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class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Our commitment to you" title="Our commitment to you" href="#our-commitment-to-you" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Our commitment to you</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Privacy Notice" title="Privacy Notice" href="#privacy-notice" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Privacy Notice</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Summary" title="Summary" href="#summary" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Summary</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="What information we have & where we get it" title="What information we have & where we get it" href="#what-information-we-have-&-where-we-get-it" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">What information we have & where we get it</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="How we use your information & why" title="How we use your information & why" href="#how-we-use-your-information-&-why" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">How we use your information & why</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Who we share your data with & why" title="Who we share your data with & why" href="#who-we-share-your-data-with-&-why" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Who we share your data with & why</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Your choices & rights" title="Your choices & rights" href="#your-choices-&-rights" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Your choices & rights</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Looking after your information" title="Looking after your information" href="#looking-after-your-information" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Looking after your information</a></div><div class="quickLinks_link-container__JIVtV"><a aria-label="Contact us" title="Contact us" href="#contact-us" class=" quickLinks_links__hfCiS undefined undefined">Contact us</a></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-gLTcDU fnZVHV privacyPolicy_privacy-policy-inner-container-1__OYkWV"><div class="main-content-wrapper"><main id="main-content"><div><div class="privacyPolicy_privacy-policy-intro-container__N223b"><div data-testid="banner-card" id="banner-card" class="bannerCard_banner-intro-container___95VH"><div class="bannerCard_banner-intro-message-container__RTBQF undefined"><div class="bannerCard_banner-intro-message-description__by6zH undefined"><h1 data-testid="h1" dir="auto">You trust us with your personal information, so we strive to always be clear and honest about how and why we will use it.</h1><h1 data-testid="h1" dir="auto">Read more about what we collect, along with your choices and rights.</h1></div></div><div class="bannerCard_banner-intro-image-container__zvmYl"><div id="image-card" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_hero-image-container-class__TwvRN"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/hero-image.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_hero-image-class__YHvK4" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/hero-image.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div></div></div><div id="our-commitment-to-you" data-section="true" class="privacyPolicy_commitment-section-container__cpNwl"><div class="sc-hIpXjV iqnwUr privacyPolicy_intro-section-heading__pxTTc privacyPolicy_intro-section-heading-font-en__n1p0l"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">Our Commitment</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">To You</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_intro-section-description__eg5XG"><p id="octyc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Our goal is to maintain your trust and confidence by handling your personal information with respect and putting you in control.</p><p id="octyc-p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">It’s important that you know what personal information we collect and how we use it. The list of entities who process your information, depending on where you create an account, can be found above the ‘Contact’ section.</p><p id="octyc-p3" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We’ve done our best to make our explanations short and easy to understand. But, if you’d like further information, or have any questions, please contact us using the details in the <a aria-label="Contact" title="Contact" class=TM-link-dark-bg href=#contact-us>‘Contact’</a> section below.</p><p id="octyc-p4" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">If we ever make any major changes to our privacy practices, we’ll let you know. If necessary, we’ll also ask for your permission.</p></div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_image-section-1__4fzxM section-bottom-margin"><div class="privacyPolicy_image-left__Pt6g8"><div id="image-card-1" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_section-1-left-image-container-class__uRFPW"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/section-1.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_section-1-left-image-class__itD9y" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/section-1.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div></div><div id="privacy-notice" data-section="true" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS fBhNkT privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">Privacy</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">Notice</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><p id="pnc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Our Privacy Notice has been designed with you in mind. How the notice applies to you will depend on the way in which you interact with us. For example, if you:</p><ol id="pnc-ol1" data-testid="number-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah numberlist-container" id="pnc-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">1.</div>Purchase a ticket from us, we will use the information you provide to fulfil both our and the Event Partner’s (artist, promoter, record label or venue) obligations to you in delivering that service, and, where permitted, keep you up to date about other events that may be of interest to you.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah numberlist-container" id="pnc-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">2.</div>Browse our sites, we use cookies to tailor your experience and provide a seamless experience.<!-- --></li></ol><p id="pnc-p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Your choices and rights for each scenario are explained in more detail below.</p></div></div><div id="summary" data-section="true" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS hfEWhQ privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">Summary</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><p id="sc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Click on ‘Learn More’ for more information or scroll down to read the full policy.</p><h4 data-testid="h4" class="numbered-list-subheading undefined" dir="auto">What information we have & where we get it</h4><p id="sc-p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We collect and store different types of information when you create an account, buy tickets, contact us, and use our websites, apps and social media. <a aria-label="What information we have & where we get it" title="What information we have & where we get it" class=TM-link href="#what-information-we-have-&-where-we-get-it">Learn More</a></p><h4 data-testid="h4" class="numbered-list-subheading privacyPolicy_commont-margin-numbered-list-subheading__iF9oO" dir="auto">How we use your information & why</h4><p id="sc-p3" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We collect and use your information for lots of reasons such as helping you get into the shows you love, sharing news, for marketing and as otherwise required by law. <a aria-label="How we use your information & why" title="How we use your information & why" class=TM-link href="#how-we-use-your-information-&-why">Learn More</a></p><h4 data-testid="h4" class="numbered-list-subheading privacyPolicy_commont-margin-numbered-list-subheading__iF9oO" dir="auto">Who we share your data with & why</h4><p id="sc-p4" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We share your information with Event Partner(s) – such as the artist, promoter, or venue – as well as other third parties associated with the service provided. <a aria-label="Who we share your data with & why" title="Who we share your data with & why" class=TM-link href="#who-we-share-your-data-with-&-why">Learn More</a></p><h4 data-testid="h4" class="numbered-list-subheading privacyPolicy_commont-margin-numbered-list-subheading__iF9oO" dir="auto">Your choices & rights</h4><p id="sc-p5" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Among other rights, you can choose whether to receive marketing from us. You also have the right to access the information we have about you. <a aria-label="Your choices & rights" title="Your choices & rights" class=TM-link href="#your-choices-&-rights">Learn More</a></p><h4 data-testid="h4" class="numbered-list-subheading privacyPolicy_commont-margin-numbered-list-subheading__iF9oO" dir="auto">Looking after your information</h4><p id="sc-p6" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We’re always taking steps to make sure your information is protected and deleted securely when we no longer need it. <a aria-label="Looking after your information" title="Looking after your information" class=TM-link href="#looking-after-your-information">Learn More</a></p><h4 data-testid="h4" class="numbered-list-subheading privacyPolicy_commont-margin-numbered-list-subheading__iF9oO" dir="auto">Contact us</h4><p id="sc-p7" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">If you have any questions or feedback about how we handle your information, get in touch with us. <a aria-label="Contact us" title="Contact us" class=TM-link href="#contact-us">Learn More</a></p></div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_image-section-2__8Md_8 section-bottom-margin"><div class="privacyPolicy_image-left__Pt6g8"><div id="image-card-2" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_section-2-left-image-container-class__IaI1n"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/section-2.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_section-2-left-image-class__arVqn" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/section-2.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div></div><div id="what-information-we-have-&-where-we-get-it" data-section="true" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS fBhNkT privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">What Information</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">We Have &</div><div id="line3" class="privacyPolicy_line3__9Vlhx">Where We Get It</div></div><p id="wiwhwwgic-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">When we collect your personal information, we store it in our customer databases, such as our ticketing platforms to manage your event access, our payment platforms to process your orders, our customer services platforms to manage any queries you have, and our marketing system in order to be able to communicate with you, subject to your choices.</p><p id="wiwhwwgic-message" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Given the global nature of our business some of the products and services we offer may differ and not be available in the country where you have an account.</p><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><ul id="wiwhwwgic-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you create an account and buy tickets.</b> <!-- -->When you create an account, buy a ticket, register for a presale or have a ticket transferred to you by a friend, we will collect information directly from you. Depending on the service we are providing, this may include your contact and billing information, such as your name, street address, zip or post code, email, phone number and credit card.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you buy tickets from third parties.</b> <!-- -->When you buy tickets from third-party e-commerce sites, the third party will send us information such as your contact and billing details and information about your ticket purchase for us to allocate tickets to you.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When using our websites and apps.</b> When you use our websites or apps, we may use tracking tools like browser cookies and web beacons and technology like GPS and Wi-Fi to passively collect data about you, such as the browser and device you're using, your IP address, your location, the site you came from, what you did and didn't use our site/app for, or the site you visit when you leave us. For more information on how we collect this information, see our <a aria-label="Cookie Policy" title="Cookie Policy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>Cookie Policy</a></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li4" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you contact our fan experience and customer support teams.</b> <!-- -->When you contact our Customer Services teams with a query or provide us with feedback, we record that interaction for evidentiary purposes and to provide support related to your query.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li5" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you use social media and online public forums.</b> <!-- -->When you use a social media feature within our website or apps, post to social media platforms, or post on a public space or on one of our websites, the social media site may provide us with some information about you.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you book accessible tickets.</b> <!-- -->If you have accessibility requirements, we want to make sure you have the best experience when attending events. To do this, we need to collect details of your requirements. We only do this once, with your requirements then on record if you purchase an accessible ticket with us again.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li7" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you sell a ticket on Ticketmaster.</b> <!-- -->As we are transferring money to you, we need to collect information such as a valid ID as part of our Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Once your identity has been verified, we securely delete this information. We may also collect information from you when you use our services as a seller, including additional identification data such as tax identification numbers.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li8" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Processing of children's data.</b> In the few cases where we collect personal information from children, we always seek parental consent and will only collect such information for the purposes specified when collected.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li9" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Geodemographic data.