ACTIMMUNE® (Interferon gamma-1b)

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</div> <div class="more-info"> <div class="more-info-section"> <p><strong>Common Questions<strong></strong></strong></p> <p><a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/actimmune-for-cgd/why-actimmune">How effective is ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup>?</a></p> <p><a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/actimmune-for-cgd/safety-information">How safe is ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup>?</a></p> <p><a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/ongoing-support/your-support-team/">Are there support services for ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup>?</a></p> </div><div class="more-info-section"> <p><strong>Have questions? Call for answers.<strong></strong></strong></p> <div class="more-info-section-img-txt"><img alt="" class="small-screen-img " /> <img alt="" class="medium-screen-img " /> <img src="" alt="" class="large-screen-img " /> <div class="more-info-section-txt"> <p><strong>Contact us at</strong></p> <p><a href="tel:1-877-305-7704">1-877-305-7704</a></p> <p><strong> 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET </strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> </div> </div> </div></section> <section class="content"> <!-- Start Component Zone --> <!-- End Component Zone --> <!-- Start Component BannerImage --> <div class="container-full"> <div class="banner-container theme-bannerimage-imagewithcontent"> <style> .fullwidth-banner.banner-main-2 { background-image: url(/images/mobile-banner.jpg)!important; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .fullwidth-banner.banner-main-2 { background-image: url(/images/Homepage-Hero-Desktop-1440.jpg) !important; } } @media (min-width: 1024px) { .fullwidth-banner.banner-main-2{ background-image: url(/images/Homepage-Hero-Desktop-1440.jpg)!important; } } </style> <div class="fullwidth-banner banner-main-2 "></div> <div class="fullwidth-banner-content"> <!--Input form selector Paragraph--> <h1><span class="alt">THIS IS MY TIME.</span> INFECTION WON&rsquo;T TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME.</h1> <p class="d-white-text">ACTIMMUNE&reg; (Interferon gamma-1b) helps lower the risk of serious infection* in people with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).</p> <div class="banner-button"> <a href="" ga-tag="internal" class="cta-btn" ga-tag="navigate">See how ACTIMMUNE庐 works</a> </div> </div> </div></div> <!-- End Component BannerImage --> <!-- Start Component ContentFragmentSelector --> <!-- Content Fragment: /content-fragments/cgd-nurse-advocate-call-center [CGD Nurse Advocate Call Center] --> <!-- Start Component ContentBoxWithImage --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="content-box-with-image box-image-right theme-green"> <div class="box-image"> <img src="/images/CGD-Nurse-advocate.svg" alt="CGD nurse advocate icon" class="large-screen-img" data-assetid="56829" width="60" height="61" data-filesize="2086" data-injected-size="true"/> </div> <div class="content-box-text"> <h2>CGD Nurse Advocate Call Center</h2> <p>Interested in learning more about ACTIMMUNE? CGD Nurse Advocates can help you better understand CGD and how ACTIMMUNE may help. CGD Nurse Advocates do not provide individual patient care or medical advice. Reach out to us Monday &ndash; Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM ET at <a href="tel:1-833-346-9243" ga-tag="external">1-833-346-9243</a>.</p> <p><a href="tel:1-833-346-9243" class="cta-btn">Call 1-833-3-4MYCGD</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <!-- End Component ContentBoxWithImage --> <!-- End Component ContentFragmentSelector --> <!-- Start Component TwoColumnContentSplit --> <div class="container twoColumnContentSplit-wrapper "> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 image"> <div class="twoColumnContentSplit col1"> <!--Input form selector ContentFragmentSelector--> <!-- Content Fragment: /content-fragments/doctor-finder-cta [Doctor Finder CTA] --> <!-- Start Component ZipCodeBox --> <div class="container"><div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="FAS_zip" class="zipcode-callout rs_skip rs_preserve" data-download="false"> <div class="zipcode-box full-width theme-purple"> <div class="zip-content "> <h4 class="">Find a CGD Specialist </h4> <p>Find a healthcare provider in your area who has treated CGD.