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Feel free to use it for any kind of discussion related to this website. </p> <script type="text/javascript"> document.title = document.title.replace(/Forum/, 'Forum - A new beginner here'); function quote (postid) { var post = document.getElementById('post' + postid).innerHTML; var user = document.getElementById('user' + postid).innerHTML; var answer = document.getElementById('answer'); user = user.replace(/\s-.+$/, ''); post = post.replace(/<div(.|\r|\n)+<\/div>/g, ''); post = post.replace(/<br>/g, ''); post = post.replace(/<(\/)?([a-z])>/g, '[$1$2]'); post = post.replace(/(\s|\r|\n)$/g, ''); post = post.replace(/^(\s|\r|\n)/g, ''); post = post.replace(/^(\s|\r|\n)/g, ''); answer.value = '[quote='+user+']'+post+'[/quote]\n\n'+answer.value; } </script> <h2>Thread: A new beginner here </h2> <p><a href="/forum">Back to the Forum </a></p> <table width="80%" cellpadding="5"> <tr><th width="30%">Author</th><th width="70%">Text</th></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17890' href="/profile/Tamak">Tamak - Tamak</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-13 15:34</td><td class="tborder" id="fp1" valign="top"><div id="post17890">Hi all, <br>New here, impatient to do progress. Only lvl 2 (k m u) but I cannot wait to continue every day. <br>Tamak </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17891' href="/profile/rcew">rcew - </a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-13 16:51</td><td class="tborder" id="fp2" valign="top"><div id="post17891">Hi, I started on 16 Dec 2024 now on 17 lesson 20/10 speed. Do not give up! </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17892' href="/profile/Balvenie">Balvenie - Frank</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage160704.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-13 17:04</td><td class="tborder" id="fp3" valign="top"><div id="post17892">It took me 1 year 10 months at 20×15 to achieve all 40 characters. I, like you couldn't wait to continue. I found all this hard work was worth it, now head copying with good success, and making hf contacts. I am still attempting to increase speed , building word knowledge...this takes time but imo is magical when it all starts to make sense. Best of luck and welcome to the morse journey. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17896' href="/profile/ag6aq">ag6aq - Wei</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-13 21:13</td><td class="tborder" id="fp4" valign="top"><div id="post17896">Welcome on board and enjoy the journey, the most important: have fun along the way. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17899' href="/profile/G8GDS">G8GDS - Peter Wilkinson</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-14 10:53</td><td class="tborder" id="fp5" valign="top"><div id="post17899">I've had several goes over the years but started here in earnest spring last year. <br>Followed Koch lesson until punctuation appeared, which threw me completely. <br> <br>After that did sort of home brew Koch using Code Groups and custom character set. 3 character group size. <br> <br>This has been successful, if slow. Now have all letters and digits at 80 - 90% accuracy at 18/7. Plan to add essential punctuation next then start de-Farnsworthing to my target 13/13 <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17900' href="/profile/Tamak">Tamak - Tamak</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-14 11:38</td><td class="tborder" id="fp6" valign="top"><div id="post17900">Hi all, thanks for the replies. I don't have a plan yet. Since 4 days I don't change de parameters and just pass lev 3 (u k m r) few minutes ago. I have the feeling that if I learn with slow rythm, I may be harder later. I will tell you later if 20/15 (standard parameters) is ok to progress. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17908' href="/profile/cb">cb - Chris</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-14 18:50</td><td class="tborder" id="fp7" valign="top"><div id="post17908"> <br> <br>Be careful of moving on too quickly at first. <br> <br>If you are just using short term memory you might stall at exercise 10 or so . . . <br> <br>YMMV though . . . <br> <br>cb </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17910' href="/profile/Balvenie">Balvenie - Frank</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage160704.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-15 01:04</td><td class="tborder" id="fp8" valign="top"><div id="post17910">Speed is your friend. Don't go so slow, you will be counting dits and dahs, learn the sound, the rythm of the letter. This takes time but once you learn this you can build. If you start to count dits and dahs there will be a barrier between you and your brain and will hinder you greatly. It will be an extra step you just don't need. I cannot say what speed that is for you, but as you stated LCWO starts at 20x15 and there is a very good reason for that. