Biorepository Software Solution
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The associated specimen metadata is critical to being able to offer truly valuable samples for specimen based research and translation scientists. Our biorepository allows you to define by project the metadata to be stored along with the specimen, making searching for specimens with the needed characteristics easy and efficient. <br><br> Most biorepositories are built to easily store specimens, but that's not the point, is it? What you really need is the ability to easily identify, retrieve and ship specimens. Our biorepository allows you to easily identify specimens with advanced search capabilities. Once identified and confirmed, they are placed in a workflow to enable them to be collected, packaged and shipped, even if they are located in geographically separated locations. </div> <div class="col-lg-4"></div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="d-flex align-items-center" style="background: #fff" > <div class="container" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <img src="/assets/img/software-arhitecture-ilustration.png" alt="Efficient Bio-Repository Software Solution for All" class="img-fluid" /> </div> <div class="col-lg-8 content"> <h1>Efficient Bio-Repository Software Solution for All</h1> An effective, all-in-one bio-Repository software solution should feel like a natural extension of your lab’s workflow. Ideally, it helps you keep every sample’s data organized, accessible, and protected—no matter how large your collection grows. Here are some key features and qualities that a great system would have: <h1>Centralized Specimen Tracking and Organization with Growth Potential</h1> A good platform acts as a single home for all your samples and their associated metadata. It can handle anything from the smallest academic lab to a major pharmaceutical R&D operation without lagging or losing track. Behind the scenes, it’s designed to scale effortlessly, so as you add thousands or even millions of new samples, it still runs smoothly. <br><br> <h1>Straightforward Inventory and Tracking Solution</h1> You should be able to instantly know where each sample is stored and what’s happened to it over time. This means detailed logs of every move—transfers, thaw/freeze cycles, aliquoting—right down to which freezer shelf a particular vial is sitting on. Built-in support for barcodes or RFID tags makes it a breeze to locate anything within seconds, whether you’re dealing with a handful of samples or entire racks. <br><br> <h1>Quality, Compliance, and Trust of your Bio-Repository Software</h1> Since working with biological materials comes with strict rules, the software needs to help you meet regulatory and ethical standards—like ISO 20387 or GDPR—right out of the box. It should provide built-in audit trails, secure user permissions, and a way to manage consent documentation. This ensures you can always prove when and why any changes were made and that every user only sees what they’re allowed to. <br><br> <h1>Easy Searching and Contextual Data in your Bio-Repository</h1> You don’t want to waste time hunting for a specific sample. A smart search function, combined with detailed filtering tools, helps you narrow results by attributes like tissue type, patient demographics, or collection date. The system should also play nicely with other tools—like clinical trial databases or electronic lab notebooks—so you can bring all relevant information into one view. <br><br> <h1>Bio-Repository Specimen Lifecycle Management and Notifications</h1> A great system not only stores samples but also helps you stay on top of their life cycle. You might get reminders before a sample expires or when stock is running low. You can link each sample to consent forms and approvals, ensuring you’re always in line with regulatory requirements. Ideally, it covers the entire journey—from the moment you log it in to the time it’s either used or responsibly discarded. <br><br> <h1>Bio-Repository Software Data Security and Reliability</h1> Security and uptime of your Bio-Repository Software Solution can’t be afterthoughts. The Bio-Repository platform should encrypt data, have regular backups, and maintain disaster recovery strategies so you never lose your work. High availability features, like load balancing and redundancy, ensure that even if one component fails, the system keeps running smoothly. <br><br> <h1>User-Friendly Design and Support for your Bio-Repository solution</h1> Scientists and technicians should find the interface straightforward and intuitive, without needing a ton of training. Built-in tutorials, good documentation, and responsive customer support can all help reduce the learning curve. If you operate globally, having multiple language options can make life easier for your entire team. <br><br> <h1>Bio-Repository Reporting and Insights</h1> You’ll want quick ways to see how many samples you have, where they are, and how they’re being used. Customizable dashboards and reporting tools let you pull up summary statistics for lab meetings or check compliance status ahead of an audit. Connecting to data visualization tools or business intelligence platforms can also help turn your sample information into actionable insights. <h1>Integration and Standards Compliance</h1> Finally, the software should support data standards and be able to “talk” to other systems easily. Whether that means adopting established biobanking models, following HL7 standards, or directly integrating with instruments in your lab, the goal is to avoid data silos and keep your