Air Online Services
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Your active signups can be freely changed and modified by logging into this service at any time.<br /><br />A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account is required to access the ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline'>Air Alerts and Information Signup</span>’ service. A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account can be used to identify you in conjunction with many State of Alaska online services, such as applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend online. If you do not have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account, click on the service link, and then create a new <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account at the <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> login page.<br /><br />You do not need to be an Alaska resident to have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account."); } }); $("#AirPermitsApprovalsAndPublicNotices").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Air Permits, Approvals & Public Notices - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Air Permits, Approval & Public Notices</span>’ service shows listings of:<ol><li>Active permits, approvals, and public notices.</li><li>Draft permits currently out for public notice.</li><li>Draft permits with expired public notices.</li><li>Permit application queue.</li><li>Other issues out for public notice.</li><ol>"); } }); $("#AirQualityAdvisories").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Air Quality Advisories/Episodes - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Air Quality Advisories/Episodes</span>’ service shows active and historical air quality advisories and episodes, including a map which indicates the area affected by the advisory or episode."); } }); $("#AirQualityComplaints").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Air Quality Complaints - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline'>Air Quality Complaints</span>’ service allows you to submit an online air quality complaint.<br /><br />A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account can optionally be used to access the ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline'>Air Quality Complaints</span>’ service. A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account can be used to identify you in conjunction with many State of Alaska online services, such as applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend online. If you do not have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account, click on the service link, and then create a new <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account at the <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> login page.<br /><br />You do not need to be an Alaska resident to have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account."); } }); $("#Aq").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Air Quality Index - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Air Quality Index</span>’ (AQI) is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you."); } }); $("#WoodMoistureProgram").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Dry Wood-Moisture Disclosure Program - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Dry Wood-Moisture Disclosure Program</span>’ is an optional program to help control the moisture in firewood."); } }); $("#SubmitFormalComments").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Electronic Comment Submission - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Electronic Comment Submission</span>’ service allows you to submit an online air quality comment.<br /><br />A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account can optionally be used to access the ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline'>Electronic Comment Submission</span>’ service. A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account can be used to identify you in conjunction with many State of Alaska online services, such as applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend online. If you do not have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account, click on the service link, and then create a new <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account at the <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> login page.<br /><br />You do not need to be an Alaska resident to have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account."); } }); $("#PermitteePortal").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Permittee Portal - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Permittee Portal</span>’ service allows registered organizations and their delegates to conduct permit-related activities online, such as submitting excess emission reports.<br /><br />A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account is required to access the ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline'>Permittee Portal</span>’ service. A <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account can be used to identify you in conjunction with many State of Alaska online services, such as applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend online. If you do not have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account, click on the service link, and then create a new <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account at the <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> login page.