</b> . We might collect or use suppliers such as advertising and marketing partners who collate geodemographic data including age range, gender, or information about events you like or products you buy which assists us in better personalizing our services to you. If you’d prefer that we do not do this, see the <a aria-label="Your Rights & Choices" title="Your Rights & Choices" class=TM-link href="#your-choices-&-rights">‘Your Rights & Choices’</a> section below.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wiwhwwgic-li10" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Information used for health & safety purposes.</b> <!-- -->We may collect information from ticket purchasers and attendees for compliance purposes related to infectious disease to the extent required under applicable law. This information may include names, contact details, seat locations, along with entry and exit times.<!-- --></li></ul><p id="wiwh-p1" class="paragraph privacyPolicy_extra-margin__Om4iZ" data-testid="paragraph" dir="auto">In situations where a third party for an event organizer requires the collection of health information (such as test results), please refer to their privacy policy and terms to understand how your data was collected and used.</p></div></div><div id="how-we-use-your-information-&-why" data-section="true" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS fBhNkT privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">How We Use Your</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">Information & Why</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><p id="hwuyi-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">This section explains how we use your information and the legal grounds/purposes for which we use it.</p><ol id="hwuyiwc-ol1" data-testid="number-list" class="undefined TM"><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">1.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading">For the performance of our contract with you</span></div><div><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When you make purchases.</b> <!-- -->We use your information when you enter a contract or transaction with us (for example to buy merchandise or a ticket) so we can:<!-- --><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul2" data-testid="bullet-list" class="sub-bullet TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">process your order</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li4" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">send you customer service emails including booking confirmations and event reminders</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li5" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">take payment</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">provide you with customer support.</li></ul></li></ul><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul3" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li7" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Event Partner(s).</b> <!-- -->To share with Event Partner(s) who provide services for the event such as the Promoter or Venue to enable them to run the event, allocate seating or notify you if there has been a change to the event or provide important event information.<!-- --></li></ul><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul4" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li8" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Fan Registration.</b> Some of our events have a Fan Registration presale. If you enter, we process your data to profile you to limit fraudulent ticket purchases. If you are rejected, it won’t stop you from purchasing tickets at a later date. For more information on how your data is used during the Fan Registration Process read our FAQs for <a aria-label="north-america" title= target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href="">North America</a> or <a aria-label="International" title= target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>International</a></li></ul><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul5" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li9" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Contest, Competitions and Referrals.</b> <!-- -->We may use your information to confirm your registration for an event or contest. You may give us your friend's information, for example via our referral service to tell a friend about our website or to purchase a gift card. We will only use your friend's information to provide services you requested. Your friend may contact us to ask us to delete their information.<!-- --></li></ul></div></li><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li10" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container numbered-list-inner-subheading"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">2.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading">For our legitimate business interests</span></div><div><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul6" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li11" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Marketing.</b> In line with what is stated below and where local laws permit, to contact you with information or offers regarding upcoming events, products or services (applicable to markets that rely on legitimate interest) this may be via email, via push and web notifications, via SMS, or social media platforms. You can change your marketing preferences at any time, see <a aria-label="Your choices and rights" title="Your choices and rights" class=TM-link href="#your-choices-&-rights">“Your choices and rights”</a> section below.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li12" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Advertising & cookies.</b> In line with what is stated below and where local laws permit, to deliver tailored advertising and marketing communications on our websites and apps depending on your market, see our <a aria-label="Cookie Policy" title="Cookie Policy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>Cookie Policy</a> for more information.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li13" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Market research & fan feedback.</b> <!-- -->To conduct market research and analysis which helps improve and customize our products and services and to contact you with satisfaction surveys, or to participate in user research (such as focus groups). We include an unsubscribe option for this kind of contact should you no longer wish to receive them.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li14" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Personalization.</b> <!-- -->To make sure our messages and website are relevant to you (depending on your market). For example, when you ‘favorite’ certain artists and genres, purchase tickets, attend shows with friends and sign up for presales, we will inform you about similar events we think you might be interested in. We create a user profile with the information we have and how you use our services. By turning personalization off you won’t get any personal recommendations and any newsletters you’ve subscribed to will be generic (although if you’ve asked to receive alerts about specific artists or venues, you’ll still receive these).<!-- --><p id="hwuyi-p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We will still perform profiling activities where we need to so we can deliver our services to you, for example for fraud screening purposes and where you specifically request we do so such as for a Fan Registration Presale.</p></li></ul></div></li><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li15" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container numbered-list-inner-subheading"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">3.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading numbered-list-inner-subheading">For our overriding legitimate business interests</span></div><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul7" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li16" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To prevent or detect unlawful behavior, to protect or enforce our legal rights or as otherwise permitted by law.</b> <!-- -->For example, making sure tickets get into the hands of real fans. As such, we may use this information to prevent ticket touting, misuse of our intellectual property (e.g. our Event Partners’ brands), fraud, or other crimes.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li17" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Site Protection.</b> This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and Google <a aria-label="Privacy Policy" title="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href="">Privacy Policy</a> and <a aria-label="Terms of Service " title="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=""> Terms of Service </a>apply.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li18" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Event security.</b> <!-- -->To protect our fans and ensure the security of our and our Event Partners’ operations.<!-- --></li></ul></li><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li19" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container numbered-list-inner-subheading"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">4.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading numbered-list-inner-subheading">Where you’ve given your consent</span></div><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul8" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li20" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Marketing.</b> Where local laws permit, to contact you with information or offers regarding upcoming events, products or services (applicable to markets that rely on consent) – this may be via email, push and web notifications, SMS, or social media platforms. You can change your marketing preferences at any time, see <a aria-label="Your choices and rights" title="Your choices and rights" class=TM-link href="#your-choices-&-rights">“Your choices and rights”</a> section below.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li21" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Location-based services.</b> <!-- -->For example, our apps request location permission for functions like browsing events near you, receiving push notifications about them or seeing yourself on the map at an event.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li22" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Advertising & cookies.</b> Where local laws permit, to deliver tailored advertising and marketing communications on our websites and apps, depending on your market, see our <a aria-label="Cookie Policy" title="Cookie Policy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>Cookie Policy</a> for more information.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li23" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Accessibility.</b> <!-- -->To process your health data to meet your accessibility requirements, where specifically required and explicit consent is provided.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li24" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Commercial Partners.</b> <!-- -->We sometimes work with Commercial Partners who we share data with. These are third party data controllers that we work with to provide additional value-add services, such as our travel packages, sponsors or exclusive presale deals. In some circumstances, where sharing is not necessary for us to perform the contract you have requested, we will request your permission.<!-- --></li></ul></li><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li25" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container numbered-list-inner-subheading"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">5.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading numbered-list-inner-subheading">To protect your vital interests</span></div><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul9" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li26" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Health and Safety.</b> <!-- -->Any information collected by us or our third-party partners in compliance with applicable health and safety requirements will only be used to contact attendees or shared with relevant local, government officials. This information is regularly deleted.<!-- --></li></ul></li></ol></div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_image-section-3__sc_bp"><div class="privacyPolicy_image-left__Pt6g8"><div id="image-card-3" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_section-3-left-image-container-class__5mtLG"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/section-3-left.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_section-3-left-image-class__YzMpZ" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/section-3-left.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_image-right__Q75N8"><div id="image-card-4" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_section-3-right-image-container-class__BWrCL"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/section-3-right.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_section-3-right-image-class__s5YWD" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/section-3-right.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div></div><div id="who-we-share-your-data-with-&-why" data-section="true" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS fBhNkT privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">Who We Share</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">Your Data With</div><div id="line3" class="privacyPolicy_line3__9Vlhx">& Why</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><ul id="wwsydwc-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Ticketmaster Companies.</b> <!-- -->Within the Ticketmaster group and associated family of companies, referenced below, who provide services for us such as marketing, profiling, reporting and technical and product support.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Third parties who perform services on our behalf.</b> <!-- -->Our third-party service providers, some of which may be located outside of your jurisdiction. These include:<!-- --><ul id="hwuyiwc-ul2" data-testid="bullet-list" class="sub-bullet TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Cloud hosting providers, who provide the IT infrastructure on which our global products and systems are built;</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li4" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Payment platforms, who provide the infrastructure to process payments; </li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li5" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Outsourced customer service teams, who support in responding to queries you may have;</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Information security providers, who help us keep our platforms safe and secure; and;</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="hwuyiwc-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Marketing providers, who power our data analytics, marketing communications and advertising.