workflows streamlined. <br><br> <a href="/contact-us"> CONTACT <i class="bi bi-arrow-right-short"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-center align-items-center"> <div class="col-lg-9"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-lg-6 left-footer text-center"> <a href=""><i class="bi bi-linkedin"></i></a> <a href=""><i class="bi bi-twitter"></i></a> <br /><br /> <img src="/assets/img/logo-3.png" alt="Footer Logo" /> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 right-footer text-start"> <p> <a href="callto:1-800-834-8618"> <i class="bi bi-telephone-fill"></i> 1-800-834-8618</a > </p> <p> <i class="bi bi-house-door-fill"></i> 500 East Broward Blvd, Suite 1710 <br /> Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script> = { "https:\/\/\/blog\/": { "title": "Blog", "tags": ["Cloud LIS","Cloud LIMS","Public Health","Toxicology","Molecular","Biorepository",], "content": "", "url": "https:\/\/\/blog\/" }, "https:\/\/\/blog\/sometime-your-existing-lis-lims-just-needs-a-tune-up\/": { "title": "Sometimes your existing LIS\/LIMS just needs a tune up", "tags": [], "content": "We’ve all heard the stories about lab information system deployments that were over promised and then under-delivered.\nOften today’s LIMS and LIS systems require functionality and are used in ways that were never thought of when these legacy systems were designed - and as such may be working in less than optimal ways. Furthermore, the out-of-the-box code is often too generic, designed for a one-size fits all philosophy, for most of today’s applications. Databases may not be structured optimally or functionality that would make the system perform better just may not exist. Often in these legacy LIS systems, there’s more than just sunk cost, there are also custom features, development and institutional knowledge that make replacing the existing system too costly and/or simply take too much time to replicate.\nGet more from a more optimized system The good news is you can often get more performance out of your existing system by giving your legacy lab informatics system a performance tune up and an experienced professional services team with laboratory domain experience can help you do it. For example, if you find performance has decreased as your sample volume has grown, we may be able to make changes to the system that eliminate accessing the database unnecessarily. In addition, we can redesign your table triggers to improve SQL statements that take a long time to execute. We can make additional modifications that allow you to access information faster and more efficiently to make the system scale better with increasing volumes. A system review of a legacy informatics system may identify bottlenecks, and we can usually provide recommendations to improve processing time and eliminate time out errors. Deeper improvements can be made by analyzing key business and operational needs. We can often optimize the design of workflows for the current work process. Sometimes a system can be better tailored to your needs by making some enhancements to system configurations. When we update legacy lab information systems that were built over decades, we can identify a good deal of unnecessary code that adversely impacts performance.\nDon\u0026rsquo;t be limited by outdated systems Customers frustrated by report templates that haven’t been updated in years? Rebuilding those templates using Crystal Reports or other tools doesn’t have to be complicated, and you don’t have to pay exorbitant vendor fees to have it done. Often these templates can be modified by our professional services team at a fraction of the price that a legacy lab informatics vendor would charge. Furthermore, we can upgrade to a newer version of your LIS, including data migration, at a considerably lower price than a legacy vendor.\nAccess decades of lab informatics domain expertise You can access decades of lab informatics domain expertise, on a short term project basis to start getting more from your system today, whether you need:\nPerformance tuning to get your system working optimally System configuration and solution architecture 21CFR Part 11 compliance Building Crystal Reports Custom coding and development Instrument integration Server configuration System Validation End-User Training Administrator Training System Upgrade Data Migration Please contact us if you have any questions.\n", "url": "https:\/\/\/blog\/sometime-your-existing-lis-lims-just-needs-a-tune-up\/" }, "https:\/\/\/blog\/client-portal\/": { "title": "Secure Client Portal for Seamless Communication", "tags": [], "content": "Secure Client Portal for Seamless Communication We built our web portal to be both secure and easy to use so your physicians would find value in working with it.\nOften portals combine a series of disjointed requirements or have been built as an afterthought, which means they have quirks that clients must work with o work around. Many portals are built using old technology and simply are not able to take advantage of modern web functionality and user experience.\nWe made our portal to be a seamless extension of LIMSABC, a place where each of your clients can come and easily enter new requisitions and access all of their information. Our portal can also be used as a stand alone system that interfaces to existing LIS systems through HL7 requisitions and access all of their information. Our portal can also be used as a stand alone system that interfaces to existing LIS systems through HL7 integration.