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Tang Welcome Center" src="assets/images/UP_2018_0610_005.jpg"> <div class="image-caption"> </div> </div> <h3 class="cu-title">Welcome to Cornell!</h3> <p>Established in 1865, Cornell University is a privately endowed research university and a partner of the State University of New York. Unique within the Ivy League, we make contributions in all fields of knowledge in a manner that prioritizes public engagement to help improve the quality of life in our state, the nation and the world. </p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Visiting the Campus</h4> <p>Visitor Relations is the front door to exploring Cornell’s Ithaca campus, providing information and tours to prospective students and families, alumni and Ithaca area visitors. Situated in a central location with stunning views of Beebe Lake, the Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center is the perfect place to start your campus experience.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 40px;"></p> <p> <span>Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center</span><br>616 Thurston Avenue, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850<br>Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sat, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. (closed on Saturdays in December and January)</p><p>Visitor Relations staff are available to assist and answer general questions: <a title="Visitor Relations Telephone Number" href="tel:6072544636">(607) 254-4636 (INFO)</a> or <a title="Visitor Relations Email Address" href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a name="section_tours"></a> <!-- CAMPUS TOURS --> <div class="section campus-tours"> <div class="content-container"> <h3 class="cu-title">Touring the Ithaca Campus</h3> <div class="copy-column center"> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Connect with Current Students</h4> <p>Join a <a href="">student-led tour</a> and experience all that Cornell has to offer. Capacity is limited, so advance registration is required. In-person campus tours are geared toward the undergraduate student experience and last roughly 75 minutes. Tours are held rain or shine, so please dress appropriately.</p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Self-guided campus tour</h4> <p>Discover campus on your own through a step-by-step <a href="">self-guided tour</a> via your smartphone. Our general campus tour lasts approximately one hour and covers the heart of campus. Download the app for <a title="Download the self-guided campus tour app for iPhone" href="">iPhone</a> or <a title="Download the self-guided campus tour app for Android" href="">Android</a> or text 'Cornell' to 58052 to begin exploring.</p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Virtual Tour</h4> <p>Can’t visit in person? Explore the beauty and traditions of campus from anywhere through our <a href="">virtual tour</a> – available for desktop or mobile devices.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section photo-grid"> <div class="content-container"> <div class="photo-grid-row"> <img alt="" src="assets/images/photo-grid_tour1.jpg"> <img alt="" src="assets/images/UP_2016_0443_046B_select.jpg"> </div> <div class="photo-grid-row"> <img alt="" src="assets/images/UP_2016_1380_063_select.jpg"> <img alt="" src="assets/images/2023_1269_081.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> <a name="section_prospective"></a> <!-- PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS --> <div class="section prospective-students"> <div class="content-container"> <h3 class="cu-title">Prospective Undergraduate Students</h3> <div class="copy-column center"> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Applying to Cornell</h4> <p>The first step to becoming a Cornellian is applying for admission. Start your journey by reviewing our <a href="">admissions timeline, process and requirements</a> and <a href="">meeting our students</a>.</p> </div> <div class="copy-column center"> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Information Sessions</h4> <p>Cornell's undergraduate admissions community offers in-person information sessions and a variety of <a href="">virtual resources</a> that provide unique insight into student life, the admissions process and admissions requirements. Consider watching our on-demand general information session before diving deeper into college- and school-specific sessions.</p> <p>Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at <a href="tel:607-255-5241">(607) 255-5241</a> or <a href=""></a> for more details about our admissions sessions.</p> </div> <div class="copy-column center"> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Cornell in a Day</h4> <p>Experience Cornell's Ithaca campus through <a href="" title="Cornell in a Day">a series of photographs</a> that showcase its vibrant community, ongoing opportunities and natural beauty at every turn, all day long.