</li></ul></li><p id="dc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">As we are a global company, our service providers can differ between markets, however we have listed our main global providers below:</p><div id="data-globalprovider-table" data-testid="data-globalprovider-table" class="data-globalprovider-table"><table><thead><tr><th>Vendor</th><th class="table_thWidth50__ac0gr">Description of support</th><th>Location</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Ticketmaster LLC & Ticketmaster UK Limited</td><td>Maintains our ticketing products and tools.</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>ZenDesk</td><td>Cloud-based customer support services (contact centres).</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>Braintree, a service of PayPal Inc.</td><td>Global online payment processing platform enabling digital and mobile payments on behalf of consumers and merchants.</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>Oracle America Inc.</td><td>Computing solutions providing data storage, cloud platforms, financial processing, and infrastructure management software.</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>OneTrust LLC</td><td>Cloud based management software providing automation for privacy assessments, website scanning, cookie compliance and incident and breach management.</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>Salesforce Inc.</td><td>Cloud-hosted ticketing system for support services (CRM, marketing automation and analytics).</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>Concentrix CVG Philippines</td><td>Outsourced customer support providing contact centre services (a combination of sales calls, customer services calls and emails across numerus ticketing systems).</td><td>Manila, Mauritius</td></tr><tr><td>Microsoft Cooperation</td><td>Computer software and related services.</td><td>North America</td></tr><tr><td>Amazon Web Services (AWS)</td><td>Cloud hosting and infrastructure service providing secure hosting and storage for computing solutions.</td><td>North America</td></tr></tbody></table></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Event Partners.</b> <!-- -->Event Partners are the entities we work with to put on the event, such as the promoter, the venue or the artist. We share your information with our Event Partners so that they can run the event and for other reasons described in their privacy policies. In some cases, we will name the Event Partners when you purchase a ticket so you know who will receive your data, and you will be given the option to subscribe to receiving marketing from them (depending on your country).<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li4" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Selling your ticket on Ticketmaster.</b> <!-- -->If you buy or sell tickets on our site, we may disclose your information to the buyer or seller (as applicable) for order fulfilment purposes – meaning that you get the ticket you’ve bought, or paid for the ticket you’ve sold.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li5" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Third party products.</b> If you have bought any goods and services fulfilled by third parties (such as ticket insurance or merchandise), we’ll share data with them so that they can process and fulfil your orders. When making a payment online these may be processed by Braintree, an online payments provider and a service of PayPal. Please see <a aria-label="braintree" title="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href="">Braintree’s Privacy Policy</a> for more information on how they process personal information related to credit cards payments.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Commercial Partners.</b> <!-- -->These are third parties we work with to provide additional value-add services. As the Commercial Partners we work with varies between services, we use just-in-time information to let you know when data will be shared with them and that it will be processed in accordance with their privacy notice.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li7" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Disclosures under law.</b> <!-- -->We may share information to respond to a court order or subpoena. We may also share information with a government agency or investigatory body as permitted or required by law. We may also share information when we are investigating potential fraud.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="wwsydwc-li8" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Successors.</b> <!-- -->We may share information with any successor to all or part of our business. For example, if part of our business is sold, customer data may be given as part of that transaction.<!-- --></li></ul><p id="wwsydwc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We may share your information for reasons not described in this policy. We will tell you before we do this.</p></div></div><div id="your-choices-&-rights" data-section="true" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS fBhNkT privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">Your Choices</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">& Rights</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><p id="ycrc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Your rights and choices may differ depending on the country where you are accessing our services from. These have been split out below. To buy and access tickets, fans must first create a Ticketmaster account and provide personal information. This helps us better serve you and issue digital tickets. By choosing not to provide your information when creating an account, you won’t be able to purchase and access digital tickets.</p><ol id="ycrc-ol1" data-testid="number-list" class="undefined TM"><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container numbered-list-inner-subheading"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">1.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading numbered-list-inner-subheading">Your choices</span></div><p id="ycrc-p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Where you have given us your consent (applicable to our markets that rely on consent), you can withdraw it by doing the following:</p><ul id="ycrc-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To stop receiving our marketing</b> you can change your preferences within your account, follow the unsubscribe instructions in any of the emails we send you or contact us and we will do it for you.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To opt out of the use of cookies and tracking tools</b>, please see our <a aria-label="Cookie Policy" title="Cookie Policy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>Cookie Policy</a>. This can also be done my updating your preferences in the cookie management tool on any of our websites and apps.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li4" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To opt out of location tracking and push notifications</b>, you can change the settings on your device or keep your location off. To stop web push notifications, you will need to use your browser settings.</li></ul><p id="ycrc-p3" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Where we have relied on a legitimate interest (applicable to our markets that rely on consent), you can object to it by doing the following:</p><ul id="ycrc-ul2" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li5" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To object to receiving our marketing</b> you can change your preferences within your account, follow the unsubscribe instructions in any of the emails we send you or contact us and we will do it for you.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To object to personalization</b> you can change your preferences within your account. If this option is not available, you can contact us and we will do it for you.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li7" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To object to being contacted as part of fan feedback</b>, you can unsubscribe through the mechanisms in the messages to you or contact us and we will do it for you.</li></ul></li><div role="listitem" class="sc-kkKunT ftHYog border top-left-border privacy-page-border-1"></div><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li8" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><div class="numberlist-container numbered-list-inner-subheading"><div class="sc-cSFexR lnuZoO numberlist">2.</div><span class="numbered-list-inner-subheading numbered-list-inner-subheading">Your rights</span></div><p id="ycrc-p4" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">As a global company, our fans are located all over the world, depending on your market there are specific laws and regulations around privacy rights such as the GDPR in Europe, LGPD in Brazil and CCPA in United States. The below rights may be appliable in your market. </p><div id="ycrc-accordion1" data-testid="accordion"><button class="accordion_accordionButton__dISS_" type="button" data-testid="accordion-button" tabindex="0"><div class="accordion_titleContainer__a1GO8"><h3 data-testid="h3">Global Rights (excluding United States)</h3><div role="img" aria-label="close"><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M16 0H0v16h16z"></path><path fill="#262626" fill-opacity=".65" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M3.278 5.459A.75.75 0 0 0 2.221 6.52l5.263 5.24a.75.75 0 0 0 1.059 0L13.78 6.52a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-4.71 4.711L3.278 5.46z"></path></g></svg></div></div></button><div data-testid="accordion-content" class="privacyPolicy_hideAccordionContentClassName__2Sn4r"><ul id="ycrc-ul3" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li9" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">The right to request that your information be deleted, otherwise known as erasure or restricted from further use. The right to delete or erase your account cannot be made where you have a ticket or transaction for a future event even if you have printed or received these tickets so once the event has passed then this request can be exercised. A deletion of your account will result in loss of access to any digital assets (i.e. NFTs) that you may own.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li10" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">The right to request a copy of the information we hold about you, also known as right of access. </li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li11" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">The right to correct, amend or update information you have given us (where you have an account with us you can also do this by logging in and updating your information).</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li12" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">The right to contest any automated decision we make about you. An automated decision is a decision taken without any human intervention which has legal consequences (e.g. credit checking). We don’t typically carry out automated decision making but, if we do, we will make it clear where such decisions are being made.</li></ul><p id="ycrc-p5" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">To exercise any of the above rights please contact us using our <a aria-label="Webform" title="Webform" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>Webform</a>, please use the email associated with your account so we can locate your personal data. You may designate an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf. For an authorized agent to be considered verified, you must provide the authorized agent with a signed, written affidavit to make such requests or a power of attorney. We may follow up with you to verify your identity before processing an agent’s request. If you don’t follow these instructions we may not be able to process your request.</p><p id="ycrc-p6" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Please note that whilst we will carefully assess every request we receive, your rights and the time period for actioning a right may differ according to your place of residence and we may not always have to comply. When this happens, we will explain why.</p></div></div><div id="ycrc-accordion2" data-testid="accordion"><button class="accordion_accordionButton__dISS_" type="button" data-testid="accordion-button" tabindex="0"><div class="accordion_titleContainer__a1GO8"><h3 data-testid="h3">United States Rights</h3><div role="img" aria-label="close"><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M16 0H0v16h16z"></path><path fill="#262626" fill-opacity=".65" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M3.278 5.459A.75.75 0 0 0 2.221 6.52l5.263 5.24a.75.75 0 0 0 1.059 0L13.78 6.52a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-4.71 4.711L3.278 5.46z"></path></g></svg></div></div></button><div data-testid="accordion-content" class="privacyPolicy_hideAccordionContentClassName__2Sn4r"><p id="ycrc-p7" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><b><u>You have certain choices about how we use your information.</u></b><br/>You have rights pertaining to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information.<!-- --><br/>Depending on where you live in the United States, for all other countries please see Global Rights above, you may have specific rights around your personal information. Below we explain what those rights are and how you can exercise them:<!-- --></p><ul id="ycrc-ul4" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li13" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Disclosure.</b> <!-- -->You have the right to request a report showing the personal information collected, shared, and sold about you.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li14" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Deletion.</b> <!-- -->You have the right to request that we delete any personal information collected from or about you.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li15" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Correction.</b> <!-- -->You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate personal information collected from or about you.<!-- --></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li16" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Opt-Out of Sale/Profiling.</b> You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal information. This will also opt you out of targe-ted advertising or profiling. To opt-out click <a title= target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>here</a>.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li17" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Non-Discrimination.</b> <!-- -->We shall not discriminate against you based on your exercise of any of the above rights.