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Most verbs in English are main verbs:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">We <span class="tb">went</span> home straight after the show.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">It <span class="tb">snowed</span> a lot that winter.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Several different types of volcano <span class="tb">exist</span>.</i></p></blockquote></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="verbs-types__10"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Linking verbs</h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>Some main verbs are called linking verbs (or copular verbs). These verbs are not followed by objects. Instead, they are followed by phrases which give extra information about the subject (e.g. noun phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases or prepositional phrases). Linking verbs include:</p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">appear</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">feel</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">look</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">seem</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">sound</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">be</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">get</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">remain</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">smell</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">taste</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">become</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">A face <span class="tb">appeared</span> <u class="u du">at the window</u>. It was Pauline.</i> (prepositional phrase)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">He<span class="tb">’s</span> <u class="u du">a cousin of mine</u>.</i> (noun phrase)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">This coat <span class="tb">feels</span> <u class="u du">good</u>.</i> (adjective phrase)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She <span class="tb">remained</span> <u class="u du">outside</u> while her sister went into the hospital.</i> (adverb phrase)</p></blockquote><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/verbs-types#verbs-types__10">Linking verbs </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/adjective-phrases">Adjective phrases </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/nouns_2">Nouns </a></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="verbs-types__42"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Auxiliary verbs</h2></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>There are three <span class="target dtarget"/>auxiliary verbs in English: <i class="ti">be, do</i> and <i class="ti">have</i>. Auxiliary verbs come before main verbs.</p><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Auxiliary <i class="ti">be</i></h3></div><p class="p dp">Auxiliary <i class="ti">be</i> is used to indicate the continuous and the passive voice<span class="target dtarget"/>:</p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I<span class="tb">’m waiting</span> for Sally to come home.</i> (continuous)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Her car <span class="tb">was</span> <span class="tb">stolen</span> from outside her house.</i> (passive)</p></blockquote><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/future-continuous-i-will-be-working">Future continuous (<i class="ti">I will be working</i>) </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/passive-voice">Passive </a></p></li></ul></div></div> <div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Auxiliary <i class="ti">do</i></h3></div><p class="p dp">Auxiliary <i class="ti">do</i> is used in interrogative, negative and emphatic structures:</p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti"><span class="tb">Does</span> she live locally?</i> (interrogative)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">They <span class="tb">didn’t</span> know which house it was.</i> (negative)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <u class="u du"><span class="tb">do</span></u> like your new laptop!</i> (emphatic, with spoken stress on <i class="ti">do</i>)</p></blockquote><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/clause-types#clause-types__24">Interrogative clauses </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/negation_2">Negation </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/do#do__65"><i class="ti">Do</i> as an auxiliary verb </a></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Auxiliary <i class="ti">have</i></h3></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>Auxiliary <i class="ti">have</i> is used to indicate the perfect:</p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I<span class="tb">’ve</span> <span class="tb">lost</span> my memory stick. <span class="tb">Have</span> you <span class="tb">seen</span> it anywhere?</i> (present perfect)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She <span class="tb">had</span> <span class="tb">seen</span> my car outside the shop.</i> (past perfect)</p></blockquote><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/present-perfect-simple-i-have-worked">Present perfect simple (<i class="ti">I have worked</i>) </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/past-perfect-simple-i-had-worked">Past perfect simple (<i class="ti">I had worked</i>) </a></p></li></ul></div></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_1' class='am-default contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_1'); });</script> </div> <div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Auxiliary verb with no main verb</h3></div><p class="p dp"><span class="target dtarget"/>An auxiliary verb can only appear alone when a main verb (or a clause containing a main verb) is understood in the context:</p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><div class="utterance dutterance"><div class="speaker hfl tb lmr-10 lmb-5 lmt--1 dspeaker">A:</div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Does she play the clarinet?</i></p></div><div class="utterance dutterance"><div class="speaker hfl tb lmr-10 lmb-5 lmt--1 dspeaker">B:</div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Yes, She</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">does</i></span>. (Yes, she plays the clarinet.)</p></div></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><div class="utterance dutterance"><div class="speaker hfl tb lmr-10 lmb-5 lmt--1 dspeaker">A:</div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">It hasn’t snowed at all this year, has it?</i></p></div><div class="utterance dutterance"><div class="speaker hfl tb lmr-10 lmb-5 lmt--1 dspeaker">B:</div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">No, it</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">hasn’t</i></span>. (No, it hasn’t snowed.)</p></div></blockquote></div><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle"><i class="ti">Be, do</i> and <i class="ti">have</i> as main verbs</h3></div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Be</i>, <i class="ti">do</i> and <i class="ti">have</i> can be used as auxiliary verbs or as main verbs.</p><div class="panel dpnl pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Compare</span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">as a main verb</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">as an auxiliary verb</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">be</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She<span class="tb">’s</span> a professional photographer.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">He<span class="tb">’s</span> <span class="tb">thinking</span> of moving to New Zealand.</i></p></blockquote></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">do</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I need to <span class="tb">do</span> some work this evening.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti"><span class="tb">Do</span> you <span class="tb">like</span> Thai food, Jim?</i></p></blockquote></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><span class="tb"><i class="ti">have</i></span></p></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">The children <span class="tb">have</span> lunch at twelve o’clock.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">We <span class="tb">haven’t</span> <span class="tb">been</span> to the cinema for ages.</i></p></blockquote></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="panel dpnl dpnl-w pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Warning: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">Remember, when <i class="ti">do</i> and <i class="ti">have</i> are main verbs, we must use auxiliary <i class="ti">do</i> to make questions and negatives:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><div class="utterance dutterance"><div class="speaker hfl tb lmr-10 lmb-5 lmt--1 dspeaker">A:</div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">What</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">does</i></span> <i class="ti">Janet</i> <span class="tb"><i class="ti">do</i></span><i class="ti">?</i></p></div><div class="utterance dutterance"><div class="speaker hfl tb lmr-10 lmb-5 lmt--1 dspeaker">B:</div><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She’s a teacher</i>.</p></div></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp">Not: <span class="tdl">What does Janet?</span></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <span class="tb">don’t</span> <span class="tb">have</span> a car. I only have a bike.</i></p></blockquote></div></div><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/verbs-basic-forms">Verbs: basic forms </a></p></li></ul></div></div> </div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="verbs-types__97"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">Modal verbs</h2></div><p class="p dp">The main modal verbs are:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">can</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">may</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">must</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">should</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">would</i></p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">could</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">might</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">shall</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">will</i></p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"/></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><p class="p dp">Modal verbs have meanings connected with degrees of certainty and necessity:</p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">We<span class="tb">’ll</span> be there around 7.30.