</p> <img src="/images/zip-background.svg" class="large-screen-img " data-assetid="112256" width="406" height="252" data-filesize="3301" data-injected-size="true"/> <img src="/images/zip-background.svg" class="small-screen-img " data-assetid="112256" width="406" height="252" data-filesize="3301" data-injected-size="true"/> <img src="/images/zip-background.svg" class="medium-screen-img " data-assetid="112256" width="406" height="252" data-filesize="3301" data-injected-size="true"/> </div> <div class="zip-field"> <form method="post" action=""> <div class=""> <input id="finderZip" name="zip" placeholder="ZIP Code" type="tel" maxlength="5"/> </div> <button class="cta-btn without-arrow zipSearchButton" type="submit" aria-label="search">Go</button> </form> </div> <p class="error_message">Please enter a valid zip code.</p> </div> </div> </div></div></div> <!-- End Component ZipCodeBox --> <!-- Start Component SpecialistFinderResults --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div id="results" class="specialist-results rs_skip rs_preserve" data-see-more='See More Results'> <div id="list" class="list"> <table id="doctors" class="display"></table> </div> <div id="map-container" class="map-container"><div id="map" class="map"></div></div> <div class="loading-spinner"></div> <cp-template id="info-window"> </cp-template> <cp-template id="details"> </cp-template> </div> </div></div> <!-- End Component SpecialistFinderResults --> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="twoColumnContentSplit col2"> <!--Input form selector ContentFragmentSelector--> <!-- Content Fragment: /content-fragments/signup-cta [Signup CTA] --> <!-- Start Component SignupCta2 --> <div class="container"><style> #signup-cta-1{ background-image: url(/* Not Loaded for */); }</style> <div class="row"><div class="col-md-12"><div class="blocks-2-column-wrap new-callouts"><div class="row hz-cta-wrapper "> <div class="col"> <div class="cta theme-purple" id='signup-cta-1'> <div class="cta-content"> <h2 class="">Get information about CGD and ACTIMMUNE<sup>庐</sup></h2> <p></p> <form action="" class=""> <div class="row"> <div class="email-input"> <input id="email" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" placeholder="Email Address" type="email" data-minlength="2" aria-label="Email" data-val-required="Email is required"/> </div> <div class="cta-btn-parent"> <a href="#" class="cta-btn" ga-tag="navigate">Submit</a> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> <!-- End Component SignupCta2 --> </div> </div> </div></div> <!-- End Component TwoColumnContentSplit --> <!-- Start Component Paragraph --> <div class="paragraph container"> <div class="row"><div class="col-md-12 cms-editor "> <p>At, you can learn more about the <a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/about-cgd/symptoms-and-signs">signs and symptoms</a> of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). You can find information on how ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup> <a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/actimmune-for-cgd/why-actimmune">helps protect against serious infections</a> and <a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/patient-stories">hear from patients and caregivers</a> about living with CGD and taking ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup>.</p> <p>You can also download helpful resources that <a href="/pdf/CGD-Facts.pdf" target="blank">explain CGD</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">get tips to help you start and stay on ACTIMMUNE</a><sup>&reg;</sup> for CGD. Another resource to help you at every step is a <a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/ongoing-support/your-support-team/">Clinical Nurse Educator</a>, available at no cost. <a href="/chronic-granulomatous-disease/stay-connected">Sign up</a> for more information and valuable tips about ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup> to help treat CGD.</p> <p>*An infection is serious if you have to go to the hospital and get intravenous (IV) antibiotics.</p> </div></div></div> <!