Best WordPress Website Builder
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width: 233%; left: -67%; top: 0%; } .u-xs .u-section-2 .u-image-1 { width: 302px; height: 200px; margin: -868px auto 859px calc(((100% - 1140px) / 2) + 419px); } /*/RESPONSIVE_CLASS*/ .u-section-3 { background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #b23c8a, #306ed5); } .u-section-3 .u-sheet-1 { min-height: 666px; } .u-section-3 .u-image-1 { width: 327px; height: 162px; margin: -114px 390px 0 auto; } .u-section-3 .u-layout-wrap-1 { margin: 0 auto 65px 0; } .u-section-3 .u-layout-cell-1 { min-height: 548px; } .u-section-3 .u-image-2 { width: 403px; height: 420px; box-shadow: 0 5px 25px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.3); margin: 50px auto 0 0; } .u-section-3 .u-image-3 { width: 325px; height: 305px; box-shadow: 0 5px 25px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.3); margin: -354px 60px 0 auto; } .u-section-3 .u-image-4 { width: 344px; height: 172px; margin: -403px auto 269px 442px; } .u-section-3 .u-layout-cell-2 { min-height: 548px; } .u-section-3 .u-container-layout-2 { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; } .u-section-3 .u-text-1 { font-weight: 700; 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margin-right: auto; margin-left: 33px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-icon-1 { height: 61px; width: 61px; margin-top: -238px; margin-left: 102px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-group-2 { width: 325px; min-height: 242px; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 30px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-text-2 { width: 241px; margin-top: 25px; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-text-3 { width: 241px; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; margin-bottom: 25px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-layout-cell-2 { min-height: 432px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-shape-2 { width: 308px; height: 263px; margin-right: 36px; margin-left: auto; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-icon-2 { height: 61px; width: 61px; margin-top: -243px; margin-right: 121px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-group-3 { width: 290px; min-height: 245px; margin-top: 21px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-text-4 { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-text-5 { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; } .u-sm .u-section-4 .u-layout-cell-3 { min-height: 445px; 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} .u-section-4 .u-shape-4 { width: 289px; margin-top: 0; margin-right: auto; margin-left: 0; } .u-section-4 .u-icon-4 { height: 65px; width: 65px; margin-top: -252px; margin-right: 122px; } .u-section-4 .u-group-5 { width: 297px; min-height: 298px; margin-top: 21px; margin-bottom: 0; } .u-section-4 .u-text-8 { margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; } .u-section-4 .u-text-9 { margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; margin-bottom: 30px; } .u-section-4 .u-btn-1 { margin-top: -32px; margin-bottom: 114px; } } /*/RESPONSIVE_MEDIA*/ /*RESPONSIVE_CLASS*/ .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-sheet-1 { min-height: 916px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-image-1 { height: 195px; width: 328px; margin-top: -103px; margin-right: 0; margin-left: auto; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-group-1 { min-height: 147px; margin-top: 0; width: auto; margin-right: initial; margin-left: initial; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-container-layout-1 { padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-text-1 { margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-layout-wrap-1 { margin-top: 12px; margin-right: initial; margin-left: initial; width: