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Q: How do I register for an account on Alibaba Cloud Academy?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">Go to <a href="">Alibaba Cloud Academy</a>, click "Free Account" on the upper right corner and you will be directed to the Alibaba Cloud Registration page. Choose the corresponding account type and continue. If you are registering as an individual, enter your email address, password and click "Sign Up" to go to the next step. Select your country or region and receive your verification code by email or phone then you have successfully created your Alibaba Cloud account. You should note that your Alibaba Cloud account will be the account that you use on Alibaba Cloud Academy.<br>See <a href="">Alibaba Cloud Account Registration Guide</a> for a visual step-by-step guide.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">2. Q: Do I need to set up a payment method?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">Yes. You will need a payment method to purchase exam vouchers, membership subscriptions, as well as some courses, Clouders and specialties. If you only intend to participate in the online proctoring exam, then it's okay if you don't set up a payment method for now.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">3. Q: I have a redeem code for a course/Clouder/specialty, how do I redeem it?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">Here is a guide: <a href=""> Authorization Code Manual (Certification Course)</a> for claiming certification courses. It works with the same with clouder and specialty. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">1. Q: How to purchase Alibaba Cloud Academy Membership?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">If you haven't completed your billing information before purchasing Alibaba Cloud Academy Membership, please go to <a href="">Alibaba Cloud User Information</a> page and fill in the necessary information. Then on <a href="">Alibaba Cloud Academy Memberhsip</a> page, click "Subscribe" and you will be directed to the checkout page. After purchasing, you will receive a redeem code to your email. Copy and paste the redeem code <a href="">here</a> and you are all set. Membership benefits include unlimited access to all online courses, free training courses for exam preparation, free Specialty certifications, free Apsara Clouder certifications, and up to 4 chances of re-taking exams, etc.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">1. Q: How do I create an account on Pearson VUE?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">If you are registering for Alibaba Cloud certification exam at Pearson VUE, you will need an account on Pearson VUE as well. Please go to <a href=";locale=en_US&amp;clientCode=ALIBABA">Pearson VUE Webpage</a>, click “create account” on the right side to start the process. Read carefully the “Privacy Policy Acceptance” before creating an account, and then click “Agree”. Fill in your personal information such as name and email address, then click “Next”.Then enter your contact information such as address and phone number, then click “Next”. Enter additional information such as age, region, industry, and your relationship with Alibaba (e.g. partner, customer), click “Next”. Enter username, password, and security questions to complete the account setup. For a step-by-step visual guide, please check <a href="">Registration Guide for Taking Exams on Pearson VUE</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">2. Q: Where do I choose the exam location?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">To choose the exam location on Pearson VUE, firstly you will need a <a href=";clientCode=ALIBABA">Pearson VUE account</a>. If you don't have one, please follow Question No.1 to register first. With an account, you’ll be able to sign in and see the exam dashboard. Click “View exams” on the page and select the exam that you would like to take. You will see that there are 2 exam options: “At a test center” and “Online at my home or office". If you want to take the exam offline, please read the testing policies carefully before scheduling your exam. And then click “Agree”.On the exam scheduling page, type in your location and you’ll see the available test centers nearby. You would be able to select your preferred test center from there. </p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base"> 3. Q: How do I choose the exam date?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">After following the above steps from Question No.1 and Question No.2, you will see the next step is to choose the appropriate exam date and time. Please check <a href="">Registration Guide for Taking Exams on Pearson VUE</a> for a visual guide.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">4. Q: How do I take the exam on Pearson Vue Test Center?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">To take the exam on Pearson Vue Test Center, you should first follow the above steps from Question No.1, Question No.2, and Question No.3, double-check the exam confirmation details and contact information. And then click “Proceed to checkout”. After you've made the payment, you will have successfully registered for the exam. Attend the exam at the exam location on the exam date accordingly.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">5. Q: How do I take the online proctored exam?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">To take the online proctored exam on Pearson VUE, firstly you will need a <a href=";clientCode=ALIBABA">Pearson VUE account</a>. If you don't have one, please follow Question No.1 to register first. With an account, you’ll be able to sign in and see the exam dashboard. Click “View exams” on the page and select the exam that you would like to take. You will see that there are 2 exam options: “At a test center” and “Online at my home or office". If you want to take the exam online, please click “Online from my home or office”. Don’t forget to do the equipment test now or before the exam. (There are 11 steps to finish and please refer to the guide <a href="">here</a>.) After doing the equipment test, you need to sign in to your account and choose the exam you want to take one more time. And then you will be directed to the previous page where you choose “Online at my home or office” once again, and click “Next”.Read carefully the testing policies before scheduling your exam, and then click “Agree”.Choose the appropriate date and time. Take a look at the exam details and contact information. And then click “Proceed to checkout”. After the payment is done, you will have successfully registered for the online exam. Follow the exam guide on Pearson VUE to take the exam on time.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">6. Q: Can I change my exam appointment?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">You can change your appointment and test center on the exam appointment page. If you have any question, please contact us <a href="">here</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">7. Q: What regions are online proctored exams available?