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type="text/javascript"> GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_160"); </script></a></noscript></div> <div class="sidecredit"></div> <p> <a href="">ExpressionEngine</a><br/><br/> </p> </div></div> <div id="main"> <div id="blog"> <div id="headnav"><a href="/web/20110128194658/"><img src=""></a></div> <div id="features"> <!-- Pandagon_728_ATF --> <script type="text/javascript"> GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_728_ATF"); </script> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="header"><h1></h1></div> <div class="date"> Thursday, July 08, 2010</div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">It’s not about if it’s art</a></h2> <div class="category"> • <a href="">Art</a> • <a href="">Crime</a> </div> <div class="entry"> <p><img src="" width="300" align="right"/><a href="" title="I Blame the Patriarchy">I Blame the Patriarchy</a> recently wrapped up Art Week, but I think Twisty may have to reopen it just to discuss <a href="" title="this insanely fucked up story">this insanely fucked up story</a> about the archives of artist Larry Rivers, who I feel pretty assured was a child-abusing pervert. NYU has acquired these archives, but Rivers’ daughter Emma Tamburlini wants them to turn over some pieces of the archive to her to be destroyed. Pretty crazy, right? What kind of daughter wants to destroy her father’s Important Art? Well..... because it’s basically filmed child abuse. <a href="" title="Tracy Clark-Flory describes it">Tracy Clark-Flory describes it</a>: </p> <blockquote><p>Rivers, who died in 2002, filmed his daughters, starting at the age of 11, every six months for five years, asking them “about their breasts and whether boys have started noticing them.” There are “close-up shots of one daughter’s genitals and detailed commentary by Mr. Rivers on the girls’ changing bodies.” In some scenes, his wife, Clarice Rivers, “appears with her daughters, displaying her own breasts and talking about them.” The clips were edited into a 45-minute-long film. He titled it “Growing.”</p></blockquote> <p> In case you’re indulging the urge to say, “Hey, they’re arty-farty people, and so they don’t live the same way the rest of us do. Those girls probably think fondly of their kooky dad and his artistic interests!”, well, think again. No matter who you’re born to, this kind of pervy shit feels like abuse. </p> <blockquote><p>Ms. Tamburlini said the filming contributed to her becoming anorexic at 16. “It wrecked a lot of my life actually,” she said. </p></blockquote> <p> Calling something “art”, though, tends to obscure issues like, “Is it okay to torture your teenage daughters with quasi-incestuous videos about their sexuality that involve nudity?” Which is why <a href="" title="I respect Becky Sharper's desire">I respect Becky Sharper’s desire</a> to say that this is basically not art, because it’s child pornography, and it’s stupid to confuse the two. </p> <blockquote><p>Apparently a grand jury in San Diego declined to prosecute Rivers for child pornography, which strikes me as utterly ridiculous. If a stranger did this to minors, or this kind of work was found on someone’s hard drive, the police would intervene. When Rivers says that the girls “kept sort of complaining?” That means what he was doing was not consensual, and from Tamburlini’s account, he coerced them into doing it. Of course, the girls were below the age of consent for this kind of sexually-charged activity anyway, but their parents were able to get away with it because they were the parents.</p></blockquote> <p> I can see why this is a legal question, but as an ethical question, it tends to obscure the major issue, which is that exploiting children isn’t right no matter what you call it. <a href="" title="Twisty gets right to the heart of this dilemma">Twisty gets right to the heart of this dilemma</a>: </p> <blockquote><p>I get it! Like, if you are unenthusiastic about 2008 Chicken Butt Viognier, and somebody hands you a glass at the taco-tasting party, you don’t say, “this damned Chicken Butt is too green and minerally to pair well with smoked avocado tacos.” You merely state that it isn’t wine. End of discussion. Talk to the hand. Well, perhaps you insinuate that wine is elitist first.</p></blockquote> <p> In other words, arguing whether or not it’s art is missing the point, which is that it’s child abuse. And it reveals that Rivers treated his daughters like they were his personal property, fit to use how he’d like, even if it was sexually. Even if they refuse to consent.Tracy Clark-Flory explains: </p> <blockquote><p>In a voice-over for the film, Rivers explains that he continued with the project despite “the raised eyebrows of society in general and specific friends and even my daughters—they kept sort of complaining.” Indeed, Tamburlini says she resisted at the time and was called “uptight and a bad daughter,” as the Times paraphrases it.</p></blockquote> <p> NYU is wanting to hang on to these films in order to release them after the subjects pass away. That’s not enough. Rivers abused his children, and NYU shouldn’t cooperate in the abuse, even in the name of art. They should let Tamburlini destroy the videos if she wants. After all, she was part of the making of them; they belong to her as much as they do her dead father. </p> <p></p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Amanda Marcotte</a> at 04:55 PM • <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <div class="date"> Tuesday, September 22, 2009</div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">Dusting off anti-artist sentiments for today’s faux outrage</a></h2> <div class="category"> • <a href="">Art</a> • <a href="">Batsh*t Crazy</a> • <a href="">Choads</a> • <a href="">Obama Administration</a> • <a href="">Our New Black Jesus</a> </div> <div class="entry"> <p><img src="" align="left"/>“slow rot” <br/> “corrupt and servile” <br/> “sickening” <br/> “violently ill” </p> <p> When it comes to disdaining artists---particularly when they don’t paint realistic seascapes with Jesus doing something Jesus-y in the foreground or an eagle crying with a flag waving somewhere---there’s <a href="" title="really no limit on the adjective abuse from conservatives">really no limit on the adjective abuse from conservatives</a>. (<a href="" title="Via Michael,">Via Michael,</a> which makes me wonder if conservative accused WPA mural artists of being in league with Satan.) Let’s face it. Conservatives are in a full blown depression over losing an election they thought was a sure win---because they assumed that most of America shared their how-dare-you-call-it-racism beliefs---and we all know what depression leads people to do: seek comfort in familiar