auto; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-layout-cell-1 { min-height: 363px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-shape-1 { height: 288px; width: 303px; margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-left: auto; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-icon-1 { height: 65px; width: 65px; margin-top: -254px; margin-left: 112px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-group-2 { width: 289px; min-height: 237px; margin-top: 21px; margin-bottom: 0; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-container-layout-3 { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-text-2 { margin-top: 59px; margin-left: 24px; margin-right: 24px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-text-3 { margin-left: 24px; margin-right: 24px; margin-bottom: 59px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-layout-cell-2 { min-height: 394px; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-shape-2 { width: 289px; height: 272px; margin-top: 0; margin-right: auto; margin-left: 0; } .u-xs .u-section-4 .u-icon-2 { height: 65px; width: 65px; 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} .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-image-1 { width: 340px; height: 803px; margin-top: 338px; } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-image-2 { width: 296px; height: 210px; margin-top: -109px; margin-right: calc(((100% - 1140px) / 2) + 400px); } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-group-1 { min-height: 317px; width: 340px; margin-top: 19px; margin-left: calc(((100% - 1140px) / 2) + 400px); } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-container-layout-1 { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-text-1 { font-size: 1.875rem; } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-text-2 { margin-top: 38px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-btn-1 { margin-top: 38px; margin-bottom: 29px; } .u-xs .u-section-5 .u-image-3 { height: 421px; object-position: 50% 50%; background-position: 50% 50%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 2px; width: auto; margin-right: initial; margin-left: initial; } /*/RESPONSIVE_CLASS*/ .u-section-6 { background-image: none; } .u-section-6 .u-sheet-1 { min-height: 793px; } .u-section-6 .u-group-1 { min-height: 126px; 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d="M256.832,0h-21.568c-5.888,0-10.667,4.779-10.667,10.667s4.779,10.667,10.667,10.667h21.568 c5.888,0,10.667-4.779,10.667-10.667S262.72,0,256.832,0z"></path><path d="M106.219,298.667H84.651c-5.888,0-10.667,4.779-10.667,10.667S78.763,320,84.651,320h21.568 c5.888,0,10.667-4.779,10.667-10.667S112.107,298.667,106.219,298.667z"></path><path d="M309.333,73.6c-5.888,0-10.667,4.779-10.667,10.667v21.568c0,5.888,4.779,10.667,10.667,10.667S320,111.723,320,105.835 V84.267C320,78.357,315.221,73.6,309.333,73.6z"></path><path d="M192.149,0h-21.568c-5.909,0-10.667,4.779-10.667,10.667s4.779,10.667,10.667,10.667h21.547 c5.909,0,10.688-4.779,10.688-10.667S198.037,0,192.149,0z"></path><path d="M127.445,0h-21.568c-5.888,0-10.667,4.779-10.667,10.667s4.779,10.667,10.667,10.667h21.568 c5.888,0,10.667-4.779,10.667-10.667S133.333,0,127.445,0z"></path> </g> </g> </g><g><g><path d="M309.333,138.667c-5.888,0-10.667,4.779-10.667,10.667V160c0,5.888,4.779,10.667,10.667,10.667S320,165.888,320,160 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c4.16,4.16,10.923,4.16,15.083,0c2.069-2.091,3.115-4.821,3.115-7.552c0-2.731-1.045-5.461-3.115-7.531l-26.667-26.667 c-4.672-4.672-4.672-12.245,0-16.917c4.523-4.523,12.395-4.523,16.917,0l16,16c4.16,4.16,10.923,4.16,15.083,0 c2.069-2.091,3.115-4.821,3.115-7.552s-1.045-5.461-3.115-7.531l-10.667-10.667c-4.672-4.672-4.672-12.245,0-16.917 c4.523-4.523,12.395-4.523,16.917,0l10.667,10.667c4.16,4.16,10.923,4.16,15.083,0c2.069-2.091,3.115-4.821,3.115-7.552 