-- End Component Paragraph --> </section> <section class="social-share-wrap"> <div class="row"><div class="col-md-12"><div class="social-media"> <ul><li> <a href="mailto:?subject=Treatment option for chronic granulomatous disease&body=Hi, %0D%0DI found this website that I think you might be interested in. The website is about a treatment option for chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). %0D%0DClick here to learn more:" class="email-icon rs_skip" target="" rel="noopener" aria-label="" ga-tag="social"></a> </li></ul></div> </div></div> </section><section class="important-information" id="isi"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="isi-tray-wrapper "> <div class="isi-tray-main-div"> <h4>Important Safety Information</h4> <div class="buttons"> <a href="#" class="" data-link="" target="" ga-tag="expand" aria-label="expand"> <span></span> </a> </div> <h5>What is ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup> (Interferon gamma-1b) used for?</h5> <p></p> <p>ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup>&nbsp;is part of a drug regimen used to treat Chronic Granulomatous Disease, or CGD. CGD is a genetic disorder, usually diagnosed in childhood, that affects some cells of the immune system and the body's ability to fight infections effectively. CGD is often treated (though not cured) with antibiotics, antifungals, and ACTIMMUNE.</p> <p>ACTIMMUNE is also used to slow the worsening of severe, malignant osteopetrosis (SMO). SMO is a genetic disorder that affects normal bone formation and is usually diagnosed in the first few months after birth.</p> <p class=""></p> <h5>When should I not take ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p>Don't use ACTIMMUNE if you are allergic to interferon-gamma,&nbsp;<em>E. coli&nbsp;</em>derived products, or any ingredients contained in the product.</p> <h5>What warnings should I know about ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p></p> <p>At high doses, ACTIMMUNE can cause (flu-like) symptoms, which may worsen some pre-existing heart conditions.</p> <p>ACTIMMUNE may cause decreased mental status, walking disturbances, and dizziness, particularly at very high doses. These symptoms are usually reversible within a few days upon dose reduction or discontinuation of therapy.</p> <p>Bone marrow function may be suppressed with ACTIMMUNE, and decreased production of cells important to the body may occur. This effect, which can be severe, is usually reversible when the drug is discontinued or the dose is reduced.</p> <p>Taking ACTIMMUNE may cause reversible changes to your liver function, particularly in patients less than 1 year old. Your doctor should monitor your liver function every 3 months, and monthly in children under 1 year.</p> <p>In rare cases, ACTIMMUNE can cause severe allergic reactions and/or rash. If you experience a serious reaction to ACTIMMUNE, discontinue it immediately and contact your doctor or seek medical help.</p> <p></p> <div><a href="" data-link="" target=""></a></div> <h5>What should I tell my healthcare provider?</h5> <p>Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking.</p> <p>Tell your doctor if you:</p> <ul style="margin-left: 15px;"> <li>are pregnant or plan to become pregnant or plan to nurse</li> <li>have a cardiac condition such as irregular heartbeat, heart failure, or decreased blood flow to your heart</li> <li>have a history of seizures or other neurologic disorders</li> <li>have, or have had, reduced bone marrow function. Your doctor will monitor these cells with blood tests at the beginning of therapy and at 3-month intervals on ACTIMMUNE therapy</li> </ul> <h5>What are the side effects of ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p>The most common side effects with ACTIMMUNE are "flu-like" symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, muscle pain, or fatigue, which may decrease in severity as treatment continues. Bedtime administration of ACTIMMUNE may help reduce some of these symptoms. Acetaminophen may be helpful in preventing fever and headache.</p> <h5></h5> <ul></ul> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h5>What other medications might interact with ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p></p> <p>Some drugs may interact with ACTIMMUNE to potentially increase the risk of damage to your heart or nervous system, such as certain chemotherapy drugs. Tell your doctor about all other medications you are taking.</p> <p>Avoid taking ACTIMMUNE at the same time as a vaccination.</p> <p>You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" data-link="external"></a>, or call&nbsp;<a href="tel:1-800-FDA-1088">1-800-FDA-1088</a>.