dots"></span> </div> <div class="topic__inner"> <article class="js-page-article"> <aside class="mini-toc__container"> <div class="mini-toc js-mini-toc"> <div class="mini-toc__heading js-mini-toc-heading">In this article</div> <ul class="mini-toc__list js-mini-toc-list"></ul> </div> </aside> <div itemprop="articleBody"><h1>Veeam Backup for AWS 8 Release Notes</h1><p>This document provides last-minute information on Veeam Backup for AWS v8, including system requirements, installation, as well as relevant information on technical support, documentation, online resources and so on.</p><p>The release version of Veeam Backup for AWS v8 is available starting from August 28th, 2024.</p><div class="pdf-TOC"><p><b>See next:</b></p><ul><li><a href="#what-s-new">What’s New</a></li><li><a href="#system-requirements">System Requirements</a></li><li><a href="#installing-veeam-backup-for-aws">Installing Veeam Backup for AWS</a></li><li><a href="#upgrading-veeam-backup-for-aws">Upgrading Veeam Backup for AWS</a></li><li><a href="#integration-with-veeam-backup---replication">Integration with Veeam Backup & Replication</a></li><li><a href="#licensing">Licensing</a></li><li><a href="#known-issues">Known Issues</a></li><li><a href="#technical-documentation-references">Technical Documentation References</a></li><li><a href="#technical-support">Technical Support</a></li><li><a href="#contacting-veeam-software">Contacting Veeam Software</a></li></ul></div><p class="Subheading" id="what-s-new">What’s New</p><p>Veeam Backup for AWS delivers AWS-native backup and disaster recovery that’s easy, cost-effective, and secure. Quickly recover from any cloud data loss scenario — whether due to outages, accidental deletion, malware, and more — in minutes.</p><p><strong>Amazon Redshift Cluster protection</strong> — manage your Redshift Cluster protection alongside other AWS workloads you’re protecting with Veeam. Benefit from flexible policy-based scheduling and experience seamless Redshift Cluster recovery in case of a disaster.</p><p><strong>Amazon FSx protection</strong> — manage your FSx file system protection alongside other AWS workloads you’re protecting with Veeam. Benefit from flexible policy-based scheduling and experience seamless file system recovery to either the original or a new location.</p><p><strong>Immutability extension improvements</strong> — allowing to save up to 30% costs comparing to the previous version for backups stored in S3 using immutability. Veeam Backup for AWS will now use a default generation period up to 25 days for immutability compared to a fixed 10 days period in previous versions.</p><p><strong>Imageless deployment</strong> — deploy backup appliances directly from the Veeam Backup & Replication server to reduce complexity and enhance the efficiency of managing your infrastructure. This method ensures a consistent environment, significantly reducing the likelihood of configuration errors and improving the reliability of your deployments.</p><p class="Subheading" id="system-requirements">System Requirements</p><p class="Subheading_L2" id="system-requirements-hardware">Hardware</p><p class="Subheading_L3" id="system-requirements-hardware-veeam-backup-for-aws-server">Veeam Backup for AWS Server</p><p>t3.medium instance type is a minimum requirement:</p><ul><li><em>CPU:</em> 2 cores (minimum)</li><li><em>Memory:</em> 4 GB (minimum)</li></ul><p>For more information about EC2 instance types, see <a href="">Amazon EC2 Instance Types</a>.</p><p>For the latest recommendations on deployment sizing, see the <a href="">Sizing and Scalability Guidelines</a> section in the Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide.</p><p class="Subheading_L2" id="system-requirements-software">Software</p><p>Latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome are required to access the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance Web UI from your local machine.</p><p>The EC2 instance running Veeam Backup for AWS is deployed with the pre-installed set of software components:</p><ul><li>Ubuntu 22.04 LTS</li><li>ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0</li><li>PostgreSQL 15</li><li>nginx 1.18</li><li>libpam-google-authenticator 20191231-2</li><li>Veeam Backup for AWS installation packages</li></ul><p class="Subheading" id="installing-veeam-backup-for-aws">Installing Veeam Backup for AWS</p><p>Veeam Backup for AWS is installed on an EC2 instance that is created in a selected AWS account during the product installation. You can deploy Veeam Backup for AWS only from the Veeam Backup & Replication Console.</p><p>For a detailed step-by-step installation procedure, see the <a href="">Deployment</a> section in the Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide.</p><p class="Subheading" id="upgrading-veeam-backup-for-aws">Upgrading Veeam Backup for AWS</p><p>To upgrade Veeam Backup for AWS to the next version, the backup appliance must be running version 4 or later. The upgrade can be performed only using AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication.</p><p>To install available security and OS updates, download and install them from the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance Web UI.</p><p>For more information, see the <a href="">Updating Veeam Backup for AWS</a> section in the Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide.</p><p class="Subheading" id="integration-with-veeam-backup---replication">Integration with Veeam Backup & Replication</p><p>This section provides last-minute information about AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication, including system requirements and deployment, as well as relevant information on technical support, documentation, online resources and so on.</p><p>AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication is available for download starting from August 28th, 2024. You can download the plug-in at the <a href="">Veeam Backup & Replication: Download</a> page: <strong>Additional Downloads</strong> section, <strong>Cloud Plug-ins</strong> tab.