s-1.045-5.461-3.136-7.552c-2.261-2.24-3.499-5.248-3.499-8.448s1.259-6.208,3.52-8.448c4.672-4.672,12.245-4.672,16.917,0 l33.067,33.067c17.92,17.92,27.797,41.771,27.797,67.115C362.667,320.085,320.085,362.667,267.733,362.667z"></path> </g> </g></svg> </span> <div class="u-align-center-xl u-align-center-xs u-align-left-lg u-align-left-sm u-container-style u-group u-white u-group-3"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs u-container-layout-5"> <h4 class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-align-center-sm u-text u-text-4">Easy Visual <br>Drag-n-Drop </h4> <p class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-align-center-sm u-text u-text-5">Customize anything on your website with simple dragging <b>Wordpress website builder</b> plugin. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u-container-style u-layout-cell u-size-15 u-size-30-md u-layout-cell-3"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-top-sm"> <div class="u-palette-4-base u-shape u-shape-rectangle u-shape-3"></div> <span class="u-icon u-icon-circle u-text-body-alt-color u-icon-3"> <svg class="u-svg-link" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin slice" viewBox="0 0 480 480" style=""><use xlink:href="#svg-a499"></use></svg> <svg class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 0 480 480" x="0px" y="0px" id="svg-a499" style="enable-background:new 0 0 480 480;"><g><g><path d="M392,0H88C65.92,0.026,48.026,17.92,48,40v216c0.026,22.08,17.92,39.974,40,40h109.392l-11.424,40H160v16h160v-16h-25.968 l-11.424-40H392c22.08-0.026,39.974-17.92,40-40V40C431.974,17.92,414.08,0.026,392,0z M202.608,336l11.424-40h51.936l11.424,40 H202.608z M416,256c0,13.255-10.745,24-24,24H88c-13.255,0-24-10.745-24-24v-16h352V256z M416,224H64V40c0-13.255,10.745-24,24-24 h304c13.255,0,24,10.745,24,24V224z"></path> </g> </g><g><g><path d="M304,368H80c-4.418,0-8,3.582-8,8v96c0,4.418,3.582,8,8,8h224c4.418,0,8-3.582,8-8v-96C312,371.582,308.418,368,304,368z M296,464H88v-80h208V464z"></path> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="104" y="432" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="104" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="136" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="168" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="232" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="200" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="264" y="432" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="264" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="136" y="432" width="112" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><path d="M368,368c-22.091,0-40,17.909-40,40v32c0,22.091,17.909,40,40,40c22.091,0,40-17.909,40-40v-32 C408,385.909,390.091,368,368,368z M392,440c0,13.255-10.745,24-24,24s-24-10.745-24-24v-32c0-13.255,10.745-24,24-24 s24,10.745,24,24V440z"></path> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="360" y="400" width="16" height="16"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><rect x="181.737" y="120.139" transform="matrix(0.2751 -0.9614 0.9614 0.2751 50.7457 323.5759)" width="116.43" height="15.993"></rect> </g> </g><g><g><path d="M197.12,94.144l-10.24-12.288l-48,40c-3.393,2.83-3.85,7.874-1.02,11.268c0.309,0.37,0.65,0.712,1.02,1.02l48,40 l10.24-12.288L156.496,128L197.12,94.144z"></path> </g> </g><g><g><path d="M342.14,122.876c-0.309-0.37-0.65-0.712-1.02-1.02l-48-40l-10.24,12.288L323.504,128l-40.624,33.856l10.24,12.288l48-40 C344.513,131.314,344.97,126.27,342.14,122.876z"></path> </g> </g></svg> </span> <div class="u-align-center-xl u-align-center-xs u-align-left-lg u-align-left-sm u-container-style u-group u-white u-group-4"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs"> <h4 class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-align-center-sm u-text u-text-6">Build with<br>No Coding </h4> <p class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-align-center-sm u-text u-text-7">Visually add, edit, move, and modify with no coding!