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17912' href="/profile/oc">oc - M0***</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage140262.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-15 12:54</td><td class="tborder" id="fp9" valign="top"><div id="post17912"><div class="quoted"><strong>Balvenie</strong>:<br> Speed is your friend. Don't go so slow, you will be counting dits and dahs </div> <br> <br>Watch out now! The 11/11 wpm sockpuppet brigade will be after you in 3...2...1! <br> <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17913' href="/profile/Tamak">Tamak - Tamak</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-15 14:05</td><td class="tborder" id="fp10" valign="top"><div id="post17913">Just pass lesson 4 few minutes ago (K U M E R) at 15/20. I'll let you know ! </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17914' href="/profile/G8GDS">G8GDS - Peter Wilkinson</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-15 14:14</td><td class="tborder" id="fp11" valign="top"><div id="post17914">Some of those early ones are quite tough. I certainly had a few 'I'm never going to get this' moments in the early lessons. <br>Well done. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17916' href="/profile/Tamak">Tamak - Tamak</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-15 16:17</td><td class="tborder" id="fp12" valign="top"><div id="post17916">To be honest I know their is a part of luck in my last try... and I need to get back to previous lessons to strenghten the knowledge !^^ </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17922' href="/profile/fikmves">fikmves - Milos OK2LMJ</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-16 10:29</td><td class="tborder" id="fp13" valign="top"><div id="post17922">Hi all, I started in november 2024 (again, after several years delay) I am on lesson 29 and my speed is 23/10. I have problems with , . / =. I am practisig daily several attempts for 1 minute. I am sometimes 100% sussesful. Sometimes i have 15% failed, when i lost concentration during attempt. <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17924' href="/profile/G8GDS">G8GDS - Peter Wilkinson</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-16 11:22</td><td class="tborder" id="fp14" valign="top"><div id="post17924"><div class="quoted"><strong>fikmves</strong>:<br> Hi all, I started in november 2024 (again, after several years delay) I am on lesson 29 and my speed is 23/10. I have problems with , . / =. I am practisig daily several attempts for 1 minute. I am sometimes 100% sussesful. Sometimes i have 15% failed, when i lost concentration during attempt. <br> </div> <br> <br>The exact same thing happened to me with punctuation marks. <br>My solution was to synthesize Koch with Code Groups feature and Custom Character set, adding characters to the custom set like Koch, but leaving out punctuation, which I will deal with later </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17926' href="/profile/greg7650">greg7650 - Greg</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage163698.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-16 16:06</td><td class="tborder" id="fp15" valign="top"><div id="post17926">MorseMachine was very helpful for me with problematic cases. I used Custom Characters selecting 6 characters: 2 from the troublesome plus 4 easy ones. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17927' href="/profile/Balvenie">Balvenie - Frank</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage160704.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-16 16:52</td><td class="tborder" id="fp16" valign="top"><div id="post17927">Watch out now! The 11/11 wpm sockpuppet brigade will be after you in 3...2...1! <br> <br>Lol. Very funny but you may be right. <br> <br>Greg is correct Morse Machine is a great way to weed out pesky difficult characters. In addition I made MP3's with those difficult characters and embedded them in my head by listening to them a lot. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17930' href="/profile/ag6aq">ag6aq - Wei</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-17 03:12</td><td class="tborder" id="fp17" valign="top"><div id="post17930"><div class="quoted"><strong>fikmves</strong>:<br> I am sometimes 100% sussesful. Sometimes i have 15% failed, when i lost concentration during attempt. <br> </div> <br> <br>That happens to me occasionally too. I think the problem is not any single character, but a combination of characters, when some combinations prone to cause congestion in your brain show up, you will lose a few letters that you're quite familiar with. Just keep practice and it will go away. If you dare to take my advice, try to slow down to 11/11 wpm ... hi...hi... <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17936' href="/profile/fikmves">fikmves - Milos OK2LMJ</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-17 