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The report will be analysed and appropriate actions initiated.</p> <p>If you discover a security issue in an upstream project whose code is used in Maemo, or a 3rd party open source software running on the Maemo platform, as your first priority, report the problem to the upstream project or their security team and only after that send a copy to Maemo security as per above. If you do not know where to report the issue, we suggest you report it to the Open Source CERT at <a href="" target="_blank" title="This external link will open in a new window"></a> who can then help coordinating the issue. Please see below for helpful tips on what information would be useful. Any security-related bugs in Maemo bugzilla should be tagged with keyword "security".</p> <p>Please note that only handles issues relating to the Maemo platform. This email address does not handle security issues related to web sites (including the website - please report those to the webmaster), 3rd party software running on the Maemo platform, or issues specific to Nokia products. In any security issues related to these, please contact the appropriate party.</p> <p>The following information would be helpful:</p> <ul><li>If the security issue has been publicised somewhere, a pointer to that (web address, CVE identifier, etc.)</li> <li>Information of the affected package (and version number)</li> <li>Configuration and environment where the issue was discovered (proof-of-concept code or a test case if available)</li> <li>If you will be able to provide more information and details that would be helpful in validating the issue, your contact information</li> </ul><h1>Security issues fixed in Maemo 5 PR1.3 (20.2010.36-2) release</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the Maemo 5 PR1.3 (20.2010.36-2) release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and have been fixed in this Maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2010-0205, CVE-2010-1205, CVE-2010-2249<br /></strong>libpng</p> <p><strong>CVE-2009-4880, CVE-2009-4881, CVE-2010-0830<br /></strong>glibc</p> <p><strong>CVE-2010-1297<br /></strong>Adobe Flash Player</p> <p><strong>CVE-2009-3555, CVE-2009-4355<br /></strong>OpenSSL</p> <p><strong>CVE-2009-3979, CVE-2009-3980, CVE-2009-3982, CVE-2009-3986, CVE-2009-3984, CVE-2009-3985, CVE-2010-0220<br /></strong>Web browser<strong></strong></p> <p><strong>CVE-2009-2416<br /></strong>libxml2</p> <p>For Nokia devices running Maemo 5, software with this fix is available as follows:<br />Reflash your device using Maemo 5 PR1.3 (20.2010.36-2) release or newer, or perform an upgrade to Maemo 5 PR1.3 (20.2010.36-2) release or newer using the package manager.</p> <h1>Security issues fixed in Maemo 5 PR1.2 (10.2010.19-1) release</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the Maemo 5 PR1.2 (10.2010.19-1) release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and have been fixed in this Maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE 2008-1693</strong><br />Issues with PDF embedded fonts in Poppler.<br /><strong><br />CVE-2009-2347</strong><br />Issues in inter-color spaces conversion tools in libtiff.<br /><br /><strong>CVE-2009-1563, CVE-2009-3069, CVE-2009-3071, CVE-2009-3073,<br />CVE-2009-3072, CVE-2009-3075, CVE-2009-3077, CVE-2009-3079,<br />CVE-2009-3370, CVE-2009-3371, CVE-2009-3373, CVE-2009-3374, <br />CVE-2009-3375, CVE-2009-3380, CVE-2009-3381, CVE-2009-3383,<br />CVE-2009-3979, CVE-2009-3980, CVE-2009-3982, CVE-2009-3984,<br />CVE-2009-3985, CVE-2009-3986, CVE-2010-0220</strong><br />Various issues potentially affecting the browser.</p> <p>For Nokia devices running Maemo 5, software with this fix is available as follows:<br />Reflash your device using Maemo 5 PR1.2 (10.2010.19-1) release or newer, or perform an upgrade to Maemo 5 PR1.2 (10.2010.19-1) release or newer using the package manager.</p> <h1>Security issues fixed in Maemo 5 PR1.1 (2.2009.51-1) release</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the Maemo 5 PR1.1 (2.2009.51-1) release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and been fixed in this Maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2009-2417</strong></p> <p>Curl did not properly handle a '\0' character in a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN) field of an X.509 certificate.</p> <p>For Nokia devices running Maemo 5, software with this fix is available as follows:<br />Reflash your device using Maemo 5 PR1.1 (2.2009.51-1) release or newer, or perform an upgrade to Maemo 5 PR1.1 (2.2009.51-1) release or newer using the package manager.</p> <h1>Security issues fixed in OS2008 version 4.2008.43-7 release</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the OS2008 5.2008.43-7 release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and been fixed in this maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2008-1447</strong></p> <p>The DNS protocol, as implemented in dnsmasq used in maemo, is affected by CVE-2008-1447 which may allow remote attackers to spoof DNS traffic via a birthday attack that uses in-bailiwick referrals to conduct cache poisoning against recursive resolvers.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:<br /> Reflash your device with OS2008 version 5.2008.43-7 or newer.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2008-2327</strong></p> <p>LibTIFF 3.8.2 and earlier as used in maemo, is affected by CVE-2008-2327 that may allow context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted TIFF file.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:<br /> Reflash your device with OS2008 version 5.2008.43-7 or newer.