</i> (speaker is quite certain)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">A new window <span class="tb">could</span> cost around £500.</i> (speaker is less certain)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <span class="tb">must</span> ring the tax office.</i> (speaker considers this very necessary)</p></blockquote><p class="p dp">Semi-modal verbs have some meanings related to the main modal verbs. The semi-modal verbs are <i class="ti">dare, need, ought to, used to</i>.</p><div class="nav dnav"><p class="p dp">See also: </p><ul class="ul dul"><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/modal-verbs-and-modality">Modality: introduction </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/dare"><i class="ti">Dare</i> </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/need"><i class="ti">Need</i> </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/ought-to"><i class="ti">Ought to</i> </a></p></li><li class="li dli"><p class="p dp"> <a class="Ref" href="/grammar/british-grammar/used-to"><i class="ti">Used to</i> </a></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section dsection pr"><div class="cid" id="verbs-types__122"></div><div class="header dheader"><h2 class="title dtitle">State and action verbs</h2></div><p class="p dp">A verb refers to an action, event or state.</p><div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Action</h3></div><p class="p dp">We can use the simple or continuous form of action verbs:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <span class="tb">cleaned</span> the room as quickly as possible.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She<span class="tb">’s watching</span> television at the moment.</i></p></blockquote></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_2' class='am-default contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_2'); });</script> </div> <div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">Event</h3></div><p class="p dp">We can use the simple or continuous form of event verbs:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Four people <span class="tb">died</span> in the crash.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">It<span class="tb">’s raining</span> again.</i></p></blockquote></div> <div class="section dsection"><div class="header dheader"><h3 class="title dtitle">State</h3></div><p class="p dp">We usually use the simple form rather than the continuous form of state verbs:</p><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <span class="tb">don’t know</span> the name of the street.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Who <span class="tb">owns</span> this house?</i></p></blockquote><p class="p dp">Some verbs can be used to talk about both states and actions, but with different meanings:<span class="target dtarget"/></p><div class="panel dpnl"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title"/></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><thead class="thead dthead"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">state (usually simple form)</p></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp">action (simple or continuous)</p></td></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <span class="tb">come</span> from France.</i> (This is where my home is.)</p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She <span class="tb">is coming</span> from France on Wednesday.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">He <span class="tb">came</span> from Italy yesterday.</i> (travel from)</p></blockquote></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She <span class="tb">is</span> very friendly.</i> (permanent quality or state)</p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She <span class="tb">is being</span> very unfriendly.</i> (temporary behaviour)</p></blockquote></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">We <span class="tb">have</span> two dogs.</i> (own)</p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">We<span class="tb">’re</span> <span class="tb">having</span> a meeting to discuss it.</i> (hold a meeting)</p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">We <span class="tb">had</span> mussels for starter and prawns for main course.</i> (eat)</p></blockquote></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti"><span class="tb">Do</span> you <span class="tb">see</span> what I mean?</i> (understand)</p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Jane <span class="tb">is</span> <span class="tb">seeing</span> her boss today and she’s going to tell him she’s leaving.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I don’t <span class="tb">see</span> Rebecca at work any more since I moved office.</i> (meet)</p></blockquote></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Your dress <span class="tb">looks</span> nice.</i> (appear)</p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">What <span class="tb">are</span> you <span class="tb">looking</span> at?</i></p></blockquote><blockquote class="hbq lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I never <span class="tb">look</span> at the price on the menu.</i> (see with your eyes)</p></blockquote></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="panel dpnl pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Spoken English: </span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent"><p class="p dp">In very informal speaking you will sometimes hear state verbs used as action verbs when they refer to actions over short periods. These uses are not usually found in traditional grammar books.</p></div></div><div class="panel dpnl pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Compare</span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I <span class="tb">like</span> reading.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Like</i> used as a state verb describing a permanent fact about me.</p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">I<span class="tb">’m</span> not <span class="tb">liking</span> this book.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Like</i> used as an action verb referring to the book I am reading but not enjoying at the moment.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="panel dpnl pad-indent"><div class="panel-head dpanel-head"><span class="panel-title dpanel-title">Compare</span></div><div class="panel-body dpnl-b dpnl-b-wh pad-indent o-x"><table class="table dtable"><span class="colgroup dcolgroup"><col class="col dcol"/><col class="col dcol"/></span><tbody class="tbody dtbody"><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She <span class="tb">loves</span> classical music.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Love</i> used as a state verb to refer to a permanent fact about her.</p></td></tr><tr class="tr dtr"><td class="td dtd"><blockquote class="hbq lmt-15 lmb-20"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">She<span class="tb">’s</span> <span class="tb">loving</span> the CD you gave her.</i></p></blockquote></td><td class="td dtd"><p class="p dp"><i class="ti">Love</i> used as an action verb referring to the CD which she is listening to and liking very much at the moment.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></article></div> <div class="lmb-25 lch0"> </div> <div class="lpt-15 lmt-25"> </div> <div id='ad_btmslot' class='am-default '> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_btmslot'); 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'english-chinese-traditional' : 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'English–Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Chinese (Traditional)–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-chinese-traditional" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-traditional', dataset_text: 'English–Chinese (Traditional)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-traditional-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary">English–Chinese (Traditional)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-traditional-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)–English', dataset_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-chinese-traditional', datasetrev_text: 'English–Chinese (Traditional)', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary">Chinese (Traditional)–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_dutch: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'english-dutch' : 'dutch-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'English–Dutch' : 'Dutch–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'Search English–Dutch' : 'Search Dutch–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-dutch" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-dutch', dataset_text: 'English–Dutch', dataset_search: 'Search English–Dutch', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'dutch-english', datasetrev_text: 'Dutch–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Dutch–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Dutch Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Dutch Dictionary">English–Dutch</span> <span data-dictCode="dutch-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'dutch-english', dataset_text: 'Dutch–English', dataset_search: 'Search Dutch–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-dutch', datasetrev_text: 'English–Dutch', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Dutch'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Dutch-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Dutch-English Dictionary">Dutch–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_french: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_french }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'english-french' : 'french-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'English–French' : 'French–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'Search English–French' : 'Search French–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-french" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-french', dataset_text: 'English–French', dataset_search: 'Search English–French', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'french-english', datasetrev_text: 