16:39</td><td class="tborder" id="fp18" valign="top"><div id="post17936">Thanks to all for advice. Morse machine lelps. <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17938' href="/profile/rafiks">rafiks - Ralph</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-18 13:48</td><td class="tborder" id="fp19" valign="top"><div id="post17938"><div class="quoted"><strong>Tamak</strong>:<br> Hi all, <br>New here, impatient to do progress. Only lvl 2 (k m u) but I cannot wait to continue every day. <br>Tamak</div> <br>Get on the air as soon as possible. You will get bored soon enough with any practice. I cannot tell you how many times I stopped doing LCWO because I am not moving as fast as I thought. <br>If you have time and money, you can try out LICW. The club is really good in helping people get on the air. <br>HTH <br> <br> <br> <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17943' href="/profile/Airam">Airam - Airam</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-20 05:30</td><td class="tborder" id="fp20" valign="top"><div id="post17943">Hello everybody! I'm new too. Doing lesson 12 now (20-10). i dont pass lessons until i have 0% error twice in a day (just a rule that seems to work well for me) <br>i find custome caracter very helpful too. now using it for L,P,K and R <br> <br>falling in love with morse :) <br> <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17945' href="/profile/G8GDS">G8GDS - Peter Wilkinson</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-20 11:36</td><td class="tborder" id="fp21" valign="top"><div id="post17945">0% error! <b>Respect</b> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17946' href="/profile/Balvenie">Balvenie - Frank</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage160704.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-20 17:31</td><td class="tborder" id="fp22" valign="top"><div id="post17946">Airam...0% error is incredible. I consider it a win with 88% accuracy and a real win with 94%. Morse is easy to love, and anything that takes time to understand and relate too usually sticks with you. The fun will really start when you have your characters down and you start making sense of words and sentences. Magical! </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17947' href="/profile/Airam">Airam - Airam</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-21 15:38</td><td class="tborder" id="fp23" valign="top"><div id="post17947">I appreciate your encouragement. Thanks Peter and Frank ;) </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user18001' href="/profile/Tamak">Tamak - Tamak</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-03-03 15:34</td><td class="tborder" id="fp24" valign="top"><div id="post18001">Hi all, <br>Just finished lvl 4. Let's go lvl 5 ! <br> </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user18021' href="/profile/Tamak">Tamak - Tamak</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-03-09 13:06</td><td class="tborder" id="fp25" valign="top"><div id="post18021">Hi all, <br>Just finished lvl 5. Let's go to lvl 6 ! </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user18024' href="/profile/Crusoe34">Crusoe34 - Bruno</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-03-10 20:48</td><td class="tborder" id="fp26" valign="top"><div id="post18024">Salut à tous, <br>Tout nouveau sur LCWO et sur le morse, j'apprend doucement </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user18025' href="/profile/Balvenie">Balvenie - Frank</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage160704.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-03-11 00:55</td><td class="tborder" id="fp27" valign="top"><div id="post18025">Very good Tamak....Before you know it you will have all your necessary characters down pat. </div> </td></tr> </table> <p><a href="/forum">Back to the Forum </a></p> <p>You must be logged in to post a message.</p> </td> <td width="20"> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </table> <br><br><br> <div align="center" class="footer"> - <strong>Learn Morse Code (CW) Online</strong> by <a class="sLink" href="">Fabian Kurz, DJ5CW</a> (<a href="/impressum">Impressum</a>) - <a href="/privacy">Privacy Policy / Datenschutzinformationen</a></div> <script> // keep the session cookie alife as long as user is on the page, refresh every // 5 minutes function session_keepalive () { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "//", true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { var done = 4, ok = 200; if (request.readyState == done && request.status == ok) { var r = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (r["result"] == false) { // no session if (document.getElementById("logoutlink")) { // but we think we're logged in! document.location.href = "//"; } } } } request.send(); } window.setInterval('session_keepalive()', 300000); </script> </body> </html>

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