<br /><br />You do not need to be an Alaska resident to have a <a href='' title='About myAlaska Accounts' target='_blank' class='myLinks'>myAlaska</a> account.<br /><br />For further information and help please refer to the <a href='' class='myLinks' target='_BLANK' title='Organization Web Administrator User Guide'>Organization Web Administrator User Guide</a> or our <a href='/Applications/Air/airtoolsweb/AosHelp' class='myLinks' target='_BLANK' title='AOS Help page'>AOS Help page</a> to view all available documentation and forms.<br /><br />To access the Permittee Portal you must also first <a href='' class='myLinks' target='_BLANK' title='register with DEC'>register with DEC</a> or your delegated DEC Organization Administrator."); } }); $("#PointSourceEmissionInventory").on({ click: function() { aosMsgBox("Point Source Emission Inventory - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Point Source Emission Inventory</span>’ service shows emission inventory forms and records, which are pre-filled with emission inventory data for the selected owner, facility, and year. Permittees can print and modify these forms to fulfill emission inventory submittal requirements."); } }); $("#InterAgencyPortal").on({ click: function () { aosMsgBox("Interagency Portal - Help", "The ‘<span style='text-decoration:underline;'>Interagency Portal</span>’ provides data management access to local community staff."); } }); }); })(jQuery); </script> </head> <body> <!-- Global Header --> <nav class="global-nav-menu"> <div class="inline-div"> <ul id="menu-statewide-navigation"> <li><a href="//">State of Alaska</a></li> <li><a href="//">myAlaska</a></li> <li><a href="//">Departments</a></li> <li><a href="//">State Employees</a></li> <li><a href="#SOAfooterlinks">Statewide Links</a></li> </ul> </div> </nav> <!-- This div controls the top background image and background color --> <!-- Hidden Skip Link for Screen Reader --> <a href="#main_content" class="hidden">Skip to content</a> <!-- This div is a container div for all the content to be 960px wide --> <div class="site-container"> <a href="#" class="back-to-top">Back to Top</a> <!-- Agency Header --> <header class="site-header"> <div class="wrap"> <!-- Agency Logo and Title --> <div class="title-area"> <a class="site-title-link" href="//"> <div class="site-logo"> <img src='/Applications/Air/airtoolsweb/Common/Images/dec-logo.png' alt="Department of Environmental Conservation logo" height="69" width="69" /> </div> </a> <a href="/" title="Link to DEC homepage"> <h1> <span class="site-title">Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation</span> <span class="site-description">Division of Air Quality</span> </h1> </a> </div> <!-- Search Form designed by Karl Wood, ADFG, 2016--> <div id="search_icon_placeholder"> </div> <!-- Search Form --> <div id="search-form"> <div class="wrap"> <form class="search-soa" action="//" method="get" name="gs"> <div role="search"> <input id="search-field-big" type="search" name="q" title="Search"> <button id="search-button" type="submit" name="submit"> <span class="search-soa-submit-text">Search</span> </button> </div> <div class="search-form-expanded"> <input id="search-site-radio" name="site" value="DEC" checked="checked" type="radio" title="search all DEC's site pages"> <label id="search-label-site" for="search-site-radio">DEC</label> <input id="search-soa-radio" name="site" value="StateWide" type="radio" title="search all State of Alaska site pages"> <label id="search-label-soa" for="search-soa-radio">State of Alaska</label> </div> <input value="DEC" name="client" type="hidden" /> <input value="DEC" name="proxystylesheet" type="hidden" /> <input value="date:D:L:d1" name="sort" type="hidden" /> <input value="xml_no_dtd" name="output" type="hidden" /> <input value="UTF-8" name="ie" type="hidden" /> <input value="UTF-8" name="oe" type="hidden" /> </form> </div> </div> <!-- End search form --> </div><!-- close wrap --> </header> <div id="app_header_content"> <div id="imgMenuButtonId"><img alt="Hide or display the breadcrumbs" src='/Applications/Air/airtoolsweb/Common/Images/menu-icon.png' style="width:24px;height:24px;/*padding-left:40px;padding-top:40px;padding-bottom:10px;padding-right:10px;*/" /></div> <div id="breadcrumbsDiv"> <div id="breadcrumbImageLinksDiv"> <div id="myAlaskaLogoutId"> </div> </div> <div class="breadcrumb" id="breadcrumbLinksDiv"> <ul class="none"> <li>You Are Here: </li> <li class="active"> <a href = "" title="Department of Environmental Conservation">DEC</a> </li> <li>/</li> <li class="active"> <a href = "" title="DEC Division of Air Quality">Air Quality</a> </li> <li>/</li> <li>AOS</li> </ul> <div id="breadCrumbTwitterMobileDivId"> <div style="height:3px;background-color:#516c95;"></div> <a href='/Applications/Air/airtoolsweb/Alerts/' title="Signup for email alerts" id="AlertsEmailBreadcrumbAnchor" class="context">Alerts</a> <a href="" title="Follow ADEC on Twitter" target="_blank" class="context">Twitter</a> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:left;"></div> <noscript> JavaScript has been disabled. 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