'French–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search French–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-French Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-French Dictionary">English–French</span> <span data-dictCode="french-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'french-english', dataset_text: 'French–English', dataset_search: 'Search French–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-french', datasetrev_text: 'English–French', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–French'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to French-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="French-English Dictionary">French–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_german: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_german }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'english-german' : 'german-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'English–German' : 'German–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'Search English–German' : 'Search German–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-german" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-german', dataset_text: 'English–German', dataset_search: 'Search English–German', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'german-english', datasetrev_text: 'German–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search German–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-German Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-German Dictionary">English–German</span> <span data-dictCode="german-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'german-english', dataset_text: 'German–English', dataset_search: 'Search German–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-german', datasetrev_text: 'English–German', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–German'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to German-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="German-English Dictionary">German–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_indonesian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'english-indonesian' : 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'English–Indonesian' : 'Indonesian–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'Search English–Indonesian' : 'Search Indonesian–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-indonesian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-indonesian', dataset_text: 'English–Indonesian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Indonesian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'indonesian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Indonesian–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Indonesian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Indonesian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Indonesian Dictionary">English–Indonesian</span> <span data-dictCode="indonesian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: 'Indonesian–English', dataset_search: 'Search Indonesian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-indonesian', datasetrev_text: 'English–Indonesian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Indonesian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Indonesian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Indonesian-English Dictionary">Indonesian–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_italian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'english-italian' : 'italian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'English–Italian' : 'Italian–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'Search English–Italian' : 'Search Italian–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-italian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-italian', dataset_text: 'English–Italian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Italian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'italian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Italian–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Italian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary">English–Italian</span> <span data-dictCode="italian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'italian-english', dataset_text: 'Italian–English', dataset_search: 'Search Italian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-italian', datasetrev_text: 'English–Italian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Italian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Italian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Italian-English Dictionary">Italian–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_japanese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'english-japanese' : 'japanese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'English–Japanese' : 'Japanese–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'Search English–Japanese' : 'Search Japanese–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-japanese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-japanese', dataset_text: 'English–Japanese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Japanese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'japanese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Japanese–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Japanese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary">English–Japanese</span> <span data-dictCode="japanese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'japanese-english', dataset_text: 'Japanese–English', dataset_search: 'Search Japanese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-japanese', datasetrev_text: 'English–Japanese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Japanese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Japanese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Japanese-English Dictionary">Japanese–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_norwegian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'english-norwegian' : 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'English–Norwegian' : 'Norwegian–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'Search English–Norwegian' : 'Search Norwegian–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-norwegian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-norwegian', dataset_text: 'English–Norwegian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Norwegian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'norwegian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Norwegian–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Norwegian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Norwegian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Norwegian Dictionary">English–Norwegian</span> <span data-dictCode="norwegian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: 'Norwegian–English', dataset_search: 'Search Norwegian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-norwegian', datasetrev_text: 'English–Norwegian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Norwegian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Norwegian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Norwegian-English Dictionary">Norwegian–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_polish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'english-polish' : 'polish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'English–Polish' : 'Polish–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'Search English–Polish' : 'Search Polish–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-polish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-polish', dataset_text: 'English–Polish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Polish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'polish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Polish–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Polish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary">English–Polish</span> <span data-dictCode="polish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'polish-english', dataset_text: 'Polish–English', dataset_search: 'Search Polish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-polish', datasetrev_text: 'English–Polish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Polish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Polish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Polish-English Dictionary">Polish–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_portuguese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'english-portuguese' : 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'English–Portuguese' : 'Portuguese–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'Search English–Portuguese' : 'Search Portuguese–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-portuguese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-portuguese', dataset_text: 'English–Portuguese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Portuguese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'portuguese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Portuguese–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Portuguese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary">English–Portuguese</span> <span data-dictCode="portuguese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: 'Portuguese–English', dataset_search: 'Search Portuguese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-portuguese', datasetrev_text: 'English–Portuguese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Portuguese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Portuguese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Portuguese-English Dictionary">Portuguese–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_spanish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'english-spanish' : 'spanish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'English–Spanish' : 'Spanish–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'Search English–Spanish' : 'Search Spanish–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-spanish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-spanish', dataset_text: 'English–Spanish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Spanish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'spanish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Spanish–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Spanish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Spanish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Spanish