ICCF Holland - Clinic
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Some walk 10 km or more to get there. The number of treatments has been constantly rising. The old clinic, which is a row of rooms attached to the community centre, was too small to handle all the patients and needs. The furniture was worn out and there was insufficient equipment. <P> Construction of the new clinic building started February 2008. It consists of a reception area, offices, five treatment rooms, a laboratory and a pharmacy. <P> August 30 the clinic was opened by the wife of president Yoweri Museveni, Janet Museveni. This was an impressive event for Kibaale and the local governement. She arrived in a big helicopter! Here is a <a href="">video of the opening</a>. <p> The building is now ready and the most essential furniture is in place. We can treat many patients every day. But there still is a lot of equipment missing and the budget to help patients is almost used up. See <a href="sponsorclinic.html">this page</a> for giving a contribution to the daily costs of the clinic. <p> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> <CENTER><P> <IMG ALT="New clinic" SRC="images/clinic_new.jpg" HEIGHT=311 WIDTH=552> </P> <small> The new clinic building close to being finished </small> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="layout"> <TR> <TD> <CENTER><P> <IMG ALT="Old clinic" SRC="images/clinic_old.jpg" HEIGHT=214 WIDTH=320> <P> <small> The old clinic with an overcrowded waiting room </small> </CENTER> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> <span class="txth1">Some Local Health Challenges</span> <P> <b>Malaria:</b> Malaria continues to be one of the main causes of sickness and death in the area. Although worse in the wet season, malaria occurs all year round. Malaria is a treatable disease yet poverty and lack of transportation are obstacles to many people seeking help on time. Even though clinic staff take many babies to hospital for blood transfusions, some children do not make it in time to save their lives. <P> <b>HIV/AIDS:</b> Although HIV/AIDS has been prevalent in the area since the mid-1980's, there remains a very strong stigma attached to having the disease. <P> <b>Poverty:</b> Not only does poverty present obstacles to medical help for some people, but poor food quality, non-preservation of food and water, and general lack of facilities and education leads to poor general health and susceptibility to disease. <P> <b>Sanitation/Hygiene:</b> Many people suffer from preventable diseases due to poor or no sanitation. Water sources are often not protected and preserved, and sometimes become contaminated by livestock. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="layout"> <TR> <TD> <span class="txth1">What we do</span> <P> <b>Impact on Community:</b> The Kibaale clinic has earned the confidence of the local people who appreciate its efficiency, resources and quality of care. The clinic has won the reputation of ministering to the whole person rather than just the immediate medical condition. Many lives have been saved since the clinic started in the early 1990's through direct treatment or referral to other medical institutions. Personal and family counseling is part of the service. <P> <b>Immunization:</b> One afternoon per week the medical team runs immunization clinics in local villages and also provides health education for the villagers. The team administers free immunization against common childhood diseases and treatment for parasites and scabies during baby health checks. <P> <b>Health Education:</b> Prevention and treatment education is a focus of the clinic. Before the clinic opens in the morning waiting patients receive instruction on specific health issues. In the laboratory a trained HIV/AIDS counsellor talks to patients before taking blood tests, and prepares them for the outcome. <P> <b>Part of the Childrens Centre:</b> Kibaale Community clinic is a vital part of the Kibaale Project. It reaches out to the needy people of the community who live with many hardships and struggle daily to survive. Apart from the HIV/AIDS problem which is prevalent, other diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, typhoid, STDs and childhood diseases take their toll. Currently the clinic attempts to address the needs of 1,600 patients per month. On very busy days as many as 100 babies, mothers and grandparents seek medical help. <P> <b>Staffing:</b> Eight Ugandan staff, some now trained graduates of the Kibaale community School, headed by a medical officer, work in the clinic. The medical officer has special training which qualifies her for the rank of a junior doctor. The laboratory has a qualified technician. Since the number of treatments grows continuously, we are currently looking into hiring two additional qualified staff. <P> <b>A Hive of Activity:</b> The clinic is open Monday - Friday and commences with prayer and health education on various topics for the patients who have gathered. Many patients travel over 10 km for treatment, mostly on foot. Often clinic or other Kibaale staff have to transport serious, urgent cases to hospitals some distance away. <P> <b>Clinic Finances:</b> The Kibaale clinic is funded separately from the rest of the Kibaale project, with support coming from Canada, England and individual donations. In addition local people pay a small fee if they can afford it. No patient is every turned away because of lack of funds. The fee covers all treatment/medication, so patients know they will not be required to pay additional bribes as is common in some other medical institutions in Uganda. </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> <CENTER><P> <IMG ALT="Health education" SRC="images/clinic_education.jpg" HEIGHT=154 WIDTH=250> <P> <small> Health education in a remote village </small> <P> <IMG ALT="Medical officer" SRC="images/clinic_officer.jpg" HEIGHT=167 WIDTH=250> <P> <small> The qualified medical officer </small> <P> <IMG ALT="Laboratory" SRC="images/clinic_lab.jpg" HEIGHT=167 WIDTH=250> <P> <small> The laboratory performs many essential tests </small> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <span class="txth1"> We need your help! </span> <P> Every day we use up bandages and give out medicine to patients. Furniture and equipment for the clinic is insufficient. We need more money! <br> Information about sending a one-time donation is on <a href="donate.html">this page</a>. See <a href="sponsorclinic.html">this page</a> for giving a monthly contribution to the daily costs of the clinic. <P> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" summary="layout"> <tr><td colspan="4" class="darkbg"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" height="10" width="1" alt=""></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="4"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td></tr> <tr> <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt=""></td> <td align="left" valign="top"> <small> For comments on the ICCF Holland pages and for more information contact Helena Posthumus (Helena AT iccf-holland DOT org). </small> <br> <small> Information about these pages, privacy, etc.: <A HREF="colofon.html" target="_top">colofon</A> </small> <br> <small> These pages are available at: <A HREF="" target="_top"></A> <A HREF="" target="_top"></A> </small> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="4"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>