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mask="url(#h-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97)" /> </g> <g transform="translate(1 130.601)"> <mask id="j-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97" fill="#fff"> <use xlink:href="#i-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97" /> </mask> <path d="M139.327 131.777s14.712-15.459 23.396-13.915c6.547 1.162 9.07 6.428 16.967 14.325 0 0 3.704 4.366 11.3 5.026l-31.683 10.466s-14.326-9.588-19.98-15.902" fill="#FFF" mask="url(#j-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97)" /> </g> <g transform="translate(1 130.601)"> <mask id="l-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97" fill="#fff"> <use xlink:href="#k-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97" /> </mask> <path d="M43.197 49.667s12.292-3.486 13.448-12.903C57.975 25.947 52.09 14.68 37.5 15.816c-10.113.79-23.758 11.527-10.085 36.446l6.65-16.068 9.133 13.473z" fill="#FFF" mask="url(#l-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97)" /> </g> <g transform="translate(1 130.601)"> <mask id="n-4420EC79-6344-4DAD-8254-85D47D451C97" fill="#fff"> <use 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12.74 13.723 23.297 5.701 8.991 11.988 16.083 26.014 21.04 14.026 4.959 35.713 3.96 37.447 3.868l9.414 9.414a8.311 8.311 0 0 0 4.797 2.364l61.034 8.015h12.32c1.491 0 2.552-1.435 2.14-2.868z" stroke="#E54563" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M156.511 220.497s2.561-11.101 13.948-14.516v18.785l-13.948-4.269z" fill="#E54563" /> <path d="M170.459 205.98s-7.97 13.62-6.973 20.427" fill="#050101" /> <path d="M170.459 205.98s-7.97 13.62-6.973 20.427" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M200.249 258.688l2.462-3.97a.677.677 0 0 0-.576-1.035h-4.925a.677.677 0 0 0-.576 1.034l2.463 3.97a.677.677 0 0 0 1.152 0" fill="#FFF" /> <path d="M123.212 221.636s.568 19.64 13.094 35.866c12.524 16.224 25.17 21.982 25.17 21.982" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M69.032 156.745c0 12.298-8.696 22.268-20.994 22.268 0 0 3.176-3.631 3.176-8.163 0-6.733-5.458-12.191-12.191-12.191-6.733 0-12.192 5.458-12.192 12.19 0 0-.97 10.937 4.153 16.06 5.123 5.124 16.261 26.13 16.261 26.13-21.693 0-39.28-24.346-39.28-46.04 0 0-.037-8.412.675-11.685l1.636 1.638s.18-8.985 2.819-12.368l1.38 3.187s.702-8.14 6.329-11.044v2.938s3.776-5.414 8.9-6.411l-1.205 2.636s5.895-4.77 11.52-4.77l-1.52 2.277s5.72-2.277 10.56-1.14l-2.277 2.137s5.408-1.282 10.247.996l-3.415 1.414s7.757.27 11.339 3.851h-3.084s4.54 2.939 6.608 7.874l-3.194-.9s3.749 3.132 3.749 9.116zM28.968 245.697s-.386 2.435-1.012 6.095c-3.239 18.891-2.861 38.19.664 1.478.372 2.188l5.905 1.97a7.6 7.6 0 0 1 5.094 5.96 1.99 1.99 0 0 1-1.964 2.317l-14.727-.567s-3.986-9.11-9.11-21.065c-5.124-11.955-7.71-19.99-7.71-19.99s-.384-10.569-1.967-22.707c-1.49-11.416-4.04-30.464-2.847-42.126l27.302 30.892z" stroke="#E54563" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M25.652 244.407l-.646 11.955s1.215 22.203 1.785 28.465l18.71 34.727h15.884a2.002 2.002 0 0 0 1.978-2.307 7.293 7.293 0 0 0-5.847-6.059l-6.892-1.311-.226-.824c-4.176-15.145-5.197-29.218-2.78-44.742" stroke="#E54563" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M28.897 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6.59-.392 4.057-2.93 2.975-11.358-2.417-18.824z" stroke="#283e52" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M357.774 162.833c-2.58 2.062-7.747-.111-11.542-4.858-3.795-4.746-4.781-10.264-2.201-12.326 2.578-2.064 7.746.113 11.54 4.857 3.796 4.745 4.782 10.265 2.203 12.327" fill="#FFF" /> <path d="M357.774 162.833c-2.58 2.062-7.747-.111-11.542-4.858-3.795-4.746-4.781-10.264-2.201-12.326 2.578-2.064 7.746.113 11.54 4.857 3.796 4.745 4.782 10.265 2.203 12.327z" stroke="#283e52" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path d="M335.194 157.55c0 6.356-5.152 11.51-11.508 11.51-6.355 0-11.507-5.154-11.507-11.51 0-6.354 5.152-11.507 11.507-11.507 6.356 0 11.508 5.153 11.508 11.507" fill="#283e52" /> <path d="M451.641 115.94l-41.819 17.313s-43.08 9.971-46.897 9.971c-3.816 0-17.102-1.735-15.797 7.313 1.425 9.884 7.9 10.632 15.635 8.138 0 0 2.184-1.096 5.625-1.734 11.242-2.082 35.903-5.89 41.648-6.32 7.502-.564 54.422-15.406 54.422-15.406l-12.817-19.276z" fill="#FFF" /> <path d="M451.641 115.94l-41.819 17.313s-43.08 9.971-46.897 9.971c-3.816 0-17.102-1.735-15.797 7.313 1.425 9.884 7.9 10.632 15.635 8.138 0 0 2.184-1.096 5.625-1.734 11.242-2.082 35.903-5.89 41.648-6.32 7.502-.564 54.422-15.406 54.422-15.406l-12.817-19.276z" stroke="#283e52" stroke-width="2.5" /> <path fill="#FFF" d="M469.716 105.758l-23.446 9.856 10.057 25.526 34.182-7.237" /> <path