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The Senna filmmaker believes the tabloid press are complicit in what happened to her and fears it will happen again."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Amy Winehouse: Did we all go too far?"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Amy Winehouse: Did we all go too far? </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key20"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Did the McBusted lads really play soggy biscuit on tour!?"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="McBusted reveal what happns on tour"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> McBusted reveal what happns on tour </span> </span> </a></li></ul></div> </section> <section id="videos_tagged_tech" class="tq_carousel"> <header><h2 class="large heading light"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/"> Tech </a></h2> </header> <script type="text/javascript">$.pageReady.add(function(){ $('#videos_tagged_tech').starsnaps({ scrollSpeed: 400 }); });</script> <div class="starsnaps_nav"> <a style="display: block" class="starsnaps_next button alt indent direction"> Next <span></span> </a> <a style="display: block" class="starsnaps_prev button alt indent direction"> Previous <span></span> </a></div><div class="starsnaps_carousel"><ul style="left: -212px"><li id="key1"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Digital Spy tries out the newly annouced GoPro Hero4 Session."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="GoPro Hero4 Session hands-on video"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> GoPro Hero4 Session hands-on video </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key2"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="A glimpse at the tech of the future, from a 3D-printed spider dress to a robot chef."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="5 of the coolest things on show at CES ASIA 2015"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> 5 of the coolest things on show at CES ASIA 2015 </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key3"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="As Apple unveiled the Apple Watch to the public, we got hands-on with the much hyped smartwatch."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Apple Watch first impressions"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Apple Watch first impressions </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key4"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Apple reveal its first wearable available from April 24."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Up close with the Apple Watch"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Up close with the Apple Watch </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key5"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The game's engine enables it to feature thousands of units on screen while running smoothly across mobile devices."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Dawn of Titans announcement trailer"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Dawn of Titans announcement trailer </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key6"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Cinemagoers get 15 special effects in a step beyond 3D"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Watch footage from a 4DX cinema screening"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Watch footage from a 4DX cinema screening </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key7"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="DS Tech Editor Hunter Skipworth labels the Blackberry Passport 'the embodiment of everything boring about life'!"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Blackberry Passport review 'the embodiment of boring'"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Blackberry Passport review 'the embodiment of boring' </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key8"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="We take a hands-on looks at Apple's new must-haves: the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="iPhone 6 & 6 Plus review"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> iPhone 6 & 6 Plus review </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key9"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Digital Spy gets hands on with the newly announced and hotluy anticipated Apple Watch. Hit play for more."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Apple Watch hands-on video review"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Apple Watch hands-on video review </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key10"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Digital Spy gets hands-on with Apple's latest iPhone devices. Hit play for more."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus hands-on video review"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus hands-on video review </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key11"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Digital Spy spends a day in the shoes of messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May as Tech Editor Hunter Skipworth tries out the Top Gear Track Experience."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Top Gear Track Experience: We test-drive the ultimate track day"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Top Gear Track Experience: We test-drive the ultimate track day </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key12"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="We tried out the GoPro Hero 3+ by strapping it to the back of our Tech Editor's dog!"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="GoPro HD Hero 3+: 'Dog cam' test footage"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> GoPro HD Hero 3+: 'Dog cam' test footage </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key13"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Twitch introduces an updated video manager wherein users can create highlights, export past broadcasts and gain access to expiration countdowns."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Twitch Video Manager introduction video"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Twitch Video Manager introduction video </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key14"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Beardyman and Gruff Rhys talk about the importance of sound"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Stars show off the power of sound at WOMAD"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Stars show off the power of sound at WOMAD </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key15"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="We pit the cream of the Android crop against each other in a smartphone shootout."