</p><p>After you install AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication, you must add a Veeam Backup for AWS appliance to the Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure. For more information, see the <a href="">Adding Appliances</a> section in the Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide.</p><p class="Subheading_L2" id="integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements">Hardware and Software Requirements</p><p>Since AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication is installed on a Veeam Backup & Replication server, system requirements for the plug-in are similar to requirements for the Veeam Backup & Replication server. For more information, see the <a href="">System Requirements</a> in the Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide.</p><p class="Subheading_L3" id="integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements-veeam-backup---replication">Veeam Backup & Replication</p><p>AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication supports integration with Veeam Backup & Replication version 12.1.2 and later.</p><p class="Subheading_L3" id="integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements-veeam-backup-for-aws">Veeam Backup for AWS</p><p>AWS Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication supports integration with Veeam Backup for AWS version v8.</p><p class="Subheading_L3" id="integration-with-veeam-backup---replication-hardware-and-software-requirements-aws-services">AWS Services</p><p>The Veeam Backup for AWS appliance and worker instances must have outbound internet access to a number of AWS services. For the list of services, see the <a href="">Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide</a>.</p><p class="Subheading" id="licensing">Licensing</p><p>Veeam Backup for AWS is licensed using the Veeam Universal License (VUL) installed on the Veeam Backup & Replication server. For more information on Veeam licensing terms and conditions, see <a href="">Veeam End User License Agreement (EULA)</a>.</p><p class="Subheading" id="known-issues">Known Issues</p><p class="Subheading_L2" id="known-issues-general">General</p><ul><li>Veeam Backup for AWS is available in all AWS regions except <em>China</em>.</li></ul><p class="Subheading_L2" id="known-issues-infrastructure">Infrastructure</p><ul><li>If you change the backup appliance instance type to a one with less memory as recommended as a minium, PostgreSQL used for the local database might not be able to start. To resolve the issue, contact the Veeam Customer Support Team.</li><li>Additional permissions may be required to perform backup and restore operations. For more information, see the <a href="">Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide</a>.</li><li>Additional permissions are required to use SQS queues using custom access policies. For more information, see the <a href="">Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide</a>.</li><li>In the private deployment mode, initial creation of repositories involving such operations like listing buckets, validation, and folder creation is performed using public endpoints. Once the repository is created, Veeam Backup for AWS switches to using private endpoints exclusively.</li><li>Validation of AWS services availability was included in the worker deployment process. However, in large infrastructures, this might cause SSM service throttling. To resolve the issue, contact the Veeam Customer Support Team in order to disable this check.</li><li>Workers will now use a 12GB system volume compared to 8GB in previous versions.</li></ul><p class="Subheading_L2" id="known-issues-backup">Backup</p><ul><li>EC2 backup: the <strong>disableApiStop</strong> instance attribute is not supported within the backup metadata.</li><li>Backup of EC2 instances with arm64 architecture containing <a href="">product codes</a> (deployed using any product AMIs) is not supported.</li><li>RDS backup: replication of RDS databases with custom parameters (such as TDE, Timezone and so on) within an option group is not supported.</li><li>When you enable image-level backups creating in the RDS backup policy settings, cost estimation of creating and storing in backup repositories is not calculated.</li><li>If some RDS instances processed by the policy are unavailable, Veeam Backup for AWS might stop removing temporary security groups created during the image-level backup operation. To resolve the issue, make sure all the protected RDS instances are in the <strong>Available</strong> status.</li><li>Permissions for EFS indexing have been updated. If you use EFS indexing, backup policies may start failing and it is required to perform a permissions check on the Indexing step of the related EFS backup policy to resolve it and assist you to assign the correct permissions. For more information, see the <a href="">Veeam Backup for AWS User Guide</a>.</li></ul><p class="Subheading_L2" id="known-issues-restore">Restore</p><ul><li>When performing RDS instance restore, the following error may occur “Failed to perform restore. Error: Unable to create the resource. Verify that you have permission to create service linked role. Otherwise wait and try again later.” This happens when you have never created an RDS instance in the specified account and the required service-linked role is missing. To work around the issue, create an RDS instance in the target account or create the <a href="">service-linked role</a>.</li><li>When restoring files to the source EC2 instance running Windows OS, original file attributes are not restored. The restored files and folders will inherit attributes from their parent folders.</li></ul><p class="Subheading_L2" id="known-issues-rest-apis">REST APIs</p><ul><li>To review the detailed change log and breaking changes in the latest REST API version, see the <a href="">Veeam Backup for AWS REST API Reference</a>.</li></ul><p class="Subheading_L2" id="known-issues-veeam-backup---replication-integration">Veeam Backup & Replication Integration</p><ul><li>It is not recommended that you add several Veeam Backup for AWS appliances from the same AWS account. This may cause unexpected behavior.