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u-container-style u-layout-cell u-right-cell u-size-15 u-size-30-md u-layout-cell-4"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-top-sm"> <div class="u-palette-3-light-1 u-shape u-shape-rectangle u-shape-4"></div> <span class="u-icon u-icon-circle u-text-body-alt-color u-icon-4"> <svg class="u-svg-link" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin slice" viewBox="0 0 512 512" style=""><use xlink:href="#svg-4dd0"></use></svg> <svg class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 0 512 512" x="0px" y="0px" id="svg-4dd0" style="enable-background:new 0 0 512 512;"><g><g><path d="M485.547,251.733h-58.88v-153.6C426.638,74.581,407.552,55.495,384,55.467H128c-23.552,0.028-42.638,19.114-42.667,42.667 v51.2H38.519C17.255,149.357,0.023,166.589,0,187.853v230.161c0.023,21.264,17.255,38.496,38.519,38.519h136.294 c16.24-0.049,30.7-10.294,36.13-25.6H358.4c4.713,0,8.533-3.82,8.533-8.533v-17.067c0-14.138-11.462-25.6-25.6-25.6h-25.6V345.6 H384v84.48c0,14.61,11.844,26.453,26.453,26.453h75.093c14.61,0,26.453-11.844,26.453-26.453V278.187 C512,263.577,500.156,251.733,485.547,251.733z M196.267,418.014c-0.009,11.844-9.609,21.443-21.453,21.453H38.519 c-11.844-0.009-21.443-9.609-21.453-21.453v-4.147h179.2V418.014z M196.267,396.8h-179.2V209.067h179.2V396.8z M196.267,192 h-179.2v-4.147c0.009-11.844,9.609-21.443,21.453-21.453h136.294c11.844,0.009,21.443,9.609,21.453,21.453V192z M341.333,396.8 c4.713,0,8.533,3.821,8.533,8.533v8.533H213.333V396.8H341.333z M213.333,379.733V345.6h85.333v34.133H213.333z M384,328.533 h-76.8h-93.867v-25.6H384V328.533z M384,278.187v7.68H213.333v-98.014c-0.024-21.264-17.256-38.496-38.519-38.519H102.4v-51.2 c0-14.138,11.461-25.6,25.6-25.6h256c14.138,0,25.6,11.461,25.6,25.6v153.685C395.358,252.278,384.039,263.937,384,278.187z M494.933,430.08c0,5.184-4.203,9.387-9.387,9.387h-75.093c-5.184,0-9.387-4.203-9.387-9.387v-7.68h93.867V430.08z M494.933,405.333h-93.867v-102.4h93.867V405.333z M494.933,285.867h-93.867v-7.68c0-5.184,4.203-9.387,9.387-9.387h75.093 c5.184,0,9.387,4.203,9.387,9.387V285.867z"></path> </g> </g></svg> </span> <div class="u-align-center-sm u-align-center-xl u-align-center-xs u-align-left-lg u-container-style u-group u-white u-group-5"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-xs u-container-layout-9"> <h4 class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-text u-text-8">Mobile-Friendly Options</h4> <p class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-text u-text-9"><b>WordPress page builder</b> plugin makes content and layouts that look great on all modern devices. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a href="/doc/article/11912/key-features" class="u-btn u-btn-round u-button-style u-palette-2-base u-radius-4 u-btn-1">See all features</a> </div> </section> <section class="u-clearfix u-gradient u-section-5" id="sec-84f9"> <img alt="6500+ Free WordPress Themes" class="u-hidden-sm u-hidden-xs u-image u-image-default lazyload u-image-1" data-href="/wordpress-themes" data-src="//"> <img alt="" class="u-image u-image-contain u-image-default lazyload u-image-2" data-src="//"> <div class="u-container-style u-group u-group-1"> <div class="u-container-layout u-container-layout-1"> <h2 class="u-align-center u-text u-text-body-alt-color u-text-1">15,0<a href="/wordpress-themes" style="">00+ Free WordPress Themes</a> </h2> <p class="u-align-center u-text u-text-body-alt-color u-text-2">Select from awesome, mobile-friendly themes to build all kind of websites, customizing content, posts, features, and options</p> <a href="/wordpress-themes" class="u-btn 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class="u-clearfix u-grey-5 u-section-7" id="sec-3abc"> <div class="u-clearfix u-sheet u-sheet-1"> <h3 