stroke="#283e52" stroke-width="2.5" d="M469.716 105.758l-23.446 9.856 10.057 25.526 34.182-7.237M334.668 289.915s3.577 8.822 15.635 6.748M512.232 278.987s6.96 9.997 19.33 0" /> <path d="M448.745 38.798l-5.211-.55a1.245 1.245 0 1 1 .261-2.475l5.211.549c.685.071 1.18.684 1.108 1.37a1.243 1.243 0 0 1-1.37 1.106M447.727 43.693a2.341 2.341 0 0 1-2.34 2.341 2.341 2.341 0 0 1 0-4.68 2.34 2.34 0 0 1 2.34 2.339" fill="#283e52" /> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="ml3 d-none d-lg-block transform-center"> <svg viewBox="0 0 119 138" width="119" height="138" xmlns="" > <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M117.046 39.848c0 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<script> window.__DPL_INITIAL_STATE = { server: { featuredBreeders: [ { "title": "Hi, I’m Kelly Cooke from Out West Aussies.", "firstName": "Kelly", "profileUrl": "", "pictureUrl": "", "content": "We live on a big farm in South West Montana and love to spend the days outside, running around with our dogs. All my adults are extensively health tested and bred for temperament and structure. My dogs can be happy anywhere – in the show ring at home or on the couch.", "healthTests": [ { "id": 73, "name": "Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd)", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 9, "name": "PennHIP", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 1, "name": "Hips", "photo_url": "", "description": "Hip testing reduces the chance of passing down hip dysplasia, which is primarily found in large breed dogs and can cause hip pain and the eventual loss of the function of the hip joint." } }, { "id": 10, "name": "Eye Examination by Ophthalmologist", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 3, "name": "Eyes", "photo_url": "", "description": "Eye testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide range of hereditary eye illnesses including retinal dysplasia, lens luxation, and glaucoma, which can cause impared vision or blindness." } }, { "id": 62, "name": "Multiple Drug Sensitivity (MDR1)", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 24, "name": "Collie Eye Anomaly", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 26, "name": "Cone Degeneration", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 36, "name": "Degenerative Myelopathy", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 47, "name": "Hereditary Cataracts (HC)", "description": "", "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 49, "name": "Hyperuricosuria", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 66, "name": "Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL)", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } } ] }, { "title": "Hi, I’m Krystal Heath from Liberty Golden Retrievers.", "firstName": "Krystal", "profileUrl": "", "pictureUrl": "", "content": "We believe in raising show quality puppies for companion pet homes. Our dogs are part of our family. They hike with us, play with us, and yes, oftentimes even sleep on our beds. They love to give love and be loved. They are exactly what we hoped our goldens would be - the perfect family dogs...", "healthTests": [ { "id": 1, "name": "OFA Hips", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 1, "name": "Hips", "photo_url": "", "description": "Hip testing reduces the chance of passing down hip dysplasia, which is primarily found in large breed dogs and can cause hip pain and the eventual loss of the function of the hip joint." } }, { "id": 2, "name": "OFA Elbows", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 2, "name": "Elbows", "photo_url": "", "description": "Elbow testing reduces the chance of passing down elbow dysplasia, which is primarily found in large breed dogs and can cause arthritis in the elbow joint and front leg lameness." } }, { "id": 4, "name": "Cardiac Evaluation", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 4, "name": "Heart", "photo_url": "", "description": "Heart testing reduces the chance of passing down congenital heart disease, which can cause a range of symptoms ranging from trouble exercising to heart failure." } }, { "id": 10, "name": "Eye Examination by Ophthalmologist", "description": null, "verified": true, "health_test_category": { "id": 3, "name": "Eyes", "photo_url": "", "description": "Eye testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide range of hereditary eye illnesses including retinal dysplasia, lens luxation, and glaucoma, which can cause impared vision or blindness." } }, { "id": 94, "name": "GR-PRA1", "description": "", "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 