Dictionary">English–Spanish</span> <span data-dictCode="spanish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'spanish-english', dataset_text: 'Spanish–English', dataset_search: 'Search Spanish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-spanish', datasetrev_text: 'English–Spanish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Spanish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Diccionario Español-inglés" tabindex="0" title="Diccionario Español-inglés">Spanish–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_swedish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'english-swedish' : 'swedish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'English–Swedish' : 'Swedish–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'Search English–Swedish' : 'Search Swedish–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-swedish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-swedish', dataset_text: 'English–Swedish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Swedish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'swedish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Swedish–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Swedish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Swedish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Swedish Dictionary">English–Swedish</span> <span data-dictCode="swedish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'swedish-english', dataset_text: 'Swedish–English', dataset_search: 'Search Swedish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-swedish', datasetrev_text: 'English–Swedish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Swedish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Swedish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Swedish-English Dictionary">Swedish–English</span> </li> </ul> <div class="tb lmb-5">Semi-bilingual Dictionaries</div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="english-arabic" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-arabic', dataset_text: 'English–Arabic', dataset_search: 'Search English–Arabic', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary">English–Arabic</span> <span data-dictCode="english-bengali" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-bengali', dataset_text: 'English–Bengali', dataset_search: 'Search English–Bengali', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Bengali Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Bengali Dictionary">English–Bengali</span> <span data-dictCode="english-catalan" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-catalan', dataset_text: 'English–Catalan', dataset_search: 'Search English–Catalan', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary">English–Catalan</span> <span data-dictCode="english-czech" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-czech', dataset_text: 'English–Czech', dataset_search: 'Search English–Czech', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Czech Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Czech Dictionary">English–Czech</span> <span data-dictCode="english-danish" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-danish', dataset_text: 'English–Danish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Danish', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Danish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Danish Dictionary">English–Danish</span> <span data-dictCode="english-gujarati" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-gujarati', dataset_text: 'English–Gujarati', dataset_search: 'Search English–Gujarati', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Gujarati Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Gujarati Dictionary">English–Gujarati</span> <span data-dictCode="english-hindi" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-hindi', dataset_text: 'English–Hindi', dataset_search: 'Search English–Hindi', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Hindi Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Hindi Dictionary">English–Hindi</span> <span data-dictCode="english-korean" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-korean', dataset_text: 'English–Korean', dataset_search: 'Search English–Korean', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Korean Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Korean Dictionary">English–Korean</span> <span data-dictCode="english-malaysian" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-malaysian', dataset_text: 'English–Malay', dataset_search: 'Search English–Malay', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Malay Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Malay Dictionary">English–Malay</span> <span data-dictCode="english-marathi" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-marathi', dataset_text: 'English–Marathi', dataset_search: 'Search English–Marathi', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Marathi Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Marathi Dictionary">English–Marathi</span> <span data-dictCode="english-russian" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-russian', dataset_text: 'English–Russian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Russian', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge 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class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives: order</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Adjective phrases</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjective phrases: functions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjective phrases: position</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjectives and adjective phrases: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Comparative and superlative adjectives</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: adjectives (<i>bigger</i>, <i>biggest</i>, <i>more interesting</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: clauses (<i>bigger than we had imagined</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: comparisons of equality (<i>as tall as his father</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As</i> … <i>as</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverb phrases</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs and adverb phrases: position</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs and adverb phrases: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs: functions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs: types</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: adverbs (<i>worse, more easily</i>)</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Degree adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Fairly</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Intensifiers (<i>very, at all</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Largely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Much</i>, <i>a lot</i>, <i>lots</i>, <i>a good deal</i>: adverbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Pretty</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Quite</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Rather</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Really</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Scarcely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Very</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Time adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>About</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ago</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Already</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Always</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Early</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ever</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hardly ever</i>, <i>rarely</i>, <i>scarcely</i>, <i>seldom</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Next</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No longer</i>, <i>not any longer</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No more</i>, <i>not any more</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Now</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Often</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Once</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Soon</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Still</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Then</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Usually</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Eventually</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs as discourse markers (<i>anyway</i>, <i>finally</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adverbs as short responses (<i>definitely</i>, <i>certainly</i>)</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using adjectives and adverbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Afraid</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Alike</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hard</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Long</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Only</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Same, similar, identical</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Likely</i> and <i>unlikely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As well (as)</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Even</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hardly</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hopefully</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Surely</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Too</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ultimately</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Easily confused words</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Above</i> or <i>over?