class="u-text u-text-1">Free WordPress Theme Generator</h3> <p class="u-text u-text-2">The Responsive WordPress Theme from Nicepage is an easy start to build a modern site with a wide range of advanced features, including the WooCommerce store with products. The multipurpose theme comes with the featured plugin, designed blocks, and demo content with full customization options for editing images, colors, fonts, search, header, logo, menu, and grids. <br> <br>You can also learn how to add list items, custom code, video, news, and info posts, social media links, build magazine layouts and do live demos while creating. The theme templates work at speed and support unique and powerful capabilities to construct the perfect home, site and store pages, and more. You can also find and use popular plugins like WordPress Gutenberg and third-party ones like Elementor.<br> <br>Download, install, and build various layouts, desktop, and mobile views with a simple visual editing set. It is a showcase of an efficient and intuitive web design requiring no coding skills from users and developers. Impress with your new WordPress websites, and outshine your competitors! </p> </div> </section> <section class="u-border-no-bottom u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-border-no-top u-clearfix u-custom-color-3 u-section-8" id="sec-f1aa"> <div class="u-clearfix u-sheet u-sheet-1"> <div class="u-clearfix u-expanded-width u-gutter-10 u-layout-wrap u-layout-wrap-1"> <div class="u-gutter-0 u-layout"> <div class="u-layout-row"> <div class="u-container-style u-layout-cell u-left-cell u-size-20 u-layout-cell-1"> <div class="u-container-layout"> <img class="u-expanded-width-lg u-expanded-width-md u-expanded-width-xl u-image lazyload u-image-1" data-src="//"> </div> </div> <div class="u-container-style u-layout-cell u-size-21 u-layout-cell-2"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-top-sm u-container-layout-2"> <span class="u-icon u-icon-circle u-icon-1"> <svg class="u-svg-link" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin slice" viewBox="0 0 95.333 95.332" style=""><use xlink:href="#svg-7c57"></use></svg> <svg class="u-svg-content" viewBox="0 0 95.333 95.332" x="0px" y="0px" id="svg-7c57" style="enable-background:new 0 0 95.333 95.332;"><g><g><path d="M30.512,43.939c-2.348-0.676-4.696-1.019-6.98-1.019c-3.527,0-6.47,0.806-8.752,1.793 c2.2-8.054,7.485-21.951,18.013-23.516c0.975-0.145,1.774-0.85,2.04-1.799l2.301-8.23c0.194-0.696,0.079-1.441-0.318-2.045 s-1.035-1.007-1.75-1.105c-0.777-0.106-1.569-0.16-2.354-0.16c-12.637,0-25.152,13.19-30.433,32.076 c-3.1,11.08-4.009,27.738,3.627,38.223c4.273,5.867,10.507,9,18.529,9.313c0.033,0.001,0.065,0.002,0.098,0.002 c9.898,0,18.675-6.666,21.345-16.209c1.595-5.705,0.874-11.688-2.032-16.851C40.971,49.307,36.236,45.586,30.512,43.939z"></path><path d="M92.471,54.413c-2.875-5.106-7.61-8.827-13.334-10.474c-2.348-0.676-4.696-1.019-6.979-1.019 c-3.527,0-6.471,0.806-8.753,1.793c2.2-8.054,7.485-21.951,18.014-23.516c0.975-0.145,1.773-0.85,2.04-1.799l2.301-8.23 c0.194-0.696,0.079-1.441-0.318-2.045c-0.396-0.604-1.034-1.007-1.75-1.105c-0.776-0.106-1.568-0.16-2.354-0.16 c-12.637,0-25.152,13.19-30.434,32.076c-3.099,11.08-4.008,27.738,3.629,38.225c4.272,5.866,10.507,9,18.528,9.312 c0.033,0.001,0.065,0.002,0.099,0.002c9.897,0,18.675-6.666,21.345-16.209C96.098,65.559,95.376,59.575,92.471,54.413z"></path> </g> </g></svg> </span> <p class="u-text u-text-1">Nicepage is a must-have tool for any WordPress user. It expands any WordPress website adding a designer touch to it. It is easy-to-use, and works fast.