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- GETTING TO CAMPUS --> <a name="section_getting-to"> </a> <div class="section getting-to-campus"> <div class="content-container boxed"> <div class="content-inner"> <div class="copy-column"> <div class="image-column"> <img alt="Ithaca, New York with Cayuga Lake in the background" src="assets/images/0981_06_090_select.jpg"> </div> <h3 class="cu-title" id="to-campus">Getting to Campus</h3> <p>Nestled in New York’s Finger Lakes region, <a href="" alt="About Ithaca, New York" >Ithaca</a> is only a few hours away from New York City, Philadelphia, Toronto, Boston and other <a href="">major metropolitan areas.</a></p> <p>Follow the travel guides below, or use your preferred online navigation tool to find directions to the Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center (616 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, N.Y.)</p> <div class="travel-accordions"> <button class="accordion" aria-controls="car-info" aria-expanded="false">Visitors Arriving by Car</button> <div class="panel" id="car-info" aria-hidden="true"> <h5>From Syracuse and other points northeast:</h5><p>Take Interstate 81 south toward Cortland, then Route 13 south to Route 366 toward campus. </p> <h5>From Auburn and other points north:</h5> <p>Take Route 34 south, then follow Triphammer Road south to campus.</p> <h5>From Albany, New England and other points east:</h5><p>Follow the New York State Thruway through Albany to Interstate 88 west, then take exit 8 in Bainbridge. Follow Route 206 west to Whitney Point, then Route 79 west toward Ithaca.</p> <h5>From Philadelphia and other points south:</h5><p>Follow Interstate 476 north to Scranton, Pa., then continue on Interstate 81 north through Binghamton, N.Y. Continue northward on I-81 to exit 8 at Whitney Point, then follow Route 79 west to Ithaca.</p> <h5>From New York City:</h5><p>Follow Interstate 80 west to Stroudsburg, Pa., then continue on Interstate 81 north toward Binghamton, N.Y. Continue northward on I-81 to exit 8 at Whitney Point, then follow Route 79 west to Ithaca.</p> <h5>From Rochester, Buffalo and points west:</h5><p>Follow the New York State Thruway (Interstate 90) east toward exit 42 in Geneva, then take Route 96 south toward Ithaca.</p> </div> <button class="accordion" aria-controls="plane-info" aria-expanded="false">Visitors Arriving by Plane</button> <div class="panel" id="plane-info" aria-hidden="true"> <p><a href="" alt="Ithaca Tompkins International Airport">Ithaca Tompkins International Airport</a>, serviced by Delta and United Airlines, is about a 10-minute drive from campus.</p><br> <p>In addition, <a href="" alt="Syracuse Hancock International Airport">Syracuse Hancock International Airport</a> is 60 miles northeast of Cornell’s campus and offers service by most major airlines. Other nearby airports in the region include <a href="" alt="Elmira Corning Regional Airport">Elmira Corning Regional Airport</a> (45 minutes) and the <a href="" alt="Greater Binghampton Airport">Greater Binghamton Airport</a> (55 minutes from campus). </p> </div> <button class="accordion" aria-controls="bus-info" aria-expanded="false">Visitors Arriving by Bus</button> <div class="panel" id="bus-info" aria-hidden="true"> <p>Cornell offers direct bus service from Ithaca to New York City via the <a href="" alt="Campus to Campus Bus">Campus-to-Campus bus.</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- VISITOR INFO --> <a name="section_visitors"></a> <div class="section visitor-info"> <div class="content-container"> <h3 class="cu-title">Visitor Information</h3> <div class="copy-column center"> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Parking</h4> <p><a href="">Parking is available</a> for a nominal fee on weekdays and for free on the weekends. You may choose to pay for parking in advance while scheduling your tour or pay to use any number of conveniently located Parkmobile lots once on campus. </p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Public Transit</h4> <p>TCAT (Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit) provides fast and affordable bus transit throughout campus, downtown Ithaca and Tompkins County. Daily cash fares start at $1.50 per trip; children 13 and younger ride for free. Visit <a href="" alt="TCAT Bus website"></a> for schedules, maps and more details.</p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Campus Accessibility</h4> <p>Cornell is committed to maintaining an accessible, usable and welcoming environment for all faculty, staff, students and visitors. Cornell offers a detailed map of <a href="" alt="map of accessibility points and gender-neutral restrooms">accessibility points and gender-neutral restrooms</a>; more information and resources may be found at the <a href="" alt="Cornell's disability access page">Disability Access</a> page.</p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Dining</h4> <p>Focused on diverse, healthy and sustainable cuisine, <a alt="View of campus and Ithaca, NY" title="dining on campus" href="">dining at Cornell</a> is a culinary experience rarely found on a college campus.</p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Campus Venues</h4> <p>Every week, Cornell plays host to dozens of lectures, performances, exhibits and much more. Below are just a few of the many locations often visited by the public. Check out <a title="Cornell Events" href=""></a> for a full list of upcoming events and activities, or the <a href="">"Life at Cornell"</a> page to explore more opportunities for enrichment.