</li><li>If access keys of an IAM user are not specified for an S3 standard backup repository, encrypted backups stored in the repository will be displayed as non-encrypted ones (there will be no key on a backup icon).</li><li>If access keys of an IAM user are not specified for an S3 standard backup repository, you will only be able to perform entire EC2 instance restore. All other features described in the <a href="">Performing Restore</a> section will be disabled.</li><li>From the Veeam Backup & Replication console, you can only delete archive repositories from the Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure. To perform other management operations, use the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance Web UI.</li><li>From archive backups, you can only restore entire EC2 instances to Amazon EC2.</li><li>If you change the repository encryption settings, for example, change password encryption to KMS key encryption, or vice versa, you need to update the repository settings before the next run of the policy where this repository is specified. To do that, complete either the <a href="">Edit Repository wizard</a> or the <a href="">Edit Appliance wizard</a> in the Veeam Backup & Replication console.</li><li>Enterprise Manager does not support management of policies created in Veeam Backup for AWS.</li><li>Restore to an AWS Outpost is only available from the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance Web UI.</li><li>Volume-level restore to the original location is not supported from the Veeam Backup & Replication console.</li><li>File-level restore to the original location is not supported from the Veeam Backup & Replication console.</li><li>File-level restore using cloud-native snapshots is not supported from the Veeam Backup & Replication console.</li><li>You cannot remove backups and snapshots created by Veeam Backup for AWS using the Veeam Backup & Replication console.</li><li>If configuration backup is configured before Veeam Backup for AWS is added to Veeam Backup & Replication, it is not possible to remove the configured repository from the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance Web UI.</li><li>Additional permissions are required to perform backup and restore operations of Amazon Redshift and Amazon FSx using the Default Backup Restore role. To resolve this, use the Edit IAM Role wizard to configure the new workloads.</li><li>During the restore of a database backup, the Veeam Backup & Replication UI will show 0% in the session log until the restore operation is complete.</li><li>If you reconfigure the Veeam Backup for AWS appliance Web UI SSL certificate, licensing and collection of the appliance data may fail. To resolve this, use the Edit Appliance wizard to accept the new certificate.</li></ul><p class="Subheading" id="technical-documentation-references">Technical Documentation References</p><p>If you have any questions about Veeam Backup for AWS, you may use the following resources:</p><ul><li><a href="">Product web page</a></li><li><a href="">Veeam Backup for AWS documentation</a></li><li><a href="">Veeam R&D forums</a></li></ul><p class="Subheading" id="technical-support">Technical Support</p><p>We offer email and phone technical support for customers on maintenance and during the official evaluation period. For better experience, please provide the following when contacting our technical support:</p><ul><li>Version information for the product and all infrastructure components.</li><li>Error message and/or accurate description of the problem you are having.</li><li>Log files.</li></ul><!-- Snippet. TIP: To export the log files... --><div><table class="Tip"><tbody><tr><td><p class="T_TipType">TIP</p></td></tr><tr><td><p class="Notes">To export the log files, select <strong>Support Information</strong> > <strong>Download Logs</strong> from the configuration menu, click <strong>Download Logs</strong>, and specify a time interval for which the logs must be collected.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>To submit your support ticket or obtain additional information, please visit the <a href="">Veeam Customer Support Portal</a>.</p><p class="Subheading" id="contacting-veeam-software">Contacting Veeam Software</p><p>At Veeam Software, we pay close attention to comments from our customers — we make it our mission to listen to your input, and to build our products with your suggestions in mind. We encourage all customers to join <a href="">Veeam R&D forums</a> and share their feedback directly with the Product Management team.</p><p>Should you have a technical or licensing issue or question, please feel free to contact our Customer Support organization directly. We have qualified technical and customer support staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week who will help you with any inquiry that you may have.</p><p class="Subheading_L2" id="contacting-veeam-software-customer-support">Customer Support</p><p>For the most up to date information about our support practices, business hours and contact details, please visit <a href=""></a>. You can also use this page to submit a support ticket and download the support policy guide.</p><p class="Subheading_L2" id="contacting-veeam-software-company-contacts">Company Contacts</p><p>For the most up-to-date information about company contacts and office location, please visit the <a href="">Veeam Contacts Webpage</a>.</p></div> <footer> <p class="last_modified">Document updated 8/28/2024</p><p class="product_build">Document content applies to build</p> </footer> </article> </div> </div> <footer class="page-footer js-footer"> <div class="page-footer__container"> <div class="page-footer__links"> <a href="//" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Home</a> | <a href="">Products</a> | <a href="//" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Forums</a> | <a href="//" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Support</a> | <a href="//" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Contact Sales</a> | <a href="//" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">EULA</a> <div class="page-footer__copyright"> <p> ©<span 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