</p> <h4 class="u-text u-text-2">Lesley Jonas</h4> <p class="u-text u-text-3">Web developer and WordPress fan</p> </div> </div> <div class="u-container-style u-layout-cell u-right-cell u-size-19 u-layout-cell-3"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-bottom-md u-container-layout-3"> <img alt="" class="u-expanded-width-lg u-image u-image-contain u-image-default lazyload u-image-2" data-src="//"> <h2 class="u-text u-text-4">More happy customers</h2> <p class="u-text u-text-5">Design modern WordPress websites and sites to get more customers</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="u-clearfix u-white u-section-9" id="carousel_dc69"> <div class="u-clearfix u-sheet u-sheet-1"> <div class="u-container-style u-expanded-width u-group u-group-1"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle u-container-layout-1"> <h2 class="u-align-center u-text u-text-1">Companies That Use Our Products:</h2> </div> </div> <img alt="" class="u-image u-image-contain u-image-default lazyload u-image-1" data-src="//"> <div class="u-clearfix u-expanded-width u-gutter-30 u-layout-wrap u-layout-wrap-1"> <div class="u-gutter-0 u-layout"> <div class="u-layout-row"> <div class="u-align-center u-container-align-center u-container-style u-layout-cell u-left-cell u-size-12 u-size-60-md u-layout-cell-1"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-lg u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs" src=""> <img class="u-expanded-width u-image u-image-contain lazyload u-image-2" data-src="//"> </div> </div> <div class="u-align-center u-container-align-center u-container-style u-layout-cell u-size-12 u-size-60-md u-layout-cell-2"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-lg u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs" src=""> <img class="u-expanded-width u-image u-image-contain lazyload u-image-3" data-src="//"> </div> </div> <div class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-md u-align-center-sm u-container-style u-layout-cell u-size-12 u-size-60-md u-layout-cell-3"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-lg u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs" src=""> <img class="u-expanded-width u-image u-image-contain lazyload u-image-4" data-src="//"> </div> </div> <div class="u-align-center u-container-align-center u-container-style u-layout-cell u-size-12 u-size-60-md u-layout-cell-4"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-lg u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs" src=""> <img class="u-expanded-width u-image u-image-contain lazyload u-image-5" data-src="//"> </div> </div> <div class="u-align-center u-container-align-center u-container-style u-layout-cell u-right-cell u-size-12 u-size-60-md u-layout-cell-5"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle-lg u-valign-middle-md u-valign-middle-sm u-valign-middle-xs" src=""> <img class="u-expanded-width u-image u-image-contain lazyload u-image-6" data-src="//"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="u-clearfix u-grey-5 u-section-10" id="carousel_9c6e"> <div class="u-clearfix u-sheet u-sheet-1"> <div class="u-align-center-lg u-align-center-sm u-align-center-xl u-align-center-xs u-container-style u-expanded-width-md u-expanded-width-sm u-expanded-width-xs u-group u-group-1"> <div class="u-container-layout u-valign-middle u-container-layout-1"> <h3 class="u-align-center-md u-text u-text-1">Best WordPress Website Builder</h3> <a href="/download#" class="u-btn u-btn-round u-button-style u-palette-1-base u-radius-4 u-btn-1">Download Now</a> </div> </div> <img alt="" class="u-image u-image-contain u-image-default lazyload u-image-1" data-src="//"> </div> </section> <section class="u-align-center u-clearfix u-container-align-center u-section-11" id="sec-71c8"> <h2 class="u-text u-text-1">Free WordPress Website Themes</h2> <div class="u-clearfix u-custom-html u-expanded-width u-custom-html-1"><style> </style> <div class="thumbnails-grid"> <ul class="thumbnails thumbnails-loading list-unstyled"> <li class="thumbnail-item title-one-row" data-height="0" style="width: 260px; 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