{"title":"Optimizing Exposure Parameters in Digital Mammography: A Study in Morocco ","authors":"Talbi Mohammed, Oustous Aziz, Ben Messaoud Mounir, Sebihi Rajaa, Khalis Mohammed","volume":157,"journal":"International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering","pagesStart":34,"pagesEnd":38,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10011031","abstract":"<p>Background: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women around the world. Screening mammography is the reference examination, due to its sensitivity for detecting small lesions and micro-calcifications. Therefore, it is essential to ensure quality mammographic examinations with the most optimal dose. These conditions depend on the choice of exposure parameters. Clinically, practices must be evaluated in order to determine the most appropriate exposure parameters. Material and Methods: We performed our measurements on a mobile mammography unit (PLANMED Sofie-classic.) in Morocco. A solid dosimeter (AGMS Radcal) and a MTM 100 phantom allow to quantify the delivered dose and the image quality. For image quality assessment, scores are defined by the rate of visible inserts (MTM 100 phantom), obtained and compared for each acquisition. Results: The results show that the parameters of the mammography unit on which we have made our measurements can be improved in order to offer a better compromise between image quality and breast dose. The last one can be reduced up from 13.27% to 22.16%, while preserving comparable image quality.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1]\t\u00c9pid\u00e9miologie des cancers chez les patients de 65 ans et plus : institut national du cancer Date de publication : 27\/11\/2018 MAROC\r\n[2]\tlaila hallaoui (Cancer: le Maroc enregistre 40.000 nouveaux cas chaque ann\u00e9e MAROC HUFFPOST 21\/11\/2017)\r\n[3]\tJourn\u00e9e Nationale de Lutte contre le Cancer, volont\u00e9 collective de combattre ce fl\u00e9au d\u00e9vastateur fondation lalla salma de pr\u00e9vention et traitement des cancers\r\n[4]\tGuide De D\u00e9tection Pr\u00e9coce Des Cancers Du Sein Et Du Col De L\u2019ut\u00e9rus Edition 2011 ( Ministere de la Sante MAROC)\r\n[5]\tPlan national de pr\u00e9vention et de contr\u00f4le du cancer SYNTH\u00c8SE 2010-2019\r\n[6]\tMartin J. Yaffe , PhD Risk of Radiation-induced Breast Cancer from Mammographic Screening Radiology: Volume 258: Number 1\u2014January 2011 n\r\n[7]\tR. 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