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Across</i>, <i>over</i> or <i>through</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Advice</i> or <i>advise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Affect</i> or <i>effect</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>All</i> or <i>every</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>All</i> or <i>whole</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Allow</i>, <i>permit</i> or <i>let</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Almost</i> or <i>nearly</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Alone</i>, <i>lonely</i>, or <i>lonesome</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Along</i> or <i>alongside</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Already</i>, <i>still</i> or <i>yet</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Also</i>, <i>as well</i> or <i>too</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Alternate(ly)</i>, <i>alternative(ly)</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Although</i> or <i>though</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Altogether</i> or <i>all together</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Amount of</i>, <i>number of</i> or <i>quantity of</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Any more</i> or <i>anymore</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Anyone</i>, <i>anybody</i> or <i>anything</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Apart from</i> or <i>except for</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Arise</i> or <i>rise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Around</i> or <i>round</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Arouse</i> or <i>rouse</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i> or <i>like</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i>, <i>because</i> or <i>since</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i>, <i>when</i> or <i>while</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Been</i> or <i>gone</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Begin</i> or <i>start</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Beside</i> or <i>besides</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Between</i> or <i>among</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Born</i> or <i>borne</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Bring</i>, <i>take</i> and <i>fetch</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Can</i>, <i>could</i> or <i>may</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Classic</i> or <i>classical?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Come</i> or <i>go?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Consider</i> or <i>regard</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Consist</i>, <i>comprise</i> or <i>compose</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Content</i> or <i>contents?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Different from</i>, <i>different to</i> or <i>different than</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Do</i> or <i>make</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Down</i>, <i>downwards</i> or <i>downward?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>During</i> or <i>for?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Each</i> or <i>every</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>East</i> or <i>eastern</i>; <i>north</i> or <i>northern</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Economic</i> or <i>economical</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Efficient</i> or <i>effective</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Elder</i>, <i>eldest</i> or <i>older</i>, <i>oldest</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>End</i> or <i>finish</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Especially</i> or <i>specially</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Except</i> or <i>except for</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Expect</i>, <i>hope</i> or <i>wait</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Experience</i> or <i>experiment</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fall</i> or <i>fall down</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Far</i> or <i>a long way</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Farther</i>, <i>farthest</i> or <i>further</i>, <i>furthest</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fast</i>, <i>quick</i> or <i>quickly</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fell</i> or <i>felt</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Female</i> or <i>feminine</i>; <i>male</i> or <i>masculine</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Finally</i>, <i>at last</i>, <i>lastly</i> or <i>in the end?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>First</i>, <i>firstly</i> or <i>at first</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fit</i> or <i>suit</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Following</i> or <i>the following</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>For</i> or <i>since</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Forget</i> or <i>leave</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Full</i> or <i>filled</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Fun</i> or <i>funny</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Get</i> or <i>go?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Grateful</i> or <i>thankful</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Hear</i> or <i>listen (to)</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>High</i> or <i>tall</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Historic</i> or <i>historical</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>House</i> or <i>home</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>How is …?</i> or <i>What is … like?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>If</i> or <i>when</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>If</i> or <i>whether</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Ill</i> or <i>sick</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Imply</i> or <i>infer</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In the way</i> or <i>on the way</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>It’s</i> or <i>its</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Late</i> or <i>lately</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Lay</i> or <i>lie</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Lend</i> or <i>borrow</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Less</i> or <i>fewer</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Look at</i>, <i>see</i> or <i>watch</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Low</i> or <i>short</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Man</i>, <i>mankind</i> or <i>people</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Maybe</i> or <i>may be</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Maybe</i> or <i>perhaps</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Nearest</i> or <i>next</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Never</i> or <i>not … ever?</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Nice</i> or <i>sympathetic</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>No doubt</i> or <i>without doubt</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>No</i> or <i>not</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Nowadays</i>, <i>these days</i> or <i>today</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Open</i> or <i>opened</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Opportunity</i> or <i>possibility</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Opposite</i> or <i>in front of</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Other</i>, <i>others</i>, <i>the other</i> or <i>another</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Out</i> or <i>out of</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Permit</i> or <i>permission</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Person</i>, <i>persons</i> or <i>people</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Pick</i> or <i>pick up</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Play</i> or <i>game</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Politics</i>, <i>political</i>, <i>politician</i> or <i>policy</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Price</i> or <i>prize</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Principal</i> or <i>principle</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Quiet</i> or <i>quite</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Raise</i> or <i>rise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Remember</i> or <i>remind</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Right</i> or <i>rightly</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Rob</i> or <i>steal</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Say</i> or <i>tell</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>So that</i> or <i>in order that</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Sometimes</i> or <i>sometime</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Sound</i> or <i>noise</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Speak</i> or <i>talk</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Such</i> or <i>so</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>There</i>, <i>their</i> or <i>they’re</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Towards</i> or <i>toward</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Wait</i> or <i>wait for</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Wake</i>, <i>wake up</i> or <i>awaken</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Worth</i> or <i>worthwhile</i>?