</p> <p>The risk information provided here is not comprehensive. To learn more, talk about ACTIMMUNE with your healthcare provider or pharmacist. The FDA-approved product labeling can be found at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<a href="tel:1-866-479-6742">1-866-479-6742</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section><section> <div class="isi-tray-wrapper isi-tray rs_skip rs_preserve left"> <div class="isi-tray-main-div"> <h4>Important Safety Information</h4> <div class="buttons"> <a href="#" class="" data-link="" target="" ga-tag="expand" aria-label="expand"> <span></span> </a> </div> <h5>What is ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup> (Interferon gamma-1b) used for?</h5> <p></p> <p>ACTIMMUNE<sup>&reg;</sup>&nbsp;is part of a drug regimen used to treat Chronic Granulomatous Disease, or CGD. CGD is a genetic disorder, usually diagnosed in childhood, that affects some cells of the immune system and the body's ability to fight infections effectively. CGD is often treated (though not cured) with antibiotics, antifungals, and ACTIMMUNE.</p> <p>ACTIMMUNE is also used to slow the worsening of severe, malignant osteopetrosis (SMO). SMO is a genetic disorder that affects normal bone formation and is usually diagnosed in the first few months after birth.</p> <div class="isi-content-body"> <h5>When should I not take ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p>Don't use ACTIMMUNE if you are allergic to interferon-gamma,&nbsp;<em>E. coli&nbsp;</em>derived products, or any ingredients contained in the product.</p> <h5>What warnings should I know about ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p></p> <p>At high doses, ACTIMMUNE can cause (flu-like) symptoms, which may worsen some pre-existing heart conditions.</p> <p>ACTIMMUNE may cause decreased mental status, walking disturbances, and dizziness, particularly at very high doses. These symptoms are usually reversible within a few days upon dose reduction or discontinuation of therapy.</p> <p>Bone marrow function may be suppressed with ACTIMMUNE, and decreased production of cells important to the body may occur. This effect, which can be severe, is usually reversible when the drug is discontinued or the dose is reduced.</p> <p>Taking ACTIMMUNE may cause reversible changes to your liver function, particularly in patients less than 1 year old. Your doctor should monitor your liver function every 3 months, and monthly in children under 1 year.</p> <p>In rare cases, ACTIMMUNE can cause severe allergic reactions and/or rash. If you experience a serious reaction to ACTIMMUNE, discontinue it immediately and contact your doctor or seek medical help.</p> <p></p> <div><a href="" data-link="" target=""></a></div> <h5>What should I tell my healthcare provider?</h5> <p>Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking.</p> <p>Tell your doctor if you:</p> <ul style="margin-left: 15px;"> <li>are pregnant or plan to become pregnant or plan to nurse</li> <li>have a cardiac condition such as irregular heartbeat, heart failure, or decreased blood flow to your heart</li> <li>have a history of seizures or other neurologic disorders</li> <li>have, or have had, reduced bone marrow function. Your doctor will monitor these cells with blood tests at the beginning of therapy and at 3-month intervals on ACTIMMUNE therapy</li> </ul> <h5>What are the side effects of ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p>The most common side effects with ACTIMMUNE are "flu-like" symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, muscle pain, or fatigue, which may decrease in severity as treatment continues. Bedtime administration of ACTIMMUNE may help reduce some of these symptoms. Acetaminophen may be helpful in preventing fever and headache.</p> <h5></h5> <ul></ul> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h5>What other medications might interact with ACTIMMUNE?</h5> <p></p> <p>Some drugs may interact with ACTIMMUNE to potentially increase the risk of damage to your heart or nervous system, such as certain chemotherapy drugs. Tell your doctor about all other medications you are taking.</p> <p>Avoid taking ACTIMMUNE at the same time as a vaccination.</p> <p>You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" data-link="external"></a>, or call&nbsp;<a href="tel:1-800-FDA-1088">1-800-FDA-1088</a>.</p> <p>The risk information provided here is not comprehensive. To learn more, talk about ACTIMMUNE with your healthcare provider or pharmacist. 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