</p> <h4 class="visit-secondary-title">Around Ithaca and the Finger Lakes Region</h4> <p>Beyond campus, take advantage of a wide variety of entertainment, dining, lodging and recreation options. The <a href="">Visit Ithaca website</a> has up-to-date listings, details on upcoming events, and even a list of local waterfalls. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- campus highlights --> <div class="campus-map"> <div class="map-container"> <div class="map-navigator"> <div id="location-select-text"> <p>Select a location:</p></div> <button data-toggle="dropdown" id="selected-location" aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="#location-list">Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center</button> <div id="location-list" class="mobile-location-list"> <button id="marker_1" class="location-button mobile-location highlighted" value="Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center"> Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center</button> <button id="marker_2" class="location-button mobile-location" value="Bailey Hall" > Bailey Hall</button> <button id="marker_3" class="location-button mobile-location" value="Cornell Botanic Gardens"> Cornell Botanic Gardens</button> <button id="marker_4" class="location-button mobile-location" value="Cornell Dairy Bar"> Cornell Dairy Bar</button> <button id="marker_5" class="location-button mobile-location" value="The Cornell Store" > The Cornell Store</button> <button id="marker_6" class="location-button mobile-location" value="Herbert F. Johnson Museum"> Herbert F. Johnson Museum</button> <button id="marker_7" class="location-button mobile-location" value="Libe Slope"> Libe Slope</button> <button id="marker_8" class="location-button mobile-location" value="McGraw Tower"> McGraw Tower</button> <button id="marker_9" class="location-button mobile-location" value="North Campus Housing"> North Campus Housing</button> </div> <!--welcome center--> <div class="location" id="welcome-center"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>616 Thurston Avenue Ithaca, N.Y. 14850</p> </div> </div> <!--bailey hall--> <div class="location" id="bailey-hall"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>Bailey Hall</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>230 Garden Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850<br><a href="" alt="View more information about Bailey Hall">More information</a></p> </div> </div> <!--mcgraw--> <div class="location" id="mcgraw-tower"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>McGraw Tower</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>160 Ho Plaza, Ithaca, NY 14850 <br> <a href="" alt="View more information about the Cornell Chimes">More information</a></p> </div> </div> <!--botanic gardens--> <div class="location" id="botanic-gardens"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>Cornell Botanic Gardens</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>124 Comstock Knoll Dr, Ithaca, NY 14850<br> <a href="" alt="View more information about the Cornell Botanic Gardens">More information</a></p> </div> </div> <!--dairy bar--> <div class="location" id="dairy-bar"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>Cornell Dairy Bar</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>411 Tower Rd, Ithaca, NY 14853<br> <a href="" alt="View more information about the Cornell Dairy Bar">More information</a></p> </div> </div> <!--cornell store--> <div class="location" id="cornell-store"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>The Cornell Store</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>135 Ho Plaza, Ithaca, NY 14851<br> <a href="" alt="View more information about The Cornell Store">More information</a></p> </div> </div> <!--museum--> <div class="location" id="museum"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>Herbert F. Johnson Museum</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p>114 Central Ave, Ithaca, NY 14853<br> <a href="" alt="View more information about the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art">More information</a> </p> </div> </div> <!--libe slope--> <div class="location" id="libe-slope"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>Libe Slope</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p> 351 West Ave, Ithaca, NY 14853</p> </div> </div> <!--north campus--> <div class="location" id="north-campus"> <div class="location-image"> <div class="location-name"> <h3>North Campus Housing</h3> </div> </div> <div class="location-info"> <p> <a href="" alt="View more information about North Campus Housing">More information</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="location-list"> <button aria-label="Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center, 616 Thurston Avenue Ithaca, N.Y. 14850" id="marker_1" class="location-button"> Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center</button> <button id="marker_2" class="location-button" > Bailey Hall</button> <button id="marker_3" class="location-button" > Cornell Botanic Gardens</button> <button id="marker_4" class="location-button"> Cornell Dairy Bar</button> <button id="marker_5" class="location-button" > The Cornell Store</button> <button id="marker_6" class="location-button" > Herbert F. 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