<!-- --></li></ul><p id="ycrc-p8" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">You may enact any of the above rights by submitting a request clicking <a aria-label="web-form-link" title= target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>here</a> or calling us at 855-663-0150. You may also submit your request by mailing a letter to the address at the bottom of this policy. Please be sure to include your full name, email address, and which type of request you are making in your letter.</p><p id="ycrc-p9" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><b>Your “Do Not Sell or Share” Rights Under the CCPA.</b> Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents have the right to opt out of Ticketmaster sale or sharing of their personal information, as defined by the CCPA. <b><u>California residents may exercise this right to opt out online by submitting a “Do Not Sell or Share My Information” request <a aria-label="web-form-link" title= target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>here</a></u></b>. Alternatively, California residents may submit a request to opt out of sales or sharing by calling us at 855-663-0150.</p><p id="ycrc-p20" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Oregon Consumer Privacy Act: You may have the right to obtain additional information about third parties with whom we share your personal information. To learn more <a aria-label="email-us" title="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=" Consumer Privacy Act - Third Party Information">email us</a>.</p><p id="ycrc-p10" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">To verify your identity, we may collect information such as your full name and email address. This information will be compared to our existing records to verify the identity of the individual submitting the request. We may also require you to confirm your request via an automated email message before responding to your privacy rights request. Depending on the sensitivity of the information requested and the type of request, we may require additional information to verify your identity before responding. We will respond to your request within 45 days if possible and required under the law. Please note that if you we deny your request, you may appeal this denial by contacting us using the information at the bottom of this policy.</p><p id="ycrc-p11" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Personal Information Collected:</p><ul id="ycrc-ul5" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li18" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Names and Aliases</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li19" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Physical Address</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li20" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Phone Number</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li21" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">E-Mail Address</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li22" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">IP Address</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li23" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Unique Identifiers</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li24" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Interactions with Customer Service</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li25" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Information about transactions made on our services</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li26" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Fan Preferences and Attributes</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="ycrc-li27" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Cookies/Web Beacons - We use tracking tools like browser cookies and web beacons. To learn more about these tools and to control them, see <a aria-label="Cookie Policy" title="Cookie Policy" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href=>here</a>.</li></ul><p id="ycrc-p12" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><b>Sensitive Personal Information.</b>We will never use or disclose any sensitive personal information you give us except to provide you with the goods and services you have requested or for the limited purposes allowed under the law.<!-- --></p><p id="ycrc-p13" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Personal Information Disclosed for a Business Purpose or Sold/Shared:</p><div data-testid="personal-information-disclosed-table" class="personal-information-disclosed-table"><table><thead><tr><th scope="row" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Categories of Personal Information</th><th scope="row" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Personal Information</th><th scope="row" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Disclosed for a Business Purpose</th><th scope="row" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Sold</th><th scope="row" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Categories of Third-Party Recipients</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="7" colSpan="1">Identifiers</td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Names and Aliases</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td rowspan="4" colSpan="1">Business Partners, Data Brokers, Technical Service Providers</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Physical Address</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Phone Number</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">E-Mail Address</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">IP Address</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td rowspan="2" colSpan="1">Business Partners, Technical Service Providers</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Unique Identifiers</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Unique Tax Identifiers</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"> </td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Government Entities</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="3" colSpan="1">Commercial Information</td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Interactions with Customer Service</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1"> </td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Technical Service Providers</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Information about transactions made on our services</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td rowspan="4" colSpan="1">Business Partners, Data Brokers, Technical Service Providers</td></tr><tr style="height:15pt"><td class="table_tdWidth115__288B0" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span><span>Individual’s Preferences and Attributes</span></span></span></span></td><td style="text-align:center" class="table_tdWidth126__7s4zl" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span>x</span></span></span></td><td style="text-align:center" class="table_tdWidth62__d7Fen" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span>x</span></span></span></td></tr><tr style="height:15pt"><td class="table_tdWidth88__EDAeb" rowspan="2" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span><span>Internet/ Electronic Activity</span></span></span></span></td><td class="table_tdWidth115__288B0" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span><span>Cookies/Web Beacons</span></span></span></span></td><td style="text-align:center" class="table_tdWidth126__7s4zl" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span>x</span></span></span></td><td style="text-align:center" class="table_tdWidth62__d7Fen" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span>x</span></span></span></td></tr><tr style="height:15pt"><td class="table_tdWidth115__288B0" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span><span>Device Attributes</span></span></span></span></td><td style="text-align:center" class="table_tdWidth126__7s4zl" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span>x</span></span></span></td><td style="text-align:center" class="table_tdWidth62__d7Fen" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"><span><span style="line-height:normal"><span>x</span></span></span></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="5" colSpan="1">Sensitive Personal Informatio</td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">SSN/TIN</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1"> </td><td rowspan="3" colSpan="3">Technical Service Providers, Government Agencies</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Health Information</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Drivers License/Passport Number</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Demographic Information</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"></td><td rowspan="2" colSpan="1">Technical Service Providers</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" colSpan="1">Precise Geolocation</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1">x</td><td style="text-align:center" rowspan="1" colSpan="1"></td></tr></tbody></table></div><p id="ycrc-p14" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Personal information that you provide for a specific purpose will not be sold or used for targeted advertising or profiling to further any decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects.</p><p id="ycrc-p15" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">You may designate an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf. For an authorized agent to be considered verified, you must provide the authorized agent with signed, written affidavit to make such requests or a power of attorney. We may follow up with you to verify your identity before processing an agent’s request. Failure to follow these instructions may result in our inability to process your request.</p><p id="ycrc-p16" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">To view our CCPA request metrics, please click <a aria-label="click-here-for-metrics" title="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class=TM-link href="">here</a>.</p><p id="ycrc-p17" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><b>“Shine the Light” Law.</b> If you are a California resident and have an established business relationship with us, you can <a aria-label="email-us" title="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class={{class}} href="">email us</a> to request a list of the personal information we have shared with third parties for their marketing purposes. We will also give you a list of the third parties that have received your information. You can make a request one time each year. Mention in your email that you are making a "California Shine the Light" inquiry. We will respond within 30 days.</p><p id="ycrc-p18" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><b>Do Not Track.</b> Our websites and apps are not designed to respond to "do not track" requests from browsers.</p><p id="ycrc-p19" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">Our websites respond to global privacy control—or “GPC”—signals, if we detect that a browser is communicating a GPC signal, we will process that as a request to opt that browser and device out of ‘sale’ via cookies and tracking tools on our website. Note that if return to our website from a different device or use a different browser on the same device, you will need to opt out (or set GPC for) that browser and device as well.</p></div></div></li></ol></div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_image-section-4__i6OPm"><div class="privacyPolicy_image-left__Pt6g8"><div id="image-card-5" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_section-4-left-image-container-class__A6VK7"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/section-4-left.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_section-4-left-image-class__nL6Rm" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/section-4-left.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_image-right__Q75N8"><div id="image-card-6" data-testid="image-card" class="sc-eTtvFv fNJbUI imageCard_image-card-container__Y68Al privacyPolicy_section-4-right-image-container-class__6ij9I"><picture><source media="(max-width: 480px)" srcSet="images/privacy-policy/mobile/section-4-right.png"/><img loading="lazy" class="imageCard_image__966yn privacyPolicy_section-4-right-image-class__2kjm4" src="images/privacy-policy/desktop/section-4-right.png" title="Privacy Policy" alt="Privacy Policy"/></picture></div></div></div><div id="looking-after-your-information" data-section="true" style="margin-top:70px" class="section-bottom-margin"><div class="sc-jonzHS fBhNkT privacyPolicy_common-heading__Qv0RJ privacyPolicy_common-heading-font-en__WqRCN"><div id="line1" class="privacyPolicy_line1__jrtau">Looking After Your</div><div id="line2" class="privacyPolicy_line2__tq9S_">Information</div></div><div class="privacyPolicy_common-description__21K3V"><p id="layic-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">We have security measures in place to protect your information. The security measures we use will depend on the type of information collected. If you think that an unauthorized account has been created using your name, contact us. We are not responsible for third party websites and apps. If you click on a third-party link, you will be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of those websites. Read the privacy policy of other websites carefully. Our site may also serve third-party content that contains their own cookies or tracking technologies.</p><div id="layis1"><h4 data-testid="h4" id="layis1t" dir="auto"><u>How long do we retain your personal information?</u></h4><p id="layis1p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><b>Your Ticketmaster Account.</b> <!-- --><span>Your account is your digital identity on Ticketmaster; it is how we ensure your ticket purchases are secure and connected to an individual. It is also the primary basis for determining how long we keep your information.</span></p><p id="layis1p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><span>Whenever you purchase a ticket, log into your account, or interact with us, we log this activity. So long as your account remains active we will continue to retain the information we have processed about you. For example we will:</span></p><ul id="layis1-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Retain your purchases or favorites so we can recommend relevant events;</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Keep your tickets assigned to you, so we continue to deliver events to true fans; and</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Keep your account validated and secure.</li></ul><p id="layis1p3" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><span>Your information will be deleted if you either (1) request deletion of your account, in which case your account and associated information will be deleted within a maximum of 90 days depending on the timeframes required by your local laws; or (2) your account has 7 years’ of inactivity.