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Detailed compilation instructions can be found in the wiki for <a href="">Linux</a>, <a href="">Win32</a> and <a href="">macOS</a>.</p> <div id="releases"> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">9.2.0-rc1</a></strong> Nov 20th 2024<br><a href="">signature</a> — <a href="">changes</a></li> <li><strong><a href="">9.1.2</a></strong> Nov 20th 2024<br><a href="">signature</a> — <a href="">changes</a></li> <li><strong><a href="">9.0.4</a></strong> Nov 20th 2024<br><a href="">signature</a> — <a href="">changes</a></li> <li><strong><a href="">8.2.8</a></strong> Nov 20th 2024<br><a href="">signature</a> — <a href="">changes</a></li> <li><strong><a href="">7.2.15</a></strong> Nov 20th 2024<br><a href="">signature</a> — <a href="">changes</a></li> </ul> <p><a href="">Full list of releases</a><p> </div> <p>or stay on the bleeding edge with the <a href="">git repository!</a></p> <h2>Build instructions</h2> <p>To download and build QEMU 9.2.0-rc1:</p> <pre>wget tar xvJf qemu-9.2.0-rc1.tar.xz cd qemu-9.2.0-rc1 ./configure make </pre> <p>Source tarballs for official QEMU releases are signed by the release manager using <a href="">this GPG public key</a>. <pre> pub rsa2048 2013-10-18 [SC] CEACC9E15534EBABB82D3FA03353C9CEF108B584 uid [ unknown] Michael Roth <> uid [ unknown] Michael Roth <> uid [ unknown] Michael Roth <> sub rsa2048 2013-10-18 [E] </pre> <p>To download and build QEMU from git:</p> <pre>git clone cd qemu ./configure make </pre> <p>The latest development happens on the <strong>master</strong> branch. The stable trees are located in branches named <strong>stable-X.YY</strong> branch, where X.YY is the release version.</p> </article> <article id="linux" class="active"> <header> <h2>Linux</h2> </header> <p>QEMU is packaged by most Linux distributions:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Arch:</strong> <code>pacman -S qemu</code></p> </li> <li><strong>Debian/Ubuntu:</strong> <ul> <li>For full system emulation: <code>apt-get install qemu-system</code></li> <li>For emulating Linux binaries: <code>apt-get install qemu-user-static</code></li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Fedora:</strong> <code>dnf install @virtualization</code></p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Gentoo:</strong> <code>emerge --ask app-emulation/qemu</code></p> </li> <li> <p><strong>RHEL/CentOS:</strong> <code>yum install qemu-kvm</code></p> </li> <li><strong>SUSE:</strong> <code>zypper install qemu</code></li> </ul> <p>Note: On most distributions, the above commands will install meta-packages that pull in other packages with emulator binaries for all available targets. Have a look at the package list of your distribution first if you only need a subset of the targets.</p> </article> <article id="macos" class="active"> <header> <h2>macOS</h2> </header> <p>QEMU can be installed from <strong>Homebrew</strong>:</p> <pre>brew install qemu</pre> <p>QEMU can be installed from <strong>MacPorts</strong>:</p> <pre>sudo port install qemu</pre> <p>QEMU requires the most recent macOS version that is currently available. Support for the last previous version will be dropped two years after the current version has been released or when Apple drops support for it, whatever comes first.</p> </article> <article id="windows" class="active"> <header> <h2>Windows</h2> </header> <p>Stefan Weil provides binaries and installers for both <a href="">32-bit</a> and <a href="">64-bit</a> Windows.</p> <p><strong>MSYS2:</strong></p> <p>QEMU can be installed using <a href="">MSYS2</a> also. MSYS2 uses <a href="">pacman</a> to manage packages. First, follow the <a href="">MSYS2</a> installation procedure. Then update the packages with <code>pacman -Syu</code> command. Now choose the proper command for your system as following:</p> <ul> <li>For 64 bit Windows 7 or above (in MINGW64):</li> </ul> <p><code> pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-qemu </code></p> <ul> <li>For 64 bit Windows 8.1 or above (in UCRT64):</li> </ul> <p><code> pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-qemu </code></p> <p>32 bit Windows is not supported.</p> <p>Some QEMU related tools can be found in separate packages. Please see the MSYS2 <a href="">mingw-w64-qemu</a> page for more information. Any QEMU package related issues can be found in <a href="">MINGW-packages</a> repository.</p> </article> </div> <h2>Version numbering</h2> <div> <p> Since version 3.0.0, QEMU uses a time based version numbering scheme: </p> <dl> <dt>major</dt> <dd>incremented by 1 for the first release of the year</dd> <dt>minor</dt> <dd>reset to 0 with every major increment, otherwise incremented by 1 for each release from git master</dd> <dt>micro</dt> <dd>always 0 for releases from git master, incremented by 1 for each stable branch release</dd> </dl> <p> The implication of this is that changes in major version number <strong>do not</strong> have any bearing on the scope of changes included in the release. Non-backward compatible changes may be made in any master branch release, provided they have followed the <a href="">deprecation policy</a> which calls for warnings to be emitted for a minimum of two releases prior to the change. </p> </div> <script> function animateOnClick(jqThis, slide) { $('.horiz-menu li').removeClass('active'); jqThis.parent().addClass('active'); if (slide) { $('.horiz-menu article').slideUp(); $(jqThis.attr('href')).slideDown(); } else { $('.horiz-menu article').removeClass('active'); $(jqThis.attr('href')).addClass('active'); } } $('.horiz-menu > ul').show(); $('.horiz-menu > article > header').hide(); $('.horiz-menu > ul a').click(function() { jqThis = $(this); if (!jqThis.parent().hasClass('active')) { window.location.hash = jqThis.attr('href'); animateOnClick(jqThis, true); } return false; }); (function() { if (window.location.hash) { hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); elem = $('.horiz-menu article').filter(function() { return hash ==; }); } else { elem = $('.horiz-menu article').first(); } animateOnClick($('a[href="#'+elem.attr('id')+'"]', false)); })(); </script> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="external-links"> <ul class="style"> <li><a href="">Advent calendar</a></li> <li><a href="">Blog planet</a></li> <li><a href="">KVM</a></li> <li><a href="">Libguestfs</a></li> <li><a href="">Libvirt</a></li> <li><a href="">Xen</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="edit-page"> <a href="">page source</a> </div> <div id="conservancy"> QEMU is a member of <a href="../conservancy/">Software Freedom Conservancy</a> </div> <div id="sponsors"> QEMU has <a href="../sponsors/">sponsors</a> </div> <div id="licenses"> <a href="../license.html">Website licenses</a> </div> </div> </body> </html>