95, "name": "GR-PRA2", "description": "", "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 7, "name": "Other", "photo_url": "", "description": "A breeder may perform additional tests on their dogs that do not fall into these general categories. These tests may be more uncommon or very specific to a particular breed." } }, { "id": 73, "name": "Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd)", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 51, "name": "Ichthyosis", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 36, "name": "Degenerative Myelopathy", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } } ] }, { "title": "Hi, I’m Jill Dentel from Sunrise Miniature American Shepherds.", "firstName": "Jill", "profileUrl": "", "pictureUrl": "", "content": "As a veterinarian, health is a priority for me in any litter that I breed. My Miniature American Shepherds receive all of the recommended health testing (and more) to ensure that I produce the healthiest puppies possible for the families that trust me to raise their new companion.", "healthTests": [ { "id": 1, "name": "OFA Hips", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 1, "name": "Hips", "photo_url": "", "description": "Hip testing reduces the chance of passing down hip dysplasia, which is primarily found in large breed dogs and can cause hip pain and the eventual loss of the function of the hip joint." } }, { "id": 2, "name": "OFA Elbows", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 2, "name": "Elbows", "photo_url": "", "description": "Elbow testing reduces the chance of passing down elbow dysplasia, which is primarily found in large breed dogs and can cause arthritis in the elbow joint and front leg lameness." } }, { "id": 73, "name": "Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd)", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 8, "name": "Genetics", "photo_url": "", "description": "Genetic testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide variety of hereditary diseases of differing prevalence and severity such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an eye disease) and Von Willebrand's Disease (a blood disease)." } }, { "id": 10, "name": "Eye Examination by Ophthalmologist", "description": null, "verified": false, "health_test_category": { "id": 3, "name": "Eyes", "photo_url": "", "description": "Eye testing reduces the chance of passing down a wide range of hereditary eye illnesses including retinal dysplasia, lens luxation, and glaucoma, which can cause impared vision or blindness." } } ] } ] , shelterCities: JSON.parse("{\"data\":[{\"name\":\"Los Angeles\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"New York\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"San Francisco\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"Washington DC\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"Austin\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"Chicago\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"Philadelphia\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"Houston\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"Seattle\",\"pictureUrl\":\"\"}]}"), pressBlurbs: [ { "logo_url": "", "text": "The pet adoption market looks cute from the outside—cuddly mutts looking for homes, eager parents seeking a new family member. But there’s a darker side to it: so-called “puppy mills” [ . . . ] Good Dog can help ensure that buyers are only choosing from upstanding ones." }, { "logo_url": "", "text": "Good Dog aims to connect people with the breed that best suits them, while avoiding support of puppy mills and storefront pet shops." }, { "logo_url": "", "text": "[Good Dog] helps people find the right four-footed addition for their family, by connecting them with reputable breeders, shelters and rescue groups." }, { "logo_url": "", "text": "Good Dog vets dog breeders and rescue shelters for the consumer, only showing reliable and screened results." }, { "logo_url": "", "text": "The news of a puppy laundering ring illegally selling bred designer pups as rescue dogs in a New Jersey shelter this past spring made him wary about where his four-legged friend came from. ‘More than anything else, Good Dog was peace of mind. I didn’t realize how corrupt this world is.’" }, { "logo_url": "", "text": "If you've recently decided to get a dog, you're in luck … Good Dog aims to help owners find sources for new pets that are healthy, humane, and trusted among the community." } ] , downloadHeroAppPreviewUrl: "", downloadHeroAppleStoreUrl: "", downloadHeroAndroidStoreUrl: "" } }; </script> </body> </html>

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