</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Nouns, pronouns and determiners</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Determiners</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>A/an</i> and <i>the</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners (<i>the</i>, <i>my</i>, <i>some</i>, <i>this</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners and types of noun</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners: position and order</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Determiners used as pronouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Every</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Possession (<i>John’s car</i>, <i>a friend of mine</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Such</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>This</i>, <i>that</i>, <i>these</i>, <i>those</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whole</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Nouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: form</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns and prepositions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: compound nouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: countable and uncountable</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: forming nouns from other words</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns: singular and plural</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Uncountable nouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Accommodation</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Equipment</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Furniture</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Information</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Luck</i> and <i>lucky</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>News</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Progress</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Weather</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Noun phrases</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: dependent words</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: order</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: uses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: noun phrases and verbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Noun phrases: two noun phrases together</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Pronouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Each other</i>, <i>one another</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Everyone</i>, <i>everybody</i>, <i>everything</i>, <i>everywhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>It</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Gender</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No one</i>, <i>nobody</i>, <i>nothing</i>, <i>nowhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>One</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>One</i> and <i>one’s</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: personal (<i>I, me</i>, <i>you</i>, <i>him</i>, <i>it</i>, <i>they</i>, etc.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: possessive (<i>my</i>, <i>mine</i>, <i>your</i>, <i>yours</i>, etc.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: reflexive (<i>myself</i>, <i>themselves</i>, etc.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: indefinite (-<i>body</i>, -<i>one</i>, -<i>thing</i>, -<i>where</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronouns: <i>one</i>, <i>you</i>, <i>we</i>, <i>they</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative pronouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: interrogative pronouns (<i>what</i>, <i>who</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Someone</i>, <i>somebody</i>, <i>something</i>, <i>somewhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>That</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Quantifiers</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>A bit</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>All</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Any</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Both</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Either</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Enough</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Least</i>, <i>the least</i>, <i>at least</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Less</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Little</i>, <i>a little</i>, <i>few</i>, <i>a few</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Lots</i>, <i>a lot</i>, <i>plenty</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Many</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">More</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Most</i>, <i>the most</i>, <i>mostly</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Much</i>, <i>many</i>, <i>a lot of</i>, <i>lots of</i>: quantifiers</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No</i>, <i>none</i> and <i>none of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Plenty</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Some</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Some</i> and <i>any</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Question words</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>How</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>What</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>When</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Where</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Which</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Who</i>, <i>whom</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whose</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Why</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using nouns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Piece words and group words</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Comparison: nouns (<i>more money</i>, <i>the most points</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nouns and gender</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech: reporting nouns</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Age</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Half</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Holiday</i> and <i>holidays</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Mind</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Opinion</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Promise</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Reason</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Sort</i>, <i>type</i> and <i>kind</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Thing</i> and <i>stuff</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>View</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Way</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Work</i> (noun)</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Prepositions and particles</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Prepositions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Prepositional phrases</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Above</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>After</i>, <i>afterwards</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Against</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Among</i> and <i>amongst</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>As</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i>, <i>in</i> and <i>to</i> (movement)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i>, <i>on</i> and <i>in</i> (place)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>At</i>, <i>on</i> and <i>in</i> (time)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Below</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Beneath</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Beyond</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>By</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>During</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>For</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>For</i> + <i>-ing</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>From</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In front of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In spite of</i> and <i>despite</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>In, into</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Near</i> and <i>near to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>On</i>, <i>onto</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Over</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>To</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Under</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Until</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>With</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Within</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn "><i>Without</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using English</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Collocation</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Functions</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Commands and instructions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Commentaries</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Invitations</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Offers</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Requests</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Greetings and farewells: <i>hello</i>, <i>goodbye</i>, <i>Happy New Year</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Suggestions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Telephoning</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Warnings</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Numbers</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Dates</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Measurements</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Number</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Time</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">People and places</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Geographical places</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Names and titles: addressing people</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Nationalities, languages, countries and regions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Place names</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Place and movement</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Abroad</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Away</i> and <i>away from</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Back</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Inside</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Nearby</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Outside</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Up</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Politeness</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Reported speech</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech: direct speech</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Reported speech: indirect speech</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Sexist language</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Spoken English</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Pronunciation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Intonation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Politeness</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Interjections (<i>ouch, hooray</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Tags</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Chunks</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Ellipsis</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Headers and tails</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Hyperbole</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Vague expressions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Downtoners</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Hedges (<i>just</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Substitution</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>All right</i> and <i>alright</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Please</i> and <i>thank you</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Here</i> and <i>there</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Just</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Kind of</i> and <i>sort of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Oh</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>So</i> and <i>not</i> with <i>expect</i>, <i>hope</i>, <i>think</i>, etc.