</span></p><p id="layis1p4" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><span>Aside from this account-based rule, the retention of your information is also determined on the following bases:</span></p><ul id="layis1-ul2" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>To provide you with the services you have requested.</b> <!-- --><span>For example, when you purchase tickets or services from us, we cannot delete your account while you have an upcoming event, as you would not be able to attend the event you have purchased.</span></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When a law requires us to retain your information.</b> <!-- --><span>For example, we retain certain purchase information for accounting and tax purposes even after you have deleted your account.</span></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>When we have processed certain data with your consent.</b> <!-- --><span>For example, if you have provided us with details of your accessible needs, if you withdraw your consent to this processing, we would delete that information.</span></li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li4" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto"><b>Safety & Security.</b> <!-- --><span>We also maintain limited information in separate databases to keep our platforms safe and secure, such as to detect and prevent fraud, to power cyber security protections and to enforce our terms and any attempt to circumvent them.</span></li></ul><p id="layis1-m" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto"><span>When our retention periods are triggered, we either:</span></p><ul id="bullet-list" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined undefined"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li5" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Securely delete the information; or</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis1-li6" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">We anonymize the information. For example, where we would like to report on year-on-year sales, we retain the sales information, but remove any information linking the sales back to individuals who made the purchases.</li></ul></div><div id="iayis2"><h4 data-testid="h4" id="layis2t" dir="auto"><u>Data Transfers</u></h4><p id="layis2p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">As a part of a global group of companies headquartered in the United States, we may need to transfer your information outside of your country of residency. This occurs where:</p><ul id="layis2-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis2-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">We rely on shared services provided by the Ticketmaster group of companies, some of which may be located outside of the country where you are resident. For example, our global platform is designed and maintained primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis2-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">When world-class acts are touring, in order to provide you a seamless experience, your information may be transferred internationally if that is not based in your country of residence.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layis2-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">We use global service providers, such as the ones noted above.</li></ul></div><p id="layic-p2" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">When transferring information, there are strict rules in place to ensure your data is still protected to the highest standard. Where we do this, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place. Where your information is transferred outside of your local market, we use contractual measures and internal mechanisms requiring the recipient to comply with the privacy standards of the exporter, we will use one of the mechanisms listed below.</p><ul id="layic-ul1" data-testid="bullet-list" class="undefined TM"><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layic-li1" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Contractual Clauses, such as the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission and other Regulatory Bodies where applicable.</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layic-li2" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Binding Corporate Rules</li><li class="sc-iLIByi ksAtah" id="layic-li3" data-testid="list-item" dir="auto">Binding Corporate Processor Rules</li></ul><p id="layic-p5" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">For more information, or to get a copy of the relevant documentation please <a aria-label="contact us" title="contact us" class=TM-link href="#contact-us">contact us</a>.</p></div></div><div class="sc-bWijRQ hUFgzi border privacy-page-border-2"></div><div id="data-controll" class="privacyPolicy_data-controll__I2LeE section-bottom-margin"><h1 data-testid="h1" dir="auto">Ticketmaster entities per country</h1><p id="dc-p1" data-testid="paragraph" class="paragraph undefined" dir="auto">The data controller that processes your data depends on which market you have an account or subscription with. The Ticketmaster family of companies also provides support services on behalf of one another and therefore acts as processors on behalf of the data controller to whom you have provided your data.</p><div id="dc-accordion" data-testid="accordion"><button class="accordion_accordionButton__dISS_" type="button" data-testid="accordion-button" tabindex="0"><div class="accordion_titleContainer__a1GO8"><h4 data-testid="h4" style="margin:0" dir="auto">Ticketmaster entities per country</h4><div role="img" aria-label="close"><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M16 0H0v16h16z"></path><path fill="#262626" fill-opacity=".65" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M3.278 5.459A.75.75 0 0 0 2.221 6.52l5.263 5.24a.75.75 0 0 0 1.059 0L13.78 6.52a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-4.71 4.711L3.278 5.46z"></path></g></svg></div></div></button><div data-testid="accordion-content" class="privacyPolicy_hideAccordionContentClassName__2Sn4r"><div id="data-controll-table" data-testid="data-controll-table" class="data-controll-table"><table><thead><tr><th scope="row">Country</th><th scope="row">Company</th><th scope="row">Address</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Australia</td><td>Ticketmaster Australasia Pty Ltd</td><td>111 Cambridge St, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia, PO Box 1670, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia</td></tr><tr><td>New Zealand</td><td>Ticketmaster NZ Ltd</td><td>Lane Neave, Level 8, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand</td></tr><tr><td>Austria</td><td>Ticketmaster Gmbh Niederlassung Wien (Austrian Branch)</td><td>Alser Str. 21/9, A- 1080 Wien,Austria</td></tr><tr><td>Belgium</td><td>Ticketmaster Belgium N.V.</td><td>Esplanade 1 box 33,1020 Brussels, Belgium</td></tr><tr><td>Brazil</td><td>Ticketmaster Brasil Ltda. / CNPJ No. 42.789.521/0001-10</td><td>Avenida Nova Independencia, 87</td></tr><tr><td>Chile</td><td>Ticketmaster Chile SpA</td><td>Calle Benjamin Nº 2935, Office 802, commune of Las Condes,Santiago</td></tr><tr><td>Czech Republic</td><td>Ticketmaster Česká republika, a.s.</td><td>Jungmannova 26/15, Nové Město Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic</td></tr><tr><td>Denmark</td><td>Ticketmaster Danmark A/S</td><td>Gammel Kongevej 60,5th, 1850 Frederiksberg C,Denmark</td></tr><tr><td>Finland</td><td>Ticketmaster Suomi Oy</td><td>Keskuskatu 6, 00100 Helsinki,Finland</td></tr><tr><td>France</td><td>Ticketnet</td><td>Immeuble CityLife, 28 allée d’Aquitaine, 92000 Nanterre</td></tr><tr><td>Greece</td><td>Ticketmaster Hellas S.A.</td><td>26 Vouliagmenis Avenue,Glyfada, 166 75 Athens,Greece</td></tr><tr><td>Germany</td><td>Ticketmaster GmbH</td><td>Spree-Forum, Alt-Moabit 60, 10555 Berlin (Tiergarten),Germany</td></tr><tr><td>Cyprus</td><td>Tickethour (Cyprus) Limited</td><td>Giannou Kranidioti 10,Nice Day House,6th Floor, Flat/Office 602,1065 Limassol, Cyprus</td></tr><tr><td>Ireland</td><td>Ticketline Unlimited Company t/a Ticketmaster</td><td>2nd floor, College Park House,20 Nassau Street,Dublin 2, D02 VY46</td></tr><tr><td>Israel</td><td>Ticketmaster Israel Ltd.</td><td>7 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd,Rishon Lezion, Israel</td></tr><tr><td>Italy</td><td>Ticketmaster Italy s.r.l.</td><td>Via Pietrasanta 14,20141 Milano, Italy</td></tr><tr><td>Netherlands</td><td>Ticketmaster B.V.</td><td>Regulusweg 5,2516 AC 's-Gravenhage,The Netherlands</td></tr><tr><td>Norway</td><td>Billettservice AS</td><td>Torggata 5, 0181 Oslo,Norway</td></tr><tr><td>Peru</td><td>Ticketmaster Peru S.A.</td><td>Calle Bolognesi N° 180, Miraflores, Province and Department of Lima</td></tr><tr><td>Poland</td><td>Ticketmaster Poland sp. z o.o.</td><td>ul. Bukowińska 22b,02-703 Warsaw, Poland</td></tr><tr><td>Qatar</td><td>Ticketmaster Doha, LLC</td><td>Al Jaidah Square, Regus Doha Downtown, 63 Airport Road, 1st Floor, Umm Ghuwailina Zone 27,P. O. Box 23289, Doha, Qatar</td></tr><tr><td>Saudi Arabia</td><td>Ticketmaster Arabia Company LLC</td><td>King Fahad Road, Al Olaya, P.O. Box 300807, Post Code 12214,Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi</td></tr><tr><td>Spain</td><td>Ticketmaster Spain S.A.U.</td><td>Paseo San Juan, 104, 6º2ª -Barcelona</td></tr><tr><td>Sweden</td><td>Ticketmaster Sverige AB</td><td>Box 12247, 102 26 Stockholm,Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Switzerland</td><td>Ticketmaster Schweiz AG</td><td>Zürichstrasse 125,CH 8600 Dübendorf,Switzerland</td></tr><tr><td>United Kingdom</td><td>Ticketmaster UK Limited</td><td>30 St. John Street, London, England, EC1M 4AY</td></tr><tr><td>Turkey</td><td>Biletix Bilet Dağıtım, Basım ve Ticaret A.Ş.</td><td>Ayazağa Mah. Azerbaycan Cad.Vadi İstanbul 3B/2-3 Sarıyer –İstanbul,TÜRKİYE</td></tr><tr><td>Thailand</td><td>Thaiticketmajor Co.,Ltd </td><td>3199 Maleenont Tower, 27th Floor Rama 4 Road, Khlong Tan Subdistrict, Khlong Toei District Bangkok, 10110 Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>UAE</td><td>Ticketmaster Middle East FZ-LLC</td><td>Unit 304-305, Block C, Office Park Building, Dubai Internet City, PO Box 502729, Dubai,UAE</td></tr><tr><td>South Africa</td><td>Ticketmaster South Africa Proprietary Limited</td><td>6th floor, Earlgo Building, 2 Park Road, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa 8001</td></tr><tr><td>Mexico</td><td>Venta de Boletos por Computadora, S.A. de C.V.</td><td>Independencia No. 90, Colonia Centro, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06050, Mexico City, Mexico</td></tr><tr><td>Singapore</td><td>Ticketmaster-Singapore Pte. Ltd.</td><td>2 Stadium Walk, Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore 397691</td></tr><tr><td>Taiwan</td><td>Tixcraft Inc.</td><td>10F., NO.270, SEC. 3, Nanjing E.Road., Songshan DIST., Taipei City,10551, Taiwan (R.O.C.)</td></tr><tr><td>Canada</td><td>Ticketmaster Canada Holdings ULC</td><td>1 Blue Jays Way, Suite 3900 Toronto, ON M5V 1J3, Canada</td></tr><tr><td>United States</td><td>Ticketmaster L.L.C</td><td>9348 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90210, USA</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></main></div></div></div><div role="contentinfo" style="background-color:#f6f6f6"><div class="sc-gLTcDU fnZVHV contactUs_contact-us-container-wrapper__B4HPp"><div data-testid="contact-us" data-section="true" id="contact-us" class="contactUs_contact-us-container__pjOaM"><div style="margin-bottom:25px"><picture><source media="(max-width: 475px)" srcSet="images/contact-us/mobile/TM-privacy-new.svg"/><img loading="lazy" class="contactUs_TM-privacy__Pn6Hi" src="images/contact-us/desktop/TM-privacy-new.svg" alt="TM-privacy"/></picture></div><div><div id="write-us" class="write-us"><div class="section"><div class="heading">You can also write to us at:</div><div><bdi>Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.</bdi></div><div><bdi>9348 Civic Center Drive</bdi></div><div><bdi>Beverly Hills, CA 90210</bdi></div></div><div class="section"><span class="text-style"><bdi>Attention:</bdi></span> <!-- --><span><bdi>Privacy Officer, Legal</bdi></span><div><bdi>There’s also your local Supervisory Authority where you have one, although we encourage you to try and let us help you first.</bdi></div></div><div class="section" style="margin-bottom:0"><bdi>From time to time we may change our privacy practices. We will notify you of any material changes to this policy as may be required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our website. Please check our site periodically for updates.</bdi></div><div class="section"><span class="text-style"><bdi>Last updated:<!-- --> <!-- --></bdi></span><span><bdi>December 19, 2024</bdi></span></div></div><hr class="contactUs_contact-us-separator__IdXAd"/><div class="contactUs_contact-us__wL2wA"><div class="contactUs_heading__IZwmq contactUs_TM-heading-color__RoMvi"><bdi>Contact Us</bdi></div><div class="contactUs_label__lQSeY"><bdi>We have a global privacy team of trust and security professionals that ensure end-to-end protection of your personal information throughout the data lifecycle. If you have any questions about the above, or our approach to privacy, our dedicated Privacy Office, including our Chief Privacy Officer, Hannah Foster, and our Group Data Protection Officer, Alex Bryant, is here to help:<!-- --> <!-- --><a class="contactUs_mailto__EjVAV" aria-label="" title="" href=""></a></bdi></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="tmFooter_tmfooter-wrapper__dyx9w"><div data-testid="tm-footer-loader" class="tmFooter_tmfooter__UrnLi"><div display="block" class="sc-bBXxYQ sc-cOFTSb cDBsCM dJbkNZ"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div display="block" class="sc-bBXxYQ sc-BeQoi cDBsCM elopGj"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div display="block" class="sc-bBXxYQ sc-kgUAyh cDBsCM gBXdLS"><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-jNXgPE ebDRLZ back-to-top"><a title="Back to top" href="#top"><svg role="img" style="color:#026cdf" aria-labelledby="back-to-top" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.476 13.406a1 1 0 0 0 .097 1.302l.112.097a1 1 0 0 0 1.302-.097l4.96-4.959v14.919l.009.136a1 1 0 0 0 1.99-.136V9.726l5.067 4.988.113.096a1 1 0 0 0 1.29-1.521l-6.768-6.667a1.006 1.006 0 0 0-.111-.095h-.001a.993.993 0 0 0-.574-.192m-.026 0a.996.996 0 0 0-.697.293l-6.666 6.666-.097.112" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></a></div><!