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">To check the regions where online proctored exams were supported on Pearson VUE, firstly you will need a <a href=";clientCode=ALIBABA">Pearson VUE account</a>. If you don't have one, please follow Question No.1 to register first. With an account, you’ll be able to sign in and see the exam dashboard. Click “View exams” on the page and select the exam that you would like to take. You will see that there are 2 exam options: “At a test center” and “Online at my home or office". If you want to take the exam offline, please read the testing policies carefully before scheduling your exam. And then click “Agree”.On the exam scheduling page, type in your location and you’ll see the available test centers nearby. If there aren't any, then the online proctored exams are not supported in your region. Currently, there aren't any online proctored exams available in the Chinese mainland. </p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">8. Q: How to check if there's any available exam sessions in my city?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">Sign in to your Pearson VUE account and see the exam dashboard. Click “View exams” on the page and select the exam that you would like to take. You will see that there are 2 exam options: “At a test center” and “Online at my home or office". If you want to take the exam offline, please read the testing policies carefully before scheduling your exam. And then click “Agree”.On the exam scheduling page, you’ll see the test centers nearby based on your location. You could type in the district, street name to narrow down and see which test centers there are. After choosing the exam location, click "Next" and choose the appropriate exam date and time. If the exam date and time shown are in grey, then please select another one that is available and open for registration.</p> </div> </div> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">9. Q: How do I receive a certificate? </h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">After passing the exam, Pearson VUE will send you a report with your account information in it. If you wish to receive the electronic certificate, please make sure you have an Alibaba Cloud account first. After logging on, hover to, on the upper right corner, under the tab "my learning", click "my certification". Select the exam category on the tab, e.g., ACA, ACP, or ACE. You will see that there's a link that allows you to link your Pearson VUE account with your Alibaba Cloud Account. Click on the link, and you will be asked to fill in two boxes, "ClientCandidateID" and "RegistrationID", which could be found on the report that Pearson sends you after completing the exam. After submitting the above information, you will be able to see the certification on <a href="">"My Certification" page</a>, and under the expiration date, you will find "View Certificate" option. Click on it and you will see the "download certificate" option. If you are still confused about how to link your Pearson VUE account with your Alibaba Cloud account, please refer to <a href="">Register Account And Download Certificate</a> for a visual step-by-step guide.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <div class="boxNextList"> <h3 class="text-base">Q: How do I share my certification on social media?</h3> <div class="boxList"> <p class="text-sm">Find your certification on <a href="">"My Certification" page</a>, and locate the certification you want to share. Move the cursor to the badge on the right side and click on it. On the pop-up box you will find "Share My Badge" option. Click on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin icon to share your badge. Credential service providers like Credly and other platforms sharing are not supported as for now.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="alicloud-module aliyun-module hmod-alicloud-solution-bottom" id="J_6844812940" data-module-id="6844812940" data-rmc-id="6844812940" data-id="6844812940" data-name="hmod-alicloud-solution-bottom" data-version="0.0.19" data-cfg-id="" data-spm="6844812940"> <div class="module J_tb_lazyload" data-toggle="lazy-loading" data-bg-original="" style="background: #f5f5f5;text-align:center;color:"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="bottom-title text-xxl" style="text-align:center">Still have questions?</h2> <p class="bottom-text text-base">For more information, please contact us.</p> <a class="btn text-md btn-primary" style="background:" href="" target="_blank"> Contact Us </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="alicloud-section hmod-alicloud-v3-sample-footer__0-0-10" id="J_4931930050" data-module-id="4931930050" data-rmc-id="4931930050" data-id="4931930050" data-name="hmod-alicloud-v3-sample-footer__0-0-10" data-version="0.0.3" data-cfg-id="" data-spm="4931930050"> <div class="module"> <div class="copyright"> <div class="container"> <div class="pull-left"> <div class="about-us"> <a href="//" target="_self" rel="follow">About Us</a> <a href="" target="_self" rel="nofollow">Privacy Policy</a> <a href="//" target="_self" rel="nofollow">Legal</a> <a href="//" target="_self" rel="nofollow">Notice List</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="helper-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Alibaba Group</a> <a href="//" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Taobao Marketplace</a> <a href="//" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Tmall</a> <a href="//" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Juhuasuan</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">AliExpress</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light"></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">1688</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Alimama</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Alitrip</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">YunOS</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">AutoNavi</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">UCWeb</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Umeng</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Xiami</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">DingTalk</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-sm text-light">Alipay</a> </div> <div class="text-sm">© 2009-2025 Copyright by Alibaba Cloud All rights reserved</div> </div> <div id="linkArray" style="display:none"> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> <span>//</span> </div> <div class="container footer-truste" style="padding-bottom: 0;"> <div id="footer-truste-wrap"> <div height="57px" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:10px"> <a href="//" target="_blank"> <img style="border: none" src="//" alt="TRUSTe"> </a> </div> <div height="57px" style="display:inline-block"> <a href="//" target="_blank"> <img style="border: none" src="//" alt="TRUSTe"> </a> </div>&nbsp; </div> <div id="footer-teconsent"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="//,alicloud-wjw-style-handle/0.0.7/index-pc.js,alicloud-v3-nav-simple__0-0-72/0.0.18/index-pc.js,alicloud-v3-sample-footer__0-0-10/0.0.3/index-pc.js,alicloud-solution-banner/0.0.62/index-pc.js,alicloud-product-ecs-faqs/0.0.4/index-pc.js,alicloud-solution-bottom/0.0.19/index-pc.js"></script> <script src=""></script><script src=""></script> <div id="consent_blackbar" class="banner"></div> <script src='//' language='JavaScript'></script></body></html>

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