things. A bowl of chicken soup while curled up in front of some cheesy 80s movie does it for the non-nutty, but wingnuts have different comforts. It’s time to take out some old hates, dust them off, and try to make them seem new again. Hate and resentment soothe like mother’s milk. Lashing out at people who don’t suck as bad as you is a useful distraction from dwelling on your own nastiness. Hating the National Endowment for the Arts was fruitful in the 90s, so of course they’re going back to see if that well has more water. </p> <p> It probably does, of course. Hating on artists is the gift that keeps on giving when you’re trying to pump up the base. Let’s face it. If you’re a wingnut, you’re probably not the sharpest tool in the box. You don’t get modern art. And all these people who do get it, who go to museums and plays and arty films and seem to understand what someone’s talking about when they say “mise en scène”, make you feel stupid. Sure, you could look that term up, do some reading, and if you actually tried to understand this stuff, it would make more sense. But that’s <i>work</i>. And here’s this demagogue saying that all those yapping smarty-pants liberals who like this art shit don’t really, but are just pretending to so they can lord it over you. </p> <p> (Sadly, this kind of thinking has extended beyond the circles of Nixonian resentment. <a href="" title="Witness this video">Witness this video</a>, which shames you for being a “hipster” for liking Sonic Youth and Wilco. They’re not even trying.) </p> <p> Demagoguing about artists getting paid to make art by the government is about the cheapest, easiest form of demagoguery. It taps multiple resentments at once: The jealousy of artists for making a living doing something they love while you’re stuck with your boring job, the feeling of being left out by modern art that you don’t understand, and the ever-changing nature of art that brings up the fear of change. Of course, stereotypes of what it’s like to be a writer or an artist feed into this. The image, particularly the over-simplified one that filters out to the more sheltered types that make up the wingnut ranks, is of the artist as the bohemian. To be fair, there’s more than a sliver of truth to the idea that creative people are more likely to be open to sexual experimentation, and more likely to fill their time with parties and interesting friends. They’re creative! They think outside of the box, and that means they’ve got more practice bucking stifling social norms. But a lot of artistic types have boring old mom-pop-and-kids home lives, you know. And even people who live a little out of that box rarely have lives as exciting as the fever dreams of conservatives would have you imagine. And, at the end of the day, writing or making art is hard, often boring work, like any other work. And it’s scary, competitive work. And artists who succeed deserve to get paid. And the government should invest in it, because having more art is good for us all. Yes, even the people who resent it. Once it’s decades or even centuries out of date, they often come around to liking it and getting something out of it. </p> <p><a href="">Read All...</a> </p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Amanda Marcotte</a> at 06:23 PM • <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <div class="date"> Monday, May 25, 2009</div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">Ladies only art museum</a></h2> <div class="category"> • <a href="">Art</a> • <a href="">Feminism</a> </div> <div class="entry"> <p><img src="" title="Maria-Elena Vieira da Silva" align="right"/><a href=",0,1787985.story" title="This is exactly the sort of thing that causes">This is exactly the sort of thing that causes</a> small-minded reactionaries to claim that feminists are violating values the reactionaries claim we should have. (<a href="" title="Via">Via</a>.) But setting aside those who are looking for an excuse to push male dominance while disingenuously pretending to be for equality, it’s an interesting experiment. </p> <blockquote><p>Reporting from Paris—Imagine a museum that boasts the largest collection of modern and contemporary art in Europe. Now imagine that an intrepid female curator puts all the men’s work in storage and fills the permanent collection galleries with a new version of 20th and early 21st century art history, the one that women created. </p> <p> Would she emerge as a champion, finally proving that women artists are as good as—or better than—the guys? Or would she simply expose weaknesses of the museum’s collection and the art itself? </p> <p> “It’s a risk,” says Camille Morineau, who has organized “elles@centrepompidou,” opening Wednesday at the Pompidou Center. “Excluding men and showing only women is a revolutionary gesture of affirmative action. But the museum is avant-garde. It’s part of the Centre Pompidou culture to do things differently. And we like a lot of drama. This is going to be dramatic in a big way.”</p></blockquote> <p> I wish I’d known about this while I was there, or I would have made a special effort to go see the exhibit. Of course, the tedious objection, issued from men who never have a problem when women are minimally or never represented, is that it’s somehow unfair. In the reality-based world, women are subject to stereotypes about how they’re less intelligent and less creative, and even those who break through that stereotype to get recognition often get treated like the exception to the rule. Focusing on women like this can really break up stereotypes, and show how much talent really is there. In the same vein, I have, on occasion, created mix discs for friends where the rule was that every band had to have women playing a major role in how the music turns out (not just banging a tambourine or singing in the background). I’ve found that it can really mean a lot to people, and sometimes doing that exercise makes it easier to see female artists that you may have missed because you hadn’t really thought before how much talent is really out there. </p> <p> Let’s hope a dramatic exhibit like this can make that sort of difference, but on a much larger scale. </p> <p></p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Amanda Marcotte</a> at 09:54 AM • <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <div class="paginate"> <span class="pagecount">Page 1 of 1 pages</span> </div> </div> <br class="spacer"/> </div> </div> <br class="spacer"/> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-4601490-1"; urchinTracker(); </script> </body> </html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 19:46:58 Jan 28, 2011 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 16:46:27 Nov 26, 2024. 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