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Download 4 of my amazing e-books all in 1 amazing bundle! Find this on my FB Page: </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="11209445"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: Back to School Tips (From the Kids) & Herbal Medicine show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: Back to School Tips (From the Kids) & Herbal Medicine</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">LIMITED TIME OFFER! Download 4 of my amazing e-books all in 1 amazing bundle! 鉂わ笍馃ウFactors of Inflammation: Back to School Tips (From the Kids) and Lets Talk About Herbal Medicine馃ウ鉂わ笍 Find this on my FB Page:</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="11209292"> <img src="" alt="SIBO and Gut Health Interview With Shivan Sarna show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">SIBO and Gut Health Interview With Shivan Sarna</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">SIBO and Gut Health Interview With Shivan Sarna </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="10810388"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: Chronic infections? show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: Chronic infections? </span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Factors of Inflammation: Chronic infections?</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="10583999"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: Mold, Methylation and More! show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: Mold, Methylation and More!</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Factors of Inflammation: Mold, Methylation and More! </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="10583897"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: Electronics and EMFs. show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: Electronics and EMFs.</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Factors of Inflammation: Electronics and EMFs.</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="10285703"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: detox from toxins- in your mouth? show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: detox from toxins- in your mouth?</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Factors of Inflammation: detox from toxins- in your mouth? </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="10268861"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: Detox summery and change toxic for clean. show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: Detox summery and change toxic for clean. </span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Factors of Inflammation: Detox summery and change toxic for clean.</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="8936462"> <img src="" alt="Factors of Inflammation: Where are the toxins located? show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Factors of Inflammation: Where are the toxins located?</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Factors of Inflammation - Where are the toxins located?</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="8692784"> <img src="" alt="Healthy Fat- Yup You Heard That Right. show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Healthy Fat- Yup You Heard That Right.</span> <p class="show-title">The Madiha MD's Show podcast</p> <p class="episode-body">Now let鈥檚 talk about FAT!....Don鈥檛 go shying away, fats can be healthy. Fats have gotten bad press, but did you know they are actually key in lowering inflammation and helping people to lose weight. I know crazy right!!! Over the last couple of years, the truth is finally coming to the surface. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <div id="episode-endpoint" class="collection-item"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="btn center-block" id="show-more-episodes" style="display:block!important;">More Episodes</a> </div> <div class="col s12 m8" id="info-panel"> <div class="card-panel"> <div class="episode-description"> <p>Summary: Jump start your health with learning the factors that cause or worsen inflammation. By optimizing these areas, one can heal not one symptoms but all of them simultaneously! So exciting! Let's get healing!!!</p> <p>Get your copy of Healing Eats: My Family鈥檚 Favorite Fast, Easy, Delicious, Cost-Effective Recipes <a href= ""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Visit our site: <a href= ""></a></p> <p>Like us on Facebook Holistic Mom, MD: <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck= "false" href= "" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Follow us on Google+: <a href= ""></a></p> <p>Connect with us through LinkedIn: <a href= ""></a></p> <p>Follow us on Twitter: <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck= "false" href= "" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Instagram: <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck= "false" href= "" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Subscribe to my iTunes podcast: <a href= ""></a></p> <p>Subscribe to my Stitcher podcasts from your Android: <a href= ""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>MadihaSaeedHolisticMomMD</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row col sm12 m8"> <div id="fb-root"></div> <!-- facebook comment --> <div id="comments" style="height:100%" class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5" data-mobile="true"></div> </div> </div> <script> //Displays bulletpoints $('.episode-description ul').addClass('browser-default'); 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