</p> <h1>Security issues fixed in OS2008 version 4.2008.36-5 release</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the OS2008 version 4.2008.36-5 release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and been fixed in this maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2008-1105</strong></p> <p>Heap-based buffer overflow in in Samba 3.0.0 through 3.0.29 may allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted SMB response.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:<br /> Reflash your device with OS2008 version 4.2008.36-5 or newer.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2008-1372</strong></p> <p>bzip2 before 1.0.5 allows user-assisted remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted file that triggers a buffer over-read.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:<br /> Reflash your device with OS2008 version 4.2008.36-5 or newer.</p> <h1>Security issues fixed in OS2008 Feature Upgrade (Diablo) release</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the OS2008 Feature Upgrade (Diablo) release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and been fixed in this maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2007-6284</strong></p> <p>The libxml2 library used in maemo before 2008-02-29 is affected by security issue CVE-2007-6284, which might allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via XML containing invalid UTF-8 sequences.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:</p> <p>Reflash your device with a new OS 2008 Feature Upgrade software version, announced at <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>CVE-2007-5501</strong></p> <p>The Linux kernel used in maemo before 2008-04-08 is affected by security issue CVE-2007-5501, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via crafted ACK responses that trigger a NULL pointer dereference.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:</p> <p>Reflash your device with a new OS 2008 Feature Upgrade software version, announced at <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>CVE-2007-5266</strong></p> <p>The libpng library used in maemo before 2007-11-23 is affected by security issue CVE-2007-5266, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted PNG image.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue has been available already in the previous IT OS 2008 release (see the list of fixed security issues for CVE-2007-5268 and CVE-2007-5269). Reflash your device with a new OS 2008 Feature Upgrade software version, announced at <a href=""></a> , or the version specified for CVE-2007-5268 and CVE-2007-5269.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2007-2754 </strong></p> <p>The freetype library used in maemo before 2007-12-20 is affected by security issue CVE-2007-2754, which might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted TTF image.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:</p> <p>Reflash your device with a new OS 2008 Feature Upgrade software version, announced at <a href=""></a></p> <h1>Security issues fixed in IT OS2008 Update releases</h1> <p>This list contains information about security issues that have been fixed in the IT OS2008 maemo release. This list only contains a list of CVE entries that have affected and been fixed in this maemo release.</p> <p><strong>CVE-2007-5268 and CVE-2007-5269</strong></p> <p>The libpng library used in maemo before 2007-11-23 is affected by security issues CVE-2007-5268 and CVE-2007-5269, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted PNG image.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:</p> <p>Reflash your device with a new IT OS 2008 software version, announced at <a href=""></a> .</p> <p><strong>CVE-2007-5967</strong></p> <p>All versions of the Mozilla based browser MicroB for maemo released before 2007-12-11 are affected by a security issue CVE-2007-5967, which might allow web sites to install root certificates on devices without user approval.</p> <p>For Nokia Internet Tablets, software with a fix for this issue is available as follows:</p> <p>1) For devices with IT OS 2008:<br /> Create a backup (Settings – Backup/Restore – New Backup)<br /> Reflash your device with a new IT OS 2008 software version, announced at<br /> Restore the backup (Settings – Backup/Restore – Choose the desired backup from the list – Restore)</p> <p>Delete the files ~/.mozilla/microb/cert8.db and ~/.mozilla/microb/key3.db from your device.(open Utilities - X terminal and type rm ~/.mozilla/microb/cert8.db ~/.mozilla/microb/key3.db) Note that these files may also be included in an older backup, so delete either the older backups or the files from such older backups. Create a new backup.</p> <p>2) For devices running other IT OS versions where a beta release of the browser is installed:<br /> Update the browser using Application manager (Settings – Application Manager – Check for Updates – Refresh – Choose the update for the browser – Update).<br /> Delete the files ~/.mozilla/microb/cert8.db and ~/.mozilla/microb/key3.db from your device (install X terminal using Application manager, open it from Extras and type rm ~/.mozilla/microb/cert8.db ~/.mozilla/microb/key3.db)<br /> Note that these files may also be included in an older backup, so delete either the older backups or the files from such older backups.<br /> Create a new backup.</p> </div><!-- /main-wrapper --> </div><!-- /main --><!-- content end --> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer-wrapper-left"> <div id="footer-wrapper-right"> <ul> <li class="first"><a rel="license" href="">All Content CC</a></li> <li><a href="/legal/">Legal</a></li> <li><a href="/legal/terms_of_use/">Terms of Use</a></li> <li><a href="/legal/privacy_policy/">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li class="powered">Powered by <a href="" rel="powered">Midgard CMS</a></li> <li class="powered">Hosting provided by <a href="">IPHH</a></li> <li class="powered">Backup provided by <a href="">IPredator</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- container --> </body> </html>