--/$--></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"host":"","domain":"ca","appUrl":"","brand":"TM","eventSearchHostUrl":"","baseUrl":""},"__lang":"en","__namespaces":{"seo":{"PRIVACY_HOME":{"TITLE":"Privacy","DESCRIPTION":"Your Data. Your Trust.","PATH":"/"},"PRIVACY_POLICY":{"TITLE":"Privacy Policy","DESCRIPTION":"You trust us with your personal information. We earn that trust by being clear and honest about how and why we will use it. Read more about the information we collect and your choices and rights.","PATH":"/privacy-policy"},"COOKIE_POLICY":{"TITLE":"Cookie Policy","DESCRIPTION":"We use a variety of online technologies to power the best digital experiences. Learn more why we use these tools and how you can control them.","PATH":"/cookie-policy"},"VSITOR_POLICY":{"TITLE":"Visitor Policy","DESCRIPTION":"When you visit our events or sites we may need to collect some personal information about you. Learn more about what we collect about you and your choices and rights.","PATH":"/visitor-policy"},"OUR_COMMITMENTS":{"TITLE":"Our Commitment","DESCRIPTION":"Fans’ rights and choices are at the forefront of everything we do. These are the 10 commitments that drive our privacy program, globally.","PATH":"/our-commitments"}},"common":{"HEADER":{"go":"Go","Home":"Home","goTo":"Go to","Privacy":"Privacy","Privacy Home":"Privacy Home","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Cookie Policy":"Cookie Policy","Our Commitments":"Our Commitments","Visitor Policy":"Visitor Policy","Page Not Found":"Page Not Found","description":"Your Data. Your Trust.","pageNotFoundTitle":["Page Not Found"],"privacyHomeTitle":["Privacy"],"ourCommitmentsTitle":["Our","Commitments"],"privacyPolicyTitle":["Privacy","Policy"],"cookiePolicyTitle":["Cookie","Policy"],"visitorPolicyTitle":["Visitor","Policy"]},"SEARCH":{"events":"events","placeholder":"Find millions of live experiences","searchMessage":"Type at least 2 characters","NoResult":"No results found","suggestion":"Search suggestions"},"RIGHTS_RESERVED":"Ticketmaster. All rights reserved.","BACK_TO_TOP":"Back to top","MANAGE_MY_COOKIE":"Manage My Cookies","BUTTON":{"READ_OUR_PRIVACY_POLICY":"Read our Privacy Policy","READ_OUR_COOKIE_POLICY":"Read our Cookie Policy","READ_OUR_COMMITMENTS":"Read our Commitments"},"OUR_PRIVACY_PROMISE":"Our Privacy Promise","CONTACT_US":{"TITLE":"Contact Us","DESCRIPTION":"We have a global privacy team of trust and security professionals that ensure end-to-end protection of your personal information throughout the data lifecycle. If you have any questions about the above, or our approach to privacy, our dedicated Privacy Office, including our Chief Privacy Officer, Hannah Foster, and our Group Data Protection Officer, Alex Bryant, is here to help:","WRITE_US":{"TITLE":"You can also write to us at:","LINE1":"Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.","LINE2":"9348 Civic Center Drive","LINE3":"Beverly Hills, CA 90210"},"ATTENTION":{"TITLE":"Attention:","MESSAGE":"Privacy Officer, Legal","PARAGRAPH1":"There’s also your local Supervisory Authority where you have one, although we encourage you to try and let us help you first.","PARAGRAPH2":"From time to time we may change our privacy practices. We will notify you of any material changes to this policy as may be required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our website. Please check our site periodically for updates."},"LAST_UPDATE_TITLE":"Last updated:"},"PAGE":{"PRIVACY_HOME":"Privacy Home","PRIVACY_POLICY":"Privacy Policy","COOKIE_POLICY":"Cookie Policy","OUR_COMMITMENTS":"Our Commitments","VISITOR_POLICY":"Visitor Policy","NOT_FOUND":{"clientError":"An error occurred on the client.","serverError":"An error {{code}} occurred on the server. The requested page was not found."}},"CONTACT":{"TITLE":"Contact","ROUTE":"#contact-us","CONTACT_US":"contact us"},"RIGHT_AND_CHOICE":"Your Rights \u0026 Choices","LEARN_MORE":"Learn More","NORTH_AMERICA":"North America","INTL":"International","HERE":"here","QUICK_LINKS":"Quick Links","TABLE":{"HEADER":{"Country":"Country","Company":"Company","Address":"Address"}}},"privacy-policy":{"quickLinks":{"Our commitment to you":"Our commitment to you","Privacy Notice":"Privacy Notice","Summary":"Summary","What information we have \u0026 where we get it":"What information we have \u0026 where we get it","How we use your information \u0026 why":"How we use your information \u0026 why","Who we share your data with \u0026 why":"Who we share your data with \u0026 why","Your choices \u0026 rights":"Your choices \u0026 rights","Looking after your information":"Looking after your information","Contact us":"Contact us"},"heroTitle":{"line1":"You trust us with your personal information, so we strive to always be clear and honest about how and why we will use it.","line2":"Read more about what we collect, along with your choices and rights."},"commitment":{"title":["Our Commitment","To You"],"paragraphs":{"paragraph1":"Our goal is to maintain your trust and confidence by handling your personal information with respect and putting you in control.","paragraph2":"It’s important that you know what personal information we collect and how we use it. The list of entities who process your information, depending on where you create an account, can be found above the ‘Contact’ section.","paragraph3":"We’ve done our best to make our explanations short and easy to understand. But, if you’d like further information, or have any questions, please contact us using the details in the \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href={{route}}\u003e‘{{title}}’\u003c/a\u003e section below.","paragraph4":"If we ever make any major changes to our privacy practices, we’ll let you know. If necessary, we’ll also ask for your permission."}},"notice":{"title":["Privacy","Notice"],"message":"Our Privacy Notice has been designed with you in mind. How the notice applies to you will depend on the way in which you interact with us. For example, if you:","examples":{"example1":"Purchase a ticket from us, we will use the information you provide to fulfil both our and the Event Partner’s (artist, promoter, record label or venue) obligations to you in delivering that service, and, where permitted, keep you up to date about other events that may be of interest to you.","example2":"Browse our sites, we use cookies to tailor your experience and provide a seamless experience."},"footNote":"Your choices and rights for each scenario are explained in more detail below."},"summary":{"title":["Summary"],"message":"Click on ‘Learn More’ for more information or scroll down to read the full policy.","details":{"what":{"title":"What information we have \u0026 where we get it","message":"We collect and store different types of information when you create an account, buy tickets, contact us, and use our websites, apps and social media. \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#what-information-we-have-\u0026-where-we-get-it\"\u003e{{name}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"how":{"title":"How we use your information \u0026 why","message":"We collect and use your information for lots of reasons such as helping you get into the shows you love, sharing news, for marketing and as otherwise required by law. \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#how-we-use-your-information-\u0026-why\"\u003e{{name}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"who":{"title":"Who we share your data with \u0026 why","message":"We share your information with Event Partner(s) – such as the artist, promoter, or venue – as well as other third parties associated with the service provided. \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#who-we-share-your-data-with-\u0026-why\"\u003e{{name}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"choice":{"title":"Your choices \u0026 rights","message":"Among other rights, you can choose whether to receive marketing from us. You also have the right to access the information we have about you. \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#your-choices-\u0026-rights\"\u003e{{name}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"look":{"title":"Looking after your information","message":"We’re always taking steps to make sure your information is protected and deleted securely when we no longer need it. \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#looking-after-your-information\"\u003e{{name}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"contact":{"title":"Contact us","message":"If you have any questions or feedback about how we handle your information, get in touch with us. \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#contact-us\"\u003e{{name}}\u003c/a\u003e"}}},"what":{"title":["What Information","We Have \u0026","Where We Get It"],"paragraph1":"When we collect your personal information, we store it in our customer databases, such as our ticketing platforms to manage your event access, our payment platforms to process your orders, our customer services platforms to manage any queries you have, and our marketing system in order to be able to communicate with you, subject to your choices.","message":"Given the global nature of our business some of the products and services we offer may differ and not be available in the country where you have an account.","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"When you create an account and buy tickets.","description":"When you create an account, buy a ticket, register for a presale or have a ticket transferred to you by a friend, we will collect information directly from you. Depending on the service we are providing, this may include your contact and billing information, such as your name, street address, zip or post code, email, phone number and credit card."},"bullet2":{"title":"When you buy tickets from third parties.","description":"When you buy tickets from third-party e-commerce sites, the third party will send us information such as your contact and billing details and information about your ticket purchase for us to allocate tickets to you."},"bullet3":{"title":"When using our websites and apps.","description":"When you use our websites or apps, we may use tracking tools like browser cookies and web beacons and technology like GPS and Wi-Fi to passively collect data about you, such as the browser and device you're using, your IP address, your location, the site you came from, what you did and didn't use our site/app for, or the site you visit when you leave us. For more information on how we collect this information, see our \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{route}}\u003e{{title}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"bullet4":{"title":"When you contact our fan experience and customer support teams.","description":"When you contact our Customer Services teams with a query or provide us with feedback, we record that interaction for evidentiary purposes and to provide support related to your query."},"bullet5":{"title":"When you use social media and online public forums.","description":"When you use a social media feature within our website or apps, post to social media platforms, or post on a public space or on one of our websites, the social media site may provide us with some information about you."},"bullet6":{"title":"When you book accessible tickets.","description":"If you have accessibility requirements, we want to make sure you have the best experience when attending events. To do this, we need to collect details of your requirements. We only do this once, with your requirements then on record if you purchase an accessible ticket with us again."},"bullet7":{"title":"When you sell a ticket on Ticketmaster.","description":"As we are transferring money to you, we need to collect information such as a valid ID as part of our Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Once your identity has been verified, we securely delete this information. We may also collect information from you when you use our services as a seller, including additional identification data such as tax identification numbers."},"bullet8":{"title":"Processing of children's data.","description":"In the few cases where we collect personal information from children, we always seek parental consent and will only collect such information for the purposes specified when collected."},"bullet9":{"title":"Geodemographic data.","description":". We might collect or use suppliers such as advertising and marketing partners who collate geodemographic data including age range, gender, or information about events you like or products you buy which assists us in better personalizing our services to you. If you’d prefer that we do not do this, see the \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#your-choices-\u0026-rights\"\u003e‘{{title}}’\u003c/a\u003e section below."},"bullet10":{"title":"Information used for health \u0026 safety purposes.","description":"We may collect information from ticket purchasers and attendees for compliance purposes related to infectious disease to the extent required under applicable law. This information may include names, contact details, seat locations, along with entry and exit times."}},"footNote":"In situations where a third party for an event organizer requires the collection of health information (such as test results), please refer to their privacy policy and terms to understand how your data was collected and used."},"how":{"title":["How We Use Your","Information \u0026 Why"],"message":"This section explains how we use your information and the legal grounds/purposes for which we use it.","first":{"title":"For the performance of our contract with you","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"When you make purchases.","description":"We use your information when you enter a contract or transaction with us (for example to buy merchandise or a ticket) so we can:","subBulltes":{"subBulltes1":"process your order","subBulltes2":"send you customer service emails including booking confirmations and event reminders","subBulltes3":"take payment","subBulltes4":"provide you with customer support."}},"bullet2":{"title":"Event Partner(s).","description":"To share with Event Partner(s) who provide services for the event such as the Promoter or Venue to enable them to run the event, allocate seating or notify you if there has been a change to the event or provide important event information."},"bullet3":{"title":"Fan Registration.","description":"Some of our events have a Fan Registration presale. If you enter, we process your data to profile you to limit fraudulent ticket purchases. If you are rejected, it won’t stop you from purchasing tickets at a later date. For more information on how your data is used during the Fan Registration Process read our FAQs for \u003ca aria-label=\"north-america\" title={{link_na}} target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\"{{link_na}}\"\u003e{{title_na}}\u003c/a\u003e or \u003ca aria-label=\"International\" title={{link_intl}} target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{link_intl}}\u003e{{title_intl}}\u003c/a\u003e"},"bullet4":{"title":"Contest, Competitions and Referrals.","description":"We may use your information to confirm your registration for an event or contest. You may give us your friend's information, for example via our referral service to tell a friend about our website or to purchase a gift card. We will only use your friend's information to provide services you requested. Your friend may contact us to ask us to delete their information."