\nA Portal Built for Ease of Use We built our portal using a modern LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python) stack and use industry-leading cloud partners such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft to host our solution so you always have world-class uptime, accessibility and scalability. Our underlying technology enables us to offer to offer a full web experience to your clients.\nWe designed everything to be easy and intuitive to reduce the barrier to your client’s adoption. We streamlined the interface to display only the items that your clients need, arranged in a way that logically follows their information requirements and workflow. For example, our home screen lists only new reports, and displays previously viewed or downloaded reports in a different view, so that when clients log in they have their most current information at their fingertips. They can batch download all or selected reports based on client, physician, site, and other values.\nWe streamlined the requisition process and created patient, client and physician databases so that LIMSABC electronically populates each requisition with as much information as possible. For example, patient insurance information is added from existing patient data, and medical tests are included from the physician’s profile or the practices’ profile. Since every item is not digital, we included interfacing with image scanners. After you scan supporting information that appears on hard copy, the system saves the scanned image to file and automatically attaches it or otherwise uses it in the requisition. When you save the requisition, the barcode for the sample automatically prints for easy tracking.\nA Portal Built for your Clients To ensure that all the information your clients need is at their fingertips, we built the following features and more into our Client Web Portal:\nElectronic requisitioning Full patient database with patient demographics and insurance information Barcode generation and printing Batch downloading of all new or selected reports Panel, test, and ICD code selection Scanning, imaging, and uploading of supporting information Ability to view each requisition’s status Easy access to new reports and batch downloads Patient analyte trend data Positive summary reports over selected time ranges Bi-directional HL7 interfacing to your existing LIS, EMR’s, billing and other systems Fully web enabled access from any device, anywhere - no local software required Learn more LIMSABC Client Web Portal\n", "url": "https:\/\/\/blog\/client-portal\/" }, "https:\/\/\/blog\/cloud-lab-framework\/": { "title": "Why We Went Cloud with our Laboratory Information Framework", "tags": [], "content": "Why We Went Cloud with our Laboratory Information Framework When we began building LIMSABC, we wanted to create a solution that wasn’t just current today but would be a platform for future growth.\nA platform that could evolve as laboratory IT needs and demands changed. When we looked at the pace of change over the last 10 years, we realized the trajectory going forward would require laboratory information systems to refresh their underlying technology. Tomorrow’s laboratories require the ability to work with far more data than they have in the past and need the ability to integrate and work with data from an ever increasing number of data sources; electronic medical records, clearinghouses, billing systems, genetic and genomic interpretation software, automation tools and instrumentation. With LIMSABC we built a modern, flexible cloud solution on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python) stack.\nReasons we went cloud with our LIS: Infrastructure on demand. Building, maintaining and securing your own data center is a costly undertaking; we felt that most clients would be better served if we used truly world class web service providers such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. In addition, these large vendors have HIPAA business associate agreements and processes to ensure your data is handled appropriately. Fully redundant data systems. Your data is backed up in the cloud across redundant servers so it is extremely unlikely that you would lose any data. The web service providers provide a number of services that would easily allow you to replicate any internal processes. World class uptime and accessibility to your information. When was the last time your gmail wasn’t available? Or you couldn’t shop on Amazon? Extreme scalability of users, samples and peak system load. The upper limit of bandwidth available from in-house servers is a fraction of the bandwidth available from cloud providers. The cloud gives you the processing power you need when you need it; you are freed from having to build your own data center for peak demand. Access from any device, anywhere. With a full, cloud based system all you need is a web browser to access your data. Reduction of your in-house IT burden through a fully hosted and supported system. LIMSABC as Software as a Service means no need to host software locally for your LIS system. All you need is a modern web browser such as Chrome or Safari. ", "url": "https:\/\/\/blog\/cloud-lab-framework\/" }, } </script> <script src="/assets/js/lunr.js"></script> <script src="/assets/js/search.js"></script> <script src="/assets/bt/aos/aos.js"></script> <script src="/assets/bt/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/bt/glightbox/js/glightbox.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/bt/isotope-layout/isotope.pkgd.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/bt/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/js/main.js"></script> </body> </html>