</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>So</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Yes</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Anyway</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Discourse markers (<i>so, right, okay</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>In fact</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Okay</i>, <i>OK</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Well</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>You know</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>You see</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Types of English</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">British and American English</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Dialect</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Double negatives and usage</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Formal and informal language</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Newspaper headlines</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Register</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Slang</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Standard and non-standard language</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Swearing and taboo expressions</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Useful phrases</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>According to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Actual</i> and <i>actually</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Approximations (<i>around four o’clock</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>At all</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Else</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hear that</i>, <i>see that</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>However</i>, <i>whatever</i>, <i>whichever</i>, <i>whenever</i>, <i>wherever</i>, <i>whoever</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>It’s time</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>May as well</i> and <i>might as well</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>More</i> <i>or</i> <i>less</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Of course</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Point of view</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Writing</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Apostrophe (’)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Apposition</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Contractions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Contrasts</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Detached impersonal style</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Internet discourse and text messages</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>It</i>, <i>this</i> and <i>that</i> in paragraphs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Paragraphs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Punctuation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Speech into writing</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Spelling</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Such as</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Verbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Tenses and time</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Past</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past simple (<i>I worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past continuous (<i>I was working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past continuous or past simple?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past simple or present perfect?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Used to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect simple (<i>I had worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect continuous (<i>I had been working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect simple or past perfect continuous?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past perfect simple or past simple?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past verb forms referring to the present</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Past: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Present</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present continuous (<i>I am working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect continuous (<i>I have been working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect simple (<i>I have worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present perfect: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present simple (<i>I work</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present simple or present continuous?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Present verb forms referring to the past</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Future</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: <i>will</i> and <i>shall</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: <i>be going to</i> (<i>I am going to work</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: other expressions to talk about the future</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future continuous (<i>I will be working</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future in the past</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future perfect continuous (<i>I will have been working here ten years</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future perfect simple (<i>I will have worked eight hours</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: present continuous to talk about the future (<i>I’m working tomorrow</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: present simple to talk about the future (<i>I work tomorrow</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Future: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Going to</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Verb forms</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Finite and non-finite verbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Imperative clauses (<i>Be quiet!</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Infinitives with and without <i>to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Infinitive: active or passive?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Perfect infinitive with <i>to</i> (<i>to have worked</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs: basic forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs: formation</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Verb patterns</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hate</i>, <i>like</i>, <i>love</i> and <i>prefer</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hear</i>, <i>see</i>, etc. + object + infinitive or -<i>ing</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Help somebody (to) do</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Look forward to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Stop</i> + <i>-ing</i> form or <i>to</i>-infinitive</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb patterns: verb + infinitive or verb + -<i>ing</i>?</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb patterns: verb + <i>that</i>-clause</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb patterns: with and without objects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Would like</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Would rather</i>, <i>would sooner</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Phrasal verbs and multi-word verbs</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Passive voice</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Get</i> passive</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Have something done</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passives with and without an agent</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: uses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: other forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Passive: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Modal verbs and modality</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Can</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Could</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Could</i>, <i>may</i> and <i>might</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Dare</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Had better</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>May</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Might</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: forms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: meanings and uses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: tense</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: other verbs</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Modality: other modal words and expressions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Must</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Need</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ought