}}},"second":{"title":"For our legitimate business interests","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"Marketing.","description":"In line with what is stated below and where local laws permit, to contact you with information or offers regarding upcoming events, products or services (applicable to markets that rely on legitimate interest) this may be via email, via push and web notifications, via SMS, or social media platforms. You can change your marketing preferences at any time, see \u003ca aria-label=\"Your choices and rights\" title=\"Your choices and rights\" class={{class}} href=\"#your-choices-\u0026-rights\"\u003e“Your choices and rights”\u003c/a\u003e section below."},"bullet2":{"title":"Advertising \u0026 cookies.","description":"In line with what is stated below and where local laws permit, to deliver tailored advertising and marketing communications on our websites and apps depending on your market, see our \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{route}}\u003e{{title}}\u003c/a\u003e for more information."},"bullet3":{"title":"Market research \u0026 fan feedback.","description":"To conduct market research and analysis which helps improve and customize our products and services and to contact you with satisfaction surveys, or to participate in user research (such as focus groups). We include an unsubscribe option for this kind of contact should you no longer wish to receive them."},"bullet4":{"title":"Personalization.","description":"To make sure our messages and website are relevant to you (depending on your market). For example, when you ‘favorite’ certain artists and genres, purchase tickets, attend shows with friends and sign up for presales, we will inform you about similar events we think you might be interested in. We create a user profile with the information we have and how you use our services. By turning personalization off you won’t get any personal recommendations and any newsletters you’ve subscribed to will be generic (although if you’ve asked to receive alerts about specific artists or venues, you’ll still receive these)."}},"footNote":"We will still perform profiling activities where we need to so we can deliver our services to you, for example for fraud screening purposes and where you specifically request we do so such as for a Fan Registration Presale."},"third":{"title":"For our overriding legitimate business interests","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"To prevent or detect unlawful behavior, to protect or enforce our legal rights or as otherwise permitted by law.","description":"For example, making sure tickets get into the hands of real fans. As such, we may use this information to prevent ticket touting, misuse of our intellectual property (e.g. our Event Partners’ brands), fraud, or other crimes."},"bullet2":{"title":"Site Protection.","description":"This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and Google \u003ca aria-label=\"Privacy Policy\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\"\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e and \u003ca aria-label=\"Terms of Service \" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\"\"\u003e Terms of Service \u003c/a\u003eapply."},"bullet3":{"title":"Event security.","description":"To protect our fans and ensure the security of our and our Event Partners’ operations."}}},"forth":{"title":"Where you’ve given your consent","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"Marketing.","description":"Where local laws permit, to contact you with information or offers regarding upcoming events, products or services (applicable to markets that rely on consent) – this may be via email, push and web notifications, SMS, or social media platforms. You can change your marketing preferences at any time, see \u003ca aria-label=\"Your choices and rights\" title=\"Your choices and rights\" class={{class}} href=\"#your-choices-\u0026-rights\"\u003e“Your choices and rights”\u003c/a\u003e section below."},"bullet2":{"title":"Location-based services.","description":"For example, our apps request location permission for functions like browsing events near you, receiving push notifications about them or seeing yourself on the map at an event."},"bullet3":{"title":"Advertising \u0026 cookies.","description":"Where local laws permit, to deliver tailored advertising and marketing communications on our websites and apps, depending on your market, see our \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{route}}\u003e{{title}}\u003c/a\u003e for more information."},"bullet4":{"title":"Accessibility.","description":"To process your health data to meet your accessibility requirements, where specifically required and explicit consent is provided."},"bullet5":{"title":"Commercial Partners.","description":"We sometimes work with Commercial Partners who we share data with. These are third party data controllers that we work with to provide additional value-add services, such as our travel packages, sponsors or exclusive presale deals. In some circumstances, where sharing is not necessary for us to perform the contract you have requested, we will request your permission."}}},"fifth":{"title":"To protect your vital interests","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"Health and Safety.","description":"Any information collected by us or our third-party partners in compliance with applicable health and safety requirements will only be used to contact attendees or shared with relevant local, government officials. This information is regularly deleted."}}}},"who":{"title":["Who We Share","Your Data With","\u0026 Why"],"bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"Ticketmaster Companies.","description":"Within the Ticketmaster group and associated family of companies, referenced below, who provide services for us such as marketing, profiling, reporting and technical and product support."},"bullet2":{"title":"Third parties who perform services on our behalf.","description":"Our third-party service providers, some of which may be located outside of your jurisdiction. These include:","subBulltes":{"subBulltes1":"Cloud hosting providers, who provide the IT infrastructure on which our global products and systems are built;","subBulltes2":"Payment platforms, who provide the infrastructure to process payments; ","subBulltes3":"Outsourced customer service teams, who support in responding to queries you may have;","subBulltes4":"Information security providers, who help us keep our platforms safe and secure; and;","subBulltes5":"Marketing providers, who power our data analytics, marketing communications and advertising."},"messasge":"As we are a global company, our service providers can differ between markets, however we have listed our main global providers below:","table":{"header":["Vendor","Description of support","Location"],"body":[{"Vendor":"Ticketmaster LLC \u0026 Ticketmaster UK Limited","Description":"Maintains our ticketing products and tools.","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"ZenDesk","Description":"Cloud-based customer support services (contact centres).","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"Braintree, a service of PayPal Inc.","Description":"Global online payment processing platform enabling digital and mobile payments on behalf of consumers and merchants.","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"Oracle America Inc.","Description":"Computing solutions providing data storage, cloud platforms, financial processing, and infrastructure management software.","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"OneTrust LLC","Description":"Cloud based management software providing automation for privacy assessments, website scanning, cookie compliance and incident and breach management.","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"Salesforce Inc.","Description":"Cloud-hosted ticketing system for support services (CRM, marketing automation and analytics).","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"Concentrix CVG Philippines","Description":"Outsourced customer support providing contact centre services (a combination of sales calls, customer services calls and emails across numerus ticketing systems).","Location":"Manila, Mauritius"},{"Vendor":"Microsoft Cooperation","Description":"Computer software and related services.","Location":"North America"},{"Vendor":"Amazon Web Services (AWS)","Description":"Cloud hosting and infrastructure service providing secure hosting and storage for computing solutions.","Location":"North America"}]}},"bullet3":{"title":"Event Partners.","description":"Event Partners are the entities we work with to put on the event, such as the promoter, the venue or the artist. We share your information with our Event Partners so that they can run the event and for other reasons described in their privacy policies. In some cases, we will name the Event Partners when you purchase a ticket so you know who will receive your data, and you will be given the option to subscribe to receiving marketing from them (depending on your country)."},"bullet4":{"title":"Selling your ticket on Ticketmaster.","description":"If you buy or sell tickets on our site, we may disclose your information to the buyer or seller (as applicable) for order fulfilment purposes – meaning that you get the ticket you’ve bought, or paid for the ticket you’ve sold."},"bullet5":{"title":"Third party products.","description":"If you have bought any goods and services fulfilled by third parties (such as ticket insurance or merchandise), we’ll share data with them so that they can process and fulfil your orders. When making a payment online these may be processed by Braintree, an online payments provider and a service of PayPal. Please see \u003ca aria-label=\"braintree\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\"\"\u003eBraintree’s Privacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e for more information on how they process personal information related to credit cards payments."},"bullet6":{"title":"Commercial Partners.","description":"These are third parties we work with to provide additional value-add services. As the Commercial Partners we work with varies between services, we use just-in-time information to let you know when data will be shared with them and that it will be processed in accordance with their privacy notice."},"bullet7":{"title":"Disclosures under law.","description":"We may share information to respond to a court order or subpoena. We may also share information with a government agency or investigatory body as permitted or required by law. We may also share information when we are investigating potential fraud."},"bullet8":{"title":"Successors.","description":"We may share information with any successor to all or part of our business. For example, if part of our business is sold, customer data may be given as part of that transaction."}},"footNote":"We may share your information for reasons not described in this policy. We will tell you before we do this."},"choices":{"title":["Your Choices","\u0026 Rights"],"summary":"Your rights and choices may differ depending on the country where you are accessing our services from. These have been split out below. To buy and access tickets, fans must first create a Ticketmaster account and provide personal information. This helps us better serve you and issue digital tickets. By choosing not to provide your information when creating an account, you won’t be able to purchase and access digital tickets.","yourChoices":{"title":"Your choices","section1":{"message":"Where you have given us your consent (applicable to our markets that rely on consent), you can withdraw it by doing the following:","bullets":{"bullet1":"\u003cb\u003eTo stop receiving our marketing\u003c/b\u003e you can change your preferences within your account, follow the unsubscribe instructions in any of the emails we send you or contact us and we will do it for you.","bullet2":"\u003cb\u003eTo opt out of the use of cookies and tracking tools\u003c/b\u003e, please see our \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{route}}\u003e{{title}}\u003c/a\u003e. This can also be done my updating your preferences in the cookie management tool on any of our websites and apps.","bullet3":"\u003cb\u003eTo opt out of location tracking and push notifications\u003c/b\u003e, you can change the settings on your device or keep your location off. To stop web push notifications, you will need to use your browser settings."}},"section2":{"message":"Where we have relied on a legitimate interest (applicable to our markets that rely on consent), you can object to it by doing the following:","bullets":{"bullet1":"\u003cb\u003eTo object to receiving our marketing\u003c/b\u003e you can change your preferences within your account, follow the unsubscribe instructions in any of the emails we send you or contact us and we will do it for you.","bullet2":"\u003cb\u003eTo object to personalization\u003c/b\u003e you can change your preferences within your account. If this option is not available, you can contact us and we will do it for you.","bullet3":"\u003cb\u003eTo object to being contacted as part of fan feedback\u003c/b\u003e, you can unsubscribe through the mechanisms in the messages to you or contact us and we will do it for you."}}},"yourRights":{"title":"Your rights","description":"As a global company, our fans are located all over the world, depending on your market there are specific laws and regulations around privacy rights such as the GDPR in Europe, LGPD in Brazil and CCPA in United States. The below rights may be appliable in your market. ","section1":{"title":"Global Rights (excluding United States)","bullets":{"bullet1":"The right to request that your information be deleted, otherwise known as erasure or restricted from further use. The right to delete or erase your account cannot be made where you have a ticket or transaction for a future event even if you have printed or received these tickets so once the event has passed then this request can be exercised. A deletion of your account will result in loss of access to any digital assets (i.e. NFTs) that you may own.","bullet2":"The right to request a copy of the information we hold about you, also known as right of access. ","bullet3":"The right to correct, amend or update information you have given us (where you have an account with us you can also do this by logging in and updating your information).","bullet4":"The right to contest any automated decision we make about you. An automated decision is a decision taken without any human intervention which has legal consequences (e.g. credit checking). We don’t typically carry out automated decision making but, if we do, we will make it clear where such decisions are being made."},"paragraph":"To exercise any of the above rights please contact us using our \u003ca aria-label=\"Webform\" title=\"Webform\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{webformLink}}\u003eWebform\u003c/a\u003e, please use the email associated with your account so we can locate your personal data. You may designate an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf. For an authorized agent to be considered verified, you must provide the authorized agent with a signed, written affidavit to make such requests or a power of attorney. We may follow up with you to verify your identity before processing an agent’s request. If you don’t follow these instructions we may not be able to process your request.","paragraph1":"Please note that whilst we will carefully assess every request we receive, your rights and the time period for actioning a right may differ according to your place of residence and we may not always have to comply. When this happens, we will explain why."