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Samsung Galaxy S5 vs HTC One (M8) vs Sony Xperia Z2"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Samsung Galaxy S5 vs HTC One (M8) vs Sony Xperia Z2 </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key16"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="We get our hands on HTC's new flagship smartphone"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="HTC One (M8) review"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> HTC One (M8) review </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key17"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The video introduces the updated and slimmer version of Sony's PS Vita handheld, the PCH-2000 series."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="New PlayStation Vita announcement trailer"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> New PlayStation Vita announcement trailer </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key18"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Digital Spy Tech editor gets hands-on with the new Apple Mac Pro."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Mac Pro hands-on 'the future of computers'"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Mac Pro hands-on 'the future of computers' </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key19"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Amazon unveils its new Prime Air service, which could deliver goods to customers via an unmanned flying drone."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Amazon flying drones delivery service"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Amazon flying drones delivery service </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key20"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Digital Spy gets hands on with Sony's next-gen console."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="PS4 video review: Impressions of Remote Play, DualShock 4"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> PS4 video review: Impressions of Remote Play, DualShock 4 </span> </span> </a></li></ul></div> </section><section id="videos_tagged_gaming" class="tq_carousel"> <header><h2 class="large heading light"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/"> Gaming </a></h2> </header> <script type="text/javascript">$.pageReady.add(function(){ $('#videos_tagged_gaming').starsnaps({ scrollSpeed: 400 }); 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Mika has the ability to dazzle opponents with a variety of high-flying moves"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Rainbow Mika joins the Street Fighter 5 roster"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Rainbow Mika joins the Street Fighter 5 roster </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key6"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Boss Key Productions' free-to-play sci-fi arena shooter is on track for release in 2016."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="LawBreakers reveal trailer"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> LawBreakers reveal trailer </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key7"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Teaser trailer for Funcom's horror spinoff from The Secret World."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="The Park teaser trailer"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> The Park teaser trailer </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key8"> <a 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gameplay </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key11"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The Pokemon fighting arcade game comes to Nintendo's console in Spring 2016."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Pokken Tournament is coming to Wii U"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Pokken Tournament is coming to Wii U </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key12"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Set to launch during the holiday season, the upcoming dancing game sequel consists of a selection of songs from several Disney Channel original movies."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Watch the official trailer for Just Dance: Disney Party 2"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Watch the official trailer for Just Dance: Disney Party 2 </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key13"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The game is about an angry mob trying to kill you because you farted on them."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Gassy Mob gameplay video"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Gassy Mob gameplay video </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key14"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The game features a mission-based Scooby-Doo level in which Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle must traverse in their quest to stop Lord Vortech and save the LEGO Multiverse."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="LEGO Dimensions Scooby-Doo gameplay"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> LEGO Dimensions Scooby-Doo gameplay </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key15"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Skylanders Battlecast brings cards to life with a single player and online play in 2016."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Skylanders getting a card-battling game on smartphones"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Skylanders getting a card-battling game on smartphones </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key16"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Comprising entirely of footage captured on a PS4, the two-minute video invites fans to witness the adventures of the series' titular hero, Nathan Drake, firsthand."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection story trailer"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection story trailer </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key17"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Gears of War's iconic 'Mad World' trailer has been remade with new Xbox One footage for the Ultimate Edition."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Gears of War's Mad World trailer remade for Xbox One"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Gears of War's Mad World trailer remade for Xbox One </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key18"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The game is compatible with more than 50 amiibo, including classic figures such as Link, Wii Fit Trainer and Kirby, with support for the 30th Anniversary Mario amiibo as well - allowing you to take on mustachioed enemies in levels using Big Mario."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Super Mario Maker overview"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Super Mario Maker overview </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key19"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="'he confirmation comes after asking fans for honest feedback about the potential project"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Capcom confirms a remake of Resident Evil 2"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Capcom confirms a remake of Resident Evil 2 </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key20"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Coffee Stain Studios' third-person action game is now available on PS4 and PS3."