to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Shall</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Should</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Will</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Would</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Conditionals and wishes</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals: <i>if</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals: other expressions (<i>unless, should, as long as</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conditionals: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>If only</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>In case (of)</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Suppose</i>, <i>supposing</i> and <i>what if</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Wish</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Using verbs</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tb ">Verbs: types</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verb phrases</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Verbs and verb phrases: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Appear</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Ask</i> and <i>ask for</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Be</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Be</i> expressions (<i>be able to</i>, <i>be due to</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Come</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Do</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Enable</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Enjoy</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Explain</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Get</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Go</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Happen</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Have</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Have got</i> and <i>have</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Hope</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Know</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Let</i>, <i>let’s</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Like</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Look</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Made from</i>, <i>made of</i>, <i>made out of</i>, <i>made with</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Make</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Marry</i> and <i>divorce</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Matter</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Mean</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Miss</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Prefer</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Put</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>See</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Seem</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Suggest</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Take</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Think</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Want</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Table of irregular verbs</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-10"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Words, sentences and clauses</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha tn ">Word classes and phrase classes</span></a><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Word formation</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Word formation</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Prefixes</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Suffixes</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Compounds</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Abbreviations, initials and acronyms</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>-ish</i> and <i>-y</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Diminutives (-<i>let</i>, -<i>y</i> and <i>mini-</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Hyphens</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Word order and focus</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Word order and focus</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Word order: structures</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Cleft sentences (<i>It was in June we got married</i>.)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Fronting</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Inversion</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>No sooner</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Not only … but also</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Conjunctions and linking words</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>And</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As if</i> and <i>as though</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>As long as</i> and <i>so long as</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Because</i>, <i>because of</i> and <i>cos</i>, <i>cos of</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Before</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">But</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: adding</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: causes, reasons, results and purpose</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: contrasting</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Conjunctions: time</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Either</i> … <i>or</i>…</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>If</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>In order to</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Or</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Since</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Unless</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whereas</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Whether</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>While</i> and <i>whilst</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Yet</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Clauses and sentences</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Adjuncts</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Clauses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Clauses: finite and non-finite</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Clause types</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Complements</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Dummy subjects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Exclamations</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Heads</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Objects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Sentences</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Subjects</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Subject complements</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Subject–verb agreement</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Relative clauses</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses referring to a whole sentence</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses: defining and non-defining</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Relative clauses: typical errors</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Negation</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class="lpl-10"><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Negation</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Neither, neither … nor</i> and <i>not … either</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Not</i></span></a></div></section></amp-accordion> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Neither, neither … nor</i> and <i>not … either</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn "><i>Not</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Forming negative statements, questions and imperatives</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation: two negatives</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negative clauses with <i>any</i>, <i>anybody</i>, <i>anyone</i>, <i>anything</i>, <i>anywhere</i></span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation in non-finite clauses</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negative prefixes and suffixes</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negative adverbs: <i>hardly</i>, <i>seldom</i>, etc. </span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation: emphasising </span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Negation of <i>think</i>, <i>believe</i>, <i>suppose</i>, <i>hope</i> </span></a></div></section></amp-accordion><amp-accordion disable-session-states=""><section class=""><header class="fon pr ca_h lbb lb-cm lpl-20"><i class="pa pr0 i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="lpr-5 tn ">Questions</span></header><div class="ca_b lpl-0 lpr-0"><div/> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: alternative questions (<i>Is it black or grey?</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: statement questions (<i>you’re over 18?</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: two-step questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: typical errors</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: <i>wh-</i>questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: <i>yes-no</i> questions (<i>Are you feeling cold?</i>)</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: follow-up questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: echo and checking questions</span></a> <a href="" class="hdb lbb lb-cm lp-10 lpl-20"><span class="hdib ha lpl-10 tn ">Questions: short forms</span></a></div></section></amp-accordion></div></section></amp-accordion></div> </div> </div> </amp-sidebar> <amp-state id="stateSidebarWordList"> <script type="application/json"> { "wordlist_id": "", "word": "", "wordlist": "", "dictCode": "british-grammar", "url": "", "expended": false } </script> </amp-state> <amp-state id="stateSidebarWordListItems" [src]="'/plus/getWordlists?foo=' + stateSidebarWordList.wordlist_id" credentials="include"> <script type="application/json"> [] </script> </amp-state> <amp-sidebar id="sidebarWordList" layout="nodisplay" side="left" class="bw cm-f" amp-access-hide> <div class="pr hdf 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