},"section2":{"title":"United States Rights","paragraph1":{"title":"You have certain choices about how we use your information.","description":{"line1":"You have rights pertaining to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information.","line2":"Depending on where you live in the United States, for all other countries please see Global Rights above, you may have specific rights around your personal information. Below we explain what those rights are and how you can exercise them:"},"bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"Disclosure.","description":"You have the right to request a report showing the personal information collected, shared, and sold about you."},"bullet2":{"title":"Deletion.","description":"You have the right to request that we delete any personal information collected from or about you."},"bullet3":{"title":"Correction.","description":"You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate personal information collected from or about you."},"bullet4":{"title":"Opt-Out of Sale/Profiling.","description":"You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal information. This will also opt you out of targe-ted advertising or profiling. To opt-out click \u003ca title={{webformLink}} target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{webformLink}}\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e."},"bullet5":{"title":"Non-Discrimination.","description":"We shall not discriminate against you based on your exercise of any of the above rights."}}},"paragraph2":"You may enact any of the above rights by submitting a request clicking \u003ca aria-label=\"web-form-link\" title={{webformLink}} target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{webformLink}}\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e or calling us at 855-663-0150. You may also submit your request by mailing a letter to the address at the bottom of this policy. Please be sure to include your full name, email address, and which type of request you are making in your letter.","paragraph3":"\u003cb\u003eYour “Do Not Sell or Share” Rights Under the CCPA.\u003c/b\u003e Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents have the right to opt out of Ticketmaster sale or sharing of their personal information, as defined by the CCPA. \u003cb\u003e\u003cu\u003eCalifornia residents may exercise this right to opt out online by submitting a “Do Not Sell or Share My Information” request \u003ca aria-label=\"web-form-link\" title={{webformLink}} target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{webformLink}}\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/u\u003e\u003c/b\u003e. Alternatively, California residents may submit a request to opt out of sales or sharing by calling us at 855-663-0150.","englishOnlyParagraph":"Oregon Consumer Privacy Act: You may have the right to obtain additional information about third parties with whom we share your personal information. To learn more \u003ca aria-label=\"email-us\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\" Consumer Privacy Act - Third Party Information\"\u003eemail us\u003c/a\u003e.","paragraph4":"To verify your identity, we may collect information such as your full name and email address. This information will be compared to our existing records to verify the identity of the individual submitting the request. We may also require you to confirm your request via an automated email message before responding to your privacy rights request. Depending on the sensitivity of the information requested and the type of request, we may require additional information to verify your identity before responding. We will respond to your request within 45 days if possible and required under the law. Please note that if you we deny your request, you may appeal this denial by contacting us using the information at the bottom of this policy.","paragraph5":{"title":"Personal Information Collected:","bullets":{"bullet1":"Names and Aliases","bullet2":"Physical Address","bullet3":"Phone Number","bullet4":"E-Mail Address","bullet5":"IP Address","bullet6":"Unique Identifiers","bullet7":"Interactions with Customer Service","bullet8":"Information about transactions made on our services","bullet9":"Fan Preferences and Attributes","bullet10":"Cookies/Web Beacons - We use tracking tools like browser cookies and web beacons. To learn more about these tools and to control them, see \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href={{route}}\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","bullet11":{"title":"Sensitive Personal Information.","description":"We will never use or disclose any sensitive personal information you give us except to provide you with the goods and services you have requested or for the limited purposes allowed under the law."}}},"PersonalInformationDisclosedTable":{"title":"Personal Information Disclosed for a Business Purpose or Sold/Shared:","table":{}},"paragraph6":"Personal information that you provide for a specific purpose will not be sold or used for targeted advertising or profiling to further any decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects.","paragraph7":"You may designate an authorized agent to {{submitRequestPlaceholder}} on your behalf. For an authorized agent to be considered verified, you must provide the authorized agent with signed, written affidavit to make such requests or a power of attorney. We may follow up with you to verify your identity before processing an agent’s request. Failure to follow these instructions may result in our inability to process your request.","paragraph8":"To view our CCPA request metrics, please click \u003ca aria-label=\"click-here-for-metrics\" title=\"{{link}}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\"{{link}}\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","paragraph9":"\u003cb\u003e“Shine the Light” Law.\u003c/b\u003e If you are a California resident and have an established business relationship with us, you can \u003ca aria-label=\"email-us\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" class={{class}} href=\"\"\u003eemail us\u003c/a\u003e to request a list of the personal information we have shared with third parties for their marketing purposes. We will also give you a list of the third parties that have received your information. You can make a request one time each year. Mention in your email that you are making a \"California Shine the Light\" inquiry. We will respond within 30 days.","paragraph10":"\u003cb\u003eDo Not Track.\u003c/b\u003e Our websites and apps are not designed to respond to \"do not track\" requests from browsers.","paragraph11":"Our websites respond to global privacy control—or “GPC”—signals, if we detect that a browser is communicating a GPC signal, we will process that as a request to opt that browser and device out of ‘sale’ via cookies and tracking tools on our website. Note that if return to our website from a different device or use a different browser on the same device, you will need to opt out (or set GPC for) that browser and device as well."}}},"look":{"title":["Looking After Your","Information"],"paragraph1":"We have security measures in place to protect your information. The security measures we use will depend on the type of information collected. If you think that an unauthorized account has been created using your name, contact us. We are not responsible for third party websites and apps. If you click on a third-party link, you will be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of those websites. Read the privacy policy of other websites carefully. Our site may also serve third-party content that contains their own cookies or tracking technologies.","section1":{"title":"How long do we retain your personal information?","paragraph1":{"title":"Your Ticketmaster Account.","description":"Your account is your digital identity on Ticketmaster; it is how we ensure your ticket purchases are secure and connected to an individual. It is also the primary basis for determining how long we keep your information."},"paragraph2":{"description":"Whenever you purchase a ticket, log into your account, or interact with us, we log this activity. So long as your account remains active we will continue to retain the information we have processed about you. For example we will:","bullets":{"bullet1":"Retain your purchases or favorites so we can recommend relevant events;","bullet2":"Keep your tickets assigned to you, so we continue to deliver events to true fans; and","bullet3":"Keep your account validated and secure."}},"paragraph3":"Your information will be deleted if you either (1) request deletion of your account, in which case your account and associated information will be deleted within a maximum of 90 days depending on the timeframes required by your local laws; or (2) your account has 7 years’ of inactivity.","paragraph4":{"description":"Aside from this account-based rule, the retention of your information is also determined on the following bases:","bullets":{"bullet1":{"title":"To provide you with the services you have requested.","description":"For example, when you purchase tickets or services from us, we cannot delete your account while you have an upcoming event, as you would not be able to attend the event you have purchased."},"bullet2":{"title":"When a law requires us to retain your information.","description":"For example, we retain certain purchase information for accounting and tax purposes even after you have deleted your account."},"bullet3":{"title":"When we have processed certain data with your consent.","description":"For example, if you have provided us with details of your accessible needs, if you withdraw your consent to this processing, we would delete that information."},"bullet4":{"title":"Safety \u0026 Security.","description":"We also maintain limited information in separate databases to keep our platforms safe and secure, such as to detect and prevent fraud, to power cyber security protections and to enforce our terms and any attempt to circumvent them."},"message":"When our retention periods are triggered, we either:","bullet5":"Securely delete the information; or","bullet6":"We anonymize the information. For example, where we would like to report on year-on-year sales, we retain the sales information, but remove any information linking the sales back to individuals who made the purchases."}}},"section2":{"title":"Data Transfers","paragraph1":"As a part of a global group of companies headquartered in the United States, we may need to transfer your information outside of your country of residency. This occurs where:","bullets":{"bullet1":"We rely on shared services provided by the Ticketmaster group of companies, some of which may be located outside of the country where you are resident. For example, our global platform is designed and maintained primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom.","bullet2":"When world-class acts are touring, in order to provide you a seamless experience, your information may be transferred internationally if that is not based in your country of residence.","bullet3":"We use global service providers, such as the ones noted above."}},"paragraph2":"When transferring information, there are strict rules in place to ensure your data is still protected to the highest standard. Where we do this, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place. Where your information is transferred outside of your local market, we use contractual measures and internal mechanisms requiring the recipient to comply with the privacy standards of the exporter, we will use one of the mechanisms listed below.","bullets":{"bullet1":"Contractual Clauses, such as the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission and other Regulatory Bodies where applicable.","bullet2":"Binding Corporate Rules","bullet3":"Binding Corporate Processor Rules"},"footNote":"For more information, or to get a copy of the relevant documentation please \u003ca aria-label=\"{{title}}\" title=\"{{title}}\" class={{class}} href=\"#contact-us\"\u003e{{title}}\u003c/a\u003e."},"dataControllPerCountry":{"title":"Ticketmaster entities per country","messasge":"The data controller that processes your data depends on which market you have an account or subscription with. The Ticketmaster family of companies also provides support services on behalf of one another and therefore acts as processors on behalf of the data controller to whom you have provided your data.","table":{"header":["Country","Company"],"body":[{"country":"Australia","company":"Ticketmaster Australasia Pty Ltd"},{"country":"New Zealand","company":"Ticketmaster NZ Ltd"},{"country":"Austria","company":"Live Nation Austria GmbH („LNA“)"},{"country":"Germany \u0026 Austria","company":"Ticketmaster GmbH"},{"country":"Belgium","company":"Ticketmaster Belgium N.V"},{"country":"Brazil","company":"Ticketmaster Brasil Ltda. / CNPJ No. 42.789.521/0001-10"},{"country":"Czech Republic","company":"Ticketmaster Česká republika, a.s."},{"country":"Denmark","company":"Ticketmaster Danmark A/S"},{"country":"Finland","company":"Ticketmaster Suomi Oy"},{"country":"France","company":"Ticketnet"},{"country":"Greece","company":"Ticketmaster Hellas S.A."},{"country":"Cyprus","company":"Tickethour (Cyprus) Limited"},{"country":"Ireland","company":"TicketlineUnlimited Company t/a Ticketmaster"},{"country":"Italy","company":"Ticketmaster Italy s.r.l."},{"country":"Netherlands","company":"Ticketmaster B.V."},{"country":"Norway","company":"Billettservice AS"},{"country":"Philippines","company":"Ticketmaster Philippines XXX"},{"country":"Poland","company":"Ticketmaster Poland sp. z o.o."},{"country":"Spain","company":"Ticketmaster Spain S.A.U."},{"country":"Sweden","company":"Ticketmaster Sverige AB"},{"country":"Switzerland","company":"Ticketmaster Schweiz AG"},{"country":"United Kingdom","company":"Ticketmaster UK Limited"},{"country":"Turkey","company":"Biletix Bilet Dağıtım, Basım ve Ticaret A.Ş."},{"country":"Thailand","company":"Thaiticketmajor Co.,Ltd "},{"country":"UAE","company":"Ticketmaster Middle East FZ-LLC"},{"country":"South Africa","company":"Ticketmaster South Africa Proprietary Limited"},{"country":"Mexico","company":"Ticketmaster New Ventures S. de R.L. de C.V."},{"country":"Singapore","company":"Ticketmaster-Singapore Pte. Ltd."},{"country":"Taiwan","company":"Tixcraft Inc."},{"country":"Canada","company":"Ticketmaster Canada Holdings ULC"},{"country":"United States","company":"Ticketmaster L.L.C"}]}}}},"__N_SSP":true},"page":"/privacy-policy","query":{},"buildId":"5uTcJYdBbrOIDEv-9xwA4","isFallback":false,"gssp":true,"customServer":true,"appGip":true,"locale":"en","locales":["en","fr","es","cs","da","de","nl","sv","fi","no","it","pl","ca","pt","zh","tr","el","he","ar"],"defaultLocale":"en","scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>