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Goat Simulator PlayStation launch trailer"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Goat Simulator PlayStation launch trailer </span> </span> </a></li></ul></div> </section><section id="videos_tagged_soaps" class="tq_carousel"> <header><h2 class="large heading light"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/"> Soaps </a></h2> </header> <script type="text/javascript">$.pageReady.add(function(){ $('#videos_tagged_soaps').starsnaps({ scrollSpeed: 400 }); });</script> <div class="starsnaps_nav"> <a style="display: block" class="starsnaps_next button alt indent direction"> Next <span></span> </a> <a style="display: block" class="starsnaps_prev button alt indent direction"> Previous <span></span> </a></div><div class="starsnaps_carousel"><ul style="left: -212px"><li id="key1"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Jai hopes to use Kirin's desperation for cash to his own advantage."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Emmerdale: Jai Sharma asks Kirin Kotecha to sell drugs"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Emmerdale: Jai Sharma asks Kirin Kotecha to sell drugs </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key2"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Bob Hope assures Brenda Walker that Ged's blackmail is over."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Emmerdale: Bob Hope's prison ordeal continues"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Emmerdale: Bob Hope's prison ordeal continues </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key3"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="A heart-to-heart between Liz and Lloyd at The Rovers takes an unexpected turn."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Coronation Street: Liz and Lloyd share a surprise kiss"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Coronation Street: Liz and Lloyd share a surprise kiss </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key4"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Callum gets his comeuppance as Tony punishes him for the attack on Jason."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Coronation Street: Callum Logan is attacked by Tony Stewart"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Coronation Street: Callum Logan is attacked by Tony Stewart </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key5"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Sally Webster warns Carla Connor that her car is about to be repossessed."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Coronation Street: Carla Connor receives more bad news"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Coronation Street: Carla Connor receives more bad news </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key6"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Pete reaches breaking point when he hears that the police may have found Ross's body."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Emmerdale: Pete tells Debbie that he killed Ross"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Emmerdale: Pete tells Debbie that he killed Ross </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key7"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="On this week's Soap Scoop, Shabnam and Kush deal with a tragedy on EastEnders, Tony takes the law into his own hands on Corrie, Pete faces his family on Emmerdale, and a catfight in the village ion Hollyaoks."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Soap Scoop! Tony beats down Callum, Pete confesses on Emmerdale"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Soap Scoop! Tony beats down Callum, Pete confesses on Emmerdale </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key8"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Todd Grimshaw overhears as Eileen tells Tony that Jason is the better man out of her two sons."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Coronation Street: Todd Grimshaw left crushed by Eileen again"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Coronation Street: Todd Grimshaw left crushed by Eileen again </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key9"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="David Platt sparks a showdown by refusing to let Callum Logan see Max."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Coronation Street: Callum's enemies start to fight back"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Coronation Street: Callum's enemies start to fight back </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key10"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Will Cain be able to keep his cool when the police arrive to speak to him about Ross?"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Emmerdale: Cain confronted by police over Ross's disappearance"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Emmerdale: Cain confronted by police over Ross's disappearance </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key11"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Emma makes a surprising discovery when looking through Ross's belongings."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Emmerdale: Emma Barton starts to worry about Ross"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Emmerdale: Emma Barton starts to worry about Ross </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key12"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="A first look at Paddy McGuinness in the guest role of Dougie Ryan on Coronation Street."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Coronation Street: Paddy McGuinness makes his debut"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Coronation Street: Paddy McGuinness makes his debut </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key13"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="Corrie star Jack P. Shepherd takes our 60 second quiz."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Jack P. Shepherd does an awesome Mickey Mouse"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Jack P. Shepherd does an awesome Mickey Mouse </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key14"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="The cast of Channel 4's Hollyoaks take part in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness of motor neurone disease."> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Hollyoaks cast in special Ice Bucket Challenge"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Hollyoaks cast in special Ice Bucket Challenge </span> </span> </a></li><li id="key15"> <a href="/web/20150905104425/" title="On this week's Soap Scoop: Simon's violence against Leanne esculates in Corrie, Bobby's demon surface in EastEnders, Megan and Jai make a change in Emmerdale and the Roscoe twins on collision course in Hollyoaks"> <span class="img"> <img src="" width="178" height="100" alt="Soap Scoop! Simon and Bobby turn violent in Corrie & EastEnders"/> </span> <span class="content"> <span class="headline"> Soap Scoop! 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